Vol. VII. GREENSBORO, 0., Tuesday Jauuary 28, 1890. No. 201. UDITOIHAI.lH.IKt'S. Tkrk are five men he hn?? in North ("riiiiim on MiC jftl), o( ne t month. Noiitii Carolina hat given a goo I large order for neckwear, to l.e won on the 7th prox. A fine, live giraffe, 16 feet high, can be bought for$to,oco. Nothing laid of speed in harness. The Sanford Exp.i.s says tbat Mr. G. W. Charlotte, late editor o the Siler City News will become edi tor cf the Aabeboro Courier. The ice dealers cf New York are in better heart ai to the prospect for an ice haivest, as ice from six to nine inches thick has been formed heady on the lakes near the Hudson .river. . . s Wb eee in tke News and Observer that the Governor has decided not to interfere with the sentence of Manly Panckney,of Montgomery county who isunder lentence of deaMi lor murder, the execution to take place on the yth ot February. V There have been twenty three wrecks inthesp.ee of three, weeks' on the Savannah L "Western Railroad, the "hf of which resulted in the death of two engineers, two train hands and one firemen and the. 5n- "urj of several other persons. ,' New York specialists are making experiments with the virus of a rabid dog, and after injecting the virus in. toother, dogs an awaiting results. The rabid dog which furnishes opr portunity for the experiments, is the property of R M. Colgate, and is valued at $300. - A dispatch receivtd from Re dt ville last right announced the nc qoittalof Mrs1. Mortis in thecal at Wentworth, as c intimated ' tster- day would probably be the verdict. We here comet a miM.temeu made yesterday that Col. Tames E. B3d, of this city as associate . Counsel k Solicitor. It waa Col, miu "' Boyd, ot Rockingham . Cashier Lounsbery, of the New York post office, committed suicide some days ago, under mysterious cir- cumstances. Many believe tbat he will be found short $45. ,n hlg while others believe that when the private compartments of certain safe, are exam.nea n -, age wM be mall matter. Other trouble, than those of a flnancal na- . ... ccrsted as to the cause of T.UTC v "" . the suicide. . A Mosthew man baa been conoetii a to pa, the sum of $1 m damage lor having called no-" I 0 for navn s -niiwttaa a debt. .factory held that the uomicue is tbe proper Tbe court .1.-. debtor place at which to demand money , that P If further declared that to is owing. " . , aekon the k- ..riwt tor constitped n ",sa aault. It wouia - I. far rear that tne - FINS MiCKBBEL .lust reived at J.H :f pS! Booth Grbo.o. , 1. .,,.,ml,UtU"l " "' 1 A 4KB.. .w . . .m IIPU Picked I'll and JoOed liowu lV lire I ,1IMA (!( Tu. --Mr. II 11h D xm h m of hi hr thera ht-'p ng hh,i 'n thr stores Ncirlv a!l of lm Winstiii train ore Mr gicki Amir.fr, thtsj t hat are tio sick for duty are the conduc tor and the baggage n.aMer. Numbtnof people in this ci dm r. to have hsd'la Grippj, hut some of thorn cne cT too easily to have a wel' jgioutided diim on 'iat line. The quantity rf ijbaccj on this market has nit been so great for the psst fe days as it was not !ong since, arfrj the prices paid are not altogether so high. The Street worker on the north side are very busy laying off and making it eets in the old fiild.' Al tHat it lacks of locking ci' "fled is the houses. Rv. J. L. White, of Durham, preaches to night at the Baptist church. His discourse will be c pecially for young men, but all are invited' Two of the carriers of Tub Wohkman are sick, it is thought with mcaales. Should any irregularity occur in the delivti ' of the pipers, please report to this ciuce. . ' "TheccutitViT"rfierJtiuti:,"'of $ico in the gUre of an electric light in yeterda's Workman ws8faulty as it left the impression that it took pla .; in Greensboro, while the faot is. it was in Charlotte. These are forty-nine electric lights in use in Grdensboro at pres ent. As these are widely distribu ted, the carbon setter who now has to make the rounds daily, gets a very good leg exercise, We have noticed quite a number of people on the street recently with niggard plasttrs sticicing about on them. This morning' we saw. a younj msn with his nose covered and vrsterdiy we sw out with a white cloth ovrr his eye. Accidents by rail or otherwise teem to have been quite frequent. ' . ' ' Tho y. in. c. a. mMuna The Y. M. C. A. Meeting to night will he conducted by Mr. L'. A. Coul ter, State Secretaiy. The services re at 8 130, that therjf nay .be no complaint with other services. All men invi ed, and members espeoially re urged to attend,,. A Splendid Adveiitaiaa; Madlaaa . Merchants, grocers, shop-keepers, butchers, etc., etc., don't know how much publicity a local in the Work man would give them. A gentle man said this morning that he had beeu asked about about a certain mat ter by a thousand people as a result of a local in yesterdays Workman. , ' Mere Lig-bl.. " : Anorher electric light baa been ad. ded to the circuit. . .This one has been placed over cn tho hill in the old field tow ard the cemetery, and serves to give light by night to wild animals to watch the growth of the young town tht is about'to- spring up in that quartet1, and ovor which they aeem anxious, , knowing that tney will soon bsve to give place to aa increased population and a widen V IPS civilization. J , Uoyer Wmm l'.lectud MierUf. 1 Timt is the re'diot. rendmttd hv the 1 . . . ' I jury in thi content i; election chmi of I3jvr egsinst Teaus t 2 :E0 i.'oiock tl)' fll InriDn. The iiaf'iii.e nid moiiin fur a iihw trinl. Nolhini new having ht-en brought to I ght the motion n Htini ed. . Th defers thn appealed to the Supreme Court on ibe exceptions no ted during the trial. The Judge order ed that an appeal Hod of $100, up proved by theelerk, be filed. It was tbea igceei th( the defentf nt I n allowed SO ditvsto make uh hi ca: 3 for the Supreme Court, aorf tbat thn plain'iff ts flowed 15 day therf- after to tile his answer. A bond iu he stiai of $3,000 to oure the emoluments of the office for the time it has been and w;ll be held by dtfeodant Teagtie, will be reuired. He was given until next Mondar, tke dr the County Commissionera meet, to 61b Slid boad. If he dees so, the agreement is that ht shall cont:nue in effi.! nntil tbe Supreme Court. It he does not give the bond, the Commit -siooPM will be aked to deo'am the of fice vacant and appoint Boyer, or aome one, ro the, offirs Twin-City Dily. V ' rcrisatl mention. 1 Mr. Stewart Jones, of Richmond, 1 Capt.B. J.'risher, of Asheboro, is in the c'rtv to-d;ty, , , C -; ; i Editor Hunt of. the Br'linton News and Mr, Berrv Davidson.' of Gibsonyil'e. '.ew here for a short time this rm, ning. . Mr. Calvin Johnson, who has been down to his mother's for some days, relumed fo the city on the C. F. & Y. V. train to-day, Col. John C Tipton and parrv took a tide out into th countif ys'er day evening in a big hack, and this morning the Col. walks around with a very Lig col.-?, " Mrs. John Tuck son, of South Green sbo to weot to Dinvil'e la night in respome lo a telegram from her sister, Mrs John Roster, who is ill with an attack ci la grippe, It is supposed. We know of other pet sons in Danville "who htve been attacked . by the samev disease, but bear of ho very serious cases. A EiOcaaaaUva Bail MHlclg;b. The Newa aotiyhserver aaya : "The have just urneu out a magnificent new locomotive wbioh is now ready to start out on the rvi. It was built in r.he R & Q. abopa from the rails p( to tba top of the a'mok-utaC'c and for tpeed, strength and aplondid fioiah canuot be excelled by aiy piece of work inj A oierica" . ' FOB HALE. " " Ore elegant building lot oa West Market street. ouDOslteii. U. ulann'a. One store Lot 'fa aud lot on South Elta fct. From live to six a- i'Mlyog around the rest dt'3ceof Mrs. Dr. wtison aud iromlng VnBt Market street. Four desirable uslnewi lots la ttie grove aonth or depot. ' . ' ' Desirable lots on Greece street. The W. A, Raids laotoryaixl luiue.tr ttie depot. Hon. barvaiiis lu bu'iu rx; tots la Boutu oieensboro, on South El 'B si A so souie lan) it ;t)? oa sod near the O. F. AY. V R. R., oii'"r")t splendid lac;ory s'tes. One huodttiil ami 11 ite'i act .5 ct the biyhest hnprovea laud in t uiiloid county, adjoining tho city limits. .. t 'i vv Ac" description ofp"otfily n Be had seasonably b cm t ou 1 . "i A Boales, Oflli n ii'fPoi' r'a draw etoie. r.OiT t jwlie'O, jester .ia, z r uC hcli h U plc-iia call n rte?e l'nrun ot Hie bill a r CiJ.K street, or of n i .pf. Ulie 1; at t , c We, wtie. v,i 1 1 fiveu. A NKW V Tf.ltl'ICIM:. Tlis lulck fouipanr Hold nn I't:liu. a . I'c .tlrn.iitg. A met ting was held in the rxmi of the Chamher of Comrrtrce lat night, at S o'clock, in pursuance cf a call ma.Je in Tkk Daily Workman of same evening. On motion of Mr.' O. V. L'arr, Jjdge Gilmer wis cilled to the chsir, and on further motion Mr. J. W. Cautey was made SecrtNty. The meeting being thus organized wa called to order by the Chairman and it business opened. - Tne minutes of last meeting were iejd, amended and adopted. Stock was found to have baen taken to tbe amount of $4300, which was further incteased to $5, 000. Report wtre made of lands offend to the company for its pur pose in making brick, ar.d the matter of machinery was alio mentioned. It was pioposed and csrritd that the stock of the company be iocreated to $10,000 On motion a committee was ap pointed by the Chairrr.ai to draft ar .Icltsof incorporation lor the com pany, and have the same executed in legal form. The Chairman appoint ed a said committee, O W. Carr, Sa'Vnple.. Brown, and W. II. Lyon, and on further motion the name ( f J, W. Cansey wa sd led. " The meeting' was gratified to have the presence of Messrs.. W. H. Wat kins, end T. L. Chish dm, of Ram- seur, who subscribed to the stock of tba company. ' On motion the mct- ing tdpujned to Monday night, Feb. ruarv loth, at 8 o'clock. Advlrs Grail:. The ' following i given free ot charge, nor have w been solicited by anv of the real eiUtH mtn't to in- st ri it. ;ust at this rime we think it verv appropritre frr mny ot cur citizens t 1. Be sure to get a good lot on hich to build; and do not forget that no lot ia a gocd cne unless ic is of gcod size and in a gcod locality. 2. Do not, on any account, touch any property that ha the least Haw in the title Be.vfry paiticular on tha point. t. Secure a paod plan before vou begin the work ot building. Money judiciously kpent here .wilt be money saved 4. Gel the best workmen, rot the- cheapest. The cheapest will be the dearest before you get through with thena. , 5 Lastly, andatautologically. be aure to secure a large. sized lot. The wisdom of so ijoing will more and more appear as the ) ears go by. ' New Advertlaenaento. 8. 8. Brown Co. "Nw Satteens ' 2d Dane. O P. A Y. T.ChaBge cf . Bcbedule 4th page. S'x Domn Cbildren's Hoie at two cents a lair. Ton doztn Childien', Hose at four cunts pair. Eight Dozen children's Hone at five cent b pair, Blaok. Fancy and tioli t colore Come and see hem, at Browu'e OnePrico House. -Tho-e dcirtng to sell, buy, or tent property should call ou Land & Scales -effice over Porter's. Drug Sioie. ' TO THE BREAD TRADE. After an experience of several months in selling bi-ead at the extremely low price of 4 cents ner loaf, 28 loaves for one dollar. We thS baseri 01 Greensboro, do say for the lack, of prottt. we are compelled to discontinue sel- ni at tbe old prices. Uommencinst Monday, the 27th. we will sell at the f ollowlnir prices : Fwceuts per lour: 6 loaves 1 or SiSo. to tickets J "Jna innnr X. 8. Bneli on 4 I e. for one dollar. Thomas Bailey, . "' 3Mw ' .l.'K.'lhora. KUSIXKSS MKi'aLS' , NO'i'ici:. I wsh to t to tl'.a ti'ibllo Hint I am tt III 111 tilts baking buclu-n. My liiv are scaled tu is at at D?, or 0 loaves lt,r cents, m ticaeia fur on dollar. Koil for lOi1 iwr do. Bread and cakes dmirered at tint Iiousm In walkli g distance, ben ordered. Orders for cakes to lulted. Kwsuevlfuly, 'Iw J. E Thosi. A lrire stook of Chins, Crockery aid gl ware, at . U. Csldcleuga A Bra's. 88 lw raally Groceilrs, at E. II. Ca dc'.eugh k Bros. lw Hoaey, Jast received, at E. If. Csldcleugh ABrcs. lw (tUrapas, OraogM, lemons, Apples, Cocoa natf, Ealln, llijs and Hoe Freoo'i ahd Ptalo Ondlcs, at si. II. Caldclengh 4 Bios. STILL HOLDING THE FORT Ton can itlll flod frefh candles, ft nits and other articles In tbe couiectlouer's line, by calling 00 Mrs. Edwards & Daughter, Trog dcu bullQlnjf. . , J27-1W " . Notice. . y Having purchased the Interest of H. Froo tor lathe thoe buslnen., aud seemed the Una workmen, l. Q and 'llil rarrlaxton, 1 am pre pared to uo nw work and mending on rhort notice, In the Thcaas bailey building. RenpecUuilr,' J3l-Cw ' , , w. a. Andre wi We have received tr-day 25 dcz. misses black-ribbed hcte, good quality, at V sad 10 cents. The original Backet btoie. Price bnildlng, next 10 rorbia' Furniture aa-iw . Wore, ' IIOUMS IO UcilL The bouse now oc upled by Vra. L. .A Hsee In from cf tfcn.it lionse. ais. bonce on Church street now occnpled by air. J. J Tuornton Apply to vv hi T, eergeant. oi2.t Kata Dcpoait. A few ct the safe depot.lt boxes In tbe Na tional Bank of (iieeumorj are tl 1 nctaken. Yearly rental only Ave do tare, and the secu rity from i re and burglary aosolnte Better engage one now at the beionntng of tbe New Year. Ii7- f Nell Ellington, Cashl r. 50C0 to lend cn mortgsge. d:C03w Dlllard and DUlard. I1AYHO! Bays bale of line Timothy Hav. for sale cheap, by 25-lw A. flagan 4 Hon. ' Ilona to Kent. On coinfofGoirell and King streets. .' Jpv p,jto B. B. King. dlBd A New Boatdloa; Houac ' Having quite recently cpened a boarding houre In the large and commodious bricx bonding just repaired, known aatbe Ualdwe!) . House, on Wst Maiket Mnei, two blocks westo the couit housf, I resprotiulJy an nounce to ibe public that I am now prepared to serve the regular sod 'ran lent euttoin In an excellent and approved at vie, and can af ford my patrous such accomodation aa can be had only at 11 rat-class boardinir hou-o, on rea sonable terms. Those wishing to make ar rangements for regular bo'd with or without lodging, can do so by caning on the under signed at an early date Hoping to rxerlt a reasonable portion nf patronage, 1 am, Yeiy Hespectlully. JlS-3w lists Kats E.. Pduu. : For Sale A cottage .on Forbis trreevjarar Craded School, containing 4 rooms, good water, ai( necessary out-houses. Size of lot, 133x193 ft. . Apply at WosKMiN office, J13-tf :r MtuuUon Wanted. ' . WantV. a situation (.as teacher. Address Mies W., 1-rltiklejviJle, . 0. . 9-lvf. A good second hand piano. Apply at ISA Workman efflce, - 1 J15.tfj 'i ". iai 1 la For aaln. Farm 6i 35 acres, one 'and one half mttea east of Greensboro. BDrlpg ot good water small oreek of never falllng.water, good house. It. X. bughea, 81 dtf.' ' , " : , Have you tried "Ozkina" coffee? If not. 50.1 have mlsRed a treat. Golngtnow three pounds for a dollar. A liesh barrel opened to-d-. ",' J. W t,H)tt Coi -X iiiaa

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