DAILY WOKKMAEL Vol. vh. GREENSBORO, N. 0., Thuniay, April 10, 1890. No. 260. THE MOST DKMlUDLE M'J-it DKSlKABLE WILDING LOTS Jl'JILDINO LOTS IN THE ITY IX THK CITY Viz: K.mhiU rove lots near thu re idenoH of H. H. Tate. The Oar place, east side of Greensboro, 5b' acres. Th Brown place, adjoining above 20 acres. Five low. 75 fat front by 2G0 feet deep, oppoxit Blaudwood," Julius A Gray' residence. E ght lot on Gorrell streot. near Colonel Keogh's, One dweling and lot, Ute reridence of Mr. Flippeo. near Graded School. Cottage and lot on Gaston street. Twenty-seven acres of land, near the new cotton factory. Fifteen aorei of land near water works. Valuable property on South Elm street, between court house and Na , tiooal Bank, most of it highly improv ed and all tenanted. -One hundred feet front by two hun dred feet deep, on East Market street. ""Seentf-fire feet front by two hun dred and eighty feet deep, on East Market street, with good cottage house. Two ' houses and lota 1 South Greensboro, admirably located. 40 beautiful lota near the residence of Judge Scbnnck, special inducements offered to parties wanting to build. . ' 4 nioe cottages on Greene street. SOU fee on north aide of Grtme street. 24G feet on Eside of Greene at., Inolodiog'a fcood dwwlling. 225 acres of land 2 mil,at of oity McMahon factory aite, the moat c oesibie ad desirable railroad frontage in Grenn-boro. For hill information ami prion-. Call on LAND & SCALES, Offioe ovnr Porter'a drug atore. TO OUR I We are Displaying this week choice nov elties in FTNF. FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE Plir DRESS GOODS FINE 1 I lit DRESS GOODS From the leading Frtmoh and Gorman manufacturers in unique and tHniona' ble designs. Pmin Fabnos in all the new weaves and colorings. B. Priest ly& Co's Silk Warp und other silk warp and standard black dress goods. Also a large line of plain and striped MOHAIRS MOHAIR Q OH AIRS MOHAIR 3 Printed Challiee and Suitings at Attractive Ginetaams, Cfaambras. Outings, Lawns, White Goods. Laoes, Embroideries and Edgings of ALL kinds. We have just received another invoioe . of Ziegler" Bros' TITltflHAND TURNED l! lNtlHAND TURNED SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES v , SHOES OXrORDTlES&SLIPPERS FOB LADIES, 7 Call and examine cur stock. Very Respectfully, ,.-... PATRONS FRIENDS WHY NOT HAVE IT? 'VilAT A TAX-I'AYKR HAS TO SAY AIIOUT ' A STRDF.T SPRINXI.EK. t i'.DIT'iR ORKMS: 1 e T 111 I t 1116 through your co!u:;ir.s t urge on our City Commissioners the necessity of a sprinkling cart to lay the dust in our streets, ihe spasmodic efforts of in dividuals to do so by squirting water with a hose over a small space is al together ineffective, or at best of not much avail on a windy day. The city pays a big rent for water; the additional cost should only be the amount required to purchase a sprink ling cart and the wages of a diiver for, one of the fire engine horses could be exercised in this business as it wouid at no time be remote from the engine house in case of a fire alarm, and the comfort to our citizens would amply repay any slight increase in taxes. The merchants should press this matter on the city council for not only does the dust injure their goods but it prevents their lady customers from going out to do shopping unless it be to purchase something imperatively needed. Another thing, there is a municipal election coming on and I think the commissioners who will grant this very reasonable boon may count on the support of their constituents. Yours Respectfully, Tax Payer. April 9th, 1 890, Centenary Cbunli. At the Quarterly Conference held at Centenary Church on Monday night last, the question as to the advisability of going forward now and having a vestibule added to the church was ful ly considered, and it was decided by a unanimous vote to push the matter at once. Upon the advisability of under taking the work now, and upon all things relating to an immediate exe cution of our plans, the unaminity of the Conference was noticeable, and presages a consummation of our desire at an early date. The design adopted by the Con ference is very beautiful and will be alike serviceable and ornate. A finance committee, consisting of Brothers Stamey, Love, and Hodgin, was appointed, who will wait upon the people of our community. Let every one of our members respond to the call of the committee in proportion to his love for our growing church and the structure will be erected without much effort. Let each of us not only give to this worthy object, but work for it. ' Frate For the convenience of customers, Rrnwn's One Price House will be open until nine o'clock at night during April and May. For Hen. a rrnul AwMlDU hoUHB on' Wt 'Market u a intnluir tt, Metnodlft parsonage oontainlDoa7rom and baaemaut. Apply 10 14Ctf. . M. Junes or 11. (i. liiouu. NEW OROP CUBA MOLASSES Aoneartole. Houston 4 Bro. FOR THE NEOK, A foil line or neckwear J net received at O, Will ariotlold'B. fli-tl GARDEN SEED. Clover seed, grass seed and Irish potatoe are all In damana now. nou-o iwi when jou start oat to make your spriiw ur chases. . v """" FOR&ALlfi . on int. nnr irraded school, also n.nt. Int.. AnulTat WOBKMAN OfflCS. 1W v vva r TAB HEEL LINIMENT, v u ffolim rapidly. TJse It. Get well. Be hap- Trotdon Unlldloa; For Kale. This building is situated on West Market street, Greensboro, N. C. Size of lot 51 i-j feet on West Market, 300 feet through to Gaston street. The building is of brick, and metal roof, containing three splendid store roomst each with French plate-glass fronts, iron columns and sill plates, A full story dry basement under each store, well lighted and ventilated. Perfect sewerage from under basement floors. Counters and shelving in hard oil finish. The second and third stories are divid ed into twelve rooms, consisting of din ing room, kitchen and bed rooms. Each room has two large windows, sash hung with weights. Fireplace or flue in each room. Large back yard. Back and front stairways. The inside is hard oil finish yellow fine, With water and gas pipes throughout. The second and third stories are now used for a first class boarding house, but are well lo cated for small hotel or private resi dence. The store rooms are well lo cated for business of any kind and are situated in the center of the city, within three hundred feet of tie Court House, Banks and Post Office. There is also a smoke stack built in one corner of the building large enough for a sixty- horse power engine,' and an elevator through basement, -.first, second and third stories. : This splendid .building was erected in 1885, and cost, with the ground upon which it stands, Nine' Thousand and Five Hundred Dollar rfjid is now pay ing a good interest on the investment. The owner wishes to sell the property so as to use the money in a manufac turing business, and offers the property at the remarkably low price of Ten Thousand Dollars. West Market street is soon to be paved and otherwise im proved. So look out and do not miss a good chance to make some money. Ten Thousand Dollars is not boom price, but a bargain that will pay a handsome profit, boom or no boom. Apply to J. M. Winstead, Cashier Piedmont Bank, or to W. F. Trogdon, Greensboro, N. C. charlotte's progress. Charlotte Chronicle : Charlotte is. growing rapiay. iN" nouses are completed and the building of others a T commenced almost every ween, uu rins the last three months numbers have been placed on 30 new ouua ines. and there is now a larger num ber of building in the course of erec tion than there has been in a long time. "... Kkmmler, who made himself fa mous by the commission of the crime of murder, will have his notoriety greatly enhanced by being the first victim of the electric current sent out under the seal of the State. Blow Your llarn. " "He blew his horn, But he blew so loud That he jarred my head Like a thunder cloud." For Sale. Three splendid store rooms on West Market street, Greens- boro, N. C, for sale. Apply to, V. F. Trogdon. With "Fifteen dollars in your inside Docket" vou can eo to the One Price House and secure one of those very nobby cutaway suits that are going off at such a lueiy rate, mere are a dozen styles to select from, " and they are beyond question the finest suits CITY FIRE LIMITS EXTENDED I I I'll K CITY COMMISSIONERS DID IT AT THKIR LAST MKKTINO. To the public: Section four of chap ter six of the city ordinances has been amended by the Board of Aldermen at their last meeting, as now amended reads as follows: That if any person shall erect, or cause to be erected, a building other that brick, stone or metal, with metal or stone rool, on Elm Street, between Gaston Street and Lewis Street South of the depot, or om Market Street, be tween Davie and Greene Street, or on Davie Street between Gaston and Fay- etteville Street, or on Washington Street between Davie and Greene Street, or on Sycamore Street between Davie and Greene Street, . or on the property fronting on the property4of the railroad just north of the depot be tween Davie and South Elm Streets, or on Buchanan street between South Elm street and Ashe Street, he shall orv conviction before the Mayor, be fined the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00), and shall be guilty of a distinct and separate offense for every day such building remains after notice to remove the same, and on conviction before the Mayor shall be subject to a fine often dollars ($10.00) for every day said building remains after notice." i J as. W. Forbis, Mayor. .v Reunion of Old Soldlem. The- Richmond- ancLJ&nville.. Rail Road will sell parties attending the Re union of Old Soldiers at Atlanta, Ga., round-trip tickets to that point for this occasion at rate of one fare for the round-trip. Tickets on sale from all first and second grade ticket offices in North Carolina, April 24 to 25 in elusive good returning until and includ ing April 28, '90. Round-trip fare from Goldsboro, N. C, $14-50; Raleigh, N. C, $14-5; Durham, N. C, $14.05; Oxford, N. C, $15.00; Henderson, N. C, $15.50; High Point, N. C. $10.05; Salisbury, N. C, $10.40: Concord, N. C, $9.60; Greensboro, N. C, $12.10. A Thing- of the Put. It will not be a great while now un til it will be difficult to find a person whose mother and sisters handled the cards and the old fashioned spinning wheel, relics of the by-gone days. But let us not forget the toils of these good old mothers who clothed their household by the work of their own hands, read their bibles, prayed in their closets three times a day and attended church faithfully on week days. They had piles of home-made bed quilts and counterpanes, and baked pies until there was no use. We revere these old heroines. How easy it is iorhe people of a great city like New York to fail out. The people of the city have fallen ou with Sheriff Flack and his deputies' he politicians have fallen out aniong themselves ; husbands and wives have fallen out and are suing for divorce ; people fall out of windows and from the roofs (of houses, and, stranger than all, numbers of men and women have lallen out with themselves and committed suicide, under the mis taken idea that they get rid of them selves in that way, A miserable mis take, : HELIOTROPE, Old Rose, Lily Green Tan and "Grey Are among the Shades we are showing this week in flue Imported Dress Fabrics. All Wool Henrieltas 4G inches wide, in all the latest sha dings, with silks in stripes and plain to match. Also Gimps and Van Dyke Panels to match. M?bair in several qualities, Grey, Beig), Green, Gar net, lirowo, Black, Cream and Black and White. In vrarm avo cream Woollen Goods, we have Serges, Alba . tross, Tricot and something new la stripes f specially desirable for Norfolk.. Jackets and Blouses. We have I av Swiss Embroideries, ' Indian Dimities, striped arid Plaid Muslins in end (ess variety. Bat to get any idea of oar ' Magnificent Lines.; of New Goods, ladies must com-" and see for themselves. We cannot begin to do this subject j astice in a plain Uaok and white advertisemept". , Come and See tls, Every department is crowded with el egant blgh-gradei novelties, and we are I L. .1. V ... - stock. J . :JA-Y VERY RESPECTFULLY, 1 Sample S. Brown & Co. WIDE-AWAKE in -WILL FIND OUR STORE- FULL FULL FULL FULL BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BARGAINS We've Got the . Stock of the season and for the season, Are You a MONEY SAVER? If you are, don't toast 6 time hunting 1 'round f rom place to place, but come straigM to the wide' awake New York Cash Store of RAYMOND & .POWELL. If you want a pair of good Kiel Gloves the best in the market, CaU for We warrant them. If you want a parasol in the latest style, a SUh Umbrella, a handsome Bug or Cax pet, a pretty handkerchief, a becow ing dress, or anything in the line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, No .on s, dec, at prices thpt will make make your pocket-book crazy, don't jfaUtocaUatonce, on i Raymond & Powell National Bank Building py. Houston uro. ever sola in tnis city ior wc pi-c.