.3' i : i. '-. n i f v " " ' " a f A...., L.aLii l. Llk.ii.ii in rcai.s -..-.; ," 611 time, a fwh M an 1 ,ing Piper, at f 3.00 J fx, In advance. For six" months, tt&O, for three months, 73 cent, and to ttio" who W ' - - PROMPTLY. ' , 16 oxnta per month. On ttfmtA payments, 85 cnts per month, to psy frii of Ml lectlng. . : iMierid at ifu peit cjfUxi Urtini' ro,l C, at onnl-oUt$t inn t. RAILWAY CUiDH. ; Gkiinsboko, June 34, iCC3. j BIOKMOITd'A OAKTOX EATLFOAD, , Arrives from Biohmond at 9 43 am " " " 1083 pm Lmtm lor lUohmond at ' V8 60 p a " 8 05 an VOBTI CAJOLOU BAILaOAXi. '' v ' Arrive from Charjotte at 8 00 a m -" 80 pro Lmtm (or Charlotte at 9 46 a m M 10 writ Arrive- from Goldaboro at ;8 85 o m Leave for Oolileboro at v'vOCm OBTH-WATHll . a BAIUKAD. Arrive from Balem al 8 00 am .t v 9 SlOp b Lmtm (or Baleon at v 10 00 m M iOMpa I ... a W. A t. T. KAH.BOATH ! i, Traiw Afoving North. . Leave Ben nettrrille at ..... . 8 00 a. m. Arriv at Greensboro. r.V.'. . .t 80 p. m Leave Greensboro, .......... 8 00 p, m. 'Arrive Mt Airy. 7 00 p. m. W " ' ' ' lrain$ JLfoting fcuth. , ,v Leave lit. Airy. .8 45 a. m. ArriTO at Oreenaboro 7 A3 a. m. Lmt Orennaboroi 10 05 a Arrive at ltonaettaville. . .1..J 80 p. mi . ..' SCHEDULE OF MAILS: ' 1 ' j Hail going North closed 9 00 p m' ',1.1 i " . : r " . ,, , -8 00am... -o, ; . " Booth - k. 9 00 a to , . , ..'v 900pm SalamBr'oh1 . ,9 00 am East '. ' 8 00 Dm .' I T , .,0..aT.Y.l.,' . 900am General delivery opnn (rom 8tX)am to 8 83 D to., exoent darinor the distri. fcntioa c( rnaiU. the UoneT Order and r.egi! rr. l letter oI3oe opea froix' 9 00 a m to b j r ro." . ' LOOAL IIITELLIGENOE. . - Capt. J. E. Gilmer, of Winston, n ' hit teen here t6Jyxn fcriefvislt, llr. Ciorum was not at the Commissioner. Meeting last nighf , We are plea J to hear tbt tne : Lea!. h of Mrs. GaaiplaEriwalt im- Part of a lady's neck ger iwa'a ;icke ! x, 01 tl si.'a rut'c here to Jay ui 1. xs !;i!iit .vncr. ' ; 'JS . -- j -a ( :e to I 1 ; i.. ; -vej by the supply of a stormi door if r that is tE4.wora. The Detroit Post , and'. Tribune V r-J ths riatis of 'PecVe T xi Tjy kept tLe lar;e audience present in a . .continual roarof laughter " ' The condition of tbipgs ; a Gainesville, Fla, is reported - to be -;!Lvcrr ' ' deaths, no new cases,' ' "1 a rood hiry frost. ) Ur. Vernon V. Ldngp-editor of the TTtesten Sentinel is announced as cneot the candidates for Engrossing c' k cf tl? Ilouca of Represesc.ita- 4. .' " .' if . " 1 ' t The walls of the new engine - - trs CA5rjf up rapidly, and the ;. -.'i w" i t'..-g, Couth JEltn street tr3 1 ' paved at a good rate of A i J -'Tl'l ITj'Sfjawe have people . ' - 1 5!v to reform the ' ", ; t ... j ' d tra WiUIrj to it .1 1 "r cc:.t3 nJ attend t it fit' ; t itl-ov ." r 1 li i- 1 Vol; 6. Greensboro, bnice at VVtatminster Preaby teriAci church for to-morrow t Preaching at 1 1 a. m. and 4 p. m by the pattoL- Rev. Egbert W. Saqlth. ', Sunddv School at 2130 p. m. SrranEers'are cordially Invited to thcM aervica. r Miss JLaura Dsfidson, ot Gib- sonil!e, spent. eeral bours here to day on her way toviait ber sister, Mrs. f. T- Ogburn, at 8ummerfield, in view of the fact that aa lira. O- will shortly remove,' with her bur- band, Rev. T. . Ogburn, to his new charge at Henderson, the distance betweeii' them ,will be much ' increaa ed. '- --. ' . , ' Buddea 'Death of Judge Settle. ' As rhight wellbe, asaunled from he nature of the case, our commuri- 1 ity was startled no .little when the sudden death of Jvdgx Thomas Set- Tt, which occurred in Judge Dick's room ; in the United States Court house, at a quarter past I a ,; to day, was announced oil the afreet. The particulars, as near as we are able to give them, are as follows : The Judge was complaining yes terday of a pain in the region of the i. , t heart, tfs of a neuralgic affection f that brganj although' is 'he "passed dqvytiSovth EJm near dusk on his way name he -was as lull of life and animation as we ever saw him. This miming, at something near the hour of to o'clock, he spent soaae time in the office of the North State, and was -present and concurring when Col, Coy j gave a' client an ' opinion - i- .- ... on a point of law. Cemplaining of a grcwingly intense jpain in the left breast, the judge walked toward, the U. S." Court ; house," and ; meeting Judge Dick, remarked to, that gentle aian that he .wassuffering greatly and desired to repair to Jiidge Dick's room vjhere. he could lie down, This arrangement' was effected immedi ately, and Dr. Glenn .was sent ibr who administered . one fourth of . a grain of . morphia by hypodermic syringe, under the effects of which, howeer, the patient grew rapidly worse', lying on the lounge in Jud -je Dicks' room, where he' breathed his last a few minutes after 13 o'clock. The yames of the persons present are '.tl .";.Col."Jas, E. Boyd, Dr. R. K. Gregory, Dr. Chas. M. Glenn, Jit. Ellis Iloskins, Capt, L. A.. . Bailey, Col. D. Settle and Mr. John Payne. T1.3 alarm was quickly given, and .the family of the deceased, who live in So"ih ' Greensboro,' C'-'-e, in - k r . i :x . . it m.-y De ,ct -t ta .say t' tV 3f.Ii in the rr'ari cf t 1 t 1 f l -'. vy -., s . 11' t , I T ' v " V I' " "''y tr.l'.-: I v ' . 1 1 - f N. C, Saturday ,'Deoember at Wt Point Academy, N.Y.'-sit" f The death of )foo . SlTTPt will be widely deplored. Ha was able ! his profession as lawyer, and dis tinguished as a politician, aad, aa a United Slates Judge, and as citizen and a neighbor was pre-emintatly kind, genial and Obliging, and was a ' 0 ' I . ) , ' central figure in , the social ' world just such a man, in lact, as wins the Kindly esteem of all, and makes a vacuum by hii aliMnta., The whole community views his death as' a ca lamity,' and sympathizes with the sfflicted family i this their inezpress ibly sad , bereavement. May our Heavenly Father sustain them 'under this dark and painful providence. , ' f Castemers to boy hresd, cakes and other articles In my line, also erders for Christmas cakes of all aorta thai yen need, or think rru wlU want. ' fiespectfolly, J. E. Tox, , , td& ' SpIaUl Baatacae OpralBf i , The rooms ocenpted for to lone a Use by J. E. Them, aa a eoe'eotlooery and bakery, -wll' be for rent after Jan. 1, 1880. The bke-oen and baker's' tlrtnrte W, oemplete for emle. Aim) y ia' .'i.t. TBeK, Tart Mrkf sU, ' ' . , -? 6r to"- Jaa, W. ALBKicfirr, at" dl-tf ' ? ' U -. yi''' verU State offloa. A brass door-key wu picked up at the Poet Office yesterday. ' Apply here. ' td3 Thv IIar ArrtToA. , . ' Those pickles from tlelas eweetmlxed chow Ch6W, plain and soar mixed by tie quart or gUon at ' v 7 T. 8. Bhltow Oo'i.j V"l '"''J"..' '' t.vf- .. JL ". BackWhsMl floalr. The genuine stock at T. 8. Bh.ltos A Ce'i noU-lw . t ' . Pabllo AatcUea. 1 will sell at public auction oa Monday, Deo 3rd, "88, ' la troflt of court houe door at 1 o'. clock, p.m., the Mowing valuable furniture, towiti ' -r : . ." V".VI a bUTMns. 2 bedsteads, 1 wardrooe, it foid- log leaf dining tables and other tables, 1 self' feeding oeaj store (good one) 1 Cook stove no. 7, (Glaecock's.make flit are) 1 kltahen safe. kitchen tab 1 kitchen sink, one baby car riage, one wwh stand, one steam fruit 'dryer, rocking chair, lot of chairs, and various other small articles essentia! for honse-keoplng pur poses. Bememljer Saturday's sale. , . ' " ' J. B. PfAaca, Auctioneer. Greensboro, Nov. SO' 3t ...-.., ( . ; If juwant the Apart Oysters and Oyster Crackers In Greensboro send your orders to U H.vT.VeBt;BallybuUdlng, only 85 cents per quart. ,!;,': ' t-8-tf.; New Maple Syrnp and tahnni TtoW at : : . ;.!, w- "V. : f. y.t aco's. I r Bant. My house on College HIU. Applv to : ' t . Km Bum-Asa, nSS-tf,., :'l i lil'l ... .v' B. P..TAOT. :, I.k for Cm r read TJ -! .' ,. . Onr brad wtgon will viuit jour Lu.. e ewy evenlrj except Suuilay, with a he U Une of breal a i cakes.. Any or. rs you mry a I lnbyv iff f '..-wUl be pro : 'y flUed. t ectfut'y, . tlvtMw " T 8. E::i?t.T()K & Col a 1 : f V T.:--)-s re"' (-) 'U ' . ( .1 1, 1888.:; . No; 159 '" bnge aatortment of Boyster'S oandy Jnst reoeived 0. W. IxTln'e, .nol-lm Ktoo one-story four-room tfviune, on M'tCnQoogh, fronting gprtag street) good lo cation. ' Apply at houee adjoining or addreas ; Mra, KATB POOH, aev.ai-tf Oreensboro, N. C ... . , .t ,tm, . ,., ..cHaatlngMdaook stoves, gratea, aa omamaatal stoveboarda. , Stock complete and prices low. ' ' Habws A Turrm. aook Mara, Voeusg IBAa, , Ton ought to be Mhamod of yourself' not to tend your beat girl a nice box of candy, when you om buy tbetn at soy prtoe nvsa Ucts p to k&O. at Irvln's eandy store. Doli-tf Baargtsga suaA Wm4 B ! IK. A 0. A. Hendrur have ostabUahed themselves la the business of drayage and flro wood supply for the acoairnodatlon of dUsens. Their drays will meet.ali ln-oomlng trains, and trunks and other baggage will be oonveyed to and fro at all boars, stay or night. In any part f the pity. , Their woodyardwlU be soppUed with wood of all descripUons .desired, at rea sonable rates, whether the weather bo fair or foul.' Mo adrantrge taken of the weather. Or ders left at the store of Bendrtx A PearCe, East Market street wlU have attention. o81-t . LOat nanay . . and lots of It, by not buying caxdy and fruit at Irvln's Candy etore. ,. We claim to sell oan dy and put It cheaper than any other house In the1 city. Call and be convinced. 1 ' 'bsit-tf , Sealed proposal for lighting the City of Oreeosbore by Eieotric or G a Ughtl tor one to three yearsH eommencing January 1st, 1B89, will be reeerred.by the Board of Commlsaloners an(U Deoember Mtrr, 1888, ' The City reserving the right to reject any and ail bids. 'H ' - . .. ! ; .u. wnrra, : - nlMmi.. i' -jiChalnnan Light Oom. ;; : : :.' ; s, . r "A coufb'rtable house on Washington Street, with seven rooms, la for rent. PossessUii given theflrut of JsQUsry, 1889. ' Appjly to. 1 : nev8-w. u u 1 I i Hoaea StraoeaL 1 it-. ) .) 1 .. ii ii" 1 r- IJoys' shlr wal-ts Uo,M at. fitrauss', I ' Children's woollen hoods, hand made at ' '. m. Bttaosa' Ladles' sawed pebble lace or button suoes, onlB5o,at j , (, t- r ,,, JCBtrauHs.' ' Good bleached telle Tamark, wortn 75c, on- ryouo, at - au Btrause'. 'Ladles, vests, S5o, 40c; 60o,75c and L, at . , ' ., ; M, Btrauw'. Children's vests,-15, So, 25 and M cts, at . ; . ' ' t ' 1 ' - . ; " M. HUaosa'. Good workmen's pants, 60, 15 and l, at . """ M. birauas. . Good Caesimere pants, 1.50, 8.00 and S.00, 1 -t 1 ,t ; at AL Strum '. . Woollen over shirts, from 500 up, at 1 - i .. . it, btrauxs'. t Men's boys' and children's, soils aud over- ooata cueaper tuan tne cueapnHt at M. btmuf j " Laillee slioet from fllty cents up. ' Kent' noote irom 1.00 to s.ou, at -, M. sttraoas . One-day and 8 day clocks at a very low price i vilun,,; j':;i J I wli uuniuai Pass book of H. H. Tate and C. W. In In. Fludwr will be suitably rewarded by returning same to H. H. Tnfe. " . noli-tf ' Cimibrriea j ' ChOloe Cranborrlei and plenty of theos at ., '-w- X'." t' ' aMMttaVCo , ; i , .i. .1 e 11'; v ... ; '' Dike Hoalt Co. y: , ; . Thermometers; for decorating,' Japanese Brlo-a-Brao, Book Markx,' : Peflr . Weights, large variety 60 cents U mo, c!oth-bound E'at.- Aa- .;. , f ,. .. .O30-U Try the "Grand I.-pub lie" the best cl gar on arthforlA cents,' at TuteBro'a drag store' V ' . r ;'.(' f' ' ,j ?.ct-tf '. 1,'.. i'- Ji.se ) Is n suing eat goo.'s Uv'y. He has tl.e laf-t e 1 ctienp-t stock yoa mojt ever sat. ' Dent t 'itjft ,i '.';sto M " ) nev snd ieac'l f -i . ... ilsl. i. C:.;. '. ,i a r; ' v. Co aul 1. 1 C; a eft: B 'I If 3 1 ti sin town. A;-- E. It. 1'KS :'IX. - ... I t . "1 i 1 ii .Ail la Oreeaabwo, and being;)nfitd aUr tj a . of bnatoeMBta, ta a spl-odld adTtr , -Kaa. The akMl(Ua Urertla 4 COLUMNS, atwwa what adrertlMra think. , Offloa mua Benbow Eall, South Elm street . . ..Shells, emptv and loaded. Bhr stock and prtoee dw as anywhere. oetf- .' ; : BAaaaiei rurrsa. '.raw tftaAa. . . A bua-rv. at Tanatorr'a stables. Also ona good suiea sow. . ' La Bailst. sohi , . .1 m , ' as w ' At D, Yancey's, stall Jlo, a. situated at lower end of city market, yon wlU see tne tn eat beef, mutton, pork, and aausAge of both kind pea and link that has beaa Sean staoa Oreensboro has had a snarkeL' Yaaoey la ste termlned to seep ooastaoUy on hand aoma thlng nice to pleaee his oustomera. Don't fall to oall before buying your bun day supply. . riwah Of Mara Oat leak At railroad eetluir bouaa. Thaae 'vstera are extra large, aai from the Saaamnond rtv bade- A limited quantity sold umUloa oena in your oraers early, pleas. seia-cr , -A T. vaaaev, v. MawwYaxs IT The big red sign at the racket store. Mote paper 80 quire, Thomas' black Ink So, Solead pencils fur So. Laos window curtains Tic . worth aLOO. se4-tf ...Guns, rides and soortlnir iroods ot el kinds. An northern Quotations srledlv dunll. cated. ' , UARRia A fumx. "Bogera silver viatea ware, earvera aoji ootleryw Prices ao obect flAaaisAfLm'sal Newt If yon want sometblag new call on ' nov-tf W. T. Cauoazsmn. fW UmmU " Store room formerly occupted by B. A. Flam mlngACe., Apply to , , , O. U. WaiOHT. A SKaalW Is wanted by a young lady to wach Drawing. Painting and Elocution, with other brancbaa " if desired. . Apply to the editor of the Dally woHDUBi . auo-til I ,.I am determined to close ont a blr lot 01' Men's women's and ciilldreDs low cot mows at some prio Come early a art et jour plait. G. Wiu. AriL. Ak. faw 130" wsiuw white Karoem oil from your grocer. ' Aak tar 130 wsvSar whlta karaaoiia on from your grocer. . juiyil-oin t o ... ...."PUlsbury's Best" takes the Dremlum wherever exnlbted. It makes more pounds o. orao vo tne out uiao any nuur in tue world. Aak far 130 water wlUte keroaeaw oh Irom yeur grocer. .-r ?,-, J .,' T. ' PllluWira tin.,1' vinn 1. r..A k Queen Viciena pa the "Royal Table' . .'...Try Plllflbnrys Best. ,; ,f . , ; , '....Oall for PUlabury's Boat.' i ' i . 1 W S,-,,tt Cf tVhnl.iaiala ,,rnl. f... K v. -.. ...v .... n v 1 .1. Old VlrL'luia Cheroots, nve tor ten et-nts. Tr them. : ' , . JuiyVAia Bnt a fact, tliat 1 nam in i rwolyci a 1.. a lot of tlione Liuliee' Oxford 1 n at pi iu. a to i- . t evrylii!y. AIo a lot ol ! ' Iot c t a. and ciitidiea'a Witrwam feuuws at laf cvoi Come and see thotu for yon; - a. . Jts.Mf. . , U. W UL AEMKIKLD. . o Call on all dal-rs and sumKe tUe Old Virginia Cheroot. 1 lve J'or tn twits, t '.;i.P.Uabary'a Best. - Old VlrRlnla Cheroots are as pood as any Sw Cent cigar In the world. . Fire lor it) cants. " Tor f ' r r T ; Dwelling hou ou .t . . n (rw, " centalninif stivcn rM)iiis, j l. ... v a,. .1 conve niently located, Is lor . i o'l t.ifcg" torniH. Apply to ' I . Id. M. A i koho. uuelotf ,.V.A cheep smoke. Those Old Vi: -'nls Oheoots. 'ive for a dime, at Ucott Ws. ....We have Jut rwnived a nice I: of tjl. letSHt Call aud e .mi'ie our n. ... .jyMf . .Yonra truiy, . W. T. Cuicmi .rs.a. . row llsat, One dwelling houie on d& ' four rooms, two porcine ami a ho1'1!" nw. 6e, En. 11. i... J X -1-tf t . ; A "" lot (if i. i ) 8 i v ' ,. i O.,. ., -U i ' I 1 r t 1 .

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