Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,850 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries 1IBI11E Volume XXXVII. Number 12 Waynesville, llnywmd County, North Carolina, Thtinlay, March lit. 1!)25 $200 o Year in Advance Sec. thumb ji com.iQQQy HOSPITAL TO ii. SVsEMCtk'AL ilh mayor on (St I JB si s;is meetinc . ;:. douse hard sirfaced uow TO J A( SON ( ) V V LINK. U,: Tile-day r.'ght, March 17 o'clock irtiitc ;i number of tin llOi-: (if t llf Coo.lfcdou - i-i in the (!: ecu To i Room fe, fortnightly urut ing. , f : ;t ha v ,ng to pal iaki tin, til" I ll j.IV i i.l 'i an Ernest L. Withers THE SOMCRtST ..'isus- the t-lVaii-s of -. etc. Two ihw members Me-s worth ami Han. I c- i1' ;ng called unou ''in - !. N Shnolbii'd then c.-tiug ami humorous M i l ' II in In till' old lb- o'li. .I HCc a i' ; -:.lat. M . .1 ;i: -!!. I. lln' at . I t 'i! k i an H,l!t unit i v. Dm k- , Mi- ! r ir- .lant I in II Ci:i. A-bev:il. Purchase i : l.iant a! U'avt: move t lie mil!-; Dr. W. I.. Kirknati iel ; a i' i" ' d iio-..:lal discuss and a public will he inaugurated at : 'The conmii t e nn i i: v. ii r Company as e.l mated . to h"lp e-talili o wax to nay up blr. A rising voti l ear.y ila' . Still. ! -t ail who had h t!le .'lit soon :ts'po:-si-of thank-; was t- com ni t ; e ; obtained. for the this splendid result! Resolutions wore unanimously favor of a hard surfaced i" Cnampion Kibre ' .1'.' aait at i-isiii l to t Sunburst 1 Va- )'es i!lt- was n.a.li yesterday afternoon bv the Sum-risl Lumber Company, of which Arthur J. Stephens, of Phila i e'phia, Pa., is president. Puivii.-se was also made of the nar row gauge railroad trom the Cham pion Fibi Cojirpany, operating be- ?-'lvt'n tween WaynesvUle and Cataloochee, a distance of about 14 miles. The road it to be made into a standard gauge adopted in railway and 10 miles of additional road from Wavnesville to Balsam trackage will be laid in the near fu- or Jackson county line. And a coin ture. Tiro railroad will reach the mittee appointed to protest against W),00O or more acre's of foardwood tearing up the road between Way timber owned by the Suncrest iajm- nesville and Canton during the tour ber Company in the Cataloochee sec- ist season or July and August. t:on. It is understood that three- Other imnortant matters were div ouarteis of a million dollars will be cussed and the following members expended by the company in buTdinj registered as being present: the new trackage and in moving and p. c Duckworth, N. M. Medford, enlarging the .milks, r. C. Logan. R. L. No'land, M. Theo. The saw mills at Sunburst employs McCracken, E. J. Hyatt. R. H. Black ground i00 men. It is expected that well, C. W. Miller, Jr., Rufus Siler, the mills will be in operative! in Oliver Shelton, R. L Prevost, Wm G. Wayne -vilie witr, n a few month and Francis, L. M. Killian, W. S. I.ampkMi. that from 100 to (iOiJ men will be John N. Shoolbrcd. F. W. Miller, A. employed, Some 200 will be used in W. Mead, Chas. E. Quinlan, L. M. the mills and from 00 ,o 400 in the Richeson, J. R, Hipps, C. H. Ruy, i-oods. Tho monihly payroll will run James W. Reed, Hugh J. Sloan, E. I., a our d ot.000, it is Mated. Tit plant Withers, John F. Bass. P. H. Walker, purcl ased from ihe Crifcmpion Fibre Geo. H. Ward, W. T. Shelton. Wm. Company is located en the ;id of A. Band. tellwood Road The purchase prise of the -mail THE DEATH OF MISS SALI.IE i mi:ui (i. ION. i. .ii: i; 'I IllliL' w. i..nn: i iln- Mi'tfiodist I'liurcb. i'io LiKm. I'o-'. Nn. -IT. a.' ja iianipi't . which was bnu'ely a'.lr i I i'.I bv the 1 1 1 1 i i i b r. The long tab) !uc:c ileeuiate:! in spring inw r-, ai d mu-ii- was fariiisliefl throughout : si- v ii;' of the dinner. liivoe.it. on was ni'iil'.' i v K v S. !i. o.'Kiit. 'hi' chaplain. T'-e ivifiiig Commander, l oalf. who has given such t'lVl'l' 'o I'll' Legion 'III' tollll ni' olliee. t . i-s li t t-.l the li. i'i's, w ho ar as follows: 'omii'.i' iln , ( apt, .1 tile I '. ! ii r 'nitiaiau'le:'. t 're-t ( i djutant, L'i K MC e. Finance (Mlic'iT. (iradv I!" Si -.a ; -at rms. ( ; i!i it s. i v.-,. nili i V. . Cobl, Ml. .1. II. Way, l saei .1 ' .'it's. A lid 1 s Maj(:r II iliU I. '(( i:. A I ' 'i ti ! ' 111!! le BAPTISTS Rev. Albert New, who has been Rector of "Grace Church In The Mountains" for about ten years. C UVKCi TO HK(;1V!'" AI'KIL lT.-Ol'K IN(J MOTHER IS (.ONE. ! 'How i:.' Work. Dr. pittil, as vice men Rev. S I. T Mi. 1(1', mi; i:fiisi CIM K( !l. i. i Abel IL I'he t'ottniv Memorial to the E S if Haywood County." K. Crockett. "The End, '!!' "I till ;oih. (Contribute.) aeople in and around vas sorry to learn of lb Alien's death S: Iciom will ih,. U'.,v v." . ..... ' :. ... - I sicians and musu- lover 'uk such ta opportunity of enjoying a rare treat Creek ... ,3 ln I0.. ,nem )f Ml:; Maiv NlHman whii.h ,1(.l.u,rN) on April 1,, when the Mus.c Depart- M,iu,. M .,.), u io.r. .,. ,: , I noiiie i was meat Dr. Fund." I. II. Way, "The Orig n ,1 ment ol the Woman's Clu'.i will pre- at he sent -Miss (.ertrude Courtney, dra matic soprano with Mrs. N. H. Cwyi' as accompanist. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the club house .mil. Some Press Notices. .Mile. Demongeot of the Opera i!.s- Mrs. I' i V covered in Miss Courtney a superb and 1 . dramatic soprano voice, of rar? qual- and (lau.i e uy. magnincent range and powerful Funeral on Allen's CricK. Mi il' years, tl months anil S it her death. She is sur- i a husband, Mr. N N, Nai I 8 klii'd'en, the e" being Mis. 11 and Cieek, Norm days vived man : Fred .J-i-lc-nn. Mvs. John Rus Miss ' '. n.Ti of AMen' . .il i k ot Sw .,.1 ( iui:t . Dr: iy, Home -, Henry :;!! of Allen's 'ei k. .0,-1-,.., ....... ...1 1 I-. "... r cuiriurLi 1 purpose .of the American Legion." Major .1. Harden Howell. "Ilcmin 'sconces of the World War." Informal talks were also made by several others. Th" Post which is aetive'y imev-i-te l in all civ;e matters, is fostering ih" ii .a of a bund for the town. Much enthusiasm is antic'pated f.r the coming year's work under the leadeiship of Cnpt. Edwards, as he has had wide experience. Capt. Ed wards has served in every capacity f'on a Buck Private to a Captain, w'th the exception of Second Lieuten. ant. He first entered the service of line of i.a' 1: :e-i ' a held !::-: I tan; i-1 1 11 , e I . on Marcn U. i: i'-i mat ives from several "' 1 be .louche- of Haywood Caunty Baptist Association were pies nt and look nar: in a splended jirograni that had been prepared with reference to thr wmk cf our denomination fo- this year 1 Riv. U. I,. Kan.lolph, one of the enlistment men for Western North Carolina presided over thr meeting. Rev. I.. I!. White, President of Hay wood Institute, brought a go id mes sage on Christian Education. At the eleven o'clock hour Rev. ("real, pay tor of the First Bantis'. n.rrh of Bryson City slioke on the (In at Cam mission and .stirred the hearU and filled the peojile with a detai min.i ticn to do more this year to help tcne. She obtrfjned ne most re-. 'Wednesday at The Union Star chinch Unc'f Sam during the Spnlsh-'Anie'-- out-tha. program tho Great niBikablc results, both in point of by Rev. K. Allen. Many friends and 'can War, leaving here with the. coir- Commission than they have ever done view of singiiiR and of diction, which relatives paying their last tribute to pany under Capt. W. J. Hannah. He before. , prise hand mill here and the railroad was said to be around $IOC,000 The Sun uc.st Company is a $5,000,000 cor poration. Waynesvflle people are optimistic over the future outlook of the town. The coming of this large company will mean a big boost for this immediate section. The greatest summer season in the history of Wayneville is expected moifover were) universally recog- the departed. She was laid to rest :n nized by the Paris press after the the Massie cemetery to wait till the concert given by the pupils of the Resurection Morn. She profes-i'd American Conservatory in Paris, fajt, j,i (hnist Jesus about :t0 v.a s where a remarkable success proved ago and lived faithful until the end. the value of this young singer and She told her husband and children where she gained a brillwut, first not tjo weep for mother was going to prize for operatic singing. Let us add rest I she possesses good stage pro- Written by her husband L' d uigiu.'is the discovery of which she owes j , tH?Yl. served three years in the Philippines. At ni..m the women of the chin '1 He was 011 the Mexican border foi -"'ivi .' a bo.:..t,lful di' ,! an t all N months and served in the Wo'ld enjoyed not only the dinner, but them- War from L',, l!Uf). April (',, 1917. to April MOORE. this year by E. L. Withers, Secretary .1 short illnesi of the Waynesville Board of Trade, sister of Mrs nr.d other business and civic leaders. Preparations are being made to ac commodate an influx of tourists. Plans are being made to org&nize a municipal band. The movement has the support of public officials of her home in Chattanooga Waynesville and the public generally, same years. Jule Edwards, of tho; Waynewood Funeral services were held Satin Theatre, will be in charge of the bar.-!, lay afternoon at three o'clock, Pi Til following taken fioni the C.as-'o-'a naner will be icail with much 'eeret bv the many friends of Miss Snl'it Moore, who has been a fro ,uent visitor in Waynesville as tbe euest of her sister, Mrs. 1.. M. W"h n. 'I'd h.r niece, Mrs. J. F. Abel: Miss Sallie Moore, a:red 7li. died 11 Rutherfordtoa yesterdav following Miss Moore was the I.. M. Welch af Way ne ville. and visited the latter'. dautr'i Mrs, Andrew E. Moore, here fre quently. She spent her time in Florida during the winters and at Rev. J Wayne! ville in the summer. She made Tenn.. for that ence. to M. Pierre Chireau, the excellent general manager of the Pari Opera. Paris Press, Paris, France. iMiss Courtney's singing was in fused with de:p musical feeling. She -liewcrl tine phrasing, clear diction and refined artistry. - Spatanlur g Herald, Spartanburg, S. C. A North Carolina girl with a rare ly beautiful soprano voice; --(Tliai-lotte Observer. Charlotte, N. C. MISS MOLI.1K NORMAN. MRS. MATT IE WORI.KK. BAPTIST I NION MFEITN(i. Hie. t mg Baptist p.it- DEATH OF MRS. Win. C. (J ADD V. The death of Mrs. Wm. C. Caddy council on Tuesday, March -7, and the funeral v.a; held from '.he home nn Wethiesd. v afternoon, March is. T .Ai .iigum officiating Decease.: leaves to m nirn their loss, her l u-aand, four sons: Henry (iaddy, II ihert (iaddy and Robert of Waynesville and J. P daddy of Program fo. the uiu'in, to be held' w'th Anlioch church March -Ji). I'Jl't: tirouj) II KMiijiosed of Clyde cliff Cov , W" t Carlton. Oak drove Hock Sp'intr- Ciabtree and Airiocli BaptiJt ilinrches. 0:4.'. to 1(1:4.". Sunday School. Deot:onal services led by tbe piodei ator. Subj. ;t: M'-siomuy Work. 10:-!;-l MI0. L. Wm hi w Aiken. S. C. and two Hmi.rliti.ix. M,s Among the projects that are likely J a men ,H. Henderlite officiating at w O. Painte' of nnnean ; r ,.! West Mrs. r. W. Wright of Waynesville. MlS. fiadflv was a lifp linir mimlipr $L'00,0O0. Plans are yet in the ten- Ho'lywood cemetery. Pall bearers 0f the Methodist Mmreh , uitivc of Haywoid county. to materialize in the near future is the home of Mrs. Moore on new noiei, wiucn win cost urounu r ranKlin avenue. Burial followed .11 i.itive state, Dut a number 01 citizen were Alfte l Mol'e, A. N. Means, ( . ere actively interested and .t is hoped C. Dawson. Tom- Moore, II. L. Moore that some definite action will be taken and C. D. Welch. in the near future. AL-cording to Deceased was a daughter of D present plans, th; building will be four Isaac Moore and Mrs. Julia Anne stories high, and will contain about Moore. Mrs. Welch is the only sur 100 rooms. It will be modern in all viving sister. She was well known respects. here, being a gurst oa several 01- (C'ontinued on Hack Page.) ca.sion of Mrs. Moore. .Mrs Caddy was i 1 i years old and r. Fins were Ilh! to re . the (irefn .1! cemetery anii.i .1 111. aid ..f ll-iw-.s and witnessed y a haft of sor- "irg friends and ic'-u ve.-. 4 H'lvwco1 "nnp' "utrty's Einp:r ' altitude 2.850 feet. Procla mation of the dispel. Mark Pt.10. Rev. Pete Hicks. . 1 1 :tltl-l 1 :.'I0. Chrii'.ian Ani'ri.ssa i'r. IK'or. ::2t). Rev Oda Buriett. 11:.'10-1L':00. A FnOt,-b. a :ng Church. John 1.1:2. Rev. Voder Davis. 12 1. Such I.ove 1-1 :.'!(). Sor Service. I ::!0-2:()(l. 4. A Soul Winning church 'rob. 11:.'!0, James .1:10-20. Mr. Robert Francis. 2:-2:30. .1. His Co-laborer.- Matt.. 28:20 Prof. ('. C. Capmbell. 2::i0-.:. ;. The Eternal Reward. 11 Peter 1:10-11. Mr. F. A. Justice. Signed: PROGRAM COMMITTEE. 1 Waynesville the, town that elimi nates the word IF im:vr F K I ! ) W MUKT At a . oat S::;n on Criday "veiling Roy Tew, elevi n year old son of P.ei . '. T. Tew. while loller skating o: Academy street in fi out of the Tew home, was struck by a pas.-ing an tomobile, fell (o the pavement aid dragged under the macliine for ,e tt ai yards. He wzu cai l ie. I to the II i wood County Hospital, where an ev aniiiiatiop "licilnl that wh le n 1 boa. -had been biok. n, almo-l .1 -n; , '. bruises were found on hi 'id;.'. Whi! 1 his Mipot I'ciai , ound 1 I fiom the too of his right shouldei. the full length of his spine, in h opposite hip. Uy-land. as wer un pleasantly ini.(i.,sed with the' an a lent indifference of t'e .1 ;. selves in a social way. 1: was it:' deed good to he there. 'I'he afternoon was spent in talking over the work of the association, look ing to the enlistment of the peoph- in the whole program of Southern Bap tist. A committee was appointed to prepare a program for a church to church campaign in the associati ni to begin at the earliesl date possible. It is a good thing to be a B.ipti-; and a better thing to tist. When we h thoroughly realiz" white unto barve our Lord, we will me. be a we a in the that tin t. and -ay here king Bat) ne als and i 'Id . are f V love am I send . ,1 givi aid hi . ill be . T'"e ml'l.e. ta a few moments am! :t driving wi'houi license tag Kov lev was lemoved the following day and fined to his belt a few day less drive,- was apprehended late On trial was convicted. Va no?)' ; -it urii i--' ;! n 1 re-'ouice; for the locatan of 1 lacturing industries. I.OCAI. LINE I.NCOKI'OKA'I El). Independent Coach Lne. In J. . Waynoviho, authorized capital ...':' f t s- i.neo. -v!s-...-ibed i W 1 Mfl-fii' 11. I Davie and O. R. Ma t ti -.') of Wavnesville Wavnes. Drug follil O.IIC I'llll. eek. and ALEXANDERS INSTALL UEI UKi ORATOR. Du-lllg 1 1 . oast week the Frigidaire '... be in-Ci'lo ville was p'aced in Alexande Store by be Ca-dina Clean stallnt mil i y the Swa" I'd 1 pa.v "f Asia ville. It is in ! of an ice cream cabine; wi.h .1 ra pacity of .",11 gallons. The ice - lea n 1; to be shipped in thermos ran.- wb ch are to ;n placed in the fi igidir.'. anil th cos; of the new- method .if hand ling ccaai will be one-third as much as th- o'd wav. After Aniil !; H. frigidaiie, in various houshold funis will be sold by the Mai tin Llor'ri,-t'cnip-iny. MR. ( LARK VERY ILL. Mi. Dallas Clark of While towns hip is ,-rv ill at hi- home. Clark is :i 1 on!'edera;e '.e an- 1 tak M 1. a. id is one ol tile wood county. oldest ci if 11 IV- tx General View of Wajnesvilie':-. licsitiontial D.stiict. a 1 fr i 4- M4tw wmf'. n felt? J 1