THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER THl RSDAY. APRIL 30, 1925 SKLV OK UNO FOR TAXES, j Miller 4 Maney, 1 lot 3.73 cockrcll, Mrs. Maggie, 1 acre 5.01 Medford, Hardy, 2 acres 5.70and E. P. Ball appointed registrar lor ! Parker, G. G., 1 lot 7.5llnaynes, H. H., 46 acres K-ll Medford, Roy, 1 lot 12.11 Beaverdam North Ward Precinct and l off it for -ale as the law di- Taylor,' R. E., 21 acres, 1 lot 13.37 Haynes, W V., 8 acres, bal. . . . 2.74 Mehaffey, J. 1 lot 7.05 that Garfield Jenkins and Will White ,t at the O.urt House Door in the' Beaverdam Township, Colored, 1922 I Jones, J. G., 1 lot 14.37 Mehaffey, J. S., 20 acres 9.38 appointed judges and I. H. Hopkins rown of Wnynesville N C. at 12:00 Angle W. I), 1 acre 8.38 Rhodarmer, J. O., 5 acres .... 25 9 Mehaffey, Carl 1 lot 14.81 j appointed registrar for Big Creek l ., ,he tirM Monday in May it be-'lxve. Dillon, ' acre 2.05 Jomlinson. Mm. Sallie. 4 acres 3.73 Morrow, W. H., 1 lot 6.24 precinct and that W. A. Palmer and J. th.. 4th .lav of May. 1025, all the Morrut. I-owcry. 1 acre 'i.l 1 .Tranthan, Iee, 1 lot i.ii moo re, jmi. ; .j,,,, juagea ana J. L. which Thomuson. C. M.. 1 lot 5.HS! Reaverdam Township. 1921 ... ,,.; ,onil and cost of ThomDson. Hez., 1 lot I.m Huron. W. C. 1 lot 17.81 MeClure, James R 50 acres Beaverdam Tow nship, ( olored. IHz.J , Uotson, Jonn, 1 lot . . . .i... n.. ,v.; Anirlr. W. I).. 1 lot 11.84 Prynian, G. W., 1 lot . ' . . r:w;..l.l 1 1, X 40 ' IWker. W. H. 1 lot 1.50 1 lot sheTitl to eu- """). v. .-- . - , .,.,.,. anv month in the year to sell i-owery. n i 101 l A t.. A l 1 I... f...i, ...L advertising in 'u'1"c' ' '"l I. - siilc. The la-t legislature .iv Art, authorized a ).13 I almer, Whitner and Francis, ...I ..Mel ... .u " hi t; . I.. he county paper and all unpaid texts onai p, o,m, i ,,,! be advertised, that are not paid on Thompson. Hez. 1 lot on the first of June that ire not paid Thompson t'.M.. 1 lot . r Whitner, W. M., 1 lot fill m i rca iuniiniiij, i . s 10.43 Haynes, H. H., 4(1 ai res 1120 Patton, Dewey , 1 lot 1.49 Kink. A. J., 1 acre 3.72 Phillips, Mrs. Carie, 1 lot 9.0lPres.sley, H. F 1 lot .8.17 Phillips, N. P., 1 lot H rw;1 IlP.irrfam TnwnshiD. Colored. 1921 I'lt-mmon. J. M., 1 lot . . . 7.-S9 'Angle, W. I)., 1 aire .... 2. 18 Love, Dillon, ' acre ,'Mull, Braxton, 3' acres 13.90'Palmer appointed registrar for Cata 9.38 loochee precinct and that C. Z. No- ri.41 Nichol.s, R. I.., 1 lot 0.51 'land and Geo. A. Brown appointed pudges and Chas. rf. McCracken ap 10.11 pointed registrar for the said Fines 14.50. Creek precinct and that F. A. Justice 6.00, and C. T. Ferguson appointed judges 12.92 nd D. R. McCracken appointed reg- 4.07 i istrar for Crabtree precinct or town- !.7fi Rabb, H. I.., 30 acres lo.i'2nP and that A. E. Allison and Glenn 3.f,9 Ratcliff. R. E. I.., 210 acres ... 118.99 A. Boyd appointed judges and R. W. .1. F. ( ABE, Sheriff, W. II. NOLAM), Tax Collector llravrrdam Township, 1923. iKathbone, C. C, 10 acres I C ecil Township, 1922. jThonipson. Chas., 1 lot f -- Clyde Township, 1921. Haynes, H. H., 50 acies Ciaig, J- K , 2 lots Carroll, I. K, 2 lots Clark. C Karl, f.4 aero C,,k, G. 11., 1 lot Calf. Kail. 1 lot s'ub, W. T., 1 lot Coihrane, K. H, 1 lot, Cn.wJer, T. R , 1 aeie Chi it..ih.'r. Mis. .lane : aires 1'.. vtuii, T. J., '.' acres an.l 1 lot l.t--on, J. W., Dueker, Will, 1 lot Pet. her, K. J., 1 acre . 1 ord. .1. T.. 75 acres 'Iragg, W ., .1 lot- . . Hall, W. K., 1 lot H.irk.ns, D. 11. l'-j J'lC Hani.-, C. H , :i4 acre- . .15.43 Bingham, D. C, 122 acres 20.17 Swanger, Bill, 8 acres 23.56 Cecil Township, 1923. 34.4rjMingham, D. C, 122 acres . . . . 9.75 Eekenrod, Mrs. Ada, 50 acres . . H.;: i 2 57 Grasty, Taylor, 1 lot Waynesville Township, 1921. I 18 Ray, R. I, 2 lots ;Ray, W. V., 2 lots y Ray, Mrs. Mattie, 56 acres .... Robinson, J. L.. 1 lot. bal. . . . 14.25 Howell appointed registrar for Jona 4.71 1 than precinct or township, R. L 9.10 Stephenson and T N. Crawford ap. 4 13 ' pointed judges and T. J. Davis ap- IC.rr.way, Mrs. Jame E, 4 lots 78.25 ' KS Geo 15 acre , Itogeis 4 McCracken, 1 lot, bal. fi.40 P'nted registrar for Iron Duff pre- 13.15 Hen en, J. P., 700 acres 20.83, Hyatt. B. J. and F. C. Ray 16,861 mond and Rolfit, ' interest 38 Gwynn, Mrs. W. P., 9 acre? 3 in Tnn,(.n G A .11 acves 12.051 in 7 acres Shehan, Carl, 1 lot .Shehan, Arthur, 9Vi acres I CI.,.,.. 1 1 -Jli.iirtii. .iviu.iiaii, ,vi This April 6, 1925. W. F. SWIFT, Chairman. ATTEST: C. F. Kirkpatrick, Clerk. Wanted An industrious man de sirous of making $40.00 tjo $70.00 weekly rn Haywood County selling Whitimer'a extracts, soaps, toilet ar ticles, spices, home remedies, ct;. Little capital needed. Car or team necessary. No experience required. Write for full particulars. The H. C. Whitmer Company., Dept. 198, Colum bus, Indiana. 15-4tp CANDIDATE'S ANNOUNCEMENT. 13.79 cinct and that A- G. Baldwin and Vin 7n5l!K)n Jenkins appointed judges and R. 15.96 iW- TeaKue appointed registrar for Jone Frank w . Miller 1 Tl ' L .' . . . ! . . . ' i 1 ' 5.73 1 vait piecuici or lownsnip ana1 Many friends hereby announce the candidacy of the present mayor and board of aldermen to succeed them selves, subject to the rules and reg ulations of the Democratic party pri mary to be held on Saturday, May 2nd: For Mayor, J. Harden Howell. For Aldermen, W. T. Shelton, Sam lo-3t 15.9li Skinner, Baartlett, 1 lot 2.42 1,184 3- R- Henry and D. P. Jaynesj An Eagle Range cannot be equal- 15.18 Moody, C. W 84 acres 7 08 Rogers, E. R., Esta'e, 35 acres 11.38 Rogers. F I).. 30 acres i i, 11.03' Rogers Brothers. 700 acres, bal. 31.41 Conarrt, Arthur, 1 lot t-:l....... T i l.,t fl.'jCi 6 ' ' ' " '.A'Sniathers, W. A., Jr., 510 acres Smith, V. Tom, 1 lot il. .1. A 11 .its . .l-.r.i M I... 1 !.! . . . ,1,,'mi .1 .1.. - lot K i.i-. Mr M A . , a. 1 e. I I. K . ;. .-Hi.-.. ii. T I .. an-. . It. II . 1 !-t ir.-v. r. c., i T. c 1 I.,: W. S., 1 lot, j. ;,. i lot M. N! M. M M M. M... jraii. K. !'., 1 ! : . M..rgan. K. I... 1 ' Moo le. .J. W., 1 lot . . . Myer-, J. A , 1 lot . . . . iverman, K. A.. 1 !o: . I'lenimons, K. M., ." lot -!': nirnons, .M. K.. 7 l..t. 1' re--ley R. N , 1 acre . Oueen. J. T., 1 lot 4.69 ! Sizeniore, (). h.. Jo acre .... 2.01 I Siepp, Will R.. 0 acres .';l'.m Swanger, Bill, 8 acres 10.02' Pigeon Township, 1922. 17.55 ' h i.topher, W, M., V4 acres n.PO'Pitti, n. I... 100 acres 12.88 , Terrell, C. S., 158 acres 19.24 Pigeon Township, 1923. "'-' Hlaylork, E II., 4 acres 11-11 Chri-toph.-r, V. M . C.'i aeie- . Heaver, Mr-, T. II., M0 aric- . . II --"' llal!enl,e,-k. A. I'., Id acre.- . , . 1 l-l'"' II. no,,, p. II.. n; 1-3 acres . . . --"..I"-. Il,lk'.-, E. I . 1" acr. s "'' TO Seller-, .1. K . 1:S3 acr. -, so'. Soirell-. R. II heirs. 4 acre- . . "'.03 To! roll, C. S 111 acre- 5.30 Welch Harris, 2 aeie- 13.54 vy Hill Township, 1922. 15.5(1 Ferguson. W.. 404 acre.- , . . 1-11 , Finger, 1). S., 19 acre- lO.liMehaffcy, A Tt.. 2(1 acres 19.52' vy Hill Township, 1923 'W1 Allison, W. E., 90 acre- 9.7i ! Ferguson, James W., 404 acres 70.-18 1 Hyatt. F. ., Ulii acres, hal. ... o.2S Moiidy. Sarah J.. 3 acre. 21.89 j Miller, Carl, 1 lot il 1"; Raines. Hiram. 50 acres, hal. ' I-. . . I . " "Ic.-V IT .! 1 u. w- j. if,iiii.-i'ii . hoi . i. on. i ivt . r Styles. J. Scroop, 1 lot ... . Thomas, J. R., 31 acres . . . 1.82 Copeney, S. .J.enoir, Charifs and -Mamie S.58 Grasty, W. T., 1 lot .Ul - . ,. 1 VI . cioll T.,.l,n, I .AnrvA 1)9 ,.,.....,..... . , m Ul Vickeis, l. (j Van .J A 1 lot 2.SS 1 lot o.o4 10.1 1 Lenoir, Frank, 1 lot 10 V 52.48 Casey, Jennette, 1 lot l.oO Casey, John. 1 lot. bnl. . .... 179 17.32 Love, I .eon, 1 lot 2.5l ;;.) Love, l.illie. i lotK all. I IT's acres 12. T5 W a.vMMIIe luwnship. IH. ipn.wn, Tom, 2 lots 'ariaway, Mr-.Tempa II.. -1 lots 103.13 ,,..,.,. .,, ., ,,. Welch, F. C, 180 acres , White, E. W. an.l A. M., 1 lot 'Winchester, Lee, 1 lot .... . Colvar.l, V. II. , 1 lot, bal. Robinson. Jud, 20 acres 11 'appointed judges and P. F. Campbell ei at any price and no other stove 87.38appolnld registrar 'or Ivy Hill nr:- bears the guarantee that is behind Vn., c inct or township and J. B. Sentelle the Eagle Range, That s why the 16 5l'and J' W- Kinsland appointed judges Massie Furniture Store at Waynes .,'ggland J. F. Long appointed registrar for1 ville sell so many of them. Another 1(.'5jrigcon township and B. F. Sellers and car load is rolling for u.s and tho R. L. Pless appointed judges and Lutn- Uest part of it is, they sell for only .v .v., no.. .. v,i, . .... . Tn..l r . . . i ft- c ' less appointed registrar ior t.a-- !ff, $ffo.UG, .pYi).U0 anu 3 30 precinct or townsmp ana t. e. ,fi2'27 Justic and Nathan Rogers appointed '2 0i I judges and C. W. Moody appointed .', 'legist rar for Cecil ilreetnct or town- 20.!: 17.20 , I ship" ahd W. W, Hayne-s and G. F. For Aldermen. Friends hereby announce the can didacy of Captain C. J. P. Edwards Rnger.s appointed judges and Vaughn for alderman for the town of Way- Byers apyxiinted registrar for Clyde nesville, subject to the rule and reg- 22.91 Iron Duff Township, 1923. Raines, Hiram, 14 lots 9.03 Kin-land, A. R 2'i acres 'Clement-. J. W.. 1 lot 10.01 1 I 1.1:1 ( lark, ( era, 1 !n 2.20 j .-, ;; Col.le. Walter. 1 lot 99 ' :;.;.(i.i 'Cuiti-, Jess, 2 lots 28.34 53.20 Ferguson. .1. W., 2 lot- 00.34 (lU, W. M . 1 lot Gilmer. R. I ., 2 lots S.i-,1 l.ilmer, .Mrs. R. I).. 1 lot, bal ; i i lleri en, J. P.. TOO acres 7 27 Hoyle, John, 1 ' acres 1.27 IHoyle, W. M., 2 4 acres f,.f,4 47.04 Hyatt, K. J., F. C. Raymond H.Ofi and Koiiert. acres. '4 in. i i.i i -,i 78 Hyatt. P. K.. 150 acres, bal.. . . 26.44 s'r,r,'Legon, O. I... 1 lot 8.00 ' ll.eatheiwood, W. IL, 120, hal 13.72 Conard, Arthur, 1 lot Casey, Casey, Hosea, 1 lot John. 1 lot . Casey, I'ora, 1 lot Copeney, S. A., 1 lot Grav. Fred. 1 lot ... 1 j Gray, Will, 1 lot .. 1 :!-7, i Hac kctt. Delsie. 1 lot '2.13 , Frank, 2 lots 4K 0(1 22.20 22.26 1 .0 11.51 5.05 9.75 1 5.05 ' 7.05 3.;7 17.54 townsnip or precinct. j All by order of the Boaid in regular ' session. ulations of the Democratic pTty during the primary to be held on Sat urday, May 2nd. Lenoir, Will, lots 13.0(5 Loe. Robert, 1 lot Love. 1). L., 1 lot, bal. JLove, R. C, 1 lot, bal. Ixjve, Luther. 12 acres 2.02 5.0(5 5.44 . . . 27.10 Love, Howard, 1 lot 11.17 Love, C. E. L., 1 lot 18.08 Robin-.. i!. Charles T. 5 acres Snyder. G. I... 1 lot Sumev, W. R., 1 lot 5.90 8.82 1.23 Manning, A. C, 1 lo' 5.40 1 Crabtree Township, 1922 4-35 , Rhi a. .1. T . 170 acres, bal. .. 3.43 1 Crabtree Township, 192.1 4taniey. W. B., 1 lot ,; 44 Ferguson. Champ S., 25 acres . Southerland, J. P., 30 acres 38.84 McCracken, IV J., 34 aces .... Thompson, W. V., 2 lots . .aj . 5.3G. Meaner, J, E 39 acres, bal. . . Thompson. Mr.. Harriett. 1 lot. 11.13 Turner. P D., 132 acres .11.27' Moore, Jim, 2' acres Whittaker, J. C, 3H- acres ... 19.88 Clyde Township. 1923. 1 .foore. 3. H., 2V4 acrM Ixive, Christine heirs, 1 lot 7.81' K.iasty, Taylor, 1 lot I-1 Love, Geo., 1 lot 13.221 due . . "2 15Patton. Jerry heirs, 1 lot 10.11 9.78 3.03 .62 Mace, R. .N., 1 lot 2.15 Patton, Jamst, 1 lot . 5,18 .92 Miller, Carl, 1 lot 10.01 Moorv, Ilora, 1 lot Smyer, Adge, 1 lot 14.37 Young, Hesey heirs, 1 lot 7.08 Wines. Floyd, 2 lots 9.41 .Anderson, II. IL. 3'i acres Williams. F. G., 1 lot 11.10 Creen, Weaver, 9 acres .. Wright, W. T., 12 acres 1 2.25 Jones. J. G., 1 lot S.-i-.ggs. G. 11.. 1 lot 17.88 Qui-onherry, J. T., 2 lots Smather-, Mr- (Ina, 3 lot.-Chandl.-. . (I. ('., II1, acres . . Swann, M i s. Minnie, i'.' hci i,c Mm r..w . Poweli, 1 1..I liavi;. -, 11, IL. -I'l acres Coicin. Mis. (ie..., I lot .ar.l. Mis, ChaCey, 1 In! . . ' '..-lit.. Mr- II. A . !1 acre- . . P. -..le-.. Ml-. J. I.' , 1 lot i.. ..i. 1! I-!.. 2T'V ai ie-, 1 h.i i in... II. mi. . 1 ..! Beaeril.ini Tou n-hiji, P122. i' . . .1.11 ! n- .' . M.r n. ... -. I: I .. .. I' I l I' N. . I ' W II.' II.. 1 i... 1 . ' '. , . " . i ; w . .:. i: i.. . K H j p.. 1 lot 1 1 w. Abel. W. S.. 2 An. lei - on, 1 1. ( I., s. 51.03 Rhodarmer,.!. ()., 05 acre- . . 29.80 Seller-, J. W., 1 si ,-res, bal. 15.10 Tianthani, L. ,L, 1 lot 2S.0O Sent, lie, 11. N., l.'i acres . . 10 2 Cecil Township, 1921 22.00 Rhode-. C A I" 11 In Hill Township, 1921. 10. ''5 l ergnson, J. W., 404 acre- .... 21.25 Fast Fork Townxhip. 1921. oil. 07 1 1 ;, me, .1. ('., 50 acres ''.'1. 12 ( I-h. . i ne. Mr-. N'ellie. 30 a. re.-A;kin- - (I Inn-., half interest 12 To 1 ,-r k Tiiwnship 1922. I Clime .v Ail. 'i-. h.i'f nli -re-!. ''. "0 !MI aeie- .' ( iiooan, R. P.. 45 aeie- ' I.i S'. -. '.I . oo ;.,- .... lo i i- .. ne, .1 ( .. estate, 50 acres ", 2 I ( n,.. .1 N.. -;o acre- ' ..:n . Mr-. N'ollie. 10 acre-Ka-t Fork. Township. 1(12.!. '".1 1 n. 1 1 . C. II. . 10 ac:e-. ' 23 Mm net:, W. W.. :;0 a, re- ' v I I t .1 s' iipiier. W. X.. 95 acre- . . !.".'. .; im... ., half inter.'-! '.'.'.I" ISO aeie- .' Ciogari, 1. M . 2ii ai e-, bal. .. 0.15 Crogan. R. P.. 15 acres 3 73 lleatheily. M. M.. 29 -, hal. . . 9.55 ll.atherly. A. M., 32 acre.- .... 1.4 1 Ileii-on, (1. G.. 5 acre- i.21 Knykeiidall, P. M., T4 acres, hal 9.29 Oshoine, J ('., estate, 50 acres S.13 O-borne. J. N.. 30 acres 10 95 Nixon, M. N, 1 lot 10.72 1 'lemmons, W. B., 2 )ti S.00 20.03 ! Raines, Hiram. 50 acres 10 56 34.13 Ratcliff, R. E. L., 255 acres ... 85.2!) 30.05' Skinner, Bartlett, 1 lot 1.88 :t 43 Smathery, Will A., Jr. 510 2.71 5.93 1 NOTICE OF SPECIAL RLECTION 0.14 2.61 FOR A TAX fOtt A BOND ISSUE FOR A PUBLIC HOSPITAL AM) FOR TttE MAINTENANCE OF THE SAME IN HAYWOOD COUNTY. ,-.n acres, halanct 209 Stevenson. Harri.-on, 1 lot .. 'Styles, .1. Scroop, 1 lot 9 acre.s 11.49 Turnei heirs. 203 acres, hal.. j Winchester. Lee, 1 lot 42 Woody, S. I... 1 lot Ci im, Mi-s Lnla. 1 lot 3.2T Gicginy S.l 1 Allison. M. I.., 1 lot 'ha i lie. 00 acres, bal. Notice is hereby given that more than six hundred and seventeenn (617) Do 1 1 residents and freeholders of Haywood !.il j County, more than one hundred anil 2.2.i' fifty (150) of whom resides outside of .i:92! 'he corporate limits of the Towr. of 29. 2. 1 Waynesville, have duly filed before oo,,tho Hoard of Commissioners for the I i , County of Haywood a petition therein j petitioning the Board of Commission- ; i; els for the County of Haywood to 11.2S Waynesville Township, 4 'olored. 1922. " "",: " '" lll!- ( a-, v, Jenmtte. 1 lot :;,55 'llfteenth of one per cent on the dollar I a-ev, John, 1 lot 8.40 u' h'' l-'vied for a period of time not M "l 1 opt nev S 1 lot 7 , I exceeding thirty years, for the purpose 5 54 I.r.rr Frank " lot- I1 51' P'ovidin.; funds for the purchase l-i':7 Lenoir, Willie. 2 lots i;.::c ' ,,r a -iu' the erection thereon of ; 30 Smyer. Airgie, 1 lot 12.2'.'a P1'1'1'1' hospital and a hospital build- 11 ic.i Waynesville Tow nship! 1923. I ni: in the 'as,er? mion "f tkp ,own 01 waynesvmn. in unywoocl I ounty. North Carolina. And further notice is hereby given that on this date the Board of Com- -i.s2 Aldei man, S. I,., 1 lot A'liiom Charl-.y. 00 acre- 3.12 Arlington, K. I.., 32 acres .... 10 HO Ball. W. W.. 1 ).-t ,",9. TO Browning, Klta, I lot, hal (Calhoun. .Miss Ada. 1 lot 3il.i; Calhoun. Mi-. Martha, 4 lols ., 1.30 Cai raway. Mrs. Tenina. 4 l.t 10 21 C;Lsady, A .1., 1 lot 3.30 Ml.lH :;.or, 2.01 lii:i.20 4.38 5.Sii Chase, Mrs. . p.. 1 ot H.: 1.58 Clement. K. K 1 lot 5.20 Coble, Walter, 1 lot . . 4.39 Conard, Arthur. 1 lot . 1.38 Curtis, Charley, 1 lot 8.S.8 Curtis, Jess. 1.38 13.09 . . . 9.12 9.80 lots 47.47 Aili-oti. C. li.. 1 lo' 11.92 Sharp, J. R., 50 acres 5.50 Pavis, Arthur, 21 acres Wizard, J. II. , I lot Huin -. W. A . 1 lot Furgin. George, 1 lot ( hii-: ,;iher, C. 1... 1 lot . . Clontz, Mrs. H. A., 40 acres ("unitz, J. W., 17'.j acres ... Cook, Walter F.. 1 lot 17.58 Dykers, Mrs. R. H., 1 lot 40.77 . .1 w.. ... .,. ... .... 1 mioru, .uauie, 1 lot Cf.28 ( alilwell,. J. I)., 0 acre.s Herod. J. B.. 1 acre 4.04 Rathbone. Sam 100 acres 0.79 Oredon Shields, 100 acre.s 23 53 Davis, Ralph W., 1 lot 8.15 Jonathan Creek Township. 1921. l)avi., Miss Bertha, 1 lot 35.91 Caldwell, Cleave, 101 acres ... 4.29 Rathbone. Sam, 100 acres 10.11 Ellis. F. M., 1 lot 8.32 Jonathan's Creek Township, 1922. ' Farmis, Essie D., 1 lot 11.38 Burgess, Bandy, 59 acres .... 10.47 Ferguson, J. W., 1 lot 4.29 Calwell, Cleave, 101 acres 1 1 so , ( mission. -rs for the County of Haywood , ... have ordered a special election to be called and held in the several voting 1 rcciiicts of Haywood County on the illth day of July. 1925. for the puv 1 pose of voting one-lif teenth of one rent on the dollar tax for a bond issue for a public hospital and for the main tenance thereof, in the eastern .-c-tion of the Town of Waynesville, .-ucn . bond issue not to exceed $100,000, and I said tax to be levied for a period of 1 time not to exceed thirty years. 33.87 21.91 23.75 I And notice 's further hereby given ithat a new legistration of the voters "I of Haywood County has been ordered ,by tne Board 01 commissioners tor tne j County of Haywood for the purpose of said special election, as nrovided bv 10.3r Fulbright, S. H., 93 acres 23.98 Iaw and that end and for the pur. 4.28 Gaddy, J. R., 1 lot, bal. 16.00 -,-, forpaij .), r.tmii.n liotson, J. W.. 1 lot Drake, N. R., Ducker. W. IL, 1 lot Ellis. N. 1 lot l.!9 Allison. W. E., 90 acres, bal. Fletcher, A. I, 1 lot 7.24 ' Burgess. Braudv. 59 acres ... 10.19 Galloway, J. W., 1 lot 13.26, for the sevcrai votin- precincts of 8.75 Sutton, W. M., 20 acres 5.93 Gilmer, Mrs. R. D., 1 lot .... 241.50)Haywood County win he open from 2.36 Owen. D. A., 94 acres 24.92 Gilmer, R. I)., 2 lots 21 25 amj afte-. the 13th day of June. 1925. Jonathan's Creek Township, 1923. Gregory, M. L., 1 lot 5.05 ns provided bv law. 31.23 Grasty, Taylor, 1 lot 5.57 And notice is further hereby given 13.54 Grasty, W. T.. 7 acres 3.10 tlat the following persons have been 4 74 Franklin, W T., 1 lot 5.88 Cagle, Charley, 13 acres 7.21 1 Hawk & White, 1 lot 4.04 duly appointed as the officers of said Gibson, P. A., 1 acre 5.56 Cagle. Gudger, 5 acres 4.61Hearne, C. A., 1 lot Glance, J. H.. 2 lots Grady, H., 1 acre .... Graskee, R,, 1 acre . . Creogory, B. J., 1 lot Harkins, H H.. 7 acres 12.34 I Ferguson, U. H., 129 acres 72.80 j Herren, J. P., 700 aci-es n3 election; to wit: 2 -3 For the South Ward in Waynesville 2.0S Township, it is hereby ordered that I 8.83 Hoyle, John, 34 acres 5.03 Fred Mull and Geo. Plott appointed Hyatt, F. M., estate, 1 lot 3.03 judges and J. L. Williams appointed 44.74 .Hyatt, E. J. F. C. Raymond registrar for Waynesville South Ward! Harris. C. H., 34 acres 10.29 Moody, F. H.. 261 acres fi.1rt and Robert, 1 lot U interest.. 19.98 Precinct and thafjohn A. Smith and 5.90, Hyatt, R. A. L., 299 acres 145.79 J.: R. Hyatt appointed judges and 22.81 Hyatt, Walter V., 3 acres 36.41 Nannie Persons appointed registrar 7.97 Franklin, I. C, 3 acres 24.18 jHolcombe, Rev. Walter, 1 lot . . 2.23 Harris, Mrs. I jura. 29 acres .. 133.25 Kuykendall, W. L., 203 acres, x.47, abl Hipps, G. P.. 1 lot 10.88 Messer, Geo. acre Ingle, C. D.. 2 lots 4.97 Medford, Dr. R. E., 49 acres . . Jolly, P. T., 1 acre 3.27, Owen, N. F., 40 acres 13.62 Hyatt, P. E., 142 acres Jones, Ebb. 1 acre 3.69 1 Rathbone, Tom, 24 acres 8.83 Jones, M. L., 1 lot 7.70 Rathbone, Sam J., 100 acres . . 12.57 King, Perry, 11 acres 7.93 Sutton, James, 64 acres 8 96 103.32 for Waynesville North Ward Precinct Jordan, C. N., 1 lot 19.56 for said election; and C. T. Wells and Lanning, W. B., 18 acres 11.44 John Allen appointed judges and A. G. Lanning, G. W., 10 acres 5.32 Russell apointed registrar for Beaver- Madcap. Mrs. M. C. 1 lot Medford, B. T., 9 1-3 acres 5.55 Smith, V. S., 14 acrea 12 63,Legon, P. U, 1 lot 39.19 dam South Ward and W. H. Hender- 7.56 Clyde Township, 1922. j Mace, R. M., 1 lot 2.80 son and Prank Mann appointed judges. ORTRlGHT METAL SHINGI Lightning yearly destroys 10,000 homes or buildings of some sort. Sparks on roofs yearly destroy 7,000 more. Cortright shingles absolutely protect from both. V Galvanized and Painted Shingles, full Car Load Just Arrived. JOHN A. SMITH &C0. Church St. Waynesville, N. C. Royal Ice Cream Parlor AND CANDY KITCHEN DELICATE HOME MADE CANDIES DELICIOUS ICE CREAM AND FANCY DRINKS OUR SERVICE ELITE-PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Tobacco's, Gum and Sandwiches OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Phone 287 Waynesville, N. See! I'm Saving Money When you buy your Groceries from us, you can point with pride to the many economies you are effecting. And you can be sure that you are not sacrificing quality. MILLER BROS. Phone 30 Waynesville, N. C. 1