THURSDAY, APRIL 2. I92r, THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER The Carolina Mountaineer .T" ri .!i.-i w . i: a '.'I', i: i ii in.' ! .-, !i i .n 1 . i i:-. . ii .-..ii .!' ! .. i i ' . .... . : I r M MM it II ' I ION I! VI I.S S, . , ,-.,,: ,. IV..,,. : i A.I..I i J .11 . :iiil I 1 N i ll '"I i 1 ;:. I ') .; I . ".'.!., n ,1 a' the if. ' ollh i at Was tif' .lit', N. i '., :i - Si-. mil r;iv. Mail Matter, as inn i'hxl ur..i thi A. t i.f Mai. li ::. IST'i. Novemhcr 20, l'.il-l I'l RLISUKI) ON THURSDAY I.K(i l. NOTICKS. N'..t : IOK.MKK WAY.NKSYIl.l.K CITIZEN PASSES AWAY The following from the Ashcvilli -1 it Kin i tin :.. j t:n!i j Ho I !. .a:, I n ,iii Vu ii. the , home, which , w.'iir-i u :i f !at i in e;n now Thursday, April 2, 9l!." RKAD KVKKY I' C :h happening wiper. Wi .a tl.e f run rriber : in 1 1 v therefore we w.s all riv r CUlte. any ne fricrvN- ale I wi Ihat rea!l . :in ri. .T , h ei'hrr fi er. We , We Uien mat f the mi-t mi hh1 .u:t Howl ls are on the in-iile of this I'Ul't pu' nil the neus J.'lt-r We A. .tit nu sul.. ail al! of t!:.' Olipi'i' .mi! ailvc! t L'. ill1 matter; trv to put interesting he papei We appr in OLitrh. in by, itr w.l! niVi.-.h I'vcrj UiiiiJ! Mews .iiiil not 'ew. w e er, a.iranti pon r mi w.. or il.lver.tsil, ii not ihariri' f"' ob:tu- L- of thanks, etc. Ol' l IMIS'I ( III '11, 01 IK Mi un, t hillH Wavin Tin re mug i:i ami Haywoo I ally iet an Main street .1 anil evei y lulu r ,f l.i I'pii'.tf alio.1, t lei r eln lea v -lanhules on : i r i i a l'oimJIs mi lxre. at.- in yht y !u v !; of the a phalt layt is in t "n to rn:ike in t rn :i ne r. ; the'.r main. Thi ii'Vc-sa rv .ri nr. Ut that t!,,. a-;iha!t will not have to li- turn un ,n tfle fuare. ju.s:m-s.. ha- o :. ke. I up .on .'ier.i n late!. The ailvi ::; of (he Sun re t liiimiwr ('oimsiiij has all . a-ly lnouh' prosperity. Most nf oil .nerehiinl.. and business ri.eM have :-.n opt mistii' vti w of I'oii.i.tioii.,. (If ioLir-e i he e re .i or two pesini:? - who ilo 'h-ir the joy in: of 1 fe I! try vervlioil', it- I evrv ,ville. I 111 tile opposite side of u-et the ..Ii! William Welch bark of which we are told were many cabins built for his negioe.s, anil oi the site of the Walter Hawk prop erty. recently bought by Mr. Kruck'er ..I Florida There are eiprht persons i the picture, only two of whom have tnH-n infinitely iJrtenUlieil oic mn i sitting on the porch. Matt Ixve, fath er of Mrs. Robert Miwhell, Mrs. J. K Abel and Mr. Hud l.ove, and the other a I 'lrro woman with a large bundle ol laundiy carried in southern negio fa -a on ..;i in r bead old Aunt Millie, wife of I 'nele Wash Love Tiie street through our hard sur faced i ii in of today, looks as if it might be deserted and unused mou.i- Erskjne CuJlile at ,ut. West, S. C. tain I".-. . The ...ktowaHt is just a ,n ,Hl;, t.nU.r, ,ile duplicate of the .same, except on a business s manf,Ker a, Americus. Ga smaller sale, merely a beaten path. I m, afu.r w,,n( , Atlanta a.s 111 Tlollt ol Oil" lait:e niuse is liii ever hitchintr post, ot thu period. the pictuie represent-, the time before the advent of what wc lurm nioilem iiiipiovement!- and con-v.-nniae.s, and at a glance we real ize that the daily business of living' was moie or lcs, tiled w th what we vtou!, consider hc.rd.ship.s there is all at niosidiere of peace and tranquility .- ur.da v S hoo o iat ion The I .li e: al si'l !Ce w ill no ,1, 1,1 -.hi- a! . . i li .it '' t:u ii'. oek a' ( ha t I no. a;. i Surviving aie th" following: Hi mother. .li-. M. A. ( ryin"s, of Way uesv-ilell. his wife and .six children of llha'.taiioo;a, and three sisters, Mrs. Maraiet Moody, Mrs. Kuf'nia Jones of Wayru'sville and Mrs. Kd Walke: jf l-'ine.s ('reek and a number of nices and nephews DEATH OF J. EI'PS BROWN. Charlotte, N. C, March 27, 1926, J Kpps Brown, chairman of the Hoard uf Hirectors of the Southern Group died at - o'clock thi.s morning, after an appelectic stroke on -March -'Oth. Funeral wiil tn-oui tomor'ow morning at the residence. lie is survived by his widow anj two sonsi Kpps and Stokes. He wa.s borp in 1HII7 at Newberry, S. (.'., and attended Mount lltth Academy and FREE FORD CAR l LLOWHEK YODELLERS UK- JI'N ALL'SKA SUMMER SCHOOL KEATS FRANKLIN IIIOH NTNF. CH KTERBI) BY STATU SKC- RETARY. Cullowhee. N. C, March L'S. In the opening game of the season the Yod- (it. ; ,,,k KarUley in A-heville C.t -eller.s showisl (heir ability by zen.) featinu 'he Franklin nine b a -core Kaleiih. March 'T. A new suni "f I" 1 The iruaie was slow, .; ,,, t be afliliat, d witii Duke il.terestine;. The Yodellers took L'rmi" it wa- chartered by the Sec I'.ilbit of -I III in,. in . tii-i ,,,, . r o, .. i,, I,, tn ,u IlL-t I,, (ientrv, (ieneral Nat r.o.t t nviaiile. in this sf rei ,f kiH-pm up with procures of t!ii pictuie mac l Keliey - Studio, unilei tl una1 Hank. ( Hi N H UO Mill 111 I1D1 ( A I ION th hy , : , thi UK , nti nor ran,!, , le t to la rnall' - IlM-nur.-u- l. d. "I jrei revival wht: is exi coding pi' i-d oute.'li- ill tile ml ii.,: W.n in, it io.I ': .:-, :a;, n.oiiiiiie. !' 11-iiicat ion. , ,,t llurii Sloan, (ilci 'nil Hyatt who ha I the county for the I,, which we hav protrri s.s. alcii held then last meeting maid which will function afiei t lie oth is composed of Mess i s Itidej ,,f ('ant,,M; Robert How Jonathan's ( leek; .1. Uowdei i - of I 'anion ; Forest Mes-e-uirl' Sloan . Waj nesv ille. f clerk to W. I Manager. In ltKM when the genertil inanier was in Furope. Mr Brown wtts in charge as active manager. When the offices of vice president and general manager were separated in 190t, he was elected general man ager. Three years later he was elect ed vice president to succeed Mr. Gentry who was elected president. When the Southern Group of Bell Telephone Companies wis formed in 1914 comprising of the Southern Bell and the Cuberland and Assjeiated companiis with territory embracing nine entire States and part of two others, Mr. Brown was elected the Ii si vice president and was given the re-sponsihrility "f tin- managing the operating of the enlarge! system. In April. ltM'.i Mr. Brjwn was elected president of the Soiilonn Bell made such al1'1 i '"npanies, .succwuing n . I. durational Gentry, who retiied. pju. In July, lzl. ir. mown resigned fts pri i ident on account ot tai.ure oA health and bet-ami' chairmiin of the boa d "f ilneciors. We will ive away absolutely free one Ford car at the Auction SALE! of tlie James R. Love FARM at Addie, N. C. on in. d in. I i' until th, pitched. I'enland polled the pill foi a i run with two bases Coach Johnson hopes to hav. ,,' the strongest teams in We North Carolina. We believe he succeed and have a very .sucet year. I he next game will be called April ,Hrd with the Cherokee Indians at Cullowhee. s follows: t or ri . The lin? up Cullowhee (H Reeves ( 1 ) Robinson. ('2) Johnson (1) Garrett (2) Penland (1) Ofcbs, (1) Crawford Hughes Sutton Hooper lunaluska Summer Scho d, inc., at Wayncsville chool will offer standa' I miih. nn-r -cnoiil instiuction.s !'jr teacher, on' .vith .link of college grades and sucii tern it he- ioni ses as may be approve I by will 'h,. Stall's Supei illtendent el' I'llblic sful In-tructiot.. The pniiers of incoi po'atio'i pto . ide for the first meeting of the trus tte.s to be held at Waynesville, or some other place t he designated by FrankJin (1) the pijesiident of Juke University, s- S. Love, C April 2o. At that time directors and Philljps teaching faculty will be elected. The 1st II. Ma-shhum chnrte: provides that the directors 2nd B. Crawford, W. and faculty shall be nominated by the 3rd B. Richards (1) University president. C Love, C. Names as 'trustees,- in th charter C. F. Crawford,! M. are Prof. R. L. Flowers, Secretary of R. F. McAUum Ouk, University, Holland Hotten, of L. F. CunniffhaWi Durham, and j:. T. Marlfrum, of P. Wnvnesville Umpires: Wilson and Keliey. We want your business you want Waynesville unsurpassed natural more business. Phone us, 137, and resources for the location of manu- we will both be satisfied. fneturing industries. Haywood "opportunity's at this office. Empin 1 j Waynesville unBurpassed natural resources for the location of manu Ifacrurinjr industries. ( ojih y sting of I'al.nei so ably past two K. S. (' H.W I.NG I'll K INI ,ll!HST OF W V NESVILI.K A I HKAIM (If cours,. wo are -n able p,-o: Hid i el e. .11 ! ;.,inL. ,, (mm 0. We undersianl I' th hunt, o Wayne 11!" ;i'i v ' he and i-e : h- r,' .; buck ' ,ii and roninninitv an, I v. , i .low OPI IMISIK IN BUSINESS OUTLOOK. WD .,w n shoul Let's I hi giv- n a:-.!i I fv -One buying a' ng t-i-" i..-i,, t.'iey i - derat ei chant gave f dope on decided to his prin' Spring busirit'S n opening up :m" promi.singly and the outlook i fo mindly it. cleaning activity, accorim ales report of the Ford Moto i -nipany just giver out here, I,- (lie -ale of Fotd ears and '.rucl; : .w . mi; uailv ,1 itiKVtic retail di .-.,i :ae more t ban doubl. d - re i n r in Jiiiiuiii v. I 'M' largc.-'t : :.-,i-i .-am. duiing tin- hitter par; ,, I "ebraa -, y, . i-:1-.-t tiie upwiiiri tie:, :' hu - r .v-! i . h is u,,v undrr wa, ii. I ;!i(. t :.i ' outlook for Mat cr All"! he; i ; , rest n -low,; m the sales of INSTALLATION OF O FICF.RS. The in-stallation of the newly elected officers of Wayncsville Chapter 5). 16,1 Order of the Eastern Star was hi l, Thursday evening al 7:.'!(l o'c! ck with a large number of visitors from Esther Chaptir No. 12 of Asheville and Sylva 'hapt.'i No. . Mrs. Mao Moitgomery. re.'i'ing Worthy Ma ti, n. .' tid a- ii tailing officer, and Mrs. N'oland ilunnirutt. Past Grand M::' in and District Deputy, acted as M.:i shall. i'I.s of the Secretary and Trcas fuiwed the result of a very :; vear. with nearly a thous. ill ir received during the past Tues., April 7 at 1 0:30 a. m. feat or W h. ,pid tin ire at t n -, 'Th Ace husi n mrini rerns is f:,. d-ies ai ., U nr ." te is rnun v n.-.j-e- s I . tokc oil. ( I, I III Sen t tie; I, If -he rour Ii b ell laid '.ha p .lit I-1 an tile n a wh, re ep, u lint Fold 1 1 1. tri: i If ,1 yi 1, oun y , k bv . ' or an thing else, leve in practicing what .v" 'on" ami r.t, tid 'o "Bu at We s ncercly suggest that ess nien ,,f on- glorious coni t t he example t u t he t ix -' ej- comniunit A Colli,, presentnl Mis. ry. r,-t ii t'g Worthy Ma- iit ful Past Matron's jewel ; love are! es-teem from an I member - of the chap- f-1( tir l'i. w. .1 Ilunnirutt, t.r.'.nd nicd to W. A. Co. ilo, r. tiring Worthy Patron, a beautiful ieather i-ound ritual f the order with hi name t'ngr.-ived in god on the cover. Tit following olfl.-'-i- We e n-ttilled: M,s. 1,'rt-e tjt.e n. Wo -hy Ma. ton. Mrs. !.. K Green. Wmthy -, Manoii. Mrs. Heat n;e Mcdfo-I, A- o- ..s,, elate Matron. Mr- Mildred Mdl-r, ii- retail de ronductress, Mr-. Juan it a Walker, late- leached Associate Condui'trAss, Mrs. Minnie trucks and ' olile, liaolain. Miss tt. SturK-y, Marshall, Miss Lois Hanoi,!, organ st. nduate improved Mrs Maude Jones. Adah, Mrs. lliltlah tlie high priced ear Simons, Ruth. Mrs. Anna Noheck, si pa M,,to totab -mils, served Company of 12... 12 1 r -.'ii K, t 111'- l'n:t .1! i ) i 11 I 'an. id cars an, I Tiactoi -. hvel ,es ..; 112,o2Ci I a. DM Foul liepoi". condi; ons Held Lincoln cars. ,,! new Feb- Esther. Mrs. Jessie Davis, March.. niaiv i-eeo.d with 50X domestic ri- Mrs. Edna, Mrs. Lily Hargev tail deliveries as compared with M6 and W. R. Hal beck, Jr. Sentinels. the sair.e month a year ago. BUSINES'S MEETING OK WOM AN'S HIC INVESTMENTS IN ORCHARDS -H. . HOW ELL'S SAI L IS STILL y ,( (- BLACK IN THIS i The annual business meeting -in I ('DIM; ON. COMMUNITY election of officers of the Woman's The fuing-out-of-businoss sale now Club witl be held at the home of Mia. po:;-p o- a' H. W. How M s, j s day, uni Mr. C. II. Black, it , W. T. Crawford, with Miss Kate irrn'. tii.o an unnsuallj rood sue- j 'eii-n.',!, pu'i haci through Mr. Rickards joint hostess, Thursd.iv, crt.i. Prish train- ha. '.laracterir.rdi l!oil;ni Hall the eiivre orchard known I April 9th, beginning at 3:30. A full Xkis Valuable Farm Lying On both sides of State Highway No. 10 and con taining some of tlie best farming and timber lands m Jackson countv bas cut unto tracts to suit tbe purchas er and will be sold for the high k! dollar on the fol lowing terms: The 0. R. Grosse Realty Co., of Cocoa, Florida In The famous Indian River Section has several clients desireous of com ing to Waynesville during the sum mer and if you have smaller and larger furnished houses for rent, by month or full season; say from June first to October and November first please write us all particulars. Some of our clients wiil also buy houses or well located house lots in City limit or suburban around Waynesville. Give us full descrip tions of houses and house lots or larger acreage for sale at your most reasonable prices and terms, pictures of houses and legal des cription of houses desired. 0. R. GROSSE REALTY CO. COCOA , FLA. thin sale l": ni the very beginnin ;, Mr. Howell believes tha the reasjn th ia!e i- really such a success ia becaase of the fact he his cut tiie prices to rock-bottom in order to sell out he entire stock. The sale wi'l continue o'l next week EXCHANGE Will evehanpe one Pf 5 Mystery and .Adventure books for 25 Ace Hijh and Adventure Magazines. Ship mag azines hy naToel post. Books are new. A. W. BramOctt. Hepco, N. C. a, ;he .1 K. Hall orchard about two attendance of .members is desires! ar.,1 one half miles from Waynesville, on the Pellwocd Koail. The considera tion is said to be $:l",000.00. Mr. Black recent'.v purchased from Mr. Kilgore, the apnle orchard in the Francis Cove, known as Sunn. cove. Dr. Joseph Howell Way and Mayor Harden Howell attcmUil the annual banquet of the North Carolina Re serve Officers of the U. S. Army, which was held at the Ijingren Hotel, Ashe ville, on Wednesday evening. PROF. R. O. EDGERTON TO TEACH IN SUMMER SCHOOL. In a recent issue of the Ashevil'.c Citizen PresiiUnt H. T. Hunter of Cullowhee State Normal school an nounced the faculty of the Summer School. Of interest to Waynesville township is the fact that the list in cludes the name cf Prof. R. O. Edger lown, who has given such splendid service during the past year as prin cipal of our high school. Free band con cert free lunch Everybody Welcome C. J. Jeffress Realty Company Ashcville, North Carolina! LOOK! READ! Madam Hazel famous Palmist and Clairvoyant been Locatcrf in Tent NeHr East Waynesville School on Wavnesville Road. Hus lady lately arrived in yaur town to do good for the public by her wonderful powers in reading the history of one's life by examining: the hand. She teUs the past, present and future also gives advice on all affairs of life, such as love affairs, business matters, family affairs, wills and divorces and most everything pertaining to the welfare of one's life. The Bible speaks in many places of the power of the palmist to predict the future thing3 and give warnings. She tells you the initial of your future com panion, whether true or false. Tells you what business you are best adapted to and all about absent friends, whether living or dead. Tells you what planet you were born under, what part of the country is luckiest for you. This phenomenally gifted lady ia now located in your town and can be consulted on affairs of life. She also tells the color of eyes and hair of your future wife or husband. Also gives initials of names. She also answers any and all questions. Call and consult this gifted lady at once. A True Palmist is bom. 1 am different from all others, because I not only read your life like a book, but also help you out of your troubles. For instance, what good would it do you to be told you had a rival or enemy in your path unless you were told how to overcome them, or in case you wanted to win the love of a certain one would you be satisfied to be told it, or would you rather know how you could win your desire? In fact, it does no good simply to behold of your troubles. I am able to point out the path to succeaa'.ttndvh&ppiness and tell you how to overcome all your troubles, and difficulties Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded: Pay this lady a visit today, for tomorrow may be too late. ! ocated in Tent Near East Waynesville School on Waynesville Road.