WANT OLUXX. L or Sioli 1; Kewuiil I A pocket-hork rontalnlutr ft mm of money, S check cn tlio National Hunk of Greensboro and two i noHa. bultuble reward will be given for tt recovery una return to T I Wommix cilice. MONEY TO LEAD. On tit ft tiiorttraiie on real estate. Apply to Jobn H. Mlci mux, Attorney. HOUSE IOH KENT 0'lte Mr. 8ettle' on Asleborn street. Japi.V to U 1L King. (116 Hi "V to loan on Dnc niortgiure on real es tate. JltMJ li.lt Klug, lloiikCH I HenL The I"um ow ocupied by Mm. 1- A Ree 1r Iron' of Crut House, airfo houw on Chwih meet now occupied by Mi. J. J Thornun Apply to Will T. ergeant. Dl WANTED. a vobd errand boy, In a flrrtdaaadiy goods More. 'Ibe parent of applicants snouia ai drefS Ix ck Box 17S, (Ireenswwo, N. (). BIBLE STUDY. TheBible luetitu ein Chicago, of which D. L. Mood; h tbe bend, Lug bnu fortunate enough to neoure the tervieen of Prof. W. G. lUoor hearl, of Xenia, Ohio, for tbe thiee month of April, May aod June. Prof. Mcorhead is regarded bj many aa the most suggestive, tho rough and simulating Bible Teach tr in the country. Mr. Moody tends ont a cordial iovitatien to all ministers, evangel ic, theological students aDd other christian workers in all parts of the land who wish a new inspiration in tb tndv of the Word of God to c ome to Gbioago U t tb entire tbree mouths or a portion thereof and lake advantage f this great oppor i unity. The pew bnildicgol the Institute is i pen ; and those who tome, will, as far an possible, be accommodated in it. Those wbo de . sire rooms in the building fcbould send tbut nxmeH and refeienctH at one to tba Snpt., K. A Torrey, 80 W, Pearson St., Chicago. Tbo. e who cannot b accommodated, iu the building will find furu'Khed rocniri hear at. band atrd cnu board tti the) Institute, Iltstanri.it. Four dollar f.rt ivrk wilt cover all ne cessary e xpei;efen. A tbe sriniuk ries close iu A""l. tbevlnwio) iu detits are etpi cially invited to oorne aod give a taw weeks to Bible etody under this fitted teacher and get tbe experience to bf paired in te ' aegressive woik -t tie Chicago EvBDgWtZitiop SnOer, TWO Up! tti- maesot the oil v. Minister wbo (eel il t ueedcf fietL Bible, gtndy olid ci i iHCt with active wntker, r. nlt-o cordially itiviti-rf. Cbri- tiao yona men and laditg from the colleges ccalrt pr ntably spend the snung vacation nttbtidVg I'rofegfior Moorhead'a lectures. EFOCF. Tbe transition fro& .otig, lingering blo tjuii.f jl nikcets to ri tjtiHt, health minks an epoch in the jite of the indi vidual, buck a rrmurthb e event is treasured, in tbe memory, una the aet ey whereby tbe good health baa been attiLed is gieatly blfwei'!. Henoeitis i Cut so LODch is heard in prai o o Els-e-trie liitwr.s t?o njuy fit-1 tbey i we tlieir rt8tortir:nn to hM''in o tbe use of tbe Great Ajtrtative aud Touii'. it von arn tronble with any diseasw of .Kidneys liver or btoniwh of lDg or ' shoit hbndmg yon will anre.lv fi d re lief by use of Electric Bitttri. Sold at 5Uo and oue dobar per. bottle at 0. , E. Holtou's drug store. "WANTS HIS PLACE Tbe.ro was much talk on the Btreets yeHfirday about the old col ored nana who ciffered to eeiva ont - tbe term of Charles . CroK at the work house. An old lmnily ntrvaut of Cross hhH arrived borf una Wr-nt to Bee bin .oug. rnHKtee Snnday at 1 jthe work bouse, lie Kuzd that if an arrangement could b ljui to t bat eflect teat he would setve tiientven years' seDteiiee iu bis RteaJ. Of .ocurse it. is itnpovHible that t-uch an arrnnoiinnt itnnld tin mu1 ua there is no snoh law in exifitenceiu this State. News and Observer. Bucklnn'sAriucu HrIh, Tbe best Salvo m the world or Cute, Brniaea, Sores, TJleera, Salt Rleum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bends, Chil blains, Corns, nd all Jakin Eruptions, and positively oures Files, or. no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per- font atiufantinn. nr mnn.u rfnnrin. f rice 25 cents per box. For sale by ovlSlydAw ' O.B. Uoiton. Land f.or Sale. About 300 acres of good funning land for sale, located four miles north ot Oreensboro, wnn gqod bottom land has two small creeks and tbe K. iV D.K.. K. running tnrougg it. Apply to J. M. Ilendrix. Many of our yonug men and some of the young ladies are buying lots, we are glad to see our young people, tak ing a lively interest If you want to see some of the most eligible lots in the city call on Mess. Iind & Scales. Young men who like nobby neck wear can see the prettiest line of new Four-in-Hands, Scarfs, Windsors and Flannel Ties ever offered for popular prices, at Krown's. The progressive One Trice House has also just added a line of the famous Hanan Shoes to its already large and carefully selected stock of men's fine footwear. KTOCKHOLDEKS MEETING. The atockholdf r' meeting of the Gotlfotd Buttle Oronnd I'omtany will be held on the battle-Held on Fnturdav, Mrxh 15, It WO. Spe cial train lll be run for the accommodation or thine rieilrlnir to attend. Il It hoped that there will be a full tneetln . 1). schenck, Pre. 0. B. 0. Co. March 10, lhW. 6t GIT? PriOPElUY rOH SALE I Fuur lota In tout a (ireepftboro adjoining Bel vne lnittltute tropei'y. Irontlng MoUol inch ft Kch lot 4 6.zl60 ft, also one lot on Va ce tr. et MisVo ft. Kor ternw, call en w . M. llut.t, at WakeUeid'a hardware at ore, w FOR SALE Mr honw and lot. altnated on Lindsay colv. uient to pubilo achool, churches and bulnet-a part of city. U. D. Fllppeu. 11-iw Chew 1 ound tooth tobacco, Not excel S In qiiallt). TO ARRIVE TO-MORROW. ' DrilDi;ton' Clover Leaf But or from Gee, W. Clilhls' iiulry tar in at W ooten Pa., put up lnfc.ua' 10 ptlclH. Hereaner we g-.t freueery day at Nlcuu'ou'a. ; A full line of nurah tlik of all the late-t atylea at. all price Jat received Will Arm9eld. ' I LOTJR ALL QRADFcH. Meal, Bhlpetnjr, and Bran for aa'.e by tf. , Clendenla A Albright YEAbT OAKE3. Juot received Warner TeaatCak a. Iw E. U.C'aldoleugh A Bro. LARGE STO.'k CHINA nd slaeaware. we keep a fnll line of En urn ana auiencnr unina ana van are. b. H, Caldcleag-h A Bro. FLNEAPPLEi at O.ur'ta Hanlogton'a FrUt cUnd. FRum. . Florida Ortune-' and Bananur, at Iw K. M CaidoleURh A Bro A novel oh of el o'rioity is about to be tHuird in -1 ariie uioiz tbe Bhor of car bort-es 1 lev want her. .Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a pare vegetable componnd, innocent in nature and wouderfnliu effuot, For children it it invalaable cariQj croup, whopping oongb, etc , in a few nonra. rnce 525 otn. Mr. W. K G aves, of Wethered viile Md., writes : I suffer wait- timeri witrj acute rheumatism, and your K 1 v tinrt Oil uivnw me icatau tL''r,H r-lif. I cordially re com m'it if e. umre cnr, THE HJ LPIT AND THE STAGE. Rev V, W. Shror.t Pastor United imtl.nn Church, B tie Mound. Kau., ua.ia: "i lew it my duty to tell what woiiOer Dr. Kiug'a New Discovery has uvli .r n. i,y mug wtre badly dis vwru , u.u uiv piirmiiionera tnought t-oui , 1 iu live t uly a few week. took five I ottleh of Dr. Kino's Kw lieoveiy and 8tn sound and well, Rain- Artht.r 1.' ye, manager Love's Funny i uiK 1 ujiiiuimoD, wines: ' Alter a tboioof a trial at d convincing evidence 1 em o 1 no. ur vr. king's JSew Disoov rv to -.. ! luption, beats 'em all, and cures wl eu everything man fails. The grea-est kindness I can do my many lucuinuii iri'iiun la so urge rnem to try ----- - - u v j. Uuiluu o (iru? More. Regular sizes 50o and 81. Work or theastronnmioat obser vatory to be erected at the Vatican is to be began at ance. The esti mated cost is 1200,000. ' The mild powers cure. If a oa- tbartio in needed to rid the blood cl impurity atd to stimtlate the action of the liver use Laxador.: Price 25 cents- - ; C . If there were a called meetincr of it- ... f . DttDiea na young cnildreo, and tho qnestioio pot to vote "who was their greatest benefactor" the load and UnanimODS VOW WOUIO DO DC. Hall. for he eave os his wonderfnl "Baby Sjrnp." ' M'KCIAL CITY ITEMS. FLORIDA ORANGES. Jo , lieceWedby Houfcton A Bio. ' TAR HEEL "LINIMENT. , la going ra ld'y. Ute It, CetneL Be hap py. Houston A Bro. FINE COSFCTIO AERIES. French oardy, I60, 85c, 40o 0)c per ll. Gol den dat, jet fl((, ralalne, apple", oranges, bananaa, ' E, K. laWcieutli Bro The only mko' 5'cent cigar in town, at Nlcbt laoa'a Try I aFRESu and full stock of Grocerlea always cn hand and for aala at the lowett cah price. Freeh Butter ai d Kgita always on hand, tf. Clendenla 4 Albr'uht, FOR Ttlrj NEtKr A frill line o. teckwear JnstjereWed at U. Will Armne'd'fc i tf 15a BBlj SEED IRISH 1 O'-'AJOES la atock. Order early. Ucustou A Bro. Fr lieu. A good dwelling house on Wett Market 8treit, a lolnlng tbe Metbodht paraonage ooritaiulnogT roina and uaarment. Apply to Mdtf. . . J 1 i of it. il. Uies-i, SpME"THlNaNEW. CartJand, the Tailor, has lust received new prlac goods in both English and American patterna, and the prettieat Hoe of neckwear seen ior many a nay 10 TeuKR. 4-in-nanui, winuaoia, UOJoinvillea and ilarnels (Ji and examine. Sat DepOkU. A few o' the safe deposit boxes In the Na tlonal Banx of Orensuor are ttlrt untaken. Yearly rental only Ave do lure, and the Mecu- rtty from 1 re and burglary a' solute Better engage one now at the betfnn.nn if the New Year. i7- f U Ellington, Caalil r. BE3T IN THE WORLD, TUurber, Whylanl A Co' Fresh Creamery flutter, at Nicholson's. Put uu In lib aod 31b t'ia air tlalit saeet a a nut no waste no axle greare, and it Is cbeapett to buy the b- at. M. Lombard supporlH the theory advanced by Signor Spor a that vegetable forits w4iich now cuvr car continents have epread slowly and contiouojely from in rtti 10 sou h, resent Hperiro fun iug back or tblit-rtiu ti nt of mtt u oient origin. ' t LEMfirV KLBXIK. Its Vonderful Sffeot bti ihs Liver, Btom aohMowals, Sidneys and flood. Dr. Afoziey'e Louio. EhAr is a pleas ant lemmi. drink that' pomt'voly cures all BiliouRuetH.' Otrn - tipation, Indigea tion, Headache, Malari Kidney Dis ease. Dizziness, Colds Low of Anpe tite, Fevers, Chilla, HlotMues Pi-nples. Pain iu Bick, Palpitation of H?rt, aud all Other diseases cause.! lr ilia rdered liver, s'ourch and k duevs tho first great caune of all faUI deaaes. Fifty cents ami cue. dollar per I ottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by u. MObiey, at AtiaLtH, t. ' LEMON HOT DRO b. For oouwbs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drop4. For sore throat and bronobitis. take Lemon Hos Drops. - ior pneumonia and laryCKUtis. tale Lemon Hot Drops.- ' v For eousum. tiou and catarrh.. tuk bemon Hot Drcns For all throat and lutK diseases, take laemoo tiot Drops. An elegant aad .enable preparation rsina py jrueRists. 20 cents uer oortie. rrepared D) U, Wozley, M D tlanta a, ..... T Dr. William A. Hammond savs Coat some maniaos retain posses sion of tbeir reaonine powers, and that it is a commoa thing to find a raascning maniao setting himsef up as a reformers - Nine times out of ten a're'ormer is a crank. , nDr. BULL'S facilitates Teething anA IDV CVDIIDen,tegthflBowel8,A' aVAUl OlllUr all druKRlsta. rrtoe a eta. FI III I Q Cures Coughs, Colds, U U LL O Hoarseness, Asthma. lironchitis, ffe A lipil Croupjnci' pient Con- uU II il 11 'umption. and relieves Consump Q y M 1 1 U tive Persons. 23 cents. 0 1 1 1 U I ftnreiNK'8 cubes ciqarittes for Cm CjSUAC tarrH. fric 10 Ctt. M ad inggltt H. B. TATUM; Livery and Feed Stables, ROSS' OLD STAND, near depot fI6m HI BENR0W Opera House, ssj surroitTED jjv bcitoiited by trurroBTED by 6crronTED by JAS. W. DONER, And an excellent Company. In the lunuiest musical comedy of the present day. JACQUINE ou PASTE AND DIAMONDS. A humorous and utlrlcal tellectlon of "Life Behind tke Scenes." rPESESTING IXCIDENTAVT'V Tbe Very Latest Topical Songs, Charm ing Medleys, Dainty Dances, and Hovel Specialties. UbUAL PRICES. Admission, 75 cents; Reserved seats now on sale, without extra charge, at Mrf. M. K Howard's book store. Dips liulon ' Tha co partneruip beretoure e isting betwten J. YHrx.ith and T. IliU ia tbe coutrniitir.g business, hereby dissolved March 6, 1890. J. Y. Smith. Bui:t Bark Seel CROP 1889 CROP 1889- -CROP 1889 -CROP 1889 WE HAVE WE HATE JCSt KECEIYED JUST RECEIVED- LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LAliGE ASSORTMENT; OI THESE SEEDS THESE SEEDS . WHICH WHICH WJa OFFER TO THE TRADE WE OFFER TO THE TRADE AlfO a large stock of Fi' Id H. il , ver, Timothy, Of 01 ail 1 Gths?, etc., ' BOTH BOTH Clo WHOLEsaLv HoL"S.v E ND AND JiETAII UtTAlL COUNTRY iVEROiiANTS and dsalera would do well to gat c ur prices be i rti purchab- iug. - DRUG STOREt under Mo A do o House. U3-d&w4w M. Beanrek "t, mi eminent Egyptoiolist, :i iirVHK that Egypt at tbe nn e of ti e. P.iaraolis exhib ited tb mixed v,iiUn)L oitiii mug tbet tise of n t , lud iriH,ts with acquaiuttt.nee with f msts of extracting copper nod bieuding it with other metals. , SKIM CANCER. Several years ago I was called to see a colomt woman who had a malignant form of cancer ok - her foot Thecanoergrew worse under the pre scribed treatment, and the toes and one side ot the foot were at length eaten entirely away. The patient could not have survived much Ion ger, but I commenced the use of Swift's Spe- dfio, and it cured her sound well That waa three years ago, and there has been no re turn of the disease I regard Swift's Specific 1 tnost excellent medicine for blood diseases, as . Jts tendency is to drive out the poison. . Uatherville, Miss. Wi. E.Stago, M.D. ' t CANCER OF THE TONGUE. For three or four years I had an eating sore cm my tongue that mode a considerable hole la it. I became alarmed at Its progress, and went to Atlanta for treatment. The result was that ' I commenced the use of Swift's Specific, and the sore was soon gone, wit hout a trace of it left. Thomaston, Oa, Mar. 14, '89. A. Lawia, - Treatise on Cancer mailed free: ' " a SwiFt SriciFJc Co,, Drawer S, Atlanta, 6s nncmxKi at mum A NEW AND FULL LINE A NEW AND FULL LINE A NEW AND FULL LINE Of Vandike Lacts and Lady's Collars and Culls, Hamburg Edgiugj in Sias nud Jtx)Dt, aUo a fnll hue of Whito Goods iu tbe latest atyloc, consisting of all the newest novelties. NEW DRESS GOODS NEW DRESS GOODS NEW DRESS GOODS In Alpacas, Mohairs, Cashmeres and Henriettas, with trimming to twitch in Buckles, 0 asps, Fringe, eto. iu the very la' est nouullies. A fin line of BUTTONS ' BUTTONS BUTTONS Consia iug of all colors ia metal and pearl of ad sizes, at only C rents a doz en. Lexington (borct niade) 8E1MLES8 HALF HOSE SEAMLESS HALF HOSE . SEAMLESS HALF HOSE ton cents a pair, or three pair U t a quarter. Mou's Imported BALBRIGGAN nALF HOSE BALBRIGGAN HALF HOSE ' BALBRIGGAN HALF HOSE Eiglteen dents a pair, tone p.tir lor fiity cents. A full line of , CLOTHING. SHOES. k, -CLOTHING SHOES, Ac. CLOTHING. SHOES, 4c. as cheap as any in the State. Call and seo thepe BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS G. VILL ARMFIELD. B61w A COM ORAIN GRAIN -GRAIN We have in stock and to arrivo daily. Corn, SbipstulT. Oats, Bran and aa kinds of Feed kept ia a General Feed btore. 1 i SHIPSTUFF--SHJrcTUFF- BHIPSXUFt-'- AVe buy in large lots for cash, and curtail expenses, io that we o id sil aa cheapt, .1 Hoi o-cuer, than uuy other iioiiaj in the city. . rLEL . t-E u - ... -aE,,- : V do our own work, sell htiiiitly for tiaih. (Jail and see us beore you" bay jour Feed, and we will save you money. -GR00ERI3S AND AND AND NOTIONSt-NOTION8-NOTIONS- GROCERIES GROCERIES We also have a , full line of Boots. Shoes and Notions, Bacon, Lird. Flour Sugar, Coffde, Molasses, CANNED GOODS- . . CANNED GOODS- CANNED GOODS- Tobacco, Cigars, and everything .to be. found in a ! ., , 'FIRST CLASS STOriE- FIRST CLASS STORE FIRST CLASS STORE uncannon & Co Ross Building, South of the Knitting m aims. , , r ibd-iw

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