THl'RSDAV, MARCH 19. THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER ,1V,. r ir- frW- . THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER 979 Main Street WM. A. HAM), Kditor-Owm-r NEAR EAST RELIEF. Policy Democratic. The official Organ of the Dem cratic Party of Haywood County. SI'BSCRIITIOft RATES c SulWriptions a.ihle in advance) 1 Year $J ml I Mnn! jo ' !;i- .,ih-l ADVERTISING J'lvcr.-iticil Ai1. . :-r I!. V.,. r'H- ' llmnk '"I foi ;,c.tite. hm- urimitiM.on KATES llllc . Il 'I'h follow i n if is .ik'C receive l,y (Il lief healiU.i : n S. R. CriK-kelt uvk : riliulr at theii experts t" m ik puMirution liy next N-ar Ka-t Reliet, iaidottf, . C. ialeiuatc funds ::ice, f all the ; : nil. for an urjfent ' Near Ea (harlotto. 'I ea i . ICO lilt" - t Re- Rev, can to i ' - as I PAYS TO ADVERTISE K. I'. Martin. Waynesville'.i gen ial uraeery man, advertised for a few -mall country hams in last weeks paper. A waon load drove up on Friday evening and on Saturday he couliln't supply the demand for small Mi hav Irtadv re- clothing and ration-, in reas. Thi-- means stunt la childieit in orphanages and Martin say.s lie js thinking of njf about a couple of riacs as he cat: till all his present if orders. HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT J On Monday the Home Economics illepartment of the High School en leriauien wun a aeucious nve coj"se luncheon in compliment to th- out froinjf County Board of Education and the Townup iSchool Board. The color effect of preen and yellow with M Patrick's Day place cards, wa.s not only carried out in th? artistic decorations, hut al.-o in the menu. The table contained a center piivj of daffidols and fern.s with jrrucefn sprays of hemlock draped around it. j The luncheon which wa b.-iutifully served by the Misses Eleanor Harri son rnd Fran.-'- Ray, ami well pre . l-an-d by the s;i';icnt.s of he depart ' n.rnt under :ho .'un rvislini of Mi-.s Henton, i (insist,., 0f ,rraiie fruit (in losket 'Hide of the fruit.) pea con ,ui.i -''H'ta"-. creamed chickens (in pa'lic of shamrock .shape pot tit.) cauliflower, stuffed potato-s, pickle?, ho! rolls, pineapple salad, sul'een.;, -raiiire ic-e. Tlio-e enjoying this jrrav ou- cour tesy were, the Misses Jane Sullivan an I .Maud M . ( ullouijh and tne Mes-sr-. Hujrh J. Sloan, Glenn Palmer, Paul Hyatt, Fred Safford. R. I.. Pre vent, J. W. Reed. Theo. Met darken. Arthur Oshome, E. J. Rihesoj, and R. O. Kclirerton. Informal talk.s were jriven by Mr. Sloan, Mr Prevosc an i Mi. Edjrerton. At the elov of ihe luncheon Miss Rented, i!i efficient T:'ujc'tor "if this depar'me,.: was! '' 1 '.i r "I'sto. IOC fo' c'ardi ii'i'ifin ot Respect of enter aimnaot.i i h charged lie. N 'irch the oo-t (ifflep Waynep ns Second CIrhh Mail Mat oviderl under thj Act of ti'.'J. November ZD, 19U. f I or clc.thii'K for c have het-n helping ichini; -:aff and .-chc, icidv woof. lin.nL' cdiildi rr rr-w f;i; !e oiai e ri NlillSIIKI) OX Till RSDAVS IhiitMl iv, March l(t, I9.'. M VMM. Ill I : I r:;; r. "rm dlfti. i;h!:c '' Me! ,,i r.eed of ta re I One ,,f the III..-! i .liv-.tit,;. I folly of i'.I To rnaK. V'h.:. inve-t. i t.ii-iii.vs and "' '" ' ' t he e !axe f,- oni i- ! '. r cirri h .e;rie i jm ic- -' '.'.i i-apita! from Cake - a- ' e en w tieil.'iun 1 !)e ' '; IVI-e.) .iit..L'e(lle : n,- rm-et exi !; llimi;- foi i understand v-- tax id. .n pay." 1 lie l ) in me v e.sive taxes. tile peo Wiieo nuiini'ss : . 1 1:-.' .-a:i i. tit-s urill . inn-! make i irc-ri Lack to r - floli; w 'I li.ui -;i r . F f out f-.od and Tl'.ey are i.e. and -ippiel i.y -iiotl! I fare. ai'. I under -approve I. ! . n. h nie- ; pl.l lie H.I children W those whom on outside. 1 C'.jiiipirient :nadeiUtite for to early ;ndepcnl re.i need. I in rite -iiild l en e en w 111 I- ..r d:-'ant rela -l.riiit:. the -efon , :i: , r. ,tl, tr:.- -am-" were- l l are in.! -.-.lid escui 1. u 1 1 ; 1 -eair.n-. ii i r : th In r i LT in re eeomim' -:uri ill ;nii- also .-uvea -t iri-i -No Ani.-r i. a-, irnliiiif the -itiiath tlie na-' ..rjilianare . c -and continue,! failure ;.. juatc-K foi tj efucre,- . a-np :irne-:lv heir adeiuat.- illy , h :,i oil I Jle fin ds t,, end and ui'i;e sutirient phanaie children a durinif the next - : -e.l i i 1 1 i nch no lit -pro i.-ion- for (ii so meal daily x month fir at hi n - .Clio 1 ' . l!.e p-.irp. ad I KOI. I I ;i; ffer I ,. I . I - l.o, t1 - .ll'.-!i., II Hon, ..!;, fathei .:h the r.l, lel., i.u. th. .!.::.! ! .1 kilt'- down ' r or-o.h f a: d Sk I I I, STREETS. ON liy THE Ira-t ter 'hou-arr I 'a i; ,l;rr " thou-and of tin .i edi. -t ref U'-'e, ITU, DORCAS BELL LOVE CHAP TER D . R. AT THE .STATE ' OM'ERENCE. 'I'lic following members of the 1),,,. i a- Hi ll I ove Chanter of the Duuifh :( - ..f tm- American Revolutioa at ' in led t... ( en f.-r ence held last week in Asl-.-ville, Mime of the n. ember: iMoti.ri-tir over for a day's M-s-i... and t he- - i erriiuninn for the ent ,i .. I line. '! ' M. I "lor. Mr.-, ('has. E. (.iiii an. Mr-. R. X Karber, Mis. J W. Se:,v.'.-. M,-. S. II liushn II, Mr-. .1. F. Abel. Mr-. Kufu- Sil. r. Mr... R . 1'icMi-t, .Mi-. Saiah S Sloan, Mr-. E. ,1. Hyatt and Mis. T. I.. Gwyn. .Mrs. Camp. Recent of the local ihap t r, has been a.-ke.l to ai.pear on the program the open.njr -i r tr'i of the .session. He place was li! If . I liy Mr-. Quinlan, Vice Recent, whj told most interestingly of the first State Con fereiice. which wa hold in Waynes ville J.'i years, arn. Mr: Quintan also served a.- chairman of the nom natiiii; committe. I BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LONG. twenty live . amp child Itfo ll t. New- and Observer. The death of Jud(,'e Statisville, c!o.-es the tiniruishe.l career of DIVERSIFIED ADS B. F. Loner, of lonjr and clis- one of -lie Davis F.. Kav Baking JC- Son-. I'owde L'Oc lb. 1 D. ( . M EE I I N (; For Sale .1, nr. the !'. of r. n I'r jj' li. del,ehl p No. aui'hter-.- of Hay-D- C. March C-.h. on -tl'eel. V.iyiie- . .on -lde- elent 1 1 il i d. We ,!, had , .m-id new - oa ii.r- tha 'i aid. o or lie." hotiie fle, the usual opening exeic i . ' !.i.lon,nkr bllsine-- wa- taken u '' iirotuin carried for the chap! her U'ita of our- State pre Ktaflcl' foremo-t and most jiictur-e-.pie men. ,Iudt;e Lonej's slrikinp; per-j.nality made him more widely known than most of the m-esent day Superior Court j'ud(,'es. As a judge ('f(ERRKD Wh :or y:ars tie Had tfieat opportunity . : . hi- State and the prominence l. : ... i . . .. : e . . . . . ..v ,iu. line, i lesiine.i id me jrood u.e he made of the oppoi tunitics that can.e to him. Fi..s! hundi . -V., proof c d. O. S. ayne.-villc abbair!'. Barium. . N. ( hatch me;. Toe Above averajre. eiaue price. Dellweoil. ite I.en:hoin eire-s for for setting of K.. Ekks at below av Mrs, Crews Moody, -i"-4tpd asur.' are ... How, o; like ! of any o 'atistied li and the o interfere f oar child that adults intone in dinvc, e center ..f the ondauirorinir life aid main and 1.11 annoyine- no! oniv n,-des- i.u: makintr it hard f ir aut i- li ive- !d keeji their a- n t a.lw I . rid -.. . o la rm th.. lit recoirn'r that :n our yountr---nlnwalks :f in 'he streets hiiriiiy damjer ery apt to net miiyae killed .'Jtiin- 'hi-.r 'i crie drive; -'ay on th,. i'-nt s ,.xpen-e, to the district mec". -' l' in Hendersoin ille April 2H. Oj. treasurer, Mrs. E .1. H .f was instructed to send Miss E. V Holland district secretaiy ,f 1 .(Ml f(ir -'atioiiery. ! 1 ' fo Ion liy .,, h :a.. win el, c "I :" U-' to the Hen.ler s,,m ,11 ),.. 'lie', meetirii; April '.'S: Mrs, .1 S lone-, Mrs. '. C, Nobivk. Mr-. .1. II Howell, Mis- Rohena Mill,-, and M -E. .1. Hyatt. As many other member- ' can do so are urged t0 attend i "leetllllj. ' ,:. S- Di'i'.s-or read a mo.-t ''. .. article from the Wtoran 'I I'' ! Haucrhte s of th- C.i'o.- r '.'.' i f: to Friirland- ri"et:rur lid joui n.-.l !o rue I ' 'M K'llian April I. '. H. Howell a- :t-e social half hour, the -s'-ti.-: .'.y .Mrs. Idesse:-. refreshm ents. Caraja Coffi ay & Sons I". .ludce l.oii' came to the bench after a l..nkr ;in,j n-eful c.treer at the liar. nit hi- was spared for a lone; pe'iod . I' ilistiniruishrd public service. He FOR SALE Frost had already proven himself worthy of plants. Will also the traditions of a distimruished fsm. mated nl ants in ,ily. and in his public position brought Book Store, new lustre to the family name. He came of a family that lias achieved prominence in the life of :he State in widely different fields. . Thousands of North ( arolini.ins mourn today the passing of a juris!, I who never claimed pel -f-'.-tiiui nor Ifoijfot that he was huma.t. lb. Proof Cabbage carry other cli- Waynesville 57-4tc Irish E Ray potatoes & Sons. 95c per bushel. C. ,1 Ad.e'ti c -' and we The th m- M- M M-l deli. I I CA'CDS OF We wish to exjlie - o: thi- ttiiy foi- the km me pathy shown by fri-n'- bor. Th- Will . skat in li'lc fllil- l.a'e tr-." .'it; .! be : b in -e. ' anv lit;' ole .1 opportun : y -Ml f. et. lurine; the illnes- our wife and mother Gaiicly. intam -v o : in i:!e'. NKS : i r thanks in - an 1 -.villain! neiffh- of C. I want one (rood man in each town or county to sell Double Duty clotii ;ng direct to wearer. Work suits, rain coats, whipped, gabardines, .-tc. Territory protected. R. M. Thomas-1 son. Sales Manager for N. C, Bry-i son City, N. C. 12-Slp' ami death' Mr-. Win. E FAMILY. , F()R SALE Guaranteed pure brei White Leuhorn eggs for hatching, a so several hundred choicf tuny j chicks. Flock average for last winter 08 per cent. A. A. WelLs, Deilwoo.l, 1 N " 4,.-4tpd Pilot Knob Coffee $l.n. , it Sons. E. Ray 1 KNOW NORTH CAROLINA DIVINE 'i Resort R SPIIAI.TING OVER STREET. It lie 11 a: s i.nn.i' ntraciii .I ra;i i s and ( '"y '. 11. id all !ayir;r ".ad 1 hi hav nnnii II. at a nipany rn- riow -phalt on the har twien W'arru-svii: e fni-hisl that job i.ately begin Living e brick .-ii'd'aee of .n Wayne-i die. Th s am 'are w 'lii I'siimceH, North (iiiolin.i for I.. c-..iiiin a The variety t I enerv and ;he m.ike it -.. o- u c :s salulirii ; anif : of .- i. k a;. I VWIY L AN I E WROTE COMEDY." Wailed o Solie Files (Jreatesl d o for Fc'lnw Men. Divine Comedy, by the I' ll Unnte. which is oniics-.d -ep.'rate allegories known T Pn .Exchange Column Will excrange Inioks anil magazines Rid- with anyone that will send a list of what they have and want. I have ai: books by C.rev. Burroughs, Haggaid. of and various others. A. Bramlet, lian as co, N. C. 45 c I. an seel health a I 'cr up'.'iated the sf.n . I K I ci: Wan, vile e io V. -e ct p..v n, SILK MILL. f th. N. "ill i Car- large i early W, nt ab! I, me, to but it t I u'd.'h any detailed informal it i generally iin.l-i--t...,l ilia' a iaiyv ilk hosiery and kriitin.r mill is .eri..ti-ly eontemplat ine; locaiinir near fr ,n Waynosville. It i.s also fairly weij i -t.ibli-hed that should -uc'n ;m y be e-laldi-hed hen' nav- Woiil.l be M'iy large and r would a ' ' -eund - and ri vei -l ine and lisi fur :hc an it- Sand H II i ii! - : .hi ist i-.s rn o i.i- u li ,1 : n:is-e 1 in sce:ii"-y climate, and oper. jirac i.'urni. and lastly, r. . !;iir iways. Not r 'i - :.. the touristy til.' ' a-, i the health eek ' d. -'"ed. It is vei y vs : : ii I arid i na will de f i'ein is: resort sta'e i ' o-n Know Your Own I a o ilia. A Progre -iiii'U. Clubs Issud by I'xt 'iisii.n Division. tat -e on sapi erne i rariui! of the eiroi', : .'inning all time llll'l. h,s gatory" and "Pu-a . said to have em!iod:fd n . 1 l' of til, III'.' One ;'. i rue - 1 Dante describes it as "a 'ffort to epitomize the entire :,s human experience." It is ..f one wlio is conceded to the fix greatest thinkcis- of : crystal I i ,:.' for hi- t'ei1 NOTICE TO PFBLIC. have seveicd my connecticn wi'h Nantahala Construction Co., , Inc., President and . Treasurer, due to the amount of other woik I have on hand at prtsent. It' 1 c iu ri Wl t lie ;o t . F ( l . ( ' "Th. '' III of man he fal-e i:eh Iri of Irs f:i hi 1- cue from to exei i ise hv lightened li guidance of - e ns th;- (' -n .! of tiie norta! 1 in- !: V.'!t ad : -.'telle ' cw ir. V. IHSSOLl I iM'.RSllll Id fke no! 'Hl.l'.i'e .' r .' I.'.! M. DICFS. HON OF thi (ied diicrtion of his desire-, .'ne! ance and his mi -h :II, the chief gift of The only means of res is wretch-lines- was th" ninn of his reason, en tile diviiv grace in the his life. To convinc? mar . i ' n '. ... ha E. White, ticllls fill' All debts A ! :.. .f I. E. s ii-e-i dissolved, the taking over 'he stock r in the he firm a chaptc owimr i n the .! hr Uyatt White, aid J.! indas-1 organiza- j must be I paid to them. This March 4r-itnd i9". LUCY A. WHITE. J. E. WHITE, GERTRUDE WHITc:. p rowing ! .il Diousand 'imlation. to on.' ..-HE ever T LEE CITIZEN 1MMISTS W VYNESVILLE. A NEW HOTEL. of this truth, the conviction oiieiie'.'s of his to -'low him ! was Dante's aim done in th? forr to bring home to him of the eternal conse corid'ic.t in this world, he n.ith pf salvation, This was not to he of abtract propopi- F.veiy once in a while the r.ew hotel for Waynesville creeps upon us and the only reason that the prc.po Fition 'sn't put into concrete form is on account trf a very large IF. This if continually crops out no matter how it is avoided. At the present time it setms to lie a very small if All the citizens of Waynosville have to do is produce $50,000.00 in stock. IF they do this it is . understood that the other $100,000.00 will be forth coming1. It it also said that one cit iaen hereabouts will start the ball rolling by subscribing $10,000.00 in tock. Let's kill the IF. 'i-; Sunday'., edition of tl-.e ' Citizen quite a number of 1'. '' .s, and a nice iiews write-up tions addressed to the understanding. Ii '.'.ir. d i , regard to Waynrsville hut in a poetic narrative which shou'd ' " 1 i.iun y. appeal to the heart and arouss the ' !'"-' of this section ap- imagination; a narrative i.n whi.-rh i . -.. vei y muc h and we I'-'el human life should be portrayed as an i s -r.-r.! daily s doing won- unbroken soirltual existence, nrefig i ah i.. win i-.iu suneiiuiu service, noi urinjr in us mortal asnects anl ex- oiwy for Ashi vilh, but for the whole perience its immortal dra'.iny. The poem was not to be a mere criticism '!' Western North Carolina. Through thi' g 't'.erositv nr.d cour tesy if the A ihevlVe Citizen the Caiolira Mom-.tainrer : r'lle to re proluce these settles, rtc, in this Waynesville the nate-H the word IF of life, but a solution of its mystery, an explanation of its meaning, and a guide of its course." The alleg-ory "Inferno" is the basis for the extraordinary motion picture, produced by William Fox, which is town that elimi,- shown at the Wayr.ewood Theatre March 26 and 27th. All kinds of legal blanks for Ml Seed Potatoes ! ! Eliminate Disease Increase Yields Use Western North Carolina Certified Irish Cobblers. For Sale By FARMERS FEDERATION (Incorporated) Asheville, N. C. BIG ENOUGH And when you Hay "big enough' about one of our Sodas you are saying a lot, for they ate so very good that it lakes a real big one to satisfy. Drop in and try one today. Wr have always held to the belief that to be efficient does not mean that one must be cold blooded in his dealings with li's ftllow man. Courtesy and Friendliness Prevail At This Drug Store. Our chief endeavor in running thi business is to make our seivice prompt, accurate, and reliable, but we have found tht it s possible to do this and still maintain the kind of atmosphere lure that r akes you feel that your business is appreciated and I hut you are alas, welcome The Waynesville Pharmacy M. H REEVES, Proprietor Phone 16 Way ille, N. C. At Last- Phone 294-J The Skyland Poultry Farm Our eggs for (able use are the best that can be produced. Our hens are fed the best feed that can be bought, fed in nice clean hoppers, in clean sanitary houses. Vie al.'o have a limited number of eip;s for hatching from I he best blood lines in the world. Silver Laced VVyandotts $1.50 for 13 eggs. White Wyandotts $1.50 for 15 eggs. Anconas $125 for 15 eggs. S. C. White Leghorns $ 1.25 for 15 eggs. Indian Runner Duck eggs, setting of 15 for $150. Baby Chicks for Sale (one thousand every three weeks.) If your grocer cannot supply you, call the farm and we will see that you get them at once. CHREST GEORGE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. PHONE 193 FOR SALE Eight room House with bath on paved Street PRICE $4,000 See E. K. McGEE Waynesville, N. C. No Puss or Muss no exposure. Makes the roof fire and iignuiuwcw-n root tnat wtu last as long as the building. Galvanized and Painted Shingles, hill Cer Load Just Arrived. JOHN A. SMITH & CO. Church St. Waynesville, IN. C. X ITS.

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