;.(. ' ' ' ' 1BE DAILY-WOEKMAN. , h. M1CIIAUX. Editor. , ' J.' 8. MICUAUX, Local Editor. News Items Wanted. v , , We will be obliged to parties In any part of the city, and in other sections represented by the Daily Workman, o commpnicate to us eitHer verbally or by other means, any interesting matters ot lact or business coming under their notice.. Thus do'ng they will oblige us and help entertain and inst uct our readers. W here not con venient for the reporter to do so, the . editor will throw the matter into shape for publication. Attend the "Martha Washington Tea Party" this evening at Mr. W. E. Stone'..., See notice elsewhere. Election Returns HOfa THE VOTE STANDS. Telegraphic Reports From the Different Counties, A Very Sad Accident, Cnpt. W. C. Dodson, conductor on the' C. F. and Y. V. Railway, was was side tracking some cars at Spout Springs, Tuesday evening, November 6th, at about six "o'clock, and was on the top of a boxcar. A steam saw-mill near the side track has a large wooden contrivance through which shavings from the mill are . blown to the opposite side of the road, and while Captain Dodson was off his guard he was struck on the head by the contrivance spoken of and was thrown down on a flatcar; by which j his,'skull was seriously fractured, Physicians were summoned imme diately, and the patient taken in spe cial charge. We did not hear of the affair untg yesterday after our .'paper had gone, to press. At that time, and even until about noon to-day, ,,the condition of the patient war re garded as i almost hopeless, but we are glad to learn since that he it bet ' ,ter, ' The father and mother went . down as soon as possible to be with their ton in the calamity. . ' , .))' -' The Election. V ' - It ia conceeded on' all' hands that """""tlTti republicans have . carried the -. national election, Indiana and New v i Yrc having gone republican, but . at this writing it would be impossi- .' ble to give the details. It was con ' aidered all the while by many that as New York went so would' go the 1 whole question, and such is the fact in this instance, New York continu ing to be the pivotal state. The sin ews' of war and the sinews of ' an - -election are often one and the same. The plurality of Gen. ' Harrison in ' New York is estimated at u.oocy ; ' The State, of .North Carolina, has ' gone Democratic, it is claimed, by ' a ' t considerable majority, the papers . claiming the Legislatvre by thirty on joint ballot. But this is nb certain. There seems to be no doubt of the i election of Fowle for Governor, while there have 'been some changes ' in the representation in Congress. But taken altogether there has been . - ,a political revolution quite unlocked - 'for. V ', ' r . -';'. J , ' " A supplement which we' send out with this issue, shows simply the re t' ' 'suite in- Guilford; county, but these t , '-wer not whelly ' unexpected." The philosophizing mind will carefully ' ' i - "digest causes,, as .far as possible, herd ' , after while men who fear God and ' ' - '. keep JHis commandments will adjust '" '. Uhemselves t6, all. changes with reli - ' -aijcer;upon 'Him as the Supreme ' -"'' Ruler 6yer all,,. . ' . -ii'" Cranberries. '. . . A. r ' Choice Cranberries and plenty of them at .-. . - ' - cottiCo's.' ; The Wonderful Healing Preuarationi of ? , Darby's rrophyJ actio fluid. , , ' ,' .Wherever m pseventing, .. healing, " Cleansing, and deodorizing in eotion or wash is required ture Darby's Proghy- lactic Fluid. - Any inflamed surface, ex ternal or internal,, treated with the fluid will be quickly relieved. 'It hits effected ' our"S that had resisted the best medical " ksiiL , - .. -I J BICHStONi). ' Rockisgium. N. 0., Nov. 7. Richmond, Dockery's borne oonnty, goes Republican by 75, a greatly reduced majority. 1IUTDFLL. Btaiebvillb, M. C, Nov: 7. Ire dell oonnty gives Cleveland a, ma jority of 1,200, a Democratic gain of oUU. , CATAWBA SHORT OF 2,040. Hickory, N, 0 , Nov. 7.Ca tawba gives 1,580 for Cleveland and Fowle. CLEVELAND LEADS IS THIS STATF. Rai":igh, N. C, Nov. 7.-544 precinots give Cleveland ' a gam of 5,440 over his vote in 1884.. He i leading the ticket. , ' ANSON. ,. Anson oonnty goea Democratic by 1,100 majority. Rowland leads the ticket ' ' -bbcnswick.': ':. Sootbport precinct gives Doctery 203; Fowle150. Republican elec tors 158; Iiookey JSU; Rowland 108; Galloway 163; "Walker 196; Cannon, 197; Bennett 162. - , ' !" BUNCOMBE, , Asheville city Cleveland's ma jority 149. Fowle's majority 233, Bnnoomba oonnty is safe for three or four hundred majority. CABTEBST. . Ia Carteret county ' the entire Democratic Electoral, btate and CengressioDal tioket is eleoted by over 500 -majority;11 The county tioket by 300 majority. " Beaufort '. gives F6wle ' 144 Dockery 216 votes; the Democratic Legislative " candidate 114, lnde pendent 69,EepubJican 103, Demo cratic CcgreaiimairtllTJvepnblt can 212. , Cleveland electors 140, Harrison electors216. . ' - CBAVES OO0SiT. ;' , - . The city of . New Berne gives Fowle 516, Dockery 84b, fciimmons, 669, Cheatham 687 Cleveland 615, Harrison 840.- ' - , ' CtMBEBLASD COtJMT. Cumberland county covers itself with glory. It is Demooratio by 300 to 500- majority. -Fayetteville gives over 200 Demooratio majority, Sutton- overwhelmingly elected The - majority for the State and national ucitev is not so large. . '.. ' KEW HAKOYEB. Leaving out the townships'; of Federal Point and Cape Fear,.this Is the vote of New Hanover oonn ty: Cleveland 1,878, Harrison 2, 473, Fowle 1,829, Dockery ; 2,460, Rowland .1,798; Lockey 2,459, Strange 1,745, Rioe 1,870, Manning 2,259, Johnston 950. The vote of Manning and Johnston is minus also the',' Masonborp " vote. . , The amendment, has ' been carried by a large majority. . . . Franklin elects the entire Demo- Cratia ticket by 200. , ' t, ' i HENDEEBON. ' Henderson precinct gives Fowl! 463, Dockery -571; Charlton, Re publican; bver Simmon for Con- gjreBB, e. ' ' ; " i JOHNSTON COUNTY. The con test in Johnston county ends with a JDemooratio maioritv. The Radicals in' Johnston county are down 'oil' the printers' and edi tors and threaten all kinds of in juries banging, '. shooting, . . etc They placed a rope with a hang man s noose 4o it oa the. door of the Herald ofSoe, but the Herald force loaded their guns and held the?ort.. ' , , .i'.! ' ' - dceham.j ,- "V , u Dnrham, gives 200 Democratic majority. ,u ; t . . 1 ; " ' ' 1 EDGE0OHBE. ' ' ' ); . i. . L.',r...ii1 "'ih' i',v i . 'ii'T,: .;:V.!." . n ..." : All the Republican county of5- cors are eleoled. The negroes 'drew the color line. Simmons ran a little ahead of the State ticket. ' - ROBESON COUNTI. ' : ' :.' i - Robeson county is carried by the Deniocrata, - ' ' ' r Sampson will give a large Demo cratio majority. f . - WAYNE. ' , - GoLDBBOtto. Not.; 7. In Wayne oonnty the entire Demooratio ticket is elected by a large majority. , BICHJiOND. , v , Williamson township, Riohmond county, gives the Demooratio nomi nees a majority of 217; . Booking ham, a Demooratio majority of 55; Laurinbarg gives ' Harrington, Democratic ' nominee for sheriff, 182 majority. ; The oonpt will be close Dead jratio. .': "Wbo did jon say is to be the next President?" "Ob! 1 don't know and don't care. I'm not looking forSPrcBidents I'm look ing for a bottle of Salvation Oil. It kills pain every time, zo cents. One of our 'most estimable citi zens may be thankful for the intro duction sf Dr. Uou 8 uougn ayiup, for 4ta timely use has saved his life. For incipient . consumption it is a certain remedy. Price 25 cents. An Elegant Substitute , . , . For Oils. Bulw, .i'ills, and all kinds of bitter, nauseous Liver Medioinea and Cathartiee ia the very avreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. Its advan tages are evident, it is more easily taken tnore acceptable to tin stomach, more pleasantly, effective, and more truly benefloialto the aystem than ny other remedy. Reoommended by leading phTaiciana. - t ' . " Will! . dahger;signal PONTINUAL nse has made Simmons U Liver Eegnlator .widely popular. In order to make money from the great reputa ion g&inea rrom tnis remedy un eorapaous adventurers have gotten up cbeap counterleus, dftnReroua to nealtu and stick on these frauds' a name clone- It resemblinir the genuine, to deeeive the uuKary into baying , their inferior goods. '.;vv'f; w'f 1 j '..' FaswIy'tNiirA, Nassua eo. , Fla L I have alwaira naad-Dn, 8immoo' Ia- er Rearuktor and alwava found it to d o what is ol im'd for il The last bott'o and two package did me no good, and were worse than i nothing. , I see it is not putup by J. H. ZeiUn ft Co., Is not genuine and ia a was e of money to hay it. "I world be glad to get the gen uine. Bend me some from honest bands (with red Z and Zeilin ft Go's signature on the wrapper.) ' This fictitious stun sold will injure some ojie badly. . ' ; . rfi , v T. Ricsb- - Nona .a genuine without' the Z stamp in red on front of .wrapper, . r and the seal and signature of J. H. Zeilin ft Co,, on the side,,, - : t.' ; , - CASSARD'S VERY CHOICE SMOKED BEEF TONGUES -' !all early, ajr supply is limited" Oassard'? Pure Lard, . . .. ' Vj ,Oassard's Mild Cured HamS& Breakfast' Bacon - - .' RBSH SUP?LVOF , ' DEIEDRt;EE and QREAM CHEESE, ( I r'W tji a U at . .DOUGHTY'S. Concord and ' Scuppernon grapes', mnannas) and a lull line or . li.,m onona zroix unif j SHOES .'' FOR " UADe ' AKD FOR SOHpOD, qHILPW, AndshoeS jforj. anybody, from i one , " , - dollar upi,,at - . , :; CVIi: Dbiigh'tys'-. nn"jri.vn:,nnniTrnv, Ulli Js Us L.iUJUiiik uloe for the present at bis .residanoe Vfon Asa street opposite Alrh,iP, OPENING WHAT? -(o). ;' , . f ' ' ,; s EVERY DAY THIS WEEK-WE HAVE BEEN BUSY OPENING FRESH LINES OF Fine Dress Goods, . Ladies' Wraps, Carpets, Rug-s, AltT SQUARES, DRUGGETS Curtain Goods. . ' 1 .. a :.:"'., - .. ''"'. , V ' ,A '. MR. BROWN HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK;: AND r THESE GOODS' ARE ALI ' ' The. Very Latest: Tilings Out, . Onr etock of Clothing is Complete and jr-ntlemes, are iuvitod (o; oaU and select their tails and bverooats, before' h:e iifiea ' ari too jbadly, broken. - , .,- 0i - ,t , ' ,"; - Sample S.-Bro A's ONE PRICE HOUSE. -; :, ORGANS and PIANOS. ' . -. c Grecrtsbqro,. MC. .. Oktf$i merchant iniow7i, " . ,., . :. i BbM'a the old reliable SHONNINGER, ClZ v; new styles just out, see out) from $55 to 885. ; all closing pedala, They have proved ex . , ' eeedinglyiSAtisfaetory, in . the hundreds of them I have sold, and (I can safely say, style ' 25 at 868 and 61 at 872 are the best ever Bold in this country for the money. See great ' luuiiy uomv testimonials. r Y vprignt pianos, irom up. Fall toilinery, Nolious. Glove, ' 'White Goosey. Goods', .V the " original 6r-t nttr. "Wall Jpaper, to. One 718 OetSqnare Qriud ?ir ', auo, t round ourners,t3 Htring Agraffe throughout, been us ii some', foe & $161 cash. - , " - aeo 25-d6v-4w REECE & ELAf,l, JO 15 PRIM KItS, House anc) Lot, For Sale. V' 'if Under? BenboiO Hall," , -in - Greensboro;, C. :;;i3AL;E;:o.;:i; dill Wachtnery. BT virtue of an'order of the Superior Oo'ur,t of Quilfopd- county, we the undersigned, will sell at public auction at the Court House door ia Greensboro on Monday, tbtfOth day'of December, 1888, the engine, 4?oiU. mill,, and mill machine! y lately used in the grist and flouring ' mill, of J. M SagheS, in Greensboro.' '!. Alsd the mill bouse in which the mill is p!eoed to, be remov ed from the lot on Vbich it sfands. , Here ia an opportunity for an invest-' ment i i Valuable ' mill, -property. r Cull and examine t jthe r property Terms cash. -.' John fl. Dhwibd, . , ' 3 I irvr' SI. Soon, ,' '. v s :ft-c"- i " THE subscriber offers for sale pri-', i , irately the valuable property o -Edgeworth street in the oity of Oreens- borov known aa tn'e late 'residenco' of Mr. B. N.. Ingold. ,Xhe hous consists - of two stories, and contains sir- rooms, . and is known as a c' " - ' ! .- SNUG $ COMFORTABLE ; i t ;,i ' '-'wi-.'ti . .;. v. !.. : i - , t home The premisea embrace an. acre of ground, and the dimensions are 300 . z lfiQCeet. i There ia an orchard of'sft-' lei t young. trees, also a small meadow. A'well of FwaW on the lot ia known to . be inexhaustible. - Persona ' Wishing' 'tq purchase will apply by letter to J. E. 1 taring CoItand eman, N, Ot v. S I ADxl39.WAVTED,te,Workfoiu8 V L, at tMir own Homes. 7.to.510 per -' -i week oan be easily made; no enn, vassing; facinating and steady employ. '" ' ment. Partieulanrand 'samnle of tha .utorh sent for stamp.' 'Address Hour. :'' sura , wo., jf e ,u. nox yfio. - upitcin. - Mass T 2102t a. Mm l m . ... I Keiuwtir .!, m '.o luri.Mt. 4 Imilrwwliivi.mml,'. i. t octl24da".?J i, Commissioners.1 v -