. r v THE DAILV WORKMAN. . K M 1 til AUX, local Edit"- A paper for all people, but espe .idly to meet the desire which mar .re kiown to entertain for a non-political sieet, the Workman will strive to go Into every bouse, lowing to other papen 1 16 soienoe of politic, giving the news i i brief and holding Itself responsible t j the moral sens of the oommonity for 1cm utterance. - Indolonoe' inipoveirUhea ; industry u the source of wealthy ' Mr. II. W. Cobb is now build ing on Belle Meade avenue, a tobac co factory, whose dimensions are 40 xioofeet .lt will be' three stories high, and therefore quite commodious.- The house will, be frame, and will be completed shortly. Another building is the eating house at the de pot, which it being erected by Mr. A. T. Vernon. The plan on which it is being built is such as to make it a very convenient house. Personal. " ' ' ' V , Mr. Charles Houston, of the firm of Houston Jt GorrelL Ore Hill, went down . home this morning, having just return ed from a trip to Philadelphia' and New York. ".' Mr. Sam Jordan has come down from Buncombe on s brief visit to friends' here, with the idea of purchasing a lot and bui ding a honse for a dwelling. Success to bim . .. .. , , Mrs. L. E. Curtis is here to-day. on her way to Chapel Hill, where she will ' tpend several weeks on a vieit to her on, Walter, who is a student at the on! varsity. '',-;: v Mr F. M. Ingold has retired from the , service of the, Exprwe Company aud will rest some time with bis faint ly. He has long been a most faithful awvant of the company. ' J . A Veby Strange Case. The Public Cwill be interested in,. a-seli' wtilch has jits': occurred ui our com m unity, the truth of which is unques tionable : ' Mr. Ed. M, Hendrix, of the firm of Hendrix Bros., grocers of this city, was taken' ill some two . weeks ago,' and was bereft of both speech and hearing.' In this condition he continued about one week. One night he went to bed at 9 1-4 o'clock, and slept ' until about 10. at ' which time the north bound train on the -Piedmont railroad, ' which . runs near the dwelling, came roaring by.' .The sound and jar of the train awoke him, and when 'he was roused up both speech and hearing were restored. In short while he was able to come up into town, where he shoek hands with a large number of his friends. ' Isn't it a strange case?j5;:'i ' y 1 Somb News . khom GiBsoNvriXE The new 'depot is receiving' the last finishing' 'touches from the pajnt er's bands, and the commodious wait ing rooms are expected to be thrown open to the public by the end of the week. ? '": The cotton , factory', a , handsome brick building which was erected last Spring immediately opposite the1 de: pot, is , now running steadily 1 09 full time. , Steam it 1 'employed as a tno-- tive power, and-48 looms k are in po sition and running, , but (tpe , factory .has ample room for, a . total, ., of, i 2; looms ..The Jooms that are in posi ; tion are running entirely on "colored r goods" of which there) now exists jm - great scarcity fn the market, Mr.' ' Davidson, the owner pf the factory, asserting,' that the ' emand.bir' this class of goods is far in advance of the present limited capacity of .his bill. ; Four neat dwelling houses are in the course of erection, an 1 material progress and improvemn "3 of all kinds, seem, on the who! to be the cnl rof the diy in CiL-Dnvi"i, , Charlotte Democrat: As the Chronicle says, it " is beautiful, though it is very bard to pchsn. in the vicinity of Charlotte is tbe only plaoein tbe United States where the leopardite stone" or rook haa never beer considered available for practical purposes. - , Jane Wilbert, a colored woman about twenty vears old, was mur dered by ber husband, James Wil- bert, Sunday afternoon last, atrjaa tle Hayne plantation, a few miles north of the city. Tbe murderer cat the woman's throat from ear to ear, with a razor, and made good his escape. There were no witness e'a to tbe tragedy, bat the woman soon after the deed was committed left ber home and went to the boose of a .colored family on the sauio plantation and tried to tell .what 7 bad happened, bat it-ii ana aiea before fbe could utter a word.- Wilmington Star. An interesting case was tried before Jndge Clark, of the Supe rior Court, last week, at Leung- ton. Two men, J. H. Hedriok and Wm. Swioegood, committeemen in a certain school district, were in dieted for obtaining money under false pretences. Swicegood, a very prominent Republican and a man of influence, took the census of the achcbl children in bis distriot. , He reported o the Board of eduoation twenty-three more children than were actuallv in tbe district, uj this means about $320 was appor tioned to the district more than was its iuBt proportion. , Hedriok join ed Swicegood in the report. The State charged ' that the lists were prepared with theinlent to defraud the school fund and tr secure for their own district money to which it was not entitled. Solioitor Long appeared for the, State. Tbe de fendants had three' lawyers, Mess Glenn, HenderFOn - and , Walser. The case attracted much attention and was ably and eloqaently arga- .'Tt.i'.i ci : oa. xieariCK ws.4 acquiueu, owiuo eood was convicted, and it is likely that he will move his lodgings to Raleigh and be dressed in stripes for a.jtfJKX IlLH Wanted Somethiso 1nsp)e. Ton may remember bearing of tbe old , Spartan, who tried to make a corpse stand upright, bat be found that it would fall, and said : ' "Ah, it wants something inside r I won der if tbe trouble with a good many HviDg persons is not that they want something inside; They lack ani mation ; they need to be enlivened : need to push aside tbe barrier, and whatever it is, 'whioh bides from thenf the great Captain s face ; that, after seeing it,' they may arouse to answer its beckon.' : "Wanted something inside," Pity, mercy, helpfnlness. The storms rage about these . weak ones : they cry out for aid: they are daily, hourly, going down,, down., .t. What if a wild cry for help comes ..from, some poor wretched one. that may seem hard ly worth the saving ? Did not our Saviour leave the ninety and nine and go in1 search of tbe one poor lost oner "Wanted something in side." ' Energy, ieal, oonBecratiori. There is" nothing 1 truer than that "procrastination is tbe thief of time." While the indolent are, sleeping away the hours when they ' should be at work for tbe Master, tbe hours are slipping bytbe golden, oppor tunities are lost.. .Alexander, being asked', how he bad .conquered the woriarepiiea, t -j5y noi delaying." Jgna 01, the Times. , a, , ' A physician iv a box is what some peo ple call Laxador. They are risht its a great phyaio. VP " ,vV-&-i wiy te; i Easily answered-It is a strong man, 1 wno naa irequenuy snnerea pain, grows Impatient aud rebellious, how much more impatient should bo the baby who does not know what suffering nieans? "or the' pains of oolio," teething, eto., Dr. JJoll'a Baby Syrnp is the sovereign mr1v. ; Priirifl 25 Anta ' , , There are people who think ' so north of themselves that others are shut oat and think nothing of them. --173W Orleans Picayune, " ' j ' ' ' ' ' "' ' " '1 .. 1 TLcie are sotae vory lazy moa a t' e wcill who m'ht bo tcs3- Cti Ly Ecrt cf a I ' ;r rove- , Cat and Eagle. While two res idents of Galena, 111., were driving through South Wisconsin recently, they witnessed, near Arena, a fierce fight between a bald beaded eagle and a large tomcat ' The "proud bird of the moantaitfa" bad attacked tbe Cat while hnqting in the field and suooeeded in fastening Us tal ous Inkuthe animal's back, when tbe battll immediately began, and was continued amid terrific yowls of the oat and the screams 01, fbe eaglei. It was a tort of catch-aa oatch-oould' contest, and .while it continued tbe feathers add the far flew thick aud fast. Tbe cat was too heavy for'tbe eagle to fly with, but it succeeded to raising it sever al times in the air, 100 feet or more at each effort, bat the attempts to get away with its prey were futile, as tbe weight of tbe oat and Its fierce struggle hr life invariably brought the eagle to .the ground again, when the battle was repeated with nearly the same result. In the final bout, wbick took place on terra firma, the eagle threw up the sponge and flew labpriously. across tbe river, while the rat mnoh wor ried made tracks asjrnpidly as pos sible away from tcA scene of tbe battle. ' i IQrPhysicians recommend Dr. Ball's Uougu ovrup, when all otiier B.ediciDes fail. s a certain cure for bronchitis. sore throat, and coughs and colds of lpng standing. For uo by all Drug gists, rrioe 25 cents. " For there waa never vet a philoso pher, that could endure the toothache patiently." Perhaps sot but there's li:t!e wit ic enduring it at all, when one bottle of Salvution Oil will oure it - LIST OF LETTEltS ; ' Bemainug id the Postonloe in Greens- boro. H 0.8eptembar22d. 1887 Jane Allen, Joliu Attn tin oolored,- B ArnoaD, Alice-Btowa. ftwm Ur-wn care MoHie Broiro, John Cuurtright, J P UsU. Williim Hsves oSlored, John Hobsou, Lou F Jlodgis., Bll Qol.aud, Jeaay Jones, a V Mtrtr, x.dard May nor, W H Mel wo I, Dr W s C Bobert son 221 Houth bL J DtSherwood. Eli ja Tatum, Cora Watkin J H Wharton, cryniit llliams, Eaudvt luston. Persons calling fdr tub above Itttf rs wut please say aavern.-wji. ; ... rt Geo. fl. Olfcoosi. P. M J Aiie ypiiiltt1 urtauniuus. W, D . Suit. Dructist .Bippus, Ind, testifies: ."I can recommend Electrio Bitters as the ver best remedy; Eyery bottle sold has given 'relief in every caee. - One man took fix bottles, and was cured of Bheumatiam of 10 years standing." Abraham Hre, Druggist, BelMUe. Ohio.offirma: "Ihe best sell ing medicine I have ever handled in my 2U years experience, - is jsilectrio Bit tors. Thousands of otlierhntve added their testimony, so that the verdiot is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the .Liver, : Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Hunter & Miohanx's Drug Store. . Daucbters, Wives and Mothers. Send for Pamphlet on Female Dia eases: mailed tree, securely sealed . Dr. B. MAromst- Unica. N. Y. . ' , ' Oct 16 ly tav.v- r r la time. Kold by Jriu it, I ) r SKIN 8t SCALP CLEANSED , . "PURIFIED and BEAUTIFIED FOK CLEANSING, PURIFYING and beautifying the skin of chiK dren and infanta and curine torturing. di figuring.' ttehing, scaly and pimply diseases of the' skin, scalp an blood, with loss of hair,- from infancy to old sga. the CiniouKA Remsdies are iulul- tble.. . ;.'.''.;; v tv(.':vw-. k:,:? CtmoDBA, the preat SKrat Ctras? and Cotiooba Soap, an exquisite Skin Beau tiiier, prepared from it, externally and Cutiouba BesoiiVbkt, the new Blood Purifier, Internally, invariably succeed when, all other remedies and the best physicians fail.".-".",'-'- : .;,',',' '' ;J CtJTiptJBA P.EMEDIE9 rare'r absolutely purs, aud the only infallible skin beau fiers and blood purifiers, free from poi sonous ingredients.: '; -i . : Sold everywhere. Fnce--CtmcuKA. 50 centsj Soap 25o; Kesoivest $1. Prepared By the Pottjib Dbuo t Cjjkm icai) Co., Biston, Jlnss. i .1 t raond, for "How to Cure kin .in and !'-.,fi1 prexorv-i an! '3J ly C illma L.i:i.at-d -i l'Ut oaf. Durham Merchant's Kxporlfnce. : " Mr. J J F. Conrad is avartner of the well-known groosrv firm of J. C. Bowers Jt Co., Durham, N." C Bia character and standinir ia tho businees world is a voucher for his entire truth. For years be suffered witu rheumatism In the chest, hear what he says about the oure: Bhuumatisni .in the obost bothered me for years. Last spring, I took a full course of S. S. 8. and got great relief from the pin. I regard S. 8. S. as an excellent blood medicine . J.'F. CONBAD. 1 More Unsolicited Testimony. . Danville (Va.,) Time, April 21, UH7. S. S. 8. By the wsy.'that valuable medicine cured one of our citizens who had upwards of thirty bona. He tried various other medicines ? and several mineral waters, but nothing else afford ed bim the desired relief, This, usti mony we givo unsolicited,' and without the knowledge of the proprietors." . gsa7Treatise ou Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. -Thi Swrpr Specific Co. -Drawer 3., Atlanta, Oa. ' Fig trees begin to bear in eigh teen months after planting and con tinue to inorease in size, and bear ine; capacity more tban half, a cen tury. It is said no insect pests dis turb the fig tree. Tbe akin can be kept Holt, White, arid free from taint of perspiration by adding Darby s Pbylaotio Fluid to the water used in bathing. It removes all offensive smoll from the foot or any part of the tody. Used as a tooth wash it will harden the gums, preserve the teeth, cure tooth ache and make tbe breath pure and sweet ''Cures chafing and inflammation, files,, beam leet, Corns,' et cetera, v , .:. ', , . Of six young ladies whose eduoa tion at Yassar cost $10,000 each, five married one horse lawyers and have to give musio lessons to make a living for ' the family. Tbe other oe is still single, bnt leaning to ward a county parson on a salary of $320 , per -year. Detroit Free Frees; , 1 - - . : , - : ;' liuckleu's Aruica Sulve. 'ine nest awve m tne woria tot uuu, ,hj..j 0..... ru, a-n r?U n I ver bores, letter, tapped. Hands, Vha-l liruiMI. niurn.. imu, ill itihii ... . hlftinn Corns. nii alt Skin Rrntitinn. I and positively cures Jt'iiou, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give per fect .satisfaction, or money refunded.' Price 25 cents per hex. For sale by , uovl5 ly daw ' Hchtxb & Mjoeaux. . ' Westees OAnoiJNAThe Balti more Manufacturers' lteoord says : 'There is do fairer land, no' more delightful climate, no more fertile soil and no more marvelous mineral aud timber wealth tban is found in the seotion'of conntrv comoiisinff East Western North Carolina. It is indeed a glorious country, and we imagine that Judge Kelly, of Penn sylvania, must have been speaking of this beautiful land when, in a speech after ' retnrnine from the South, he said friends. North Carolina is the most .beautiful and richest portion of .God's earth nr on which my , vision or feet have ever rested'' i-'i;-' uv:M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tailoring Establishment, . ' " GREENSBORO, hi. a v- r A' FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK il of Fnra Imported , Goods, for my Fall and Winter, Trade, consiBting of French, English and Scotch. Suitiuga, 0 all colors ' "-' ;,, An unsurpassed line of Trousering. ' All -are. cordially Invited to call and examine my stock, and they will see at once that I. keep TktJ&ett" in-the market. v ;-".', ' . J-" Th But ' ' of workmanahiDand perfect fit guaranteed.. ! , ' . -First door South of entrance to Cen tral Hotel, -s .' ',.i-v n20 lv ' Practicine Phvsioian.-Greensboro. M. C, offers his, Professional Services to the citizens of Greensboro anil snr. rounding conntry.'- Oillce at.'Porter & Dalton's drag store. When , not there can be fonsd at his residenoe on v Ashe boro street, opposite CoL B, Keogh's. ; pYrioiAiT ai;d zzzzz j::.- O "".-if rtLecreEent at his .reiidonrfl - ca i.,h street, oppctilte Krs. D. Yatss- Brothers,. Merchandise Brokers, Oom mission Merchants and Real; Estate Agents. SOLE aseuts for the Patapsco Flour ing Mills, Cosoard k Son's Olebrut ed Stir Brand, .Pnre Lard and Horns, Central Refinery Co's Syrups and Mo lasses, Piedmont Roller - Mills, Choioe Meal, N. K. Fairbank k Co's Standard Lard . We carry iu stock a large varie ty of different grades of Flour, also Meal aud Fairbank & Co's Lard, in Tierces and packages, aud offer these and all kinds ot Merchandise, Grain, Mill Feed Ao., at bottom prices. We solicit only , the, trade of prompt paying Mwohauta. No' goods sold at retail. ' March 19ib '87. . tf. CoufctimittloD.Cured. ' An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had plaocd in his bands by an Eat India niismouary tbe foimnU of "a simple vocreUble ' remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Conranip-. Bion, Bronchitis, CaUrrb, Asthma and alUThroatand Lnnu Afleotiona, also a positive and radical oure for Nervous Debility and all NerVons Complaints, after having tatted its wonderful cora tive powers iu thousands of oases, baa felt it his duty to make it knowu to' his suffering "fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of, charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German French or English., with lull directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with slump, naming this paper. " . W. A. Notes. 19 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. . Oct26 ly eow -. . .. v ; ,. nCACNITCC Its causes and new 1 1 1 A r fl LOO . and suooessf ul CUKE -(J at vour own homeby one who' was deaf twenty-eight years. .Treated by- most o the noted specialists wunoni. benefit, t Cwl himulf in three months. and sinoe then hundreds .of others.. Fnll particulars sant on application. T. 8. PAGE, No 1 West Mat St., ; New York City. ' - - FARKER'8 HAIR DALSAM th pcxmltf UrorVm tor dimUic tli liar. kMtoriuf ulor mben f ny, and pmwiinc IMnAratf. I elHuma tlx aoalp. "V tialr fuUins, and if Mr to pUmc . tnr. mi J SI.M at niCTfrt. Tm.rnrrr pi i LJtllf uuHWMimi , . , mivm. n..lnuM fclS?roomfrtth.Mi .-rii tour. umuu Vmnuu. , imou co, . i. NO MORE EYE-GLASSES.; NO EYES I - MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE, i A Certain, Safe arid Effective Remedy for - Sore, Weak" & Inflamed Eyes, ; Producing Long sightedneas, and Re- , - storing the Sight of the Old. , Cures Teat Drops. Granulation. Stye i. rumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye . Lashes, and Producing Qoiok , Relief and Permanent Oure,. . AJbo, equally effioacions wbea used in other Maladies," tuch as Ulcers, Fever 8ores,t Tumors, Salt Rheum, . Bursa, Piles, or wherever Inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S tiALYB may be UBed to 1 advantage: '!'.' --.-Jt-.i'4 ?. - 1 ; Sold by all Draggists at 25 eenta. September 1, 1837. . ' .- A , Jn WESLEWN FEMALE IOTITUTE, V ' . V " v-- -r- ? '' - a ,o Opent Sepwnlw n,t.f w?.' of tka r Sthooia OH VOUMS LUIK$ IN T m II.'ah I .rtmS 1 ' S"x?,.uU?','',!,.le'?n,i'w"'hM, Cm Km Sum Jon beautiful. Climate tplcnaid. Fuil, from oin- -.Htim.- " ' A)llmporUittadvuiucsUloo.KTeyroducedclii.i R-i..r1 W.rtinj.IiwtajCl-tlS.l 'rSfSJSShl Schalutlt: ytai, hem Sept. to JuM. -. ..fc ForCtilomie Hm , 1 ' f ' J' ''' 'V'1 "''i ? V'-'-'.'1 "V . . .1 I-'' : pr. w. ii. iv.'.:;efield,-: 4, Physiciaii;' fiutgeoa iCc'culiat,' ' , , A ' UBBENSBOBO, . C, ' V ' 1 WILL attend city and country ealla.' " ' v Office at .Porter Jk Tate's Drug , Sfore.' Residenoe on Asheboro streei '' ' A Gentleman Controlling, Sk Thousand Gotten Cpindlcs - '..".''v.' NKABLT KEW 4 A , .. . novv at the North, is dwirnnsof Inhaling the same in " North C oL.ua, Parties -ownin,-? 'Good Pouiir, and who - ill pull the Brni low, r1 i t''x. Alno subBoriptions to uia ec t of I -:0,00a s -I i,.ied, t3 Iu.' 1 1 . 1 ran the same: Address V. o. 1 i V J, , Oft. ''')i.I.-J

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