THl'RSDAY, Jl'LY 9. 192.'. THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER The Clyde I'harmary. (Continued 'rom First Pge) in nut !.nt- inM-;iM' until he was n "til to ;ipp! for a lice:)-- .1- t har-:T!.u-it. The thr liu.-iin- mnt'nuei! to trow through various virivitui'vs, jlrmnat :n :i fwv a!nut -even years ao whirh it-" t roved hi stuck and ; a r t i.i! ! ruined the iiu 1 1J i n tr. From a-!ir of the old arose tin- p-c-en: r: , i r.liirifi il and e( "-true, A year a'o !a.-t February, Dr. Med ;:,! adm.tted h:s ,-,n. I). H. Medfoid not 1 '.M yeais of ae. into partnei 1 p with him in the hu-ine-s of tie .-'ore. The enterprising youn r.ian 1 ad tirevoiu-lv on the outside shown h mettle and proven hiru-elf worthy of -urh a partnership. In addition to the .11 nfessinnal ac tivities anl ifsiMn'-ibilit ies aNive re .te.. Iir. M.dford has served a al- eerman of Clyde several terms also a- .-crretary and treasurer and oiv teim as mayor. For many years he Ke has Keen choir leader of the local Baptist church. At pre-vnt he 1- nii'Uicr of the church and M-spon ' Me for the -afc keeping a'l.i propr d vtribursement of the r',Mio l.jild- nu fund raised fnr the construction "f the church edifice now in course of election. !f there exist- allv othei lai He,! own. the -yi- of Clyde, which claims a- a citizen a man who can .-how 11 re. ord for a greater diversity of Use fulness and succcs.sful activities to gether with a record for nssumiiiK (.'ivater and more aried responsibi!- titn.-. the fact should he iven wide publicity. The information would act 11- a stimulus and inspiration for ( many a youne: man entering upon his life work. Such records of unre- ; mittine; and devoted service to the ('OKI SI U.IVAN CITED FOR BRAVERY. (.Native Waynesville Hoy a hero.) H. Citation: Corporal Fiancis I). Sullivan. f3442, Meliea! :l.-par.-ment, Carlisle Barracks, I'a., n.w ;n detached service with tin I'hiladi 1 jihia Recruiting li-trict wi'h -iViun ((immunity in which a man was born ,t the Allentown SuUctac.v. and reared are all too few and far ootwren and j'rowinir fewer every succeeding year. For exceptionally me1 itori ui- 1 s. tinruished service and c.v aordini1 cm: a-.-t-r u.tin' heroism, while on duty a OITOHTNirrY IS KNOCKINC. jat the Allentown Arm for iraine.i salesmen. () u r -ales men's I Su tistat ion on . 'dnesd Correspondence Course trains you thoroughly, in dain lanuaye, and 1' Corporal Sjllivan. is,t:nr- it can be completed in three weeks. Height oring town- with M A nr.y Ke You nay for course after troinp to ! (Tujt jntf Truck, came nv th. horn of work. Nothing paid in advance. j j.; Schcet-. Superint.Moier.: of lU I raveling positions (fuaraiiweo ..i Kpypt Silk Mill and nil...! an unit- ual tratherinfr of about 1".0 men with indication.- of coisiderab.( comm.tion and excitement. It develop 1 that $7.".0(l and expenses 'first month af ter completion of course. Write us for information. Interstate Sales- mans Correspondence association, Hn-tol, Tei.nessee. Wanted A food cook references , . ii i .. required. Apply i" .ns. v. 11. ,m- Howell, I'hone No. 2K1 or 4J-W. Camp Wyconda fr Boys will open Julv 1st at Chestnut I'ark. Sv.ini- minjr. trtinit, Oiikinjr. bo:inf'. AJ- lress Mrs. Bninner f;ilmr, (amp Mother. Waynesville, N. C. -to i Fresh Vegetables Daily I We keep a splendid Variety of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables which arrive Daily. We have Carrotts, Beets, Peas, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, new Irish Pota toes, Hubbard Squash, Green Peppers, Tomatoes, etc. Peaches, Apples, Grape-Fruits, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Berries, etc. Phone Your Wants for Quick Delivery. "Get your Coffee Here MILLER BROS. Flvin Dreher, 'V years, and his father July23c hd just cleanesl a sink on the Schctz home and Dreher, lowered into the pit with a rone for a final in-nc '. on, be came iiu riniiip with yas. An un-uc-; ee-sful attempt to rescue him had !een made. Cornoral Sullivan im-i mediately volunteered fo: the rescj-.' At the risk of hi- life, he was lowered into th nit and brought t'le v'ctim out. The victim Prehrr. wa drad nnd the Coriwiral exhausti'd ati 1 o -ic- n-e with fas reul:-injr meilu.i! treat - ment. Corporal Sullivan enlis'' 1 M.iv 111. 1HLM. at Fort Itiaer, N. . f. .- ihe Medical I ( nart ment . Me i- .1 'jv.t.I uate of the Noti - Com in i - s i orie I Offi cers' School, Carlisle Barrack- Pa He was attached to the I'hil l.le phia Army Recruitinir District. May l.'i. IHLTi. with -tat ion at Allentown Pa., -inoe Mav L'tt 'X:,. Corporal Sullivan :- l e oiivvciidi d for Mistmeui-hed Service Medil. . I'. C. STIUTZINtiFR. .Hi., Cdond CoT'inatidinf . Phone 30 Waynesville, N. C. fine Cars-Fine Care The Owners of Fine Cars such as Lincoln, Pierce Arrow, Cad allac, etc., will find our Service Department well equipped and with the ability to look after their cars Properly. HIGH GRADE COMPLETE SERVICE CRANKCASE AUTO LAUNDRY fIREPROOE STORAGE Rock Garage Two Doors Above Postoffice. i Duckworth Motor Co. Lincoln, Phone 350 Fordson Wasville, N. C. TKlKKT-McCiONNKU. TABKH N A (ILK I'NDR! COXSTKITTION Great Interent Iteini; Shown in Com ing Meeting at Franklin. Franklin Baptists, under leader ship of Rev. A. J. Smith, are makintr progress on the tabernacle for the Truett-McConnell meeting which is to be held August 14-2.1. In a beautiful grove, knoyvn as the Fair Ground, which forms a natural amphi-theatre, a rustic taliernaole is beng erected which will seat approximately 4PO0 people, and many more can be in hearing distance of these distinguish ed sons of the hill. Great interest is being shown :ni the coming of Drs.. George W. Tiuetti and F. C. McConnell. Enquiries are' coming from all sections of the State, land particularly from the western I -ecton about this meeting. The va- Irious Baptist Associations which wcie due to convene during this meeting j have changed the date of thei" meet ing so as not to conflct wi'h the j Ti uett-McConnell meeting at Frank- llin. This wa.s done bv the K ,'cutive ! Committee in order for the ptstors and church leaders to attei.d this meeting in large numbers. It is ex pected that mjinj- from all Sfctionf I will come to Franklin to stay tli:ough out the services, and rum i is are th:.; many arc going to bring the1"' tent and camp out. The people of Frank ling regardless of df nomination aie ! lending as-n-tance in nvtk-ng this I one of the most far reaching meet jiiig.- ever held in Western X. C. Tili doors of Franklin and of M (co-i conn ty will le. W'de ojien 'o t!'e tlm i-a'id:- ! who a'e expected " onto I MA1.SAM ITEMS. i Sunday School Day was observed in the Methodist church Sunday after noon. I Mr. Jim Queen and family and Mis Oeitrude Brooks have returned to their home in Gastonia after visiting relatives and friends in Jackson coun ty for the past week. Miss Emma McKay of Haz.:wood was in Balsam Sunday, Mr. J. C. Rickards and family of Canton spenWthe Fourth in Balsam. Mr George T. Knight an! Mies Katie Kenney spent the Fourtii n Asiheville. Mrs. Raymond Christian anl Mas ter Raymond, Jr., who have been visiting her aunt, Mrs. I). T. Knight, left Tuesday to visit friends in Aslie ville before returning to their home! in Atlanta. Archdeacon Griffith and daughter of Asheville were in Balsam Monday. Miss Janie Eiwards of Danville. Va., niece of Mrs. Mrs. W. B. Far- well and Mrs. D T. Knight, was in Balsam last wJeek-end. Mr. R. R. Fisher of Addie was in Balsam Sunday. Mr. R. J. Bryson and family and Mr.) M. C. Green and familv attended barbecue at Toxaway the Four'h. Mr and Mrs. Nelson Beck and Mir., Cora Beck chaperoned a lares Dartv! of children to Sugar Loaf and had a' Thirty-Four Years Young! The Waynesville Pharmacy was established in 1891 and during all these many years has never grown old but is modern, up-to-date, and has a record of SEIRVDCE Prompt, Pleasant and Cleanly The manner in which we serve your pleasure in cooling summer drinks adds greatly to their enjoyment by you and your friends. The utmost sanitary conditions are a rigid part of our fountain practice. You can thoroughly enjoy any of the many drinks and cold confections we serve, knowing that every container used by us is spotlessly clean. Motorcycle Means Quick Delivery - - SERVICE - - M. H. REEVES JEFFERSON REEVES WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS Telephone No. 16 Waynesville, N. C. Vote For Hospital Bonds Splendid Bargains In Shoes We have some splendid bargains in Shoes on our bargain counter. $9.00 and $8.00 Shoes for $3.95 Some Strap Leather Pumps for $2.48 $10.00 Shoes for $2.95 Twenty Years we have had the Agency for the "Walk-Over Shoes t McCracken Clothing Co. Main St. Waynesville, North Carolina. picnic the Fourth.

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