THE DAILY 1 WORKMAN, UnsovHuBsoaxPTioa. ttingls eopJ 5 oents , .- . - By the week ten oenta,' By the month twenty-five oenta In advance. Bix months f 1 60; one year 8 three months 75c, inadranoa, No payments made to carriers will bt acknowledged, and the paper ia not au thorised to be delivered to any whoa, name is not on the books of the office, ' is ths only anthrised;, agent to colleot funds due this office, ex ' oepting suoh other person or persons ai may be announced hereafter. (Jerri erf not allowed to sell papers on the streets. J. L. MICHAUX, Editor. i. 8, J1IC11AUX, Local Editor. ADVERTISING RATEb DISPLAYED LOCATE 19 Unas 1 time,! 0 10 2 times, 1.06 10 " 1 week, 1.60 15 x Um(s 1.30 15 " atimes.l.W 15 "1 week. 1,00 . in. 1 dsy. tl.OU " 8 days,. 1.60 " 1 weak, 3.00 eol 1 dsy, 1.50 1 TMk, a.oo Vol. 5. GREENSBORO, NCTUtSDAY, MARCH 27, 1888. No. 294. "2 " 8.60 I Atir.Oontraot Adverliseatunce taken m proportionately low rates. , . ttinttrtd attht pott ojflotin Urntboro,A 0., at ttoond-ckut matttr. 'Ojflot on Souik Elm Strut, under Btnbow Mall RAILWAY OUiDK. Greensboro, Mart n, 1887. lOBMOHD DUKVWLM BAXLBOAO, Arrives from Riohmond at 0 43 a m " " 1082 pm Lmtm for Riohmond at 9 01pm , " " 882am STOBTR OASOLTJU ATT.BOiP. Arrives bom Charlotte at . - . . Leaves for Charlotte at ,.. Arrives from Goldsboro at Leaves forOoldaboro at 8 20am 9 40pm 948am 0 44 P a 18 on VoC.m H0BTH-WB8TRRS . a sUtLBOAD. Arrives from Belem at 8 00 a m " 9 20 p m ' Leaves for Salem at 10 CO a m M " 1054pm , fl, f. II T. BASiBOAD, , Trains Moving 2orth. Leave BennettaTille at. .... . 8 15 a. m. Arrive At Greensboro 5 40p.m. Leave Greenaboro... . 9 59a.m. Arrive at .Ararat 8 00 p.m. lraint Moving South. Leavj Ararat at. ...... ......4 00 p. m. Arrive at ureensDoro v uu p. m. Leave Greenaboro 10 05 a. m. Arrive at ennettsville.......8 00 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Mails going North closed It -i . t j v It ft M South' . ,. '. M .... H 1. If ... I "SalemBr'ch" ' 9 00pm 8 00am 9 00am 900pm 9 00am 900pm 9 00pm " East ' M . " O.F.4T.V.H.B1 900 m General delivery open from 8 00 a m to 8 80 p m., except during .the' distri- tratiouoi Tnatis. ine Money uraar u e :. 1 1 u tin MJOes viuuv vrau iivui w vu a m to 6 00 p m. , LOOAL INTELIIGEN0E Matter coming nader the following heads la inserted free of charge all other advertising matter Is subjeot to regular advertising rates i Preaching and Saaday-ecbeol notices for the Churches. Kotloes of marriages and fleatAs In brief. Notices af arrival and depart are of malls. . Notloes of all purely benevolent movements. There wilPbe preaching at the Weit Market Street church to-night Tucday) at 7:45. Toot, toot,V is the ' way the Twin-City Daily heada an article on the Roanoke & Southern road. Justice,. The artiole of Justice is , U right and ptoper, but we have so much original matter to day that we re not able to insert in thia issue. . Mrs Sallie Kivett, a venerable lady, supposed to be about too years old, the widow of Henry Kivett, li tag three miles from the town of Lib erty, died yesterday at her home in ' Randolph county. -; . '' .. . f , ' 'We hear that 'Fred, son of Mr, W. A. Stowe, who lives a short dis tance oat from town on the east aide was bitton this morning by a dog which - was supposed to be mad. . The young cnan came to town for treatment, but from whom we cannot speak with cer tainty. ; ''7 .-'V A-Crabh Thia is the ..head line whioh greeted the reader this morn , Ang, on the first page of the News-Ob-server of this date, while underneath, in bold type, the following appeared : 1 'The State National Bank wilf not ,pen to-day Its President abd Cash ier said to have absconded with a large r amount of its! funds all the other Banks as sound as a dollar.". v And that is about, all we know of the matter to-day. It is a sensation truly. W cannot, hear what has be- ae of the President und Cashier. It e sny, -"'gone where tha woodbine twineth," we are sure it is not Canada just yet, though the indications are that the two men are a long way from their base" by this time One of them having come up from Raleigh Saturday night. It is supposed that he went north on the first train, and if so, he eould hsve reached Canada be fore the defalcation was known, which was yesterday at the hour for opening the baik. If we are not misinformed, ths absconded President, C. E. Cross, was a son-in-law to the lata distin guished banker, John O. Williams, and Sam'l. C. White, the Cashier, a brother to Mr. Williams' widow, who survives, snd who was perhaps the larg geat stockholder in the bank, The immediate effect will be and unfortunate it Is to shake the faith of people in banking institutions but while this is true, it should be remem bered that such defalcationa are rare in thia section of the country, and that such occurrences are not often followed by others in the placea where they oc cur. At tbia junoture no one seems to know where the downward tendenoy began, nor who is to be blamed for the first step in the misfortune. Facts will oome in hereafter. - - ia 1 1 1 A Ifar Suburban Town, "A movement is on toot," says the Charlotte Chronicle, "to build a rail road depot at NewelPa . Turnout, a pretty little station on the Richmonr' & Danville railroad i x miles 01 t o to wn ironewdWe "-This Indi cates whst seems to be a general ten dency in the country, and which is supported by certtin reasonable con siderations. Considering the un wieldy size of the (arms in the coun try generally,' the sparseness of ths population and the poor condition of the highways, life has so raany in conveniences ttat there is no wonder if people seek various waya by which to effect a change. As, things now are, the school, the church, the store, the shop, the doctor's office, are re moved far from many of the people, who feel the ' inconveniencea very sensibly and who will always embrsce an opportunity to improve their sur roundings. The remoteness of the institutions we haye named from the people generally is felt all the more sensibly by the very terrible roada over which the people are forced to travel, and the difficulties encountered are still further intensified. Until the era of improved highways shall dawn upon the country, the condition ot the people scattered here and yonder by the almost impassible roads, must be anything but pleasant, ; Think of a fam:ly who scarcely ever sees the town unless on some special occasion in the dry season of the year, and the the transportation of whose marketa ble producta to the railroad town is worth about the price obtained , for them.: We have a new and altogether just designation for our pads leading into the country "The Patent Horse Killer and Wagon Breaker and De vice lor Keeping the People Poor. We have heretofore shown that where (Continued on Snd Page.) ; ! , . t ; . , :v;;t Farm For Sale. 1 , Beventyi&ve acres, 3 miles, Kast of Greens boro. incn27-3w w. A. Btowe. Lumber, Laths, Bhlmgles, etc I am now prepared to furnish all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber at the shortest no tice and the lowest prices. Call and see me before baying. ' Will trade lumber for Grain, Bacon Ac W. P. Hutton, mcb27-lw at Mendenliall A'Co'8 old." stand. rr SaJa r Umu ' One of those seat oottages on Greene Street, next door to Mrs. Johnson, Is for rent or sale oa aooommodatlag terms. The bsuse contains ova rooms and two porch ft, and la conveni ently arranged. For particulars, apply to Has. Xamt Warn, mch37-tf Bingham School, M. 0, ....CrystallzedFrnlta 60 cents per pound. CrystaUaed Ginger, SO cents per pound at mch38-lw : QASftBTT'a ....Fresh Northern Apples. Sweet Florida Oranges. Fresh Lemons and Coooanuts Just received and selling at the usual low prices at mchaO-lw . j Gambit's. Ml. Airy Enterprise. Who would bare thongbt that Ut Airy makes a better fall Havana filler Cigar than Mew York City that retails for five oenta. However It Is true. Try them. For sale at J) mch30-lw ! - Guiubtt's ' m i ,. ' Ni Bread. Wkeleaoaa BreaA, I am making my bread ont of Patapsoo Su perlative Boiler Patent Floor, no better ground. Try my Steam Bread, Medicated Graham Bread and Bye Bread. My Baker understands his business. Served bis trade in England and has thirty years expmlence in this country. Re member I sell 38 Bread tickets for one dollar. m2Mw BespectfoHy, T. IX Gabbbt. ' H4 TUJn. :, I have a lot of 9 lb dans of Egyptian sugar oom,and a lot of S lb cans of tomatoes put np by Horn, West A Ellerson, all fresh and good at 10 oenta per can. Also freah eandy, London Layer and seedless raising, citron and currants, canned oysters, sardines, four year old apple Vinegar, loose Pickles, chewing and smoking Tobacco, and a fine line of cigars, snuff, etc. My Bakery Is In good working order, as good bread and cakes as any made In the State. Orders for cakes for families or parties solicited. Good plea a specialty. , ' Bespectfully, , . . moh353w . ' , J. E.THOM. ;r: Fresh -'-i' Received every evening from Cape Fear river for sale at Jackson V Barnes meat stall on Asheboro street, Booth Greensboro, ' mr31 lw 1 Tip Ton Flouft '; V: 1 Price reduced. Itcaa now be bought low down, at : C W.Iavnfs. mr SI 8w . " ' j-v" ' ';.' ".' ' ' Fresh Candy. " I have Just received a fresh line of fine can- candy, I sell broken eandy at 10 Cents per pound, figa 10 cents per lb. : , C. Wr Iav. mrSlSW i 1 v '' Stock Wcuated. The highest price la cash will be pald"for a few shares of North Carolina Railroad stock up to April 39, 1881 Apply at this Office. ml9-6t , EgTptliut Sngar Corn. Another Invoice of the above celebrated brand of canned corn none better peeked. Try it. At '"' ; SoottACo's. mohlMf - . , ' F. T. Oeorgw Oos ' celebrated Hams, Lard and Breakfast Bacon always on hand at , J. W. Soorv A Go's, mchl6-tf ',; i' ; .' Try Our OoleatgM Tern. ; la Fancy Bamboo baskets. Only 75 cents a pound. At ; , ,. " ' Soon A Co'a. moht6tf Drte4Bet' Received every week, shipped te order, at only SO oenta per pound, C. W. Irvm. ' mchli-9w ' '" -"i1 . : ;. ' Have Yea Tried! That white Corn Mealmade by roller process For sale by . C W. Irvm, mchJ4-8w -t '' 4- I Bay Cheap, and Sell High on Tlinei Finest Imperial Mart -a Raisins SO cents V pound, Figs 8 ponndft; for 25 cents. Sultana Raisins pounds for 2 J cents, Leghorn Citron 25 cents V pound, Bent Box Dates 10 cents ? pound, Mixed Nuts 15 tents V pound, Common French Candy 20 cent P pound, XXX Soda Crackers 5 cents V poif d, fresh and nice, and mS-tf . In Bullfij ulidlng, neaf leiot. v " v .. Frui ' Fruit, ' Sweet Florida Orant, ', fine Bananas, Lembns and everything In the1 alt line. Don't forget that I keep the bust it l cheapest fruit In the clt leb. C w. terns. 27-tf "Stuffed r and sour pi,' Ac. Just rec Feb. 25-tf i a full line of sweet 'ot"", Catsnp, Bances, Soott A Co's. ' noaejr te Lead. Money loaned on mortgage or real estate. mcbSf tC Dillabo A Kino. Freeh dried beef received every week, chipped to suit the trade at mr33 lw A. L. EiaiMiH's Irish Received Unlay, a bt of fine eating pota toes from the mountains. A. L. Kirkmam. NeUce. Any parties holding claims against Fields A Causey will please present them within the next ten days to W. A. Fields'. vr23w Another lot of that Choice Maple Syrup, also Bock Candy Byrap and N. O. Molasses at Feb-85-tf J. W. Soott A Co's. Ask ror" Bunker Hill " Pickles In 9 gallon palls or glass jars Boon A Co's. Feb. 85-tf If yonr Stock of Preserves and Jelly Is run ning low remember we can supply you with almost any kind you may want Not quite as good aa you put up, bnt a good as can be bought' Beepectfully, Feb.9S-tf J. W, Scott A Co. For Beat. One dwelling house on Oak 8treet, contains four rooms, two porches and a pantry. The house Is new, See Da. H. M. Altord, Feb. 87-tf , Oranges aad tnona Fresh, nice stock, both wholesale and retail. mchl5-tf ' Soott A Co's. . ....Mince Meat, Prunes, Currants, Datea, Figs, Nuts, 4c, at ; C, W. lavni's. Feb.87tf " ' -' E. P. Wnartea Ac C,: ; Beat Estate Agents also bny and sell same. We will contract to build a few houses. The following Is the list of lots sold by us this I 1 -Arpxva ustn tumt, wi. nsn, on which he propoeoa to build a handsome res idence for his son, D. L. Hagaa. One on same street to W. D. KcAdoo, and a lot tb each of the following t W. G. McLean, T. A. Lyon A Bro., and W. E. Harris. ' ,;: Feb. 23-tf .v 33 auiA SS oemt GOMmera. , .....One hundred Misses Gossamers at from 85 to 60 cents each. A bargain at G. Will. Aaiiratu's Store. Feb. 23-tf BememberweU and bear In mind. At Cartland's you'll be sure to find, New Cloths of fine quality and desirable colors and In complete variety 1 , Cuflk and collars of "Coon" brand 1 Shirts, best material and beat make. . ' And In a few days a fresh stock of those "Scotch Cloths j" Bilk aad Gloria Umbrellas ; also. Walking Canes, Gloves, Cravats, Hosiery, eta, etc., eta ' Under the Central Hotel. Greensboro, Feb. 11, 1888. tf O. H. Berater' Is Offering Great Bargains In Drees Goods, Jerseys, Shawls,' Children's Hoods and Sacks, Corsets, Satteens. Also, a nice line of Shoes, Just received at very low prioes. feS-tf For Sale or Beat. The Sloan property, opposite the Dr. Hall place. Terms easy. Wm. 8. Ball. Oome and Seel! . FRANK X. TAYLOR, Stall No. S, City Market, who has another fine lot of Western cattle which he Is having butchered and han dled In nicest style. He keeps constantly on hand Pork, Sausage, Head-cheese, corned Beef, Game, Fish, Oysters, Aa', all of the best qual ity, and sold on reasonable terms. Jan. IStf ' Scientific American. , - The regular weekly Issues of the Solentlfio American for 1888 will be disposed of on rea sonable terms, on application to this office. : tt " For Bent. ' ' 1 bills' China Hall, one of the finest store' rooms In the .city, Apply to P. D. Price or J. A. Odell. - i ' JlS-tf For Bont, . ' We bare a splendid Store for rent 00, feet deep. The most desirable location in the city. Apply to ' Tates Brothsrs, Jan 7 Beal Estate Agents. ' For Bent, - J The house no occupied by Captain Slate.- Apply to' - Mas. Nannis MoADOo-Ento. Feb. 88-tf , , . , . . '" For ItenU A few good rooms hi "Central Hotel Bulld Ing." JdjCjU. Apply to H. H.T4TS. T- ' r" , e 1 ' ' " " Pare lard. " ; I keep Cassard's star brand lard, and hams. monl4-9w 2 . ' ; ; ".O.W.Irnx. Collecting Made Esuft t Lew Uatoe. We call the attention of persons having ao- oounts and rents to call, that we have opened up an office for that purpose aod would be glad to serve them In this manner, A small pet cent- will be charged 1 and those sending ont side the corporate limits aa additional t per cent will be charged. Hoping to serve you faithfully In this manner, we are, very respect fully, Dixon A Decs. Office No 1, over Porter A Tate. mbb9tf LEADING RESTAURANT. Remember that the Leading Restaurant of the city Is run by Robert Harris, South Elm at Freeh Oysters, Fresh Fish, etc, etc., and Meals at all hours, day and night "" , sep87tf For Beau . , We hsve for rent one of the most desirable stores in Greensboro. Also, one good Dwell- ng House, newly painted and in flrst-cjass con dition, with six rooms, kitchen and stable, la one of the best neighborhoods In the city. Whenever you want to buy, sell or rent aay Heal Estate, consult your Interest by calling Yitss BaoTHsaa, - Beal Estate Agents, dee.lS4f r Opposite Benbow Hou . A Flah Story I Drury Howell, on South Elm street Keeps Fish and Oysters fresh and. sweet And cooks them right for tbe hungry to eat September 87-tf 1 OB o4eW A full line of James Means' three dollar shoes In lace, button and Congres, for men. Just received at H. Farrior A Co'a. Tbe beat in tbe world for the money , maySOtf. : Cheap rateU . Greensboro Gas Ca's Works keep coke for sale In any quantity Orders - will receive ths promptest aUentlos. ' - - oct ' . '" :. ' - For Beau . " " ' 1 a woe incK voxtage wua ' mrgs yard and garden, ! good welL. aervanta1 boua the residenoe of Mr. J. W. Fry. Apply to JanSStf - B. PbbcyGiat.' t' For WaUHpers " of all kinds with which to beautify yonr rooms go to Murray's snd get a supply, cheaper than ' ' - decSOtf v SJenOenjem, Attention. , Having removed mr Tailor Shoo from the room near the Post Office to the room onJDa- vle street three doors below the market and nearly opposite the Star Warehouse. I ahi itnw better prepared than ever to do all kinds of Tailoring in the latest styles and In the best manner. Cleaning and repairing a specialty. Give me a calL and don't forget the place. , . , J. it Hcobes, Davie street - JlOtf Nearly opposite Star Warehouse, j ; '" Lime Unto. ; We are prepared to furnish Lime In any auan, 1 tlty from one bushel to one car load, at a price cheaper than ever before sold In Greensboro. ' ' Guaranteed to be of the very best quality. JyOSm Grbsnsboko Gas Co. . ....Good people all. If yon need your Fur niture varnished or repaired, carpets laid, shades or cornices hung, or any work done la the honse-furnlshlng line, please call on or send for , Wn, H. McNanj, Thomas' Building. Upholstering a apecialty. - For Beat. ' v '.':; Some nice offices, fronting Main stre & S. Brown's Store. Apply to . ''''' BSTIU. . Snsoken, Look Here, Quick! ; The Lindsay A Hcheuck Drug tore is closing ' out, and has 10,000 Golden Belt Cigarettes, ex tra fine, which they will sell roa cash, at fta.SC per thousand Just half price. , novStf LlNDnAY ScfflHtCnV T ' . . More Silver svnd (Sold. W. B. Fabsab, watch maker and Jeweler, has moved on Main street In the Adams building, opposite the county court house, and la better prepared to do good work than before, having northern itgnt Wilt sell bargains In Jewelry, watonea, clocks, sliver ware, spectacles, Ac Is now prepared to clean all kinds of silver ware at low figures. Sewing machines repaired, til, done In first class order, and at reasonable; prioes. Please give this card yonr attention at once, and have your silver ware ready for X' novl5tf , BRICK, BRICK. . The subscriber Is now making brick of a clay which he believes to be superior to any other In use here clay found In the low grouru'i near Greene Hill CemetayV These brick yrf.vii to be hard and or fine qualities, of dui.i'i, '7 and are suoh as are needed partlcul w !y la v c which requires solidity. I am rea 'y to e tract to furnish these superior brick an 1 a' 0 t lay them. JlStf D. N. Kmu-ATi-, 1

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