THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 1925 Milner & Co. Dealers In Wood and Coal Coal Delivered In Small Lots Anywhere. All Kinds, of Heavy Hauling Milner & Company Phone 314 Depot Street Carolina Playmakers Coming To Waynesvillc ON SPRING TOUR M A Y 2od HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TICKETS ON SALE NEXT WEEK RESERVED SEATS ONLY $1.00 OTHERS. .75cts A Wonderful Opportunity For The People of This Section to See These famous Players. 1 IE- Build a Permanent Home Your horae should be attractive as well a3 practical a place to be proud of and an asset to the community. Build yours with concrete blocks covered with stucco made with Atlas White Portland Cement. It v. ill cost you only 2 to 5 more than a frame house and, bcjldca belnfi firesafc and perma nent, will be warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Ask your building material dealer for an Atlas book showing the beauty of stucco made with Atlas, which is known as "tho 'Standard by which all other makes are measured." ATLAS PORTLAND CEHEHT 'TheStaTidard by which atlothermakesartmcasicnd' Waynesvillc tne town tnat elimi nates the word IF. Wood's Pedigree Boone County, Woodburn White Dent and Wood's Dixie Corn, the best varieties of white corn. Pedigree Reid's Yellow Don! and Improved Golden Dent Corn best yellow varieties. Wood's Virginia Ensil.-igc Corn best available, ensilage com. All of our seed corns are of Ilijrh Germination. Write f r prices and samples of varieties best suited to your soil und climatic conditions. FREE Crop Special It givkn full Information ind current prices on Mj bn. Wood's Pedigree Karm&K B row n AlfaJfa and other seasonable needs. T. W. WOOD & SONS SmIimi Sine ltTt u S. 14th St, Richmond, V. NOTICE. To Property Owners on Main Street. The State Highway Com mission will begin laying asphalt on Main street the first of next week. It is very important to ail prop erty owners that any con nections with the water rrinin or sewerage which will be necessary in the future be laid at this time. After this top is put on it will, if allowed by the Highway Commission at all, cose considerable more to make connections, than if done now. It is to your advantage to 7'iake all connections be fore this street is complet ed, as well as helping to keep your main street in good condition after once completed. J. H. HOWELL. Mayor. MR. EDITOR AND READERS. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. iMr. Coolidge the other day in his On April 28, 29 land 30, Greensboro inaugural address stressed economy. is to be host to a large number of He, as many others see, that the J Sunday school workers from all parts people of the Uriited States are not of the state, representing- all evangel only wild after the almighty dollar istical denominations, who will be in but are a monstrously extravagant j attendance upon the annual conven people a nation money and pleasure tio of the North Carolina Sunday mad, running to and fro, like the! School Association. The committee in mighty sea, never still and at times charge of the arrangements are of the boistrous and tempeauous. To a opinion that this will be the biggest York, N. Y., General Secretary In ternational Daily VacaCon Bih!e School Association. FOREST LAWS OF NORTH CAR OLINA MADE MORE STRINGENT. In the course of its recent session the General Assembly passed a bill entitled "An act to amend Sections 4309, 4310, C13fi of the Consolidated btatues relfllintr tn KWoat ISw.c " casual observer we seem to be a race Sunday School convention held in the1 Section 4309 read as follows before ( monsters dancing upon me lu.'Kisn Mate in recent years. Through the the amendment was made- .carpet of luxury. A nation taking a Greensboro committee on arrange.; "If any person . nail intentionally rest in her inn. careless and nappy, ments. ,t has been announced that f,,e ,et lire to any grass laud, brush land But a closer observation we see .p- lodging and b.eakfas, will be furnish- . woodland except it be his own parently h.dden , this mass of hu- cm all delegates to the Convenfon. I property, or, in that ease, without mamty. a catastrophe, a mighty con- (i,.nsb0I.o.s ,)ar, jn , K,v,nK oee t all pe son w jnagration. heath dancers .ntcoJucm? lhe convention is i the hands if the ing o, . charge of la,L adioinl us ,mo a scene of norror am, to following committee on arrangements, the ,U".,dc,: t:, he fired and race of dwarf and And appointed so:m. wjthout further, as one views this pell-mell of ,nff of paMor,. superintendents aml.KUch (ire while buying, and to ex pleasure seekers we see written upon Sunday School leaders in that city: Unguis it before it shall reach any their very countenance these words. (;Pn(.r.,i u.,:rR, r i- i j . ,. . a.v 1 w", mr-cior rn-iir io or adjoining the lands of education F.rst Baptist church: so fired, he shall for every such of chairmnn entei-Lalrment mm...;!,... ! fens., i.u (.,,;ii,. f .i . their glow and glory if not gua-ded K. ,, Vos, " . ., " " ' , " ' - .... ... n-'i. man iv7 nor A Chairman WlW nuMiii4v .-n.-n ' mod hnn tr.n .... AO wonder mere is a liar croucn- mittee, t . V. Myrick. sunerintendnt 1 reeilinir tihirtv J, "He that hath shall be taken away." Honor, ambition and virtue will lose or hedced in. iv . n.: cna na. mi mid. m..i-. h..n tcr.n .... ; , . uiipiisoiied noiex :ng and menacing us. Man as well first Christian Sunday school; chair- shall not prevent an action for the as water seeks levtl. "WTiatso- ma n finance committee, A. C. Davis,1 damages sustained by the owner of ever a m'an sow that also shall he superintendent West .Market Streot any propertv from such lires. For soever a man sow that also shall he Methodist Sunday school; chairman' the purpose of this section, the term reap," "as a ma thinketh, so h- i.s." , Kill committee, II. C. Marley, of the'-woodland' is to b, taken to include The.e days of prosperity., of pleasurchc First Baptist church. ! ull forest areas, both timber and cut seeking and money- gutting have, The mtrrani committee have an ' over land, and all s-omUgrowth wrought mighty wonders in this ro-' iouncer that the program hxs been stands on areas that have at one time public. Go mighty multitude seek planned with the view of making it 'been cultivated. Any person who thine ease in thine inn, get money possible for all Sunday school teachei s dial! furnish to tho Stan. ,.,! o honestly if you can, but get money, and officers to get practical help tor ' sufficient lor conviction of a viola i Go mighty pell-mell, seek thy repose, 'heir work. There will b general tioM of this statute shall receive the I nut nnno natures law is not to lie mssioii each morning and evenin I trifled with. She exacts her toll. whe topics of interest to all Suml '(irind on mill, thy labor will rcivv its rewardl Sons and daughtei danei- on. the nealli has its hurh 1 b. taxe pa i of burly and sting. Sleep on o mo'her, ! a little more slumber, a little ino'e I folding thy namis in sleep, will have lav school workers will be discussed. TV afternoon sessions will be devoted ;.) special i! onfei ence ; -inn of .-' CCUlt cots. In case of rem -tii f.o ioia! m "I llii., statue the anieiidment pie villi's for a in Mitiiuin tine of s.'iil in which will ileal with the problems of stead of $111, and a mini depart men'.s dav school. muni tine f the ini'delii Sill' (III instead eward. (iod is not deail. He on His throne. Wa le on o fathers, i the till" is low. seek not eternal vig- f Soil, or iinin isonnu'nt fii- a pei ind of not less than lhi.-v Speaking in the general convcn'ioii days nor more than four months f..i ssiimis. and in charge of the dif-'thc fust iiffeiise, and fur a secoi',1 oi ieient departmental conferences, will i.ny -ubseuuent similar offense no- ilence though she be the price of be th? following out-of-state Sunday prisonment nut l-ss than four month liberty. He that first put his hand s. hool specialists: Meme F.-ock- no, more than on,, vear. The rewaid to the plow and looks backs, shali way, I'hiladelphia, F , direor of any person who may furnish .-u. lluldrcns Work for the Nortlnuii licient e iilence for the convict iiei of a violation of this statute has been iliiroascd by the amendment from have his reward,. Remember I.otV wire. hail on o Mate, do search Haptist chureh; Ilr. Percy R. Hiiy 'tre . rich spk-es of the east, (ill thy ward, Chicago, III., Young People's marts, tear down thy old barns, build Divisio,, Superintendent. International new ones, fill, cram, heap up, shake Council of Religious Education; Mr. down, tramp, for tomorrow thy life Charle.s Darsie, St Louis Mr, Adult to J.'iO, this reward to be taxed m part of the court costs. That section of the Finest Law-; shall be required of thee. livtision Superintendent ( hi i.-'..ian (4:110) which nads: Are we drifting, are we heaping up Diciples i hurch: Dr. Chas. W. Brew- "If any peisou shall wilfully gold, are we selfish, arc we patriotic, laker, Dayton, ()., General Sortvtai y negligently set on lire, or cause to arc we character-builders, God-fear-' Sunday School Work, United ftreth- set o fire, any wooils, lanils, or fields ing, wise and prudent? Are we high ren chinch; Mi. Thos. S. Evans, New whatsoever, every such offender, upon flyers, giants, looking down upon a : : : feteivd mass of youths writhing i 1 1 the quagmire of neglect, turned loose to the range like the wild goat? Ta'l conviction, ehall be fined in the dis cretion of the court, one-half of the , fine to go to the informer, if there be one, and the residue to the school fund of the county wherein such offense was committed, or ho shall , be imprisoned, in the discretion of the court. This section shall apply only to Caldwell, Wilkes, Watauga, Burke, MoDowell, Yadkin, Cherokee and Mitchell counties." Has been amended to include Trail, sylvania, Graham anil Swain counties. The I.i-girlatui-1' also made the fol lowing addition to the Finest laws: "It shall be the duty of all district, county, township wardens and all dep uty wardens to distribute in all of the public schools ami high schools of the county in which they are serving as .such tiie wardens all suchc traits, books, periodicals and other 'itera ture tluvt niay( from time to time, be sent out to such wardens by the State and Federal Forestry agencies touching ' or dealing wth Forest Fire.s and Foiest Preservation. "It shall be the duty of the various waiflens herein mention under the diiertion of the State Forester, and the duty of. the teachers of the va rious schools, both public and high schools, to keip posted at some con spicuous place in tho v.icioii" i las rooms of (he school b'lililipg-. .-'icI: appropriate bulletins and poster-, as may be sent out from the I'ores'.iy agencies herein named ,".i- that pur pose and keep the same constantly before their pupils; the said teachers and wardens shall prepare leclures or talk.s to be made to the pupils of the various schools on the subject of Forest Fires, their origin and their destructive rlfeot on the plant life anil tret' hie of the forests of I ho State am! .hall lie prepared to g ve pinctirnl n-tiuction to their pupil--from time 1 time ami as often as they shall Had it possible so to ,h-.' TO TIIE STOCKHOLDERS. .V NFSVM.LK LIBRARY ASSOC! -TION, INC. You will take notice that the regu lar annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Waynesville Library As sociation will be held at the Library Building in Waynesville, N. ('., at 10:.')0 o'clock! on Tuesday morning, April 7th, l'J2.r), when and where of ficers anil directors of said ussoc:a tiou will be elected and other business ti ansactcd. as may come before said body. A LICK CROSBY QUINLAN. JM-tito Secretary. I oaks from little acorns grow. The son and the daughter are the facsi mile of their paivnts. Environments, care and Christianity are the asses to greatness. As the twig is bent so will be the tree. How looks the harvest? How are the future or.s and daughters of our land bred? Where is the book, the prayer, the faith and the hope that this Hook of Hooks inspires? Are we safe? Is the mart clear, are there rocks and stoims out at i-ea? Are we manning the shin of state with stromr niein? Or have , we so iliarwfed them m our run ; for gold that they ai .veaklins I'oth in mind and body? I O age. o day! whence all thy clam or, inventions, unrest, ethics, light, gieod and ;;lorv? (I mixtuie of great-. ; "ess an, I ev;1, o tars and wheat! , whence the harvest? Is the culm after the storm? l-es Pandemonium stalk 'grim Ix'fore the last watch in the night? Are tlie-e the last. day. the 1 ilays that ti'.'- man's soul: ? .Le.ib's trouble; the ' .lnistion days; that is I to hearald i'-o dawn of the liolden ! Age; the M ionium, the glorious age j of peace. ' '.piness and perfection? O times; n I'lgei-ou - times. We would tu.n from Thee inl the strong lean battle with the thee. Only the whole arm -io nan ran -c ,-t thy fiery darts. The bootlegger, tin- swin dler, the grafter, the pleasure seeker, the demagogugc, the flapper, all thy I emmisarles. are li e much for woak ;lins and pygmies. () man come out from thy donivtuit state, be a man, a rcforfet 1 Look about thoc, is not , the honest ready? Steady man, stand, ! buckle thy armor alout thee; strike, j Yours for Hearthstone, Open Bible Prayerful Homes. A. H McCRAiCKKN. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR I PAKDOV Notice is hereby given that appli tion will be made to the Governor of North Carolina fo- the ,pardon of Chester Moffett, convicted before Judge Finlcy at February Term, 1925, of the Superior Court of Haywood County, N, C, of violation of the pro hibition laws of North Carolina, and sentenced to one year imprisonment to be worked on the roads. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon a. e invited t. for ward their protect-- to the Governor without delay. Two Live (Gold Fish In a Glass Globe With Sea Weed, Pebbles and Plants 1L !L1 JL see With a Purchase of One Tube of Ny-Denta Tooth Pa: M At the Regular PriceSO eebls. On Saturday and Monday Only FOURTH AND SIXTH Get Yours Early. Only One to a customer. Waynes harmacy We Sell Specially Prepared Fish Food at 10 cts. per package This 21st day oi' March, 19.I5. 13-2t Mrs. FANNIE MOFFETT. 1 ' 'On sir?? T .' '1 . It".!

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