Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,850 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources for the Location of Manufacturing Industries Volume XXXVII. Number 11 Waynesville, Haywwd County, North Carolina, Thuialay April 2, 1925 $2.00 a Year in Achaare, $2.50 if not so Paid CHILD HEALTH DAY ON MAY 1 The Dahlia Show THE FURNITURE INDUSTRY IN N. C. MAY DAY, FIRST OK MAY. The Dahlia Show this summer io be given under the auspices of the . Woman's Club. I,s sTATE HELPING HER FL'RNI Buy the best and plant the buljr I, TliRE INDUSTRIES? A score of na- to vnn a prize. We can excel in this UNUSUAL BUSTLE Annual Flower Show THE NEWS AT STATE CAPITAL1 ine annual 1-lower snow- given L-y i the ladies of the Community Club, will be held on August 14, l25. (By L. Shipman.) ; This yeal. tho ,anles want to t,n Raleigh, X. C, March 30. Attor- courw, the ,.,.,), of 0,(i fashion HavwooH Conntv tional organizations that foster health venture, having the soil and climate Raleigh Now and Observer. , ney-l.eneral, Dennis (,. Krummitt, flowers more than anything else, programs and which have an aggre- necessary to produce the finest apeci- iy Herman Baum. (completed re-organization of his of-1 Most attractive prizes will be given gate membership of over ten million? mens. jre haiied Irom Michigan and Mis. ' ficr (,u,'inK ht' Past weck- Governor f()r best apecjmcns 0f any flower tna, are preparing to celebrate Friday, The goal, being the handsome iov- souri; nevertheless, with him, seeing May 1st, as Child Health Day again 'ng cup, to be presented by Mr. J. K. :s believing. this year. Ivey of Charlotte and Lake Junaluska,' 'When one mentions Grand Rapid'.;," ine organization oi me observance ur vaiuaoie prizes wmcn h(, saj( to me ()nf, d ..naturally the is rapidly being completed it was an- wi be announced later, any of wiiich firgt thj ,hal Qne thmks of funU nounced today by the American Child w" be well worth making the effort ture Health Association which first sug- to oDUam, besides helping to put jested the celebration. ( Waynesville on the map ah "Waynes- The General Federation of Women's li,le The nanlia City; Clubs, National Congress of Parents For an-v '"formation address Mr., and Teachers. American Red Cross, Chas- U- M,llcr- Waynesville, N. I American Legion, Boy Scouts of1 A.morino f:it-l S-nf t tmiui Ni. " I J Ei 1L,1C BAHtK I tional Playground and Reoriation As sociation, National Amateur Athletic Federation. National Tuberculosis As- ln about u'n lia's- tlK' W-.ynesville sedation. National child Welfarn As. Bakery, which has been doing busi- sociation, Life Extension Institute and others arc at work on May Day plans. These associations, it was stated 'Of course," I replied, "and when which ordmarilv nci-ean issued tnrce more orders can be Krown jn this ciimatp. A ist showing that he is in earnest about ((f the prjzes will be published at an economy in government, and various ' fary date. The list will include Af othe,. incidents occurred during theters, -Larkspur. Marigolds, Nastur week in and about the capitol dem- tiums, Phllox, Zinnias, Snapdragons, onstrating an unusual amount of Sweet Peas, Roses. Dahlias, Cock bustle for this season of the year, ' (.nnli, .,.,,1 ,,. ,!,,.. is (juit in official jtliings that one thinks of are those j somewhat synonymous terms, sawdust and breakfast food.s. Is it true that I hrMtWfnKt. fnndu nn nnthinn. mitra nr MOVING INTO NEW QUARTERS , ,. . . , lets than by-products of the furni- t lire industry ? ' "Hardly that; but you sir, Michi- ness on Church street, will move to K is trie eeiuer ot the Amrriean Main, and will occupy the Snowilen furniture industry. We make prac-.-U.rc. A new Middleby steam ov-n tu'"lly a!1 of the furniture used in A VI. rV h.'l mlsnnw, i,ri-n !e In lm one mentions ine name 01 anomer cuv curies r .1 1 . n .- f c"-ll-. given for the In-st collection and great- m your State, Battle Creek, the first, T, ,,,;,., .,. .,,.,..,-. ,., vnr,v. , ,.,,. I'l-al Brunimitt of three n.ssistant at- It is .sincerely hoped we can have torncys-genoral. Frank Nash of Ral- the interest we had last year. cigh, Charles R. Ross of Lillington : nd W. L. Vaughn of Washington, was 'he outstanding event of the week.' Mr. Brunimitt, it was generally re ported, paid off a pre-election pledge j appointing Mr. Vaughn who is an. I'ricn.l and a classmate of the At:oi ncv-G.neral. Frank Nash and MRS. FLOYD RIPPETOE, MRS. WILL SHELTON, MISS SARA THOMAS. MRS. ROBERT COIN, Committee. LARGER ..." ,i;' ..!'' y, ',,u has been installisl at the cost of $2,000 thi country, at least all the good Charles Ross were opponents of Mr public health authorities,' most of the an'' its baking capacity daily will befu,nilure- that nla(lc elsewhere being Brunimitt for the nomination in the FACILITIES SEASON. FOR NEW 1 ri i . . . j 1 1 1 t- 1 nl 'in in t t-i rw 1 111 u 1 it v 'i m I irm tha r 1 . 1 . i tato eh.iiimen for the ocension heinp ,! uuu luiiv'' 111 urcau aside ironi uoz- -i iwmocraiic primary last .lune. ,asn. officers of several state health depart- ('ns o1' ''akc's l,ios- The bread and Amount ot that is negligible, and who Wll)! assistant attorney-general roils will lie equal in quality to the during tile last lour years, was 'e- I don't know what he intended to tained, so the story goes, b.causo his menLs. The United States Public Health Service, the Children's Bureau 1)P3t out of town l'luct you can buy, Visitors expecting to .it!"ii 1 tho l!i'!r season at Lake Junaluska, called t'he "summer capital of Southern Methodism," will be interested in the recent announcement of J. Dale Stent:-.. of the Department of Labor, the Ex- WIUl ttle additional advantage, that say next. Out he na,l saul too muc.) tamiliarity witli the otlice pre-emi- lll!lnarPrr that new seats wil be placed tension Service of the Denartment of you n,av Ci't them fresh and hot just ali-cady. "wail,' 1 said, "wnat atiout nently tittert him lor the jot). Kos.- Agriculture and other Federal agen- ,rom we oven, it you nave neglected iMorui laionna: cies are narticiDatine to patronize this bakery in the past, Scientific Furniture. at least give them a trial He aue-heri. "North ( am na You oe Herbert Hoover, President of the American Health Association, explain- 'vho withdrew from a second primny n favor of Brunimitt, is believed to reaping the fruits of his with. Boost Your Own Hnnie Town Indus- have a few chair factories, but what drawal. ing the purposes of the celebration said : dries. in the assembly auditorium before the season opens, June -'i. According to Mi. Stent., the cam paign for the new seats is being con ducted by J. B. Ivey of Charlotte, and seats proposed are similar to the ones used at Montreal and are not only lomfortuble but attractive as well. making. They are continually work- Highway Commission. The person yh(. us ,.,. of n.ltll,.., hickorv posts 1 . t u m .- . ,. . ing to develop better furniture; they who fillls the latter nost will displ 1 -e while the sent 'in.i l.-iek insets mv nf mosf nrecinuK yiatinnal asset children Slav Form H&hmv anil Huntinir 1ufc " F ' "one uiv si ai ami 11.11 k msius aie 01 T. . . . a. i, ttZ. 1 wii.V. iae not 'jack-tegs who take a ham- Waltei I. ( ohoon of Elizabeth ( itv. The tie between the child and all Stream Well Stocked Witfc Cal- ! , R . , ... , . . . , ,, ... ., . . e . , , . imerand a saw and build a chair. Our 1 who has been attorney to the comnns. adult life is at once the strongest am lforma and Speckled Trout. . .... , . , .,, . . , furniture is designed and is built .'ion f i" four years, the gentlest element in human na-. . ., . . ture. Grter sacrifices are made w Asheville Citi. .scientifically. , . The Governor .a;m- through wi.:, ihildren than for ourselves; greater A large fishing preserve, comprising "" talked on for s.e time telling tBW0 m9re orders as director of the Wines is derived from the.se sac "bout 1,000 acnes of land .Ion-the 'c of the fine quality of Grand Rapid., budget. TW will n,,ui,e all de- -ifices than from all the triumphs that " ' "e Cataloochee creek, in ,n,iu,e e wa BOste, ,or Mien-ut are you doing to develop yolr indus. The new appointees will be a-signed trv? In Michigan we hawe schools one as general assistant, one to tin, STIK ELE ATH ER BUYS FISHING ,u t .. .;; , Rw.. iwrtm(, ,.. , ,1... "pv. ik. iu., n.,,, .... V ............. , . ......w... "'"v. v p t y -nr.itvr. i. nAinwu Ul. making. They are oontmaally work- Highway Commission. The mation is to locus attention upon omr eane, woven on iron pi pe frames The seats are twelve feet long uml will seat from eight to ten people. In addition to the new seats in the auditorium. Mr. Stentz reports -hit many new buildings have been ere.Ud and other ilinprovenien.t.s are bein to cut embossed and ex . nA 1 .... , , , ...... . .. personal success can bring. Our daily nayvood County, has been purchased "" pensiw s.a.ionrij ami use a unno-m projected tor the accommodation 01 'abors whether in the home or in by James G. Stikeleather, of Ashe. Carolina. nd for a while I thought hind of a chaper grade; all charita- the crowds. It is expected that the 'he outside world of competition for vil,e. ninth 'district State Hijrhway he ha(1 mp beat' and would nave been ble and correctional institutions and lo,r season at Lake Junaluska will material thines or even in the search Commissioner, from W. J. Parks, of B " to eJiange the subject under dis- some educational places, such as the be the largest in the history for cultnre and for spiritual adrnce- Newport. Tern,. fun to that of cotton mills or Blind Si-hool, will have to file imme- nent derived largely from the con- sifce buying the property members '"ghways, but he would not give me dLately a list of their patients and scious impulse to cherish the child f the Wolf Mountain Road nd Gun.that oPPOrtwrity- talked o about students and their respective ability and to hold the child s affection and CIub have approached Mr. Stitoeleath. f ftimvture and st:ll to pay for what they are getting from r ct . er with a view to purchasing the pre- 1,1 0,c fum'ture. the State. It is the plan that those "Lest in the hurry and strain of rve for the club since the lease the 1 was thinking of hs iniesrion, who can afford to pay for treatment life wc'should ever forget these ab'i- "b holds on property on the Twcka-"'What arP yu bmK to develop your service, shall be required to do so rations it is well for us to recap the seegee River expires this year. Mr. furn,ture industry?" I knew t.iat The third missive of the Budget Hi- child's biTl of rights, which may be Stikeleather 'has also been approach- North Carolina had furniture facto- rector was to require that lists of all expressed as follows-' fd b.V various individuals who wish rios- dozens of ttom, but then, what employes and their salaries be l ied "'The ideal to which wo should him to fo-m a new hunting nd nsh-.wa5 u,e state doinK to develop the with the Governor so that the Salary drive is that there should be no child iK organization. industry? Surely something, but what nd Wage Commission may ge, bu.v in merica that has not been born The property is located about 20,was ,l-and whei was a being done? an, p.,,. out the dead timber in the under prope,. conditions a- docs niiles from the railroad in the north-!1 must contest 1 did not know. departments and fix a standaid salaiy rot live in hygienic surroundings, that st.frn part ot Haywood County;, j Jm t the moment when it seemed scale in line with work done, ever suffers from undernutrition and Cataloochee creek has long been fa- that ' must acknowledge my defeat After being writt.n up as "The does not have prompt and efficient mous fr the number and size of its!ilnd allmt Michtgan.s superiority, a 'olore; House" of the administration, medical attention and inspection, that trout. im thought struck me. What Martin tJi'len departed from the E- .10 r,t ,; nrio,.,, inrfr,,! inn General Theodore Davidson is a.j..:bout State College! Pel naps some- ecutive Mansior where. Mine ilv in- n the elements of hygiene and good Ihority for the statement that there thing in the line tuf instruction in fur- angulation f the Governor, b h(,alth, is something .about the waters of the n'turc i.wanufartunng was being played -.1 ro'r of adviser to the I- "It is for the reiteration of this '.VUioochee which makes the fish taught there. It was a long chance, ..;tive. The -M id-Westernr-- wa .n.fb fr h -1.!,rtiAi. of It notd grow to larger .size than in any other but it wax mv only one. "Come with Ion, .mi;. :,t was often rcf.rrc it shall have become a living fa 't, Western North Carolina treams. Trout me" 1 said t0 him in as confide:.! ,1 1 havp heen cnnirht in the stream mens- a manner a 1 was aoie n ass'ime at uie il pcujut" ui j;oi,(i v n. bad )C the Southern assembly. DEATH OF .MRS POLLY OWEN. At the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. V. Massey, on Thursday nigh:. March 'Joth. Mrs Polly Owen passed away. Mrs. Owen was bom in IS to in Haywood county it Pig Creek near the Tennessee line. She w:h the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dick Su'.tin. In lK(iH she wa- 1,1.-1 ' 1 i 1 it 10 Mr. Pa -k Owen, who served i the ( onfeilera'.i Aj-my. Fourteen children this union. The interment was in Owen c-ea.. t iv on Cove Creek, and the service--were eoiiduiied bv Mr. Callaway Me---er. Aside t'loni many friend- to mourn the lo-s of the decea.-e I -'.r leaves live el, i ! 1 1 1-,. and o" giandclrl !. FROM DELLWOOD DE.LWMD VIA WAV.NESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. DeHwood has been conspicuous by its absenc e from the pages of our local newspaper for several years, but our new editor has put a -spirit of boost even out here. Our school closed Friday with an all day session in which the children showed the training of the most effi cient teachers we have ever had. Mrs Sam Queen and Mrs. J. D. Croft. An exhibition was held showing beautiful work in drawing, manual training, etc. Medals were awarded to Fred Smith being the best all-around pupil; to I'aisv I.catherwood for recitation; to Willie Howell for greatest improve ment in wii'.ing and many certificates rf honor for attendance and merit in M'hoo! wot k. Mr. Saffoi :l mu.lv .1 most interesting and illun limiting talk on school work. Dinner wa-- enjoyed followed by a met Cm: of our Parent-Teachers' As sociation ;n which plans were made fov rii : years .school in which we rarricl out suggestions of superin tendent with the same successful teachers. Saturday night the Methodist La dies' Aid gave a delightful comedy to a large audience. "The Fascinating Fanry Drown." in which our local -tars shone to advantage. The cast included Mrs. Frank Campbell, Misi Fannie Omipbell. Mis. Claude Meil fortl, Mrs. Scntelle Mood v. Misvs Haze! Moody and Hilda Jaynes, Mr. Crist, our popular young mini.-ter, Mr Mark Howell and Ralph Kuyken dull. The play will be given at Tur pin's 1 'Impel. Maggie, Rock Hill and other neighboi in.g eommunit'.es; -in consecutive Saturday evening. The chicken business is flourishing Mound iHllwood. Thousands of pure bred stock and bahy chicks galore. Co-operative shipping has been started to Oteen, New York and other dis tant markets. With the work of the Suncrest Lum ber Co. about to begin, the future looks bright for little Dellwood. tVtot : ii a.: r w 7.... iirinc in lpnoth 97 inchp and w-o that time. " -will show you whn 10 join in Lite teieui anun ui iuav uaj --- ---t.-- - --J r as Child Health Day." inK eight pounds. (North Carol -a is ooing for her fur- Tho observance of May Day Child Congressman ZebuJon Weaven, a nituro indu '. ;c." Health Day was anproved bv Presi- few years ago caught two fish in this 'He secmr 1 surnnsed. but he agreed dent Coolidge when it was instituted stream which measured 22 -ml 2:!, to accom -a-.y me. and together we last vear and over forty state execu- inches respectively These fish were rode out -Lllsboro .street to the North .;" ;o,l ,nt,.moi;nnC , ntKpr. exhibited in a store window on Pat- Carolina State College ot Agriculture to is o! e of the powe's brhin I I in hron: Tile other "power behind the throne" was "L. R. Yar-ei' an-l he has gone- to his reward as a Supreme ('curt Justice. Thr bus regulation was coniinenred hi' ing the week by the Corpcn at ion i in, mission, .-event v-hve line r. n the rilil li en being Mir. .v'asscy. .Mrs. R. K. Medfon Tom Moriow. Ml.-, .el. Morn Mr. Sam (liven cif Knox', ille. C V , Mr- ( ANTON MAN NAMED ON I ISII FRIES BODY. Raleigh. . ('., April 1. Follow:;! a conference with .1. K. Dixon, eh.,:: man of the state fisheries comni '- ; :., oemg i.oard. (Jov . noi McLean lias a. iii.uneed the idea of .successfully on, ; ng the new inlet will be abandonc gislrred with the boiiv and R. O. oj .fc.:,. t ton Avenue and created nuite a bit an" fcngineennK. We were s-lf. chief clerk of the commission, some thought to child health. Nearly ot interest, ine property purenasca ; oemg assigned io u.e cine, cisk as Tmi ,vm,n nfiSl,ml)v t)f yj.yy, ln:,,(. a thousand cities and towns organized ' Mr. Stikeleather includes ihc eld m charge of the woodshops at t ie heal of the regulatory department lipl)l op, iat iM of $r,00.00( for work celebrations. Mitch Sutton place. Sutton was on, "'l'- ' rofessor TV heeler, as I af- created by the bus contiol law. f u,is (..,a, acte.-. It was announce I 'Much permanent good grew out of of the first settlers in the section and terwa.ds learned, is a graduate of Ten projects were let by the Stale ,ast fa ,K,t w ,,., ,,,cn these observances of the day. said a was considered one of the most inter. State, having received a .B. S. degree Highway Commission in various i s,- c, ssfulv opened. However, it ha fill spokesman for the movement. The esting characters of the mountain-, m 1912 and an M. h. two years later, tions of the State, the total cost be- 0, , the ,:ve,nor announced and Health Department of the State of He was learned in folk lore and was He had recently .studied furniture man- ,K approximately two and one-.pii.-- the roit,t.t wi be ai,an(ono(l. Tl. Maine used the occasion to launch a great fisherman, one of his favorite ufacturing and desigmng at (Iran.l ter millions. Work on the will i,.,et onlI)ties into Palmico Sound, its program for crippled children, five 'pots being along the banks of the RP'ds. During the war, Mr. Wheeler be slarted shortly. .,llout ;,r, miKs no,th ()f Ca atu.la, counties in Kansas opened baby Cataloochee. was chief draftsman for the ( henrcal The National Ouar.l of North Ca o. ;HVel.nol. M).,.can ,ast ni(,h( ,.0.;!,. clinics, one city inaugurated a ser- The fish in the stream are mainly Warfare Service in I rance. He has i,n , wi!i feel tho effects of having an )oilfU.( .,. K uixon rhairman of .hi - . . .. . ..i. .u i:jr i i.i i hnr. a wine ranire ol t-snerienee in .f.Min..,, f:,,,.nr,,,,- .mrl .-nnMmir .... ... vice of idodine treatment to comoat "i uic cmnuuui au nuuc - - -- -- --r-- - - - nannies coninu.-sinn board. He a!.., time. Mr. rus renamcl F. S. Worthy of Wash could not, ;,,,,, v. ( . ind Cenin-P I II,.n, ntm' TOWNS!!!!' COMMENl l.ilKN'l . There is mu h interest being mani fested in the appioachino; Township Commencement of the Waynesville Township schools, as evidenced by the huge number of enthusiastic en tries in the various cointests. Mr. R. O. E-dgerton, chairman of music, Miss Kent, chairman of tile gii'N athletics and Mr. Browning, chairman of th.- buy, athletic." are m.iK'n.; reg ular i minds each week 'o ail the schooN training '':e childicn. ( I (NLA NTO'iV N S( HtlOL. A w ondi rl'til i aiur!e of co e.niunity 'Pol at.ion :'e (Juird. is o ' n-.a 'i . clV.-nlrii to make s;i.-rouiniiiur- :hr ; lie cour.lv airl nay ;is l.c . - i .11 i,' '!r',fn.-;'.ratrd -ehool. The pt-o- r school i.'U He ! t: lav e"oi-i dov. r Stumps we On n am -ien and ti the ni'i'ii; iinne: ., ll I after 'he .voi kine on ih, c-b1;' red awa , tl ; luicuti. . -pe:,i) lid !:,! be- n'al- mneii i.:, with pen: ilu' in had itrounds. ground ot experience in economy Governor and goitre in children, another conducted varwtiesj The speckled trout are " is ,-"oao0 ,e most cud. nes dent at the same ,vi,fw ,nw.. fn, nvorhnil f ound in t he h rac! watei s of t he s 1 1 eai. ble man m the Slat- for direr. ing Coli.-lge ruled that they children. It is hoped, he continued, that May Day wril accelerate the wider dissem- 'Jintion of tripd onH nrnvpn hPAlth Our l- ii ...k.-.u h reading about nnunicuuc Wllllll 10 HUH iwu lliu.'i stored up in a few places. YE CYNICAL El). foreman led half of the 1 . n 1 1. 1 1 : i ' was underpinned with riv- r 1 1 -ck an I tiozelis of -hi ulis were planted. Annthei .,. -. ii'iv will U - h,' -u-:i Widnc-'day ..-lie:, the gou.l w ... will be continue d. This work is I eiitL' carried on under the -uper r;s i, m o Miss Jane Sullivan, who i - doin:; -o much to give the people of 'U- ;cii. ship a greater vision of education ar.d e-tablishing in our sehoos letter and more thorough systems. BASEBALL. It i-- seldom that an umoire lia. a wear kid gloves and an overcoat v. a baseball gave, but such v.-.c- the care Monday with Umpire Playing. Play ing in a cold north wind and with the themometer registering ,'!." , Candler " ' v- '" ' - '"' .'"" P" of Canton, members of the board. He rnarge. Ijjtant Oeneral Metts ruled that .,;,, i i n,n-, t ii ! I hesitated a little in explaining the v.'. W July first they would noi be paid ,.; jn thp p.1(.e of j' (. j(in was telling us of nurpose of our visit for fear that for drilling because the Legislature f popal. Branch some penitentiary Profcsso,. Wheel-: r would say that pa: red on by the canny Scotchman wnere tne mcK oi punters was so mere was no instruction given in lur- i '. .e executive chair, did not provide DELLWOOD SCHOOL CLOSES AF- out nit and errod le.-s than Wayne noticeable that the institution was niture manufacturing and that tho a funds fo,- th'ir nay. After July TER Sl'CCESSFri. YEH c IV In hit -m i mn aimr- Ninth THE PARENT-TEACHERS ASSO- unable to get out its weekly publ-ca- State was really doing nothing to help the guardsmen will get 26 cents On March the 27th the Dellwood ing outstanding, same errors bv both CIATION OF EAST WAYNESVILLE tion. It had bankers enough to start these industries. I expected such an n drill but until that time they will hooi closed after a most successful both teams could be witnessed by the several banks; preachers sufficient to imswer, and was more than agreeably l eve to get along without any pay and year's woik. An attractive program spare spoonfull of spectators. Until The Parent-Teachers' Association of carry on a number of revivals, and i urprised when I was told the oppo- must drill for the patriotism of the was given bv the children and splen-.tho 8:h inning Waynesville led th East Waynesville at a recent meeting representatives in various walks ,f site. matter. did exhibitions of their woik were -core 12 to K. In the 8th Can.i'er voted a liberal contribution toward life-to open up most any kind of bur- 'Furniture Designing. The State revenue collections to the shown. Mr. Fred L. Safford gave an ' succe-ded in connecting with the ball, the beautifying of "the school grounds, iness, but not enough printers to get Under his guidance we were takon .riddle of last week, said Commission- address. The patrons and fi 'ends i ailed by Waynesville o.-roring, tied Work is to be started at once. out the weekly sheet. Oar gues ,, on a tour of inspection of the shops, er Doughton, were $:!17,000 short of brought dinner which was served on the score and oassed tw3 beyond the . ... that he didn't read far enough. What J-'urr. rises came thick 'and fast. We last year. He exnlained that the cot- the grounds at the clc-c of the p:--' r.( rc"--.a: y nu .-lher io win. Dr. and Mrs. O. T. Alexander have they probably d:d war. to call in all vec conducted to a classroom where on mil's had fal'en short in the in. gram. Mi -. San: Queen and Mr. J I).1 I!,i;t.ries for Waynesville Stall recently purcnasea ine j. r. awur tne DiacRsmiuia oi :ne insiuution a group oi sucienis were at woik. come returns flue to a bad year in Croft have been' the teachers foe ''e and Rntha For C in l:ei residence. and get the paper out as usual. (Continued on Back Page.) I (Continued on Back Pa-e.) past year. Jones. -Smith and