Till" RSI) AY. MAY 2H, 1925 THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER The Carolina Mountaineer 979 Main Street Win. A HA..' I), Editor-Owner Policy Democratic Display Advertising Rates: Thirty Cents prr column inch. Guaranteed Circulation S I ItSt H II' I ION KATKS Sun-. r: t mil Pavable in A.lva.-c I SJ .'.O if rut -o paid) 1 V,.;,. f'-,m .; Moitn- I ''II ;; Months ''"'' Knt.r.,1 a' the post ollicc. i Wa iif-v lie, N. ".. a, Se on.l ( 'la-.-. Mail Matter, a- pi.iv i-l.-rJ uii.I.t tii.' Art of March :;, H79. Ni.vi -ttii.fr 20, 1914 PI III.IS1IKD ON TIILKSDAY Th? Waynesville school district payi appnrximately 1 II of all the taxes in tlw county ami will help pay for a superintendent for Canton schools, M'h; l.av. i ve linn .-. We ui.i.L ' 1 " the people of Cunt. .n u end'trse such unfairno.' Are the people of Wa n. up ti, submit ? hools arc to "I that join o .1., i 't favo r -villc town - knlist in Tin: r. s. a ion. w-e at lie, . I'm ill opi-n for etll. -tment f . t vear.- in the I ;. S. Army 1 i eel uit ing oflice, Ashe - .1.1 no". I Mil AMi Ha A". PHI . A -s '. . I ' I IK IISDAY, M Y 2. I!t2.. SATISFIED. We have received much encourage no n! and manv new subscribers ap p ar on our mailing 1 1 t. In spite of i the faet that we otH'ye.l the law and . tit off many delniuent subscribers. Many new and nearly all the old -su'j- wriber are back on the list, hkf the Carolina Mountaineer. en only young ambit inu-. r d.-.l no ti, who have it in them t.i omel hing worth while, if you a' f etie of that kind. Don't ;i f)! . pportunit. Don't -it. wail, and dream for an opportunity, a;. ply at the Army Itc eiinting station, post ollice building, Asheville, N. C. We have it for y.'ti. Doe-, your job carrv with it an a; portunity to navel, to see differ'nt place-, and to -ce them all under es pecially favorable circumistance-s'.' Doe- your employer provide 'J with access to a well chosen library u ithnut cost '.' Does you employer furnUh you with amusement after working hours with-j out cost ? j Doe yo'ir employer -ec that you g"t , ! A FINE ADDRESS. The address given by Dr. J. Henry lllighsmith and which is printed on I the front page, Kas most inspiring and every word should be studied by the citizens of this community. The Carolina Mountaineer believes in.it we cannot lie too extravagant in the cau-t' of education and we are i'.-itive that we will all rue the day ,f we -hould he so short sighted, Mingy or narrow minded as to abol;sh our present .splendid educational sys tem which was adopted af tt r so many years of serious and concent rated elforts upon the part of the best iitizen.s of our wonderful township and county; we would lie making a tearful and injurious mistake. We should have the welfare of our chil dien ever before us and we should nut let our sympathy for any Indi viduals, with their ancient methods, nictate how our children should be I taught. Havwood county is a leader ;n educational advantages. KEEP IT UP. The Carolina Moun taineer doe.s ot hold a brief for any township superintendent individually; but wfr do want to caution thost' who have the future of our educational 'institutions under their supervision to CO SLOWLY before making too ii any drastic changes in the intere.st of misapplied economy. The citizens RATCLIFF COVE NEW S AND COM of this community at deeply inter-j MENTS ested in their schools and seem to be greatly agitated over proposed radical changes. CAFETKKEA LUNCHEON. I Everything is moving along as us ual in the community. The fanners 'are very busy with their farm work. Everything looks encouraging except taxes, which have become burdensome to the common farmers, but when we look around and observe what his been accomplished during the past There twelve months in the wav of building , interest Ate you coming to town on Com missioner's Day, the first of June? If so, the members of Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian church will give you Luncheon in the court house yard. and equipning our public school prop erty and cons.lering me uiim-i. I amount of means hat was placed in , the hands of our school boards, the a,l loyal and progressive c,ti", a", those who have the welfare of the rising generation at heart to present a solid front and see to M that no reactionary steps are taken and ha we unite all our efforts and .r.te.c in carrying into full effect the gre ( ideals that, was set forth ami advoc, -ed bv the lamented Charles B. Ayco.-k, J Y Joyner and other great educa-tor- of North Carolina. )I UIIUSU u it 4 o'clock home of the was a weiioing in the community where pies, sandwiches, salad, ice i ream, cake, coffee, lemonade, tc, will be on sale at reasonable prices. Mrs Joe Craves, leader of Circle No. I, has appointed Mrs. F. G. Rippetoe as chairman of the cunvmittep in charge. i;,., ,,,- afternoon at the bride when Mr. Pink Compton, a Inga lv respected young man of Hazelwood. led Miss Delia Palmer to the altar . I ... nriwSl V ,..v,..vo t be o It. mil an.i ...) ....i"- ...., io .iv was aiiDiopria 1,,' !(ev. K Allen. 1 o - ... , . f i,. daugnier oi .o. iately perform- Mrs. Compton For Sale- Dining room chairs cheap See Mr. Dunham at Hotel Bon Air, Wavnesville, N. C. ltc many handicaps they had to overcome and the array of criticism that con- frnnleil them and then viewing the .... , i 1 '., ;. .1... ,,-,-oinolished progrcos tnat nas ueen mm.e . " successful results that have been obtained ot. ;ami .uis. wr... ...... . all lines of educational interet .'- school t.acher. highly esteemed by a one of the wonders of our day and who had the pleasure of knowing ni.. should be sufficient to satisfy the Mr, Compton is the son of Mr . . . .. ... .u :.. 'M.', Thomas Compton of Hazelwood. minu oi i ne mom ununu si."" " - : ... ,:iu u. ..... ov no,-,-u Vi,ivp receive 1 He holds a prominent position wnn 0 cents full value for every dollar that we the Wiiynesville Furn ture Companv. Allison.1 have invested in this great enterprise. The young couple have the congl-a- I In contracting th conditions of the lat ions of their mesent with those of ten years ago, many F.r Sale r our room bungalow, ' any one with a sound and unbiased just completed. In Orimball Park, 'mind is bound to acknowledge that Lots to suit purchasers. Price and present conditions are far superior to terms reasonable. See Charles A. those of the past. On drawing this Tor sale Potato plants, per hundred by mail. W. C. Svlva, N C Judging by the one of Wood row's men it will not be some one who friends who are frequent visits of prominent young many moons uncil lias authority will be Hill, Hazelwood, N. C. ltpd conclusion is it not wise and proper for called into service. of good whole-ome food h- ' I plenty ' ut co.--t? i Docs vou eninlover L'ive vou 30 days "r'"' vacation each year with full pay? I I- your pay adequate to your needs .' SON T Alll.ES cr TAXES. T INCOME re- a I"'! IUT. ; i ane nt ncome tuve- have ik-comic -..inc.' of public revenue, at.- have undertaken to ecotidaty income tax for ,'. S Army and things free, its employees a.l,1- s hes steady employ on account of had ,d- in late i'aji ta re ..n age .1.11. int.. tit - The ytfect hiding and -object to - u Hit re i.- an ' 'll.'ollle induct rie di i vi ag ta! ion tav. Il . com ng Wis o!l-in, til. .H'.'il the stat pi evente i new the .-tat,- and tl. e- other states w not sni.je.'t to a state i In the I'llited States fulling off n taxabl vid.ial as well as c has 1m'H largely due t in non-taxable securities. Measures have ln'en liefuix' t.'on-grc.-s to correct the lax-excuiit ri come evil, but so far all action bai iM'en delayed while a .substantially in creasing tax load is put on tsxiblc pioperty and incomes. old in.l'is- lere they me n-oiiie tax as a whole a amount - of in- iipol'llte incotlle. nve -l ment - Enlist in the I eive all the abov. Thv army nay.s iuately. and furn: ment, no lay off 'ili - ne-.s . The a i in; prov pay and p .-it ion chance tn learn a g out for y.u when soe tiiat you dev. in a -ane. normal fashion. The army encourages athletic spoils and furnish, s :,11 equipment fice, aii.l ai.ovr all is an honorable job. lo.ik ,., up ! . ii'. all respectable people, and .ariying with it the sen-e of duty to ou" country ami to civilization. i;...d tni-ti are wantel for the ainiy servi -, . Coo.l nu n it will have and ll, .lie o'hei. If the a iove appeal- to you and you have the -tuff in vou to lie a man .n the broade.st sense, a man who .viil stand out among his friends, a he-man a'lovo all, then give the army a rhanc". The army bu Ids men. ANNUAL STATEMENT TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE, IN. C. FROM MAY 2, 1924 To MAY 1, advancement It gives you a .o trade. It looks you are sick. It lop physically n. 1 T. en. tirer's Receipts. fash C. s .1. M I M I. M T. I'. F. .1 T. W W VY V V. v I .oan T. ('.. T. C T. ('.. sale nalance i on P.r.M Taxe f ii Taxes on Street Assessments of Cemetery lots il Tho cost of so that it has nomie pi oblem government nns risen become our chief eco- n.l the greate-t o!- s'.a.le to our ind... -trial and commer cial development. Instead of encour aging industry, go rnment has too often preyed uion i!. .lotm I'i Kger t..n, president, the N.."o!ia! A.-soei.i '..on of .Manufacture'-. For Sale Twelve hundre I and twen ty acres of heavily wooded virgin oak, polar, chestnut, maple, cherry, wal nut and pine timber land. Estimated to cut fion. five to eight million fed. Situate on Fast Fork of Pigeon Riv"r about fifteen miles from Canton. N. ii han I .Ma J DiJI Libert1" Loan Hon.b Palmer, I'alniei . Palmer. E1 wan Robeson, tuition graded scho Fergii.si.n Count v Treasuier, on 19'i-l budget nd of Aldermen loans for street department ... A. Whitner, Mayor's Court Cost . . A. Whitnrr, l'.'J." street Taxes A. Whitner. 1II1M Street Taxes A. Wh til : . l'.l."; Piivil, I .1' e- A. Whi tier, l'.l'J4 Privilege Taxe- K Y. Judder. Sewer Assessment I. I.. Stringtield, Dog Taxes .1. 1 Stringtield, Mayoi's Court Cost Insurance Commissioner, credit Fire Department . Insurance Commissioner, credit General Fumi .... VY. T. Shelton. feeding stiay cow and cinders W A. Coble on 1 !'J0 Taxes t 'oil, Tne i Nn- Piel'er to sell consider offer McCreery-Pre 1 I 'll Alcaade. . ntire tract for timber ; but dene. .-lions lioni ti, iti- !'r. i esl.-y ( olu.ll ( ompan v. .in. S. C. Elect I Wate. lion I- Light Department DiMiaitment and Certificates . . .Islll.o-io.Hl . 2.000.00 . in, 180.:.:! 1 ;, 20o. oo . (1.200.00 BSU.OO ll.r.O . 6,000.00 ' . 24,997.02 282.15 LJO.'iO 229."0 569.07 . l,64sri.(;: 50.26 j 119.00 61 1.35 ' 165.o3i 51.03 18.00 187.6. . 20,216.'i5 . 12,466.21 . 1,149.69 School Department Tuition 115.50 County Treasurer budget . . . 6,000.00 Ta 1923 2,427.00 Disbursements, School. Vouchers and interest . .Mori.st; Total $ 8,542.50 Fire Department In-surance Commissioner $165.39 Vouchers Disbursements, Fire. .$135. Cemetery Department. Collections .sale of lots $o80.00 J Sinking Fund. Interest $ 465.24 Taxes 1923 809.00 Taxes 192-1 1.541.18 Disbursements. Cemetery. Vouchers $388.33 None Total . .$2,815.42 .pie l There ar- about llJ.OOo.iKio p the I'nited States fount mg I.I -..us to the family, as the Lintel States ,'cnsu calculate-, there arc ap proximately 2l'.,0(IO.IHI(l fnnill.es. Il -there ar 1 I, pHi.poo stockholder.-, tills 'mean- that over half of our families are deriving part of their ncome from d.ieet ownei-liip in indu-; i iaJ enter j.r.s. - now in existence ill the I'm'.-I S'at.s. At I. -let half of our fai.ile . ;ile, th.refoie, inteie-ted In the we! taie ..I . x.. sting ei.terin i liuli.'t.i.. Fedeiated Ind,; Wa-htiL-ton. Total Keceipts id in t: PW7 I!..' oi Sale Nine l..islS I'at ..id condition and ready for 'eigh'ng from 1150 to H'.iio' 5 t-i 7 v. ars. F.xtra well earns. Phone A. C Ni al. Asheville ( on.-t i UV't m Ci'i Treasurer s Disbursement. Hie. : Watc L.ght !. Department ment Assets. Waterworks ....$144,000.03 Sewer System - 'M Electric Licrht Department 90,000.00 Street Equipment 3,000.00 Fire Department 5,000.00 Uncollected Taxes, 1924 16,626.11 Uncollected Sewer Assessmen'-s 2,472.96 Uncollected Street Assessments 117,940. .8 $151,551. 2S i nterest on the a'ove assessments 11,794.60 I Due from Haywood County 4,430.27 V. S. Libert v Bonds 2,000.00 Cash or. hand 26,768.10 Smith's Hridge, Mut :. 10". PHOGKKSSING IIACKW Alt!). new room ige (1. Mr-. Mouittiiiii. N. C I' n Maje-'r sO.l.do It--' an I !' . I Scariior U-pd tf I I ii'pai tmenl I leiiartnient I ). oartnieiil . . v Denai tment , ; w tment .... $19,486.71 ... ih.2::9.2."i 10.190.1S 70,937.10 3,405.8'! 388.33 135.75 Total .$474,038.82 Total Disbursements I'.'i i uni'ii d d.'d n giave ire iff. to th i.wnshio -.' lar.ger of K.port- from in.' F-lucat.on m.li.a! 1 1 .. i i'anrat ion i comp!'e. in vk "! the Pa-t pi'!tir .1 lu.-at I,.' ":i 1. 711,1-1. ' Wie 1 lilted. I .list th t that 0. , sy,' 1. e'.lltr dl ( 'oiint v . ih.it a t o tie ma 1 s,c t ma It, .aid i .Ira-' w il DREADFUL PAINS Georgia Lady, Who Had Lot Too Much Weight, Was Adrued to Take Cirddii and It Now Well. I . S. I ibeity ( "ash Interest Total $122,783.1(s Loan Bonds i,vuv'"' Capons and checks on hand 26,768.10 BondVi,. Ilonds, kinds. Bonds, Bonds. ' Liabilities. Water . .' $118,000.00 Lights 6,000.00 Streets 236,500.00 General Floating 6,500.00 Funding 15,000.00 .$151,551.28 1 KIHT DKPAKT.ME-NT Credit. .$20,216. Water Department C,.!'e,tio:ls $1 K. W. (luilger. sewer Asst. "lit .1 any tairm n the change. system f"i th mistakes have merit and hi'jh d I" in I i. :!ie: w.l . ni'l '' kept I. 'Ill VI U - .'I I rue. am 1 .le pa I ,-h in' I . oiiv.n ,. ison the wisdom of i spire faith in '. ii : futaii'. Of c on - ' ! i n iv a le. but the -tat. 'aid a.' '.v..:'. complishcd overshadows the defects. We understand that the County Hoard of KMucation in planning the budget for the coming year has made no allowance for the salary of t'rw superintendent of th? Waynesvill Township schools, which consists of 12 schools, 54 teachers, 2,000 school children, and the value of fouildinfi and equipments amounting to $250, 000. ' While to the Canton schools, which represents 3 schools, 34 teachers, 1,200 school children, and the value of schoM building and equipment amounting to $150,000, is to be allowed 2,309 toward the salary - their superintend ent. ' Columbus, da. Mm. Oeorge S. Hunter, of this city, writes: "After I married, thirteen months ago. I suffered with dreadful pains In my sides during ... My aide hurt so bad It nearly killed mo. I had to go to bed and stay some times two weeks at a time. I could not work and I just dragged around the house. "I got very thin I went from 126 pounds down to leas than 100. My mother had long been a user of Cardul and she knew what a good, medicine It was for this trouble, to he told me to got some and take It. I sent to the store after It and be fore I had taken the first bottle I began to Improve. "My side hurt less and I began ta Improve In health. ... The Cardul acted as a fine tonic and I do not feel like the Mime person. I am ao much better. I am well now. 1 have gained ten pounds Mid -am till gaining. My sldoi do not trouble me at all. "I wish every suffering woman knew about Cardul." NC-160 Tax. l'-ixe 192:: l'.l-'l Levy-Levy 2,466.21 50.2''. 2.127.0 I 4,623. "'' Disbursements, Vouchers and Interest . Disbursements, Voucher !! m.L . at' I interest Light . . . .$19,486. Water $17.2:19.25 .... 1 ,000.(1'). Total Bond Indebtedness $382,000.00 Outstanding Vouchers, Street Department $2,331.15 Outstanding Vouchers, Water Department 304.15 Outstanding Vouchers, Light Department 1,327.04 Ou'sfr ling Vouchers. General Department 660.22 Outstanding Vouchers. Cemetery Department 112.25 Outstanding Vouchers. School Department 1,422.01 Total Outstanding Voucher . .$6,156.85 .Votes NoUs outstanding, outstanding, Water Department $ 6,800.00 Street Department 10,000.00 Total .$ 10,567 Total .$18,239.2; Total Liabilities $404,956. General Department Mayor's Court Cost $ Pi ivilege Taxes Hog Taxes ' Taxes 1)2:; i Tuxes 1924 4,62.3.5 1 Interest 684.1 i Miscellaneous Collections 69.05 Disbursements, General 8.)3.50 2,215.32 119.00 2,427.53 Vouchers and interest $9,190.18 Bonds 1,000.00 Assets in excess of liabilities 69,081.97 Total $474,038.82 Population Estimated 3,000 Assessed Valuation of Real Estate. 1924 $1,519,181.00 Assessed Valuation of Personal Property, 1924 563,337.00 Asaessed Valuation of Corporations 404,785.00 Total .$11,032.11 Total. 1924 $2,487,303.00 Street Department. Street Taxes 360.00 ! Street Assessments 6,200.00 Total $10,190.18 Disbursements, Street. Real Valuation of Property (Estimated) $3,500,000.00 Levy for Street Department $1.00 Levy for Water Department 80 Levy for, General Department 30 187.65 Vouchers and interest $37,937.10 I-ev.v 'or sinking fund 10 Taxes 1920 Taxes 1923 8,090.00 U.nds 18,000.00 Taxes 1924 15,411.70 Note R. S. Dickson , 15,000.00 I rans R. S. Di' kson Co. . 24.997.02 Total .$1.70 Total ..$55,246.37 Approved May, 1926. Total . . .$70,937.10 J. H. HOWELL, Mayor. Respectfully submitted, J. L. Palmer, Treasurer.

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