THI RSDAY. JI NK 4. 1925 TUE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER tin: ;. Nat. No. 1. Oldest Hank in Western Carolina. If ;.r ' : - : d-a,': -a , oe.l, .en'-. g.i e u; : n i! - :a,r ;m I d:.g:i; at A :.:!( a poddci. Lot Ming- ;,i . '..n, pan ";ir .-..n.i, and then- wi.l i. ,.. ,1 a:, ig, in. tit, nu ni-, , -.-'t i f,o further ti.n!. i n. ,!.-r :!.! . ' nr. fi..!i; the v rw point of a!. an , ;.i eti, e V,. ;; ,t i-d..m an.l tiuth, . - , ; ,, 1 1 . i . 1 1- T f; :'a' ! ii . h an account w it h ,i;,i,.lj.-.. ,,M.-t !...tlk. The . flu !" an.l ,ll:e ;,ii;.-m' '!.. ea t. Hi? tin n . f tie county. 'Ih.- ,-pv. ..i. , r , 'iirr.vt , ia: ..nil .-living- ac ,, ,ii' !,r: : pa-.- font ' c ' t "ii 'iMnitv Th. . i . j.. mii, ft '" ttie i - .;!' of Hayw I : ...a- ik-it i" Miri' i- app: ooiatc-d hiic th..- bank today. This .- li, ,,t ii t.i' ..n .ii We-teri N'ort't aroiina i i.i r- :r.u- kink v - the anmuut f K ..,..! t.ame the office.-. No. 2. superior laundry Work. :a,,;,. . ,. nvogrilvd ,y .1- wo I k an.l the r. nipinvs.- tri win. h :t i 'ielivi re,l. Kui prre i.t an :ii. " tain Whenever you liral a laundry ,,,;: k, a'.r.-av. ..f the times and m-talling the latest a. ;. to ' '. v.-ll w.i: ..! a H"i;ii"lir (oneem that i , t.i: I' l"'. .in' of public pal n.nagc. That -,ii n a ia,iidr i- eon.-edid t.y .e:y..-.. !.., k. in- h. t-.. Th. nio-t m.i.l, rn !, ., ta.natilc - opera!.. I f.-i the Unetit of ,. ,, Ti v t. leph. Hi' atnl dcl.wiy wagons I. ,,, . e Mi;- e- tat.' ..-hlncllt llevt do,,! to you . a', away- te.olv to re-pond to a call :.n.l :! t... ..a' a,.ii.'v. Th:.- a honie enti'ep'i-e : i,, , ,..( .... -. .ii.. , ain'a! an! .- .ntit'.-.l ;.. tin ,.; ,.;.;i! e.t ,. n f , :t a-..! c r t I he yn i. e I rti c SI. H I- . . . , . a ..r,. u t : a a ;,.., ,. .' U a m . . I , - . oiitu . Moii w :. m, . :.: ,. , . a.- ai,. . !.. ti. .-a; ).. air: ; . ' ' Ma t :, Ml and oMa i a. 111:.' , i .-. . -, m a- m. ninnr- p. a a i a.. I.' .. ..Me 'Aa'.h'.lo:,!. He . '. a . . 1 1 ' ' ' ..a d M.g Mom- Would :. , '.,!. I '. !,.i II, i a ,- : ,.i;.i ; a .' im !: : .let p' - a, , 'a! '. it.a , ' .'Mlfi Miol.' all 1 Ii. n. a i n i' a. iia in aiei l.atia t ',. ii w..ik. Me,: III.- .M1I.! of Ma . fin- t- N r..,n ,l,,pi a to' . -.- .. itxlv of t'a- ---hm: l..k.rol llapp llnnu.' T-. '-la,,:- happy iiotiie.-" m Vaytiei!le m.-.. f.,i n.a y y ar- Plough", joy ami rladn.- to M. ne!y e,!- ,. imminent to the .-vttlv.l family ..1,1 .omtoit ai. ; aipines to the aired ami intirni, I -, n.ak-llef !llll.- .ondltlolls toleia'ule ill the hlltll,. n,i have all . a.iy cue-snl th s thii- icfvr to S a ne-v , ! a-'.- lea'linr furniture hou--e. ThM tiini .,ri.t- iii.nieiie line- of nn-d.uai and hiedi nulv 'ar mt, ii e. .aipvt.M ni(T" and other flix.r rm viinu.i, . ; 1 1 , and raner-. This tirm will fumi.-h the ,-ni. i-onip-et oi a peer of hand-oiTiv fuinituiv fai '!.. eoy i-ornvi and quality and rea-onanle pnee -,- han I in hand at this i-tona This firm does a 1 i.eral undertaking and the neiMinul oiieh enteiM int.i every funeral eonduete.i. Th. trm handles the famou- Wuiln1,er piano-- and the etrola rhono'inpli-. Name this old firm, name the kiVhvn m. M,al a- a U-ailvr and nam,- the man.i; i. To of thv Most Popular Cars. :,! m .i W'a ne.- ill.- h:i.- tlie ari ncy fix tw,, ol :.': oopieai i-ai. on the market. Th t.e'.t : i-ai .! the two na- the .;i.i,i- type of -lee e-valve .-n'ilu aiii ri tne moiM eH-nsive eaM o! t-Mirojiotin niak I: ipii- a- sr.K. -,th a.- .-ilk. actually inri"jve . .... .- I ii- l.ettei ,i niif aft.-' l.'. tKIH mile win! ii, --.v. (Iwno:- retioit ..(i.lMin mil.s w.thuut an aljll till III- The ;o-.vel , tiled r;i: I.- male in Me i -p;.la: in .,!.!- one ,.f vhah, mow taking i i..-t! 'V -t-iMi. TIim ;.: wll nitik'- -ti mile: M, v.;ii!.... --f a-nane an I - -r tin- i.'nu i la-- with than 1 the . to and 'I The malkel- "f tk:v ir.r put o l" the M, dan and tile local at'-ll, y uill iowe-t i - d.-m- liM ; at e ol.-.- at any time. Natne th,--e t wo -nr.-, 'ie in.a- of to .an : ... a. factory, name the local : Mia- :-,. :n ,.nd nana the nianaeei I lie Mov id Depeiulalile (,imks. I - a' "id ill aide depat t .n-llt h,-e III -.l.eie .pial.ty p;-,,,d- and reasoiia le pi:,,- ;.,iii-l in iiand and m on-,-, pien, e the tiMii ..- p. ...iiaiaiM of a taiia.-:no; Made. Tins Me. .a'.., e,-i:llli ill ,l:y i'o,-. notion-, ladles :;,'i ',- ,ar. in-n's and h,, clothing and 'im -: , i : t'e 1 1 1 . i e family. 1'.:- Ian, -el..- the ,-e '. , '. , i a t ed K 11 ppel l lie: niv - a"oa,l lioM,, t -a Khe.-hiMn -ho.-, Stet-on hat-, and Man;. attan -ti lit- an 1 liiui. i m-.i - for men. I in--tor. . - a.-tinctly the -hoppne. place foi the pe.iale ! . :ty ati-l county and ha- rendered a -ple.alal in,. t ti-.o-e iv, want ipialitv ,.od- a: i.-a-on- al. c . Na:i- and lo ati th;- -tore, inline the ex-i.i-i'.e . in- ol iio.-eiy f.i: !ad i s -old a- a lead.: end :v t tie -.,1 on. n.uniiei lamp: lin-.v lincstmtnt I. one Timv Satisfactinn. Kcry oiinvr of a iriotiu- car with a setlan stevl teih. -teel huiH has a lone time investment and a .one; Mil. i' satisfaction assuifd. This .steel design .n,i:.!,.- sills, jianvls, fiame and all. The stwl l-i-d i- an vxcljsivc feature of the manufacturers of one of the most popular lines of motor vehicles. Kvviy typo i built on the same chassis. Th.1 all teel lioily desijrn possesses certain practical ad vantages which recommend it most emphatically to the buyer. It reduces cost, assures a structural piecision which is particularly evident in th' snuft lit of the doors and windows and results in the staunchness of construction not found in any other make of motor cars. N'a.m' this line of motor vehicles, frive price of business sedan delivered, name the local agency Mlling them unj name the proprietor. 8 A Leading Jewelry Store. When you buy diamond or otner precious stons you always want to know that the jeweler is it liable for you have to depend largely on what he tells you unless you happen to be an expert. There is a reliable firm of jeweler here in Waynesville where you will find splendid assortments of pre cious stone, gold nd aillverware, cut glass and novelties of all kinds. Quality and reasonable prices y.o hand in hand at this rtore. Special at tention is given to the repairing department and this branch is In charge of an expert and satisfac tion is guaranteed. This store is popular with the people of this city and their patronage is appre ciated. Name and locate this store, name the proprietor and name the ladies watch sold as a leader. WHO'S WHO IN WAYNESVILLE? $20.00 IN GOLD FOR THE BEST SET OF ANSWERS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY BY THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER The Kulrv till ou how to win ( Any person --.ol identified wilh The ( atohna Mountaineer is eligible to ivntest). (Head each notice carefully and n ,(e ttr uestinn asked or implied. Then bcKin with "No. 1" and answer eieri question u can. I se plain paprr. on cne side only. Number your answers consecutively, and put your name on th tup of the first sheet). (,et firm names and names of pi r-ons CIII1KW T. This is IMPORTANT. (Jet lour answer any way you can. If in doubt, ask the adiertisers ). (It is not nicer-ar lo have all the answers correct to win. The best setaf answers to The Carolina Mountain, nr. addressed: "Contest Kditor" will take down the f;old. Answers must be tiled by noon Wednesday evening. June 10. The answers will be announietl as soon thereafter as possible.) This pape runs 3 times. In case of tie the prie will be divided. Home of Quality furniture W'an'si!li has a :.-!;ar.le tirm of furniture dialei-.-.rai this i-stanl:-hmcnt ha- remicrid vloa!de seivnv to the people of th:- city and county. This dvii cari.iv hicjh and medium grade- of furniture, carpe; , u'- anil flooi 1-o.eniH" of eve'V description, s'ov s ; n I lanoa -. .-.rid , pial.ty luerj-ae;'. Tin- conciin nan :!. - the pr-rtlacts ,,f the nn,-t re'iah'e ta-toii'- ::i'.l tteie - in-thn.i' in the h,,u- fuini-h nj I ne tnat . . . r i r i - -" i... I-. 1 1 1 l ! : i :ni on tii very ' -t t. Mil . a. tile! ,-u .Vo I'll! 111'. Il.t a hll-c to'll- idvte "i s. vmi,v I'm a -it.giv art tele ..j Mould n-v -,:!., ok ::,, .lle-.-c- ,.f tii- m-Kimc firm. Th-l-MI. ,el'- tie o.V p;.ol--o ap':- n the u-ot-ld. " I'l: 1, I - i !' Natn- I l ading ( . rui t-ri St ore. ' M , - -, Wt! f Inn- , f t'-e-h I Iliad le-. :iii'-,,-r -1 am lappa- and rim- . t.- -no p- pa :: n -uii'l i 1 , a:ei il pa.n-taKing Im i- keen .n -i.s . tt'.i::lt-. ha- aiway.. t,.-i-n na:a .i.oin t wi'ti tin- 't'-tn in,) ; h - ,-oiipled witii tca.-m-.' p'l hn- eaine.' I'o' jhem .1 constantly trl i:v n i- in thi- city. Tin- -ton- .- ahvny.- ken; .n .. i lea it I y -andaiy colli :t ion , th service etli-u-nt and a tiial order will i-onvn.nee -,oin This io,-e:y Mi-im--. wa- founded in l'.'l.'t on the piineiii:e of e nij.' th"t eu-tome!.- alue : e,-i i ed for t-ti-iy iolla' iNper.iled and our patronat" i- .'iptin ciated leu- N,-ii an locate thi- .-to:e, t.ann ti p opMe.,:--, and name tie coffi e as a 1. iHer and o ve praaie niimtii r. 11 l.eadinu ( leaners and I)vts. To : or. me an expert in the all cleaning and dy .ng leqaii-e- vear of experience and the necess ity e.piipnieiit. There a firm h're in Waynesville which afToril- s(ecial -ervice to nun and women who di-ire to have then garments handled par ticularly well. This firm does cleaning, dyeing and -team pre--ing of a high order, cleaning garments t,y a new system of clarification that tenders th utmost in satisfaction. This plant is conveniently located, hut the delivery wagon virtually places the i -tahli-hmint next door to every home in Waynes i :!lv. Tlif win k sent out by this titm is the r very ne-t a,l -rtisi incut in the community. The pro prietor lias recently completed a course in the art t f dry , leaning jivi'taining particularly to fancy drc.-se.-. Name and loi-ate this cleaning and dy ing e-t ih-h-hment. name the nianag, r and give the phone IlUl'liiei . 12 leading Department Store Met . iian li-;ng in WavnesviHe has heeome r -a--, -iiai'Iy eas-. liecausi' one of the city's leading de partment -tore handles the largest a-sortmcnt .f tan laid meiihainiie in thi- section. Kverything i" nieti, women and clnldivn to wear, including dry -, ,-d. and notion- may Im obtained at thi store. The -p et-l.d line of imllineiy is replete with all the 'a'e-t -tle-. the -hoe- di'paitment is always sploii .1' ill stocked. In 'he ladies ready to wear depilt :; nt vim will will tin, I that thi- merchant has male a 1 1 -1 1 1 1 -. e s -; 1 1 -.- fo: th,- ladies of Wnvnc-vilie to go to t, i.-.m-im , tii - to do theit -hopoiiig for they will tr 1 ,c:yth:ng her, that is n.piir'.l and then the p i,-- ate p;-t tight for this is the store whe.e h.tli iiia!:t.-. an I ica.-onalde price- pievail. Name thi.- frni ami give In. at ion- of -ton, na"i the leading Ime of dtc--e- for ladle- snh a- a !;:.!- l and n line the haling -hoe to- no n that i- ,. ,1 hei e. 1.1 (Quality Jewelry. Tin t o i - a reliable jewelry firm here in Wayne--idle, one that carries splendid lines of diamond-, watches, clocks, gold and silverware and novelties of all kinds. Kveiy package that leaves this store In ars the stamp of quality though reasonable prices prevail and in consequence this ifirm is in command of a steadily increasing trade in the community. In fact this store has built i'- reputation on the depend ability of the stock carried and by according to all its patrons a square deal. Special attention is given to the repairing department and all work is absolutely guaranteed. When you are in need of anything in the jewelery lines this firm will be pleased to serve you at any time. This business was established 4 years ago. Name and locate this firm, name the watch sold as a leader and name the telephone number. 14 Quality Hardware Store. There is a firm of hardware dealers hercj in WaynesvtUe and quality has always been the first consideration. This firm carries complete lines of shelf and heavy hardware, tools, cutlery, stoves and ranges, paints, oils and varnishes, sporting goods of all kinds including guns and ammunition, and farm implements of every description. This firm would like to supply you with all your hardware needs and will do it the right price. This firm has long since realized that service is the principle on which all economic business is founded and they are prepared to serve all the people of this county with all that is best in hardware and your patronage 's appreciated here. Name this hardware firm, name the leading lire of paint Bold, "The kind that lasts,' name the mana ger and give the phone number. 15 Kic'uMve Store for Ladies. Vi r.iw.l i 't fashion center for ladies of d;s ir t-,: i pon vnJii nc a distinct credit in any of the a: vet Mtli-. This is distinctly a woman's shop wheie ail t't: t is best in ladies ready to wear gar ni, n.t- ;. r. .', e h..:ve millinery in the very latest Mples ,v e row peing shown. This store is a decided I'.-nveti , e the ladies of Waynesville for now tii'. ' i , i ,:iti ely ur.vt . ccssary to go to the larger ,; e- ' , , il , :!u : -hop-iinng. Quality merchandise p'kvs go nand in nanu at mis store, - tin- -tore of stylo without extrava-tnr- carries beautiful lines of linge ie 'are, :.n 1 . of a of II ;-rico N"-i h - Thi.. e,v:h dv. limine .': n:i- I'ii that goes to complete the wardrobe store al-o carries the famous ime .:d Hosiery hi h for quality .and -'.irpas.-ed. -a-lu-ii, -tote f,"- l.'uhe-, name the -e- - 1 i as a hade' and name .tie In- Mod' n: dumbing fin the Home. '.I, 'nan who e:,i-ts a modern home is not penny v.M-c aid mi rid foolish, for the heating and plum ' n -g to. a l ew home or a i.u-iness block is of t lie tit tin. : i m pni tanee and we often wonder how wc in. cot along without these modern conveniences. 'I bete -s a loial lirir here in Waynesville that ha : sjttlled the plumbing and heating appliances n n any of the new and mondcrn homos as v, II as i-. -'in-- budding.- in this city during th;. past sev iinl yeai- and the work turned over by this entc I'if'ni." (din i- the;r vety best advetisement in th" i 'immunity. This tirm carries at all times full lines of pltin.-iing and heating appliances and there is no i.-.iim.'i -: iarg. or ton small not to be success fully executed my them. This firm docs tinning cm! sheet metal work. This firm specializes in '.(.might metal -liingles for toticing. Name 'hi- !.! icliable nrm. locate the shop, give 'he phone nunfoci- and name the proprieor. 17 l.eading Confectionery Store. In eirry city the size of Waynesville there is al ways a leading confectionery store and this city is no exception to the general rule. WavnesviHe has a confectic netv store where you may obtain every thing in high grade candies of all kinds and there is a mod in -oda fountain where all that is Ir.tesi an I best in soft drinks may be obtained. This con feet innory manufactures most of the candv offered foi -ale. Til's cand is absolutely pure and is very much in n-ipulai demand at the present time. It is m:r'e f'om the purest ingredients the market af fords and a dial box will convince you. This store is popular with the voung people of Waynesville pnd ymi' patronage is anpreciatexl here. Nam an.l W ate th:s store, name the candy soi l a- a 'eadc- and nanu the manager and give phone number. 18 Waynesi ille's Leading Restaurant. There a leading testaurant here in Waynesville, cne that is icry much in popular favor at the pres ent time. Its popularity is due to the quality of the food served and the reasonable prices which pievail. This is a splendid eating place, the service ;s all that could be desired, and in consequence th?y are in command of a steadily increasing patronage. It has ever been the aim of the management to give the public the very best service possible and if you will try a meal here you will be convinced. Here a rueal or a -hint oid.r may be obtained on the short est possib c notice and your patronage is appre-i-'ated. Name and locate this popular eating place, name the proprietor and give the phone number. 19 "Our I'rrrna . (::r D'iir S'ore." "Meet me at my drug store"' is a common cx piession heard among our pafons. Our pharmacy has long been known as "your drug store." It is a social center for here you can meet your friends and enjoy a social fountain drink cr get the be.-i ice cream sold in the city, and your patronage is r: predated. Our stock is large and varied. We carry everything in the drug and chemical line, toilet preparations, proprietary remedies, smokers' supplies, fine stationery and fine confections. Our r scriptior. department is absolutely reliable. Our medicines ai-e compounded scientifically by regis tered pharmacist. Our stock of drugs is pure and fresh and our service as near perfect as it is hu nianlp possible to make it. This drug store will give radio set away soon -investigate. Name and locate this drug store, name the unusj. at candies sold here and name the manager. 20 ;ood Bread is the Staff of Life, Good bread is the staff of life and the trouble with the American people is that they do not eat enough of it. Bread made at a modern bakery and under sanitary conditions is the most wholesome anj nutritious of all our foods. There is a leading bakery here in Waynesville whose product is as pure as it is humanly possible to'jnake it and the bread is a household word in thia city and county. This bakery will supply all your needs in fresh bread, pies, cakes and pasteries of all kinds and the product is sold at the bakery and the grocery stores. This is a home enterprise and backed by home capital and is worthy of the support of every loyal citizen of this community. Quality is the first con sideration at this bfkc.v an l th;s coupled with reasonable prices have earned for them a growing trade in this city. Name and locate thia bakery, name the manager, name the favorite brand of bread made and give the phone number. 21 The Easiest Gucns f All. With resources in excess of Half a Million Dol lars, showing an unparalleled growth in the history of Western Carolina, in banking circles, Wayncs ville's strongest liank, would be pleased to render you uuexci lied service. This strong insti tution carries a surplus and undivided profit of 5 tifi.OOO accumulated from net earnings and does a general bank ng business. The officers and directors are among the leading men oT Waynesville and Haywood county and their names are an absolute guarantee of safety and solidity. This bank wel comes the account of the small depositor as well i.s the larger ones for they arre teaching thrift and in dependence the wage earners of this city and county. Name this strong financial institution, give the amount of capital stock and name the officers. The Leading Insurance Agency. If it were not for the protection afforded by insu rance, the business man could not afford to risk the capital necessary to conduct his business. The home owner would have no funds to rebuild his dwvling and to furnish it unless he were amply protected by insurance. Who could afford to operate an auto mobile and take the ever present chance of injuring someone and thereby becoming liable for an unlimit ed amount of damages? There is insurance pro twtion for every human need and it is important to yon to have it placed with an agency which lan I andle it intelligently and whose record in the pay ment of claims is perfect. A Waynesville firm can li intsh you with any kind of insurance. Name the leading insurance agency of Wavns v'liv, locate the office and give the phone numh.'i. 2.1 More Than Doubles All Other Makes. Nearly eleven million motor cars of one make have een sold--enough to give half the population of the I'nitod States a joy ride at one time. According to the official registration of July 1, liL!4, they m-ire than doubled all other makes in North Carolina. Of these there were la.'i.ti.'iT and only 7.47i of all others 'i in cars are now sold in every civilized country en fit pro!-.. Thousand- are now in use in Haywood e.inty The manufacturers also make a very high j'ticcd i:n and the best tractor in the world. Name the cars and the tractor sold, name the liitn -,'i'ing them in Waynesville and give the pric of I he : , , 1 1 : : ir model de'lvei ed here. L'l ITU-; IIO.MK Oi (M' AUTY M KA I S. in c y city the size of Way nesi ille thci.1 is ;..!;. :. ica-ting im-at tnaiket. Thi: city is no e.-ep:i'in to the general i ule fur there is a market here that is very much in popular favor at the pi 'S c nt time and this is due in a large men.-iii'. to the duality of meats sold and the i eas ottahle prices chaiged. This market carr'es everything in fresh and cuicd nuats of all kinds and you arc always assured "f being able to bet a nice juicy steak or a tender roast. This firm has the necessary refrig e . ators for caring for meats at all seasons of the ,;ur thus assuring their patrons of the very best the matket affoi !-. A t'ial order will convince you. This mark ' w-s- f ' hei tut- years ago and your patronage is artp; M'intrd Name and locate this meat market, give the phone i umber and name the proprietor. Leading Implement Dealers. If you nefd farmiirtg implements of any kind there is a reliable firm of hardware dealers who can sup ply you with a line that for quality, durability and price cannot be surpassed. This firm carries comp plete lines of shelf and heavy hardware, tools, cut icy, stoves and ranires, paints, oils and varnishes, tin and enamelware. The policy of this firm has always been a square deal for one and all and they enjoy a commanding trade in this city and section and your patronage is appreciated -here1.! This (urn sells the famous Sherwin and Williams paint and varnishes. This (firm has the agency for the IrrternacVonal Harvester Co., and has been the agent for the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., and sold their fertilizers in this county for 18 years. This is the place to get your binder's twine. Name and locate this firm, name two plows .sold a- a leader and give the telephone number. 26 Store of Reasonable Prices. Waynesville's old reliable department store has built its reputation on the dependability of the iv ; lchancl'se carried in stock and by according all natrons a square deal. This firm has been in opei ticin for the past 3 years and number among its patrons many of the best people of Haywood coun ty. This firm carries everythings in ready to wear for men, women and children, millinery and shoes for the entile family. This store is noted for rea sonable prices and in fact you can get bargains here cvety dav :n 'be "ear. Never before has this cone crn been able to show such lines of spring and summer goods as you will now find on display. Ladies are particularly invited to this store to ex rmine the bargains in dresses. This store is head :.i,d foot outfitters for the whole family. This store sells the famous Star Brand Shoes. Name and locate this store, name the fine line of clothing fo- men, name the proprietor and give the tflephone number. 27 Faithful and Economic Service. Thrrc is an automobile agency in Waynesville that sells one of the most popular cars on the market todav. These cais range in price from $875. to $1,350 f. o. b. factory and they are sixes. These are made in all the popular body types and the new Deluxe sedan recently placed on the market .s taking the country by storm and is extremely pop ular with auto owners who enjoy a richly appointed car. The manufacturers of this line of cars were the first to build the world's lowest priced six-cylinder car and it is winning leadership and thousands of owners who have used them will have no othor. This agency will be plased to demonstrate one of these cars for you any time. Name the cars sold, name the local agency dis tributing them and give the price of -ho tou-ing car f. o. b. factory. 28 GREAT BLESSING FOR THE HUMAN RACE Who is it that heals the sick after all other methods have failed and without the use of medicine? Name this science, give professional designation of Waynesville's practitioner, lo cate his office and give Nation al Slogan. f -v.y ,. . . llwAriii jiin&t, aJr- v.

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