THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER f" 'Everything Electrical" (delcolicht) IWw lou II u.w irit'j 'ou Want It. (Buy your Electrical Supplies from an Authorized Electrical Dealer) We ;n i ;i most up-lo-d.iW' stork of "anything and i'ei thing Klei-trical" Nut as a side line, but because it is our one business to supply the citizens of this com munif.v with ihe most modem and up-to-the-minute in dentions in the l''lc( 1 1 it ;il Art. Do not m:iLe the mislake ol Inning cheap, inferior, oiii-of-date elect l ie lamps. Come in and let us demonstrate the wonderful West in-,' -house Mada Lamps. Much depend-, upon Ihe right lamp if mi desire to enhante the beauty of your home, and show to best ad vantage the furnishings selected by you with the great est care. We can assist . on in the proper choice of lamps that will make muii home as attractive h night as it is bv da. ELECTRIC IRONS Martin Electric Co. Quality Electric Shop, Waynesviile ..ill. ..1 1 mr sluuui. epectecl bv his fellow men and is a All of these children are members leader i his community. He is hos of the Baptist church. pitable-, kind and jovial and U an all Inez, the mother of these is notod hail rti et fellow. for her patriotism and Christian char- Thus? ends our reminiscence of an lty. She is clever, ambitious and pro- other ohip from the MoCraeken block grcssive. y( far Wl, have- been fortunate in not Mary duugi'.T of I au a, mar- h.vinir t.i search for data in the jails. Sue ant the a 1 lows or even in the insane as sjlumsi. We dill meet up with otic n. V augmi, I' I .U'l' a a. .. i ,1am s whose ne.hVr', was noil ovuellv in:i 1 1 1 -. 1 M. Ile.'-.c a. id Smli Ii . Norman, or Knglish and or.e ii' m i d i.-.rii ti ill -m three who claimed he met the devil. The h. 'in 'M. Le.itl'oi vv nod. a .a; sun died n lii'JO auifnn, ..i. ( I .an. a i Hie,, biM .l.i, 1 ilev l.ak. M: Julie till.-. V 1 - H.l I : 1 1 I..UI1 haw- thie chi .1 una I r-k :i . icgaic! I-;: I,-:, , and t" the.,, ili1.!:. Nh, the an 1 and at I 'll n I., ai A ..I !:.!: tailed . v: i v - i , Mi in:.' a 'ei ne. HClllC! Ii ' I in-- i - .inl. i' 'el ai..n e. v. a- a w in , and bad she lt-e n t In : ..aehiv l.d I'luiali'd she might -lev. wirl. a romance a- thnl'- "f liunm.- o. duliu- w ; I tie and 4 (),' 1 1 lit h f n oh in ti. i ..-. . - ciit'-i'. Lilon. dallglllel arken , via- i i i .1 Wiliam I-i unci and I -. tli- ii ii i in th 1 1 vv eve n : I ii..v in. ISM. nan;,-. I h-i t nidi f Ho- t on, Mas - acini - et , , ..nianlir and lev the sublaiii' littl ; -' , I lilt 1 1 f el '. n -' f"' "I"' ' " i. f the t we dispensed wph as a lilm-k sheeji, (all well regulated f.iimlic - have thc-c) and the latter i rnn.-alered imt at all uniini" ir .ini!i;t i a- t hi- js a charactc.i-' ;c tl.a: runs m the family of which we have tint run-- to much tro'ih!" to la nar ut to t re-s Ili-nce ! aie nut blocked m ds cui:iir'd and as far a- vie know an.! fiel. v.,. are iletel III i lied come w hat uiil, - ink or swim, to finish 111:3 11. am. 1 nr lii.-t nryj ( n though we 111;.) h avr 11 1 e.-ort for data to tin jail, j-rall'.us, ,,, ,,tlier like nhce-s I. TI 1 KRKIJ. IRK (ONTI.V of re- i'i:n. I land V. M -7. lsiis, ma . -April ;. l.ssj f 1 1 1 1 1 1 w i 1 1 chil C, Inn n V Mi-.Mahsn and iiiw Ii II Will V. Met 'II d i N I s 1 0-1 -, I M i I . d Mi-- Ml 1. ; i'. -.-1 : -1 d I. M.i I A - I. Is'. .-II' Ma- i:. Ma a- K l. in thr , a .lei sey Ii: 1.- He . I e. ..l.iiiliy , ; A.' !i r ; t . nit l 1 . 1 1 i 1 . ) 1 w e a:ai t 1 nd there have children. H 1. lsii',1. .- m llackeiisack. V. .1. -e el al ear- a .-nldier ii Army vvhet'e he did nolia "man li , hoi n dannaiv - lie H IS the l servv ."I. ISSS, .1 I da Sh....k and tn In-111 ha-e n., l(.- Hat ..thir 1-. vh.. fe!n l' ie-e.t-A a list a . .' ..: ft. 1.1- new. en f t o' liynier.a dm-' all tin- !ias mtii-l af a v- : v aim tiie- averted ; Sin- :- a teacii exercised her rn;lits and no l-.l Il; th.- I'aiiie I'v.ept .iini' all, who ha- heell 1 leaied mi: In-ip-matc '!lo nui;lit In- lonely mmiu'iits. in the puhlic .scnool. ami is clever, lia- a ho-t of freml-, and is a hniriu lijrht ill her common ; : v. Ida. married to ('. C. Kalxe of l in is-'ph county, N. '. She also is iiacher in the public schools and .s n.urse an active as.-et to iiotii cliur 11. .v. h .1. 1 1 Sat a: -i f.,- M. I. .ii . d. 1 a Mcl'i -. tin- .- pr farm .on .1 urn- ,Me '1.1, ken. k raei an. I in.i 1 -. .ii.iiiy eat n. 1 ed peitvi S in- .line iHM-a.l 01 I I aht 1 e -. r.- ' child ,.f J. ls7 ma. in. 1 . A ,1 i.e. n I..,,, till. ,- ,-llildl lie 1 - a 1 11 1 a I ma 1 ! In lit'-t . pat 1 ml Iieitii- r.. i. Auir. 'J:;. 1 s;-j. Alind II.. h.p. 1 1 IV . .Ian. LV.. !i. denning- li., i,! mill I led li hi !l 1 la;'e! They have one child. Max M. ....ii Ma -1-, M;u y Man,, of K. iiliere In livt.. i'l-.l S. I.m 11 Jiin. :; n two livin. iinit-r and 1 ..iie-sive ::. Is'.M. die s;i: of As d'e I IsT, 1 ..-'I tu Tiiorna eh.idieli 'w.i h..y -e . :. uri.iideiiildi f.ll-'iall.l a linn, omiie made mi. iK.'de a v o. lingers, and -i iV ,Si. iirot 111 I I'll !- .She and .- eliuat'isl m t'iimni county , w heii' t in y :ldi-rilhlc pfne;-ess in ition and well to do in a w.uid'- (.'ood. and Me hope thf'v liavi i-eas if ii.'t I'.irir-ttt 11 to lay up tieiisines in navy .1 '!at world w!:""e m-t and ninth- do teau -dan tuecn at lyde. I ..11 1 ..f II .lelin:nj; and Wai. lielo child ". 1 sti s mar ky Mount, X. Hum, i.iariied en and lue- illll wel i- III Allln! the Ma-;, World nave Ill's thin ''orps. I lielolle.l hi lull did Hot see lemiine;, ;in, ;i lint and state, n..t ,., i npt Kufa- niarrnd Annie Nuland an 1 Sarah, .lie niotliet of tlifse chiMrei.. !. them have hei-n Iiotii foil r child 'i 11 , u:i- veiy aidustnoin woman, was tn.. livinir. II" lives at Ciahtie.' and ..-,,1. al and kind and liberal. She 1- h farmer nn. I siocUhni'der. lie i; a n,, . I hi.,'h and sought (or "m nonie nnte.i for his h -icsty and brotherly aim tin livi. May In1 K" i 'l'ward in bis vvork m : and h'.w forth bv ' ood deeds that enmp;',. the old la: , mark of h;s father- tv. tli..-e MI live '.'and. Ti K hi. i .d: an, I Weill married Jen,, la'.ilne: woo'. hi death, wii- ,-ie'k of the , ourt of H n w ,hi I co-iii' v f, in- chihli ell. two 111 may In r nia.1 -ri.-iue .1 leach . pnalh- -.!i. ..lis and like all 1 a lady ..f ,-. 'ei.t pa' ; liarn'd l,i, - ,; . Iloyd of ' h if'k an I ! e; h.l'.,- t wo 1 ' m- 1 She an. I h,-i ha 1 eii i-.nted : n fa 1 in vvl; I, ii irn a. -, ace :i,a., 11 v ;icf. a;. m.i. Idlene-. and slotiifnl e deti's-led, but showed by t iiii, thrift and honor , nines only who labor. II, o hu ll a., l-'ei r'u-i'ti. was a 141, at A ma!, w ho (.- -e I foi i it ad, w 1 Tit 1 I on i.-rfid 1 r.ei crv iin.l 1 1 . 11 . ; which lie ema-el ipl.te ;i I i atari;:- family we nota'r a- , "a,;.-.! fai n 1 1 r 1 o- n wiiich there - a it ! cat e, t'ie,. day- f ,r men of v im and v -;.-'.. If in1, a -i n:itn-n, to 1 .11. ni.i. e. w , -i 11 : nee k I... k . . :.. th,- lain I'e-'i v th. farm . ; - , lit .' ! e-t - it I i C 1 !. Will 1 . ' W ,11 --I , t n all.l huil e- a - - ! - I n ill In chl.d ' eli. a' the pr, -. .. r an: i!. lll.ll ! .. i, .e bi Pll no: s a bu-i t 1 1 1 f e e ,K Ifoi l them fi . e man and ce I in ;ne iialait'.. .m.i A if I' tin- K.n n ineer service acio--. nl vi re in th.' Max ai t icinaled it) the ( iiat - l Tliiery and Helleau Woods fmin Ian. h to duly in, mis. He sen,d .also in the npelline; of Allied Otfell-siv,- -niith of Soi-sons. He. too, n;-.r. ticiia'ed in the fir-i nf fen.sive in he St. Mih il salliii; S-it. 1 - I.. I.".. IIUs. a:'. f urn v It, Nni. 1 1. Mils, wa, in the Men-,- and Arcanum iiiy, ihysii:il iecor.1 shnws that he dnl not -pernl a ilav ir. the lm-pi;;il finm vvniinds or ill-lie-.-, al-o hi- lecnid a- a -id, lie- i I and lionn1 iitile. Mil, n, the ninthe, of t hese children, ' s :i noble woman. The latch to lien hou c alwav- ham'- on the init-nb-anil all vvlm ent.,' an- wcl.-oim- an.; i nterta iied at her hea rtli-tnne and h, aid Sin- :- patriotic, -tan,!.- lot tie h, -1 , i- a Christ ian. char itaol,-, farciv in- an.! nienvful. May he, !! ' -:.t mie t" shine atij he i;litcii he path nf others. d . ( "iimller Mc(.'i acki n. f i.,i I ' V. '. ai ken wa- hoi n at Crahlice. V t . .Inly is. is;,;., married Ma - A. II. .Met I! AC KMX. Hill liADICAI.S AMI THKIU DO INfiS IN AMERICA. la t we. k in Madison S,uaie (Ja--dni, 'ew Voi k. in that irrand hali famed fa,- the plaudits of pujrili -t i Si(.i tat ii -, dances, and midnitrht ci niu-iils of this nation, niel in conver t ion. Ili-ro in tlii hi.-torieal jraideti where a few months as, tm. Democratic Xa tiunal 'nnvent ion met to choose or i-, nriiivi heio ,n siy-ht of the Statue if Liberty with her torch rem h ii.rjiiirh toward the heavens -Xicdai Lenin wiu huiiored. praised and ap pl.-iii.lci 1 by thousands of men, vvonii n ami 'li : hliaii di e-se, i r,, neckties ini.l h cs and red a I'liibands. Iere in !i-is "Id hall nf Manhattan thir a fin in on In- atf,. ratio; with tin- plaud its anil frenzied antics of the Demo cratic convent inn and upon who;,' wall- n uiiL' the portraits of .leffersn i, JiH-L-nri. Cleveland, and Wilson, there wan h uiic the portrait nf Nicolai Lenin. 'Hi-- Jin-,-::.,)., f Soviet Aniericaii ( ") wa . no secret, for these commun ist, ha I little red st ickei-s nhisl-n I overall Ha-l Side and --eats were sold at lifty- cents each. And In-fore the curtain w slid apart for ih:., great communist diama of anarchy and iu.:t Miiym Hylan's police, t'ne hdred guui niiins of capital had passed into this ealliiry fifteen thousand communis. s fo YOUJt CONFIDENCE IN US IS OUR VALUABLE ASSET. Phones 53 and 54 Opp. Postoffice We have acquired it by years of painstaking effort and the reputation of always using every precaution to safe guard the lives and health of our patrons. And yet just one mistake on our part might destroy this confidence. It is easier to tear down than to build up a good reputation, and faith, once lost, is hard to win back again. It is because we realize this that we never take even the slightest chance. ASK YOl'R DOCTOR. ALEXANDER'S The toa&& Store DRUGS hunnally Candy l'ark2r Pens Whitman Candy thi.s red hot un-American and devilish lineage, we have nothing but contempt, assembly of Radicals. It's harausue Jews like Dr. Zeido Schmellner and for four hours went on, .speech after many others of his type are mighty -peec-h was made, just as vile as those men in this world and are doing a ncorded above. Resolutions were great work for peace and freedom. assed for recognizing Soviet Russia, And further we believe as the Jews are for the release of political prisoners an international people, they can do such as Tom Mooney, Sacco, and more for peace than any other people. Vanzetti. They went so far as to ask But such Jews as Trotzky and Lenin for the repeai ef laws against anarchy woe he unto them? They are detesti an.l criminal syndicalism. ble dogs, unorthordox and liave so'd And the climax of this meeting was tnt'ir birthright and traditional treas a speech of a fourteen year old boy, "res for a mess of pottage. cirtanbu; Yours for America, a. h. Mccracken. , S. C, Feb. 10, 19Jr. . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OR BOARD OF TRADE. Waynesviile. ha.s many clubs, many an organizer of the young cojnmjn istic league before whom sat four hundred children. He had learned his -ioech by heart and harangued his audience with threats like these: 'Down with capitalism!" "l.'p with the Soviet Republic!" As lie uttered these things, the rhil- ionizations, both nven's and worn dien shouted, the women waved their en's organizations; social and bust, led banners and the men veiled and ness organizations, etc., but perhaps - ten minutes this house of anar- the most important to the future de- vviiu m t hire to commemorate the cliists cheered and applauded. velopmtent and business interests of first anniversary of Xicolai Lenin's During the Civil War, John Brown this community is the Board of Trade death. ' for a thing a thousand times lesi ef- 01' Chamber of. Commerce. The name This meeting was opene I by Hen fensive and dangerous was hanged. Board of Trade has been legally (litluw tndhe made to this red blouscd The flaming words of Jla"a:, or the adopted here and should signify ex- little red Conspiracy of Catiline fade into a 7 what the organization stands shadow when compared with the glow or meeting gives proof to the of this motley crowd of jailbirds, er.v fevv cities of the size of 'iiumb" throwers, and anarchists. Waynesviile can boast of so many The time, (when such signs a these flourishing organizations and yet we ire happening) is line for the de- fi"d that whi,e tne Board of Trade scendants of Mayflower passengers should be the most important of the multitude the follow .s peeeh : "Thi: fact thi. t in the United States, as eise vvliete, t here are hundreds of thousands of luili-i s pledged to the work to vvh'ch Lenin jriive his life Me' I. a ci' n .n if ' in. I . I. n M. I'.'.! Is. i a A i : ill. I : l .e. '.'a ,-in 1 : .lame t:. laugaii I. II. llle .March IS. 1ST le.ii; to the. I l-i . M. V in II alil'. d was ;ol' -. -I 'I it V .1 l.d . ii f in and ilw ay - t -. Inn. I i' and !au h - - ,,f -elf -pll-atlall. I -. I .1 - ,'ldll -e. lie leaud ai are peii-i.cii-, men i.n.ia! and i ' " in in -t , rin'leou- and cehahle. S;irah, daughter "f D.n.l V. Mc.; Cracken, was born Januuv (',. 1S".K, died Nov. L'f,, l'.l-l. She wa. mariied to Thomas Ferguson wii i live I o:i Sandy Mush. There we'e born to this union the following children: h. II. ,n.,il- a any ., p (Jill VI rehgn t. W. leiiv o. 1111 . the cu 11 -'00d . ih.'inty and .i a. a fanner :i -. I all. I plogre-.-lve. - fain, v . ail of vvh cited and l"al c .men , ii,..v. d wit! is pi-.m ' a" J In '1 . Mar -.'ii. , schiin and w a -'Me, .'in, s;il' an t'.dlow in' n Mil. lied. Walter Mav llili.iry wa in. e Nl-t Iivi-ior, and was liirhtine; when the annistit and i - ii"W h.idieii: . .la v, 'lii.a ' :. In, ii id .,i. I. Lena, -in W ! to hl'en, in :n:i. I s 7 s Ha -.;hn. N'.ii-i M lill.-i; .11 1 .-', i, led v. .!'. T. I'.nv. - 1 '.let- 1KI n ' iic M.hary li.. Ii..s.-y, Wilda. l-'ied and lir.-t lieutenant in the front v;is signed lavvver in San l-'rancisco. -lie was educated ill Waynesviile. Cu! lohec N'ormal and the I'niversitv ef North Carolina. He took !iis I..I. 1!. .degree at the University of Califor nia. Hosey was educated ir. the i schools of Waynesviile, Cullowhee .Normal and State College, a soldier ill the World War first lieutenant. He and hi is brother Hillary were M.rv Ktche,, and to the-e have I with the fu st watch on th.' Rhine, and hovn four children, throe' living. m.i '1 e'd i-. (la . .'-;va,. f Wavn ., have ,e n mir i hildren : hoin .Inn. L'l, m!'- of Viintiir ' ''em i:;i -. .- n n i...' n e:i: ii" s it-, 'i . in--'. i ai t Feb s. I sl, in ,-irr I 'in : . '..ifit in s;,.-t; ; (. ' . i - - . i Ai" :'ai ;na li .-.'' II n . -ville, N. ('., H-en i-arri Schon serving '.' ,-y D . o. ' ! K. i; , i 1 1 ;'n :( t in- union hav th :i !. and n liov. I ia. ioirr, Aiur. :!0, ISM, ma-n-i Van 1 1. vis ,.f HnvcsviHo. X. C. She die ! in I'M'..', lenvinir (vv;-, g r-. H' i, v VV.. .-to (let. t :,, ISS.T. ,.,., at the ace "f one year. I.'u y, ''ion Nov. i;, IS'.i I. not mar ried, iv :i tea lior and at t'ne present wilting js a nieniher of the Klf High f Clav Count v. N. ('.. winch position s(. Kls noli) for live years. Paul, hoin Oct. ), I HIM. married Against the Mussolinis and Hill- and the men who folloowe.l General several business organizations.. i;i!H-, wv ileclari' we will aitiuse pro- Washington footsore and ragged ovt -spems to lack the "pep" necessary for h tiiriiii- s to deiii.iiul reeognition by the the frozen snow and whose blood was 'he continued advancement and growth raiiitii'ijic I'nited States of Sovi?t spilt over this nation of ours fio.n of this commiinity. Its board of di Russia." Iha: lyvviii. to Kings Mouni.M'i to take "'tor.s are all eaoable and energetic Alter this "io.vinc m the a stand once moie against a foe :i r.ien of foresight and 'have many mc'inny ,.' Lenin whose cm pe lii s i!ioi:-:md limes more heinous then tra things to thei,- credit in the way of n: 'Mirer m i tr:eat marh1 tomb be- tax and British Red Coats. This fr.e. progressive achievements. The most neadi tlie fro?;. n -oil of II, is- a, an I dorn purchased by the blood cfom f the memihers, it seems, simply :;e if, in whVli the iick n- flam,..; fathers, is not a fre.dom from the donate their due' and i'v- leave the ;.-ti.,ye. 1 the .lieaai- . nd amhili m biting and uoisonous fangs on an- rest to "let the other fellow do it." "f N'.i)i (eon, In --rev t.;....j ;-ia meet- : ch' a".l i i.;n, hut from our m-i'.'ncr Waynesviile is .'.esigned to become "in Tl- Ills' man ivh , ciini.. fovvnid nation whose speech and ideas were the greatest tourist resort and per ; 'my t '. i'lite mi.: . . ! iv :! ,vva r; upon the same as ours. If our mother land han have the grea'est growth indus " i- fio: m tomb of o..nii!e was because of her n it knowing how trially and otherwise of a'l Western li.nli s K. Rittenlmrrr- I'l ' - 'f.'iitle- d:-i i"':min.;te between her subjects, North Carolina, and we should not ex i in''.' S.'i-ia '-ii v of the Wo'kiis caused our fatheis to revolt against pect some local business mr.n to give i. , i-'ii ;n;i;:i-) part.'. He ha- just her. what of foreign society born in JT'eat deal of his time to acting as -.'.:. u!-i-e from (.. n. i-o:is of a land whose teeming millions have sc retary of our Board of Trade with M..i!g:i n. peidiiii: an aopeal or cur.- jusl !een loosed from the fetter, of out compensation! nor should we ex i .tiiin iiiider the cr"::nu: -yiuli-al- slavery'.' These peasants, under the '"' 't annoint a small rroup of men -is law tliti! --' it-'- As he .-too l lead of Lenin, an unorthodox and !:- o handle our board of trade calling in-., tin- m!.y crowd ,, speak. ' .l-vv have so mailed the land a meeting once in a fleca 1. or very ' c nii-ih- lif e 'i thousand red ilii".,. of I'otcr the Oeat that Sodom and seldom and then having th- whole foe live ii id iliiv, wa This aero-a the , ,llin.l"is,e;. land of Russia two continents, wh a nata- byd.-p ution their shoulder?. Wre can easily increase the mem stretchin; bership of our Board of Trade to four ise people or five hundred members with annual ' -: en vv , nn n -mil children 'iniiiile- - eheiT- ,1 and -honte!. I Vt"t n tn hi - philippics: "Pn-ons ml; ha v ii. e effect upon i 'evadutian- -t- fi-i- in- ,-i:i only ste-.l their aie ignorant, and shackled bv the inn assessed dues of at least twenty-five will an.l in.reu-" their de;. mir.atijn bunds of slavery from time past the dollars. All the hotels and hoarding to strik. - Maw after blow u-til the memory of man. may be evcusr.' for house nroirlefnrs including both men i:-,'i) ra "it ihst -r syste-.n which nut" they are in darkness scrambling for and women, all the professional men, men in pii.-nn. is swept away. The the fieeilom. It is a nity that they nil th" business men and every pro- giciitcst thing in thi histoiv of the are being sto-red b" sueh men ;: ciessiv? cit'zen could be invited to Trotzky and Lenin. And more, it is i'vn. a damnihle nity that such detested A full time secretary could then ideas, ai laid down by these Russian easily be emnloyed to handle the v?st tags should take root and grow in a amount of business that a Poard of land of freedom and light. Trade for the size of this communiity Fiance, before she became fre" should have, from the Bourbons and priesthood Space forbids mentioning the vast huniiin t-jicc wa-; the proletarian ivvo 'i ti'in in Russia in 1!17. "The class of oppression today l;a' s a new kind of enemv such as iivn no capitalist class has faced before. H is Lenin'sm by which we can mob. z? tho misses, lav low the capital- he is row commander of the First is with the Virginia Life Insurance I.....;. I lUil.,t,.o k-, !..., -i w w I . . ," CiT'n L,.', .nifivo1 "'!'" " :"" s,"Uonl,,, nt h11 ' ""Pny ''t Wilmington, N. C. i, tic Kov-emment in the United States, went through a siege of revolutions amount of good or the enormous hen Hos thee children, all boys, and five Hoy M(, n. Ruth, horn Mav 4. 1902. not j .,, wi.k - i: . .. ...... .-j ..... u..a . . .... - t KQ . f..n I . V. i I Ir lltil..t,i,1.1 I'jt, . 01 1 a ..uiiirai nic r ,k ail.. Uiat IIIUIVC US SllUOUer Wlien WL' lOOK ", lu ...s,, u iuu ,...v K, ... .uiiureu was etiucated at wayne--- married, is a teacher in the nuh he me Noland and lived lor many year ,v;n,, ,in, Converse Colle-re of SDar- Bihools of Clav conntv. N. C in Swain county. N. C. and al one tanburg. S. C. Has taught in the .1. Candlrr moved from Crabtree in lime was postmaster at Bryson City.'Krajo,l schools of Wayne-.ville and is 1S90. settling near Hayesville. where now lives in Buncombe county an.l is fon,j 0f music and art. a irncccssiui tarmer am ,io k, .use. . Walter T. attended tne school.i .n ruccesful farmer, patriotic, public Sarnh A., bom April IS, H'il. mar- Waynesviile and ;Mar- Hill and is spirited and progre.ssive. He is very Tied A. B. Wells. Has six children, jnrw a conioral in the Sth Field Ar. active in the educational interest of two girls and four boys, an.l thrfeUlcry of the V. S. Me is fond of his county, having started a move frandchildren living. She lives in debating mcnt which resulted in securing for Cherokee county, N. C where nhe and Wilda has just graduated from the his own community an excellent high ter husband are engaged in fanning. Waynesviile High School $ho is very industrious economical pecting to enter Greorisbo nd a loyal wife and mither. College this fall. c-cate a new communistic society." bark u-on them. Yet, in all her Reign secretary connected with a real live We know of men during the World of Terror, she never stooped as low wire functioning Board of Trad?, War who were cast into prison for into the mire of degeneration and sin There is no' time like the Drjsent utterinor things which compared with as the leaders of Soviet Russia ' have to re-organize and establish a Wayncs- he purchased a larpe farm. He is a thi, speech were meagre and insig- sank the domain founded by Peter the ville Board of Trade with its slogan n;nrant- We saw boys who merely Great. of "Five Hundred Members." '"fleeted to salute the Stars and We do not detest the diabolical rrin- Stripes reprimanded and punished. We ciplrs of Trotzky and Lenin because h um of mothers who protested thev are Jews, but because thev are a rnins't their boys going over seas to men of culture and Jews they should fi thi a foreign army criticised and be great both in heart and mind. We rtho- aml is ex- school. He is also a member of the . ., miihesl bv this great irovernmem of have i?ret re-meet for the .ormai rinptist church and has bv his innu-'oir... If we are Americans in war, dox Jew. but the man who can truce ence and means done much in pr.- letusbc Americans in peace. his descent back to Abraham an.l be t - " """ "- '"' mi i us dv Americans in peace. pis descent oacK to Aiirannm an.l tie- : .: P Se,more'born Au 10' 18f,n' Fred amI May ar' in the Waynes- moling its cause. He is highly ro- But let us 7o on with the do'ng, of lieve not the inspired record as to his L