THE CAROLINA. MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY. JUNE 4. 1925 The Carolina Mountaineer '.: M:i n St rod Wm. A Ii A '.'I'. Editor-Owne- I " . . i . i 1 ir.'imrr.i' ii' Display AJvcrtmni! Rjtcs Thirty Cent per column inch. (JuarantrcJ Circulation SI IIS I.II'TION KATES S j'i ript mil I'ayaMr in Adviicc I .: :.' if Mt - ai.l I V. , C,,- 1'0 :. MontSi- -'bi-Ls I'litiTr,) .r. ti.r p'-t ollii'c, at Va ni'-v.llf. X. ('., n-i Sc.. .ml Ibr- Mail Mattel, a-, provided in,. I. i t In- Act of March :!, I ST', N'oycniiii-r 'JO, I'.UC I'l WISHED (IN THLKSDAV ! Felix E. Alley ! For Congress ' I .immi- Democratic Mountaineer Stall ".man Delinitelj livi ..! , to Lntcr ConureH'onal Ruce. ( out inut'il from first pagr) 'I in- ti-iith i'intfri'S.sional distrii t i 1 1 Min po-i il of tin' fi Hi i winn : Rutiic 'HONOR TO WHOM DUE.' HONOR IS CONFERENCE AT SVLVA ' The Wavnesville In Ni.vensber, Wl, the County j once which met at Sylva was at lloaiil of Education secured the scr- ! tended hy Dr. J. T. Mangum, C. W. vices of a woman to till a three-fold Miller, Jiuimv Atkin joli in the office of the County Super intendent. She was to be stenograph , "iiikkeeper and tiling clerk. The inciea. c in the number of schools in til.- count y, in the necessity and ini- loing to say: "Miss Morrisey sin as if it were the only thing desirable in life." Gifted with a rarely beautify voice and a magnetic personality, Jr. and R. H coiner of what is known a" a corner Miss Morri.vev never fails to win her Blackwef. Ir. Mangum, Wayne-s- M1' ' ' A' , T.S audience! the moment she appears villc-s popular pastor, was one of thej.,- v . pops 't0 ,u ,!f rock, ."upon the stage. -e:.kfis at the meeting. toi of ridge; thence S. .'.r E. 10" poles! Like so many other great artists, to the middle of the AUumv love MlSs Morrisey began her career as Haywood Co inty, .V. '" . adjoining the lands of Shaford Ifowvii, Ella B. At- District Confer-.k'ns estat", lying M.rth ot the Mauney love roan nstween ;.he Atkins land and tre Shiiford Mov-ll land.-, (now Mrs. Turner) and hi ginning at the S. W. NOTICE. Toll., Ili-ndeison, Tran.-ylvaiua. pntan,e of the keeping of records , 1-r. ,, ; ifn .-..i1l tivr I V- I'lll VS AiSi l l, I IU. Till KSOAY, JUNE 1. 192.-. EEI.1X E. ALLEY. 1 he ,iiin,iiinci'iiii !it of Kelix E. Alley for coiigre-s will be received with rntliu-ia-ti,' delight by all who know him. Mr. Alley ,- :iu! "The Mountaineer Mati'snrin." He knows the folks of these mountains. He sympathize with them in a!i their soirow-, and af llntion . and ho 'lorie- w lii llieni in tfle.t eliient.- Me low, every hind of gia- - on tiii-se thou and hill-; i:r is pr .i I ,,f bis native .-oil and !'." i a lirii.oi iat who knows no superior or who ha- lew I'ljual-. If rlerted he make one of tin- he.. congiestnen tha: V' r -i.i.i d tin lia'l- of rung less and will m- a mighty pillar of .-.up pmi f..i tin- National liriiw nat1,' p.i.t'. That hi- will tiuly icp n -iiir Ins p. "!!,. and hi- native land , without - a in,, lie - oi f tin i. al plr-iTit day state-man and w . ii nut only he a ' rrmt'iiihiu.. credit to 1 ho tenth d:- tin" , hilt to t ;l" v. hole t North ( arolir.a. jMeliowtll, Haywood. Jack- .-nn, Swain, dratiaiii, ( herohee, ( lay and Macon. En! husia-t ir fi lends point out, that in .very olliee that the I lotiorable l elix Ii. All. y ha- held he had oppo-itioti to start with, but was al wa - noininateil by ;ii i-laniat ion in the end. 11(1111 I Ii Kt DEMOCKACY. Th" following ale the closing words of Mr. Alley', -peeeh during the last ca nipaign: The I leiiioi rat ic party i.s the oldest. paitv in tins nation. It has outlived all other parties. It saw the old federalist party die. It engaged in many a hard fought contest with the old Wing party, but it saw tho Whig party go down never to rise again. I' has outlived the Know Nothing party, and the Greenback party, and the Ibipuli-t party; it saw the great I'rogre-sue party .spring up with ItooM'Velt at it- head, and make a vabant tight n one cam'piiign and then go down in defeat to be resui-rt-cte,i no more forever; and it will yet live t" jH-rfoim the sad obsequies at the burial of the iLcpiibliran party When will the Democrat ir party and statistics, as authorized by thc- State Department of Public Instruc- J t ion and likew I ii'anil iiiiiin the lor inspecting e, the increased lit -superintendent's tim anil directing the Hy virtue of the power contained in a deed of tru.-t, exinuted to me by . N. Gentry and wife. T. R. Gent v. registered in the otlice of Rcgiste lltnds of May wood County, book Id. page 21:.', and default having been made in payment of note secured by nob- in other words, the temend- said deed of 1 1 ust. I will sell at public growth in the educational sys- auction for cash on the lit ri day of ten, made ,t impossible thin, as it is Julv; !" 10 o'clock A. M. a. the court house door in Wavnesville a even more so now, for the county ,eitain tract of land situated in Hay supcriritcndcnt to intelligently look wood County, N. ('.. and bounded as after the schools and keep up Ir s ' follows : lU'ginning on a spruce pine olb.,' work. To conduct the latter i""""? u,th' m"ut h, "f,, I'eaehtree ... . , , biancli and runs S 12 W. flOO fee: work, with the .superintendent ahxent wllh the meanders of Peachtree a greater part of the tjme from the branch to a beach; thence S. 70 W. otlice, requited not only a per- nearly with the road and along a so of sound business experience ")ked line 102.1 to a stake the din- , . . . , ' . ... "n coiner agreed on E. A. Hvde an I and ideas., but one of expert ability W. N Gentry; thence a noitheiy di as an accountant and bookkeeper, lection 27fi feet to a stake at Jon:u Another feature of additional respon- than's Creek; thence down the mean- sibilitv was that just at this time the :lm of -said ;rt!ek Um the .. ' . . , . beginning, containing live acres mine State Depaitmrnt was making now or esis ieipi(rement.s of the, county office. This June 4th, 19'2'. The carrect initiation of these meant ... J- I'- RUMI.EY, economy and efficiency for the future. e -'"' Trustee. piovided those in tontrol of school NOTICE ()!' TRI'STli'Pn oiror public load; thence meandering in an I Easterly direction with t'ie Mauney a church soloist in one of the large-t Cove road "8 poles to the beginning. churches in New York City. She be. Containing 40 acres nnne or less.gan her studies under the famous Being the same tract of land that ,ea.her an.i fmDoser Dudlv Ruck. ofiJohn (. Noland bought from Mannunl , . . c late, and recorded in Book 4a. I 'ayel "" ltluK""' lm,ll"'", u,,e " :ii!i. Records of Haywood County, N. i the worlds great voices m Mis ('. lieing tht same tract uf land con- Morrisey veved to Elank N Noland by John C. Miss Morrisev Vlur,.l u.l ...if.. I .., Vnlun,l l n' ' d.ed dated Feb. 191919 and register ! benefn of the Community Club and will sing foi' th'" ed March .rth. l!M!t in Book ;.'!. i'age "iS, Haywood County Records. This the 1st day of June, 192'ii T. A. CI. ARK, 'Jolunee Trustee the price of tickets has been made a.s low as possible, so that everyone can afford to hear this great singer. I0 YOU KNOW? CARELESSNESS WITH FIRE INEXCUSABLE. What 21,000,000 letters went to the The fire demon is taking an incrcas Dead Letter Office last year? That 803,000 parcels did likewise? (That 100,000 letters go into the titail years in perfectly blank envelope That $55,000.00 in cash is removed annually from misdirected envelopes That $12,000.00 in postage stamps is found in similar fashion? That $:i,000,000.00 in checks, drafts ing toll every year in this country, on account of careless folks iin the moun tains. They ride in comfortable au tomobiles, throw smoking stubs nf eeg-ars and cigarettes into the brush and leave live coals in their camp fires. Such habits are dangerous even in the city, where there are paved streets, tiled floors and electric stoves; SIT'EKI N 1 EN DENT . C. ALLEN. and money orders never reach intend-j but they are fatal to the future of iidniinistiuli..., in ll.ivumn.l .,nlv I MVI I'Vllfp lLI.-.,,, I t'll OWnOI'S . OUI loresis. chose to disregard partisan or other That Uncle Sam collects $92,000.00 1 F ires .swept over thousand. of acres political considerations and direct our N"r,h (ar,,,lna- Haywood County, la year in postage for the return of j of timtber land last summer and fall. hools along the lines of service. As Whereas on the lbth dav of M h l"'1" Sent to fne Uftter Umce ' Ume,01 -vear ,s "PPnmg again wnen sucn nres may De expected. Ev ery citizen who goes into the moun tains should have impressed upon lii.s mind in some manner the tremendous She has proven hersi'lf nesville. where and when Rosa Burgess l ' lr' . ..K ";l"""F "V-, u" to he . perfect dynamo of efficiency ' the last and highest bidder- I 1 ":lt 11 ''osts i" tv alone MUU.W mm a.ung me rnaus, trans ana in rne things have turned out the County' 1!25, the hereafter described'! That ,X C0St Uncle Sam $1 ' 700'00,) j Hi MTinK-raur ia r I v ran ncvi-r .t i n- . m j. -..n i. . . n t i i .w .ti ;i mil .ti rt u i imi irn in r riKirnn i i k ....t 1 1 . m That 200.000,000 letters are given Hoard of Education at that time must was sot, i at pubhc auction sale under, eu" l u esses on mi have been especially inspired, when f . V "u 7 " .2 ' ' T"' here-, inrecteu man ; ,.. ' ,. ,, , s,t forth by the undersigned That ''00 00 - ini'i cnose .ns .iauue In-, l.ecau.-e the ji in.-1 for which t. j, ! stanii- can nevei Hie, and the pi.i:-iple- for which it stands must ever lue. iieeause they aie etrnally i igh; It.- leader- may d e, hut ts pnneip;.-- : ...I . . ... i . . f ducted the office, since assuming of .-ale. and said land ' has been order ehaige All i ei j u i n men t - made by Hie "' "'-"old hy C. A. Haynes, Clerk of State Department have been met in Mill Kill 'i.-e and fall like leaves befon- the wind, a- it whiils through tl,(. foie.-t on it- way to meet the : i;ir "t the i linihiiig iiavts as they 1 1 -.' up fmni the sea. but the principle- ot' the I leinoerat ic paity are as eternal and unchanging as the grin-'in hei te in our ev ei last :nir hills. , yct for this In all coimtiie. on the earth in 'county has had to the Superior Court. Huvwnml Coonn Kill.' Tllt'UkH'llDL' I r the systems used. Mr. Krank Kilmuiiil-' , ., ''',.-..' " the power of sale con tamed in a deed -on. Director for the state of a uni- ..f tiust from Frank N. Noland to the lot m system of bookkeeping for all undersigned trustee securing certain eiuintii.-. stated after inspecting h-r indebtedness therein desciihed to j. N i i .1 , ,i .ii.,. raw-lord, said deed of trust beiiiL' hooks that they were the best kept m ,,.,,, t), ,s, ( (' Ju,v ii i ,,nH Ninth Carolina. There are no tangles registeied in Hook No. ; of deed' of records to be unraveled. And tru-t on l'a;;p 72; default having bet n expert Haywood "'"'I'' the payment of l he indebted- ,.- ,nl.- i u.iii ,i ----"leu u sa a uee.t ot trust pay only l.HO0a! wneiby the nower ..f h - i........ wiucii iiuiiiaii beings dwell, then- the-year. A bargain and economy at operative, and dem-im' huvin been ..f I ...... i;.. ,..,.l I . I ,1..., it..,-..n i. i. .. . . .-.. I mail., nr. 1 1,., ,,.,.1...... "V . I i'"'i " j.,, I,,,-- ,,itii oil ii ii,. i ii,.,!. .oi.s- uiiounu nas not .iin - " ",i v, ,,u.-i o"ii iiusiee to It- -mrit was bom when the Morning j given the highest type of service to! "l' la'"ts lK slii' il .-ai:f !'d of s!her position, but through her vision hi H.te.lnes therein . !: T. fjiind enthusiasm has given isptratinn 1 "lark. trustee, will on Monil.'ic ih th day ol Julv. 19'"",. ,u- r.,u.- WOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL. And Do Y ou Know? 1 That this vast sum could be" saved! HBNEKp PICTUTB FOR HAY and the Dead Letter Office abolished if,' each piece of mail carried a return ! address, and if each parcel were VYap-! ped in stout paper and tied with strong cord? In courtesy to the Waynesville Civic League, Capt. Edwards will give the wonderful picture "Scaramouche" at Moral Every man knows his own J Waynewood Theatre Friday, June 5th, as a benefit for the Haywood County address if not that of his correspond ent. I'm it in the upper left hand corner MARIE .MORRISEY WINS CESS O.N" TOUR. SUC- Mar. lust birth was ang Creation's hymn, oeval w,th the birth Trie Cain Iin. i Mnunta uee i. liinily limking up :he new -u pen n t en,b lit of .-I'honls ut' llaywiHiil county. We con sul,! that Mr. Allen ;s exi ec. lingly 1 1 , u, , :in, ju.-tice. for justice i.s 1 1 utli 1 to educat ion in our county. wen ,uaiine,i tin tile ..nice lie now , ;lnii tru,h eternal. And when time1 -hall be no more, and thi- old world , 1 " K WOMEN OH HAYWOOI k"i- back to the nothingness from H-l N'Y. winch it was foniiid, the spirit of j D. moeracy will continue to live to! (Contributed.) -invive th- crash of matter and t'-e! ',','- 'W""i'n of Waynesville. and nuse d.ior in WaviiesviTI-, X. C. a: Marie Morrisey. noted contralto, Hospital. Those who have not seen this high price picture will have an opportunity to see it at the popular price ,'iO cents. The leading parts are taken by Alice Terry and Ratnon Novarro, and their characterization who .sings here Thursday, July !, is of the persons they represent is sup completing one of the most success- erb. ha- Hi- life work has been for the cause of educat ion. He i- earnestly working to build up the .school sp--tem of thi- gnat county and if he i.s given the propel co-operation we be lieve he will t: rounty the grc.'est, most progressive Jind enduring sr ,.d system that mak it the tine-; u .America. I'.tty heikeriiivr lack of co-opera-t'on, pe1onal:tii-.- and ils-eot ion aniong the nieiubers , '' our .school of ticials can only lead t chao.-. Ear the sake ,.f Ha;, wood enanty '- g i eatest a - -et ,u r chidren .,,,r I i..,, i .... Hire leadeis ol our -late an I nat ion ! iM. a tight :ng chance by an educat u.n. ( We cannot he to., extravagant foiji the gieat cau.-c of education. I, ful tours ever made by any singer. The critics are all unanimous in .IT mi .1 -e I hi 'h.'.s: bnlilrr! their praise of Miss Morrisey, and : Haywood county, only recent!,' en. , ! f ranchised, have special and peculia' lintcicsts in the work of the school ti I I in giving this w,,vk of w()rl(1 tlfteiitia...s I have .-tool upon th inajeot.e mountains of my nativ oiinty of Jack-on. and from their!""1'1 'iappintt d bv the failure fj !!': anl dizzy height- beheld 1 he 1 :"" ''an' "emiKTacy in 1921 to accoi I inde-ci ihahle glory of the sum isiv ! eotrti i t ion in the . isf t ihutiim And Oandimr the,-,. I have ..,. i;,,.i"f '""nty office.-, cannot look with dark sto:m i louds gather, and watched tile Igtllllig tla-h ""'k "I'ith- deafening roa tile til ' I-.Vven O'clock A M -im; mi . oi ca-!i the t'ollov inc. fe;-r,i,,-j lm U her sinking. """''"'"'u- n ' The New York T''me has the foi- Bemg iq'jsvn!.; Township. Everyone will co-operate and make this occasion a huge success for our worthy hospital that means so much to the county. Chairman of Committee. favor on any movement displannc and listened to nai i hi pai ion in me county ami f the niu.-ket; V ! Waynesville township schools, at I winds and the artilleiy of the !"sl'n' -''Tanged, ror two or; And the I have -ceil ,!. j thl' '"""t efficient oeople ( both womi'ii) olid- break awav and disappear.! 1 '' ,'vt'r l'!'V01' "s ,v ,,, 1 1... I, ..i.i ;.i. . i. . I i"!' -. II. -i WOOD (.K'S HENEIMT (IE E('U I.IZ TION I'UND. llayw I .'.unity :!l pamciiia'e in tie c.iiai ia! ion fund to the anioiiir. I'ri s will bring generil -a'- I . i e e I y i ,lle win, lla . ; i'.e I , ' ti i -i hunts at Ileal t. el' XI '.- fa- ' ll, ten Ti; mellt . Ia::e untie Im .'.' A lien, .- up." nt County r.i'ilic cial tri! t ' H.i claim w ,t h t he oiir iiiota. A othci eoiuniri. in .ii''.iu .....Ifellow- -ta"e. the I ill "t 1 e a-.',, to pie-e'ti t :n' St a : e Eijuai i.a i on cuni -I Ion. ( I , a I i. s K. Th una - ha - w.iikei. I'rof. W. C. lib-nt ,.f 'be ll'l.wos.d -eh-'id-, made a spe .-:; and pie.-ented our -ul: l ilat w e i e.-eiv e I ';.K account ,n an- lisappear. iblaze with the 'i-thl of the beautiful rainbow of pMiinse, gleaming -oftly luminous i. eh n I the t hunderisilt - and cau.s,ng the glal heart to beat with illiei. , pulsation- of hone. ,c Mv fti'tid.-, f.-.r v ar- ago the d.iik , i ' '"u l- of def at e.i-t their gloo r.v , gloomy shadow- over tin- gieat nti- a j !:!. Hut from t '" : 1 1 defeat W li r e . !ea:p.i',l "'seiiiim. f;om that di-as j I lie I I eternal v:g- IN NEW OFFICE. ! il.'ii. Charles R Thomas has p.'n-; I law office on Main street over Ba..j W'itiiei's' real estate office. Mr. i 'ii .a - w ll occupy the suite of rooms 'i"ht iroing un. The rooms have ' in en redecorated and the stars' ; ling to the office. With new of-1 v furniture, safe, library, etc., this! ill he one of the most attractive and u i m professional offices jn the city. ilailce - tu, -'1'u e ot v li the HI1, t. ,1 .on mi-Jo! ;.,'le5 ol toil yea' a-o recti ! tlie in,-: pnig.-eti- NOW -ive 'Ca'foin, ever r' m'.'i!;atel ly any u n ty in ail the t d" of t'tne. and we have plac - ,1 at the head of our The Wavnesville Pharmacy now ha. Naliotial ticket a man a- plain and',hl' "-' agency for express moil- II AVE EXPRESS MONKV ORDER AtJENCY. ey orders. This will make . onvenient for customers. mo' i' t RECORDER'S COURT POPULAK. I'''i eitilic a- Thomas .letferson: as fearie-.- and i aurageous as Andrew COIN'Y SCHOOLS TO II A V E St - "Jackson ; as -tioiir and steadfast in ii'H VISION our-ioses as (irover Cleveland ;as The county school board decided to -;'! 'l" and brilliant as Woo.lrow A ar2(. num,er f (,ases oamt up have county -unervi-ion of our schools Wilson; us magnetic and eloquent as , mxMiay an Wednesday befiit.' this enlarge, the supivision program. William Jennings Brv-an, and the j Ju,1)w Hannah in the County Re As -et forth in an interview with Mr. tupenor in intellect of a thousand ,.,)i der's court. His court sits every Allen, the county pay- $2,400 and Coolidges -and I confidently believ ; weok an1 has well justified itself a Waynesville township only $1,200 to- ,hat with a platform like this, and a needed institution. The collection ward- the mamtainance of supervi- w'"1' " candidate such as ours, when ast week was well over $."100. nioii It s.em.s fair and square that nvghty contest is ended the tun the whole county should receive the,"f democracy will rise again; the EXERCISES ON DECORATION DAY benefit of supervision and not just "!ouds will be dispelled ; the Bow of a township. The Canton schawls a-e Vmie will reappear, and the Star! " last Sunday the people of this in another . lass, that of city schools. f Hope will beckon the triumphant oentimunity gathered together to pay this townshin it appears voted against, viaorious .Democracy of this nation homage to their departed heroes of to return once more to its own. I Lne PasI- wars. I confiedetly believe that when the Congress Zebulon Weaver was th tnis system. TRINITY SUNDAY. Sunday. June "th, is the annual Festival of the Blessed Trinity. In CJnye iEpiscopal church, -the chief service of the Festival will be at 11 A. M.. when the Rector will cele brate Holy Communion. .Evensong and address will be at stars begin to shine on the night of cnie' OI"ator of the day and made a November fourth, and the challenge ' tu-'"'" address. Hon. Felix E. Alley goes out from the Watchtower of this 1 introduced Mr. Weaver and Rev. S. gteat Republic, "Watchman, what of,R- Crackett. our popular Presbyterian the night?" From every voting pre- min'9ter K"ave the benediction after a cinct of this great nation, from where 9nort address. she nillow. her lovely head unon the I ne exercise were held under the Canadian border to where she bathes auspices of the American Legion.' her shapely feet in the rolling serfs MEETING OF THE D. A. R. 8 P. M. Ex-Cpngrossman J. R. Thomas of the Gulf of Mexico, and from shore! wiU address the Bible class i. thejto shore of our enclosing seas, thei A meeting of the D A R will b Parish House at 10 A. M. , answer will be echoed back unon the uu -f m.. o t r- u.. I, "wu m ia. i. umvra al ner rums wmgs of every w.nd that blows, "All on p,,, Roai! on Wednesday June is well, all is well." 1 10 at 3:30 Everbody cordially invited. Rev. ALBERT NEW. Rector. Waynesville Pharmacy Delivery Get There! The Waynesville Pharmacy is an establishment that maintains a real delivery service and a service worthy of pride, The best delivery service, hdwever, is no good at all unless it gets started and keeps going. Inefficient or unsufficient clerks and druggists can seriously delay the bestdelivery service. But at the Vaynesvili Pharmacy there r f "--.' i c . is service trom begimiiAigto end ot business transaction, j and that satisfactory relations all the time. With our new Motorcycle Outfit we can deliver upon very short notice. every assi M. H. REEVED JEFFERSON REEVES WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS Telephone No. 16 Waynesville, IN. C. t i t t jrf Lwt 1 1 ft , 1 v- S I i's r. k aiw.'t'-il1 4 mmk

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