THE DAILY--WORKMAN. A paper for all people, but eepenajiy to meot thd desire which mar re k Iowa to entortain for a non-politioal teet. tne wobxmas wm strive to go into every house, leaviug to other papers ' t ie aoienoe, of politics, giving the naws ii brief an1 holding itself responsible t j the moral mdm of the oommnnity tor ita ntteranoes. . . '-' Tax Wokk up TJix Little Black Dqo. Greensboro it making a repu- tation for itself in a line entirely new and peculiar. We have already chron icled the fact tfiat while the ex perl ment.was going on. with the miniax , ture fir engine opposite the Benbow House one evening last week, onfe of the little pet black dogs of the city went off into a ' tantram of some sort and bit four people all perhaps within the space of five minutes. At least two of the bites were more or less, serious. ' . ',- , Since the occasion alluded to, ah- 'other dog, very closely resembling the first, has , bitten two of our citizens, quite painfully,. viz : Mefcs. Jno. Da vis and Jas. W. Albright.' bo far we underatand that these dogs are in the enjoyment of life and liberty and the pursuit ' of happiness," notwith standing that they have earned decap ' Station with a laree excess of deserts left over and to spare. These little blaok dogs, with aharp tails, aharp ears and snakey eyeshave erowu so thick in (Greensboro, that in certain favorite resorts they are almost rank enough to be harvested with reap a trvLV tHYA irkana atailwh lain , SlVUBt) flUUj VV (ICtp ICVW CAVCpj tions, a reap hook could not he better empioyea man gaxnenng mem m lor .1 - Tk. ..).., ...:n .i.-. ' . .r among the number of those who were j ';.UUii !. Tbvrrdayi mi a stranger, ' a gentleman, from Chicago, Mr. A. ;V, Davison, representing the firm o! E. Bucklen & Co.", wholesale pat ent medicine dealers of the city nam ed. - Mr. Davison was -more severely, bitten - than any, of the5 rest, and he went immediately to the drug store of Hunter & ilicnaux, where he applied ' ammonia to his wound and then bad it cauterized.' Soon after receiving - . ... . . the wound Mr.' Davison went' to Ra leigh, .and we heard no' more from him, until last night when there came a letter addressed to th difnr nf tfit paper making inquiries after the intrw ,er three persons, and giving a report, of his own case. ' His letter is dated fforn the Yarboro House, September 20th. He says . hi .wound la very bad ! that he bat been confined to hia bed with it since Saturday, and Can-' not bear his weight on, bis foot . On Friday he tried a mad-stone, which did not dhere-ThlnkV he will,' be out in a week.' He then ad Js t '''Please give me thev name of. the party own ing the-do.t.;?!i;;jt,js'abad de lay for my business and en expensive vacation," r :c - ....,-;.rji'.:' i ' v ',VVe gaVe the particulars of tjie per of t' e ! 'tie , h! dcg tj:e net ' s :r t' 2 tccurrencs,"believ--it o- r tl.:';' t-jj 53 'aud.lis if to re' ' ) the ci,"f tv:o c'Jiee persons v 2 Li :i v;It!.in a few 'days by an c'.' .r (! ; t the same . stock with the first. '' To what extent this newly de vf !o eJ mania for liuman'5 L .'i will anj v r whnt h; already la not symptomatic of incipi ent i- 1 tiVf Ui-f-phobia; we are, not.scientist '1 tj t.:i.' Eut of two things ?, 1st .TL'tro ci-j. tl.r-t 1 one 1 c i on V ? ' t j-rvocttu..- t ; ' ' ! ' . ' 1 . t the authorities of the city will be held responsible for the actual consequen ce. ' ' Just bit of Prest Cleveland's Civil Service 'Reform, or something every way' practically as efficient, seems to be heeded in some parts of our country just at this time. The latest ' complaint ' comes to us from Pomona, which is the junction of the Salem Branch and the North Caroli na railroad, three miles from Greens boro, where the Daily Workman has had a hard time of it' in reaching its subscribers of late. Men who sub scribe and pay for newspapers have a right to complain .when men who have nearly broken their necks to get into office show their unfitness by the plainest neglect of duty. ' There are plenty of men on the outside who would fill the bill to the letter if they had some of these places. , Let . all careless agents stand from under- . On the Aix.of the I'iauacle. Twot Mountain, Sept 20. Messes. Eurrocs ; While .writing I am seated on the solid rock, and 'have another solid one. to my right, just the riiht height and distanoe from me for my writing desk." . , -Mr. Walter Mendenhall, of your city, nd I were' sent, in the inter est of the Grecn&boro.and Sam merfield Sbnday Schools, Jto spy ont the laud about the Pilot prepara tory to the Big Excursion soon to start from Greensboro. , Under the genial and gentlemanly eondactof Capt . Murphy, of the C. F. and Y, V. railroad, delivered us in safety at JJalton. where we took one of bis rigs and drove to Mr. Cullers', one (-mile from the top of the root ,,Ve arose refreshed before four o'clock. - At four o'clock we set out with a lantern, without a gaide, and reached the base of the pinnacle, when the oil in .oar lamp, was gone, so we scaled the precipitous, height in the darkness of the arly morn- As we 'asoended "throng, the dense, .tall forests of .hickory, pop lar aid chetr-t. to see the stars pecpir3 tbr??r,h the. fo!:'"" above tX.tbi.tza ti-r ;?3 trcr-.' tbeir t!ow er 1 eol.tsry v -y cp t' t-'a's t'-"ip.--r-::,i, . rcL-.d t.3 V iV i Oc.-Lciant eye- was on c3. Z:,9' t h rcr-ccia v. Itlx l3'.r:;,:r- I ---i'. i-;-, cilia wr '. .v.) tl-li&Tl fe'-a: . TL 3 1 1 f : 3 ia r- ut: 1 r :: 1 t "! v y"c ' ) etc :: .. .L IL3 I 1 tl " i c ? t! "i t ..!y "titer's I it f 1 ( : f 3 1' ii'l ci ihl) c .1 : ' :r 1 XL 3 lr - cf L i 1 '. i ( :v.; - cf cL t' . .r, era L.. i iij cvry C'::c:'.' c. c i ;i tla t; 1 tea c: tLi.-iti!, uubt warmed m to fri .a!! perspiration. The g'iULo breeze, aa it fund th expanse of trees, produces a oon ktaut roar like the distant moan o the sea. or the perpetual roar of Ni agara's flood, as 1 have heard it In the dtatauoa coming in;at tny note window in the etiily Bight.' Borne one had lighted bis fire below na in the east, and sat down in bis hum ble col to while away a half hour picking his banjo, apparently' for onr entertainment, tbongh be koaw it not, -while ' the housewife plied with busy care ber breakfast things. "Night, sable goddew, now ceases to etrotoh forth ber leaden sceptre o er a elamboriug world. The smoke Is coiling up from a hnndred ohimncys. The brilliant bright ness of the orient is made refulgen with gladness and glory,, as the King of Day rises above . the .dis tant and cloudless borrizon to bis regal throne, in splendid and fault lean tnatestv. ,(. . ;. : How could this grand combina tion of mspiring circumstances and surroundings fail to awaken, awe, reverence .and . adoration,- toward the supreme Architect of toe nut verte? It did not.. We knelt' and vocalised onr prayers, praise,, and thanksgiving. . i-.V '. . -I must - stop here, survey -ibis huge pile from summit to base and report more to-morrow, if yorr -de sire it I In the meantime let none who can come fail to do so, and not take J ime . dixit ' for , it " And let - al Greensboro who oome orj the ex l Wsion vote to start at five o'clock, 1 m., and.theu do it if the nearest retainable satisfaction is deturea lot, , ..,... F. S. Bl&ib. Backlen's Arnict , Sa t best Salve in the world for Cnta, , Sore,' doers. Salt Rheum, Fe Utres. letter, CbappiMi Ilnd, Chil itM. rvrna. and ail Kkin Kmntiniia: smvely cures fuss, or . no pay 3 T -.T . - 1 j,:ti8faotion, or monty remudea 10 centa per dox. r or sue ty r'JJ 1W HrXTKB & MtOHAtX. j EtNa Beneoambiass. The l -we.: trying v pluble bcu.uiefor rapidly epreadmtf oiy ilizlion throcgout their great do- maios la Suucrrambia. They ar gue that the quickest way to cmb due(the country 'Will be to educate the children of the chJefvThqse oundren win some day do persona of mnou lcfloenoe, and the French argue that if thay can train their mincls and imbue them' with right notions of progress in their Voptb, they will in the future, be splendid missionaries of civilization. ' They have! therefore, established schools in'tbi&ost important towns from lue ocean lor a gistance oi ouu or 700 nillcg inland, in which the chil dren cf the ohiafs are receiving in trucl?on ' at the 1 expense of the French go'verameqt. Col. GallienI, who has organized thePQ schools, says ta thinks they. will, 'prove the most powerful . means, lot extending Jtrejoc'i mflaencevr ;,;,!.?.,..,.-i;ij -ffbe Verdict Unaaimoas. '-u : W, D,8n!t, Drnggfatl Bipptw, ! Ind.l testL8es:.'I can reooutnend EUctrie Bitters as the veryt)&!t remedy. Every bottle sold pas' Riven" relief in. every case' Oae man took six ' bbttloa,' una was cured of r-heumatisffif Of 10 years' (landing." - Abraham Haret Drnist, IXUville. OhiJ,irni8 "The best . aell ir. j medioine I have ever hAndlod fa TBy itD years' eiperieH,-, i-Electric Eit t ' s "t a jicddvt others tavtj added ttir tesiiiuny; aa that the-, verdict 'ia ntionimous that Eleottia iUtfors do our ft'l diMows of thq Liver, , Eadoeya or loot, . Only a half dollar a bottle at Iluittor' & llichaux'aSrog Store. - II la tba'.lowners that tLJJcala . ir tly, and that always thinks' it c i a Lit it is kbout Mra."AI'D. The ei,;1 1 of an n-1y inflimoi boil or pom, to s ? noimnj? 01 its ennrrerous t mlonrty. hhonld induce any traiwrer to y Lia,i r, the infullible remedy for it l.rioiae blood disordors.-. ' I " r U CjLv j that tt U:-r-.J t' "ti3 Durham "eichant'i Experience. Mr. J,.P. C5onrad is a partner of th well-known grrooer firm of J. 0. Bowers A Co., Durham, N. O. Ilia oharacter and standing in tho business world is vouchor for nis entire truth. For years he auffareJ with rheumatism in the ohesV boar what ha aays about the cure: . , , . EhoumatiTO 4u the client bothered rue for years.L8t spring I took a foil oourw of 8,'H. 8. and got great relief from tlie pin. ' I regard S. 8. B. aa an exoellniit blood medicine. ' ' ' ' ' ' J."P. CoNIApi '. More Unsolicited Testimony. ' IDsnvllle (Ta.,) TIium, April 21, 1887-1 . s. C. 8-By the. way, that valuable toediulue enreil one of our cibeans wiio bad-upWarda of thirty boila. tie tried various- other medicines and sever! mineral waters, but nothing o'.ae afford M mm tns desired relief. This testl mony we give nnaoliuited, and wttbont the knowledge of toe proprietors." . 3?TreatiM on Blood and Bklo Dis eases mailed free. .1 . ,., Thb hwirt PpsxriFio Co. , Drawr8 AUaata. Oa. Tb Hkln can ba kept Koft, hlu. and free from taint of perspiration by adding Darbys Fhylactio Fluid to the water used In bathing.' It removes all offunaive smell from the feet or. any part of the body. . Used u a tooth wash it will harden the gnma, preaerve the teeth, cure. tooth ache and make the breath ware and sweet . Cures chafing ' . n f 1 n..ll . w - - ana lnuaminauou, cuea, pcaiu reel. Corns, etcetera. . ' - . A Bold. Deed. We learn of an act of heroism on the part of a ton of Gapt Steele, which deserves special ' mention and recognition. John Wilson, the fireman of the engine, for pome purpose had to desot-nd into the well, where be was overborne by tbe foul air and to all appearances became a dead man No one on the premisoe would de scend tpto .the well for the purpose of puttiocr a rone arounq the negro until Air, Will Steele, came up when he at onoe volunteered bis services lie performed tbe daring feat suc cessfully, and was gratified to see the negro drawn 'Out and restored to consciousness, A few moments more of delay would bve been fital to him, as life was almost ex tinctwhen he was brought out- Monroe Enquirer and Express. ' A merchant down town 'sella more of Dri Bull'a Cough bjrup than all other medicines together. It surely must be Sue Uwtremedv tor a ougnB. colds, and other similiar affoctioos, Frioe 26 "New Cmndf maker. BlblMd Candy, Butter Cus and Tatty Of all (clnda. Our own make, pure and fr&ati. ' We 6nly ask txlaL , -. .' . ' ' ',.'. aug8I-V. J '. : GkknhbohoCikdtCcj. V f -. "" mm' " ' ' - Nmuuaf jriarveivua, oni Jnie I G. WiLt Arhfisld la now offering 20 dif ferent patterns of Worsted Dress Goods, at 7)4 ota per yard, former price IS and 30 cU j Bat teens, Batiste and Olnghams that were 15 eta sow 7,. ; All the best grados of calico atS ota, except Simpson's., . Piques that were 10 and 15 eta, now 7X, and other Summer goods at cor responding!; low prloea. Koom must be made for (all purchases.-w'011 are new arriving. Pall early, er you will miss thb bargains I . The ools referred to are apecfal Job lota, agUtf, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J.V-, 1 f. I J,,,.. ... FPLI AD, CQIirLETJS OT0CI1 IV. of 1 ;r Inro'fTrD Goods, for r-v fall and)' -Winter Trade,' coneli.tint of rench; ' Eoc!j! h and gootch rJuiuu,:'). of all col3rx,7 -i "; ,'", , Xv,; n' unswpasFed line of Trousering. , ; I A are cordially, Invited to otdl and aiine ml stock, anil tlinv wi l Rfd t cuj that-1 keep M The Last in the market. ' ",v;v..f t. .-"' --; 27i Beit" of workmantihipand perfect fit iruaran toed. t .,.1' door South of entranoe to Con- tralUoteh . ' , .',r . aop 20 ly, - Dr, n. a XLFORD. " rVFFICS in tbe drv 5 ftore of Alford J J ri -nx, fcou'JL tU' Et. - OSi off) b to 9 a, m ana 1 to 2 p. in. l...;-l - 7. T: i,' Crei ij ,boro, H, If to 1 1 I ;: r- 0.,c Merchandise) Brokers, Coin mission Merchants and Real ; Estate Agents, S'OLE affonts for the Patapsco Flour ing Mills, Ofenrd Son's Celebrat ed Star Brand, I'ure Lard and Ilutaa, Central rU-flnery Co's Hymns and Mo lasses, Piedmont Roller Mills, Choice Veal, N. K. Fairbank k Co's Standard Lard. We carry in at 00k a larea varie ty of different (trades of Flour, also Meal and Fairbank k Co's Lard, in Tierce and packages, and offer these and all kinds of McrchandLio, Grain, Hill Fe4 ic, at bottom prioes. We solvit only the trade of prompt paying Merchants. Mo goods sold at retail. ' March lihU7. v ' tf . Cuusumptlon Cured. An old pbrsieian, retired from -prao-tioe. haviua: had placed in hia hands by an East Ind miMHjonary tin formula of a simple vegetable remedy tor the speedy and permanxnt enreof Cousump sion, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and alllThroat and Luuk ACectiDUs, also a positive and radicHl cure for Nerrons ) ..11 v . -.. . after having teste.1 ita wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it knowu to hie suftwug fellows. Actuated by this motive and a- desire to relievo human aufferinir. I will send free ol charee. to all who desire It, this recipe, in German French or English, with lull directions fn nn4nrf ..J noinT ll.nt ! mail bv addreaainar with stamo. namine this paper.' " - 119 Fower'a Block, Bochester,' N. I.-' Oot261yeow - . n m CM rCC lts anses and new 1 1 b A r It LOO . and suocessf ul CURE deaf Ureoty.eight years. Treated by . most of the noted speoialiata without ru Tvgr vwu uuuw. uj vn wuu was benefit v Cured kintdf in three months, ana nuoe saen uunaieis oi oiuera.- 3 . 1 . t L . . . 1 1 Full particulars sent on application.- B. FAQJU No 41 Weat AUi HU. pew iora uiiy m7Z PAUKLK'tt f ,A HAIR DAL3AM , - j Ui prwW fTTrK Inr lrn I Vu bur, luauruif oo.or I It oMonv tM aolm oi t h. r'4, hair (Uln. nd U nit piaum IliriDEKCORNO. BiM. ram "1 t(m tar . Vjr. B'."l a toilln.n. t.wrr wilrtt ,- t. - - ! NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. NO N WCJK ' .1 -' 5t A 1 MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE, ' A Certain. Safe and Effective Eemedr tor Sore. Weak & Inflamed Eves. Producing Long sightedneaa, and Be ' storing the Sight of the Old. ' ; Cures iTear Drops Granulation. Stye inmors, ivoa jr;ves, Matted Eve ' T 1,. .1 Tl J..." "Vi.' l Unlinf anil Hn.A : , 1 " - "..W ', . , AIrO. finn&llv -.IYIAmnna itrKan nan1 In . other' Maladies, : uoh m Ulcers, Ferer ' sores, xumors. Salt Jiheum, Bums, Piles, or wherever Inflnnrmation exists, MITCHELL'S fUIVR m.v h ' advantape. - - Sold by all Dmprgists at 25 cents. v September , 1887. ; . ,- - lm ' - f fOK Y'l! -' j ftsHJ. , INI 'i i:.St i Opens S r pv-.t., i f. t ' !'',; r 8' WrK)L& t'. ( 1 iY,--'i-.llHlilit. ' 't. (r it .It. SitllJl- '' li from ntrv'trenStv. . , Ion beautiful. Climate bp.Uil'-t. i Washing, Livhti, J-.ii tih, Latur, f- II imtiortatntadvaiitk'v's unm, --. yiw, jhw : hi. ui June, s It, i wri Tiiysiciau, Sirscca & Ccculiwt, -i ;- ' . CJREKKGBOEO, IT. C.,! . T .TTTTTTintfnnil ntt-r I V rtm - n. , , " i ,i imzn tit, i iini'r si'. ii ; ' i.i a i Jfnrr bfore. Kesidenoo on A .Ii.j'mj o e'ireet. 3 attlel.i , .0 sime ii.- ; - it"