THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, APRIL 30. 1925 TOWNSHIP SCHOOL REPORT. amount was donated by the county board of education, to stimulate the j establishment of libraries in elqnen- (Continued from last issue ) program will include ten contests, tary schools potn uwrar, ana uenc. . exhibit (b) p,,, ami oheB. of daw room work and a general About M anrf thr6e lobej at session, at winch time the winning , of ,344 M literary members will be presented.! , , A, A field meet will be held in the af-1 e Specl1 pnmary P"3. ternoon and will consist of live en-l'1 600' tries by the boys, five by the girls (d) Curtains, $16.00. and folk dances and singing, games (e) Pictures, $66.00 by the primary department of each (f( Improving grounds, $330.00. school. Ribbons will be awarded to the winners in all contests, and money prizes will be presented to the schools making the highest percentage in all contests and the exhibit of work. (By II. L.' Shlpman.) Raleigh, N. C. April 20. The af fairs of Cullowhee Normal Institute the proper officers to prepare for him. were thoroughly aired during the past The State had a surplus of $1,924,- Plans for the endowment fund drive The State's deficit as of March 31st 'of the American Legion in 'Raleigh was $8,82719625, according to a are going ahead steadily, the hope statement which the Governor had , being to raise the local quota in a day. Governor McLean has named the folowing four members of the Soldiers' week by Attorney General Brummitt 680.32 of collection over expendij- who investigated the institution at the1 tures during the month, but it was direction of the Governor. Mr. Mc- explained that the peak of the income Lean also had a hard week with the tax collections accounted for this. Stewart case which culminated Fri- The total State debt, including bonds day with the electrocution of father and short-term notes, is given as and son to expiate a murder in $113,868,000. Brunswick county last year. A state-! Charles W. Stewart and his son, ment on the State's deficit was issued timer, went to their deaths in tue week by the Governor, and various other electric chair on Friday, after an ;n mattprs occ unieri the attention of ihe peal for executive clemency had failed. In addition, the high school has ..:,Qi :, I The men confessed to committing the (g) Athletic equipment, $346.00. (h) Paid on piano, $100.00. otal spent, $1,518.00. Home board: Miss Martha Haywood, Armstead Jones and William J. An drews, Raleigh; and Mrs. R. E. Little, Wadesboro. These will select the oth er three. The Grand Council Royal Arcanum is to meet here in annual conclave on Wednesday and Thursday of this The Year's Education PROGRESS, financed the home economics depart- Thc Governor, who has had consid-1 murders of Deputy Sheriff Leon This progress may be summed up ment by running a lunch room d Lerable experience with the Washing- George and Deputy U. S. Marshal in its constructive building program; has met the athletic expenses through ton 8ystem f going into matters 'Sam Lilly in Brunswick county last in the standard equipment of itj'be gate receipts. J without regard to "where the chips year. Thc case was hard fought buildings; in. the organ,htatton and j In soome of the schools we hivomay fall," found out that there was(through the Supreme Court and the running of the schools; In alimnnal- no parent-teachers organisation, but trouble at Cullowhee. So, in direct Governor sought for a way to save !ng ft number of one and two teacher the patrons have contributed both j and characteristic fashion, he direct-he boy, at least, from death, but H?hools, thereby providing teacher- time and money for the improvement ed Mr. Brummitt, the attorney gener- found that his conscientious duty per-grade instruction for the major and equipment. Qunilantown school !al, to find out what it was and why. would not allow him to exercise clem partion of the children in the town- is one of the best examples of this,xhis the Attorney General did in a ency- ship; in increasing the length of the having under-pinned the building report which though rather len;thy The Salary and Wage Commission, wiucri iov, w iul sdmi m ui owic em ployees' and elemdnate unnecessary helpers, has been called by the Gov ernor to meet in his office on Thun?- Kor Aldeman. school term 33 1-3 per cent: in the stone, the bid on which had been wai clear and unmistakable. The stimulation of local initiative and $4b.00; giving their services and the;Joverno4 ehoud experience little building morale; ir organizing a use of their teams for clearing :he' difficult! n ascertaining whom he trucking system for the township and school grounds of debris, leve!inr, 'should not appoint to the Cullowhee transporting 252 pupils at the min- plowing and making ready to 30wjboard when that matter engages his day, April 13 and in preparation for imum cost of 4.92 per cent per pupil, grass and planting native shrubbery , attention in the next few days. The the meeting heads of departments (dj.) Keeping' after-school' office to beautify the school site. They had I appointments probably would havend institutions have been instructed hours. a box supper and raised money for! been made ere now but for reported to have ready a list of their employ- This encourages teachers' to come the purchase of supplementary school 'trouble at the institution. jl'es. together with their duties and .nd discuss their educational prob- leaders. I . B.,il( ji.-nvBr that Walt.i , th0 sa'alT each one receives. TM, .,li,l ,.,,h'L. it f .v,,. h,.,i ;l Mum comment lias been around lerrs and provide an. opportunity for I "' iuwiirMie RV 'ivmm .-ijiiii aUUUIC, l-UHll mail Ul hi: uwm , , ., . . educational leadership for the super- j8 now working bids fair to keep "at outs" with W. W, Watts, member about the Capital by of visory omcer. Waynvill Township in line with of the board from Charlotte, and adds , ana "rucR lvmn1 alwu e.) RflUintf the' standard of the the general educational awakening inlthat whatever one does the other will'dollar bat"1"'). wlth c,ec'nca icv;c Uacheif. the State. the 40 white teachers ih iho Statistical Report. tOWliship, 15 are 10 6 JO'. hold Ai The statistical report for the six graade certificates, while fiv are n-onths' term is herein submitted. 10.2'!- hold non-standard (-ertificates. It gives an enrollment of 162.1 pupils As a vacancy occurs we should en- for the white schools, with an average deavor to fill it with an A grade daily attendance of 1200.3. It .how teacher. This must, and ought to he, that 1.06 per cent of the pupils oC a gradual process. The teachers now the township are accelerated: that employed should be encouraged and 40. 06 per cent are doing normal wort;, the Governor's residence, still not considered advisable to pro vide 'iiiypnient that most nulHonH aires probably do not have. The proposal does not dovetail in. the an urogram of economy. The and correspondence courses. A num- with an average daily attendance of for Cullowhee and a part of thc di.- i . )(,tt,.r nrcount in ihe tor me lour monins mat inc ni-uii.v, t it-ni, umiun,i i oppose and so on. Th ifTaivs nf t;,p'attacneii, wnien u is said win oe in . . .11.. i .i i- .: ..f IIISLILULIOIl aie no tu u duiu-hn. . ri a.. . i i .1,,. the States expense. It is remraked The Attorney General makes the 1 , ., .. ,. , v,t that, though $.0,00) was allowed by further discovery that Mr. Moore na.s , , the egi.slature for repairing the ven- bcen acting as attorney for the insu-. , , ., , , riiiiMt' inn ui in- io iiiai, iiui. i Being solicited by my friends to make the race for town Alderman, I have agreed to offer myself as a can didate for the office again. I had not desired to make the race but my friends have been so insistant that I felt constrained to obey their wishes. If I am' elected I promise the people of Waynesville to give them an hon est and conservative administration. I stand for progressiveness in all civic matters, yet I will feel that before any important improvements involving the expenditure of vast sums of money are involved that the tax payers be duly consulted. In offering myself as a candidate I want the people to know that I am not 'making a fight for this office, but I am only offering myself as a citizen that has the welfare of the town at heart and willing to do any thing in my power for the betterment and upbuilding of our town. Thanking you for your support, I am. Sincerely yours, 2tpd J. B. HENRY. tution uiul does not think well of the c ,..i. i. t ,,-1,-vh vl' a requires service in a dual capacity " ' with him acting as chairman of til board. The trouble between the twi given an opportunity to raise their and that 51.78 per cent are letarvkd. men seems chiefly to be over certain ' certificates through summer schools The colored school enrollment is 10(1, contracts and building arrangements 1 ; ' bcr of the township teachers to at- 96 schooi has been in session. The age the Attorney General declares thi construction of a new residence for grade table shows that .94 of 1 per $85,000 supplementary coontract for I the . mi .. . 1 1)1 f?.l"llT llllt' . . l ! , -1 1 t 1 t .1. ,UnA ,".C Of! a hDQtlllrr n Hill t IP VAIfl 1 DC I 0 - " re endeavoring to DUlia scnooi ceiu aie aiwieiatru, liiai ,;.oo iiic ..-.... w - i , . . Governor than in repairing '.he If the Governor should halt this work on the ,ld building hi- action would be genei- telid summer school this summer. Building School Spirit We : spirit, local and township, both at normal, and that 65.21 per cent are vernor is studying the report, but has . . .1 . mv a iJ nni 1 haA nnthinrr tn ov nn th sllhterr. wnooi and in tne communny. inis i-eiarueo. mcse tuiimuun iSc. i- j , . ,VOuM he economv being done by: lv the result of the short school term,' Proponents of the Edenhouse site M 1P H A be economy (a) Having programs ana envmng ...egumr nB..u..e . building for the Rev. ,nt i rhrf irraded schools. River won out over those favoring "u , ,, , Colerain, twelve miles further up the Department win Oe compieicu river. The bridge, which will cotldu,in-' lhe dimmer. Contracts total ; t Imnrf.n.. .n'inK 379,2a:i.(tO have been let and WOrK Wl 1 go HllKiKl ai mite. lui; parents to school. (b) Organizing parent-teachers as sociations, and suggesting specific work which they may do to improve the schools. Thc work that has been LEGAL ELECTION NOTICE. All candidates who contemplate cn- Eastern Carolina for it will brinpr accomplished by the schools and these tering the city primary and election the far northeastern counties in close associations of the township, includes: are required to file their intentions connection witn ine rest ot tne staie (a) Purchasing reading books; on or before Saturday, April 25, 1925. and complete the Atlantic Coastal (1) Suppplementary readers, $700. JAMES ATKINS, Jr. Highway through the entire State. (2) library books, $300.00. Secretary CJity Ex, Committee, The State Highway Commission de One hundred dollars of the above ltc Democratic Party, cieel last week that thc Edenhouse site K'- , thr 1 K'W' 'Hi('lfi- YOU ARE BEHIND THE TIMES WITHOUT 4-WHEEL BRAKES An Enclosed Car of Strifeinf Distinction G-R-4-G-Et The classic symirtetft &f the Victoria's .loftg low-swung My is deftly empfiagjtf by the hgh sideJ&h curving Wot, and sweeping rc&t Wck. S-T-A-B-I-Liii r It ha m delightful steadrnts roi weight properly BOlsed, of Sprfoiii 'construction spwl Nash that absorb all shocks, ;anil ftf a massively rigid Cassis. jffl-T-T-I-N-G'St there's a silver-fis5!ftd vanity case of Mush type; uphohtety of mohair velvet; raping lights; a pack age compartment. behind driver's seatt; and a large luggage chamber conGgaftd in the sloping n&r deck. Included 1 in th .price as staa&aid equipment are Nsh -design 4-wheel brakea full ballooft'tires, and five disc rtoeels. SPECIAL SIX SERIES ADVANCED SIX SERIES Models raSige from $109S to $2290, f. o. b factory BllifvlOTOR CO., Canton,N.C legislature has allowed $600,000 Tor for the woik, but this will not com plete the building. The frame for a five-story building will be finishe.l during the summer and the basement, first ami second floors completed in entirety. The rest will remain to be finished at a later date. ! The Attorney General has given n informal ruling that directors of banks are to he considered as officers 'and as .such are to be included uml"i jthe stringent regulations made f"i : loans to officers of banks by the e eent legislature. Herctofoie, the di rectois have not been considered of ficers. A final opinion on the sub 'ject will be made by Mr. Hrummitt mi the near future, so that bank directors may know to whot extent they m.iy patronize the hanks of which they are "officers. " The high schools of the State have .leeched during the week $10(1,11110 from the speccial appropriation al lotted to ttu ir. by the legislature. This money is d st: niuted on appli. ation and und.r eeu.iin regulations by the department of Education. The Silver Jubilee of the t ' I 'at lu :i o;i!ii.. d Bible class in jNorti: Carolina will be held in Kill 'i;gh June 11-11. it was announced during the we.k. .Marshall A. Hud son, of Syracuse, N. Y.. organizer of the class which is nation-wide in 'scope, will be present. Other relig 'ioUS leaders of nolo arc expected. J The following have been appointed .as members oof the Kiualizing Kun 1 ! Commission authoiized by tho recent IGeneral Assembly: Dr. E. C. Brook-, leio-h: Chab. A. Webb, Ashevillc;i jw. C. Feimster, Nevton; E, D. Broa hurst, Greensboro and- 'Mrs. v- j Jones, Sali.siflr5f It will be, the duty of thi vKVAHlsfiion to iistibute "to ,Af. best advantage" apniwtiinatalr $i&4,000 amongst th eouatWs ftnti- Wd to l-eceive tnare in it under ihe new basis of apportioniweau . Governor McLean has appointed Capt. Jfathan O'Berry, '(tolilsboro; Dr.; H. V. Horton, Wintt(-$;aem; r. J. E. Hart, Wadesbons T)r. R. C. Bea jman, Tarboro and Or. John D. Kobin ;son, Wallace, trftees of the State j HospitaU for t!ie Negro Insane at iGoldsboro. Trostees of the State San atorium for Tuberculosis: John R. i Jones, Sanford ; Jonas Oettinger, Wil son; Dr. J. C. Brasw!!, Whitaker; W. E. Harrison, Rockingham and A. B. G roo m , J r. , -W i 1 m fn gton . The wheat acreage in North Caro lina has decreased durinz the past year, and this year the department of Agriculture looks for a crop of not more t)iai 6,13700 bushels. Ten years ago North Carolina was grow- j ing ten million bushels annually. STAR PRESSING CLUB S. A. COPNEY. Prop. Rates by the Week or Month CLEANING. PRESSING, DYEING AND REPAIRING Work Called" or and Delivered. Give Us A Trial ALL WORK GUARANTEED STAR PRESSING CLUB Depot St. Waynesvills, Milner & Co. Dealers In Wood and Coal Coal Delivered In Small Lots Anywhere. All Kinds of Heavy Hauling Milner & Company Phone 314 Depot Street Repairing Watches Ual, fl iff- V I IIQYC IIJUI UUIU- j spected By Us Occasion I allv. Delicate Mechan- 'sm Np.ds the Proper Oiling and Correct Attention to the Smallest Detail. The Biggest Little Jewelry Store In North Carolina. W. A. COBLE Uetoeler Phone 194-J Waynesville, N. C. You Can Double The Life Of Yoqr SHOES CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. DUGKETT. Prop., Main Street Prices Are Low Waynesville, N. C. Ah.

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