THE DAILY WORKMAN, II rOILIMIB fill timet a week aa as Evening Paper, at $3.00 a year, in advance. For tlx months, ll.BO, for three montlia, 78 cents, aad to' those who x pay ' ' . : , PROMPTLY, 80 oeoU per Booth. On deferred payment, 88 oenta per Booth, to pay ozpena of col , tooting. MUiridattki peal ojlotin tirnboro,A 0., n MtontuUolnMt mvittur. ADVEHTISIttO LiniTATIOm. All church notice, Including Sabbath School, meetings for prayer, mlnslonary meetings, weekly and other lecture! on church work, Inserted free of charge, at heretofore. Also notices of marriages and deaths, not exceed Ing ten (10) Unes each. All other announce, ments subject to regular advertising rates. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Danville has reorganized Chamber of Commerce. its The Guilford Grays will attend the inauguration at Raleigh. They will leave to-night. We had a call this morning from Mr. William Fridy, advance agent of McNish, Ramza & Arno's Minstrels. Married December 20th, iS85, Joseph Kirkman to Susie Shepherd, at the residence of the bride'a father, j Ret. T. F. McCulloch. m ii Henry M. Stanley, the great African explorer, is reported in Lon don as safe, ind his whereabouts kept secret for the present. Attention is cVlled to the mort gage sale of land by Nellie Graves, mortgagee, to take place Feb. i8th, as advertised in this paper. Mr. R. E. Patterson, who has been recuperating at hose for tome time, came up to the city last night. His health has improved. . ; it! Votice Special. The Greens- - QfCom tnetce rill -raaHeu tor tnis The R. & D. Railroad author!-- ties are, putting pp gateTAt the SoSh Elan street crossing. We are glad to see thaj 'the Railroad' authorities have concluded to make ' the" much needed improvement 1 . rn NiTifci.i-The votlrie men '-who have misbehaved at the , meetings now being held at Centenary church, and who do not wish' to seetheir names in print will take notice . end act accordingly. First and last no tice. U K'l. ;i . 'The Population ; Ihcrkasks, Mr. A. T. Vernon has solS the place on Murray street.'' built and owne4 by Mr. H. W. Dixon, to Mr. C. C. Poae.of Boydtorj, Va., ! who i will settle his family here some time in the spring, J-Vn' i . The weather began to present a . hazy appearance yesterday, ana turn . ed semewhai i$$f and soma peo- ; pie predicted now, biia gentle rain camei arid this moaning gaye us rath- er . mild temperature, bfit little, chaht from yesterday X'M: The excavatiOM for sewerage en ' Soutkj 5loi and) jWashinfon. streets are alrvailotM jggft&l&ifc pally at the intersection of the two atreeU.arjd 1h6 amsAeur v can here finat a Convenient field in which to- pursue the science.-The4 . digger have tpenf4 j P i?PaT con cealed Mcrets of our - mother clay. To ww U tnty appearylittffi buftal, ' but ttthit It ' tenrjore to a. ; resu'r rectiofi'of a town to put in7n ,; im provement like this, .Gfeensboro is waiting up indeed, thanks to the com- " 1 . l missioners, issionert.' ;.; i ' " mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmllmmUM MBBBBSBBBllllllHBaSSllllllllllllHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aaaaXXaBBBSl nriTL. TTt Tl TnxrTi w i mi Vnl R r.roonchnrn N. F.. WArinAcrtav. Jflniiflrvffi. IRRsl- Nrt IQ-v I That Old, Corrupt Game, Some ol the good people of Dur ham, who have both principle and intelligent e, have put themselves on a record against that old, but cor rupt and corrupting practice of bringing offenders to the bar of jus tice, proving them guilty of the charges in the bill of indictment, and then suspending judgment on the payment of coats. While we have no doubt that there are cases where such a course might well be taken, yet in many such the game is one of most shamoful abuse of law as well at an encouragement tc repeat the offense. We had occasion to observe the course of events in a certain indict ment a number of years ago, where tbe officers of the Jaw snatched a certain young colored man, who had been married to anuncengenial wo man, under the plea'ol abandonment. And we recollect that on the trial the magistrate delivered himself very learnedly on the subject of abandon ment, and how the woman in that case was likely to become a chrrge to the county. We soon 'discovered that the greatest fear was that the 'Squire and his subaltern would fail to get their feel The man went to jail, and there contributed to the sal ary of the jailer; next, he was brought into the ceurt, and made to contribute to the fees. '.of. the clerk and the la wyer, and when the poor fellow nad been dragged through the torturous lane ef judicial proceed fngvr- cat raped out .of. thbasr .We bad understood' that such pro ceedings were intended . to vindicate the law but We' ,?vf ref 'Waken f It vindicated nothing of that sort It said td the" offender; 'Go home.-'If vou at ine line a?aim wi another chance at you." But the w'oraVca'ses afe soc as those existibg at Durham, where with a small' part of theprofit niade by retailing whis key in violation of the Local Option law, certain bold offenders expect t0 pay the cost of prosecution m money and then continue the lolatioo of . . ' . . .... - ri law. j, 4,1,1 is against v inis1 anamciui of law that the good pepple of Dur ham are riaiog up, and ; we, predict that with Mich determination as they manifest .the i law ,"will (be vindicated, and justice not be mocked with' such co-operation Wetweea the people and the daily' press of Durham unless the co-operation is more feeble , than appearsthe law breakers will go under. TudeeBynum ii holding the court., (,i.i .-.-i "I'M" ' i " - 1 v .domination of Senator.' i . The Democratic nominating cau cus of l)aoth CatOirp L'gislaMk met last night and oa the. second bait lot nominated HonM1 J.W.' .Uni' torn to succeed himself in the U. S. Senate; ( The first ballo' gav the t oil o w i n g ybte;jEtansom, 6i Alexander, 25 ; aris','i J ? Waddell, at tj'ttKien man,' l., 1 7. ,;, '.- '. H ' ; : A second . ballot followed,- which resulted Radsom, 69; Waddell, 15 ; Alexander' 36 Jarvis, 9 ; Cl'ngman, L i; Kitcheni ii " J;m'7 , L Subsequently Messrs. Ransom, Jarvis, Alexander and Wad fell came in and made brief '"speed. -s? on the - I Peach .Bloaaoma. From Mr. G. L. Anthony, who lives at Vandalia, three miles south of town, we have a box of peach blossoms, "just to show," as he says, "what we have the 15th of January." He says, further : "The trees they were cut from are in nursery rows varieties, Peento, BidweU's Early, Bidwell's Lato all Flotida varieties." This shows how mild the winter has been. We hear of strawberry blos soms where the plants haye been coyered slightly with straw. Armory Guilford Grays. Members of the Guilferd Grays must meet at their armory to-night, Jan. 16th, promptly at 8 o'clock pre pared to leave tor Rtleigb, where their overcoats will be distributed. R. P. Gbay, Jno. N. Wilson, Capt. Orderly Sergeant. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, R. Roberts, ot Anniston, Ala., who have been on a visit to Wilson, N. C.,' arrived here yesterday afternoon on the train from Fayetteville, and took the xe 35 train last night for their home, ' Miss Mary Lily Kenan, of Wilmington, returned with them, and will spend several weeks in Anniston. The Minatrela, McNish, Ramza & Arno's min strels are having good patronage at Heoley a theatre, and are descrying of all they get, as the performance is one of the. bestrew seen this city. CbicaWo Inter-Ocean' Sep. II. . -vv ' MrTjasi IpnaU returned Irvu. the north this morning. W , i h. - iei ' r' Mahone Eadorsed for the Cabinet. EepQbJioin $taU JltroaaUT .Com mittee, at their meeting here to day, unanimously endorsed Ma hone, of Virginia. fo ,th .position of Postmaster General in Harri son's Cabinet, and recommended Ellery i M. Brajtob,' . JJepnblican State Chairman, and lata Collector of Internal Bevenne, for appoint ment to one or the other 01 tne bnreku 'positions' bow uJieId by South - Carolina " Demoorats, desirine him to be either Assistant Seoretarrnof thatrTreeaaryvori Oomptoller of the Carreney.' Bray- ton is a white man 01 jMortnern birthl . :Y: : r" 'Anaignad RTriaL . . . : I On the 14th day of Ootober, 1888, IohyHicks, i colored woman, shot and i .killed '4 .white tnan, at the Falls of Neujs in this' oonnty. She was arrestedi and had a bear ing befor ajrjjac"?trateon the 24th day of the same month, and com mitted to jail wiere she has re mained untii to-daywnen see was arragiedfcefor4bHhoaoi W&L Graves to answer Tor the crime. When this report closed the court was engagea in seieouug iuo jurv Baleigh Visitor. Portsmouth Vos the Subscription , ! Nobfolk, Yal, January 15. The pity of Portsmouth to-day voted a subscription of? $150,000 to the At lantio and Danville road. The Conditions on Jwhioh the subscrip tion is made are that the terminus of the road shall be there and also the general ofSoes. ' Nbw Toek. Jan. H-Lieut. Mills of the U. S. S. Tantic, is not so well this mornios aad his obanoe of' recovery i$ now believed to be poor. - - J I New York. Jan. 14 A Port-en- Prince speoial says: Tbe indem nity asked for by tie owners of the Ilaytien Republic has at last been settled. The amount is $120.- 000. Of this $50,000 was paid to day in cash; $30,000 is due March 1st, and $10,000 Jnne 1st The steamer will leave here January 20th and expeota to arrive at New York February 1st. m . Vestibule trains will soon be running between New Orleans and tbe Cay of Mexioo in 72 hours. Dr. Cfcaa. RHtnUMni tlio.New York optician, will be at the Mcidao House from the 19th notll the 29tb, and will b glad to aea you. He wishes to show 70a his glasses t39. I'm, Sir! I am fixed at the old Brockmaan Stand, Miner Sycamore and South Elia streets, where I shall be glad to wait on my former custom ers and as many new ones as may see lit to la- Tor me. Here are soma of the things I keep for sale : 1 fall line of pipes, tobacco, an off and cigars, strings for violin, banjo and guitar. Hatches, soap, starch, bluing; sugar, coffee and tea 1 candy, raisins, figs and dates, canned goods, chipped beef, etc Bread and cakes a specialty. J. E.THOM. Flra DelUu-a ltawaHL The subscriber will pay the above reward for the recovery to him of his two setter dogs : The first, a yellow, with white spots ; the, oth er, brown spotted, known as a eblokaaaw' the large whltepoU beinc Uoked.wlth brown. They are nearly grown, being ;about a year old. Jno. K. Dice JanlS lw Oreensbor- Tha SaTlags sua atepaals But A Cavil Maetlaff. Tbe nDderslirned stockholders olthsSarlno'S aad Veposit Baok of N. 0. request that a call be ntada for a meeting of the stockholders of said bank at the baejUng ho una in Urewwooro, uu tusa any 01 tnurufuf, loav, at lue boor of l o'clock a. m.'; fur the purpose of accept ing tne amended charter pawed by tNfna. latoraotX C.t aaiUbsaasM Seaaiottefor "iTu. Scott, W. H. BUI, Geo. a Sermnt D. t, Caldwell, W. , Muiray, D. W.C 0a. bow, W. C. Porter.Q. Wakedeld. Tboa. Woo ronV, J. h. Mlcbaux, ' Y. Klsliblate, J. W. Scott, L, A, Hmlth, & G. Mewcomb,' W. . Fields. J. W McNairy. J. B. MendenhalL J. 8. Cox, W. K. Burgess, W. Q. McLean, Mrs. a, K. now. . d. urown. wm. b. naiL . ianLft-.iuq Owlne to the continued advanoa la .coffees we are oompelied toadranoe oar prtoe ' on It. But we have reduottd prices on most brands of our; flour, also Qeorge's bird, Srhlen' ii no and always the best. ' J; W. Soott a Co. T" iriusicNetlca. The undersigned will take a limited number of pupils In muslQq ' Have had years expe rience la teachinir. and as to ptoflcletist rtlera to Prof. WWte Power bulllvan, of Greensboro Female College; also Prof. Hargnoff, of Balam Fsmale Academy, from both of whom hats mail actions.' Instruments turnudied for prpr tloe. Prices moderate. For further partlso Iars call on ma at residence of Dr. J. W. GruV flth, Church stret.. . llus Atna Gaitrira. i Janl5-lw y 7 L New YaaWa Eatables. 1 1 , Cod flh. buckwheat lioflr, prunes, pickles, canned frulta, apple' butter, mlnea meat pre serves, saur kraut, corn starch, syrup, molas es, grapes,' eocoanuts, cakes, flour, meal, cheese, crackers, Jelly, tea, coffee, fruits,"' cm dies, Cigars, eta, .&,;':, 41 , i , 1 lanlC-lw E. M. Caldclkuoh4 Bho's. . . 'v . m 1 1 m ' ' ' " Bread and Cake. . ;- My bread wagoo will pass over thothotough tareaof theolty avery;afternoon,' with fresh bread and cakes. 86 bread t)cket for one dol lar. I respectfully solicit your patronage. JanlS-lW ; J T D. Garrstt. 1 . : .v Batter fclao. . , No heada no bones, hut all solid flesh finer and better than mackerel. Try them at ' i j. w. soott a Co's 1 " X. W. Tl'Blteheaa . '' 1 Offers for sale or rent his dwelling house (8 rooms) on Asheboro street, next doer to West' minster church. Ia s good neighborhood, with flue water, and located on the prlnclpa residence street of the dty. s, Apply at resV . 9 denoe. , , , ' " " " . Janl4-U THE DAILY WORKMAN Simmi la w.-wasboro aad oatng consulUd dally sy a aorta of buatnaaasion. Is a splsad'd adrar. ttasng nedlum. The saadltloa f ' ' " COLUMNS, snows what advertisers think. Offlos and Beobow Hall, Boath Elm street lIapl Sfvaip and Virginia Back wheat Flour la what you want thtue cool mornlnirs for breakfast, A supply of both received this week at J. W. Scott a Co's. Hnt. Two desirable housea In tha beat neighbor koads In Greensboro Also other bonaee for rent. Yath Bbos., . . . .Try the "Grand Republic" the best d gar on earth for 5 oenta, at Tate Bro's drug store. ocW-tf 1 0 Dividend Nrtlca. The Trustees of Wilson A Hhober are now paying a fourth dividend of iii per cent, at National Bank of Greensboro. January 5, 1889. lm O- 'i ....Begin the New Tear aright and keep It up, Make your wile a present of a barrel of Patapaco Superlative Flour tbe beet In the world Demand It of your grocer, and take no other. Yatb Bbos., desrt-tf Wholesale agents. 0 ;Fr Sal Cheap. One building lot on oorner of Edge worth and Gaston streets, 06x146 feet and one lot front ing on Edgewortb 100x140 feet One or both nf these lots will be sold low for cash. Apply at once to M H. Howard, nltt-tf Greensboro Book Store. 0 1 RarrV aa4 WhJ Bstlsm. E. at a C. A. HendrU hava eatablbriied themselves In tbe business of drayage and lira wooa suppiy ror me acommouation of cttlzenr. Their drays will meet all In-coming trains, and trunks and other baggaga will be conveyed to mna us m au uuutb, uy or mgnt, In any part of the city. Their woodyard wUl be supplied with wood of all descriptions desired, at rea sonable rates, whether the weather ba fair or font No advantrge taken of tha weather. Or ders left at tha store of Heudrtx a Pearoa, East Market street will hars attention. oSl-tf . ... For ChrUtrn preeenta, such at a Ine silk or linen handkerchief, mufflers, gold-head ed umbrella or walking cane, latest style puff scarfs, socks, cufls and collars, . "ooon brand van ton son pen ders, or anything In furnishing , call at Cartlani's, under Central House. , 0 TtiKuk Thnirino. TTnnaaa Vnm V boro street la front of Jadge 9r (3) A conveniently arm ated frame dwelling 'on- Qorrau atresia. v 1 (S) A large Situated and . ar-tf-i as A axwry. a- good mUohooa V . ,, I d at Al D. B. Yanoev'a. stall Jio.v lower ehd of city market, vou wilfw-. eat beef, mutton, pork, ana sausage of bom kind pan and link that has been asea ate est OreensDoro nas naa a marcel, x ancey is da. termtned a k eep ooosUatl y o hand some.' thing, .nice to please his eustooteta. Dont fall to call before buying your Sunday supply. OCVtf .! - : ; rrealt Oyaten Oai Ice. At railroad eating noose. Ittoee oystera are extra large, and from tbe Nansemona riv er beds.' A limited quanttly sold families' Bend la jour orders early, please. ! aelt-tr ) liw:1! T. Viekos. v ; J ;.4 I V. . , O ' " . I J I , .. ,v -Han Yam aa It? he big red alga at the racket store. Note paper 80 quire, Thomaa black Ink 80, 6c lead . pencils 3 ror So. ' Lae window curtains 710' wtnn au.w. if - ae'4-tr 1 Few Rent. ' Store room formerly occupted by B. A. Flam mlng a Co. Apply to , 0. G. Wbjobt. l.iM .'j - A RItaaUOB In wanted by ayoung lady to teach Drawing. Painting and Elocution, with other branch : if desired. Apply to the editor ' of the Dally Workman, .-..'. n 1 auS-tf S-y: 1 ?.I am determined to close out a bin lot or. , lien's women's and chlldrens' low cut shoes at some prlca. come early and get your pick. - (i. Wil l. iiuniT n M-i i I'l ... WWII ; -ii Hiy.. But fact that 1 have ui received a larr . lot of those Ladles'Oxford Ties at prices tosuV everybody. Also a lot of Hess' low cut shoea.1 ana cnuaien-e wigwam ampere ac nau cost. 1. Come and see them for yourself. v'' (t$i0-j .::t('i ti;-fa t w. aHunuiiimi-: TawAltlAi StAiLdl nn ITtiaf Wnahlnn.M - containing seven rooms, pleasantly aud conva. , niently located, la for sale on accomodating leruw. apuj tv vi. o. at. alj'PP, uneiotr. r?.1 Jnat Uecelved Ived i .. v 1 violin strings at : "7 , Tatb Bao's. J 1 J ns wishing to pur-' A large lot of banjo and violin ocw-u s i, ,. r, i Any person or persons wishing to chase a large nnca awcuing noose 01 18 rooms with three porches, that nas been for yeais used as a boarding house, or a neat cottage of four rooms, or nloe bnlldlng lots cheap, oaa be accomodated on tbe moat reasonable terms by. applying to D. F. Caldwu aprtltl ''',:V.,r"::J V'; 1.1. Good people all, If you need your Fur Blture varnished or repaired, carpets lalfl ' X shades or Cornices hung, or any work done In the house-furnishing line, pleas call on or send ; fur ' Wa. H. MoNeh-L, Thomaa' Building, ' i Opholstertng a specialty. . .. ... ,,..- occasion. ,.' ' ' ' .f V, (

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