.TV K .rv CHRISTMAS GOODS? But for experience in other yean J W Scott oil Co could not hope to find sale ibr :the enormous stock of Christmas Goods which they are now receiving and opening. The appetite of a country like this is something as tonishinc. What eaters we Ameri cans are! . MKA." GFVAWSK BAViSHEB LIFE. It wm juKt fcU ordinary so ap of pa pei, but it cHvcil her ltle. hi wm ia tlu 1 i-t tHi- ! consumption, told by pbt'i-in i bi Mil s incurable atd eoald live only short time. , She weighed lew than sventy pound. On a dieoe of wrapping paper she read of Or King's New Discovery, and got a Mm pleboiiJe; Ultipedher. she baghta lareer bottio.h Helped her iuore,bonght another and a,few belter lust, continued: iti nte and is uw hi rang, Healthy. rosy, plump, w. itihiiiR 140 pounds For ful ler parMctiiNr., scud tamp to V. H. l o'.e Dri'ggtM, Kort Smith. Trial bot tle of thin wonderful Discovery free at 0, . Holtou' Jxot store. FARMER'S ALLIANCE. The Earmer's Alliance Institute will be held in the Benbow Hall tomor row morning, beginning at to o'clock. At the hour of noon Mrs. Mary Men denhall Hobbs will present for discus sion the subject of Female Ecucation, claiming advantages equal to those provided for males. A very interesting subject Rnckln 'sAmlra Balve). Tbi beet Balve in the world for Cute, Braisw, Mo es, Ulcers, Bait Bhenm, , Feva' Bore, Tetter, Chipped Hands, ..Chilblain, Corns, and all Skin rnp iioi. and positively on res Piles, or bo pay r q lired. It is gnarenteed to (dve per font satisfaction, or monev refunded. . Prioe 25 rnts per boi. For sale by ' Nov ji!w. C E IIoLToa NICE THINGS AT COST ' Miss Omohundro, West Market street will sell all her nicest goods, in cluding beaver hats French felts and fine black Flumes, at cost, for the next two weeks, because her stock is larger than she cares to carry over. Cal soon and examine her stock. EUPEPS1. This ia what yon onght to have,' in faos, yon mut nave it, to fully enjoy life. Thonsands are aearohinir for. it .daily, and mourning beeanaa they find . itnok Thousands npon thonsanda of Sollars are spent annually by ''ar -pta in the hope that tbey mav attain tnia boon, And yet lt may be had by all, We KuarMOtee tht Electrio BiUers, f osel koeording to directions and the i se peniaten In, will bring yon oood dtire ion uiJ tiogt the (lemi-nlDyspepeialand install iDkteed .;pepik. We recom mend Eleotrio Bittera tcr Dyspepsia and all diavaaes ol Liver. Htomaoh ana Kidneys. Bold by O E Holton, at 50o. ind fl per dottle. . FOR CHRISTMAS. Anong our merchants who keep . good (things for Christmas are Mess J W .Scott & Co., who are getting in such a variety of choice things that an enumeration would be an impossibili- TO THE CITIZENS OF GREENS BORO. On and after Dec ist 1890 we the Bakers of the city if Greensboro N. C will be compelled to put the price of bread back to our old prices 5 cts per loaf or 6 loares for 25 cts.. 25 tickets for $1.00. Signed, L H Wkst,' W AFarris, John O'ContKr, , , , J E Thorn. J, 1 c ." My entire stock of winter miUinarr will be told at cost tor the balanoa of I the season with the exception of rib- 1 bons. and they are marked 10 per cent lower than the mnal pridn. aiao notions and fancy goods and vtum Horab silks ; and satens at remarkably low figures , V havA Bit barfirftlnnnnntAr.. bnt hAr 'r&ios on the shelves . and . everywhere. . Wi MnAm mrA' njiu rtmm .lirl Aam ralil A . and all who hava not yet. bought their ' bats or bonnete willdo well to. call pn me. . ' . 1 Keepeotiniiy, 1 ML3. OOaUKDJUJ A CO. JndlrMtlorv f a t wtaW Andalerkeratt,Sl(wrb. OMMlnekas trs4iBaap4auaMl)uM aevwfvtav ORKING TEOrLE can tako Simmons Liver Regulator without loss of time or dan ger from exposure. It takes the place of a doctor and costly prescriptions and ia thorcforo the modi cine to be kept in tho household to be given upon ' any indication of approach ' ing sickness. It contains ' no dangerous ingredients but ia purely vegetable, gentle yet thorough initfl action, and can be given with safety and the most satisfactory result to any person regardlosa af ago. It b&s no equal. Try it.", Be not Imposed upon I Siamlne to see that on a-t tbe Genuine. distinguished Irom all froofl sod Imrmtallon oy ear rea a nw sin oo irnm w -iipw and on toe aMa. taa seal ana signature oi a. uia eo. To My Friends. On and after . Deo. 15th I an be fonndwith J. 0. Ramsey. nnderMeAdoo noaee where I will be prepared to sup ply 1' with tbe beet and fln-et line of Frails and Oonfe -tion that the north em asarketa afford. Call and see ne. Reapeatfallv, d-lO-lw AvDki'w Wmatuult Hi I I H K IS I M AlN L JX V J-a-a-iXsJ X ilAXXaJ In eoneequenoe of tbe reoent flnsn eial stringeuey I have been able to bny Ijr caan fmta a new York niannrao taring Jew lera stock of oou amos at prioea 26 pe cent leei than the acta' aloostof materiid and workmanship. Thee rings are all tbe very latest de signs, many ol them hoi with 1 moo stones and the new rtu.o-tr fem, the only pure white atone that approaches IL. I J I V . . a turn maiaonu in guniinwiou oruuauoy. The selection is a v.-ry ch&rmiug one, and the largest evr shown iu Qreena boro Bolitairtw -rut olii't-n in great variety, and the wiol'i will be sold dnr ing tbe holiday t ade t figures that will aivn ,y ouvt'imers the (all benefit or tne reduction at wnion tney were bongbt. Also a full stock of watohbs, BPEOTAOt-xtr ant tb outsets Thoae who r o hi re the aistanoe of ah shonld oall and get properly fitted by praotioal optician, as eje-sight is too pree ons t try anv expnrioent with.' As nsnal U repair inoidtit to tbe bnsi- nea execnted in the best poaaihl.man. 11 innrmnn W IIIUIIIIUIH' Watohmaker and - optioiam 114 Sonh Elm St, ureensDoro, . u a -itftt , FpR THE-- FAIR ONES -AT- Geo. Ktzsimonb 3 V'CZ -f "fTka ',Vi:l;HCT ... m 1 . r - '. I N -3t- I ' ' I Flan"!!-- "-"'on wlthv ItU-eo yrthnrch wotaaaaaiMuif .ftgenis .vaniea. JV. x.J . Fobvbr. Talmege's New Book, cover, lua bis fi(e wok end greet trip "To, Through and-From the !urit-Land," entitled . ''FroAMpger To Throne,0 F.mbraclox a 'KW LTFB Of CBR1BT and a'Htory ol l'aleetln and Its People, Illustrated with oTr ) mastsrs and fatness picture from tlis Land and Time of tbe tisvlor. alto an'and picture of Jmwlra on tb day ol I tie crucifixion, la IS os'on and 10 fert In lentftu. t ill 1 DU. TiLMsflK'S Ills work of ttU irreatent book. Order are now pouring la from all parts nfths otvlllMd world. You will arm bare another Ilk It. 1,000,000 cop. I will be old tbe first tear, int should (Iron all else and recurs territory. Hnrb chances com ouly ooos In a lit time. Exclu sive, territory given to foil protection. The most remarkable and wondeiinl of all book snout the Land, Times and Peor-le of tb Bl Me Oo to work now and yon will mukehun droit of dollar. Territory irulnir with a rusb act now; no capital niwlixt. Nam territory tun wauv ana wnie lor psriiFuiar to B. F. JOI1N80N a CO.. IUcUHOSD. Va. HVOTHHVG WUCCDED9 LIKE SUCOESS. wasBWiaaMa The reason RADAR'S MICROBE KILLH is the most wonder ful uedioine, is be cause it baa nevtr failed in any instance no matter what the disease, from LEP R08I to the aim piest' diaease known to the human system. The oientifle men of to-day claim and Diove thst ev ry aiaeaaa la . CAUSED BY MICBOBES 4KD fiadam's ' Microbe ; Killer Exterminate the Microbe and drives them oat of the system and when thst is done jon oannot . bsve an . aahe or whether a simple oase of Malaria Fever . . oorebmadon nf riwAAMw. we bar them all at the same time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. ' ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, OA. TAKRH, BRONCHITIS, " BHEU MATHM. KIDNEY AND LIVER DISEASE, CHILLS AND FEVER, FEMALE TROUBLES IN ALL ITS FORMS, AND, IN FACT. EVERY DISEASE KNOWN TO TEE HU UAH tiXUTEM. ' . BEWARE OF Fraudulnt Imitations. See thatl oar. trade mark (same as Buuvuj aiipoara 00 eacn jug, ' Bend for book. "Historr of the "Mi .1 . ... ..... erobe Killer. " git en awarbr Go. Fits- nommona, tirreeasboro, N. O. Mffl :.Segy . Qq . (Buosesaor us.iuu.) j. . . . ' il (ioneralUoilimission Merchant; I afANVFACTVRIRS' ACINT! -AND -WUOLESAU DKALKKS ri OTQAHS'anft CIGARETTES. ( SMOK.& a . Kne Needle; Cigars : AND CIGARETTES. ; ,mLTm them for. a pleasant smoke and' speedy relief for Influenza, Acute and - Chronic Catarrh, Clergyman's oora xnroat,. tiavt Fever. .Asthms nd all Bronchial Diseases. These eoods contain the leaves 4 at uecciie or me pine tree. 1 Sold by the following dealerein Greensboro, N. C J. W. Scott & Ca - w. C Porter, Geo.Fitzsimons&Ca dKHoltrm. S.J, McCaulejr. . ) ,IL Lolunan. Vuncannon&Ca O.F. Pearee. , W. rl hnrnlwr ' " w c xr:. a. w. ... .w..vwk If r U. .AJIVCIUV Gea B. Albright A: T; Vernon ' ! I itATOhAtitt Who Wish to handlA UiMa mJ. should address ; w c a . j .rT WW I 19 rrcl1 izzy & Co., Aa., HOLIDAY GOODS AT WHOLESALE! Wm nfTAf to onr wholesale onstomers for tliir Ohriatmaa trade the following goods onhioU wo are prepared to give! Ar. Baliabnry von close ngnrea: 00 lisrrels Plain Candy, 45 Psils French Candy, T2i m Roxes Frenoh oandy. , 75 Boies Fruit and Toy Candy, 150 Boxes Christmas lie aits. 25Q Boxes Chewing Gam, UOOOkh Prise Boxes. ' 8;000 OoooanuU (20 bags) b0 Boies Mixed Nuts. 100 Boxes California Baiaina, . 15 Boxes Cooking Baiaina, 175 Boxes Cakes and Crackers, 50 Boxes Cheese, 60 Pails Jollies k Preserves, ' 20 Oases Jellies and Preserves. 100 Boxes Fire Craoket a, 150 Dos Boman Candles, , 150 Dos Sky Rockets, 100 Doa Toy Piatola, . 00 Gross Toy Caps, 60 Ces Tom st. ea, 75 Case Corn, 45 Cases Peaches. -AND A FULL AND COMPLETE , . LINE ol all other kinds of POTTED MEATS, OYSTERS, SARDINES, ' LOBSTERS, SALMON Ao. Ao, IN . GREEN FRUITS ' -we handle - . ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS and MALAGA GRAPE IN FOREIGN-- .. . , DRIED FEtfiiS WE HAVE OJTRON, CDRRANTS, , 'PRUNES,. DA1ES, 'FIGS ' AND RAJS1N8. Any and aU orders fiUed earefully and as promptly as possible. , We are ".-" weeks and our goods have "go a move" on them. Ho don't tnt off bnvimr till I onr otooa ia piu&eu over ana yoa oaa ii set just what yon want, but Sendalour ! your vsueta uu uuuv , . 1 A : ; YOURS TO COMMAND,.' Richmond and Dahvill RAILROAD COMPANY. it CONDENbED 80IIEDDLK. Im Krraor Mat IS 1H90. ILv. Riohmond 3 OOpta 230 am 4 80am 610am 8 06am 9 43am Burkevill Keysviilc Danville 5 00pm 6 48pm mupn At. Greensboro 10 27p m Lv. OolJnlwro Ar. Raleigh Lt. RaloiKh 2 40pm f5 00 pm 4 40pu 9 00pm ! 15 p m noosm 966am 7 80 am 6 15 a m 8 60am UlUam Darns in 0 48pm 6 20pm t6 80 pm 10 87pm IAr Oreenehoro Lt. Salera Ureeniboro 12 26 a a Ax. Btatuaville. 1 49 a m 12 09 p m 722 am 4 27pm Asheville Hot Springs 984 am 6 55pm 12Slamll 24 am L, Salisbury , . Ar. Charlotte 2 06am 12 40pm Spartanborg Omenvillo AUante 4 61am 8 88 pm 5Maa 446pm 940pm 100pm 610pm 9 00pm 11 00am i StOam 80am 10 80 a m LvOharlotto Ar Colombia Ar Angnsta eaiLf . ROBTXBOCaD No. CI. No. 63. Lv Angnsta "6 80 pm 8 00 a m Lv Colombia 10 85 p m 12 60 p nv Al Charlotte 813am 6 15 p m Lv. Atlanta 0 00 p m 7 10 a av Ar. Greenville 12C5am 148 pm Spartanburg 189am 262pa Charlotte 426am 680pm Balisbnry 602am 7 05 pm Lv. Hot Springs Ml 10 p m.12 24 p n AahevilJe 12 40am 02 pm Steteaville . 5 02 a m 5 68 p m Ar, Salisbury 6 68am A42pm Lv Salisbury 607 a m 7 12 p m Ar, Greensboro 7 47 am 840 pa Salem 1140am tl2 am Lt, Greensboro 9 45 a m 11 OOp m Ar. Durham . 12 01 p m 6 00 a m Beleigb 106 pm 7 45 am Lv. haleiKn 1 06 1 u 49 00 a m Ar. Uoldaboro 2 66 1 m 12 60 p m Lt. Greensboro 7 66 m 8 60 p m Ar. Danville 9 82am 10 20pm Keysville 1218 pm 166am BurkeviUe : 100pm 2 45 am Biohmond 8 80 p m . 6 16 a m SBTwaait waer point, hichmund m 1x1 HOB VIA KSTBVlLLa, 0X70&P AXD DUBHAM. 1 64 A 102 I stations I 65 A 108 00iu 9 40am Wetl Point 6(K)pa 68 6 pm 4 40 pm 225 pm 145pm 14 80pm 1165am 10 40am Richmond 11 OOsm ' hichmoiid Lnrkeville Keysville Chase City Clarksville Oxford 1 00pm 2 05pm 2 44pm 6 15pm I 13 pm lv 4 40pm It Oxford ar tfOOam ' 6 45pm I Henderson tf66am - 4 18pm lv Oxford ar 10 10am 667pm ar Raleigh fly ) 815am ptbunday. Dwly. tDaily I ; , exoept Monday I ' Additional train leaves Oxford daily ; -1 uwipt oanuay uwi,ig, arrive usn f jdersou 12 C5, returning leave Hender ..S.A...A L3 W1 rI. tov son xiup, m. - daily exoetit Bundav arrive Oxford 8 15 p. m, -i . T No, 60 leaving Goldab nra 4 1( nr. m. ' land Raleigh 4 45 p.' m. daily makea eonueotion at Dorbam with No. 19 leaving at 6 p m. dailv tiMntRnn. a.. r. . j .1 - - j, jor vxiora, xienaotson and al poiuUr on O. H., O. A 0., and B, A w. noaoa. :.. '). -' .l ..v I Pastengtr ooaohea ran thtnnirh h&. wu nesi jroins ana :naieiflr via KeTsvilleou Noa, 64aLd 102. and &fi SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On trains 60 and 61. Pnllm.n sleeper btween Atlanta and Ne Jotk. Tllt .1 A . . . 1 vwinue sua Aogasw, ana ureensbort Tie Asheville to Morrktown. Tnn. " On 62 and 68. Pnllmaa Bnfi ueiween waaninaion and Hew Orlnatn via Montoomerr. and btw.,ri ' 'Wuh ington and Birmiiioham. Rinhmi.tut n Greensboro. Raleieh and and between Washinaton anrl nitfipug Aunet aieeper peiween Washington and Asheviili.' n T . . f rS210eun " Pv rtaUona jror rate local and through time tables, ply to any agent of the Company, or to Uou IlAAa. :. tin 1. T . irauio oumager. Uen, rasa lg W. A. Trjax. Div. Pans, am . . nQt eigu, W im J ' if ftSOMFIILD STw ' " . M. r -.. a W ' 4 .m ySliycfr'ATi rniFr - 7n ""-- . , . .-L j ir r 1 ' i Ll 'OTI ,, . ..... ,',i

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