TH 1" RS I A Y , JI NK 4. 192. THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER SII.VKK JI'Bll.KK." Uh.v.ku. V . M;,;, :;n Till i;h-.i- arul l'fn;i: In a- .if Italciirh ,i i1 iii.iKirir : m i pi (! ;il i-in I'm ; r' Ma:i: iri in ,,f , ii I.-vm : , . '. - "o ' : "S , ! r r .1 u Irr st nil f : fi. Hai a, a Vh lath, a Sti.:.. - n : .in . w in. !i s 1 1 ! " v i n it- --mn ii' : l. Ta:. lla. It- Hajit i-l hill ( li. 'I'.u!-i;i h fhl. .lulu- llthM;in.l will ! i.i. 'la.!;. ...ii- an. I n.f'l !' N i la- . if -1 .. i: i ill I,- fiatuif.l !.y i.n ft i! uinitif the Hoard if Commission, ii. fur the County of Haywool to It'- 1 v an ai.nuii: tax not to I'xntNl nnc. liftfinth of one i cnt on t lit- dollar j to i.i- leviivl for a pfiioil of time .10'. . fxi-frdinf- thirty cai.-, for the purpiM.' of firo alir.'.' fund- for the purchase1 of a -i'.c and the flection theifon of a puiilic lio-pital and a hospital build--iivr in the ea-tern 'o-l mil of the uiivn 'a ni-Hvi Ilf t in Haywood County.; rth ('arolina. i nd further not iff I- licit. v .en M. I . an. an. I fi: l. (;..ein..i A V. thai on thi.- date the- Hoard of Coin ko not.- addrfi.s of in i.-s.on--r1- for the t irnitv of Haywood ai I.'. N Sun.-, or haw ouleied a -p.ria! election to i.e ir-t Haima rla."s in ceiled nnd hel l in the -evera'. vot rijr t.-a. hf for ncaily i'finat- of Haywood County on the I 1 Ih day of July. for the pur- thc- po-f of vut.nj; on. Iifteenth of ore A a i .I..I.C ,v of tl S-ath, . t -five yt-arv. i M.od.vai 1 II al M. w ill pic a, h a pc . ;al c: I" t he c oiiM-nt ion at 'n. ( ity loriuin. at l?:ali I ri.lay aft. i noc.-i, 1-th The- Ham-Ramsey paitv h.. -1 - i .f f i if roN m i - '-e t ion will wo a erne an oppinun ty 'n t hf in aia in. and t i - c in If d t he au'Mo! ii i. w :!l i..- ..i ke I to a p. : ' v l. n. .l-.-fphu- Iianif!--, la ;. of t ho I ' S. N.n I In I pa i . I 'I a k ' I ..f t in ft : r.r- Sunday af tivnoo . I'.jlV w ;! : :ali ' v " M former S, ,-. villi hf the L'leat ma.-s moon. June 11th, Main ,st Thf Ch, I 'an e'. is or.e of ii.. i,.,.!i. and i thf Sta ' and e h 1. 1 1 ' h . lel.K i ei, t on t he dollar tax for a l.nd issue f..r a pallia- ii...-pital and for i'rn- mail: tenariee thereof, in the caMern tion of the Town of Waynesville. . urn l.ond i--ue not to exceed $100,(1(1(1, ;.nd ai.l tax to he levied fo; a period of t mi- not to exceed thirty yeais And notice s tin tin ! ln'rehy e-ivcn that a new i f eri-t rat mn of the voters of Hay wood County ha- iieen ordered ny the Hoard of ' s foi the' Count;, nf f..r the puipo-f ol -aid f If. tion, a- pii.vidf.l hy law, and to that fnd and fur the purpose- afoi'f-aid thf l f i - 1 1 a I 1 1 1 n hjhus for the .-c f ral v ot ny pr. r i: ct - of 1 1 a;. oi .d ( i.iii.t v w ; h iiluil .1 llllf , I I l.f a.. .1 1 ! W. I i.f U .1 and h J.i-1 .1 Hid .n I in- . af: III lit' 1 n I'l.ui -..I' :,. h the -!..Uft Move In made in.-- - chin nf Haleij n. a day nie-ht. a teatute of the eon- v. in . .n, and the addiesses will I, in. t. rspf rsed with si vera sp--ial -e-'.ctions. ''h. male .uartet of Hen dersom die will furni.-h several mini Ihts, and the family if lr. J. K. II a: .mi'.' ii'r I i a i : Nam a- I'f on- app.. !i:. l irrs"!,n' fo, aj n.-v I - North Ward Tie, ii, t for -aid civ and C T. Wells and .lolin Allen appointed judi;--- and A. (i. Ku.--fll ap.. lilted rei.'1-t rai for IleaW' dam South Ward and W. II. Hender son and l-'rank Mann appointed judges and K. I'. I!a!l appointed rei'i-trar tor Heaverdam North Ward I'recinrt and that Cartiel.l Ji nkins and Will White ajipointed jude- and I. 11. Hoikin.s apimintied recristrar for Hijr Creek J loni, uistor ot the Home Mora am ,,, , a-inrt ami that W, A. Palmer and J. t.uuh, of Winston-Salem, will fu.n- A. Hinnah appointnl judiev and J. !.. j-h an interfstiri part of the con- I'almei appointed reKtrar for Cata v.nb.m pixijrram. Ilr. I'fohl will looehee rei-irct and that C. Z. No t reach the convention sermon on Sun- land and Ceo. A l'.iown appointed day nijrht, which will be tollowed hy judgeii and Chas. if. McCracken ap the consociation service, and the on. pointed registrar for the said Fines vintion -ill on Sunday ni'n ( reek jirecinct and that K. A. Justice Thin convlirtion marks the Jath and C. T. Ferguson appointed judges jinniveisary of the ortraniKition of and Ih R. McCracken appointed rep Simm.s llaraca clas.s, of the Taln-i node istrar for Crabtree precinct or town Haptist chuix-h, anl will partake of .ship and that A. K. Allison and Glenn the nature of a "Silver Jubilei " celc-'A. Hoyd appointed judpen and R. W. I i at am of the ltaraca-I'lulathea move- Howell appointed registrar for Jona ment in North Curolina. The liaia a than precinct or township. R. and I'hdathea classic of lialenrh. 'o- Stephenson and T. N. Crawford ap. K'-Aer with other orpany.ed ItilJe pointtni judges and T. J. Davis ap- 1 .a-ses ,,f thv city are working topeth- pointed registrar for Iron Duff pre- ir Ui make this a note-worthv occa. 'inct anil that A. (I, Haldwin and Vin- -am in the Sunday school history nf """ -I'-nkin alKiinted judges and R tie State W. Teajrue appointed lepiMrar for JOHN 1 1. IiKRRY, Chairman White Oak mecinct or township and Knterta-nment Conimlf.e... ,,,aI ' l- Henry and D. V. Jaynes appon.tfd judees and IV I'. Canihell appointed icf.s:rar for Ivy Hill 11 . net or town-hip and .1. 1!. Sentelle and J. W. k n.-land appointed judges and J. 1' l.onrr apioin!fd icfastrar for ri-eoii town-hip and H. F. Sellers and K. I. 1' 1 s app.iinte I judrre- and l.utn 1 I'le-- appointed reiriMrar for F.-s' I ilk 1'iecr.ct or town-hip and J. K. .1. and Nathan Roper- appointed I in iff s and C W. Moody appointed :ee..-tiai for Ce il pieeinct or town-J ship an I W. W. Ilaym - and ('. 1-. I Roper.- appointed judpes and Vauphtii Hycts appointed registrar for Clyde J township or irecim't. j All by onlei-of tin- Hoaid in 1 collar 5Us-i,ii 1 This A il 0. I'.c.V.. W. F. SWIFT. Chairman. ATTKST: C. F. Kirkpatrick, Clerk. BILIOUSATTACKS From Which Kentucky Man Suf fered Two or Three Times a Month, Relieved by Black-Draught. ...:x ti iiurf, Nevius. .. lol .1 . n:i r, about t .1 ot tile Valllf ..f I'ra-icl - Ii',. . he v. Id.: I .'. ; r- ' . two . : . ; 1 v., .I I :-. I ; l.Lve (il. . in. - .. Ky. Mr. J. P. a I dealer and far : rs ago learned '.'ii'dfoi d's I'lack- ai'- tlnw ill. t.i .a- on 1. onth. V.oli'd work. I was worn to Kf my I thr . ( 0! ft "A lie Praurht Lev . r iiavi til it save c..t vn: relief, v.flr v tu-.e- pat-d iVii. 1 and AC. "Hid II d ...uldti't ; ai in. til 11. 1 didt. t i-t 1 til r taking thf pills a. t a cuuplt.i or I would bt- very Md mc of Itlr.cU 1 I'cpan its 111.C I lout d iso miiih relief ne. 1 would not ba without It for anvthhiK. "It Ktenird to cleanse 11 y whole tj-tem and make rue feel llk new. 1 would take a few doses set rid cf the bile and have my usual clear bead, feel full of 'pep' and could Co twice the work." One cent a dose. NC-161 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION FOR A TAX FOR A BOND ISSCE FOR A PUBLIC HOSPITAL AND FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE SAME IN HAYWOOD COUNTY Notice is hereby given that more than six hundred and aeventeenn (617) residents and freeholders of Haywood County, more than one hundred and fifty (ISO) of whom resides outside of the corporate limit of the Towr, of Waynesville, have duly filed before the Board of Commissioners for the 1 WHY HANDCUFF UTILITIES? I "The 17 financially larpest public I utility proups, includinp investment companies and allii-d interests," says I Samuel Insull, "represvnt 4H.7 per vent of the total capitalization and 4H.4 per cent of the country's total peneratinp capacity. "The situation of these 17 utility proups is almost paralleled by that of the 17 larpest railway systems, which topether represent about one half of the total railway capitalization and half of the pross railway income. "One may wonder why there are proposals that investment of 'holdinp companies in the electric industry should be handcuffed at a time when consolidation of railroads into still larper operating groups is being urged "If the public utility industry is to be shackled, then we must wait a while for 'superpower' and rural elec trification is just around the corner." ALL ENGRAVING WORK GUAR ANTEED. Engraving, Weddinfc (Announce ments and Invitationa, Birth An nouncements, Calling Cards, Business Cards, Personal Stationery, engraved or embossed, lithographed, etc.. at the County of Haywood a petition thereinjCarolina Mountaineer office. Beginning June first, the Library I is being kept open from. 4 to 6 p. m. ! -Since the eonsirnment of ne"w ' tsooks, much interst has been shov.r . by the readers of Waynesville. Thi , i ii dilation for the quarter just ended. March, April end May, was lfi02 v !- times and this at time when the school children were not reading as usual Wont vou boost our Library so that it may be possible to buy a lot of books every month b-.fore they have a chance to pet .stale ? FULL WEIGHT Put a loaf of Waynesville Hrtad on the scales and vou will find it weighs up full we";ht. That is because make it right. In addition U is full of nutritious food elements. r-A Try First To t$uv At Home Waynesville Bakery l . M. UMM OKS, Prop. .Main Street Phone No. 2 1 For Sale! Dining Room Chairs CHEAP see Mr. Dunham at HOTEL BON AIR Waynesville, N. C. THE ANNUAL ONE CENT SALE Will be held next THURSDAY, MAY AND SATURDAY, JUNEU 12,13 WAIT FOR IT ALEXANDER'S DRUGS Opp. Postoffice Phones 53 and 54 Pure Milk For The Children No better nor more nourishing and health building food for chil dren can be obtained than Junaluska Dairy Pure Milk. Whipped (.'ream. Fresh Kutter and eggs. Milk delivered daily to your door in bottles which have been thoroughly ster ilized before rilling. Junaluska Dairy F. R. WILLIAMS, Prop. Telephone No. 2413 R. F. D. 2, Waynesville ATTRACTIONS AT THE WAYNEWOOD THEATRE June 8tK to 13 Monday Buck J once in GOLD AND THE GIRL FOX NEWS Tuesday All. N zimiaa in PAMPERED YOUTH Wednesday Retinal DrAny in THE FASt-ORKER Thursday Blanche Sweet in THE SPORTING VENUS Friday Evelyn Brent in DANGEROUS FLIRT FOX NEWS Saturday ReeJ Ho we s on SUPER SPEED OFFICE Opp. Postoffice Phone 300 E. K. McGE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Insurance that Insures Main St. Waynesville, N. C, NEW DRESSES IN NEW STRIPED MATERIAL At $1.98 ENGLISH BROADCLOTH - at -$3.98 to $5.98 THE FASHION SHOP FOR LADIES'

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