a . THE DAILY WORKMAN, ' 'i ' . ; rsYusLuutn ' y , ' BIX timet a wctk as an Evening Paper, at $4.00 a year, In advance. For tlx months, 1 1.50, for three month, 75 cent, and to those who '. PROMPTLY, ' 85 cents par month. On Mkm4 payments, , S3 eentt pr month, U pay expenst of eol lectin. a . BitifdalthtpoBt offlo$in tlrmboro,A C, a iofmd-ola$ matter. RAILWAY OUIDK. ' Greensboro, June 24, 1888. BIOHMOXD a OAwvnxa batxboad. Arrives from Richmond at 9 42 km ; ' - 1086 pm Leaves for Richmond at 8 50 p m " . ft l5 a to BOBTHtiABOUlU MiJIiBO ' Arrive from Charlotte r . 8 00 a m ... , - 8 40pm Jjeave for Chariots tl S 4"S a a ''V?','"-: " " ,' Afire. Arrive from Goldsbqro at ,8 f t m r Leave for GoldHhoro at , It iu m - BOBTH-WWTKRN M. O. tUtLBOAS. , arrive from Bale a at 8 00 a m ... . .( . aopm Leaves for Salem at ' ' .'h 10 CO a m " " : ' ', '''10f)l)pm o. r. t. t. RAnjraAD,' i; , Truint Moving Horth. ' ') Lear Bennottaville at 6 00 a. m. Ar rive at Greensboro. ........ 2 80 p. m. Leave Greeoaboro..... ....... SOJp.m. Arrive Aft Airy.... ....... 7 03 p.m. lrain Moving South. Leave Mt. Airy. , 3 5 a m. Arrive al Greensboro 7 45 a. m. Leave Greensboro.; ...l'J 05 a. m. Arrive at bennettsville. .... ..T 80 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: ' Mails going North closed 9 00 p m " t , 8 00am " " 8outh ' " 9 00 a m - .. , ... . ,.oopia . " Salem fir,oii": ' 9 00am t , v? ".,.;'! 900pm.; ' Eaat. " 9 00pm ". "aF.T.T.B.B" ' 900am , . General delivery jopea from 8 00 a m to 8 80 d m.. except dnrlntf the diiri- butioa of mails. Tbe Money Order and Registered tter ofBoe open from 9 00 m to o 00 p m.', V. . . v . i L00 AL INTELLIGENCE. . Mr. J. WScott 4 iK RichmoiK', Vb. - , rv V-. v .:: ;lir Ch.u.! Price, 'of Salijsbur "?.'. ; is'here' toay.X ' ',r , v . t-Mr Ttl wrljh, ot vVoVthyaV, :;: been here tw-dijV' 'V " ' ; -rMs. Berry pavldsonCajbson ville, came up on business this a. m. . $t'r H. C ' Causey, of Liberty, washere yesterday evening and" tc- '..VV -.-Secure-your 'atjtn ; to 'The Re 1 btl'ion of the Daisies' is they ' are 1 e'liii rapni'-v' : ' . - -Dr. V: A : ' Lash; 'It Valnut jv. was hrttf tcrday, on 'jiJa way . u r to- ", iiuiiih iiuiii 11 iiioivni .. 1 ' i Rev. Dr. Ferree wss here to-d a Leg cf powder had , been s olen for the purpo of procuring seat fi 1 f,0'mlhe railroad "w oiks near Dur Mhe Brown. Sumnci't church. ;,iV. ' ham.';;v' :"'.' jiC'-'rt- k'U It commemd raining about bfi r ' j;imV!at nigb.-"ind bed time exten ded !J the 'Wtyirom 9 f to ia Vtnti -the moistiie t ofpes jarm and gen'le ' upon the er ih. 1L! Tt!-l -is'-' : ),: ''yCTAK.t Notice: -There';,iU. b' ' - ' leaded, mretirier'; of d tbe.f Greensboro 1 ;-?rv.y)er'ng-io ,'v";t', order. cftoePresident.':' .;-'..'' C:, Regular weekly pi ayer meeting ' ;vBt the' Baptist 'cburc'ntghVAV7'r ". ' j ' . ..ip'clock, 4. Members are earnestly -i j guested jto'Bttend, anrj cprdialj my!- '-;'r' ';' ii-il1loo;ixtenaed toiAllii-H' l ' . eveAingtt fjd by r.ella,, v'a;ifofTeonesMe.MrsWellajvoneof Wi'SsM National oiHcerspf te:WiX3. T? Trtbe DaBilIe Register; is i of vthe ' , - ' wptnioa thaf; electiori returns i'fyflii 1f;;1t!f)vP9y casea beeniwithheld,''Bndde ' 1 ':,'; ' layed iathe'.interest: of alew on ,;4he reslilt, ljetjufelbile' . . . ,. v. , . ; m x i T"i j... ar 'i rt innn i- im I vol. b. ureensDoro. n. u, inursaav nuvemDer o, 1000. no. i4u. Married, Wr(lnhday morning, Nov. 7th, at 730 o'clock, by Rev. Dr. J. Henry Smith, Mr. Percy bright to Mist Li'y Pricr, daughter of Mr. P. D. Price, all t thi cit . The happy cotiple look the 8 o'clock rain 'or a tour nounw.trd. r ' m r There will he a Martha Wash ington Tea at the residence of Mr. W. E. Stone, on Thutlay. Nov. Sth, fiom 5 to 10 c m., for the bec- efit ol tha organ fund of the Episco pal churcb. Music anrf refreshment!. All are cordially inyitfd to attend. 1 .-We learn tnat younj Mr. Will Dodton, son ol our townsman, Mr. S. C-Dodton,. was in a very cri'icsl condition iat night at midnight, but h,d with him the most, skilllul phy sicians that could b procured from Fjiyeiteville.' ,. , '1.,' LIST OF LETIEtig , Remaining in tbe Postoflioe in Greena boro. N. 0 Nov. 8, W83 J ; , Alfred Carson, Josephine Ducei CharKe Fulps, Afred Gywn, Ciria HameMar Sork," Betty Normenr, W J Parrish, Lulah Water, Gertrude .Wright ) . V; ::,., .. Pertont calling for . tbe above letters will pleaae say adfertl-ei 1 : i , ' : V ; , '. Gao. Hi Gkbaob't, P. H. . --The Young JleVa Missionsty j Society ot t'ae Baptist church in this city, at their regular i monthly ftieef Jng . on Tuesday night. .November fjin,'elecied the following officers for Jthe ensuing ternl oT; six months j , " Pbes:dest DrC'W, W.' Rowe. ' Vioti-PitBS-Jobn Thonaa - Secretary -. S. Moore. Tbe eb Geo. W , Paschnl. , ; Ass't 1iias RV. vVfaver' i The dwelling of Mr. C.B. Green of Dtfrhaiti, wirs bufned Wednesday morning at a o'clock; VMost : of the , lurniture was saved ""in a damaged condition, and a part of 4 the " house. There was some . insurance. t 1 he Recorder "says the fire was of incen- ' diary origin, and ttiitt' Mr., ilreen I nna oseoxnrca..e u -r., land in addition to this information . .came that one hundred cartridges and The'Rebeilion of the Dai stCS v A beautiful Cantata,' - requir ing s'xty persons . to present it.3 w"' be givm Fiidsy night. Nov. 9lh, in Benbow Hall, lor (he , benefit.of .the proposed hospiial ol; the West .End K!ng's Dauabtera. The whole "plot 01 the song Vs replete with , p easing jws.i -Besides the tweni,? children, who wiV astonish the audience with their sli'jiijj. twent) -five young la dies and 2entlemen,x well; known to , e"n oro!s best qcVty,' ake 'part 1 Canlat,. Tt)eoiestral mil- in . . , - vi' ' ! - , v i i ' a s:c by theMeMi..r Woodrofiesana Alderman, is worth the . entire ;prct 35 cts , crt;:dren onderjuto ; yei-ia TlS ,,,e- G;een90or0 Book Store; Stirred upxon the subject of the elec t!on, and the excitement is jutt W ginning to dooit"diwni i Tbere; have been a number of lurprises In the n turni breahtn.but nothitig 'more o.thQ'ihe r!c0ri of the Third Paw ty vote! Eye y man Is enticed to bis '. oyvn opinion in thia t ountry, and we bad ours, which was that the Proh -bition vote would show a falling off. and that because it would, toe cause Would be weakened by pret :ng the matter at this time. Another point we bel:eve to be true it that the real strength ot Prohibition principles lies in those who did not to vote on last Tuesday. They have not been beat en in this election ; they have wasted nj money nor effort, and are rot chagrined at the . result. Of course there will be comments made ry those who feel authorized to review the situation. 'It a aot wholly in our line. . ; ' '' ' v - rawBteart. , A eomfortable boose on Ws'lnjton Btreet, With seven rooms, Isfor cent Posse selsn given tbe 0rt of January, 1880, , Appyly to nov84w. '. , '- " ., ". ' Uotea StrAuaa. ' Xoat A pair of gold i'mmel p- rtsoles, the fad. r cf wlilch 1!' be rewsrund by b.'nig samcto ttrtoffliW;, ,. ,'((, novS tw VU klr.t Pi.fclcatf Thosecholce j ' 1 b v the gallon from Heinz have aviiyed. Ah d . Sauces, 4c , at - Mloce Veal, OCup, i' . Scott A Cos Piime new boctwheat ; ioor from Pa. ,. also Heckers, ,1.e,r-!slnji'' buckwheat at' " k. v. ' - Scott ACo'a. ' . ::' : in , ; -; I have opened at the j abow cornet a new stock of goods. SUholM Fancy, and Family groceries, frenchcandle, eaewe"' and Jellies of all kinds ) la fact, all k nda of Fancy goods kept In a arst-claaa store, rralt as 'pecl avltr 'Mak a trial ca t. '. .. . , - ' D00 boift Trench candy -Mllrec from the factory at 25c per lb., pore goods, nofl w , K. U. Caldoliuoh A Bao. ,,, ,: ' Baawtif aJ Ftowosw, . ' Mrs kt. Lamb, Clay street, baa In la ."gs vr. rlety and frmi ta favorite Chbtsikthsmuii, sod offers to any who may wish them and on fair termsj a supply, either of roots for plant ing or the flowers for boqnets. The blooms being out In foil feather roots can be selected now with full aasnranoeof getting what la wanted. Do not fall - to visit ihe garden within the next few days. ? ! : y novl4f' Boys' shirt waists lSo, at at. Straus'. ' . -Children's woollen hoods, hand made at : -:;l- 1? V . ' - '. -siuf M. Strauss'" Ladles' sewed pebble lace: orfbutton shoes, only Boa, u.j ; ... 4 , -, ; js. otrauss. Good bleached table Tamark, worth 75c, on ly 60a, atv v . A. Btrausr, tables, vests, 85c, 40c, 50c, 75o and l, at . . y ; . j . ' . ,, M, Strauss'. Children's vests. 15, SO. 25 and 80 cts, at '-f iifiT:- ---- '' M Strauss'. ; " Good workmen's pants) 50, 75 and tl. at . ' ''.: ,:.- : ;. .. . .. :i M- Strauss'. Good Cassimere pants, 3.50, 3.00 and 8.00. :...:. . at M. a: rants'. , Wool'en over shirts, from 50o no, at : --;''.',''.': 1 .-, -i;-.; , .v it. Birauas'.. Ken's bovs and cVttiren'a suits and over- oats cheaper than 1 be Cheapest at M. Strauss' : Ladles' ahoe front-fty cents np. Uenf boots. from :L0O to 3.li'.a ; . U. titrauss'. One-day and 8 day clocks at a vei 1 low price .. o88w , tni'-xj ?;;.' V M. Strauss'... ; :.tv;';U.(f, .a.,.,',..,,..'. ,f i yv .: Bag-rase Wood Bastnmw I ' ?. H. A C. 'A. .Hendrtxr have, eitabUabed themselves In tlm B4aU6ss or drayngs ana ore wood supply for tJie acbrarADdtloiu)f alttzens. Their drays will meet al' ln-comlng trains, and trunks and other tggge will pe. conveyed to and fr at kl hooral da, or nlaht. la any part j ofhe city, .Theit woodyard will ,be sopp ted wltlfwobdatt, descriptions -desired, atrea- sonable rstes. whetheF the wether be fair or mt tu the weather. Or- d left at the store V Hendrlit spires, East liJABttJreet w Chare a5tentlbn.-031.tf : .,.:;'-,: , . .... iim.-i :; , V ; 'i:.?iJwoorloi. roMt. ' ';: i Ws art.now" teostv f ew goods for the winter trade, mb'Solig Jellies, craned goods plcii;' v"j ;'c -. Bams, cheese, oocoanats grapes, toffees,r.teaB, avy beans, flour, new Crop molanes, orioget ao4 all other gdods kept n afliajt ctast grocery ' ir$ ' nod-tw, ; E. M, Cs boliooh A Bao. Boarderw, ; A few boarders can be accommodated,' sorAe with rooms and others with meals, at the resi dence of Mrs. M B. Steele on Davis St. Also transient boardera. , p8-lw WewJeedn If you want somethlag new call on uoVJ-tf W. T. CmcuEfrraa. Dike BNk fio. Theimomatera for deooratlng, Japuaese Bric-drBtao, Hook Marin, Paper Weight, large variety B0 centa 13 moa. Cloth-bound Blatea, Ac o3U-tT For HenU A four-room cottage on Bprlng atreet, South Oreenaboro. New house pleaaantly located. Apply to. J, 8. Hi'ntsb, C(ia-lm at Scott A Co'a. Jukt ltecelv4. A Urge lot of banjo and violin strings at oc2-tf i Tats Bao'a. ... .Try tha "Urand ltpulxlc" the best ci gar on earth for 5 cents, at Tate Bro'a drug store. oc39-tf Ckichekter Is nulling out goods lively. He has the largest snd cheapest stock you most ever saw. Don't fall to go np stairs to see the new and beantl hi I things he ha. Chick Is a rusher. Oo and see him. Three floors full of goods. o27-t( for Keut That nice llttl9tore room In Trogdon build ing only tis.00 per month. Apply to oc$-lm " 8. I TaouDOir. Foe Rent. ' Eleven large, new and well lighted and ven tilated rooms, aud two large basements, each with floor, fron$ and back atalrways, water and gas oa each floor, elevator for hoisting wood, coal, etc. In Trogdon building1 splendid place for private family or nrst-class boat ding house. - Kent cnl &flO per month. Apply oc23-lm .1 to 8. L, TaooDOH, A new and convenient eottage on Greens St, recently ooeupled by myself. Possession given at once. Apply to r W. A. Hrs, o90-tr 7 atSoott ACo's. ....Heating and cook stoves, grates, and ornameatal stovs WhutJs, .Stock oomplete and ' '' '"'': -I ro Boat, v ; "-V'i A neat, convenient and comfortable cottage on Greene! street, I'good neighborhood and healthy. ' House has rive rooms- Inquire of ocl(- - v ' 1 1im.U'A. 8urrt& ... .Gang, rides and sporting goods ot all kinds. Any northern quotations gladly dupli cated. ' Harris A Fliffsm. silver plateaware, carvers and cutlery. Prices no object HiBRnAFuppa. ..... Shells, empty and loaded. Big stock and prices .ow as anywbere. . : ; ocli-tf Hakbis A FLIPPtN. - . ' ' L,a lion, - Mrs. E. G. Poland and Miss K. I J. StovaU are prepared to make your dresses, also cloth ing for both girl and boys, at their residence, next door to Mr; H. Cartland on Asheboro St. Patronage respeoefuly solicited. ' i ol3-1.m . ' . . i- ,'...'' . For Bale. ' , A buggy, at Vamtory's stables. Also one good milch cow. ,: t : L. A, Bailbt. . oco-u : . , . - . GsaadSM for Yourself. At D. B. Yancey's, stall No. 5, situated at lower end of city market,, you will tee the fin est beef, mutton, pork, and sausage of both kinds pan and link that has been seen siuce Greensboro! has had a market r tanoey Is de termined to V eep constantly . on 'band, some thing nice to please his oustomers. . Dont fall to call before buying your Sunday supply. oc5-tf - 1 ' Fresh Oyalera Oa Ice, At railroad eating house These oysters are extra Urge, and from the Naoaemond rlv rtbeds. A limited qnanttly; sold fsmllles Send In your orders early, please,: v ; ", ' ' ' sslWt - A, L VaBHOM, .3 HaveYou'sWets ps KLvCi-'T- .The big red sign at the racket store. Hot paper 3c quire, Thomas' black Ink. 8c, 5c lead pencils 9 for 3a. Lace window curtains , 71C worth tl,00. ..J-?l .Hvr--S.5w. ....Thompson's Genuine Bromine Arsenlt Water, from Ashe county, i s ' . Tate Bros. ....Thompson's Genuine Bromine Arsenlo water, rrom Asneouuiij.- ( ;c v i : . : - 1 ' - . ... ..t.Genutag Buffalo Lithla, frbmBuflalo Llthla Springs, In bottle and bulk at it,; f v '.'".. J,''-'V-v-.--f ..'v .Tate Bros. .Store room formerly oocupted by B. A. F.3m' ulng A Oo. Apply to , : 0. 0. Wbiob. THE DAILY WORKMAN MArixTi'fta IB UrMDtlHiro, and betnoonsulted dally or a aorta of boat nest Ban, It a tptendld advar. tlalrg medium. Tbe ad'.tloo Haadvertla In COLUMNS, thowt wbat advertlMr think. Office nude Brnibow Hall, South Eln atreet A Bltaatloa Is wanted by a young lady to teach Drawing, Pointing and Elocution, with other branches If desired. Apply to the editor of tbe Dally nun Liiu. ano-u I am determined to close ont a his lot of lien's women's and chlldrens' low cut shoes st some pi le . Come early and get your pick. Ul)-Wr G. WlXL AftMHCLD. Aalt for 130" svator wlilto Keroosao oil from your grocer. Aakfor ISO" water wblto koroaeaa oil from your grocer. JulylU-om ..."PIllsburv'aBest" takes the omnium wherever exnlbted. It makes more pounds of brad to the bbl than any flour in the world. Ask for 130 water white keroseao ell from yop? grocer. ..."Plllsbury'a Beet" Flour Is uted bv Queen Victoria on the "Boyal Table.,' 0 ...Try PlUsbury's Best. ... .Call for Plllsbury'i Best. J. W. Scott A Co.. Wholesale airents for the Old Virginia Cheroots, Ave for ten cents. Try them. Jalv5-0m . So Poetrv, 1 But a fact, tbat I have Inst received a Una lot of trose U lies' Oxford Ties at prices to su t everybody. Ai't a lot of Hess1 low ont sho, e and culli1 et'.i Vi"..vam Snipers at half ooet Come and see tbem .'or rourself. JeKf G. Woj. AaitnBLD. C"on all dealers and smoke tbs Old Virginia C.vToota. Five for ten oanta. ....PiUsbury's Best. Old Virginia Cheroots t -j as good as anvlve cent cigar In the world. ,. Five for 10 centa. . . .. . For Sale or Bent. ' . . ; Dwelling house on East Washington street, containing seven rooms, pleasantly and oonvo alently located, la for sale on accomodating terms. Apply to Ds. H. a. Alfosd. oneistf , ... . - c-.- cheap smoke." Thors Old Virginia Oheoots. Five for a dime, at Soott A Co's. ,t. . , .We hare Jnst received a nice Hrle 4 ' Insets CH autl exum'ne oar stow.,' r" Jywf lours truly, . W. T. Cbichhtbb. ForKeaV, a ' One dwelling house on Oak Street oontalna tour rooms, two porches and a pantry.' Ih house is new. See ' Da. H. tL Axroan. ' Feb. itt-tf 1 : ... A good white woman to do eeoeral houas work Good Wages apply at Patriot Ofnoe. mays-u : - - : o s ....Genuine Bufralo Lithla from ButTalr lithla Springs, in bottles and bn.k at ' , late Bros., O ' ' .'...AnvrtflTon ortipT30iis wlthlnar to .our- chase a ui ic- CweUlng l.ou'oi 18 rooms w'ta ii-.-eejwches, ttat has been for yea-a useil as a bouit' nc; Lore, or a neat oottage of four rooms, or n'.ce tnMlmr loss cheap, can be acoomouui -.-J on the most r'easonnble terms by appl.ving to D. F. Caldwslx. HHrlntr decided to leave Greensboro. I have ' lnScnth Greensbonvone house and a vacant lot for sale, cheap. It is near the Centenary M. K church. For further information apply of Jepl-U' - 4. A. KKBNODI.B 0 ' VSio'CoraortiOt, To V't ' 00U " j become i-ooL to cool off. to keeu . ' . a'.-r you get cool; to cool yourself to 1. ool ; our uiends, and at the same time grat- ' ! y joui-tusre, appiy at toe aoaa fountain ot Geo. 1'iot.lmona, .1. ' y. unao-tl . r' , Cbeap Fuel. : Greensooro GbS Co.'s Works keep coke ft)l sale in any quanta? Orders will receive the promptest auennot.. ooi . - , Good people all, If you need your Fur- nituie v.tia'shea or repaired,- oarpets laid shades 0." rornlcs bar 3, or any work done In tbe uonsr iiu olsblntr line, please call on or aead :or wu. H. Thomas' Building, jrjpho'ilerlng a specialty. - i - .;' V -. , 'O r--;-.- . Some nlceoQces, rrontlnw Main atreet 8. 8, Brown's btove. Apply to ; ' . v sepw ; su.. ).-,, w. a. uaviix " i I TtaTf: Go to Chichester's for flower aota. ,AU kinds and very crBmp. ' all-tf. t fJ'-(i.-X') Cheap , BowAib. '' 'S'vfc-'.f The following books are ottered at Mrs How ' ards.Beok Store at 1"S than one-half tne 1 usual price.-: " v ' ( 1 ' ' " , ' Byron's oomplete works, Illustrated, 8 yo. ' do. and gilt, at B8, former prloe .50. Burns' oomplete wtrxs, wuntratea, 8 vo. 010, : and gilt, at k'i, formerprlce i.50. " . "f - Hayhe's oomplete poems, illustrated, efo - and girt fl.& forme prioes.OO. " ' unGivuizea tuoesowne wona, luuermwi, 14.00 pages sheep BL60, former price ta.0C , uewmnirs rruit ana rrun trees 01 ahiotks, ever 900 pages, tl.50 former price B4X0. Dick's Enlyoopedta HJ practical receipta 11.00 forme price 5.00. f yasarrs, Uvea or tbe Painters, 0 volk aa ' tvoU Co pcr's works, ,all for' t5-8 vol foftn.75.) . . Life, Sermons; anl (peechea i Bev. Dt Reld, 25 cents, 7 Bwmons, Addresses and prayers, by D. I. TCoody, M centa, - . 1 (MyW. n r -it ' 1 r- . , .affected by the same cause. , Jty votei Eye y man Is entir'ed -.-'-' -v . -V -': J,:-' "'v'' Uy-! ;-;;:'iV;v; ? "' ' i.