THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925 PERSONALS The Flit tings to and Fro of The Traveling Public. Mr II. W. Hoffman of Sylva .spent Friday in town. Miss Jane Sullivan spent the week end in Asheville. i i Mr. Sum Felmet spent Tuesday in town on business. Mr. C. N. Allen of Hazelwood was in town on Tuesday iMr. W. T. Lee is home from Ral eigh for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Quinlan spent the week-end in Tryon. . t Mr. John McD. Michal of Wooirow spent, Tuesday in town. Mr. Ralph Morgan was a Waynes ville vlsitOj. on Tuesday, .'. t. Mr. William H. MoClure returned. from Florida on Monday. -Mr. Willis Kirkpatriek of Crabtree spent Tuesday in town. Mr. Mark Brown of Asheville spent Tuesday in town on business. . Mr. V. A. Campbel of Maggie spent -Tuesday in town on business. Mrs. Walter Ferguson has as her guest her mother, Mrs. ffh-Ojd. ..' ,.'.- Mr George Haynes of was a Waynesville visitor on Monday. , Mr. Dee Clark of He pep1 J wan a Waynesville vistar on Monday. Miss Hattie Axley of Murphy rpent several days in town this week. Mr. T. H. Rogers of Clyde- was a Waynesville visitor on Saturday. Mrs. Dave Penland of Pigeon was a Waynesville visitor on Saturday. Mr. J. Bat Smathers of Canton spent Tuesday in town on legal business. Mr. Wythe M. Peyton of Asheville was a Waynesville visitor on Monday. , i -Mrs. Chas. E. Quinlan is the guest this week of Mrs. Slane in Sjiteaville. M,r. W. J. Black of Bryson City ( spent Monday in town onegal fus inesi. Dr. B. F. Smathers who. has Spent the winter in Florida has returned home. ' ' Dr. Chas. Z. Candler and Mr. A. E. Monteith of iSylva spent Monday in town. uMr. and Mrs. Clark of Glenville, Jackson county, are visiting relatives in town. Miss Margaret Moody of Charlotte, spent the week-end as the guest of her mother. V Mr. Chas Lee has returned home after an extended trip to Europe and South America. . 'Mrs. Oliver H. Raine, who has spent the past winter in Pensacola, Fla., has returned home. Mr. R. O. Covington left Monday Missouri, where he travels'; to be gone until July 1st. .Mr . Frank Davis of the U. S. Navy is honr.e on a visit to his mother, Mrs A. J. Cratchfield. :l: . Dr. K. E. Montgomery was called to Vineenes, Indiana on account of the death of his mother Rev. C. T. Tew attended a meeting in Clyde Monday of the trustes of Haywood Institute. Miss Lois Harrald spent the week end in Montreat the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thomas. n Mrs. John Smathers, who has spent the winter in Asheville, returned home on Tuesday afternoon. ,Mr. Bill Dodderer has recently been e'ected captain of the basketball team at the State University. Jesses Nora Malssip and AJeta Norman were guests at the George Vanderbilt last week-end. Mrs. Hugh Kirkpatriek of Asheville has return home after a visit to her mother. Mrs. G. W. Coble. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harbeck .-nd M.r. W. R. Harbeck, Jr. were Ashe ville visitors Saturday and Tuesday. The following met on Tuesday in Asheville with Mr. James Stikeleath er, Highway Commission, regarding the haul surfacing of the Balsam road as fa:- as Hazelwood: Messrs. J. M. Long, Faucette Swift, R. L. Prevost, K. E. A:k::n nd J. W. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bridges motored to Asheville Sunday to meet their daughter, Mrs. Wm. F. Albright and .son who will be with them for about two weeks. Mr. Z. I.. Boone, representing '.he Mergenlhaler Linotype Co., of Brook lyn, NjjY., spent Tuesday in town on business. Mr. George Stewart, Jr., student at Emory University, spent several days lust week a.s the guest of his sister. .Mr. J. Dale Stent?, at Lake Junaluska. i Dr. Davis of the State Department of Education will deliver an address on Friday to the colored peopb at the colored school. Dr. Davis comes in the interest of the Rosenfeld Fnnu. 1 ii Mr. E. M. Schenck of Greensboro, representing the Royal Insurance Company, spent Saturday in town on business. j Messrs. C. E. Clyde H. Ray were called to HendersonviUe on Tuesday On account of the illness of their father. w Mr. E. L. Withers has been made a director for 1925 of the Carolina Motor Club, with headquarters in Greensboro. I Miss S. A. Jones and Miss Fannie Johnson who have spend the past ' -several weeks in F'orida, returned home last week. J w .. 1. . Mrs. W. P. Fincher of Clyde is the guest of ' Mr." and Mrs Guy Massie durinjg the. revival services at the Methodist church. Benjamin Messer, son of Mr. Forest iMcsser, is a patient at the County Hospital, having undergone an oper ation for apendicitis on Tuesday. j. Miss Dorothy McCracken, who has; spent the winter in Florida, has re-1 turned home. She made the return trip by moto,. with a party of friends. I I . Regular meeting of Haywood Coun cil, No. 817, Royal Arcanum is called, to icett April 6. Suecial business. All) members are urged to be present. Judge W. J. Hannah and Mrs. Claude Haynes who are on the board of J:usrteee of .Haywood ilrfstiitute, attended a board meeting in Clyde on Monday. - Dr. George R. Stewart, who recent ly, gave a talk at the Rotary luncheon in Asheville, spent several days with his daughter, Mrj. J. D. Stentz, at Lake Junaluska. T '-'IMis. J. W. Red and Mr. Tom Davis will sing as the offertory "The Palms" on Sunday morning in the Episcopal church. The Rector will preach on "Palms for the King." ' Mr Clarence Phillips and family who have been living in Asheville ate returning to Waynesville. Mr. Phillips has been engaged in constrje- Jicm work in Asheville. Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. I.eighty and Mis.- Leignty. who have been the guests of Mrs. K. E. Montgomery for the past fortnight., left Monday for the home in Lawrenceville, 111. Miss Dorelle Snook, teacher of voice in Winthorpe College, who has spent the past week as the guest of her cousins, the Messes Fredericks and Alice Qunilan, returned to Rock Hill, S. C. on Wednesday. V Judge and Mrs. Frye and Miss Frye of Bryson City spent Sunday in town. They motored over to attend services at the Methodist church. Mrs. Frye h a sister of Dr. Gilbert Rowe. who is holding the meeting here. Misses Frances Denton and Natalie Atkinson, who are students at Con verse College, are home for the spring holidays. Mis3 Denton has as her guest her schoolmate, Mi:H Wilma Gamble of Shelbyville, Tenn. - Mex6ers of the Esther Chapter No. 12 of Asheville attending the instal lation of officers of the Waynesville Chapter No. 165 held on last Thurs day night were: Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Hunnicutt, Mrs. Minnie Reynolds, Mr?. Anna Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Nevercell, Mrs. Bean, Mrs. Barbej, Mrs. Barrnett, Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Howie. The circles of the Methodist church are not having their regular meetings for the next two weeks, but are having short prayer service on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. Circles numbers 8, 2 and 4 will meet at the homes of the mem bers, while circle number 1 will hold their services in the ladies parlor of the church, which meet at 4:30. The following visitors of the Sylva Chapter No. 96 attended the installa tion of officers of the Waynesville Chater. No. 165, O. E. S.: Mrs. C. C. Buchanan, Mrs. E. L. Wilson, Mrs. J. W. Keener, Mrs. M. Buchanan, Mrs.1 Z. S. Wolfe, Mrs. Ellen Pickelsimer, Mrs. D. E.Murray, Mrs. Rosa Nichols, Mrs. J. F. Freese, Mrs. Inez Sullivan, Miss Jane Coward and Miss Que Duval. 'HOLY WEHK." SERVICES (tit. At fc I nt III H. The Rev. Albert New, Rector, ha.,,,, the Monday, Tuesday and We.lnes. unanL-ed a very interesting program ; ,j!lV( a.,0 n uundy Thursday, when of services m "Giace Church in the tlu. s(.rv;C(. w,n . a Celebration of ".'.'un!:;in.-" fo- Holy Week, an.l h.i inviiesl the ministers of ali the other ti-lifioiu I'odit - in Waynes vfilt.' to " arh at the various service-. On Monday. April, ft eight ocloik, the licv. S. R. Cro-keit, of the I're.-byterian church, will be the preacher. Tuesd'iy night's sermon will be de livered by the Rev. ('. T. Tew, of the Baptist church. Wednesday night, the preacher will be the Rev. B. Frank Yandell, of Hazelwood Presbyterian church. On Good Hr'day, commencing at noon, a "Three Hour's Service" will be held, and addresses from the "Seven Last Words" of Christ on the Cross STATEMENT. Rockingham Fire Insuiance Company, l.eaksvillc, N. (.. Condition December 31, 1924, as Shown by Statement Filed. Amount of Capital paid up in cash $ 91,600.00 Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year .... 109,330.91 Income From Policyholders, .$16,230.97; Miscellaneous 23,967.06 Disbursements To Policyholders, $6,552.84; Miscellaneous 2'l, 127.61 Fire Risks Written or renewed during year, $1,404,480 in force 1,628,145.00 All Other RUks Written or renewed during year, $149,185, in force 121,268. Assets. Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 11522.35 Value of Bonds and .Stocks 51.750.00 Cash in Company s office v 7,118.13 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on Interest 2,724.65 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1924 4,655.36 Interest and Rents due and accrued 2,353.56 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 400.00 Total $112,521.55 Total admitted Assets $112,524.5: Liabilities. Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 1,599.5: Unearned premiums All other liabilities, as detailed in statement Total amount of all Liabilities Capital actually paid up in cash Surplus over all liabilities Surplus as regards Policyholder Total Liabilities $112,524.55 Business in North CaroUna During 1924. Fire Risks written $914,555 ; Premiums received $14,848.1; All other Risks written $ 95,268 ; Premium., received 1,090.68 Losses incurred Fire $ S..V.2.86; Paid 4,953.32 President, F. M. Klin ; Secietary, .1. W. Norman; Treasurer W. 0. Jenkins Home office Leakesville. Attorney for service: Stacey V . Wade, Insurance Commissioner, Ral eigh, N. C. (Seal) State of North Carolina, Insurance Department. Raleigh, March 4, 1925. I, Secy W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is ;. true and correct abstract of the statement of the Rockingham Fire Insurant Company of Leaksville. N. C. filed with this Department, show, ing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1924. W ;i css my hand and official .seal, the day and year above written. STACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT. Ryal Kxchar;ge Assurance Fire Insurance Company, New York. Condition December 31. 1924, as Shown by Statemnet Filed. Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year I'ncWtti? FY; m Policyholders, $2,201,065.05; Miscellaneous. $ 5C1f);S71'.22; . Disbursements To Policyholders, $1,419,802.59; I.Micellaneous $1,701,953.49 Fire Risks Written or rem wed during year. $486,013,588. All Other Risks Written or ienewed during year, $N 1,4 40.005. Assets. Moitgage Loans on Real Kstaie Value of Uoiuls and Stocks Cash in Company's oftice Deposited in Trust Comnanie; and Hanks on interest Agents' balances, representing bus'ness written subseiient to October 1, 1924 Agents' balances, representing busimss written priour to October 1, 1924 Interest and Rents due and nccrucd I All other Assets, ns detailed in .-t;;'e;ii.n' Total . Assets no: admitted Less Total admitted Assets $5,150,561.52 Liabilities. Net amount of unpaid losses and cla'ms $410,942.75 Unearned premiums 2,469 175.0:'. Silaiics, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc.. dr" or accrued 8,47!.3ii Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county ind munici pal taxes due or acciu"d 98,779.01 Contingent commissions, oi other charges due or accrued 45,322.23 All other liabilities, as detailed it statement 13,920.19 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital $3,046,610.87 Capital actually paid up in cash $ 400,000.00 Surplus over all liabihti-s Surplus as regards Policyholders Total Liabilitis $5,150,564.52 Business in North Carolina During 1921, Fir Risks writlten $:,ii223,844. ; Premiums received- $21;(176.43 All other Risks written $ 78,278. ; Premiums received 402.74 Losses incurred Fire Losses incurred All other ... President. Gule T. Forbusli, U. S. Manager. Attorney for service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, Ral eigh, N. C. Manager for North Carolina Home office. (Seal) State of North Carolina, Insurance Department. Rnleigh, March 4, 1925. L Stacv W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is ft true. and correct abstract of Assurance Fire Insurance Company, of n.-tont it,nr;n Ai.ri;!ii nf comber. 1924. Witr.ess my hand and official seal, :e will be given by the Rev. J. T. Man-, gum of the Methodist church and by j the Rev. Dr Gilbert Rowe of Najh IN ville. Tenn. I Th R..1.u,r will sneak at 10 A. M I the Holy Communion, that day be ing the anniversary of its institution i.v our Blessed Lord. Kverybody is most to all ou. services. iii.liallv inv;te,l An Lag, Range lannot. be eiual til at any price and no other st've bears the guarantee that is behind the Eagle Range, That s why the Massie Furniture Store at Waynes ville sell so many of them. Another car load is rolling for us and the best par, of it is, they sell for only K5.00 $t;5.O0, $75.00 and ?85.00. Haywood "opportunity's Empire" -altitude 2.f.0 feet. 14,368.13 768.07 except Capital $l(i,7''6.02 $91,600.00 $ 4,198.53 95,798.5.! "24. 008.1 76l,936.27 3,121,756.0 477,801,691. 56.170.0i7. 17.),0O0 09 4,218,203.42 2,001.65 272.311.8:) 08,053.79 10,.! 17.58 54,821.'!:; 16.400.CS ,258,410.61 107,841!. 12 $1,703,953.65 "....$2,103,953.53 7,291.66; Paid $ 7,953.58 34.45; Paid $ 33.65 the statement of the Royal Exchange New York, N. Y., filed with thus De - ooi.l rnniwinv. on the Hist, dav of De - , the day and year above written. STACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner. The Hats we are displaying for Easter wear are the newest creations of the country's foremost Milliners. New hats arriving daily. Prices from $i.50 to $6.98. Childrens' Hats from 98c to $2.98 Women's Cott n Hose 9c pair RICHARD COVINGTON LEAVES FOR WAIVE FOREST COLLEGE. On Tuesday morning Richard Cov ington, winner in the recent declama- tion contest, at the High School, left by motor for Wake Forest College to compete in the State-wfdV contest. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. R. O. Covington and Joe Welch. I On the 4th, is a member of the local High Schools Track Team, he attends the track meet to be held at the same, college. Then the 5th he goes to Chapel Hill where he enters the State- wide Ilifh School Tennis Tournament. The partv cxpeots to be away about ! two wwks Gn tnpir rturn tncy wi bo accmpanied by Messrs. H yt anJ Howur(i Covington, students at ,hc University who will come hone (0 Spen, the spring holidays. I Wanted to Rent Hundreds of MRS. W. II. LINER HOSTESS T(l summer visitors looKing for furninh ! LEAGUE. e, cottages and rooms to rent in and The Civic League met at the home near Waynesville. What have you .' of Mrs. W. H. Liner on Friday af- See Ernest L. Withers & Co., Real ternoon, March 20th. Estate and Insurance Experts. 1 The meeting was opened by sing l inc the Federation song and reDeut- imr in concert the Collect for Club Women. The u'porls of the officers wen all 'gratifying. Mrs. Montgomery, ch.rir nran'of Cemitery committee, asked the members to donate Dorothy Per kins Rose bushes to be used on the ! bank of the cemetery. The League ' voted to allow the amount necessa' y to defray the expense of painting the arch placed at the cemetery by the Civic League, and for placing a bronse tablet in fame. i A committee was appointed to ad- ,-irisi, tKii ITrwnitfil Rrtn4 nlntinn rlnv ' and to aid in any way possible in putting the election over. , .- ' ' TRACT. Ushering in the new form -if a:h- ; letics at the Waynesville Township High PC-hnol the trakk Iteam left Thursday morning on a tour that will carry them to N. C. State College; University nt Wake Forest College and Duke University. On Saturday the W. T. II. S. track team will par ticipate in a track meet at Wake Forest College, In order to take rait in the truck meet at the University -April 10 the team will remain in the oustern section of the state, visiting the Capital, Stat? Penitentiary, Blind Institution, State Farm, Musium, Duke .obucco factory, knitting mills in Dur ham and other places of importance Those making the trip arc as fal lows: R. B. Howell, 100 and 400 yard dash B. J. Sloan, 200 and 400 yard dash. Lee. Matncy. one-half and 1 mile run. Lee Davis, shot put and Dicus. Hugh Noland, Jump. I DIVERSIFIED ADS . .The Keller House now open. Ex- Icellent table board and room rates, I $18.00 and $25.00 Der week. W. W. , Wel.,Si Manageri Waynesville, 13-4p Davis Baking Powder 20c E. Ray & Sons. It). C. 1 When you furnish your home, dtn't buy something you will want to get rid of in a year or so, but buy good furniture, which is the cheapest in the end. That's the kind tire Massie 1 Furniture Compan.f .sella, and you 'don't have to pay all at once j terms 'm'ske it easy to buy. i I -uaraja lAinee we per m. v. Ray & Son. 1 Very st Men's Cotton Hose 9c pair For Sale Frost proof cabbage, only 25cts per hundred. O. S. Barnes, I Phone No. 101-W., Waynesville, N. ('. FOR SALE Frost Proof Cabbage i plants. Will also carry other cli- mated plants in season, ' Book Store. Waynesville 57-4te Irish potatoes 95c per bushel. E. Ray & Sons. Special prices on Irish potatoes ct'llt-s Ppr bushel. Miller Bros. 90 tf Pilot Knob Coffee $1.60. & Sons. C. E. Ray 1 Wanted to Buy: Nice residenital lots and homes wanted by several prospective buyers. List with us. Emeiit L. Withers & Co. You don't have to go to Asheville '-" buy a good piano on easy terms now since the Massie furniture More has put in a good line of piano and player pianos at reasonable prices. Get our prices and terms before you buy. Special prices on Irish potatoes 90 cents iKr bushel. Miller Bros. tf NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OK PARTNERSHIP. All persons will take notice Hurt the partnership! heretofore existing be-i-ndcr the 'firm name of J. E. White tween J. E. White and Lucy A. Hyatt & Co., has been dissolved, the said J. K. White, taking" over the stock andas lions for a chapter in the organiza All debts owing the firm must Ik paid t them. This March 2. 1925. LUCY A. WHITE, J. E. WHITE, 4;i-6pd GERTRUDE WHITE. PAINS ALL OVER Lady Says She Took Cardui and Never Saw Such Improve ment Was So Weak Couldn't Stand. Weatlrersby, Miss. Mrs. Jamos M. Hall, of this place, writes that aha was "getting weaker all the time" when Cardui, the woman's tonic, was first brought to her attention. After she had taken Cardui a while, she writes that sho "never did see such an Improvement." "I suffered all the time and had pains all over," says Mrs. Hall. "I was so weak I could not stand. My skin was cold and flabby. I did not have any color. I had always been a very active woman used to outdoor exercise, walking and going where I pleased, and to get down, not able to get myself a drink, was Indeed a hardship. "Nothing seemed to help me, t!:l I began on Cardui. The first bottla seemed to strengthen me, and I Bent for five more. By tho time I had taken these, I was on my feet, going around, doing my work, gained In health and'strength. "I took two more bottles, and I am well aud strong. Can work my garden. 1 .':vcn't had auy more sickness." Ask your druggist. KC-185 - ' to s3yA ttiiili i-Awj" f-"--- '