THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925 Repairing Watches Have Your Watch In spected By Us Occasion ally. Delicate Mechan ism Needs the Proper Oiling and Correct Attention to the Smallest Detail. The Biggest Little Jewelry Store In North Carolina. W. A. COBLE Setoeler Phone 194-J Waynesville, IN. C. The FORD Is There Is Such a Big Difference thai we Mieve do not realize thai it is important to take price and service into consideration before l.uvini; anv make of car. H Name of lai t Cylinder Mock Cylinder Head Piston Only onnecling Rod ( 'rankshaf t Start infr Motor Radiator I'ront Fender "arhuretor l)rie Shaft .enrralor Ford Two Other Makes S2.".00 $29.00 S.11 00 fi.00 12.00 ;.-, 1.00 1.2.1 2.00 1-120 2.2.". 2..-.0 800 10.00 12..-.0 ir.oo io.oo r,.-,.oo l--.00 25.00 it. 00 1.00 7.00 7 00 1 50 10.00 15.00 '1.00 1.00 ;.)0 15.00 !5.00 10.00 'I here linm cs are taken from authoritaln e sources, and i:e noi listed to knock any dealer, hut as information to propert ive hu eis. We Maintain a Thoroughly quipped Shop with .m adequate stock of repair parts. In brief we ell "Mipeiior Ford Service." DUCKWORTH MOTOR CO LINCOLN fORDSON I M I UNIVI U!At CAB Waynesville, N. C. Easter Novelties, Candy Eggs, and Goodies, See Them. Easter is not Easter to the children unless they have colored Eggs. Our Egg Dyes are non-poisonous, and so are the safest to use. A brilliant array of colors from which to choose. Also Baskets. Etc. MILLER BROS. Phone 30 Waynesville, N. C. SCHOOL HONOR ROLL i LAKB JL'NALU.SKA SCHOOL HON OK ROLL. SIXTH MONTH. i'ii st Crade Kvelyn (Jilxson, Lewis Jones, fjth Ixinp, Wondrow McAbee, Joanna Phillips, Sara Rathbone. Second (Jrade--Klizabet.h Rhinehart, Hcnel, .Sri ma Smith, I.oiena Mi-llnm. I Von I'hill..... i.l ii- I 1 iiiii, hit, rniiiips I hire (.raJe.-l.uoillc. Allien i, ,ena Caldwell, Je.-m Morn.-,):., Mary Lou liiackctt. Od, II Lork'iirun, Kr.-d Ma cus, Snufoid MrA!-e, It. n Smith Weave, Miun.w I'Murtn (,rade llenre'.t.-; I'liillip "iizei Kay, Justice. Olenn Ma.vey. Krcj .),-.. Kufu, al,jwi, 'ak .V.diani,-; Ralph Moody. I nth (.i-ade -.Mat tie K. Phillips, "'"' (aldwell. Virjrip June.. Da vid Katli'.on... Myitl,. Smith. Waiilo Swaynim, Hazel Marcus. Phillip... Seventh (iiade a I'h "Hips, Kd Hi. J hillips. M;,,y Kathhonc. are White. M VNV KMjriKIKS. I ii. . I ' Miller. I'!,.sm,p, 1)f ""' ' mimnn "f "iiiiiir .T, m an in j.ervew wit'i a iep,T.-i'!!:a:Te oi' thel ' ,:- tamer-, -a: ,ha: hi ItniiUKht Waym-su'lf oul.l have me J"' t!" l' 1 1 1 1 1 - j ;ntl!l ! I..U!.-.... eve: k!'..wn in th.. h story i.f Way :ic .-i!r. He ik, n;,-, ,.t,; i ,..; v (.;,., ..; ' W 'I- : a "leadv l..i , ,, !,',,M"-'- ' tin, . im-aiils hull - i - . Al-M kiiu n. .-, ana otner correspon- wnose general tone js good from a. PROTECT YOUR LOVER ONES: dents. Wishing our new editor a success ful year. As ever, OLD TOf. I NECESSITY FOR FIRE PREVEN TION. It is better to have a community , fort can proper results be maintained i fire prevention viewpoint than one with only a few fireprof monuments and (Treat numbers of run-down tire hazards. Only by unremitting agitation ran our people be kept awalce to the nee.l of recognizing the principles of fire protection and only by organized ef- ra.m u- .:! e: i: man i-.. -1),i-m d ;i .,nwh" '"r ' "i e an: ti,. ;, - u , t ;i ! !,,. 'I "ii f,l; ., ,!it;,r Sn, i ( ;,, ,lp. -.M , , :ra- , ., ...pi -ra;iv;- i lea " - .a. al. n. . .-..ttages. 1 ' i '!' ., tiiin:-lie,l ""!,,v " '''' u-t:.. eater t 11 "i- i 1 - t.i .'"iniiHiiiieiite "I" ('minieiee at. with t!r t'ha: onee. -It l."k- I Mr. Mi II.;: a II, LAKE J I N ALt SK A NOI E. (Ud't Iron, week.) As this scrili. has not had any com. muiiieation to the papor fur ipiite a while, gues.s 1 had hitter try again, and if this writing escapes the waste basket I will endeavor to come asrain. There is nothing better to my mind than a good lively correspondence in the columns of our good old countv paper, it .-penis that all our goo J old , c nrresp,,ndcnts have just about quit.1 ; 1 et's all g,t hack to our home paper, linil you can hear from me arid nio : from u each week, and make our' : paper worth while. It will !e good I for u- mil good for our editor also. : 'friend M. H. S. who hits been a long' time correspondent and prognostica Itor has been missed in the column, of the Carolina Mount-nneer. Say, .ld tr end, you mu-t drop in .-onv time and let us hi'iir from you. iis a; th; 'e,.ili- enjoy your letter and p:og-' no- I leatioi: -. We miss you. So ..- .aie on mice m a while. I'he w Mdiny ! II.. have Ih-i-ii rmg "tf " 1 ; i ' ' t the l.iikc for the pas' ftr iin.lar in, one our " n.erchii nt - a,.. lii-iu lei i y I. in. r a... J . :'. t"ok soico of their in arise an, niolor on ;ii" ihe.v foun.l a ili-t ami '.ad .ml , :! hi ;: I my., iiiii p, I!' , og ,i,.al, i-. M ;,.,, i Mi., fi li'll, is ll A-hc :ia- ;i Mil ch w'neie -oiiiil i.uptit.r ::a! k:,i: :i..,i M!:i to :h. i l.ake .luna'u-k la -us'itr-s -. ; -' o.. We iin.i iii'i-oiia-. - w. .: to lUi'l of ,. ..r, - i " i.e an i , wlit-re M . the .1 :ina i i ' l t "li lil 1 1 : u, :. the, i .,11 lav T!o . ohle o (I:, Utile i a test ' n in .1 llva if new 'Iridei.t- Soutiiern .- --c:il i,nd liusi- the s-iring and liuska Supply ( .. uil.i -e a:., i add im'n yard iind i. lieu niaeti.n. : whah will add (H'tpu: and mane ; i sen: in m-i vr Ha pu.,1 iiuilding material. There .are s.Ve,B oemg erected on tin : om hi v grounds a: pi ness looks goo. I sunimir. Our school at this place 's ,,om line with our good teacher.-: all ing their best. We sure have got the best school that we have had lor several years, with Pi of. J. W. Mc- , '('ain as principal. Everybody in the, community is well pleased with the! reult- of the cho '. T,w s. rioe' (ion't think that the committee -.ouhl h&ve done a better favor for u in selecting teachers for our school this year. We hope they will keep them for our next term. We need severil things yet to complete our equipt, ment at the school, but everything we nre l is being gradually supplied. The Hazelwood Male Quartet gave a musical concert at the school au ditorium on the 6th of this month oft which 25 ner cent of ho proceeds went to the school. It sure was fine and wc hone the boys will come . again. (Sn T will ri r, n riff .i,i V, ikn Aw... ..... .... wi nivii fciir vilVl.- ....J . . ..... i - I union oi seeing in tne columns ol our paper a few lines from Good Indian i Why not protect your loved ones by a real nice life insurance policy in a Southern company. Save for your old age, increase your ere lit ability and become independent. Don'r put off until too late. .SV-c Win A. liano at the Mountaineer office. Waynesville the town that elimi nates the word IF Grace Church in The Mountains Waynesville, N. C. REV. ALBERT NEW. Rector. Palm Sunday, April 5th 10 A. M. Church School and Bible Class. 11 A. M. Choral Celebration of the Holy Communion and Sermon Iiv the Rector. Offertory Duet : "The Palms" Mrs. J. W. Reed and Mr. Tom Davis 8 I'. M. Evensong and Sermon. Monday, April 6th. 1 A. M Morning Service and Address by the Rector. S P. M. Preacher: Rev. S. R. Crockett of the Presbyterian Church. Tuesday, April 7th Hi A. Ai. -.Morning Service and Address by the Rector, s P. AT. -Preacher: Rev. C. T. Tew, of the Baptist Church. Wednesday, April 8th lo A. Al. .Morning Service and Address by the Rector. X P. AI. ---Preacher: Rev. 15. Frank Yandell, Ilazelwood Presbyterian Church. Maundy Thursday, April 9th 10 A. AI. The Holv Communion. !::: P. AI. Evensong. Good Friday, April 10th VI N'oon. The "Three Hour's" Service. Addresses on the "Seven Last Words," by the Rev. J. T. Mangum, of the Methodist Church, and Rev. Dr. (filbert Rowe of Nashville, Tenn. S P. Al Evensong and Address by the Rector. EASTER, APRIL 12th 7:;10 A. M. The Easter Communion. 10 A. M. Church School and Bible Class. 11 A. M. Easter Sermon by the Rector. 8 P. M. Evensong and Address. EVERYBODY is most cordial ly invited to all these services (Draw JMafM a dimmer The Ford car costs so little and is such a glutton for punishment that many people think any kind of oil is good enough for it. We know cne town where Ford owners buy second-hand oil drained from crank cases of a trucking company. The Ford will run on most anything that passes for oil, but it will run longer, more quietly, and more cheaply if lubricated with oil made especially for its engine and transmission. The bes oil of that class is olarine MOTOR OIL STANDARD OIL COMPANY CNew Jersey) I t 'A

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