THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY. JUNE 4. 1923 PERSONALS The Flit tings to and Fro of The Traveling Public. Mrs. Ira Thackston was an Ashe v i 1 1 e visitor on Monday. L. A. Miller motored Tuesday on business. to Asheville Mrs. R. O. Covington was an Ashe, ville visitor on Monday. Mr. J. W. Hart of Asheville spent Tuesday in town on business. Mrs. Charles R. Thomas was an Asheville visitor during the week. Mrs. Clarence Miller, Jr. was an Asheville visitor on Saturday. Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick was an Asheville visitor on Saturday. Mr. H. Arthur Osborne of Canton spent Saturday in town on business. Hon. M. D. Kinsland of Pigeon .spent Saturday in town. Mr. Z. C. Davij of Iron Duff was in town on Saturday. ' Mrs. Rogei-s Boone was an Ashe ville visitor Saturday. Mrs. R. Asheville. L. Lee spent Monday in Mrs. J. T. Quisenbeiry spent Sat urday in Asheville. I Mr. Hoyt Covington arrivtd Thurs day from Chapel Hill. Mr. John McD. Michal of Woodrow spent Monday in town. j Miss Sarah Hill Hannah has re turned from Lexington. Mis. K. E. McnnuiUt-y and children left last week for Lawrenceville, III., to be the guests of relatives for some. time,, not returning- to Waynesville before the first of August. Mrs. J. T. Mangum, Mrs. J. K. Boone and Mrs. R. L. Noland at tended the District meeting of the Missionary Society of the Metho dist church held in Andrews last week. MRS. J. W. REED GIVES LUNCH. MRS DAVID MILLER HOSTESS, given the hono'te oy Mm. J. Howell EON. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. David Way. An elegant six our? lunch Mrs, J. W. Allen, who i3 the guest Miller gave a lovely party to compli- eon was served. Amen; those en of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed, was com-'mcnt her sister, Miss Georgia Miller, joying the occasion were: Mesdames plimented by her hostess on Wtdnes-.The appartment was attractively dec. day noon at a beautifully appointed orated with old-fashioned flowers. M Mr. W. R. and Mrs w! R. ! Miss Florida Kent, instructor of ! physical education in the high school Rhinehart of Canton was for the past year, has remained over for a week s visit to Miss Janie Love Mitchell, before returning to her home in Georgetown, S C. I Show Dr and Mrs C. C. Curtis of New I. York are the guests of the guests of Mis. J. M. Gwyn at Springdaie. Mrs. Curtis before her marriage was Miss Elsie Gwyn and at one time t.iugh. in the Waynesville schools. Mrs. C. F a Waynesville visitor on Saturday. The many friends of Mr. W. T. Lee are glad to see him in town this week. Mrs. N. M. Medford and Mrs. Alden Howell, Jr. spent Thursday in Asheville luncheon. The cent:- piece was an . Three tables were arranged for bridge, artistic arrangement of rggeJ rhins After several exciting progressions, and pink larkspur. A delicious five Mrs J. N. Shoolbred was the holder I course luncheon was serve 1. Those of the highest score. She was given a enjoying the orcasii.i, with the hon , hand-made vanity dresser set, which oree, were: Mes'ai:.os Harry Rotha 'she in turn graciously presented Miss Crary and J. W. Seaver, S. R Crocker, and the Miller. The guest of honor prize wis .Misses I'redericka and Grace a handsome piece of Moderia em- KrX'KI'TION Bowie. ! broidery. A two course luncheon was S. J. Shekon, I). L. Boy.l, I). M. Kil lian, J. K. Boone, S. A. Jones, R. Q. McCracken, J. T. Mangum, J. Htwell Way, B. J. Sloan, S. C. Satterthwait, Emma Willis, Jack Hotzclaw of Pen sacola, Kla., Meuse of Atlanta, John Smatheis, Joe Rose of Miami, Delos Miss Nannette Junes. GIVEN WHITE. REV. 1.. It. - i served, the hostess being assisted bv !-r SueAt a bargain, l:.rge liif-jMrs. Kobt Coin. let almost new, (all at Waynesville Casse Co. ttpl Miss Virginia Rotha spent last week in Asheville, the guest o Mrs. Wil liams. The County Board of Education held two meetings this week, on Monday and Tuesday. Among those present in addition to those named were: Mesdames Caroline Have parties wanting small faims de Neergaard, Grady Boyd, R. O. Cov 1 1 s t- tn highway, raitable fr summer j ington, Ira Thackston, H. B. Atkins, Call on or torite H G. Stone, i W. F. Swift, R. L. Lee, Anderson and Waynesville. N. C. 2tejthe Misses Josi-phine Thomas, Robena ! Miller and Nannette Jones. I h Mrs. John L. Ferguson of Whittier was the guest last week of her sister, Mrs. S. J. Shelton. Miss Braxton Kirk, who has been studying at the University of Ken tucky, has arrived home. For Sale White Leghorn pullets. Rev. J. T. Mangum and daughter,: Miss Edith, left Tuesday by motor for Sel na, Ala., where they have gone to attend the marriage of Mm. i Mangum's sister, Miss Elsie Hooper to Mr. Letches Calhoun Mitchell. Miss By the hundred 7. each. Less than MRS. (WjIVER RANIER 10n, !0r each. Ajsd some good cick-l LUNCHEON. erels. See J. J. Cl:Tk 1 l:iO Smathers street, Waynesville, N. C. GIVES Hooper was a popular visitor last summer. Waynesville price. 1 wanted Highest See .1. Q. MHliire & Co. (Inc.) Asheville, N. C. On Friday Mrs. Oliver Rainer enter. "Pjtainod with a luncheon. It was given , 7 t honor her mother, Mrs. B. F. market , that Oay was The table with On Tuesday mening the Baptist congregation of Clyde and vicinity gave a reception at the Haywood In stitute to the retiring president, Rev. I.. B. White, in appreciation of the splendid work and service he hai given the school. For twenty- two years Mr. White has been with the Haywood Institute and much of the success of this school has been due to his untiring efforts. The trustee1 and prominent Baptists throufrhou the county were in attendance at thi farewell. Mr. White is soon leaving for Fort Worth, Texas, where he will the Southwestern Theological Sema nery. After extensive study he will Harbeck, i v hmatners, wno on . I M t-UI.-l VUUIllf -Inn':,!!,! , fc .its beautiful appointments was lovely E. K. McGEE MOVES. ; in graceful decorations of green and i 0""' an active pastor and dev.) Mrs Sarah K. Ha'ies, Worthy , Mr. E. K. McGee, popular insurance ellow. Attractive place cards desig Matron and Alta B. Moore, Associate ; an I realty dealer, has moved fromlnaied where the guests we -? to sit Matron will leave for Wilmington, over Alexander's Drug Store nt.) che and at each pJar wis a uniquei N. C ., June foth, to represent Oak dowunstairs office of the Haywood favor. Aftei the ,-uos' i were seated Leaf Chanter No. 81 O. E. S. at the Garaire. Inn .lmimiirmr,. tons I'r.i. inu.ilv Miss Wilda Crawford left this weekStaU, meeting of the Grand Chapter. 1 ' . Asheville an Monday. Mrs. S. H. Bushnell and Miss El eanor Busline II spen t Monday in Asheville shopping. Miss Mary Quinlan, student at Fassifern, returned home on Monday night. . Miss Hazel Cubberley of Gaines ville, Fla., is the guest of Mis3 Janet Quinlan. Mr. Dick Covington attended thej finals at Fassifern the first of the week I Harbeck and Jr. motored to, lor Cullowhee, where she goes to at his entire time to preaching. Or.e cannot over estimate the far reach ing influence for good exerted by Mr. White during his long years of edu cational work in our county. tend the smmer school. ! which convenes June 9th Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed and giie.-t. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Howell of Mrs j w Auen are leaving the fir-t of the week for Durham to itt.'ni commencement at Trinity College. They will be accompanied home by Mr. Mint Reed, who has been a stu dent at Trinity for the past year. Asheville, but formerly of Waynes ville, spent Monday in town. Miss Louise Mct'-ai -ter ol CljJe is assisting in the office of the Register of Deeds for the next few weeks. r i-ti.n r- v c i iwj aniorii, j. iv. muuee aJiu n0me J. D. Boone were Sunburst visitors Friday. Mr J. D. Hood of Florida has re cently rented the attraci ive bungalow of Mr. Joe Tate for the summer sea son. 9 Misses Margaret and Mary Ray students during the past year at St. Genevieve's, Asheville, have arrived . Miss Elizabeth Quisenbeny arrived Wednesday from Brenau College. S. H. Kelley and his brother visited i GainesviIle, Ga., for the summer ra- tneir iormer nome in lennessee last week. H. G. Stone, the realtor, has sold cation. Miss Isabel Ferguson, who has just graduated from Agnes Scott College, the George Smathers home on Daisy with hish honors returned home on Avenue. Frid ' ' . . S. H. Kelley and J. D. Boone were Mp caude Hvnes Rev. C. T. visitors in Clyde, Canton and Ashe- Tew attenaed the reception in Clyde vine yesterday. on evening given for Rev. L. Mrs, Chas. E. Quinlan attended the commencement xercise3 at Fassifern school for girls, Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. John Way Kirkpat rick had as their guest for the week end Miss Mary Flowe of KanapolU. MisseJ Janie Love Mitchell and Dorothy Thomas motored to Ashe ville Saturday. Mr. William Smather of Ashev'lle was the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. B. F. Smathers, on Friday. V Miss Virginia Welch, who has been a student at Salem College for the past year, returned home on Wednes day. Mis3 Janet Quinlan, member of the senior elass of '26, Randolph-Macon College, returned home for the sum mer vacation on Wednesday morning. Mr. T. Lenoir Gwyn left Tuesday for the eastern part of the state on a business trip in connection with his work for the Division of Markets. w v m Mrs. Joe Rose and small daughter of Miami, Fla., are the guests of the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Smathers. .1: Dr. J. Howell Way returned Sun day from Raleigh, where he attended a meeting of the N. C. State Boari of Health on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. HofTman of Sylva spent the week-end in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Green. . Miss Una Plott, a member of the faculty of the Canton city schools, left Wednesday to spend her vaca tion in Kentucky and Virginia. i. V V Miss Evelyn Rector of the Canton city schools will leave Thursday for Greensboro where she will spend a few weeks visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. McGee and Mr. and Mrs. Leawrence E. Green wor shipped at Canton Baptist church Sunday mornning. B. White. Mr. J. W. Dalton, National Bank examiner, with headquarters in Char lotte, spent Saturday in town on of ficial business. u Bebe G?ilm.'-, little daughter of Mrs. Bianner Gilmer, returned home from St. Jeneive of the Pines, Ashe ville, this week. Mrs. Robert HJ. Breese arrived Thursday from Raleigh to spend sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kay. -1: Mr. Ray Morgan and son Jasper Morgan left Tuesday for Wake For est. Mr. Morgan goes to attend a re uion of his class of 1903. Judge W. J. Hannah leaves Sunday for Chapel Hill, where he goes to at tend the finals, his son being a mem ber of the graduating class. m m i The sewing circle of the Presbyte- Mrs. Chas. E. Ray, Mrs. Bonnet Ray and Mr. Wilfor Ray are leaving Sunday by motor for Chapel Hill, where they go to attend the fianle at the State Uniersity. Mr. Chas. E. Ray, Jr. is a member of the gradu ating class and will receive the de gree of B. S. in electrical engineering. MRS FAiUCE'TE SWIFT ENTERTAINS. Miss Georgia Miller was the honor guest on Thursday afternoon at one of the largest bridge parties of the early summer. The affair was given by Mrs. Faucette Swift. Eight tables were arranged for playing, on the spacious porches and living room. Quantities of pink roses were effec tively use.i as decorations. After the game the hostess presented Miss Miller an artistic wall vase. A sa:ad and ice course was served 'Among those present were Mes dames George Ward, Roy Francis, Delos Craiy, L. M. Richeson, J. W. Seaver, Clarence Mifer, Ji., Chas. Badgett, Fa'io Dunham, Harry Rotha, J. L. Strin; ield, J. H. Way, Jr., T. Lenoir Gwyn, W. C. Garrison, J. N. Shoolbred, E. L. Withers, M. H. Reeves, R. O. Covington, J. F. Abel, Harry Hal., Wm. Hannah, R. L. Lee, T. G. Boyd, Rufus Siler, Guy Massie, Joe Graves, Hugh Abel. John Swift, David Miller, Leon Killian and the Misses Sara and Josephine Thomas, Robena Miller and Frederieka Quin lan. MISS FRANCES ROBESON A' HOME. On Friday afternoon Miss Frances Robeson was at home to the members of the Music Department of the Wo man's Club and several invited guests, in honor of Miss Georgia Miller, re cently elected chairman. Miss Jose phine Thon graciously presided. 1 The following who have been stu- ; Miss Annie Welch left during the dents at Davenport College, returned week for an extended visit to Gasto home last week: Misses Florence and nia, Burlington and Raleigh. While Winnie Price, Margaret BlackweUl, j in Raleigh she will attend the conn. Winnie Leatherwood, Elizabeth M-v : mencement exercises at Peace Insti Lean and Dorothy Seaver. tute. rian church held a delightful joint The following delightful program was meeting on Wednesday afternoon at rendered: the home of Mrs. Lena B. Palmer. j 1. Marche HeroLque, F. Schubert, op. 27. Mrs. Joe Johnson, Mrs. Clem Among those who left this week Smathers. for the summer school at Cullowhee 2. For All Eternity, Marscheroni were the Misses Ora and Eula Patter- -ja Jean Brown. son, Mary Tucker and Sara Thomas, j ,3. chant d' Amour (Love Sonsr) 'Paderewski Mrs. Joseph Johnson. Harry Davis tfnd John Boyd left , A BirthdayR. Huntington Tuesday for Loudonville, Ohio, where WoodmanMr9 L. E. Green. Harry Davis has purchased a Buick j BarceroiieTaieA 0f Hoffman bus. They will drive it back through jMjga g.tring1ieId the country. j Thjs wag fonowe(1 by tne presen- Mrs. Curtis Logan 'was the hostess tion by,Miss Thomf of beautiful at themeeting of Circle No. 1 of the Dutch s-lver va Lfrom the Mus,c Methodist church at the home of her'0"-0 the onoe'. in parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Abel, on c'atlon of h" wf01 ""V" w me musical me 01 t": ciuu. 1 nc hj.- tess then presented Miss Miller with a lovely blue glass consnole set. Miss Robeson was assisted in receiving her guests by her mother. Mrs. E. J. Rob eson. The club members present were Mesdames J. W. Reed, L. E. Green, Clem Smathers, Joseph Johnson, Grady Boyd, and the Misses Josephine Thomas, Ida Jean Brown and Marga ret Stiingfield. The invited list in cluded Mrs. Clarence Miller, Jr., Mr3. J. W. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. H. B. At kins, Mrs. Charles Burgin, Mrs. N. M. Medford, Mrs. Hugh Massie, Mrs. T. Lenoir Gyn, Mrs. Rufus Siler, Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. Ira Thack ston, Mrs. Allen of Spartanburg- and the Misses Sara Thomas, Robena Mil. ler and Sue Willard Lindsley. . Tuesday afternoon. I j Misses Elizabeth and Edna Garrett, young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Garrett, are the guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Moody, in Franklin. H. G. Stone recently sold the Messer farm in Fairview section to Mr. A. B. Moon of Bokelia, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Moon and family will have their summer home here. Is Duckworth Motor Company an Asset to Waynesville? for your 1 1 would in room We You get tne same service on repairs and parts Ford in Waynesville (population 3000) as you Charlotte (population 75000) e have modern equipment and machinery in our stock and repair shop spent $3000.00 for improvements on the building we occupy All these improvements and conveniences do the cost of service we render as we can more handle a larger volume of business. We bei leve in Waynesville and Haywood County and want you to know that we are glaJ to have had the op portunity to prepare a permment home for Ford products We spend our money here and maintain an organization not add to efficiently i twelve employees -hi i aynesviiiej named as ilc of w Joe L. Meehan lonn W. Kirk patrick Springs Galliam Roy B rown S. F. Rob erson John McZie co Our organization three til are f excepting foil ows, Q. T. Arrington Hob son P. Myh and W. R. Jack son M aunce Puckwo rth Miss Fannie 3oyd Moody Hall rom in courteous, obliging, and is interested in you problems. Our motto is: Service, Quality and One Price. Our success depends upon your Good Will. f "Superior Qjcl ervice TUB UNIVERSAL CAB Duckworth Motor Company. by P. C. DUCKWORTH Secy-Treas.

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