J t . f J THE DAILY WORKMAN. J. L. JIIC1IAUX, Editor. J. 8. MICHAUX. Local Editor. The hearing of the ease of Guil ford county against the Georgia Banking Company before the Board v0f county Commissioner! of Guilford county, .which ctme up on Monday of Raleigh, appeared for the State Ind Mel. Douglaa and Sco'tt of thi fcity, for the 'county of Guilford and Hon. D. Schenck for the Company resulted, on a motion of Judge Schenck, in the postponement for final hearing till the meeting of the Commisiioners in June. Thb Pearson Meetings. Rev. Dr. J. Henry Snvth hat rec'd the following from Rev. R. G. Pearson which will fully explain itself: Fayetteville, N. C, May 6, 1889, Dear Bro : Yours of Mav 1 hand. 1 most fully agree with you that the meeting in Greensboro should not be deferred longer than the of May ; and I will, (D. V.) arrive on the 18 and begin the to. This is my Fixed conclusion, and you will please ao announce and publish. Please have everything in readiness te begin the 19th of May. Hold preparatory services during all of next week Much depends on the preparation mil be glad to give any further in formation needed. Yours in Christ R. G. Pearson. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Postoffioe in Greens boro, N. On May 8, 1889 j Eliza Atkinson, Wm. Barnes, Ma tilde Below, Thomas P. Bishop, Sam ' Broadingaxe. Mrs. J. Brown. Miss Callie Coe, 0. S. H' Cullen (2), T, : Cunshank, Rev. Adam Fields,' John Gibson (col), J. G. Gordon, John L. Gunn, Thomas Hamilton, Miss Manavia Horton, Tacok Hefluer ' Peon Lamb, Geo. A.JMcCardell (a) 17. E. Miller, J. R. Milliken, John Thomas Newman, W. R. Pinnix Warren Ruth; Mrs. Albert Robinson TJ.' W. Shaw, Mrs. Susan $hamonels. John A. Tate, W. F. Webb. Persons calling for the above' lettera will please say advertised. , .'. Gko. II. Gregory, P..M. -.sv 'Va:h., TheTwih-City Dtily is raistak en in saying that straight Demo cratic ticket was elected in ' Greens borO Monday, . We have not con sidered the ticket in that light,' at . politics have not been named in our city elections for,, some years. By investigation we might be able to say ; that quite a large majority are Dem ocrats, but all are not, and that ques tion 'was ignored ' in t h e nomi nations. ' Greensboro is one' of. the most liberal, conservative towns in the Staie wheu it cornea to Muaicipa . aflairsi' "Democrats,. Republicans, Wets and Drys, s the composition is, the object is . the enforcement of the laws as they are ' ion 1.7 the." statute book, and when this is secured we are all right. .Long may it be so. Coursd.of the liTestern Cyclone, Chicagoj ' May -7.A'' dispatch . from Jb argo, i;at(, says that a cy clone swept acrosa that city Tester day, doing considerable damage in the. way of- unroofing buildings, . and demoralizing telephone and eleotrio light wires. The npper etc- ry or tbe bilverson block was badly damaged;. 'the debria from which fills the street in front. The eleo trio light towerliea across the rail road track. .Numerous dwellings were unroofed. ' The storm moved from south to north, and was pre ceded by a blinding sand storm and the usual roaring sounds. " ' Botpalo, Dak May 7. Th 1 most destructive stortn eyer 'expe-4 riepCod in this seotion, passed over ' to towtt-eBterdayT." Thetbttri; . Commenced at 7j o'clock, and at' 2 f. m., ifc assumed the , form of 'a nrricane. The.damage will foot tip tWQ,OOQU- iM, v p :. : ,6:.;' .ftMVftrt.-.r-ttf;t; The Woes of the West. Hudson, Mioh., May 7. Tbe lit tle village of Waldron. Dear here. suffered a disastrous fire yesterday. Thirty stores and bouses, eompns ins the entire business portion of tbe plaoe, were swept away. 'The loss will reaob $00,000, partially insured. Cleveland, O., May 7. A spa- 1 a at . W vi oiai w toe rre8s irom lama, udio, aaye the entire business portion of Beaver Dam, a town near , there, was destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. But three build ings were left. Loss f 80,000. G he ex field, Ills., May 7. A se vere conflagration visited this town yesterday. The entire east side of f he Square, consisting of good bus iness houses, was burned, entailing a loss of $50,000. Tbe fire was of iccendiarv origin. Pabis, Ky., May 7. Captain T. E. Moor's large stable, containing twelve valuable horses, burned last night. Tbe horses were valued at nearly $60,000. Brace Up. Yon are feeling depressed, your appe iteia poor, yon are bothered with headache, yon are figety, nervoas, and, generally out of sorts, and want to brace np. Brace up, but not witu stim ulants, spring medicines or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an bonr, and then leave yon in a worse condition than before. What yon want is an alterative that Will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. 8uoh a medicine yon will find in Eleotrio Bit ters, and only 60 cents at O. E. Holtons Drag Store. , Ludicrous Laconics-. There is always a humcrous side to all great occasions. The cele bration , at tbe Gailford Battle Oronnd was do exoeption. The San caught np a few notes along While Governor Fowle was speaking an old fellow leaned over and prodding his' neighbor in the side, inquired: "Who's that speak ing?" He' aa told that it was Gov. Fowle. "Gov. Fowle. he! Whar'a he from?" One of tbe f fsunine gender made the same In quiry. When she was told that it was our Goyernor remarked: "Obi I yes, governor Vance. ...,, A very seedy looking individual was walking around, in a lonesome kind of manner, ever and anon easting 'glances over the large crowd. Finally be baited near a crowd of gentlemen and remarked: "Wall, I reckon; thar are tot mo' than 'alf a dozen men " here that war in tbe battle of Guilford Court House. All gone." ' . H. was. told that probably, not more than tbat number were present Some of the" pupils of Greens boro Female College enjoyed them selves by spending tbe day in the college . grove, .and watching tbe trains as they passed.' One tender ly inclined youth' with low cut bangs and1 high-standing collar, lost two bats in riding baok and iorin jusi ,10 see, joem ana vsmue bis sweetest smilea. Durham Ban. " " ' UWJ, V ftUI UiU, WH PJUK r with a disease for which doctor had L n fl'l 11 v W . U. ItHU ky.. . 1.1 -1 L. era, and tha Qngera came off to the l J mldcy tofnt. For mn ha nffrA r 1 dread foSr; ta now (retting well, and I rii am aatitified Swlft'a Specific la tbe I wt "A cmer eanae of hi improvement. if Joan Darax, L , Jan. 14, 188?. ,., , , 41. ert, Ind. f fm POISONED BY CAtF-MyK little boy broke out with eorea and 1 nicer, the reenlt of the aaliva 01 a calf comlnv in m, tact with a cnt finger- Tbe ubwrs were deep and pain ful and ehowed no inclination ta heal. I ewlft1 gpeciflo, and he 1 now well. - Feb. 15, '89. . , , . . Johw F. Umxjo, Anburn, Ala. 8eod for book on Blood Poison k- Skin Dlaeaae. free. - ' - Swirr Spkotio 3o., AUantColL Drug Notice ! ?ATrTTtTt., Jt! lower,., flants. Very Cheap for sale by v riNE pP, CARDUT." FOR jnEERT'6I(i BITTERS, w tw sure cure iarTneumausm.. Jt or sale by l; ' 9;- J6rd,? MayJtw';'-v:( Greensboro has just received a fresh . supply of 4 "' BUFFALO LITHIA . WATER. . APOLLINARIS WATER. . ' HOFF'S MALT - EXTRACT. sum WATER ON DRAUGHT, BY THE BOTTLE, OR IN BULK. ICE COLD SODA AND MINERAL WATERS, AT m26-iy. IMPERIAL EQG FOOD WILL MAKE HENS LAY.; IMPERIAL EGG FOOD Prevents and absolutely Cares the dis eases incident to foultry. 0HI0KEN CHOLERA Is usually the result of weakness onsed by a lack of the proper chemioala in the system. These are supplied by the Imperial Ej Food, which also im parU vigor to YOUNG CHICKENS & TURKEfS And famishes material to build upon at the very sa all expense of 1 cent per lowland 1-4 of I cent per chicken for two weeks. 1 ' . P. a STUBTEVANT. . Hartford. Conn. Manufacturer 0 f . Ground Oyster Shells and ' other Poultry Supplies. Mills 162-161 Ctommeree St. Oloe No 216. BUte Street. - For. aaleby W.O.PORTER, , I ." Greensboro, N. 0. fL9-tt, - HAVE YOU SEEN IT? ' '" -THE-,. Roller Tray Trunb! rnHE MOST WONDEBFUL x ivention - of tbe nineteenth oentary. Mosf ' convenient, mo'et durable and cheapest ' trnnk bade. .Will save joa many back-achea. A sim'Dle motion 6f vonr hand will enabie yon to pack or nnpaok your trunk without having to lift a tray. Made in' every etyle. U SOLD BY AIL DEALERS. , PATENTED AND MADE BY H. V. ROUNTBEE fc BRO. -,:' Makers of all kinds of . m. TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS. v al8 8m ! ' Biohmond, Va. Dr.R.'Wv;Tate, Praoticino; ThyHician, Greensboro, N. O.. offers his Professional Services to the citizens of Greensboro and' but rounding: country, S Office at Porter A Daltoa's drncr store. "When" not there ean be found at bis residence on Ash boro street, opposite OoL T. B. Keogh's, lull . . . : , POMONA N.C -HP)., " Mb. Editob I wish to inform my friends generally tbat I bate used about 4000 feet of 'glass iu 1 erecting Oreen Houses and ihey are now full, to over, flowing with plan ta suitable to plant in open ground between April . 20th, and May 20thj Young pot'roses, 'ebrysanUie- mutiiis, carnations, fuohias, geraniums (leas, bedding planls in gieati.yariety, Aoi, JDatalogue we,' WAddrefg, m2l8m.. yS)S:Ak ".Vd. I P.O. Pomona, GEO F T IIS SHOES. SHOES. We are Offering a very Large and very Desirable Stock of SHOES AND SLIPPEKS For Ladies. Gentlemen, and Cliildren THIS WEEK. Brown's One Price House. THEY HAVE COME! HE LINES OF SUITS, COATS AND VESTS . AND PANTA loons we advertised last week have 'arrived and are ready for your critical inspection. They were not only bought at very low figures but we have priced them at the shortest possible profit. The goods are from tbe best manufacturers, new and fashionable, correct in style and reliable in quality. Come and see them. Respectfully, Sample S. Brown. : ' . GO TO CHINA HALL AND GET IOUE "J China Crockery and Glassware. . ; LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 'KEEP A LARGE STOCK. AND INVITE THE "I " PUBLIC TO CALL AND ;JN' ' , . . v .SPECT.QUR GOODS Respectfiilly, ' '.rSHIOHESTER BROS. SOUTH ELM STREET, Opposite jjoTioE.. ; Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the General As sembly now fli tesion to change the charter of the city of Greensboro, N. O, j24.80d . Joeh A. Babbinosb, Mayor. Valuable Lahds'fbr.Sale. 1 1 ;!.., T THE COURT, HOUP, AT o'clock on :'ff Afft (r,MAYl25th,1889f vi we will seirtp ine nigueai uiuuer wo farm belonging to the nelrs oi Kaipn Gorrell, t dee'd,' containing WO. mxe more ore less, situated on the north side of Reedy Fork, nine miles iromureens boro. and 8 miles from Brown Summit, This farm. oontMnsPQ. apa. of jbely timbered land, arge pody of t a well and springs of good.wtetatdifr ferent pointa.The soil ia well adapted to Mia nrnrlnntion of tobacco." wheat. cdrn'.' oats clover and other graaSeBind Will be divided into four d ftvaarm . Tb division will be announced hereafter. . a274w. 1 ' K P.'WBCAETOS CO? FOKSAJill,,, f. iTNE: EXCELLENT PIANO, ONE Jf, Qrgan.nd one. -flu: all Printing Press and outfit . jPor'partiiulart apply tf i-R." MORGAN, wc -. . vii-! rinii v n . j P. S. Persons wishing a purchase Greensboro. N. Q.Uf2UH i ' WE.1 Benbow Hall -!.,c- i DR. D.R. SCHENCK,.. OFFICE , IN" CENTRAL BOTEI., over the Fitssimona Drug Store. Offioe hours 8:80 to ' 10.vb'eloek'a."B.t' ' 4 to 6 o'olok; p. m. . Bealdenoe on : Church st ' - janl2-tf Dissolution of Partnership, I ATOTTCE IS HEREBY 1 GIVEN tha. the firm of Dr. J. W. BIoshap- j & Co, consisting of J, W. Bloseer and: Samuel L. Trogdon is this day' by mu tual consent dissolved-.' "-- r-- jyt r' c Ji W,BiossB3t,v '' - J3', L, ..Tbogdoh. January 1st.' 1889.' 1 i; The former business of the above firm, r ' will be continued by me. - , ''' J. W. Bloskr. ' ' YADKIN COLLEGE , v XUGQ' QGlXQOIj;'1' T' 5 v1 Fall term o'oses Deo. 21st, -1888. Spring term begins Jakuary 2nd. 89; , and oontiuues twenty -two- weeks. I-'- Oqurse oi , study , includes English,. Natural' Sciences, Latin, Greek, Muaio " and book keeping. -Ll ; :h . :tvvr "7 Parents and guarfians seeking a thor- s v oughly reliable school will find ' ntire ' satisfaction here. 'ESW Expenses Jess " "J than those ef any ther first olaso - school in the State.') Two. tLiteranr at . eieties the Ciceronian and ,tha B;own, , ing for young ladies and geptlemenr - respectively;! t yotf are' interested la' the Bubject ,ot eduoatiou.T it "will navv. ' you to write for , circulars which wiU . ' Priu,V',REy,iA;Ii.:MORGAN.:rht, de81:dAwtf Yadkin College, N. 0 Biro -iiui" luiuiBiuuoai Aauress me ? r

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