THE DAILY WORKMAN, J. L. MICHAUX, Editor. J- S, MICHAUX, Local Editor. ADVERTISING RATES —DISPLAYED— 1 day, 81.00 3 days, 1,60 1 'woek, 2.00 1 day, 1,50 1 weok, 2.00 2 “ 3.60 ool. —LOCAL— 10 lines 1 .80 2 times,1.00 1 week, 1.50 1 time, 1.20 2 times, 1.50 1 veek. 2.00 * Contract Advertisemenis taken at . proportionately low rates. Entered at the post ojffice in Greenxborot Js C., as second-class matter, Office on South Elm Street, under Be^xhoxo Ball. RAILWAY GUIDE. Greensboro, Mar, i-^, 1887. BIOHMOND k DANVILLB RAHiROAD. Arrives from Richmond at 9 43 a m “ '* “ 1032 p m Leaves for Richmond at 9 61pm “ “ “ 8 32 a m NORTH OABOLIKA RAILROAD. Arrives from Charlotte at Leaves for Charlotte at • Arrives from Goldsboro at Xieaves for Goldsboro at 8 20 a m 9 40 p m 9 48 a m 10 44 p m 9 30 p m 9 60 a m NORTH-WESTERN N. 0. RAILROAD. Arrives from Salem at 8 00 a tn “ “ “ 9 20pm Leav^ for Salem at 10 CO a m *• “ “ 10 54 pm 0. P. A Y. V. RArLBOAD, Trains Moving North. Leave Bennettsville at 10 10 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro 7 25 p. m. Leave Greensboro 10 00 a, m. Arrive at Walnut Cove 1 00 p. m. 2 rains Moving South. Leave Walnut Cove at 2 10 p. m. .Arrive at Greensboro, 6 00 p. m. Leave Greensboro 9 50 a. m. Arrive at Bennettsville 6 45 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Mails going North closed 9 00 p m ** ” ” ” 8.00 am ” ” South ” Salem Br’ch’ 9 00 a m 9 00 p m 9 00 a m 9 00 p m 9 00 p m 9 00 a m t ” East ’ ’’O.F.AT.V.R.R General delivery open from 8 00 a m to 6 30 p m., except during the distri bution of mails. The Money Order and •-Registered Li'jtter oniee-^ven Ltavi, 9 00 i m to 6 m. LOCAL INTELLIOENOE. lETFor additional Local News, see 8d page. —Sir Knights take notice—Ivan- hoe Commandery meets to-night. —Be sure to report at this office •any and every failure to-» receive the Daily Workman. —Those who have heard Mrs. Good ale on the cause of National Reform, say we should not neglect such an op portunity even if we are not co-work ers with her. She will speak here on Monday the loth. , The Birds.—We learn with regret that a number of persons have already been out shooting partridges, some as early as a week ago, notwithstanding it is unlawful to kill the birds until October 15th. About 15 persons are said to have gone out to day armed lor destruction. The law is liberal enough, and ought to be observed. Lecture atNew Garden.—Mrs. Mary Reade Gdodale, of Baton Rouge, La., is to occupy the usual lecture hour on Saturday night, at King Hall. She will meet the New Garden “YV> at 3 o’clock, in the afternoon. Mrs. Goodalo has been called the Frances Willardj of the South, and will con vince all who listen to her logic of the righteousness of the cause she pleads. New Savings Bank.—The com missi iners named for the purpose in theChartei of “The Savings and De- .posit Bank of North Carolina” met last night at the office of Levi M. Scott and appointed commissioners at various places to open books of sub scription to the capital stock, and it is believed that, as the charter is a most •favorable one in important particu lars, it will attract the capital needed to make it a success. Any man with a surplus of $5 in cash can come in. The Daily Workman. -Single copy Vol. 5. GEEENSBORO, N. 0., FE*AY, OCTOBER 7,1887. No. 112, —Mr. John M. Rose, Secretary of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Company, who was among the excursionists to the head of the road yesterday, returned to Fayette ville this morning. Mr. Rose is a vigorous worker, though not so young as some of the, *‘boys,” and is always on hand when hia road is to be push ed a few inches farther up the slope. ^"Hot Roasted Chetauts to be had under Benbow Hall. Come ana get some, octetr H. J. Williams. —The Baptist Orphanage atThom- asville is in pressing need of funds to meet the demands for the approach ing winter. Seventy orphans are there to be fed, clothed, educated and fitted for life’s callings. Others will be received soon. All who may feel inclined to aid in this good work can have an opportunity of doing so through a committee appointed to look after this matter. While this in stitution is under the fostering care of the Baptist denomination in North Carolina, the orphan children of all our white population are welcomed to all its advantages. —The party that went up the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway to its western terminus yesterday were greatly pleased with the trip. They went to the stockade, which is with in thirteen miles of Mt. Airy, There can be no doubt of the splendid out look of this road, which has gradual ly . grown from the start, under its present efficient management, and^ 'bids fair to'be one of ihe leading lines of the country. Looking at the map, and considering the railroad schemes which are being discussed as more or less probable, it will be seen that the position of the Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley could not be changed for the better. Lost. A Breast Pin, of value to the owner, was lost Saturday evening, between Col. Rankin’s and the Presbyterian cliUrch, the finder of which will be rewarded i>n returning it to this office. oct5 3t *1^ ]>reK« Making, Miss Flora Swaim. , late of Salem, N. C., proposes to oiien a Dress-making Establishmimt at the residence of Mr. Kern, on East JIarket tredt, where she will execute, in good style, any work entrusted to her, sep9 4w For Rem, A good House, on Washington street, with six rooms and a good pantry. Apply at this Valuable Residcmc at Private Sale. Having removed from the State, I ofler for sale my Residence in Greensboro, known as the Hall place, on Da%e street, corner lot, fronting 90 leet by 165 feet deep. House con tains seven rooms, kltcben and servants’ room attached. Stable on lot. and a fine well of wa ter. All in first-class the place has been built only 18 mond|y,_partles desiring a first-class liome, at the »or of business and in a splendid neighborhood can call and examine the property. C^pt J*nn Dodson or Wm. S. Ball, Esq., will give all Information as to price, terms, etc. 06 3w Wm. S. Carroll. office. sep 16 tf LotN for Sale. Valuable Lots in South Greensboro, for sale at low prices, and on long time. s>Pl«-4w Ro. M, Douglas, Bates of Stjbsobiption. • 5 cents By the week ten cents. By rue month twenty-five cents in advance. Six months 81 50; one year 83; three months 75c, in advance. No payments made to carriers will be acknowledged, and the paper is not au thorized to be delivered to any whoso name is not on the books of the office. is the only authrizod agent to collect funds due this office, ex cepting such other person or persons as may be announced hereafter. Carriers not allowed to sell papers on the streets. ELLI8’ CHINA HALL. ^ A gentleman with many years’ experi ence as Book-keeper, desires a situation. Ref erence given. Address Lock-box 265. slStf . DIKE BOOK CO. offerafor 8ale.carpenter> pencils, bankers’ and office pens, a variety • dt new ink stands, eye shades, and new picture frames. Merchants will ple^ call and examine paper bags at re duced rates. oct 4 Iw Notice is hereby given, that the colored people of Greensboro have organized a military company under the laws of North Carolina, the same to be under the control of said laws, of which the following persons are the officers: Captain— Robt. Harris ; First Lieutenant—Allen Jones ; Second Lieutenant—J. W, Outlaw; First Ser geant—J. A. Unthank. sep 27 2w Waj^ltud. Two first-class Coat-makers. Also, 2 Vest- maker. None but first-class hands need apply. City prices paid. T. L. Kelly, oct 5 tf Opposite U. S. court-house. • JuNt Received. A nice line of Dress Goods—double snd sin gle width—Cashmeres, Calicoes, Ginghams, White Goods ot all descriptions, at very low prices. Call and see them. RespectftiUy, G. H. ROYSTER. For Rent. Two office Rooms, over the Drug Store of Mess. Porter & Tate, aie for rent. Possession given immediately. ' oct 4 tf New Candy Maker.. Ribbon Candy, Butter Cups and Taffy of all kinds. Our own make, pure and fresh. We only ask a trial, aug 31-tf. Geensboro Candy Co. Clicap Fuel. Greensboro Gas Co.’s Works keep coke for sale in any quantity. *.>rders will receive the promptest attention. oct 4 tf H. Royster Has just received a nice lot of Ladies’, Misses and Children’s fine Shoes at bottom prices.— Also, Gents’ fine home made Shoes. m4tf Lake Herring or White FiKh, received this morning. New crop, fresh and nice. oct3-lw A. L. .Kirkman. Personal.— —Mr. J. C. Baine, of Burlington, who intended going home last night, got left,” and remained here until this morning. —Rev. Dr. J. Henry Smith went up the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad this morning, on his way to Mount Airy, where he will preach on Sabbath, receive members and ad minister the ordinances of his church. —Rev. P. L Groom took the train for Dalton this morning, for the pur pose of visiting a camp meeting in Yadkin county. —Mr. George Wynne, of Raleigh, who came up last night, returned home this morning. Regular Monthly Meeting of Prohibition Club, Friday, (to-night) at 7>^ o’clock, at the Hall of the W. C. T. U. oct 7 It 8. A. Kerr, Secretary. MILLINERY OPENING. Tuesday, October 11th, 1887. We expect our Stock in and shall be glad to see you then. Goods are pretty, and prices so low as to be within the reach of all; oorae and see. oct7 3t W. S. MOORE. WELL, SAKES ALIVE! is Frank Taylor gwlne to run the whole mar ket ? Och! but it would make yer smoile to see the display of foine Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb, Sausage, Fish, &c., on his counters for Saturday morning. So, come early and see the show. oct 7 It For Sale. My Pony, Harness and Columbus Buggy. The Pony is 8 years old this spring, gentle, and will work anywhere, and is a fine saddle animal. oct7 Iw Apply to J. H. West. Found—A Key and Chain; come and get them, at this oflice. oct 7 3t Cook Stove for Sale Cheap. A nearly new Cooking Range can be seen at Wakefield’s Hardware store, oct 7 Iw Thomas McMahon. Sal^^alt. A car load of Salt, at A. L. Klrkman’s. Also, Burlap and seamier Bags, and the fine Liver pool Table Salt. oct3-lw i^Fine Mountain Buckingham Apples and Stokes county Cabbage, at A. L. Kirkman’s. October 3—Iw Read This! I have opened, in my new store-room, a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, fine chew ing Tobaccos and Cigars, Ac. The main feature in my business is to keep what the people want, and you will find in my Grocery line nearly everything kept In a first- class grocery store. For country produce and poultry I challenge the town for competition. Thanking the citizens of Greensboro and the surrounding country for past patronage and hoping to have a larger share in the future, o3-lw Respectfully, A. L. Kirkman. For Sale. A new and complete iron safe, just from the hands of the manufacturer. Good size, good combination, Ac., Ac. To arrive in afew days. Call on Wakefield A Co., tf Hardware Store, South Elm Street. Fre«h Caudy. A full line of ROYSTER'S fine candy, Just received. Also, oranges, lemons, bananas and raisins, which we sell lower than any house in the city, , Please call early, at Irwin A Weath erly’s. sep 30 3w Millinery Store. Mrs. Wogooman would inform the public that she has opened her fall stock of millinery in the room opposite the court house and next door to W. B. Farrar’s jewelry store, on West Market street. She has a nice line of ribbons to which she calls special attention. Please call and examine her stock. For Rcui. Some nice offices, fronting Main street, over 8. S. Brown’s Store. Apply to aep9tf W. E. Bevill. A Fisli Story! Drury Howell, on South Elm street, Keeps Fish and Oysters fresh and sweet, And cooks them right for the hungry to eat, September 37—tf Fresh Oysters. At the R. R. Lunch Counter, every day, and always during the season. sep 27 Im Pure Leaf Lard. P. T. George A Co.’s Pure Leaf Lard is daily gaining ground. Why? Because it is th best on the market, and costs but very little more than ordinary lard. A full supply just received by J. W. Scott A Co. aug27tf Sweet Little Butter Cups. Try them! J34tf Greensboro Candy Co. Mining Property lor sale. W. A. Fields and D. H. McCulloch have opened up a mine situated 8 miles southeast of «ieen.«boro, miles from Pleasant Gordon depot, on the C. F. A Y. V. Railroad. The prospects are very fine. Parties interested in mining business would do well to see W. A. Fields, at bis Tobacco Factory, soutli of the depot, where samples of the ore can be seen. . W. A. Fields, and' D. H. McCulloch. -The finest and the best Tobacco on*the market—Dlanoi-a, Gravely, Fine-cut and Net- lie Bly—just received at Hunter A Mlchaux’s Drugstore. a9tf Call Early for Oranges, Lemons, Persian Dates, Raisins Nuts, Fresh-roasted Cofi'de-roasted with ou^ new patent roaster. The freshest is always the best. Call for “Greensboro” Caudy Co.s roasted cofl'ee, and have no other. We are now making four hundred pounds of candy per day, and our trade is increasing. \ sl2tf GREENSBORO CANDY CO. For 8alG or Rent. The subscriber ofiers foj sale or rent, a Dwelling House, situated on Oak street. South Greensboro. It has four rooms, and is newly built. Dr. M. H. ALFORD. jelStf House and Lot for Sale. House contains seven rooms. Lot large, running depljh of block. Fine Garden and good well of water. Adjoining premises of B. E, Sergeant, on Washington street., In a good neighborhood. Price reasonable. For partic- ulara apply to F. S. Eldridge, on the preml- aug8 tf Bacon, P. T. George A Co.’s nice, fresh Breakfast Bacon (uncanvassed). Also, their S. C. Hams and pure Leaf Lard, just received by J, W. Scott A Co. aug6 tf Good Vinegar And pure Spices are what you want during ‘pickling” season. We have both. August 6—tf J. W. SCOTT A CO. Ijaycr Dates* Nicest you ever saw, just in. Scott A Co. Fresh Oat Grits and Rolled Oats—new crop—at Scott A Co.’s. aug6 tf Farming Lauds and City Property For Sale. We offer several excellent Grain and Tobac co Farms in Guilford county, also fine Farming Lands in Chatham and Robeson counties, and two desirable Mills in this county, for sale on easy terms. We have choice property for sale in and near the city, Building Lots and Dwell ing Houses. Call and see us, or write for information in regard to anything In the Real Estate business. We have, constantly, applications for money, and can place it, well secured by mortgage on good Real Estate. Yates Brothers. alltf Real Estate Agmta, --W. B. Farrar, the Jeweler, teeps nice stock articles in his line whioL he guarantees to sell on good terms Other dealers may claim to be fair, but he claims to be Farrar still. Call and examine his elegant stock, assured that you will find something to fill the bill, 261—tf There is an old proverb that a knife as a pres ent cuts frendship in two; but if the knife is not maie an actual present there is surely no danger of it cutting your natural good will. Now, we have, we hope, many friends, and being most anxious to keep their good-will, do not intend to make them an actual i)resent of table cutlery, but charge them just enough to keep their good-will and increase their patron age. As regards the Goods, we have thirty difl'er- ent styles, ranginginqualltyfrom Rogers Bros’ finest silver-plated good to the cheapest wood en-handle knife and fork at fifty cents. There are many bai^ains in this lot, of which it will pay you to take advantage. Oct 7 tf ELLIS CHINA HALL. Something Marvelous, but True! G. Will Armfield is now oflTering 20 dif ferent patterns of Worsted Dress Goods, at 7j^ ots per yard, former price 15 and 20 cts ; Sat- teens. Batiste and Ginghams that were 15 cts now 7X- All the best grades of calico at 5 cts, except Simpson’s. Piques that were 10 and 15 cts, now 7}^, and other Summer goods at cor respondingly low prices. Room must be made for fall purchases, which are now arriving. Call early, or you will miss the bargains ! The goods referred to are special job lots, a^lltf LEADING RESTAURANT.. Remember that the Leading Restaurant of the city is run by Robert Harris, South Elm st. Fresh Oysters, Fresh Fish, etc., etc., audMeals at all houi-s, day and night. 97 tj’' Ma->Na xulu Caewing Gain, wholesale'^ J. W. S( . Pure and Fresh* Little Butter Cups for the Baby! june24 tf GRpKSBoiio Casdy Oo. For Rent, The Store-house formerly occupied by M— Harris A Flippin. ' ~— al3tf J. W. Scott. -A full line of James Means’ three dollar shoes in lace, button and Congres, for men, just received at H. Farrior A Co’s. The best in the world for the money may20 tf Encourage Home ludustry. Espeeially when It pays to do so. Go to C. H. Doughty’s, and see what an elegant pair of Gaiters In the way of material and workman ship can be had for five or six dollars. Also, call for an Aromatic Steam Cooker. JyStf Choice Timothy Hay, We have a small quantity of Extra No. One Timothy Hay, which we will sell IoT.^ > r. , * . . Yates Brothers, Real Estate Agents and Merchandise Brokers. june9 tt Itiuldin,: Notice. C. S. Wainman, of Davis, Wainman & Co., having for his foremen the well-known BulWersi J. M. Wolfe and John Donnell, with the pick of experienced carpenters, and with the most complete resources of the best dressed Lumber from the mills of Davis, Wainman & Co., and other first-class facilities, would contract for the building of several more flrstkjlass houses. Those wanting flrst-clas» work in all the particulars of style, durability and finish, and at reasonable figures, should see Mr. Wain man at once, as he wants to bnlld a few more good houses in Greensboro. aug8 tf Always the Place* If Cartland’s was always the place to get nice things in the line of gentlemen’s Furnish ing Goods, why shouldn’t it be so much more the place now, since he has just received a still more attractive stock of Collars, Cravats, Embroidered-front Shirts, Canes, Umbrellas, and direct importation of Suitings and Pants Goods from Old Scotland? If not, will you please call and see and tell “a ellei” whv? augietf ^ Cabbage, Cabbage, Hams, Breakfast Strips, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Beans, Hominy and Grits just re- cei^d at m. G. Newell’S.