THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1925 MHininnllUI MnilVTAIMCVD op I I If See ill the I i NEWS STORY. One of the most important steps yet undertaken to protect car pur chasers and at the same time place the handling of such cars on a more business-like basis is the announce ment by Mr. Edsel B. Ford, President of the Ford Motor Company, that op erating under a company plan Ford dealers will hereafter place a guaran tee upon used Ford cars disposed of by them. The Ford Motor Company is the first large automobile concern to take direct steps in the matter of used car?. Inasmuch as there are about as many Fords in operation in the country as all othei antee covering its mechanical fitness." The plan becomes effective at once and places a guarantee on used Ford carg purchased from authorized Ford dealers thereby insuring proper me chanical operation under ordinary driving conditions. In assuming the direction and su pervision of this plan to be carried LAKE JUNALUSKA NOTES. Thene are things ypu The Parent-Teachers' meeting was) wealthier towns held at the Junaluska school Douse mat you can i see in wwn on last Friday night, the weather be- small, ing bad and the roads muddy, the folks And yet up and down the.vs is no town did not turn out as usual. Like our little town after all Pf J. W McCain has been very, it may do tne stress nrouKn wit ill for several days, but is recovering We hope he will soon be back to his town are not lonir. They're not wide and may not be straight, But the neighbors you know in your own little town All welcome a fellow that's great. eady for In the glittering streets of the it- operation. """ Mr. M. H. Potest of Waynesville With its palaces and navpim-nis and has accepted a position with the Ju-j thrall, During the celebration of Children's raiU!ita Supply Co. ! In the midst of the throng out by its dealer organization, the 'school. Mr. McCain has sure made us Ford Motor Company feels that it is fine teacher at this place, embracing an opportunity to be of j The Junaluska Supply Co. has got greater service to those who purchase their new machinery installed in their used Ford cars. new department and are NEW BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. er makes combined Book Week Iast November, the Dor. t.amp at tne Lake has You will frequently long t the action of the cas Love Bell Chapter of the D. A. K., been eniar(red with 14 more camping For your own little town after all. it in nnnamnt thn ' ' l 1 . 1 t .k - , r I. . ..i Ford uMotor Company will exert a generously voiea money ii u.c apartments and a very large caiexeri.i, it you live ana you worn ;n our nine wide influence on the marketing of of new 000,18 for the Juvenile g0 can acconlmodate more than lown, used cars and in improving conditions Section of our Library. The following ,many aga;n this vear than they in spite of the fact it is small nrllv in Kt nhMP of the auto-1 were selected by the book committee .. , . r- You nW find it a fact that our little mobile business. I as being eifpecially appropriate to ,Mr A A Wells cf Dellwood was town Ihflvn n A R ii Am a written in vhe .l i k - it ...i, nnA inl thin ..... . u "Every used Ford car represents so - --p - o - "would be .ra,,18 Mtt " TLD TOP. m i "ThP,thla unfT: A Little Maid 01 Pos-'mer and fall DELLWOOD VIA WAYNESVILLE, 'varA HW Thronh his no.itlon and!0" Town, by Margaret Sidney; The, Mf-San Bul.rcgs hM returned j NORTH CAROLINA. intimate knowledge of the car certain. perkj A Continental poi,,,, 'om G1ndt Iy is the best judge as to the value cf; e Wa.,h-.been' a"d '8 .u: . Uei t Aa. l ' ' r " rnnm hlinira from Glendale, S. C. where he has now erecting him a five 1 .Wrs. v-o)ieman 01 Franklin, Ohio this transportation the best to de termine a price on the mileage the car may yet be expected to deliver that's his business. "With this advantage the Ford deal er is prepared to give his used car customers, benefits not likely to be obtained elsewhere. "If re-conditioning is necessary he. has the work done by trained boril mechanics using? improved equipment and genuine Ford parts, and with these economics and advantages he is able to offer the used car to the l-jr-chaser at low cost and with a K'Jii.-- ington Into the Wilderness, by Ed win L. Sabin; A Little Girl of Lonf Ago, by EJiza Orne White; The Gol den Days of '49, by Kirk Munroe. room bungalow on his farm in the j returned home Thursday after Rogers Cove. The Smith Broth.-rs month's visit with her son, the Rev- are (loin his work. M'"- lr,st- ti,; h. hren informed that! There will be a pie supper and candy I I V C- .. 1 l' I n;..V in MlV Ithe Suyeta Park property at way- sale me nrbi. oaiu... ..K, ... Col. MinthorneWoolsev will speak nesville has been purchased by Mr. for tne weinooisi. ,u uio- not in the in the Parish House of Grace Church E. W. Grove of Asheville, which will good .adies Sunday. April 19, at 10 A 'M.. We' mean something good for Waynes- little one for the occasion and an ui- . ' ljno in thc neal. future, as Mr. Grove thusmst.e crowd is expected, are expecting you to be present. , . wa (lf The ,-epetition of the "Fascinating Kector. RVA ALBERT NEW Wo want your business you want more business. Phone us, 137, and we will both be satisfied. in;; new improvements in and around Asheville., Everybody in Wayne.--villo ouirhi to be proud of Mr. Grove. I This scribe and family Hi nny BrownV was postponed lasi Saturday on account of the illness 01 Mr. Ralph Kuykendall who is niak- .0.1 tn in,' .such a hit as the " h ascinating STAR PRESSING CLUB S. A. COPNEY. Prop. Rates ty tKe Week or MontK CLEANING, PRESSING. DYEING AND REPAIRING Work Called for and Delivered. Give Us A Trial ALL WORK GUARANTEED STAR PRESSING CLUB It is hoped he will be able at Maggie next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Campbell and whi.-h will .Inldieii of A.sheville anil Mr. nnu .ins. Medforii U'utherwood of lower on alhan -pent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Campbell. Mr and Mrs. Frank Campbell mi 1 11 of Clyde as thai r.ioved to ( anton where air. Lamp'ien We has incepted a position and lr. anu Ttiiiipjke Sunday and took di.nn .. , Eanny." ,..iii, m,. w A Cnnni r anil familv I" "lay who live near the site of the new iaKe piospict at that, pla moan a great deal to that emiMi; nity and suiiouiuling counliy m the way of improvements. We suf would like to "icir fro-n w- old friend M. 15. S I little town is still on the map. Depot St. W 11 aynesvillf. : Mi s. Matt Smith are now occupying oldest sn p-oine- to take our hats off to 'Clyde as they have installed a good, their house. .t-m thprp. nrl several i Mr. Hob Moody, one of ou new houses are being erectei along and loved citizens, ,s still des the highway. We would like to hear perately ill at his home, 'from some of the other correspond- The "Fox lnlers' Union' are in 'ents This scribe can't boost all the their glory warm spring nights the towns and communities in be and a bull frog bunt and frog leg county would like to get some ore'suppcr is being ..'.aimed by the yo'ing else interested. .people I will submit the following rhyme The to help to boost our little town: I cause Folks there arc fancier towns than our little town, whole world steins smiling sming is heie. I There are towns that are bigger than this, And the people who live in the sniallei I town Don't know what excitcmen; they miss. Industry NAiHl 0CT mjMCHcut JAN FEB V ' 1 -S I"-"" ! T-T. VIT AW""" M ' III 7 m 22 B28 5 and Figures Don Lie Above is a vivid picture of the tremendous buying demand created throughout the country by the Nash Special Six and Advanced Six models. Total automobile sales, monthly, are registering severe de creases as contrasted with corresponding months last year. On the other hand Nash sales are monthly sweeping far beyond the records for last year. It is a dramatic and convincing national tribute to the downright superiority in beauty, in performance, and in value of the Nash product. SPECIAL SIX SERIES-ADVANCED SIX SERIES Models range from $1095 to $2290, f. o. b. factory BELL MOTOR CO., Canton, N. C CI.EAN-IT WEEK. April 20 to 25th has been set ttsidc as clean-up days in Waynesville. Householders are asked to place tlieir refuse in proper containers on the sidewalks on these days. The city will have the drivers on the following streets on the dates mentioned: On Monday the Oth of April thc drivers will be on the East Main street sec tion. On the 21st on South Church street and West Main street. On the 22nd on Main .street; on the 2.'lrd, Walnut t . Church including l.ove Iinc; on the 21th between North Main and Walnut streets. Be prepare.1 'ii tnese dales. ricase no inn in drivers to Pifk up scattered refuse, lut have all in containers. Tin cun.s at tin back doo,- beget slovenly citi zenship. You nrenot n good citizen unless you aie inieresien in nvepnin i vou" oW" and other yards clean. rin;in comvlv anil .beautiful stir- i loundings bring beauty into lives of all and make cleanliness and good ap pearance a public habit. They attract residents and rai-c real estate values. We ask the co-operation of every citizen of Waynesville in this cam paign, and especially the owners of vacant lots. If you have a neighbor with an un sightly back yard please suggest tl at he take advantage of this opportunity and clean "P- 'f vou arl" a business man with a clean back yard please make an effort to help your neighbor clean up. Waynesville Civic .League. Carolina Playmakcrs Coming To Waynesville ON SPRING TOUR M A Y 2 fli do HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TICKETS ON SALE NOW RESERVED SEATS ONLY $1.00 OTHERS. .75cts A Wonderful Opportunity for Thc People of This Section to See These famous Players. Milner & Co. Dealers In Woodland Coal Coal Delivered In Small Lots Anywhere. All Kinds of Heavy Hauling Milner & Company Phone 314 Depot Street Repairing Watches Have Your Watch In spected By Us Occasion ally. Delicate Mechan ism Needs the Proper Oiling and Correct Attention to the Smallest Detail. The Biggest Little fewelrii Store In North Carolina. W. A. COBLE Uetoeler Phone 1 94-J Waynesville, N. C. Wood's Pedipreo Boone County, Woodburn White und Woods Dixie Corn, the best varieties .f white corn. Pedigree Rcid'r, Teller Jicr.t rr.d Improved Golden lc:i (.:. -yellow varieties. Wood's Virginia EnsMase Corr. licsi available ensilage cjiu. AH of our seed rcrnr. rvo cf GerrWination. Write f r pru-es and samples of varieties bost suited lo your soil and climatic conditions. FREE Crop Special It ilw. full Inforwia'ion Tit current rr'.ivi on oi l'fn. V.'; Vlivr- Kn Krown Alfalfa mi.J lAhir naawiiaolc seals. T. V. WOOD x SONS Seedsmen Sxnea JS7S ss S. 14th St Richmond, Va. You Can Double The Life Of Your SHOES CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. DUCKETT. Prop., Main Street Prices Are Low Waynesville, N. C. The Carolina Mountaineer Is Only $2 per Year If Paid In Advance; $2.50 per Year if Not. Send in $2.00 at once m Naal