THE DAILY WORKLIAN, "" ' urrsUsato . ' -Mk 6IX times a week m an Erenlng Paper, at 13.00 a year, in adtaace. For six Months,, for three months, 75 cents, and to those Who pay . ;'.' v -. : v ' ". : 4 . PROMPTLY:' ; 15 cents per month. On deferred payments, 85 oents per month, to pay expenat of sot lectlnir. , , ' . - .. t - i THE; DAU.Y WORKMAN la pensbora -taA betngcoosulted dally wy aottLot business man. Is spUna'a 4m. Udog medlnm. . The nd'.Uo .ivtrt! - ' ' ' ...... i COLUMNS, shows what adrertlsers think. Offloe and ..v.-. .. tl .. ' ... . Vnl, fi. Greensboro. N. C. Thursdav.' January 3. 1889. No. 184 Entered at Ihs post c!o Wrwwftoro,'J i -. - .MJ ... - - - : . w , t , ' . . '. I ' j - -v ' - - '- ' " -' ' : Benbow Hau, sonu aim street. s LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. advertising "LrnrrAlriox. 4 , AJ1 church notices, Including Sabbath 60J100I, meetings for pijer, missionary meetings, weekly and other lecturea on church work, Inierted free of charge, as heretofore.' Also notices of marriages and deaths, pot exceed ing ten fvj uneeecn, ' All otner an noun e menu subject to rrgnlar advertising rates. ' ' . NOTICE. . ; , Some persons haved elivertd 'fire , -wood for this office without announc ing their names, and we are unable to give the proper credit. Please come and report. ' ., ' Mrs. P. L. Hagan has gone to house keeping. .; Mi&sLucilla Fleming returned to her home at Liberty this morn- " Mr. A. W. Caraness, of Fork Creak, Randolph county, has been here to-day. 1 . ' , -' iin ' 1, v 1 "Little Hallie" Hayes, as he. used to be called, is on a visit to rel atives here. ' 7 ' "v ' Miss 'Bessie; Sherrill, who ( has r been visiting the family of Mr. A, Hagan, left this morning tor Albe marle, Stanly county. Attention is called to the art nouncement of 7 Prot.'; Weatherly'a school at Liberty. Superior ad vantages are offered at low rates. " The Vid gloye .'prange, which "'. J' Jlh, yVest introduced- here . V' "from Flortdai is'aii' ofange' of 'the very highest grade oj excellence. - ' 1. . ,? vtW?, 3"$i. hW& to iuo new aispiay aa 01 cmmpie Brown, ' which appesrr on the se . ond paeeat this dsdot. ,.1 .',. i t. -a .. Avery nice article) is -Schepp'a . , C6coaut Rice Pudding Pripa'ra'tldn, ,4which caa be had. of G. Hi Doughty VVe pronounce 'juigmenyf'. vafler a ' (fair trial. 1 . , , , S ui 1 .",:,-Mr. and Mrsj A.;IIagrf gave a reception at tne.r residence) on - : f h'urch atreeOast evening c6mplimen tarj'to.Miss Bessje Sherrell, ' who ,Twas,vinnlr at their home, -si the 'Methodist Protestant church at En field, Halifax county, on Wednesday mornlngTCecembeY 191888, by r-': Rev.. Felix ' M, TotienV -'flt2 fc, W. . ..." Artingtoa,voi Naibvilte..,o.'Miis .' Euta Knight, of Erifletd. 1 ' Shortly .' after the conclusion of the ceremony vv' the happy ioanS couple leftr o the , ' ' jsouth bpund train to , tb,eir.uture home1 at j'Nashville carrying with 'v ' them 11 manner of good wishes and , -t '' ..'nv..P ).... . ..J 1 " v oongratulatloiuMi vj::''-u---- ' ), I , n ,e. 1 mi . -rt ' v The Minnie Lee' Minstrel Coin- ! . ... ... ' ' Vim i'.. 1 '. . i ( papy plajed last evening,, to. a . fair v - audience at Benbow ! Hall, althougn ' there were no ladies present. From !-.hAt can learn, ..those! who-lwh c to fase the j standar ..of, traveling . ifoupes should not patronize this one. ' l A'cbarse and low'order'of witTadded ',"la jjt little ability as actors and , ac- ' - Presses is lair criticism on this mln- stret, comanyi' Our people ; have often been sold: by thee traveling troapes and will continue to bej .we presume. 7e tegret' thalj such ' company receive patronage from "Greenbboro. . " j The Affair at . Brown Summit. We had a note from Dr Ferree this morniag in regard t the attack made 09 Mr. F. G. Chilcutt, of Brown Summit,. but much7 that - the note contained Is substantially antici pated in the account we gave yester day, so that only the following from Dr. Ferree's note seems necessary t "He remained unconscious to a very great degree tor abou t eighteen hours. ' Consciousness has returned, and the wounds ire healing nicely, and. he is irt good spirits. t I had great fears for several hours that the concussion to the brain would result in acute inflammation of that organ, but I now entertaia strong hopes of a speedy recovery. There is no pos itive testimony as to who did 'the deed, There is great excitement here over the affair. . Mr. Chilcutt has the sympathy of the entire community, '.: 7 ...Yours trnly, lk ,v '"T.T. Ferrbk. Ya dkin College High School, It gives us great pleasure to note the progress made by' Prof. Morgan and bis assistants ia the High School at Yadkin College, and we call' at tention to the announcement for "89 There has been a very gratifying ins crease in the number of pupils en rolled, and the'prospect for a contin ued increase seems to be flattering. From actual figures given, it appears that such students as find it essential for them to economize ' ia ' expendi ture can Support themselves by ' the mens or combination plan at Yadkia at tpt very lowest 1 possible rates -Jj lower than one could believe" pbssr-H We so low, that we prefer thst per sqos intereRted, will write .'-to Prof. . We .believe; that f. Prot, Morgan .is eSrneally f.rid intelligenfly discharg ing his duty, and .that ; the.: school which he has in charge is'' Calculated to do vast good, especially to such young men as are endeavoring, ' with slight pecuniary means, te fit them selves for usefulness. ; H1 ." - : Wofk botb: on the new National baak anil Ihe'I eagine .houaa 'is pro gressing finely. Never cohH a sea son in January be more favorable for ' all kinds of worluV-i , 4' , . : ' Uiss Annie - Bosser and aer little aister, Ida. who have been visit ing the family of Mrd-'PiVapstory,' during the: holidays, rethrned to Danville last evenihg.l I , Fewer and Better ,J ' What the Horning Star eayt be low ii worth' pondering. - The qaen- tioa is more than that of "the ear yival o! the fittest ;"at is, that, with fewer'papers a better;. quality eonld ' be prodnoed. Head ahat Ordinarily .we eannot, look at mere than ball of oar exohanges, (treat is the number. ' We' tised 1P go thtongb them all with' care, bat that was when they were not. more than sixty or seventy. Now they are Borne one hundred and fifty, ann we are compelled to' skip iboat every other one id order not to overrun the spaoe ' allotted for snob news gathering, 1 Are. there cot Iwioe too .many papers in the Etata? ' Fewer and better woald be a good role. ... With fifty papers tvpy could all be respeotabie as to tl...!j aud many very good. v ) Graham Oolfege- .1 . "The Christian San ahnoanoes" ays the News and Observer, "the decision of the authorities to re move Graham College from Graham to Mill Point, five miles west of Borlington, 60 the N. C. R. R The tame of . Mill Point wHI be changed to the name of the ebl lege, which is, not yet determined. The above, is the first anthonta- tive information we have had of the recent aetion of. the Provision al Board in regard to the college. We thiuk the Board, that u those favoring the move, have oommitted a great folly and blanderod'most egregioasly. We regret it' for the sake of the Christian Church and those who bad hoped that the Christians would have a school of high grade in the ooatb. luose r l i v l wuo DHB nier(.iueu Buuuuuijefl, we fear.will not real za tbem. That is the way those about here who have heretofore been friends and patrons of the eobool feel abont the matter. The MetholUts are mootinc the question of moving Trinity ' Colli ge to a city,', and the Christian (a few of tbem, only) want to-- go to the i ; woods with Graham College. Alamance Gleaner. ' - ' . : r The , Durham, Daily r tobacco Plant gives the following as the re. -e i'i.:..f0.1!.. rr J. II f- the month of December : ' Number of cases tried Co, as fol lows : Drunkenriess,ao; : indecent exposure, ,3 ; , loud .cursing). ; 'f as- sauit .apj pat,tery. ' witrjL.leaHy v.wea pon, 4 ; tresspass, violating local option law, 1 ; larceny, 1 ; carrying concealed weapons; ' i j? disorderly, in . 1 have purchased the candy fscorj,TOer-, oofectloaerj,, toy aod. neofauriat HUblleh moot )o QallarbntMing ar-a? itpotJormnrij rbn by Mrs. Iw H. West; I vUl keep Is stock the best' goods the mrkeU afford; I will Dot rnr. a bread wsgen durlfitt 1 'remainder ef twlnty tngnths,''! will receive erders1 aN deliver bread and Cakes by hand., 7 am Mng Patapeoo Snperlatlve Flonr, the bent m 36 Bread tickets for one dollar, cakes baked to order oil short notice. - Oysters and meals served at an hoars from 7 a. m. to II p. m, 1 respecfnUy, solicit your patronage. 'A , : 't:iIVlSf. ..ft' Ff.d.' :i"l h i' -, A valuable dog has ba found whloh the owner can hayeby describing and paying" ex pense. Inquire at tUlsofflce. 1 ' Jao8-3t : v ' ' KjalKbMi of Xloaor, AttuUB. Meeting to-morrow (Thursday) -night at abpa sharp. Important business. By autnonty, w. a. xcairaa, . 1 . PleMcsn'd pay your ' city taxes," or , I will be oonrpelled t Collect by distraint,! at the city is in pressing need of the money. ; JatfMw . -B. M. RKB8, Clty Colleotor., , um iuw 11 1 mi in 1 1 1 1 , Two.Uooses ion Greene street. t Possession (jno . Apply to t Mrs. L. A, Smith ::jana-lwi", .5rit hKVM.M ( f ');) f' r i;!'j" '''''rT.U'..".''.!- ' ao bbls choice NorVhern apples, whole sale or retail, at : , J. W. Bqou) k Oo's - '. Conaxtir tJr4.." ". '' :, A real good,. srtlcle only a few palls left. !. Coffee has advanced again I Coffee 14 higher, and we have been forced to put up the price ton some brands- But the Old" reliable Momaja ! still 35 bents, or three for one dollar ' ' ' 1 's; " ' , J,W. BOOTT CO. ""... ii n ii ,. 4 Cod fih. buckwheat flonr, probes, plokles, coined fruits, annle butter, mlnee mtvLt. itret. serves, saur krauf, corn starch, Syrdp, mo!as-4 es, grapes, 1 cocoanuts, cakes, flour, meal, cheese, crackers, jelly, tea, coffee, fruits, can dles, Cigars, etc, at "", .Try the "Grand Rpub lo" the best ol gar on earth for 8 cents, at; Tate Bro'a drag tor , . i . , . , oc2SHfJ maci, 4n c ines anq fioti lor . tne ' reaskl. Another store room, Brockman's ola stafid en the Benbow corner. 1 Here I will keep a fall kne of staple and fancy groceries, Violin, Guitar and Banjo fixings, leather and so forth and so on. I will also continue my baking1 bailnees and will make all kinds of Una cakes toordor. Tobacco, Bnuffand cigars a specialty. Thanking the pnbllo for tbelr kind patronage u the pa I respectfully solicit It In the fu ture, knowing that I am now better prepared to furnish yoajust the goods that you want at a very low price. Most Respectfully, dJHMK J. E. Thqm. Fer BeMS. A But room, two-etory bouse on isheboro St., B. Greensboro Good neighborhood, , wv ter convenient. Apply at this office or to ' del7-tr ' A. Q. Miwell. fKhool Notice. Hiss Daisy CaldweU'lichool for nnall chllr dren will be opened' Monday, January 7th, 1889, at the resldenoe of Mrs. W. W. Caldwell. oh W. Market street. In addition to the usual English branches, French, Drawing, and Kin dergarten will be taught. Terms reasonable. detl-lw m ,m, m ' ' ' ....Olveyaur wlte and bally ' suitable New Year's presenta good house and lot, or a nice lot to build on, md buy It cheap, from Yates1 Bros., the lire Real Estate Agents de28-lw - ' . . . Why don't yon put your property In eur hands for sale or rent ? , We have many more callsor bouses than we can Supply, and can sell your property for you after yon hare faU-J ed to. Yates Bros., real estate agents. dZBIif for Beat..,! Two desirable houses in the best neighbor hoods la Greensboro. . Also other houues for .let-V,,' , i.' .i; '; 'r',..YATas'B"oa' 'I. '.Begin the Mew Year arlght,'and keep K np, Make your wile a present of a barrel of PsUpeso-BcjxrUtttTS Floul tha best In the wotld. Itemaad It of your grocer,', and take jnbqther.. v; j j 'j t : 1'atss Buos . r , de33-tf ;J ,H ., j , Wholesale agents. ' and lots df It, by nut buying candy and fruit lit Irvln's Candy btere.' We claim to sell can dy and put tt cheaper than any' other house In' the dty. CJalltHHtbwoMrvhioed.- .nslj 1 , . . ..... . . , fi - row Hiw'tnMMia 20 tb . Thorotonai"T;iei?ant New frond t at the Tei7 lowest j posilhA . 'prices .Wstcbe, Clocks, Jewelry, BUver Jfire and dont forgtt Ms, Stey'a specialties, i fall line of Spectacles with pebble or osdlnarj lenses, and artistic en- W t-.-"f ii- Vjl to. WW- . .... Por Christmas presents, "such as a fine silk or linen handkerchief, mufflers, gold-head ed ntab'relUi or walking oahe, latest style pan cans, socks, cna and.C41ars, "ooon". brand iwaqton suspenders, or anything in furnlslilng CaU.At CarUanl's.un4 Central House. iftne-buLldliig lot oa comer of Edgeworth and GsBton streets, 95xl4tifeet, and one lotfront Ing on Edge worth lOOzMS feet.-. One or both of these lots w.UI be sold kJ' ;for cash'. Appty at onoe to-. v ' .M . t Howard, alfrtf i.o , , Greensboro .Book Btdr."" ., . 'I t-.' in. to i'?'. For Eant After Jsjanai 1st. ' , a : A good two story hoiise with eeyen rooms, a kitchen with two rooms, ' elpo stable , oU If you, want he finest. Oysters and Oyster Crackers In Grernsboro send your orders to U, B,weftn Bally bolldlag, only 85 cents per "irtilit .; iiieit " -.I';';'', v tok' ttani VMnf Ham. " : ;' j A W. . V Wv WW V U. J WV OVM WVW W send your best girt a nice hot of candy, when you oaa Buy them at any' price from 12X cts up to 2.50. at Ii vlnVaaddy stose. aois-tf ' Bsrgstv su West Buslae . ; E. M. AC. A. Hendrtx have established themselves In the business of. drayage and fire j wood supply tor the acommodation or citizens. Their drays will meet al JUviomlng trains and trunks aud ether baggage will b conveyed 1 ahd fro at all hours, -day. ot night, in any part of the olty. , Their woed yard will be tapp led With wood of all deroripttone 'desired, at rea sbnabie rstes, whether the we-ther be fair or Ibat Koadvantrge' taken of the weather. Or- ders left si the store; ot Hendrtx A Pearce, East Market street will have attention. oSl-tf . t ii-., 1 n;rt .;t.)f 1 . ,.. '-'f"!'l ..'ClhicliLeste";' "f ' r It rushing cut goods lively.' Be has the largest and cheapest stock yon most ever saw. Don't all to go np A airs to see the new and beauti ful things he has. Chick Is a raster.. G6 and see him. Three floors full of goods. o27-tl ' ' At. Pass book of B.H. Tate and a W. Irria. Fludw will be suitably rewarded by returning same to H. H. Tate. - nol4-tf Three Swelling Houses For Bent, d) 1 A oommodlous frame dwelling on Ashe. boro street. In front of Judge Settle's. V4) A conveniently arranged: ana weu sua etd frame dwelling on corner of King and Gorrell streets. f3) A larm brick dwelllag convenlentlr situated and arranged, on King strert. UT-U Apply tO MM. NOAUOO-1U.NO. Boys' shirt waists lie, at M. Btraoss'. Children's woouea hoods, band made at M. Btraoss' Ladles' sewed foebble lace or button shots. only BSC. at ... . M. Btraasa.' uooa Dieaonea tanie TamarK. wortn 75c on ly 6O0, at , M. Btrauss'. uunes, vests, xac, sue, ouc, 730 ana fi, at M, Strauss'. Children's vests, 15, 20, 25 and 80 cts, at 1 M. 8traufs' Good workmen's pants, BO, 75 and SI, at ' ' ' M. Btraoss'. Good Cassimere pants, 1.50, 8.00 and 8.00, at M. Strauss'. Woollen over shirts, from BOo up, at - M. Birkuss'. Men's boys' ahd children's fsolts and over coats cheaper than the cheapest at U. Strauss' Ladles' shoes Irom flfty cents no. Mens' bootsfrom 1.03 to 8.80, at M. Mtraoss'. One-day and 8 day clocks at a very low prke ecai-aw . , M. Strauss'. Q . HeaMlqaistftera to fiaa Caady. The ladles are etpedaUy Invited to call at lrrln s uanny More ana inspect not only the lariTMit but the finest and freshest line of can dy ver brought to tbls market. Dont. foritet tue piace miaaie aoor iroguon Duuding, Mr, Market street red nag at entrance ni-tf ' . ' Beat. One of the best store rooms In town. . Apply noia tf - . to E. M. Hcmditix. V . I". 1 - , 0 1 ) ' Fwr Ssde. . A buggy, at Vanstory's sublet. ' Also ona good milch cow :t i . L.A Bajist. 5 r-J mn Mm (or VuielV. v: At D. B. Yanoey'a, stall No. 5, situated at lower end of city market, too will see the fin est beef, mutton, pork, and sausage of both kinds pan and link that has been seen slnos Creensboro has had a market. Yancey Uv de termined to teep constantly on hand some thing nice to please his customers. Don't fall to call before buying your Sunday supply, www , Frvnh OjstaM Oa Ioi At railroad eaUog iiouse Tbeee oystera are extra large, aad from the Jtaneemond rlv creeds.. 1 A limited -quanttly sold families Bend la your orders early, please. 1 1 sel54f ; - A. T. Vbbjiok. siyi ya Seoa is ? The big red sign at the racket store. Note paper 10 quire, .mamas' black ink .So, - 5c lead pencils 9 3c, .Xace window curtain: Tlo worth si.eo -Ml - 'iTKN M-F .- 11 T New sbJb 1 n iin .'.t If you want something new call on , '' ; W; T. CHioHisriui. .Alt ?' 't'v, ' PL ' ' 1 Storeroom rl Rent, ..,,, I . a formerly oocuntedbv R. A. Flam. mlng 4 00. Apply to C. G.-Wbjohi. i ?-.-iV ! -, 1 i r- A SltaaUra . " V- . Is wanted by a young lady to teach Drawing, Painting aod Elocution with other oranohes if desired. Apply ,to the editor of the Daily Workman,11'. : , auS-tf . J am determined ta close oat a bto lot nt Men's women's and Chlldreos' low cut shoe at Udme priCA . Come early aqd gettyour pick. 1 .,tulj33-tf , HJ.,Wii.AiMriaLD. J. W. Boott A Co,, Wholesale agentr for the Old Virginia Cheroots,, fire for tea cents. Try tbem. v ... -' . Julj5fm .... Jo Poetrv, : '': hi" . -. But a fact, tliat X have lust received a large lot of those Ladles' Oxford Ties at prions to sol. everybody. Also a lot of Hess' low out 'shoes and chlldien's Wigwam Sltlpers at half oost Come and see them for yourself. . JeSXMf , Ju. lal"0. Wiu. ArmyikLo. ' Callon all dealers and smoke the Old ' Virginia Cheroots.' Five for tdn cents,. x ... .I.u,, ...... f '. j ' -. " .'r- ;' VOid Virginia Cheroots are as good as abyflw Cent olgar In the world. rjFtve for 10 cents.' , , For Sala orEent. ; house on East Washin seven rooms, nleemntl ,, a. it, 1.1 or oio or xicni. ' j Dwelling house on East Washington, mm. . containing seven room pleasantly aud eonve. nientl; located, Is for sale on accomodating ' farms. Apply to Dr. .tf. M. Alwan. nnelbtf ' ir ' . V...A 'Cheap smohsT r Those Old Viralnia Qhsoots. Five for a dime, at ' Scott A Co'a. ....We have Just received a nice line of toi let Sets.' Call and examine our stock ntyVHt.QXow truly, 'WT.X)iucHst. - ?r '5"'i' ' - ' - :iA large lot of banjo and violin strings at ' ,OCKf, - , : rr , ,Ttl4Bjto'S. . ''.';. 'V"..'.'.",. 0 - ,T. .Any person or persons wishing to dun Chaee a large brick dwelling house of 18 rooms With three porches, that has been for year w$ as a boardim house, or a neut oottaee of four rooms, or ni e bnlldmg lofs c"n.n, ca be ftfomo(.ai ed on tue mout r-nii! ie ti n s be a. living (to " D. F. Calowklu ainltf , i --r4 - ..:: ..... 1 . -i. J . ' 0' . , . . .. ....Good pOTe ail, If you need y-t F-" Pitine vanuiied or ni ,ured, c" i 1, sna' s orcrnti s hnnof, or any w u . 1 1 thehou 1-l j.n ,i!rl e, i 4Mr miwi. i for Wji. H. A.c...ii.i Iuoa. a' . Opholuteilug a speclttiiy. . J 1 i 14 V