DAILY KXCEPT SUNDAY. i. F KCUAUX, Editor. I. N .'('!! AttX. local tltor KHTkRID AT THE POST OEKICI IS OREINSBORO AS SiCONIXLASS MATTER. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS Cipt A M Smith has gone to Win stcn today. Look for the card of C. C. Gorrcll & Co. Mm R A Foard went todjy Visit hear Julian. Pl'M'fi lifVT anil rit.e Hatir.i.al Tot i'iis-iksivir, at Scott & Co's Mr M illie Hunt, son of Rev M on a Hunt, . . i 1 1 "'t nn (.o;iar sons and ton. u , was here this inornin?. doll nvcremts in the city at lirown'a One tr.'.e I'n'i Mr W E Kivrtt. of Libert v. last n:; home t.. went sprnt i!on t in the My an i.. r,i4i:iin. ... or...,. ..! vv rw .-r as!toti Cntawb, Concord, and I-ui!N ;rt "Mh L : at Ji.'ti to closf uaUiJ. .. , Ti-.'t A Co. Rev G W Callahan, who t.nel bv his Conference' to Sc the change in the Produce ad. of Houston Sr lira t their Davie St standi Their list is very attractive to tlia apiietitc of a healthy nioit.il. They have the goods. 'i x c eliJ to know that Miss Iwtu rat Brock man has returned to her home in this city. Docs rout mother know you're out ? ' said a loy to his little Lrothcr. "Vis, she loos," was the answer, "-for one Nv.tl f Dr ii.'ll'g Couth riyr.ip has knocked my cold into a cocked hit, you Let." A few applications of Salvation Oil will insUnt'.y rvlitve iliflmss in l-n neck or j.ur.,s rc.vs. Mai J'o'imi. h'cf ei. 'I'ut .f & J) Railroad, went up to Wiiuier. this moriing in his sp-.-:i,il ir, ;ktid i.ma Gree.i, also in l i-i :;;. ... c.i. ;..-;. . ! through tliit a. in. to Clctldie. Mr. I'Hf G-iVv. o! SiW Citv. made us .1 pit .. 1 eU thu mo'ilng ana iiiiioima i t..t r.e lias acf'.MMf ' a position here, a:,d we hope Vv.i hv may remain. . NEW SUBSCRIBERS. : The Daily Workman has daily ac cessions to it list of subscribers Rev C III Whiuker, and Misses lewd and AJary Whi'.ufccr, of Enfield cainetmon the Kaleicn tram last night, and are the guests of Rev R H Wiut, on Yortli Street. ran DuniNa xnia month or HOLIDAYS We will h.tveon li.in 1 at .d! t!n.vS aw1 ft Linear,.! v&rie-ian.iottrui't.t tl.; Choicest Apples 1 ...... 1: 1 r.v.inzpiiHi rue, wno u nou in r,ou- mtiri conducting a Meeting, will io cxt to I lenilcrs'.m. WIS F. Rip I'il'Vt. sg W!:o'ts.i.e ; You nrli aiuo i.r. I ' : ...ij(.iv was as K.mdle man Station, is still in the city. Boys knee suits, boys kne: pants, boys overcoats, boys shoes, all kinds nnd prices at Browns One Price 1 louse. Mr Henry Fegiam was here awhile this morning, having been on a visit to his father, Mr Alien regrara. Co to the Model Bakery for fresh bresd pure bread no compressed yeast or alum. The only bakery in the ciiy not using compressed yea, Our ' " pnd h:s int'!l:j;ct 1 ... .. . .It I'. .,! l1'. -v . ...... M4U.Vk, . I J " ant Garden, passed through hits this inotnmir on their way home irom 0 ' Conerence. J.. W. Scott & Co. keep the best of everything in the grocery line goods for every day in general and for Christmas in particular. Double foM wool trecot dress flannel only so cents per yard at Raymond and Powell s "Dry Gooes Arcade. Uiggest drive of the season. ' A hint to the gentlemen: Drop in to kzvmand and Powell s next Mon day and bay a pretty apron for mother, wife, daughter or sweetheart. It will make an appropriate and acceptable Christmas present. Wt H.1 a few baskets of ?rp Wt over i-ntnrday ni(?ht priot mw small i'zo 25 0. Ln go 50 0. it J W BOOTT 00 a Men's knl cardigan jackets, just the thing for cold weather, prices 65, 75, $1.35, $1.50 and $1.90 at Brown's One Price House. Next Monday (Dec. 8th,) there will be a special apron sale at Raymond & Powell's. Thirty different and beauti ful patterns will be displayed. Cho'ce Buckwheat Flour from the Valley of Va ; also New Crop Maple Syrup in cans, kegs and bbls at Scott & Co's. Have you seen those nice comforters at Raymond and Powell's ? Cranberries for every body! Two bbls. genniufl "Cape Oofl" Cranberries reemved yonterduy. Also eranVenry tanie in ji'W or by the pound Supply yurslf for ThanksgHnor bafore the surplj is exh08teJ. J. W. Scott A Co. Men's double breasted double backed all wool scarlet undershirts only $1.35 at Brown's" One Price House. All wool scarlet shirts .50 and .75 cents. All wool scarlet suits, shirt and -drawers, $1.50 and $2.35. : Raymond and Powell make a spe cialy of ladies and children's fast black hosiery, guaranteed not to fade, crack or turn yellow. They carry the two best brands Smith and Angell's, and the Onyx Dye hosiery. At Tetai' Cranberry Sauce by the jar, pai) or single pound also apple butter, preserves, jellies and mince meat You will need some of the above ' for Thanksgiving ; so sen 1 along your orders and get any quai tity you wish. J W Scott & Co. Mr P P Yates and wif eaccompameJ by Mrs D L Hagan, went to Baltimore this morning where tBey will spend a few weeks visiting friends and relatives A sr.11 c-f R:v Dr Carter, .it R:.Vit;h. ivai a s;iiilc.it at (Jii'.pd Hi.;, .-ml ippranM &oine tune ago, na turned I CHICKEN'S, )M, I)T. X7 pm "est Vi TOKKKYS. HUNK v ,. , ir.isn po'ui'oKs. j.r".i.n, via, ici j. n lire H v. i-I-'!' i (1 T VOFM up FEIiT SUPPB K O l vVe Lav J:is. opened a new lot of those "StMunWM FM 8 (nxrs" for LmYu Had Gontleroxn tlis most oomfortuble, leaathf jI at. I dnrablu Xootws for ludoor nve ever invented warm, ferleetlr noiAulmi uj mi han m shoe, This week we offer tome IN MISSES I MIftflEe . And a'j to call particular attention to enr eaeollont line of "171.-171 POii LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CI f1 1 IN Vl F0R LADIES AND GENTLEMEN NPTOTN At1JU l'Olt LADIES nD GENTLEMEN J-" vM3ikJ currea in a warcnonae ol tlie Alliance jiUKMPS, tasi n:gni ficitroying ;l . i nij-nt.'Iy lxss J 50.000. -sod 'ill Ot'Ml- OMU-N Nashville, Tenn., Dec. . A B r- Rrtoomo hlfi Pi vrliini s: A strike I wvaovyiAtfcWJ.v x iuuuiO minjham, Ala. special say of the coal minors of Alabama went into effect yesterday but all the men did not go out as exacted. Of the 3,ooo free miners in the State it is esti mated that 6, 000 are out Arourr.., Ga., D. c 2. l ire this Ve7 Respectfully, afternoon destroyed the Georgia Rail road offices and freight depot and partially burned the Union passenger station.. The lotal loss is about ??..ooo. 1 210, 212,211 and 210 Da Kt Kv'ryliody w'to has used it knows U.U oaai's cauuri; Cure ij the standard remedy of its kind in the market. Price only 25 cents We often wondered what induced Dr Bull to invent his celebrated liaby Syr. up. but we understand now, that he was a married man. DRESSED rOl'LTI'.y. von van a! ayafindat oir rro-'.wc cvnd NEW CLbAn CLIOKEuJ, Jrc--d ready fo eoosing. Houston & Bra. r. t THE CATALOGUE OF MURDERS. Suicides and divorces in the big city of New York shows that the busi ness is on the increase. There is a fearful list CARTLAiD, The Hasjreceived Fall Cloths both Tailor, ra ... s IN VARIOUS STYLES CHEVIOTS DIAGONALS, AND Mr. T. H. Ferree returned to his home at Randleman this morning. Mr. Gilliam, of the Reidsvile Re-1 view, was here this morning on bis way I to burry county court, to answer the indictment of Representative Krower- for libel Mr. Gilliam had his satchel Coon & Co.'s Collars and Curls, full of documental ammunition which is intended to be' exploded in the middle of Surry ccunty. FULL LINK OF the famous brand of and MARRIED THIS MORNING. ' hilts -:- Monarch, -. j 1 Also latest styles in alljkinds'of Miss Mary Gay Hawkins, daughter of Cant L M .Hawkins, of this city, was married at 9:30 o'clock this morn-NeckWCar,Umbl,clIaS& U3ZlCi mg to Mr A P Connelly, of Durham, Rev. W E Wingate, officiating. The mewly married pair went to Durham JlJiTTFT7!ri'T'Tri 1T this morning, tntendina to i!i;ike a bri- JL JOjJ X? HaVJ A. XXJ ll dal tour soon to Ashe vide and Con nelly Springs. Best wishes of the Workman for the young folks. NICE THINGS AT COST Window Ventilator and ADJUSTER ONLY OHE, KIND! Miss Omohundro, . Vest Market That Ukos the plaoe of the Weighted street will sell all her nicest goods, in-1 window aneccBsfully, . ANY WINDOW! t.i Ar window, eluding beaver hats 'French felts andi fine black Plumes, at cost, for the next two weeks, because her stock is larger than she cares to carry over. . Call 1 soon and examine her stock. 'Hint yea oan attach old or new. MORNING TVith whioe you HEADACHE! ventiluto ITS OWN MERIT! merit, and . has can ventiluto : yonr tn EOE3-GOOD NEWS IN GOOD room to any degree jou wjan, tuus al SHOEB. J 8. Ed well, boot and lowing fredh air to come in and the CP shoe maker, can tell yon how to stagnated to pass out, avoiding morn' save money. I I rcaxe fine shoes I w paduone. A in tho bet Btyle, oe hort: notice and at low rales, SpeoM at'on- linn ' MiifAt fy lm - O T vmnniv .- I only to be appreciated. for lew -m6tot hn anj other. My Tbai Pnt 00 trml . 18 Sl op is lfl tfco wliitc bonne fit corset M I - Svcamore and Dai btrer, opvositel . Y O U OAN SEE III a it.. . . 'M IvmB.I.MMI . . . fpiiewr fails; sent ns ycxif I to see it oan. 7. . (' .iW.lMjiffOTBniri? I Hnltnn'a lima fttont. iu-;s Vtx4 i.,;7hiiu..i. 1 " charge. Any one wishing! do so by calling at O. E. The croat mccru of our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT hu tn,!. it n.i. rv for i' to Imy u.ot) goods and w aucooodod in eoouring a big lot of et- trerao! drrtl y Suits &d Ovei'coats l Kr,'y redneb.1 friix. It will be mo'joy In yonr poc)t t hoo tU -i.Ja at ouoe m they nro co;n off rapidly. IkspooUu.'ly, SAMPLE S. BROWN & GO . South Elm Street. 232 r.nd 234 The Mutual ftMBITT'K COHPUT, OF CHARLES 0. YATES Agent for NORTH CAEOLINA No: iay South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C CANNED FliUITS. I (o) QUAJUKTI-ED TO QIVE PaaitiFAcnoN. We wonld inform the pnblio that we still have on band a nice lot of canned peaches, apple and lomatowi. Thene fruits wore grown in Oniltorl oonnty, and wore put np from bet r.:i e froiut, nndor our own enpurriniou. Goode Snarantoed to rive MtixfanUon, Or ors aolioited. Addrebn, W.a W. T. KIRK MAN. fl9-d wtf Pleasant Garden. N, O. REEC & El AM, hhih mi FROM KEW YORK CITY. Ita A.K. HiwitDr air: Yonr patent ye-glnssrt received om time nuce, and am very muob gratlBed at the wosderful change that hax come over my eyeilpht alDce hitva discarded my old gumae and am now wetuicg joura, . ALIZANDIB auasl Secretary Btatiooen' Board ol Trade, i 11 f jot filled at the drag atore of C E. H0LTON, !lT. HREEN9BORO, IS. e; O. P. 7anstory, LIVERY! AND SALE stables. Thebualcem run In firsts) am style, with Jlret clfusii teams, veLlclw and drivers, to keep r noe with the advancement of the times, Da vie Htraet with tootwav from Piedmont Rank on Booth Elm Btieet 6-17 8m J IF ilLiuniiLii Eeprtsentlng.UieJfollowlng; faotorl .ais: PIANOS- BtetDway A Boos, Wm. Enabe A Co., XroeM I A an, W, B. Wheelock, Btnyveaant Pla- gSjVoco A Bon, Everett, Gaoler, New BBgmaa, iy n bunuaii, ana - Starr pianos, ORGANS The Improved Needham, Carpenter,-Newman liros , nimoan, rarraot a voiey, . Wilcox A White. 3 ltH all . can 'be bought on eaty term AND FOR CASH. Bpeclal attention given to tuning by the ear. . -. - ' - "An pianos and organs bought of me ire kept Id order one year free of charge. . aespeeunuy, . J. H. HARRELL. PlreOrgans, Jardlte, Sotvelt A fllchet'sBon (TODKB SI5BOW EAUi,) - GREENSBORO, N. C. BE3TO U3 AtTBTAL OpEB. VErmi. DO 0D& BL.iT TO rLLAtl YOUT l&Ordcra by ruail eolicited, and samples and eetimab seui on applloav- maj29-U REAL ESTATE I have for sale quite list of private residence property located tn the most desirable 1 ortiona of Greensboro, also One factory plant formerly owned by N. A. Jeffrie A Co., as a spoko and handle factory. I will sell at a special bargain about 181 feet of Davie St. frontBge with good depth for business houses, special attention always given to renting and collecting rents. . , Real Estate Agent. W. 1 BURGESS. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE RICHMOND LOCOMOTIVn ICHMOND LOCOMOTIvil,' AND s BjP. BTUETEVABTSBL0WE2 VOM? " .Goodll & VVaers, Locomotives and.? ear; MacLinery Complete Steam rower rlantsa and Complete Outfits for Saw and Planing Mills. Furniture, Carriage - tories. Dry ' . Kilns, Heating and Ventilation saws, Miuog, gang-eofrers, uiuimers, lata . mills, etc. mills, fto. Oreensboro, N. O, of ootton Pnmps, uitectors, E.8-YfKKrvIA;LT' WILL BE SENT postage paid to. any address in the . country tor , Ten Cents Per Week. When you leave the city order the Workman sent to your address..

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