THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MARCH 19, IMS Seal and Tuna Fish Milner & Co. Dealers In Wood and Coal Coal Delivered In Small Lots Anywhere. All Kinds of Heavy Hauling Milner & Coirtpany Phone 314 Depot Street Our Watch Repairing Department Is Guaranteeed Satisfaction or Money Refunded The Biggest Little Jewelry Store In North Carolina. W. A. COBLE 3etoeler Phone 194-J Waynesville, N. C. Haoa Hiding Placw TtMf to mystery surrounding the fur Mtl which ha never been solved. Mo one has ever been able to dUcover wbere they go In winter. No one baa yet been able to make a record of their biding place. All that Is known, says the Minne apolis Tribune, is that on the Islands of St.'Paul and St. George, In Alaska, the seals begin to appear about the end of April or the Hrst of Mny and toward tlie-Jatler part of August or In the Itrst weeks of September they dis appear ms strangely and mysteriously as they came. In this respect they are inn less puzzling to scientists than the huge schools of tuna fish which appear :md disappear from the waters of southern 'allfornla remilnrly each yen f. Tun:i lisli have been caught, marked and turned, with the hope Hint some of them iniKhl he caught In oth er waters during the winter months, lul so far none of them has lieeli cap Hired A similar method of marking seals would do no good, for they are never seen during the winter months. Years ago the seals numbered 5,0Kl, 000 or more, where today I bey may be counted only up to four or five hun dred thousand. Yet even In the days when they were most numerous, their habit of disappearing suddenly with out leaving a trace of their where abouts and as suddenly reappearing after an absence of several monlhs was Just as mysterious us It is toduy. Paris Bank Messenger Needs No Armed Guard The l'arls hank messenger wears a cocked hat w ith an air of dignity. Ill coat Is liberal In cut and you can see the big hruss buttons on it glittering in the sunshine quite a long way off. A brass plate over his heart bears a number and under his arm he carries a leather satchel attached to a big chain secured about his waist. There Is an air of prosperity uboiit hltn. He is of liberal proportions ami plants his feet firmly. He Inspires con fidence and we might trust our for tune to his keeping and still sleefi peacefully ut night. We meet him often in the busy nuirnlnir near the opera pursuing his steadfast wuy along the crowded pave ment. He, least of anyone, is In a hurry. He Is picturesque, slow and sure. And that we feel we may con fide our treasure to him In due not to the chain of shining steel with which he grapples It, nor his glittering but tons, nor the brazen number on his breast, hut he Is secure, Inviolate le cuuse he Is fantastic, and treasure walks the streets unguarded save by the fantasy of a glorious cocked hat From the Continental Kdltion of the London Mull. Waynesville Book Store H. C LINDSLLY, Proprietor Novelties, School Supplies, Toys, Souveniers, Etc. Picture framing a specialty Main Street Waynesville. N. C. i Carolina Playmakers Coming To Waynesville ON SPRING TOUR M A Y 2 rD d. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TICKETS ON SALE NEXT WEEK RESERVED SEATS ONLY $1.00 OTHERS. ,75cts A Wonderful Opportunity For The People of This Section to See These Famous Players. When Poachers FlourUhed As a piiifesslon, poaching has fallen off greatly In Great Britain. A hun dred years ago the nights between the harvest and hunters' full moons were the nights of the poachers' delight, and there would he a steady flow of game, not killed by shot, to the cellars of dealers in country towns, to the coun try Inns, n ml to the boxes of such coachmen n:id guards and country car riers us were willing to do a little business In handling game. A hundred-year-old record shows that no fewer than four-ami fifty poachers were shel tered In Lewes Jail at one time. There were poachers in every town anil vil lage, hence the threatening notices, "Beware of Mantraps." still often to be seen In British woodlands. Fires in Forests It Is not practicable to equip forests with lightning rods. No remedy is now In Right for disastrous forest tires due to lightning, such us have occurred on a vast scale in the western states dur ing the last season, says Nature Mag azine of Washington. When lightning strikes a tree the ordinary result Is to splinter the wood or strip off bark through the sudden generation of steam. In the great majority of cases the tree Is not set on lire. Neverthe less the aggregate number of forest flres started bv liehtnlng Is, In many parts of the country, greater than the. number due to all oiner causes com blned. Paper in Farming A .10 per cent Increase in the pinenp; pie crops of the Huwalian islands has been accomplished by use of broad strips of brown, paper that completely., cover the soil around the plants. The paper smothers the weeds, thereby leaving all the nourishment for the plants, which force their way up through the covering. Also, the paper protector conserves the moisture In the soil. The waste fibers of sugar cane, once considered valueless, ar used for making the paper. Seventy Are thousand rolls of It at a cost of $200,000 are used yearly to cover the 8,600 acres of pineapple plantations In the Islands. Send in your Subscription Now. At Last How often the wild rose has moved Its first flame along the skirts ol horn beam hedge or beech thicket, or the honeysuckle begun to unwind her pale horns of Ivory and moongold, and yet across the furthest elm-tops to the south the magic summons of the cuckoo has been still unheard In the windless amber dawn, or when, as In the poet's tale, the myrlud little hands of twilight pull the shadows out of the leaves and weave the evening dark. But when the cry of the plor Is broad we know that our welcome spring Is come at last. Flonn Macleod. n "Where the Forest Murmurs." rV luT rwi .ran, x $ 1375 . o. b. factory plus tax WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY De Luxe'-F. de-lukt'). Ut., of luuryj made or devbed with un usual elegance; unusually perfect In material, workmanship and tiniahi luxurious sumptuous; 8 a train de face We call it the De Luxe Sedan and Dc Luxe it is in everything save price! From the graceful lines of its beautiful and com fortable Fisher-built body, charming in its Duco finish, to the unfailing and economical performance of its six-cylinder, L-Head, Delco-equipped engine and its wealth of fit tings including Balloon tires, Bumpers, Trunk, and Heater it offers the acme of luxury at a price all can afford. Particularly when one can buy this "best of the light sixes" on Ger eral Motors' easy-payment plan! Noland iMotor Co. OLD SMO BILE iOOUCT OfGCNtSAI. MOTOHS PALE, NERVOUS West Virginia Lady Says That She Was in a Serious Condi tion, But Is Stronger After Taking Cardui. Huntington, -W. Va. "I was in a very weak and run-down condition In fact, was in a serious condi tion," says Mrs. Fannie C. Bloss, of 1964 Madison Avenue, this city. "In my left side the pain was very severe. It would start in my itack and sides. Part of the time I eras in. bed and when up I didn't feel like doing anything or going anywhere. "Life wasn't any pleasure. I was very pale. I was nervous and thin, and so tired all the time. "My druggist told me that Cardui was a good Ionic for women and I bought a couple of bottles. I took two bottles, then I noticed an im provement. I kept on and found it was helping inc. I have taken nine bottles. I'm stronger now than I have been in a long time." Cardui is made from mild-acting medicinal herbs with a gentle, tonic, strengthening effect upon certain female organs and upon the system in general. Sold everywhere. NC-163 Wood's Pedigree Boone County, Woodburn White Dent and Wood s Dixie Corn, the best varieties of white corn. , Pedigree Reid's Yellow Dent and Improved Golden Dent Corn best yellow varieties. Wood's Virginia Ensilage Corn best available ensilage com. Alt of our seed corns are of High Germination. Write for prices and samples of varieties best suited to your soil and climatic conditions. FREE Crop Special It ffivea full Information and current prices on soja beans, Wood's Pedigree KanHSK crown Alfalfa and other seasonable needs. T. W. WOOD & SONS "i Seedsmen Since 1878 55 S. 14th St., Richmond, Va. Attractions At The Waynwood Theatre WAYNEW00D THEATRE March, 23rd to 29th. Monday HOOT GIBSON JHE SAWDUST TRAIL A Stirring Drama of The Wild West. Tuesday JAMES KIRKWOOD and NORr MA SHEARER "BROKEN BARRIERS" The Conflict of New Morals with Age-old Conventions. FOX NEWS Wednesday PATSY RUTH MILLER THE GIRL ON THE STAIRS "The Girl On The Stairs" will make you shiver with fright and laugh with delight. Thursday Friday DANTE'S INFERNO A Spectacle of Drama and Beauty based on the Classic of Literature. Adults, .50c Children, .20c Saturday WILLIAM DESMOND in THE SUNSET TRAIL Rough Riding! Thrills! Pursuits! Escapes! Action! Courage! A Romance of the Am- erican Sahara. FOX NEWS