1 X, 5 GIVE YOUR WIFE & PA3fIII-Y A SUITABLE Ota Tear's A Good House and Lot, or a nice lot to build on, an J buy it oheap, from Yates linos. Lite Real Jutatt Agents. Why don't jou put your property in our bands for sale or rent T We hare many more calk for houses than we can snpply, nu can Sell Your Property for yoa, after you have failed to. Yates IJros. The Lire Real Estate Agent opposite Benbow llov.se. c THE GREENSBORO MILL is now prepared to furnish a superior article of Pearl Hominy, Bread Meal, and fresh feed from the best of grain. We give speciul Attention to preparing Feed of all Kinds for horses, milch oows, hogs and poul try, and espectfully invite a careiui in spection -' our products and prices, which Wiii insure for us A Liberal Support from all interested in buying feed, etc. ' All purchase Delivered Free of Charge within the corporate Units, or within a rersonable distauoe. Our best efforts ' . will be given to MERIT THE PATRONAGE of the public t nov20- DO YOU BUFFER FROM Constipation or Piles ? IF YOU DO, BUY A BOX OF, - BOOTY'S SENNA PASTE. Price 28 Cent per box. This medicine is a positive, cure for Constipation, and cures the piles by removing the fever from the parts thereby restoring them to their . natural condition. There is no grip ng, hence for children, or- aged and infirm nersons. it is an invaluable remedy. ' For sale in Greensboro by tlie fol lowing Druggists: C E- Holton, W. C. Porter and Geo. Fitzsimons, and all druggists elsewhere. March 7-im. JOTIOE OF DISSOLUTION. Be it known hereby that the Corpo . ration organized - and dring bosh ess under the name and style of S JPegram A Co., has by proper resolutions this day passed by the stockholders been ' dissolved and all business of every kind discontinued by said corporation. This the 2nd day of Jfeo. 18S ' 1 W. A. UBVTXIi, 8. S. MlTCHELL, W. E. Swam, J. L.KniaAGo.. C. M. Piobx, Stockholders. J. H. WHrrr. one 1 , of the ad'mVa. of j , . 4., C. N. MoAdoo, j : Deoeased. - J SEND F0K SAMPLE COPIES THEY COST NOTHING. The News and Observer, BALEIQH, V. 0.' . The largest, best and cheapest paper published in the State. Telegraphic ac counts of all interesting events from every part ol the world.- ; u'f Full Market Reports. A paper for very family.; Established .1872 and gets better every year. - --W.'---, Bend your name, Poatoffioe address , god $2.00 for one year; I1.0Q tot 6 "months. "7" ' " ' Every North Carolinian ' should take it The livest, most progressive paper : in the Stta ; A THE WEEKLY NEWSrOBSESVEB, - - i . ' Baleigh, N. C. . , NEWSakdOBSEBVEBCO., Feb. 29-3m ; : a ; Raijeigh, N, 0, : fVw'T Svrm CyL to Acc6iii'Lat on com I pal. I .mmation. Attack the first symptoms ol mnl vourtnroaimaiun rmn irv ir-HaUon-wun naie' nuncj ui i 1 1 r and achieve an casr victory, 3 TATE BROS., have Just reoeived the daintiest and moat delioate perfumes and Triple Floral Extracts. Just Arrived, 100 OASES THOMPSONS BROMINE ARSE. NIC WATER. . 500 OASES - NEWS FERRY LITHIA. 25 GROSS , ; CHEWING GUM. PEPPERMINT AND LIME FRUIT. 48 DOZEN I SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR DRY IN 25 CENT PACKAGES. DOUBLE QUANTITY I N PACKAGE.- NEW LOT ' ; HAIR, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES. TBY THE LATEST CRAZE, "CLAM JUICE." '' ; - . The most potent regenerator of the age dispensed only at our ooda i ountain. JtSPhyticlana prescriptions care fully and aocuratelv filled any hour day and night, by MB.BOBT. S. MEBAN3 who is in ebarge 01 this department. TATE BROS. a9tf LAND SALE. PURSUANT TO AN OBD r B OF the Superior Court, made in the ease of Judith J Mendenball, Ezeoutrix of Bschel Parker, deceased, and others ex parte, the undersigned will sell .. BY PUBLIC AUCTION ; ' to the highest bidder.at the Court House doot in Greensboro. N. C en tSe lfth day of May, 1889, tract of land on Horse Pen Creek, adjoining thejlands of Buf us Harris, J . B Jessup and others and containing 83 acres more or lees. TERMS : One ball cash, balance in 6 months with interest from date of sale. Title reserved. . JUDITH J. MENDENHALL. al8-aw . .Exr'x and Commissioner. Sale ef Land. By virtue of an order of the Superi or C nrt of Guilford, in a special proceeding for the sale of the lan J of the late Ellis Mitchel, for the payment of nis aeois, - x snail seuat 1 none aaciio 1, to tbe hifihost bidder,' on Monday the 6th day of May, 1889, the tract of land on which said Ellis Mitohell lived for many years, on the wateis of Brush Creek, adjoining the lands of Joseph Wilson, Eli Lindsay,' John Jessup and others, containing fifty acres more . or less. . . v Persons desiring to purchase are re quested to ex unine said land.- v Txouc or Bali. One half eash on the day of sale, the other half on a credit of three months, with interest from date, to be secured by bond and ap proved security. Title reserved 1 until the whole purchase money is paid. ' , O. Q. Weiiub, Admr. m27-4w of Ellis Mitchell. km S 2 "2 S E m at i. 2 w w ui is mm OQ H 2 t 5 t M -s CLEMENT G. WRIGHT ATTOHIIEY-AT-LAW, Fractloes in the State aal Federal Courta, r 1 VzmtT'i tz'A ftrz:i Finest Grade of t olls, v tit p m S"0 J- O 1 1 ttvwl frr Price anil Orjriovue. AdlcM , H. rfynA C . THE CEIiEUUATEI Briflgewater Flour. .TR1DGEVATER" took the ' A Siler medal at the Paris Ex position .' .CDRIDGEWATER" took first V premium at the Atlanta Cot ton Exposition. (fRaiDGEWATER" is an hbn -iJ est flour made out, of "Old Virginia" wheat l ( "D RIDGEWATER" is cheaper f than any other flour of same grade. . - . - ( (T)RIDGEWATER" i's sold with a guarantee", to please you or money refunded. FLOUR HAS DECLINED' A , little lately and we have marked our prices down accordingly." Ask for VBRIDGEWATER" and you win oe pieasea.j v.: Most Respectfully, 5"' i ' i-, I, i - ' i - Piedmont Air-line Route 6jswa UU1 Richmond und Danyille Railroad CONDENSED 80HEDULE, In Ernat Arsax, 14, 1889. Trains Ku by 75th Mridian Time. XAILZ. 80CTHB0T7KD. No. 60. : No. 52. Ly. New York , Philadelphia Baltimore V Washington 12 15 a m 4 80 pm 6 67pm ' 9 42 pm 7 20am 9 45 a n 11 24 a m 11 Ul pm 8 CO am 607am CharlotrsvU'J 8 80pm 5 40pm 8 20 p m 8 00 p m 4 69 p m 5 40pm 8 40 pm Lynohburg Ar. Danville 745am Lv. Richmond 230 am 4 80am 1 6 13 a m Burkeville Eeysville Danville 8 OS a m Ar. Greensboro 10 27p m 9 42am f4 00pm OCOpm Lv. Goldsboro 2 00pm 4 45pm Ar. Raleigh Lv, Raleigh r4 6Cpm '11 p m 0 o'Z p m 8 80 p m 2 02 am Ar Greensboro 7 4 'J a m Lv. Salem f6 15 pm 6 80 A m 9 60 am 1118am Green sVoro 10 B7pm Ar. Salisbury 12 23 a m Ar. StaU'Rville 1 61 a in 12 12 pm Asbeville Hot Springs 740 am 4 44pm 9 20am oiupm Lv, Salisbury Ar. Charlotte 12 31am 11 28 a m 12 40 p m 2 05am 4 40am Spartanburg Greenville , 1 Atlanta 8 87pm 4 48 p m 5 60 an 11 00am 2 20am 9 40pm I 00pm 6 10 pm ' 9 05 p m LvChbrlotto Ar Columbia Ar Anputta 6 30 em I Hi 80 a m DAILY. HORTH BOUND No. 61. No. S3. Lv Augusta- . fl 15 pm' 8 45 a m Lv Columbia - 10 40 p m 12 50 pm Ar Charloite a 15 am 0 19pm 710 am Lv. Atlanta 6 15 pm Ar. Greenville 106am 211am 4 60am 1 01 pm 2 52pm 6 80 p m Spartanburg Charlotte Salisbury B 22 am 7 05pm 1)V. Hot Springs 8 05 p m 112 10 p m Asbeville . Statesyille 9 46 p m 1 82 d m 3 so a m 6 01 p m Ar. Salisbury Ly Salisbury ' Ar, Greensboro 4 87 a m 6 48 p m a 27 am 7 12 p m o 00 a m 40 p m U40am , tl284am Salem " . Lv. Greensboro 19 45 am 10 60pm Ar. Durham ;. 12 01pm 6 00am Baleiah 1 102pm- 880am Lv. Baleigh Ar. Goldsboro 1 02 p m ' ' 9 00pm 12 0 p m 8 60 p m 10 20 pm 1 49 am 2 41am 615am 8 10 pm Lv. Green sboro Ar. Danville ' 18 05 am 9 47 a m Keysville ; Burkeville ; Richmond 12 88 pm 1 23 p m 8 80 p m Ar. Lynchburg 12 40pm12 65am Cbarlott'sville 2 65 pm 8 1)0 am Washington Baltimore , Philadelphia ; New York Daily. 7 13 pm , 8 60 pm 8 00am 6 20 a m 6 68am f8 20am 10 47 am 120pm fDaily,exoept Sunday Train for Raleigh via Olarksville leave Biohmond, daily; 8 pm; Keysville, 6 05 p m; arrives Olarksville, 7 25 p m; Oa fold. 8 80 d m: Henderson. 9 80 D m: Durham 10 80 p m ; Raleigh if 46 p a iteturmng leaves JKaleign 7am daily; Durham, 8 80 a m; Henderson 8 80 am; Oxford 10 20 a m; Olarksville, 11 18 a m; Eeysville, 12 8 J p m; arrives Rich mond 8 30 pm. v A ' - u- - Looal mixed trains leave . Durham daily except Sunday, 4 p m; arrives Kejsville, 1 85 a n ; returning leaves Keysville 8 80 a m; arriving at Durham, 8 pm. Passenger oo.ch attached, J . Noa. 51 and 63 eonneot at Biohmond daily except Sunday for West Point and iMiumore via york luver Lane. . No, 60 from West Point connects daily except Sunday at Biohmond with No. oU for tbe Boutn. - w No. 60 and 61 connect at Goldsboro with trains to and from Morehead City and Wilmington. . No 51 connects at Greensboro and Selma-for Payetteville. " No. 03 oonaeots at Helms lor Wilson. Nos. 50 and 61 make close oonneetion at University Station with trains to and from Chapel, Hill exoept Sundaya. - ' ' i SLEEPIMO-OAB BERTI03. :-. On trains 50 and 61. Pullman ' Buffet sleeper between Atlanta and New York, GreensDDro and August and ureen bdro, Aahevflle and Morristown, Tenn. On 52 and 68, Pullman Buffet sleeper between Washington and New Orleans via Montgomery,, and between Wash ington and Aiken, Biohmond' and Greensboro, Raleigh and Greensboro, and Pullman parlor, cars between Sab isbury and Knox ville. . . : ' : .:. . - Through tickets on sale at principal stations, toallpoiuta. .r t -' For rates local and through time tables, ap ply to any agent of ths Company, or to -, Son. Haas, ,, v ; I Jifc U Trafflo Manager. I Gen. Paar Az t, W. A. Tube, Div. Pass. Agt, Bal ,: . eigh, N. C. f (' m Fancy Plctnr, nl II I I U nt Crdt In tiilt Edg. Bilk If )Irinm.. HIMcn Num.. ic. 1 Wit tm-t Bongater, 1 M Prl Paula, tnt tUMhgmm. all tor lOcta. Hum ol Aatbora, lOcta. iiuhi vwi winnnraifi vunnt: . IN 'ACCORDANCE WITH POW. era granted to the '.'Greemboro' Ftmale Colege AsKeiation," by the Legislature at its session of 1889, giving said asaooiation mnniciral powers, th Board of D.reotcrs met April 16th, 1889, and passed the following ordinanoes : lit. That any and ail persons who 4hall enter on. the grounds of said asso ciation, and while there do any act 1 which is calculated to excite or put in" fear, annoy or disturb tbe quiet or ', peiee of my student in attoodauoe on the school of the association, whili in or out of school or any teacher or saperin-' tendent or other koffloer thereof, or do any act to interfere with or induoe any student la tchool aa aforesaid to violate or to do anything contrary to the" rules or discipline of the school.shall egnil- ty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction each, and every person shall pay a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars or imprisonment at the decfe tion of the equrt. 2nd. That every nerson found guilty of loud and boisterous cursing or swear! iog in the buildings or on the grounds of lbe aMooiation or be found drunk or disorderly, or down, or disturbing, or in any wuy interfering with the peace and good order, comfort and quit tof tbe students or any cne of them iu ntten dance on tbe school of the association, while om the grounds of said SHSoriaUon ir be found violating the rules of de oenoyhall upon conviction thereof pay a fine of not less than five dollurs nor more tr an fifty dollars or imprisonment at the diuretic n of the court 3rd. Any person who shall be guilty of disorderly conduct at any exhibition or public meeting on the grounds of tbe association or shall in any way disturb or annoy any audience therein or there, on shall upon conviction pay a fine of not less turn live nor more tnan imy dollars or imprisonment at the discre tion of the court, and shall further be liable and it hall be the duty of auy of noer to immediately eject inch persons from the prrmiscs of the arsocia'ion. - 4tb.' That it any two or more per sons sbsll assemble or come together in the buildings or on the grounds of the -association and indulge in drinking spirituous, fermented or malt liquors, shall be guilty of a raisdeseanor and on eonviotion tUereof shall each pay a fine ol not less tusn five nor more than filty , dollars, or imprisonment at the disre tion 6f the court . . " 6th. That any and all persons who shall indecently expose themselves or do . any cbacene act, nse or wrigbt any obscene lsnguage or make or exhib it obscure marks, drawings or pictures, on the grounds or within the buildings of thej association, shall on eonviotion pay a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, , or imprisonment, at the discretion of the court - . 6th. That Prof. Dred Peacock be ' and is hereby appointed police, as pro vided in and with the powers prescribed , iu an act of the Genr I Astern bly cf North Carolina passed at its session held . in 1889 entitled an act to amend chapter 67th private laws of the acta ot 1883 4c , REAL ESTATE. -POB- Sale or Rent. PARTIES WISHING A 8 A F E and Profitable investment ia Real Estate might be accomodated by calling on me. ' I have some for. sale that la Both k the HEART OF THE CITY and in the SUBURBS. Also some good property for Bent , . Beapeotfully,' . - a8 Iw ' , . , Sahvui B. Bsowv, - PROFESSIONAL OARDS. -Dr. WALTER W. ROWE, :. V Surgeon1 Dentist, :'. ' fSnoceesor to Robertson A Rows, Iindsay.oorner, np slain. ; Dr. J.W. GRIFFITH, . ; . ... Surgeon Dentist- . . , t :: - Teetb Extracted .Without Pain. Odoe opp. Benbow House, Oreensboro, '' J JOHN b: miohaux, Hi Attorney & Oounsellorat Law' GBEENSBOBO, N. O. 0EECE & ELPu.1, Under Benbow Hall, t " , " rvvfenensboro'SM C v - Dlffiealty of bnnthlnr, a Short, dry coo eh, A quick pulse, and pain in th left tide are aymp. . torn of approacntng'onaumption. Relieve th cheat And cure the cough with Hale's Honey ot Horehound undTar.' Th't yemedy ia awlft aod c . Uta, at aoy cUva; ttors'kC a.fc jac., andi, r s

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