Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,850 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries Volume XXXVII. Number 15 Wayne8ville. Haywood County, North Carolina, ThurSlay, April 9, 1925 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2,50 if not bo Paid APPLE ORCHARDS Rapid Growth of GRACE CHURCH OF HAYWOOD Furniture Factory EASTER SERVICES WILL ELECT SUPERINTENDENT Unagusta M'f'g Co. Expanding THE JURY LIST SUPERIOR COURT SPRING TIME IN THE PIGEON The Waynesville Furniture factory The Easter Festival in "Grace The Haywood uoumy Board of Ed GAP ORCHARDS. . is doubling its capacity for the placing Church in the Mountains" will begin UCBtion took office on Monday, April and operation of machinery, besides ut 7:30 A. M., when the Recto.- will itwj; unH is now n,,wm nf the larKed tnelr maln furniture building For one who has an eye and a mind building an enormous addition to its administer the Holy Communion. Ap-'faiijn,-. i T uailev T Rnwn I considerably and are now building a for such things, no other landscape already substantial building. Its f)oor propriate music for the Eucharist will smathers F W Messer Huirh J llBree new home for theil Kneral bus- I 1 IT ...... ... ... . . .. .... I .-'' -i I.l.l.. ... 1 I.. can De iouna in naywouu tuunij space win be approximately eu.umi be sung by the vested cnoir. Sloan, R W. Howell. Each for wnich so stirs me Drain as ine one square leet when the newly added Church School and Bible i:iass will term of tw0 vear. The Unagusta Maunfacturing Com- Jl'KOR MST FOR MAY TERM OF pany f Hazelwood have recently en-J (X)URT. W. A, Walker, opening up before the meditative way- '15,000 .square feet is finished farer as he starts down from the sum-1 Resides this addition to the main for the foundation. This large furni- jture manufacturing company has tcv lerai heautifnl designs in hnri-rwnnd ' (..i.j e.i...4.., a ..:l it mo- i There spreads out an expanse on the main floor of the plant next Love Mitchell will sing: "The Re-' , "u,"''-' ""' "- furniture of the highest grade. They '.. . t U .. 1 : , U II . . . in t AM imrvi, in mc I aiiau nuiiac 11 n n. .ti. ,, . - , The Rector will preach at. eleven - , ... rn.ii f Pi. P.an townr-H Wvn.').,n. '.,,.. '-.I I, P.. .k. ;. l.i -""" '"r ...im u iy win uc ville. First Week. Waynesville ,Sa'm Plot, ,.nhi.i -n oivoniiii .Coble. M. H Gaddis. C. C. i- ........ Vl.lbU, M Ul.bl.U. '"e. , . ....... .r'l.-t;.. u..,-. i u l i,.,A on the ground and dirt is being moved v " "'"M", Jerry I.iner, W. H. Underwood, J. M. Palmer. Heaverdam J. D. Israel, C. B. Witt, W. P. Cab. ). E. SUmey, Ed William of apple orchards nearly a half doz:n to the railroad is nearing completion, urrection," (Shelley.) of them, under separate ownership- lying so closely together as to appen to be one single vast orchard. First the traveller passes by or rather through the orchard belonging to Truman McCracken. Next comes the orchard on the estate of the late Col. R. P. Johnston, the largest one This will add much to the efficiency Evensong with address will be he'd of the management. This company at 8 P. M. manufactures only one type of room The Sunday school egg hunt will be, furniture. A complete bed room suit at :.:30 Monday afternoon on the of a very high grade. A new design ' Rectory lawn. ! is now being prepared for the New, ' York furniture display. CANTON WEEK-END NEWS. This is one of the most prosperous at 8 P. M. in the court house at ,r,anufaceure only the very highest waynesvuie. RATCUFF COVE ITEMS. As a rule the fanners are very well up with their farm work. Corn land about all ready for the harrow, oats most all sowed, some grass and clover of which there is an unusual crop lie- Mrs, i rank Ferguson am Mrs. . . . " U'fr anu-di Vi'f t,i hi' limn ley. This orchard is more widely ty and under guidance of the princi- Clarence Miller or waynesville, were ( jjs lt)inj(n of our ori.h.lr(iNl known as the Hoggs orchard. Then pal owners, .1. W. Reed and Alclen 1 sIcc:al uosts t Wl'rk,v Civitan that the early fruit has passed through comes the Graves farm and its or-, Howell, Jr., men who have been at luncheon at the Imperial Hotel last thp co,d wi(h' serhus damage chards. Off to the left of this farm the head for many years, the outlook Thursday. Mrs. Ferguson presented Tho w(u,;U fro ,ooks vprv ,,,.,. .. .. . i-i. , . llho nmltnr nf nriifllnn iti ni'.'li if wot. lies the orchard now owned by Mr. I . ongnirns wan tne years. i-- .. . Kin wth pr0lJent prospects be an unusual crop thi.s Mr. Black who comes fnm a day. Mostly shipped to the Eastern , 1 uu,,l al ". 1 ""-'.e. and the pioneer orchard of this val-. manufcturing plants in Haywood coun- A. Black and known as Sunnycove or-j The factory averages one car load CHn"' ,ne U'uiulary ot llaywooa (heu wj)) hard. Mr. Black who comes from a day. Mostly shipped to the Eastern uu,ll i i umpire. i.n.-. n.v.e. Charlotte acquid ownership and look Markets. The payroll of this mallu. xwnea y me iiyiWSvnir luk (.()m i,nit v 1, , ir-st n-i e,l possession of this orchard early last factoring company means a great Jeal th".v are giving the other prom- ' ' ' 1 P , . . ., ... ... ... .: . ..a: ment towns in the conn tv the omor- ll"vuKn an epimniu oi coins, nu, gup, lan. Ann up tne mountain slopes "uiuy ami us euei gi-Lic j.ii-, nvn,i M,- PUv nro h m-r-haivU cials are all men of foresiirht and al- tunity to help erect this arch belonging to Mrs. J. K. Boone. I ways on the side of progress in all niembers of the Civitan Club perceived On down the valley are an number of things appertaining to the greater th wisdom of this progressive move smaller orchards belonging to various upbuilding of the land of their, and appointed a committee to k... .u. c. : n J adontion ami home. i confer with a committe from the Can- iiictiii ltci s VI t"C i lautia LtMiiiy aim - - M ETHODIST CHURCH. others. As nearly as can be arrived at with out actual count, there are in this immediate orchard section approxi-j the Waynesville ,e mately 20,000 apple tree and nearlf nj)ye(1 privilege of hiring a all of bearing age. merc and tual preacher Every single one of these trees is than Dr. Gilbert T. Rowe of Nashville, ton Woman's Club and the Waynes- I)R. GILBERT T. ROWE AT THE vil,e club and have P"""'3 thir co-operation. WAYNESVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HONOR ROLL. -pj mumps and a few cases of scarlet fiver, but at present all are about well, except Mrs. W. H. I.iner, who has been quite sick with un attack of flu and grip, which very nearly re sulted in pneumonia, but at present seems slowly improving. 'Mr. Elmer Palmer is the proud father of a fine girl which came to his home recently to abide permanently Prof. R. O. Edgerton of the Waynes il!c High School and Miss Pitts also grade furniture, mostly bed room suits Their product is shipped to the large eastern cities and during the past few years their furniture has been in such demand that the plant has doubled and thribbled and has added several hhitt.s of skilled labor, etc. A very large and most up-to-the minute pow er plant is now being installed 'in.! lie ready in a few days. This power plant is about rive hundred horse power capacity and will enable this furniture company to increase the ef ficiency of their work and make it possible for the steady manufacture and output of several carloads of furniture per day for a number of years ahead All the furniture products are man ufactured here in their own plant from the raw timber fresh from the Ora Co Kb urn, I V. Blaylock, .1. It. Har- lesi East Fork Kuykendali. Pigeon J. T grove. Cataloociut I). W. Caldwell, l.oekman, Huston Sutton. White Oak- W. L. Messer. Jonathan-- C. S. lcatherwnol. Finis Creek Hugh 1'irguson. Si'cond Week. C:'iti-e J. li. .lame.-, W. McKlioy. Wayne ivilic- ii. I.. Queen, W K. II Mc- McClure, George Plott, M. T. Cracken. E. T. Uuckett. Pigeon- ('. li. Evans, A. It. Cook Ivy Hill Hryan Medford. I: i.n Dull' - H. C. Chambers. I!eaerilain Jack Thompson, I, Russell, W. .1. Ball. Fines Creek K. T. Arrington. Junatl.ai: - I.. H. I.eathei-wood, 1. J' T. virgin forest into the most beautifully i ".V1'- and artistically designed femmedl Fiench and American oak or rualiojTC- dining rcKim i r i representation of haywood at cfllowhee state normal ny vanet red bulfet. bed room smts. A ,,.. illK WiLS can0d April 4. 1925, One of the most interesting sights (f th(, (.ukiwhee Sutc Normal school, is to M-e the varnish sprayed into the CuI(lwhee N. (-. At this meeting it turniture bv machinery or to t.olo'WHs d(,c.i()(M Ut organhc a Haywood the process of smoothing the wood- rountv club. The following mem- K oy sandpaper belting until it nas t1. tiSvmf n.j.ii. n,. TKii. a teacher in the hiirh school, twi.l mir J "-"'s u beis of tne club: v --v ; . . - . . the most beaut fu and natura diss ... . - i u-st' - luwa nynw, ncit'n pnin Inei ... . ... , ,. er. Aiucir ami ro,vtne lerreia Clyde; Haxel .Smathers, Chloc PattoB and Ei a Hooker of Canton; Olive Wooten of Jlenson Cove; Opal Reeves, a scrrarate and distinct power plant. TVmv w, i. Pnn,I,tin Case. Frances Freeman. Elizabeth school a visJt recently in the interest A hydro-viUI power plant it might the Methodist church. H i m.J-1' .R. - XJreon, Martha Way. - " the townjhip commencement which becaUed. Every one f them MS more "f vrid. exrwrlenre nH haR 111 nm. I Willard Francis. 'J" set tor April 24th and expressed . 1a J I f i f .1 y 1 thptrtAUiKuo miioh iilnaeml uritli wonderful than any or tne hydro-eiec- f the pulpit of the largest churches "-"ceu i orUe--wmer . ,,.. . . thj m()deln ma,.hinl.,.yi ctc- js fri. nnvni. nlnntja V null nf nnw.n- Kte Jm-m.natln. XTk r'-: HE. ' ' v ' ' 1 '... irn niiw inr v ' n ' I1' ' I' " ' " "" . ma u.iiuniiiiaMVii ill iiwi Ui. i i.llll'. ilavc ThprA ie mum that in unnnlved. A mwaamt It, to Ilia oJItni. Kr knl of the very .finejit wood finish. morkmanship and skill of the :n-l tists in these furniture factories with niar- w ine inie est ninniie ied ano ine wh k , , , ,, , , wooien o Jienson i nvo; ipai neeves, velous to behold and the system, etc. ,. , . , , D .Second Cade-Richard Carswel, that was ne.ng done on the part of am, of the (t,sinols treda Hmher and Mr. Tom Reeve, " 1 iiwviu, ut ii " IHUlfllH' illHI .illin that is mystery in the organiza- Methodist Quarterly Review, and only Samuel Carswell, William Ray, Rob- t'tn " "C'ers and pupils. I he scnool (..lbim,t makers m . r on nnlo tree o mn Ac- oi.,tii(.. - a rt Stnan 1,, F.llen MilW '-s ver.v enthusiastic ana much inter- ..... ....... .... ... . m- - . .. i. fm. i... r.. ii r. est i n heinir manifpst.eH over t.hp tnwn- than there is m tne largest and rinesi ion, ana scholarly attainments w ever, iniratraae ineima nussen, itosa. - w,s, to witness, hydro-electric plants. A hydro-elec- honored by this editorship. !lyn Ray. Uuisa ThacVston. a,"' '' p an.i.n g e.au- trie plant produces only mechanical Services are held twice daily-at Fourth Grade Edna Gan-ctt, Elea- "rlue P'-paiuons w neip mane tne energy. An apple tree is potentially ten o'clock n the morning and at ror Mock, James Harden Howell, productive of human energy, human seven-thirty in the evening. Tuesday,1 Fifth Grade Chalean Turbyfill, Or tiaol l. flimicyl.f fniilim iinrl pmntinn WpHnoaHnv Thiirotoir ami FVirtav of- aldine Rriffirs. .. ' ' i... i'u. r u I civil rJ. rk.rl n,...n .which is very much needed and was . j - " i I V-A- Vliffl a. o ItUOOVII. greatly appreciated by the citizens of patience and ariety of the designeis rs is one of the most interesting studies that anyone could of U'ikc Junaluska; Edna Fergutan, Esther Boyd and Messrs. Roger Ker iguson and Fred AJlison of Jonathan, commencement a real success Our county commissioners have been company has increased until now it is at least $6,000.00 weekly. This meain much not only to Hazelwood, but to and in a certain sense capable of con- ternoons the women of the four circles tributing more to human well being of the church have held prayer meet than any hydro-electic outfit. That is ings, which have been well attended, one line along which it is interesting These will continue throughout this to contemplate an apple tree. Viewed week on the same days from that standpoint hww interesting end inspiring busines the occup.i- sensational features, but at each scr tion of an apple grower. H,.,.l.l..fU l ... A. I I. S I II having some work done on our road ' , A Freda . . iv. i.. i n-vust aim vnaiies e.. iui'iian, .. .. the largest stockholders, and nirna- 'and Jack Turbyfill of WaynesviJle I The following officers were elected: .Preside tilt. Jack Turbyfill, Vice President, Hilda Haynes, Secretary Fimlier. Assistant SecreJanr, Esther ltoyi. Treasurer, Edna Ffr-- RE4L ESTATE CHANGING HANDS the community. Thousands of dollars have recently The meeting have been devoid of any Ranged hands on Main street in prop erty in the new reaJ estate boom in vice the atmosphere has en filled Waynesville. Dr. O. T. Alexander has But consideration of the just per- with His Divine presence. On Friday purchased the hw.ft home on Hay formance and production ami the fu- evening a special service was held for woou s". consme. a,x.ion ;k;i;h ,.r v oinnn on. the vounc neonle of the twn. It was around $15,000.00. mil; puniMuiiiijia vj . mwv - . - . - -- - being Yours for success, SAGE. PORTION OF IEFXN(T N..WS PAPER PLANT SOLI). I.eaksville. April (. The linotype ma chine in the defunct plant of the Tri City Gazette of this pla.e was sold lot next to the Baptist church. This lul'' "y by Mrs. James R. - 01 Nt'w Boyd. li:cl(ler was t . Dr C. H. -M Howell's large urioV "'' tlu' A,'"1(' Mergen thaler Liimtyjie York. The smve sf.-l J. nirlington. manager Printing Co., ,!' S"r:i.v, , . ... - ...... ,oii .nmj.i aA mK. r , ' Mr. Kruckler has purchased the pie ;trees not mating in , , ;7" ' " u.wk property and also the va,t Thursday afteriinon under mortgage inueea. iiie cuiiiiiici i iui wiuhhm - On Easter (Sunday momhiir tlu a i a i ii. 1 u., hahiAw; of tho church wlin hnvp not. Iippii ,nt was owned niUSt peOIHV. rtllO VIIUL rtiiit:, mat aspect of thp subject permits of .some raptizetl, will ho administered the rite- i : c ji . nf hnnt.ism anrl rhos;p wVin Vin-w maflp Just what the ve mn n P-feisions of faith will be received store and office building is being P". L..S.:,0 for a machine that Just what the ave age annual mo- ut-of-town nartv .00O last October. The sale i duction of those O.OUD trees, more or,"11" , - n, ..... i, ,,, nt . . i : Th,. neonle of Wavnesville are cor- who desires to invest m a large hotel "P. howeAei, because of a :n. less, nas oeen is uiiiicun lu ainvr ,u. - - . . - - - I,wl(r.i K.. i. mi.. In fact at this time is impossible. : 7 '"vitcd and urged to attend'" Waynesville. this proposition has h Kl lv ( h. .Mclv However from the best information Lhesr meetings. obtainable it appears to bare exceed ed somewhat five bushels per tree List year. That means then approximately gers are ever ready to promote the growth of this section and the peopi? of this community owe much to their foresight in establishing this large industry which means so much in' giving employment and making it possible for the great upbuilding of on , county. We were hospitably shown through the whole plant by Mr. Rufe' Si'er. The visitor to the l'nagu.ta .Mann ' guson, Terrell Program Co mini tie. AnnM Chloe 1 'at ton an4l ileli-m bed i n.i.le .not been com; -'.etc-d as yet. 100,000 bushels produced in that small sunny nook in the mountains in one season. And that also means that MR. ROGER MILLER OF ASHE- WAYNI iVILLE LIBRARY. VILLE SPEAKER AT THE RO- The anmt , meeting of the di! fetors TARY LUNCHEON. of the Waynesville Library has jj-t On Friday noon the members of the been held, and looking back jver t- e Rotary Club held their weekly lunch- past year, the board of directors l'e- Is enn nnil meetinir nt The Hreen Tea thnf nn tho uihnla il line hnun ..i p- i.n! those apple trees caused approximate -jRoom- The Rpocial featurp of the oc. vear and they are ,0()kinK forwa,(l to er. wh claim of having equity in the .n!i'( plant. Attorney A. W. Dunn repie sented the linotype company on t!: proeeding. T rrell, Eia Hooker and Opal Reeif.v. They al.so appoint Mr. Alexande-r a member of the faculty, a program critic and advisor as they expect to give some spirial programs. Thinking the people of Haywood might be interested in knowing how their county is represented at tbrs ereat insti-tntimi the f.illnniiitr in.l.T facturing Company is impressed by otne,. 0n-K,t, . the friendly spirit and communitv j into. est which exists between employ 1 K'. .e,. busine-s manager 'or cr and . mnlnvrr a, thr plant. The'.e.'"" 1 ',,ll: u'iini Ijl"-:"'-v Sl"'"''' 'f thf is a noticeable nb-e. ce of fr.VtM.n an,.1' U,ft "! Thl' 'uHowhee Vo.Irl ' ii Ji'Hiylnl, eenrii. nf the CoJm,j. lean l.ieiaiv Society. Freda Fincl.er, social editor fur -he ; European l.iteiar.v Society nf the Cjl- lowhee Yodel. Fred Allison. the mechanics with whom the writer talked were stiong boosters for their factory and for its executives. I no success ot the company i -haps as nuich due to the "system' ployed all over the place as tu other one feature. pei ein. I my i as- r taut manage., for the European Literary Society of the editorial tall' of The asphaitim; main STREET. TAX LISTERS ly $100,000 or more to circulate in ".nd casion being the talk made by Mr. the coming year, determined to da i t x r .. 1 . 1 : . n .. i . i arounu aim our oi ,oat i.tt.A, :.c.e R Miller, manaeer of the Ashe- their utmost to keen un hih stand- let the ., ii. ri.o.K.. r rn.m..,A ...1..,. i j : i .i . . .me vim.iruri " . v umiiici nuunv a I II UC3(IHC LIIC laLl bllttl. blieil llIIUIli;! subject was the Development of West- are low, with no immediate help in cm North Carolina, through the work sight. The running expenses of the and publicity of the various organiza- Library are perhaps heavier than the tinni i n t Di-naf ol in ninotvco ft- in o c , ,J ; , . .,,,U1,' A :. 1 ... .c-um.b iiuunc aim jt js with , o ftnlanllrl toll M t V n nrnnHAlii i.umvi Ll H : I 1 ! J m "(nviiu.u wm, "' n"uc"m .ioi.. uuiing uiii pmiiiiiug is necessary near Waynesville. Do not impression be made that the apple trees alone and unassisted did. They required the attention of a high de gree of human intelligence and skill along with the expenditure of a vast The city of Waynesville has taken on the appearance of being the bus iest city in Western North Carolina. Hundreds of laborers, plumbers, en laying asphalt, connecting water mains, etc. Quite p bit of building, painting, etc.. has already begun this l-awrencc Walker week and several delapidated old fire Plott; Pigeon, M The following are the tax lor each township in Haywood Coun'.,':l Waynesville, ('. U Miller; Jonathan.' John Howell; (ataloochee. Jarvisl Palmer; Biaverdam, Ceo. Hampton;! Cecil, (). S. Sizemorefli Crabtree, ! Ivory Hill. John I H. H. Carner;! 'Cullowhee Yodel. E.lythe Tei ster cuncil. Edna Ferguson. Prm-tn Freda I' lnclier, Proctor II. member rf Mulmt traps are being torn down. EAST WAYNESVILLE SCHOOL HONOR ROLL. First ;rade Paul Cohard, John Prosper- eVhite Oak, Mrs. Dee Clark; East Fork, , Ferguson, Edward McElroy. Allien ; Thomas L. .Michal; Iron Duff, Manson Turner, Bruce Leatberwood, Roy Un- amount oi numan energy and norse : tu .;wii;tin r .. . ..i. . , , : However helr , . . w .v- Ui i ri-r.A. i t n t.i 1 1 . (. Mi.iit I rary; l lyde INTEREST. ... mc ..i. ... by a man who by virtue of the po- plenish the books often enough to1 i.re! wA-.c u.c iiiuwa., vue a. 4ltjlon ne noldSi knowg his' subject satisfy the home pe.mle, and our sum And now every minute of these fine most thoroufrhly. It aroused great mer guests. spring aaya ana nignis. too, nm interest amonr those present, there tw wnt nla , .k the annronchimr !.,.t;,. three months or more of rest, of a beinK in attendance 24 RoUrians, five to understand that the directors are The Democratr.- primary will be dormant condit.on. everyone of these Ruesti among whom were Dr. Gilbert doing their best to make and to keep held in the court house on the twenty thousands of trees is ceaselessly T Rowe of Nashville. the Librarv such lnat the toWn ftfth of Anril on Satuulav. pumping gallons and gallons of water . v . , , well be proud of it. and mnv fus.lv The election will take place on Tue-- uptnrougn u,e.r counuea. p. An spraying in tne pirn. mat tuey consjdor jt f . . day. May 5th. Medford; Fines Creek, Charles W. S. Byers. J. R. ilipps. Supervisor. Air- There is quite a bit of talk about TO .MAKE THEIR HOME IN WAY i derwond, William Calhoun. Bess Freeman. Ruth Underwood, Floa Underwood. j Second tirade Harri.t ; Howell, James Piilmer, J. T. Russell. Myrtle (iailoway. Fourth ;.ade Kate Calhoum, OI. 'la Utidenvuol. Anna Phillinx. Kll Underwood, N ICS VILLE. Dr. and Airs. F. M. Leflar of Cas tonia, N. C, have moved to Waynes vine where they will mak the: ;u- May .Mcelroy. Clarine ture home. Jack Kelly, Ruth Duckett. Katherva Dr. Leflar has openid offices over Queen, Dorothy Gates, Marie Plott. tne water noun in solution mineral are spraying wnn a onute solution oi . , ... tu i . Tho rei r,,,0,,i ,j f ., elements which the ravs of the sun lime and sulphur just as the pink tips " a, . ' i' w'" , i ow J 1 "T , Aitxantier s rug Store in the tele- Sam Stnngfield, Mildred Galloway., transmute into blossom and leaf and of the petals are showing. This Is I J. " ,at;r f .lt'n the. y J' I anW T Sh Iton 'hne bUi'iinK "nd ' ' " Benr,"al "'Uh uie-Uora Underwol, finaUy fruit. CerUinly this business the spores of the scab. Some put in Cha""man ( """ M- Lse who r b ine men ' ira;t"" '"he Chiropracto- art. Mary Pau.ine Plott. Marion RusselL of apple growing, taken a in all. is this solution the poisons for coddling M formerly of Way- Honed by their friends, ll ZZ 2 IIT Rut wZlJX a .nose marvemus periormance .or a motn ana nicotine or "o.acicieai .o nesville, spent several days in town mayor, Clvde H. Ray. R. M. Leather-1 The Carolina Mountaineer ., !, .h.,!,' M ini,!. rh ...n ' thoughful mind to dwell upon. for the apple. this week. Mr. Howell holds a re- wood. M. T. McCracken, J. R. Morgan 'of ,he Sen J7 Z i t !ll-tn , P, V Vnr a mnnth nr mni-o thj nhoi-.to M-vt tl. ,iu i. ru. ....... ... l"e citiAns oi in s conmunn t- Se . eluh tirade Anna J. P ott. Mar, position with tne R..e. am .ionn t. Mass. ,i j.. i i . .. h.. ivnitiot, ou. .,;,. l j. ,.! ..! t... . .. ,. I'"'"" iij welcome to tin: '"" " "ki- i' 1 uic.-n Kimic, miu inimn morgan L.umDer uo. ot providence, rv: aldermen: lapt. C. J. p. Ed-'arrived citizens duced by the barrtls of lime and sul- ingly beautiful in bewitching shades R. j. He was en route home from wards, Bonner Ray. Dr. John H.I J nhur solution applied while the trees of pink and gre?n. For everyone who Floriday where he had been on basi- Smather.s. J. P. Francis. D. A. Howell. The Community Club wJiU meel were yet in dormant state. ho'ds commuAiion with Nature in her ncs3 for his companv and stopped over Ernest Withci-s. M. H Reeves. W. ' Mondav afternonn .it . 3::!0 in the ',,r., newiy tha St ri)iTllrciV, Elfzlabeth leather wood. Jlniy Duckett, Edgar Swayn. Rim. The meetirg of the Woman's Cluh This week the orchard people arc visible forms, a trip to Pigeon Gap for a short visit to his parents. Mr. A. Coble. James Atkins. Jr. and J. H munitv Club rooms. All mmheU .-. will i, ,i .; vi.atni.tv Klian n.i'tll Va 1. ...Ill . Un lu. 1n,el.. U -.III. .. J A. r. A tt if ... ' "ii-U LIU (I I I I . ... ku.'.a,. wuoj vt.mi uii Hum aix m.i IIISII UTS VOhOI.IV WVI III WllllVJ, and Mrs. D. A. Howell Way, Jr. urged to be present. account of church services. 16, c WW,,, , 8 .a.tf i !rum. it.f;,wi Ptf.afL-lt.iiv, .init :Y'