Hi Opporlurjty's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2350 feet-Unsi cd Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries Volume XXXVII. Number 18 Waynesville. Haywocd County, North Carolina, Thuulay, April 30, 1925 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if not so Paid 1 1 HIM UiBGiiaiia dr. i; Has Built Up Large Business' J. M, MOCK HAS MAJ)E WAY VILLE'S LARGE DEPARTMENT STORE SHOPPING CEN TER FOR COMMUNITY A store wherein radiates hospital-1 Many friends will be greatly pleas ity, courtesy and a desire to serve, ed t0 know that Hon j w Fereuson is that of J. M. Mock, proprietor of Waynesrville's large Department More. And while these features contribute to the general pleasant atrnosphere of the store, they also combine with splendid merchandise of hign quality, 'counties. which together attract and hold 'he. governor McLean announced the crowds. appointment of 20 members of the bar, The slogan, "Fai Dealing and one from each judicial district of the Quality," but voices the sentiment of'8tate which t0Kether with the ireem its owner n making this place of bers of the SUpreme court and the business the shopping center for all superior court judges, will comprise of Haywood county. the judicial conference created by This store, with its well arranged 1925 general assembly, departments, has all the appearance j In the list of appointees 16 are dem. of a high class city store. The. era ts and four republicans. The act stock consists of everything in dry-- under which the .judicial conference goods, merchandise, fine dress goods was created provides for a continu and ready-to-wear for every member 0us study of organization, rules and of the family and for every age. 'methods of the judicial system of tho (At the present time they are state and the practical workings and showjpg an elegant line for Spring results produced by the system, and Summer in dry goods, clothing. The governor's appointments by dis and shoes. They carry a splemlid tricts are as follows: line of gents ready-to-wear clothing,1 First, J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Eliz.i very desirable and their good value beth City, democrat, imd fair prices have made these ar-j Second, H. G. Connor, of Wilson, tides great features of their Spring democrat. trade. They have also many useful! Third, R. C. Dunn, of Endfield, clem. articles for the home. Visitors leav-' &crat. ing Waynesville take with them kind I Fouith. Geoige K. Fi-eeman, of thoughts for this beautiful stoits and its courteous proprietor. Fifth, J. B. James, of Greenville, Mr. J. M. Mock, owner of Waynes- democrat, file's large Department Store, i Sixth, G. V. Cowper, Kinston, dem one of the leading citizens of his ocrat. home town. Always interested in the Seventh, J. Crawford Biggs, R-al-advancement of his community and eirh, democrat. in any improvement for the benefit. oi town and county, he is always ready: to contribute his assistance Ninth, J. Baynard Clark, of Fay to any cause designed to further im- ettevUle, democrat, prove and build up WaynesvQle and Tenth, W. J. Brogden, of Durham, promote its progress nd prosperity, Starting with little capita! lie has, Eleventh, B. S. Womble. of Win. built up one of the nicest, prosperous ston-Salem, democrat, basiness concerns ih Waynesville an;! Twelfth, W. P. Bynum, of Greens Mr. Mock is an inspiration to any boro, republican. young man starting in business in a Thirteenth, H. F, 'Seawell. of Car small way. thage, republican. i Fourteenth. Charles W. Tillett, Jr., HAYWOOD FURNITURE MFG. CO. of charlottee, democrat TURNING OUT FINE DINING , Fifteenth, A. k Price, of Salis ROOM SUITES. fcurV( pUblican. 1 Sixteenth, Clyde R. Hoev. of Shelby, Canton Enterprise. democrat. Only one kind of furniture and just( Seventeenth, Johnson H. Hayes, of one quality is the output of the Hay- Nortl) Wilkesboro, republican, wood Furniture Mfg. Company, locat- Eighteenth. B. E. Hudgins. of Ma ed in the easter section of Waynes-' democrat. ville with Colonel J. H. Howell, Gen-, Nineteenth, J. C. Merrimon of oral Manager. This reporter had the ' Asheville, democrat, pleasure of looking through the plant Twentieth, James W. Ferguson, f a day or two ago, and with some de- Waynesville, democrat, gree of pride noted the fine pieces of The conference will be composed walnut that are b;ing made there. !of the ehief justice. presiding; all the Four pieces are manufactured en-' associate justices of the supreme tirely, namely, the buffet, Hie server, courti the judges of the superior court, the china closet and the table. The the attorney general and 20 Iaw.vrs chairs are purchased elsewhere pa. tly named by the governor. The cleric of made and are completed here, making the supreme court will be secretaiy a full dining room suit., including nf the cnnfeivnee chairs finished here, From three to four carloads of this furniture go out from the factory every week, making a value of about spect -to the work of the various parts three thousand dollars a car. As a and branches of the state's judicial matter of interest, it may be said system and in the practice anil pro that a suite of this furniture retails i cedure of the courts, where it is sold that way for from j The governor is required to report two hundred to two hundred and fifty the recommendations of the confe' dollar. ence to the succeeding general as- This factory is comparatively a new . pem'bly. enterprise having been begun only I Tn's conference, for the first time, a few months ago. It is building up ! provides machinery for the admin a good business and gradually widen- j istrative organization of the North ing its sphere of business connec-1 Carolina judicial system to the end tons. that the system may be the co-o''. jdinated for the purpose of expediting HONOR ROLL FOR WAYNESVILLE I trials and bringing about reforms in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. court procedure. j "The plan,'" said the governor, "is First Grade Jris Buckner. Theit no(. a new one It nas been in force Case, Willie Rutha, Martha Way, in connection with the federal judicial Willard Francis, Earl Caldwell. system for fomc vears and jn that Advanced First Grade-John P- juridiction has brought about bene G'"'0''3' ftciol results under the leadership of Second Grade Louise Stringfield, Chief Justice Taft. Robert Sloan, diaries Turbyfill. "The plan has also been in success.1 Fourth Grade Edna Garrett, Ma- ful operation in several of the states riea McDowell, Mary E. Mock, Mar- and has worked out well wherever it rietta.Way, James Harden' Howell. has been tried. One of the main pur Fifth Grsde GeralcV'ne Brlgrgs, poses of the conference is to bring Carolyn Haynei. together the supreme and .superior Sixth Grade Charles Russell, May court .nidges in ordsr that they may Crawford, Albert New. have an opportunity of' exchanging Seventh Grade Flora Turpin, Ed- their experiences and keeping in touch wina McDowell. , w'th the supreme court judges tnd k member? of the bar in working; out Mrr and Mrs. Kuckler and family of some p'an whereby the operation of Florida, who have recently purchased thi judicial system moy be improved." the Walter Hawk residence, arrived Ohief Justice Stacy will probably this week to spend the summer. - call the conference to meet at an Waynesville Man Highly Honored STATE JUDICIAL BODY CHOSEN BY CHIEF EXECUTIVE. Hon. J. W. Ferguson of Waynesville I Represents Twentieth District. , fan ,njRhly honored by being Appointed on the State Judicial Board , The 2Oth Judicial District is com- of Haywood, Jackson, Macon, t-ay Swain, Cherokee and Graham Goldsboro, democrat. Jjjjghth, J. O. Carr, Wilmington, democrat. democrat.' -1 . . - The act further provides that the conference shall make recommenda tions annually to the governor in re- Reclamation Of Swamp Land OVER A MILE OF DRAIN TILE USED ON AlLLEVS CREEK. We frequently read of great re- clamation projects proposed or carried out by the state anil tederai govern- ments. Right .'now here ujf Waynesville) 'township you may see a piece of re- clamation work on the part of a pri - 'vate individual which exhibits fea- tures of more than ordinary interest. I mi i" iirvc ""iic c ; iiivniic. Fr'tnds of Mr and Mrs Charles associated wiin improvements oi.'hchi m mm iiimiiuuuu, lucairu run that within the last three or. f ourij R Tnonlgs wili 'regrvt t0 ieain that t'vcry nature which have been carried -eniently on the coiner near the po?t ' months, over a mile of four inch drain. ,,' t vt... out on a larce scale, and which nave office and recognized as one of the tile were laid. To be exact 6,000 feet. Come to think of it just 20 feet more than a mile. In addition to the tile a good many , . . rods of stone drains were put in. The tract of land reclaimed approximates . . i j 30 or 35 acres. It is a part of the well known dairy farm developed by F. C. Welch, but now owned by J. M. long, one of Hazelwood's prosperous merchants. This tract of land lies near to an I within plain view of the Ashevillo ' Atlanta highway. Many of the readers of the Mountaineer will recall what a rough, ugly, stumpy, stony piece of land it was for rany y.ais an. I apparently worthless except for the pasturage it afforded. I It was also within pi.; in view o Mr. Long's store., also of his resi- dtnee and it may be assumed it was an aggravate eye sore to him. At I t 'any rate after acquiring ownership of the land last summer he gets busy i aiiii oca men aiiu ivivcs ii' wwiii J , ...,1. to clear away the stumns and stone. I , ..." ... .,... . smiling field, fair for the eves to Irovo over 11 10 riiiiicv . ,il w unuili ilitti I . : i : ....1 .. .. e t . . i : . Ulthin tkv o,.c i,.t ... , , ,, claimed tract will prove to be the , . - , . ,, most productive part of that we ' . . . . .t managed dairy farm. Major Swift, IntunAim, lf 4aiMM -wna ir tin 1, b o-f?rseer of the reclamation work Upon Eb 'Miller of Quinlantown was cast the l-esponsibility of seeing that the tile were properly laid. Mr. Long obtained the tile a ear- load from a tile factory near Greenr- hmn M r H t ho .., Jim , ... .. Thc average cost oer rod of the drain- age work including the tile, Mr. Long informed a representative of t'n ; Mountaineer, .figures approximately one dollar So lar as known to the Mountaineer tnis is tne nrst instance or tne lay- ing of more than a mile of tile in one season on the part of any private citizen of Haywood county. Certainly it is noteworthy enterprise exhibited by the Hazelwood merchant. HON. ("HAS. R. THOMAS, FORMER CONGRESSMAN. WILL SPEA-X IN GRACE CHURCH PAR- iThe members of "Grace Church in the Mountains" are much gratified to know that Ex-Congressman C. R. Thomas, foi.T.ly of New Bern, but now a reside;; of Waynesville, has consented to .onluct the Adult Bible 'Clash ever; Sunday moring in Grace Chi:: h I'arish House. As ever, oily knows, Mr. Thomas 'iS a di i inguished and eloquent speaker, and a large and constantly increasiry- attendance at the Bfblc weekly stud is confidently antici pated. Mr. Thomas' first address will be-jin at ten o'clock promptly on Sunday, MaySrd. The tonic will be: "The appearances of the Risen Christ ly the Lake of Galilee" based on St. John 21st chanter, iftrst twelve versus The Rector will preach at the Holy Eucharist at 11 A. M. and will again speak at 8 P. M Everybody is cordiallv invited. REV. ALBERT NEW, Rector. early date said the governor. The initial meeting will be for the purpose of effecting an organization primarily, The creation of this judicial con- fcrence is one of the measures recom- mended by Governor McLean in his inaugural address and in his first formal message to the general as- scmbly. Governor McLean expressed the oninion that under the lendershin of th? chipf 1llsti.r nnrt tha nacn.niatjk justices of the supreme court with the co-operation of the superior court judges and members of the bar, bene- ficial and constructive resuits in con- nection with t'h; state's judicial sy- tern would be attained. Hon. C. R. Thomas New Resident SELLS HOME AND MOVE TO ! WESTERN PART OF STATE I Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Thomas to Make Future Home in Way- nesvuie. i the depot, in the midst of that Tn following article taken from'booming section of our community tne Sun-Journal, New Bern, N. C, 'wjli b, of interest to many friends f Mr and Mrs. Thomas in Waynes- vjue. Wavnesviie whei they will reside been of inestilnaible wulue to th? -n juture !entire community. . durin'' Hyattfi Company, in its wide spread " . "laS, V ' ' ' ."'w-'distribution of products, has brought the last nail of last week and Mr. i , ... ., , . ... . , . , . ,the attention of the outside world to uumias is expt'CT-wu cu ivuuw iuhxk1" Wayncsville, where they have both spent a Rreat deal of time during previous summer! because of Mrs. Thomas' health. For a nuumber of years the counle has been counted among New Kern's most influential and popular citizens Re(.ent,y cl. ,,, ,lfu,,. ,,.. oad lf ,.,. ami they will be greatly missed from fei.tilizer was distributed to farmers i In addition the store (allies a corn local circles. Mr. Thomas an attor-ia )v(i. HayW0(1(, ,.OUI1,v Th(, c.,.'rlete line ef drugs and chemicals. ;.9 ney is a native of New Bern, and a (,sjw business growth of this er,-!''H as toilet articles nd prepaia. member of one of the most promi- telp,.i!le has (.,. phenominal in every tions, runber goods and stationery ami nent families of the eastern part of .,. , iu ., ... ,u i,.ls ,. ,,r ihe most Kiinilar,- Kiln , me Mlie aim ivi wim- in mo a ...v.,,- ber of the national house of re pre- sentatives from this district. Mrs. Thomas is also a member of a prom- " " ., ' , . ' . inent curonna iamny, Deing a oaun i- . , , . - , ... l"e' u', ."of important nature come to Hay- Muffin snp fMnviro tn Vw Hpm 1 wim . ..... ' v i , , The m e v brick colonial Thomas home on hast i-ront street almost I . oe ,i i,v,.,K'-in i.viit- i aiiiu- - cture to exterior and inienii, peing in equisne lasie anu ueauiy, .V. , , , . Ps been purchased b'- Mr. and Mrs, i . - , John Havwood Jones., . . . ... , . . . ....... r.ici.i.Mi.TH. v ijin u-rtAimrv PICTURES. Did y rj notice them Wednesday morning? The finest ofthis spring, ditions were better than The they con- will Iw. -l- K: .;. f i the fresh new foliage had not yet - al - together vanished. Next week they will be merged in deep sober hues. n Wednesday morning the broken cloud masses drifted slowly across the milkly baldric of the skies and east undescribably comic tesque moving ffgures on slopes of the mountains, Reprehensible waste of gazing at cloud' -hadow1 and gro- the .-unlit time this pi tu' i"; ? Well not more so than night aft"i night gazing at the senseless p t- tures countless, thoughtless people spend their good money for. And then if you are of a reflcc- : i.hi....i.wii, j.- self observing the kalodiscopic mov- ing scenes on the mountain slopes, your internal eye may focus iielf on the comic picture made by th,' human race strutting arogantly down the scivcn of the age-. But enough? pencil tunning ( IT.I.OWHEK What is this vagrant into anhow? COMMENCEMENT. uuownee, a. 1... a pi 11 ;.- in- dates of the commencement at ihe Cullowhce State Noimai School are -"a-v the twenty-seventh to twenty- ninth. However, the annual sermon to be preached by Rev. J. T. Mangum, pastor of the Methodist church, Waynesville, will occur on Sunday, May the twenty-fourth, just before 'he final quarterly examinations. The annual address will be delivered by President John E. Calfee of the Asheville Normali and Associated &tn0'S- : JUNIORS OF BAPTIST .SUNDAY sinuui. umi u. mivr, The junior boys and girls of the Waynesville Baptist Sunday school, accompanied by Mrs. W. T. Crawford, Miss Hazel Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brigg, enjoyed a hike to the Pigeon Gap Saturday afternoon, April 25th. Those enjoying the hike weie: Mae Crawford, O. L. Briggs, J:.. Opraldine Rriirirs. Rnv Rriros. C. T Tew .Tr Alton Tpw KYam-P ! Rnfrin Ploio Cmatl,,,. Poxr Rnrivm Sibyl Underwood, Mack Miller, Paul Tew, Marcus McCracken, George McCracken. Elizabeth Stewart, Minnie ICalhoun. Oberia Underwood, 'Phillips. Wood row Ferguson, Anna Leon Underwood, Kate Calhoun. One of Our Big Local Projects HYATT & COMPANY. ONE OF I WAYNESVILLJSS GREATEST ENTERPRISES. The great double warehouse :ind store of Hyatt & Company is located The lumber and coal yards are nearby, As one of the leading enterprises of the county, it has done a great parti 'in the upbuilding of every movement Haywood county. This firm is really , 'in seivice. and has been a leading mammoth in its business endeavors, factor in the development of ronli They handle -finished lumber of eve y dence by the people in modern (inii; description and kind, sell coal, feeds, seivice. Physicians recommend the paints, farming iiv.plonuTjs, huijil- -"tore because they know their pa ing material, ranges, soves, and even ' tients will get exactly what is pi -hardware. Their stock is immense, ' scribed, an.l registered pharma.-isti ltintiinir into thousands of dollars. constantly in charge of the de- .,,. .. .., rii.n-.. h,w :,... v n,thods of the me,, !,,i,.rrtrH in development. otr. Messrs. r.. ,l. Hyatt and W -p she Inn h ivi. i.(-n m inv .iv,ni nl-ion naie sun man ciiangv' wood county within the past lew year", and they are looking ahead to a i)li(fht nnd prosperous future, ni t 0lv fo. Waynesville .but for the nifny splendid mountain town in this whole W(,nd,.ful region. These men have n a-ways ll(,t.n instrumental in boosting for the better and 'hey have been ar- Every town or city of any impor :'iit advocates of progression, a.ld ta"c har Kexall Store among its have never failed when called on for .better class of business estaj sup'port and influence in advancing lisbmcnts. In Waynesville, The Rex the important interests of state, coun- all Store is owned and operated by ty and community. ! Messrs. O. T. Alexander and Sam H. The firm of Hyatt & Company mean Jones, and is one of the most pop much to Waynesville and Haywood ular drug stores in Haywood county, county. 1 - yKyy K.N I KKI'KISK FOR H ZKL- . WOOD ' . I.. t, Fisher one of the ,i.erchanis 0f that nlace. is having the interior f n frame store huilding near the K)stoftice on the south side of .Main stuet in Hazelwood, remodelled and redecorated, and a new front not on it. I In this lefuiiiished building he p-n. pose.s to oiien a tea room soon. ' Mr. Fisher ..-ivi llaelw.,n,l h., never boasted such an institution and thai he can think of no reason why on? of the kind should not pi-i.e a paying venture. He expres. ,s gieai coiiTioence in tn:1 present proni- ises of a good tourist and resort m"i- son fort his year, YORK KITE REUNION CLOSES, On last Friday evening the Y.i i; Kite Masonic Bodies cloved one of the ino-t insp', ing and interesting iv- unions h.ld by the local organisation. A class f forty-live candidates from many places in the western put of the state received the Canitular, Cry p. tic and Templar degrees P' omiimnt vinis tfioni out of town were: E. R. Hampton, Grand High Pries', of Grand Chapter of North Carolina. Raymond II. Boyer. Senior (iiand Warden of Grand Com- mandeiy of North Carolina, Howard c;. Ftheri.to-o r.ranA PvmninJ ductor of the Grand Council of North Caiolina, Rav F. Ebbs, High Priest' of A'shevWe Chanter. No :ta. Mr i Noiton of Ashevillj ; J. B. Brooks of Rolbinsville; J W. Shook of Clyde; I.. Canton "" " ' "--"'. i"K J- omngieiiow, t. k. Henley, A. D. Hallett. Sunburst; H. W Hoffman. Ren M On- P King Sylva! ' NO CONSOLIDATION, The Carolina Mountaineer has one of the very best equipped printing offices in all North Carolina. In fact there is material from th? consolida- tion of thipo Hiffpront nrintinc nffior Th mnnBcoinont h,. nn uhnlAuai. ef aAA't on., n.lnilK- material at this time or at any time m the near future. We have no in- tcntion of consol'dating any material or printing equipment for the simple .ea5on that we have more material than absolutely necessary. An Asset to Waynesville ALEXANDER'S DRUG STOKE i SPLENDID ASSET TO COM- ' M UNITY IN EVERY WAY. "We adhere to the old-time pro pie that a drug store is a real asset to a city and should specialize .n work for humanity as the right hand ' of the physician, attdbutyig our growth and success largely to that proposition." Thus the proprieors of Alexander's Drug Store summarize the develop- j leading pharmacies of Waynesville in:i one which has added materially to . 'he attractivenjoss and facilities of . Way nesvi lie's shopping district. ri i- Ihis lirm specializes in prescrip- loull .1111'- 11 town. A new equip- c'ln - nl and most un-to-date. The proprietors are druggists of wide exoeiienee and give much of their time to the development of their business. They are wide-awake, pro gressive and public spirited, boosters or Wavnesviile. and always found ready 1111,1 willing to give f their ''W !lr'l means in support of any cUse det gned to build up the com- munity anil piomote the wellare and prosperity of its people. RATCLIFF COVE NEWS. 1 "' " - v. un.- dl- ing corn: some are done, while others aie nrepaiing their land to nut it in a more thorough condition. Weather conditions for the past two weeks has been unusually tine for preparing lands for corn and gardening, which has been taken advantage of by most all our farmers who have conic to realize the most important thing is t ) o'.itain good results. , Wheal u: lookiii"- tine, oat-, clover ai:,i gr.-ihs, oi wnn h tneie has ben an unusual nop sown, U coining up1 w.il, thcuigh needing some rain. At mi sent the fruit nop i no: as pioiiiising a- it w:is two week - ao. Our n;;Mie M'hool closed a very funissliil lei. li Tliursilay, April 2.1 rd. which was enjoyed very much by ail .cscnt. Tile --hool attended and took riart in th.' town-hip coniniencc ment on the 24th an.l did u murknidy we'l considei ing pa--! oppoi lunil 'w, the short time Im making piep-iia-t ii n : s and lack of ..,pl..at;-! on fiart of some of t!:c )ali,)ii.-. on nt t .tiding th.- township eomai, nceinen' end ous-'iving tic inteie 1 maiiif.'st ed nnd re-ults ontaiinvl and the co operative soirit shown by all .mi. it-rned should he siiiricieni u, sati-'y the ine-t skeptic mini thai we aie em. , ing- upon the d-iwn of a new day for the development and advan e. ment of the educational interest in Waynesville township, all of w'.i -h our school hoard and teacher should b h'Kby nmlnu"nl11 11 SACK. MEET. Th ,, .,,.', V the Haywood chaptE,. of t, mt ApH, , with Mrs. L. M. Killian and Mrs. W m Kininn s i,M)K , ,, of Mrs L. M. Killian. " The question of re-organizing ana naming children's chapter was dis cussed, but left for further conwid nation until next meeting! The usual business, was taken eaii of after which the" jfcjllowing pro. gie.m was rendered.1"'' ' " iier.e'Hi Ljee s Anniversary in Philaoielfkhieif' was reac from CteiSn teran.. - f . . , ,. . . j Miss Ri th Wjfcj ))mjEz& th WannWiaker were gu"sts of '-hi b: oftfrnoon- The ejifq ailiurned to n th" Miis.' V. C Nobeck. meet Ma; i wit T!l JlSStoJ!??.. .ssrtri... dljciout salad course.

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