THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, APTUl 16. 1923 PERSONALS The Flit tings to and Fro of The Traveling Public. Mrs. Guy Massie spent Monday in Ashevilie. Mrs. L. Martin of Ashevilie spent Tuesday in town. Mr. W. C. Allen was an Ashevil!e visitor on Monday. Mr. H. A. Osborne of Canton was a Waynesville visitor on Tuesday. s Mi Ralph Morgan of Ash'-vlHo spent Tuesday in town on busin'-.-. Miss Lilian Allen, member of the faculty of the University of Tennes see, arrives Friday to spend the week- of intensive work it was decided to .co-operate with town aldermen in inaugurating a clean up week begin- end with her parents, Prof, and Mrs. ning April 20th. The league hopes W. C. Allen. ; to arouse the civic pride and a sense " ' ' ' of neighborhood duty in the minds Circle No. 1 of the Methodist Mh-jf the thoughtless and negligent citi ,'ionaiy Society met with Mrs. ChasJzens. if a man d()es not keep his 'Buigin on Tuesday afternoon. Ci: 'cle No. xl met with Mrs. 1'iank Wc'.h on Wednesday. Mr. J. L Walker in ton on Tuesday. of Crabtreo Attorney Felix E Allev , week in Hayesvilli atteiri spent thi ng court. Dr. Lawrence Stringfellow of Sun burst spent Tuesday in town. Mrs. J. P. Owen of Gainesville. Ga. is visiting Mrs. J. C. Hoxit. I -("apt. and .Mrs. Frye and daughter, j Ariss Ki eye, spent Sunday in town. ! Solicitor Grover C. Davis is .il- tending court in Hayesville this week. j The friends of Mr. Spalding Mi'In iW'sh, who was a Waynesville it si. !d-nt for many years, but who now resides in ltrevard, weu- glail t; see him in town on Tuesday. premises clean and attralivq as a means of health and economy and p'i sonal pndi they fee! he is not likly to do so as a conression to gaod neighborliness unit's i the moral pi es, sure of such a campaign is brought Mr. J. M Lonir sDent several rlavsl Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tate and son -.his' week in Atlanta on business. arrived during the week from Aiken, S. C. Mr. T. L. Ward of Atlanta spent " Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morgan Attorney Sam Robinson of Cant-in spent Tuesday in town on legal bus Mr. H. W. Hoffman and Mr. Ben iness. Dr. N. M. Medford attended a den tal meeting in Canton on Tuesday night. Miss Ethel Lancaster of HeAderi sdftvtte is the guest of ho ng, Miss Anna Jean Gash of Brevard spent Wednesday as the guest of Mrs. G. C. Plott. ' .- Mr. Chas. E. Quintan is sperylin this week in New York, attending a furniture show. Mrs. G. N. Palmer is spemding this week with her sister Mrs. CTE. Camp bell 'at Whittier. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harbeck and W. R. Harbeck, Jr. motored to Ashe vilie on Tuesday. Queen of Sylva spent Sunday in town. a . , ' Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Robinson spent Mr. E. R. Hampton ojt Ashevilie, the week-ond in Buckner as the guests was a Waynesville visitor 'Monday. 'of the foimer's parents. '.,. iMiss Jane ISullivan motored to Mr. Sherrill Leatheiwood, a tu Asheville Tuesday afternoon on. bus- dent at State College, is spending the spring holidays at home. Sidney Martin, student at Duke University, is spending the Easter holidays with his family. ' 'Mr Jack Turbyfill of Cullowhee is Mrs. J. M. 'spending? the Elaster 'hotHdays with Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Turbyfill. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. AtldnB spent rthe week-end in AsheviUe the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Sharp. to bear upon him. Thi' leaeue calls up'in tile citizen., to awake ;o the situation and do their share. When tiny have thus cleaned their premises they are asked to ;:eep them clean anil beautiful. The paper of the afternoon was given by Mrs. Noble Garret, "The 1 Life of Zebulon Vance." and conUiin- Garrett left Tuesday i"'"1'1' of his wit and humor. Fol lowing the adjournment of the league the hostess served a salad course with cake and coffee. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. L. E. Green April 17th. Misses Eva Biadburn, Edna Crouch and Mary Kiikpatrkk were the wtek-i end guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. 1.. Kiikpalrick. They motored back I Ma.s Hill on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Noble for Charlotte, where she went to at tend the annual meeting of the Wom en's Missionary Society of the Meth odist church of the Western Conference. Miss Virginia Welch, who is a stu dent at Salem College, spent the Eas ter holidays with ber family. Miss Virginia has recently been appointed I). A. R. MEETING. The Dorcas Bell Love Chapter of the D. A. R. met in the Community af.istant advertising majnager for jClub rooms on Wednesday afternoon th college Annual. t 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. Rufus Siler ' I as hostess. The rooms were attrac- Miss' Ethe (McCoy, fdinsctor and itively decorated with pot3 of fra. Miss Palmyra Carbajal, assistant ofljrrantj Easter Ljilies and vases of the Lake Junaluska Camp for Girh,i graceful plum branches, arrived from Bristol, Tenn., during i the absence of the Regent, Mrs. Mrs. James E. Carraway of Ashe vilie, but formerly of Waynesville, visited friends during the past week. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Alden Howell, Jr., Mrs. Sydie Ray and Mis Ann left Tuesday for a week's visit to New York. Mr. Ralph Prevost, student at Davidson College, is spending the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. Mr. G. C. Plott and Mr. Fred Mar- and Mrs. R. L. Prevost. tin spent Wednesday at the Rod and' Gun Club fishing. Mrs). Aaron (Lynch of Cullowhoe spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Martin. Mil J. R. Boyd leftj Wednesday for 'Morganton to attend a. meeting of the board of the State Hospital. Miss Mary Kiirkpatrck of Mara Hill had as her guests over the Eas ter holidays two of her school friends, " Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plott of States vill spent the week-end with the fom er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Plott. iMrs. Hugh 'Massie left Tuesday for Durham where she has gone to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. L. Dixon. Mr. E. P. Martin has returned from a fishing trip to Buck's Creek Club, Marion, with a party of friends from Statesville. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Killian of Black Mountain spent the week-end in town as the guests of Mr. and Mr.3. D. M. Killian. Mr. R. C. Hunter of East LaPorte spent Sunday in town. ,He came over for the Easter service of the Knights Templar. (j. Mrs. Rufus Siler motored to A-she-ville on Tuesday, 'taking with her 'Mrs. Hattie Kerr who has been on a visit to Mrs. J. K. Boone. Marriage licenses were issued lo the following during the past week Columbus Shytl Mrs. G. N. Henson and family, ac companied by .Mr. Barney Fetner, ar rived during the week 1 and are on a visit here. Mrs. H. W.Hoffman of Sylva who has spent the winter in .Florida was the week-end guest of Mrs. Lawrence Green, en route to her home. the week and spaut sevwral Uy in town on business. Col. and Mrs. Minthorne Woolsey arrived Thursday from New York. I Col. Woolsey has recently purchased a winter nome in Miami, wnere mcy will hereafter spend the greater part of each winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bridges, Mrs. M. F. Albright and Mrs. Wm. F. Al bright motored to Ashevilie Tuesday. IMrs. Wm. F. Albright was returned to Charlotte after spending two week visiting friends antl rejatlvj's in Waynesville. - - Mrs. R. 0. Covington and Messrs. Richard Cbvangticm and Joe Welch who have been on a ten days motor E. B. Camp, Mrs. Chas. E. Quinlan, Vice Regent, presided. Reports were made by the Flag committee and the committee on the official markers. An invitation was read from th? Elizabeth Maxwell Steele Chapter, D. A. R., Salisbury, to a reception in compliment to Mrs. Edwin C. Gregory, the newly elected State Regent. Application blanks for the Citizens Training Camp were given each mem ber to . distrjote among the young boys of the town. Proposed changes to be made in th National By-Laws were read and the members voted to instruct the dele gate to the Congress to vote against the changes. The paper of the afternoon, "The ner, ar- IMiv,it' Ratification of the Constitution," giv. rived during the week from Raleigh; r'tA Wn K;Jen Mr. Nannie Persons, was mon urday. Messrs. Hoyt and Howar.1, students at the State University, ac companied them home for the spring holidays. BIRTHDAY PARTY. The Misses LucV and Nannie Tate who are students at the North Caro lina College for Women are spending the Easter holidays at home. . Mrs. H. W. Burnette very delight fully entertained with a birthday party Friday afternoon in honor of her brother, Master William Francis. Games wre played until a late hour, when the children were invited into the dining loom. Cake, ice cream and candy were served. Those present were: Johnny Russell, Frances rcc man, Hortcise, Nannie B., Lenoir and Hazel Miller, Kathryii Francis Morgan, Eugene Freeman, Jack and Joe Edward.-. Howard Haney, John Everett Penny and Hurbert Burnette, Junior. McCRACK EN-MOSS. Miss Elizabeth McLean and Miss Winnie Leatherwood, students at Davenport College, are spending the Easter holidays with their families. , . . Miss Alice Quinlan left Sunday morning for New York, where she was called on account of the illness of her cousin, Mrs. Frank Sevenoak. Mr. Kenneth Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson, who is a student at King's Business Coliege, Raleigh, is home for the spring hol idays. Mrs. Mary Moody Mebane and young daughter, Susie, of Ashevilie, have been the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Margaret Moody, the past week. Mrs. Chas. Badgett, Mrs. M. H. Reeves, Miss Sara Hill Hannah and Miss Jessie Rogers motored to Asnc ville on Tuesday, spending the day shopping. Mr. S. C. Satterthwait arrived MRS. K. ). McCRACK EN HOSTESS Wednrsdav from Atlanta. He has been! TO CIVIC LEAGUE. Friends in Waynesville and Hay wood county will be interested in the following announcements which have been issued: Mrs. William David McCracken announce the marriage of her daughter Mary Willian to Mr Albert Battle Moss on Thursday, April the ninth ninteen hundred and twenty-five Raleigh, North Carolina. interesting and instructive. Extracts from the National Magazine were also read. The next meeting which is the oc casion of the annual election of of ficers will be held with Mrs. Frank Welch. After adjournment the hos tess, assisted by Mrs. Robert Coin, served an ice course. MRS. CHAiS. U. MILLER, Chm. NEW SERVICE STATION. Waynesville boasts a new service station. It is located in the east end on the Aishcvalle Road where ;t crosses the .Shelton Branch. It !s named "The EftstEnd Service Station," and John C. Norris is the genial and efficient proprietor. We bespeak for him a liberal patronage in his lin?. When you furnish your home, don't buy something you will want to get rid of in a year Or so, but buy good furniture, which is the cheapest in the end. That's the kind the Massie Furniture Compan.f sells,, and you don't have to pay all at once, our terms .nroke it easy to buy. Announcement. and Mitchell Gant to Inez Fox. Mr. Chas. Osborne of Sunburst County Hospital for treatment. Mr. L. S. Kenney and Mr. W, W. Pless of Canton were among'ffie out of town) people who attended the Easter service of the Knights Temp stopped over to visit daughter in Atlanta. his son 'After due consideration and by so licitation of a number of the citizens of Waynesville, I wish to announce myself a candidate for Mayor at the ' coming election. If it is the wishes, of the citizens to elect me, I will give the office the very best unbiased at tention that lies in my ability. Respectfully, I L. COUNCII..L. to Emma Medford urcnHm1T th winter in Florida and n ,i ..t ,u0:ot; 'ind ' u"c Ol CMC Miuot uiiiiu'nBMi. in". ling of the Civic League during the iyear was that held at the home of brought his little daughter to town rr Gilbert T. Dowe who has been! Mrs R. Q. McCracken April 3rd. The on Tuesday and entered her at the conducting the services at the Meth- meeting was opened by repeating the ed at any price and no other stove odist church for the past fortnight, I Collect for Club Women. tears tne guarantee mat is Denma 'eft Sundav evening after he service A letter was read from president the Eagle Range, That s why the for his home in Nashville. of Colored Federation asking for help Massie furniture btore at Waynes.-j ;in equipping Colored Industrial Home. 'The following party motored tohe league voted to make a donation Ashevilie on Monday: Mrs. R. O. Cov-te this cause. ir.gton, Mrs. &. H. Bushnell, Miss A letter was read from Mrs. Pardue, kra Hill Hannah. Miss Eleanor Bush- recording secretary of Federation Miss Vera Ward, Y. M. C. A. Sec retary at the North Carolina College for Women, spent the Easter holi rays with her sister, Mrs. Ray Morgan. An Eagle Range cannot be eeiual- ville sell so many of them. Another car load is rolling for us and the best part of it is, they sell for only $55.00 ?660C, $75.00 and $85.00. nell and Mr. Howard Covington. A Messrs. Chas. Ferguson, Ben Kirk- giving program and, etc. Mrs. Allen was appointed as delegate to State convention to be held at Pinehurst For Aldermen. Patrick, Edgar Norton Persons and j May 5, 6 and 7. .Archie MoFadyen,' Students at the, I iMrs. Allen spoke of National Health State University, are spending the Observance Day, May 1st. hi, , . u..l;..- nrui, 4.un:- nDMln)D vf . r :.... i . n will finih their law course at the ""'1 " . " " -w;- ii.--.-,, i- t., ,f ,! ' . . . 'operate with other organizations in i Mrr Havud Henry. lormei ty oi :v,ro v,:. j " - - i "IIVC Ul 111 ID J , WayaieavlUB, but now of Brevard, I The foiiowing committee was ap waa a recent Waynesville visitor ! pointed to co-operate with other or Mr. Henry owns a large garage in jganizations in the erection of an arcn Mr. and Mrs. William Hannah, who, Easter holidays with Judge W, J. Hannah. Mr Lawrence Green left Wednes day for Franklin, Bryson City and Masoinc lodges in the York Reunion to be held on the 23rd and 24th of April. Friends hereby announce the can- Ididacy of Captain C. J. P. Edwards for alderman for the town of Way nesville, subject to the rules and reg ulations of the Democratic pirty during the primary to be held on Sat urday, May 2nd. Ritel11 Lost A black traveling bag con taining a woman's and baby's clothes. . u - j inutiibM nuns lit ifie cicciauu ui an ami , . . Brevard, where he has a well Ub-!betiwtn Haywood and Buncombe: , Fmder plea8e retum t0 Cour,er offlce- Wished business. . . . V,,.., 'went to attend the annual meeting at Brenau College, and Mass Maryi . ... , ... . . . Quinlan, a student at Fassifern, are spending the Ebster holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. IMrs. R. L. Allen, Mrs. Paul Walker SDeciai on Irish notatoes. 80 'nt.lln Htt f . , 1 . Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Mangum and f 4,"" .u. Jfems Per busne'- Mlller Hro8' 11 Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. W. H. You don't have to go to Ashevilie Liner had visited Clyde and that a to buy a good piano on easy terms Mirs. Erest Hyatt left by motor Tuesday for Charlotte, where theyt Quinlan. of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Western North Carolina Con fere nee. Haywood Civic League had been organized and now since the Massie Furniture Store officers elected. ' I Viae nut In a tnutil linn n . i u n n n wi rl 1 o uwv ... k F JV . u iu ,iu mm Plans were formulated for cleaning player pianos at reasonable prices, up and beautifying the town. Real-! Get our prices and terms before vou opportunity's Empire''. -zing the need of a dofilrrite period buy. fir enaS ifcipan Op aSaM oiff" Linen Dresses for House or Street Now that Easter has passed and we look forward to real summer time we begin to think of frocks to wear on the porch, to go shopping or ior business. Linen dresses always meet these needs. This is your opportun ity to buy our regular $6.00 dresses at a much lower price. Trimmings of hand-drawn work, embroidery, tucks and buttons. $4.98 $4.98 Attractions At The Waynewood Theatre WAYNEWOOD THEATRE April, 20th to April 25th. Monday HOOT GIBSON in HIT AMD RUN A smashing Crashing, Rough Riding Story of a Cow I'uncher Rase Ball Player. FOX NEWS. Tuesday GEORGE O'BRIEN in THE ROUGH NECK Robert W. Service's Novel of Love, passion and adven ture m.ide into a mighty screen attraction. The thrilling light for life in a school of MAN-EATING Sharks. Wed n esd a y BILLIE DOVE & GEORGE LARKIN in YANKEE MADNESS You'll tingle and thrill to your very toes when you see this. Thursday Friday Saturday THREE DAYS THREE DAYS BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE HAPPYTIME REVUE ' Opunio Duo Hawaiian Songs Dances Steel Guitar Pat Murphy, Irish Songs, Blackface Comedian Happytime Jazz Band, Beauty Chorus Mostly Girls. Adults .50c. See Bill Board for Pictures. Children .10c Don't forget THE CAROLINA PLAYMAKERS AT THE HIGHSCHOOL AUDITORIUM SATURDAY, MAY 2nd.