THI KSDAV. JINK 4. THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER The Old North State KNOW iOI It OW N ST A IK, NORTH CAKOI.IN . T: i Hun in ' a), ' -.: k r. a V . i i j. North : - i,., ' : - .1 : 'I f:'- f '.'rA .us ;,'.i : r a.-,, a , . :, .. M: I'na i'lot' .m i the slate extending over 'loO . Murphy in the extreme south- purt .,f the -tat.-. This high o. " -.cii: in- the model roa 1 VI l.o ., rifere-ted ill good '. .oplncl.t - ..: . .1 i r el " ." aUiund here. It was here that some of the most beautiful flowers that adorn the ga Mien of Europe were fii.-t found here. That of cranbei ,y po-ses.e.( such excellency for makiig run for special purines and pio- i n I'm .11 the V.' ! dun- .tcel of the tine-: quality. We ha-.,- corundum, mica and carp' -I 1:.. ' ' ring up of thi.- region of i: ,!.., . ,., wealt h is : '.nd l.i '.villi ilitcie-t , 1 j .' : m "' i ba-m- of thi; The sheep averaged a cut of ten pounds of wool. They run on winter pasture of rye, barley and enrnvm clover and are fed verp l.ttle grain. The land always has a cover crop on it, this not only improves the soil, but preven'. leaching and washing. All co... ' . id ;n the fall is sown in barley and crinwrn clover. This is he 1 i. ki d i use,) for winter pasture and cut a The soil:, 'an early crop in May. In the spring ti't i hi ate after the hay is cut. this land noes to M-.i .ate f. . i. a k lie pa: II.-: tll.d Il.p- 'I' v .. n.rn. 'an. the ' .n a oO;!;g IliT head t .'. i t a. Snok 'iy ..i.-'W.i' i. Wliel er k.r: ..S .it ri 't' - i jii mini to vast rt'1 I on n ' N piac' ere.-' - n;iv n the la.--. it. a wa- the hewn fir. 'it Moid . ll 'lie .pi:. ,n I w; olid .or - '" i 11 of the fa: ". glo'A'el, lt;f an I t '!( i-h - i IIIHl.e N't: t h .mi- in th- . per ." ...on,, ef'j: of It !.:.. th" te: and lh. ( am h'jrn- seker -. Th- live . levei p:ltg rapidly '.,ai-. Noith I'af -ta'c south of the Mason Ib.v.n 111' to eie. t a i !:ee-- factory. There are ,;o fa.t, .;.- .n operation no v. Ml f the-e llKlll'jf act u re Swiv ch-e . N..; !-.-- than fJ,iM0 boy- aril g,rl- are enro.ied .1. the poultry clubs ftrv! almost as many in pig club-, and in' attending fie und-i trie direction - S" a' - 1 1 pa rt nuT-.t nit- ',iicj ha', c I n.,' -d for their fell. lily. The cupa.'- coin for ensilage or planted in .hit , .'. n mm old.- -l !'o: :n- pi olue'ion of ce: reals aril beans for hay. All -uy bean- a'' !:. ' .r. t:.' -.1 a - .- e-pial to that "f any i: ot ulated. not only makes- larg.-r ,:, a .ni l :i, i.. - ...: ".cn-j i.. t fa- fact t'.a' the piowth. hut ;nsu:es a greater storairt t m: t.-'l :'i - i'f.' eied with a r.e;. of nit! nt-n from the air, which im- i. 'he .j ,.t'i- --'a ', ',),- .'i.i.un'.a.n- an- -usc-Mit lili- pmi'. t!ic -nil. Canadian Held p--as ' -n- pn-iui . -. i of :.ri!;'a'.i- ru'l. at lot. up o their are sown with the .-pring at-, th. : nam:.-: --f -.. m. n . . ; - ' K:v' - a le tter quality of hay r!i.-.r ;,:.!': four-rift i-1 AiM-in' 'tie alley, most no'-l '-.i whei.- oat- are sown alone. After .rio own honi--( ' : . a'jt;. an-1 extent are th- upper 1 the oat- arid pens ate cut the latter debt on : h. m. i I-': -n h liioa.l and M.ll river allcv.- part of Jan ..i fir-t of July Japanese . p.-: ci-nt na- :n H-nd-'-o-. an, I Transylvania, ihe rib'noii can- is sown fur a fall nop. t Anifl o.Saxon j Swannanoa :n l!jncomle. the m ' then thi- land is .-own in wheat or 'o'jn.l ,n Nor;hnei. IJ', bland and Jonathan's creeks I rye after the cane crop is cut. The the irr-at -s' I tla". lands .n Haywaiod. ; wheat and rye land : Usually suwi pure-t wa The iso thetmal belt i- found ulom; ) with rexl clover in early spring, the This mak-sltii- Tiyoii mountains and n H miles ' following spring after the crop: long and extends from l.tiOO feet I of red cluver this land 13 turned and, ai.ow tid-water to 2,200 feet, be ngjsown to barley, for a fall annd winter! loo f.M't ,n width. This !egins at l he j pasture and May hay crof,. i '.'i-i v i,a.-e ot the mountain and extends Ihis makes ail tne laiiU yield ;w ."i.imio childiei: -la . :yv - h-ioU in-l- of .' 1 1 C IP. ' I "1 t of Agi. altu'e The Sta'- ,. .): ' inn - ( 'oas' al 1 fi.oon'a ri i-gion.-pait of tne stati pla;n -: ret, i;i:.g , 1. 1 " t b- i r.f -r:or . of . i.. i..,n-lM- i tlf". Ii, -i- - It :- ,1,- Hence the "I jtnd of 'h ideal spot for home- crops a year. Sky" is an seekers. 1 To the Farmer Boy of North Caro lina. He met her in the evening, j A the sun was sinking low; And they walked along together j a.n, I'.eilniont and The whi.le a -tei n c-,n- -f- of a vast 'out the -ii cni.-' f count : v a ilistaii -e I "f January . .-ii- hun-h .si a: 1 ; snow a.'l.-i-t level ill I i- t ruck farm ng. :,-- I up to you reach the full height of th- Blue Talire in Bunco'nbe county. Th- belt is perfect of about l,.,m feet "Die facts of temperaf-ii" is -t range. The mercury falls in sum mer and n.-e.- in winter, iieing a to 10 uegrees m summer and 15 to 20 de grees in winter. On account of the topography the wind prevent." the dew j In the twilight's evening glow. ironi and hence there i-s no j She waited while gallent'y fio.t We here n latitude X de-! He lowered al! the bars, g:."-, out for al! pia'tical purposes i An,) her sft eyes rested on him :; de-ree- south of our geographical ' Like the radiance of the stars, position. The leaves of plants, shrubs j Hut she neither bowed nor thanke.i and flower ng plants iema:n untouch-1 him. e, by fio.t untd the latter part of Because .-he knew not now, In--. 'tii-ei and .-.m-t m-s the 'inh:'- For he was just a farmer's lad. And -he a (iuernsey cow. T - I II. f N. ti r-t .-tar.:s ,t' the tua.i m s as iKid a -1 r..s joints to Nor -n ,:i fie l-:ii. nl.icy I'l.tu- fa-li. ..tafe. Th ai -o:na at "nap 1 s'..pp'i'tcd univer- j ':ei in the 1,'n.oii. i I ji ..chool ,j - j any in the South h aioilllu a- one ' pH" lain r: -uppbe- f--'a'.,-, lei' wr iiiib: ' -tin hi t ! for a l uo iiids an e t. I i :- -ecf.oii, n-t ntll-l pa,'.- of population of .long fee dp It liif '. ;s i 1 1 J .1 1 he land.- I ar The 'lint '. I 'nr. va.,ev i noted I' ll Havuo d r....,.i I 'i 'a.i'iftil -I'en-ry. At Canton in va-ev - located the Chamnicn .- nlant. 'he large-t pulp mill in r.v '.v.: 1-1. The plant i- ojieratcd day i.-l night, witii a force of sixteen un-iiiil and fifty men. Here all of I'.l Million- genuirry potato plant-. Ibr i,: .. i.-..i.. t-:.'. ,u lis j-;., '...-, to , llt r.ui i I UWIipil, I UllipMIl 1 "ioi and .ler-ey Swipt-. I (HMJ rfl.,... ..ii-Mi - S7..1". First clasrtBts and proir.nt shipment guarant-i'iI. Ss-hroer I'lant ' Fai nt.-, Valdosta. Ii;i. July'Jp-t of til mad i apa. -wan: Ilepo At. an .tiki, 'I h. -t Iirogre--:ve, mo.-t d--i-t:..:t healthful of the So'ith I at.-- a.- a place for ,'ivine-1 n--haii-f ' -e iU:t l"t"l i: . ciiang t;. Th- f p bind, i- '. of ph.. I wh -h . tiouid for Th- of III !! i r, .f I ii,f ,:' N-irvh ( las fo-i) yeai I hiring tlu, in NV.rjr ('.'irolf'na n -'.irpa-scd all th , .i..tnni State- :.- :iiilu.-trial d-v-i p.'ni''. an-i 1'iuwl: No othei -tat- i : a- ii!, yv. a' i p'.'c -sand gru.i'.hj n 'hi- -.irne b-ng'ti of 'i-iie In lti''l 'he fact-M value of product- luiili :.i''..:tC tn Nuifi; am uiiti. ' ' j I ' ' on .! 1-a Haiti, s' l.'J-'i ,,-.niaCl!..n "f w-.tltii wa- m-e ' .an lo ai d o'l, -thud 'oil "ll dol! it -. ,rtb ( a:-- i a 1-ad- the South in fac'i- i 'a : 1. hii'.en'.- Having ,n -'...". i r. 'I alii f It' 'f u ri n J e-tati.:il n . ., ,-.!... f . ,v, , . i fa. t ir c - Trie with i -upp' " an 1 ult vat ,nii t ii : y ha - 'hell pro.l'lctlVe ii y known a- the t P- develop",. ite has .been dis now lM-:ng mine I jiurpose.. w.: a greater ca the P all le - nl of the suatitps ate co-erei m den-- growth of recl-l d produces more than .-cell,':t food fo, ca :i:i,mer. I I rape.- tire .1 Strawberries Horro gi nvn for sIe. fill cents a gal- . -hree pr,.c-.-. for making p.lier'lnn ,(V the ,.,-.,. S(), rieiiry France. m.,iiye.. that is: Soda. ulpmta .irK, lkM.V L't-ntl .ulthat-. It turns out daily o"T,", i of -urh material S'.rawix'rries Fresh Home grown Fach day more than x hundi -.l 'strawberries for sale, HO cents a eal- and own 'i t nun i- -d f mi T r Sh 'bird id p t; i I - i-'.al l'iain 'I'm- ieg:- g :: ' 11- -ct.on. Th-re e. of steal., shmg in lus t: ;. jrreat-r thin 'in S..uth Atlan'i' T'ne .-had are ncd th- oy-tei -. Th. y -'-: known. The di tie found lie.'-, eg, on lie. between and t n- mount. i n ii: co.i.pi .. nearly o:y of the -ta. . fully ciircig beau! . T'. ug'tt it"- iiiii- of ,-oal .. con-unicd, Th- company owns and control, mote than llla.'MM) acres of timb.1' land... Nothing i- waisted. as td;-exhau-t steam from the Imiler. an I engine- i- used fur heating and evap oiafing purse.s. The kirgest tanic acid plant in the world 'S located h re. Oil ba-reK Iipjid extract da;!. Thi- acid is .old mo-tlv n-rth and we-t. Although thi s -hip .otne aci. to Kngland, In dia, Japan. Cuba. Menmaik and Hol land. About one-fifth "f th- com pany - output of pulp will lie mad-' irto finished product at -Canton. A splendid V M. C. A. building :s p o. vide, I an, a superintendent of vo":i in.iii-; i- empio'eit ttie y.-'ir enable employes to get ad d -oe.'ialr.ed high training, tht e model n school buil I- lon. bv the crate. Phone 294-W. See rtenryrT"rancn, L't-nd For Sale Portable giu-age and Ford Coupe. See Mrs. MaxA. 'Scarbor ough, Black Mountain, NC- 4t-pd tf Southern Rail way Systen Sunday Ex cursions Until September 27th, the South ern Railway will sell Sunday ex cursion tickets from all stations between Asheville and Murphy to any station on the Murphy Divisi on where the round-trip can be completed on train returning pas sengers to starting point before midnight same day. Rates for these outings will be on basis of one fare plus 25 cents for the round-trip. Call on your Local Ticket Agent for rates and passenger train schedeule. J. H. Wood. Division Passenger Agent, Asheville, N. C. tonal roiiii, :iv I N-,..'i Carol in :n. lie: hard pow - ' t an ! I It: tin- -.alley 1- t!ie dair farm own. ; . i :.:. 1 ot crate,! by II. A. Usb.irne an. I - -;.. It is one of the best m t " 'at This farm consi-ts of jfp) -- a. unit Clo arie- in pasture and 'Aatioii. ty inten...' method of tuati-n and th- use of tmprov d i hinc:. ami fhe maintaining and j coving he soil tin- farm pro-' I the and dairy We'll '. .- p.nd 1 ft I- :11a Sh. ".'. 1 port ng I I ni!f . 'ir s-'ate :n lid -'.III I Mlf.'l, f ll ' -he S'Ufll n a 1 n 1 o. ; knitting , onhrg g 'ii -I '! . : ':..- 11 in; b-i : 1 Ii'- '.altl.' 11; t'li- Iial.n ;l. cuftofl fevf. vey deta.l. I null., three .. in 1 Us, one u kory atlil .- :". it: the Sut!i. ,1 ttie count. n the number (': end; of :h- -:i.t"-n all! we. tern ..ectioti 'I' ..: ,011.". t- i witti favoraa'e -Itmaf :. . .ii lit !!'- "tf." . great i;r t cui'ti: ..1 o - -.nit ,c and in '. h - ct.oii We tin! 'tie wide-t range of piodiict-. The fruit, of the tempeiale ..tie tied congenial homes here. The ne ich - aie the best in the world. Th- mountain section lies in -he we-t"'n part of the state. Cyclones of am! -t rm- are unknown. Forty-three wire.' ' located at 11 'arg.--'' .oi.lage mill Ha. ton county lea cf th. entire I'ntnn i t-otfo" mills an, rank, lir.-f of the : peaki - of il.niwi feet and upwards rc court tes ,,f the South in practically ! f.etn.l in this section. It is noted for every detail of textile mdustiy. !..; it. pure air and beautiful scenery, cated at Durham is tV" ..n.s; h -, T'-e w hole section is adapted to "tj-'k erie mill in the world. At Kannap.di , ', rni-ing. Not le.-s than 20.000 high the laigest towell mill in the world, j b ed steers are shipped out of the and at Creensboro the largest ilenim j n ountains eaoh year. One shipping mill. One one city in the U. S. makesC po nt. 'ly-'. i,l(,ni' snil,'i :' m) hea'1 more furniture than doos High Point, j annually. The soil is a rich de?p Since Maix h, 1921. the State High-. ! .am. Mxssive forests ami natu-al way Commi'on has complete J I niea.low are found on the tops of lOfi.51 miles of standard, modern up- n-eany of the highest mountains to-date highways. The state- is build-1 which render it important for grazing, tng every month .r0 miles of paved ! nowhere in any of the states can be roads and 75 miles of other types of j found an e.iual aiea of land covered good road?. It is estimated that wh;n with timber, trees of various kinds, the nrozrair. is completed North Car-'and of such value. The cultivated olina will have 4,500 miles of state gras-se.s flourish everywhere with highways built almost entirely by t'.i.' state and maintained by the stiW. The central highway' beginning at Beaufort! in the extreme eastern pof- dinary care. Some of the largest trees of the 17. S. is found and the forests are comparatively unbroken. Flowering plants of many varieties !i.,e erollgh to f,e, ca'tle. tile head ,'f i'.oi - concent i at i . a re b night . I I Of ll-- of ic '..llltll.'U- 'p. ll .- i to iiri:.,',,. C'e -o 1. Il-.f-:,l- of !-- man. .re mad" on the fat fn. v . y ii't... coiiiine I'ctal lertiliiter i- tiougft Tile .lain cattle cons:-ts of abori' ninety head, mine than fifty -f !::; number are legisterd Cuernseys ;,n I the remainder arc grade lluern --vs. This herd i.. lubercul lie accredited, never having a reactor on the fa'in. Milking under general farm condi tions thi. herd has made a splendid record, both for milk and butter fat. One young cow with second calf led this state for .March, giving almost HO pounds of butter fat or nearly onej hunCrtd pounds of nutter tor t.r.e month. Another cow led this .state fo- the month of May in milk, giving 1900 pounds of milk and 7H pounds of butter fat for the month. The aver age production for the entire herd milking for the past year per cow was around eight thousand pounds. This herd of Guernseys is one of the best herds in the south. A v?ry fiine lot of registered spot ted Poland China hogs are kept on this farm. The hoifs are grown prin. cipally on pasture both winter and summer .supplementing with a little grain and milk. A pig from this farm took first prize in the Buncombe county pig club last year. The sheep are high bred, both for wool and mutton, The lambs were sold in May and averaged 117 pounds. Summer Needs For Men And Young Men The need for cool summer clothing is here and McCracken. as always, has u most complete stock of apparel for the man, young man, and boy. Priced, as you always find things at MeCracken's pleasingly low. SOCKS, SOCKS Silks and other kinds. The season's newest styles in all sizes. Come in and see-them. STRAW HATS If you haven't bought a straw, come in and see what we have to offer. A most complete line priced right. UNDERWEAR Just between your clothes and yourself these summer union suits and two piece garments will keep you cool. SUMMER CLOTHING Gaberdines, Tropical Worsteads and Linen Suits White Flannel Trou sers. Keep cool save money on each suit by buying at MeCracken's. McCracken Clothing Co. Main St. Waynesville, N. C.