THE DAILY WORKMAN. 4 J. S. MRILU'X, Local Editor A vper lor all people, but especially to meet the desire which many are kaown to entertain for a non-politioal aieet, the Wobkmam will strive to go into every honse, leaving to other papers t ie se'enoe of politics, Riving the sews ij brief and holding itself responsible to the moral sense of the community for its utter an oes. Be sure to report at tins office any and every failure to teceive the Daily Workman. Enlargement or Fauilitiks Mr, O. K. Cox, of Cedar Falls, and Mr. Emery, of Wortbville, passed through Grcenitbon some days ago on their way North fur the purchase of additional machinery for the Cedar Falls Manu facturing Company. The Cedar Falls mills are in prosperous condition un der the oversight of Mr. O. R. Cox, the suporintendent. The fine weather of the past few days has been calculated to soften the asperities of human nature, and lilt men's contemplations from earth to sky. How grateful to the senses of the thoughtful mind the well adjusted icuipcsaiuic, i Lie un&j aimuoucic, the pale blue sky and the foreground of green foliage still hanging out from ' the retreating summer-land Here and there id the forest nature has begun her painting of red and scarlet, the touches that precede the general embellishment of autumn It should be left to the brute creation to snuff these royal odors and behold these surpassingly beautiful scenes unmoved by grateful emotions. Election of C-FFicERB.-rAt the an nual meeting of the Fire Company, on Wednesday evening, the following offi ceri were elected for the ensuing year President C, D. Benbow. Vice-President J. T. Abbott. Foreman C. D. Benbow. First Assistant Foreman S. D Wilson. Second Assistant Foreman r-John Wakefield. Secretary D. Shenck, Jr. ' Treasurer W. T, Chichester. , Engineer W, H.NThomaa. . Assistant Engineer J.T. Abbott. The Company decided to offer a hand some fireman's Gold Badge to the mem ber who is first at the engine house the greatest number of times daring the year, when the fire alarm is given. Contrarhty. We received two communications " yesterday morning, both well written, anent the matter of. our late editorial addressed to pa rents. We have read them both. ; One of them agrees fully with the writer (we shall insert it hereafter,) the other contains some strictures on certain parts of the editorial, though agreeing "it was all right that such ; a piece should 1 be printed." We . would like to 'publish this second , piece,- but cannot because it lacks a responsible name. ; 'f : v . It never entered our mind to inter ere in the least with proper social relations between the sexes, and if wjs were tf draw up a bill of rights ' and privileges, and the restrictions on ; social liberty, it would be a "mighty fast" young woman who would not be content with the boundaries set up. , We are probably mistaken, after all, in' supposing that the letter con taining certain strictures on our arti cle to "Parents" was. 'intended for publication as, on a second reading we find the address as follows: ; "(Mr. Editor, t Will you please give this to the man wh wrote that piece 'to Parents' in one of last week's "issues?" He shall have it, most as suredly. 1 When a mart buys pure lard can be said that he gets fat it A train on the York River rail road ran into a mule team, killing both mules, demolishing the wagon and fatally injuring the driver. A gang of burglars wbioh has in tested Port Jarvis, New York, has been broken up by the arrest of the three leading spirits. One of the meanest things about human nature is the proneness o: men to lay the blame on others when a common cause or joint en terprise fails. Leadership always bears the risk of martyrdom, but heroes will be heroes nevertheless. Hons and rrs Queen. A sweet happy home is the next best plaoe to heaven. It is the best morlaizer and civilizer among men. . When home is gone, all is gone. The Government will go when our homes go. Oar home life and family life is the chief corner-stone of this great country of ocrs. The more we have of this, the bettor it will be for ns as a people. $Y ben a woman a wife and a mother makes a good home, one whose piety is supreme. she is doiog tho best and greatest thing for her country a woman can do. It is infinitely above the bu lot-box, the hustings, the senate chamber, or the house of represen tatives. Home and the remem brance of home is often the last link that binds a prodigal boy's heart to Qod. Thousands of them have come to themselves while thinking about home. The remembrance of home leads them to say, "I will arise and go to my father's house." There is a home. See that mother sitting by the cradle. She is rocking a baby boy. Hear i she is singing to him. She is rocking and sieging file into that boy, sing ing purity ana train into mm, roc ing love and manhood into him, She is rocking the church and na tion in that cradle; for God's sake let her alone. An angel might envy a work like this ; and angels are Inhere, too, kissing dimples in baby's cneeks and dropping grace in that mothers bear L Let her alone ; for the sake of the country, let her alone. She can't go to the polls she has a greater and grander work on hand. God bless that home, heaven shield that mother and the Lord will bless that land that cares besi for that mother and that home. Southern Christian Advocate. WE TELL TOO POSITIVELY that Simmons Liver Begnlator will rid yon of dyspepsia, purify your system. enable you to sleep well, prevent mala rial diseases and give yon a brisk and vigorous feeling. It acts directly on the liver and kidneys, cleansing, purifying, invigorating and fortifying the system against disease.' It will break up chills and fever and prevent their return yet entirely free from calomel or quinine. ' Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, doers. Salt Rheum. Fa re r sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chu bl ains,' Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, ana positively cures tales, or no pay required, it is guaranteed tojnve per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by novio ly oi w uuntzb 4c michaux. The Albany, N. T authorities. moved by the threats of the "com' mittee of 13" to punish liquor deal ers who had taken out no lioense, told the delinquents that they must pay np or shut up. The result was 57 saloons paid up, and 25 closed their doors. Attention, Firemen I Members of the Companv are harebv notified to meet at tne Engine Booto at 7:45 o'olook. Monday evening. Septem ber 12th.- . ffsyDriU prompr'y at 8 o'olock. By order of 0. D. BENBOW, , Schknok, Jr., Sec'y. ;,. Prest Resolutions of Respect At a meeting of the Fire Compiny, held Wednesday night, September 7th, left 7, the following lesolatlons were nnanimoudly adapted : Whebsas. An Almighty Providence cm seen nt to remove one ox rnr mem bers, Dr. Edward Lindsay, therefore, be it Ketoived, That we deemed Dr. Lind say a zeslous and valued momber of onr organization, and deeply deplore hit untimely and sudden demise. Retolvtd, That we offer his bereaved fan. ily onr sincere regrets and most pro found sympathy. Reiolvea, That the Firemen's Ball be appropriately draped in Lis memory for thirty days, and that a copy of these resolves be spread tipon our minutes and published in the Daily Workman, and a copy be sent tbe stricken family. 8. D. WlW05, ) Qio. Binh, V Committee. C. D. BEMJjW. J LIST. OF LET TE 113 Bemaining in the Fostoflioo in Croons boro, N. C, September 8th. 19K7 : Miss Carrie Baker, Emerliuo Burincr, Manarsa Bowman, Mrs J D Carpenter, Mary E Bobb, Buth Cwne, W D Dean, George E Dudley, Airs 8 S Gorreil, Thomas Graves, Frank Guenant, (col), Adam Biggins. Emma Bill, Jouny Lefridge, Hugh Kerr. Mrs But tie Lewis, care of W D Lewis, Alexander Loct, Boston MoAdoo. L McKinnou, J V Mason, Edmnn Marshall, Jo M Merrick, Anny ok-bune, Sumuel Mor row, Laura Napper Lenah Nichols, Mrs O C Totter, Pandora Quate, S Shanks, Timothy Siler. E D Stoner, 8 vers To mas, J L Townsend. Eliza Jane Webster, J M Whitney, L A Mo- Jjonald. . Persons calling for the above letters will please say advertised. Geo.' fl. Gregory, P. M. Worth Knowing. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold attended with a distressing cough and running into consumption in its first stages. Be tried many bo called popu Isr oougn remedies and steady grew worse. And he wss reduoed in flesh, had difficulty in breaching and wax un able to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consun ptiou and fonnd immediate relief, and after using abont a half dozen bottles fotind himself well and has had no return of tho dis ease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures as Br. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which is guaranteed to do jast what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at Hunter & Michaux's Drug Store, . Fear God, and do right. 'iftrn. BEST FAMILY MEDICINE NO FA Mil-1 BHTJUIiD Bl WITHOUT IT, and, by being kept ready for immediate use, wiu save many an hour of suffer ing and many a dollar in time and doo tors buls. Mj Only Family Medicine." "I have been a user of Simmons Li ver Begnlator for many years, having maae is mj ramuy iueaicme. my mo ther before me was very partial to it. find tbe Begnlator very safe, harmless and reliable as a Fare ily Medicine, and have used it for any disorder of the sys tem ana louna it to act iiKe a onarm. I believe if it was need in time it would prove a great preventive of sickness. I have often recommended it to my mend a, ana snau continue to do so. Rev. JT. M. Rollins, pastor M. : E, church, South Fairfield, Va., to J. H. ZEILLtf & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., pro prietors of Simmons Liver Begnlator. New Boarding House I U"ES. WOGGOMAN has taken ctarge xix. , of the v;'. CENTRAL' HOTEL. which has just been put in nice order, and is supplied with olean and nice fur niture, and is prepared to entertain a number of Boarders, both regular and transient.' Polite and obedient servants. Good table accommodation, KtTJTor Transient Boarders, 26 cents per meal and the same for lodging. ' (Jail early and get terms: Jy27 6w DR. J. G. PHYSICIAN AND SDKOEOH. OfSatft for the prenent at his , residence on Ash street, opposite Mrs. - D. EalL Dr. II. f.l. ALFORD, . OFFICE in the drug store of Alford A Michaut, SoutL Elm St. Office hours 8 to 9 a. ana 1 to 2 p. m. , HEW A BIG FALL AND WINTER OLOTHIIf G I - ALSO- A &bsC2 In all the latest Styles, for FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED AT F. EISHBLATE'S, ' LEADING CLOTHIER, Greensboro, N.C. C. M. VANSTORY, Manager. HYGEIA! WONDERFULDISCOVERY TOBACCO an aid to HEALTH 1 1 ANEW TOBACCO, manufactured at Biohmond, Va by Thos: C. Williams & Co., CNDEB A FOBMCIaA JPRKPAEKD BY PBOFESSOR MALLETT, Of the University of Virginia, Anti-MalariaJ ; Anti-Dyspeptio : a good Nervine, and an excellent Chew. . Try It! -It Is No Humbug!! t&" For particulars of its virtues, call for certificate at T.S. SBELTON'S, where the Tobacco can be had. Greensboro, Ang. 8 lm : Mrs. Hundley's School' V V MBS. E. D. HUNDLEY '. ;.' : WILL, ON Thursday, September 1st, 1887, RESUME her School for Girls and Boys. The Session will be for Nine Months. : ' v ; Tbe manaRement will be pleasant and home-like. - '." Those who have patronized this School in the past are competent to give an opinion of its merits. ; ? : ' rierms as neretoiore. For particulars, inquire of Mrs. Hundley. Aug. 6, 1887 tf OTio'i Bemjy tor Catarrh ta ths fl. Beit, Eaalest to Use, and Cheapest. I a mil 'I " t f md tor Colli In tbe Bead, I I .,Bjr Fever, tfc& SOcaaW If ; Dr. W. H. WAKEFIELD, Phyeioian, Surgeon Occnlist, - Qbbensbobo, N. 0., . WILL attend eity and country calls, Offioe at Porter & Tate's Drag S'cre,' Besidenoe on Ashoboro street. Dr. B. W. Tate, Practicing PbTsician, Greensboro, N. 0., offers his Professional Servioes to the citizens of Greensboro and sur rounding country, .. Offioe at Porter A Dalton'a drnir store.' : When not there ban be found at his residence on Ashe boro street, opposite CoL T. B. Keogh'a, GOODS! LOT OF HP ciL F,Bosst ' LIVERY, FEED and SALE v STABLES! KTf.tTi Trap. nup.pvsTtmjn nTrnT . WAS recently received one oar load ... rT jr .n rin w n.Hijn. mn ti ran car loads of the EMERSON & FISHER BUGGIES, which augments the already large num ber of jobs of that celebrated make. Has also control in this market of the cele brated Columbus Buggies. Has an ex tensive trade in kand-made Harneu of all grades and for all purposes. He sells Horses and Mules as well as Vehicles, and has been before tbe people five years. Aug 5. Dwlm " ManWantedrK in his locality. Reajpun.lMe hoaM. Refereiioee hanged. OAT fc liaroUrm.,M.K. V The National Methodist - Methodist Protestant Monthly- A': large Mcolnmn, . Magazine de signed to aid the home, school and' ckjiroh in winning and training souls tor jesus ana ueaven. - one dollar a rear in advance. Free to those who will send three subscribers at 81.00 each, THE NATIONAL METHODIST , 87 Virginia Avenue, f20tf ' Indianapolis, Ind. U I QTfl R V I rote'S Greece 82.70, niwIUIll I Macaulev'8 . Ti!nrtan 1.60, Green's England 1.75, Schiller's. Dhirty Yearn' War iOS Creasv's Fifteen Decisive Battles 40o., Carlyle's Frecnh Bevolution 80o. ; Green, Schiller,' Crea sy and Carlyle in one 1.50; Kenrick's Ancient Jigypt 1 .00, ' Kolhu's Anoient History 2.70r Gibbon's Borne 1.70, Hume's England 3.75,FroiRsnrt's Chron icler 1.25. Catalogua 500000 volume?. free; JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, 18 Vesey St,. New York, P. O. Box 1227. Lt.- " ' ;