THURSDAY. JULY 9. 1923 THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION FOR A TAX FOR A BOND ISSUE FOR A PUBLIC HOSPITAL AND FOR THE MAINTENANCE OK THE SAME IN HAYWOOD COUNTY. 'j!ariy described a- fo;'tv : ltJO;iNNI.V; on three whi'e oiks in the eastern margin of a roadway on the hack of the property here.n conveyed, an.' runs t inre noiti dcKree.s tast '' : ' to a stake in the we trn : fir : ' M.I I )e: t Street; them11 up and 1 ''v'i He- Notice is hre-by (riven that more not Street in a soutm a-tc. i than six hundred and seventeenn ((il7) tion, 70 feet to a stake in the nou residents and freeholders of Haywood aster" tn f a "f '":n!i .. , , , owned hy I). I). Davies. tV- same oe- t-ounty, more than one Hundred and inf, as in the we.,u.rn niarfin of ! fifty (l.r0) of whom reside outside of Depot Street; thence with the north- the corporate limits of the Town- of ern lino of the said I). I). Davies' trait' South 2I decrees west, 'Jo .1-4 poll-.-1 to a stake in the corner of :he Shulhofer line; thence north 7! de-1 kfrees west, j poles to tne oejrinninvr. hi Waynesville, have duly filed before the Hoard of Commissioners for the County of Haywood a petition therein petitioning the Hoard of Commission ers for the County of Haywood to levy an annual tax not to exceed one fifteenth of one per cent on the dollar to be levied for a period of timu lot xcecdinvr thirty years, for the purp t et als f providing funds for the purchase h site and the erection thereon, of a puhlic hospital and a hospital build rK in the eastern section of the town f Waynenville, in Haywood County, North Carolina. And further notice Is hereby jr.ven tkat on thin date the Board of Com ii.niom'r for the County of Haywood kave ordered a special election to be tallnrf and held in the several voting yrerincts of Haywood County on the 11th day of July, l'Jr, for the pur-pix-e of voting une-lif teent h of oi:e etrt on the dollar tax for a !ond issue for a puhlic hospital and for the main tenance thereof, in the eastern sec tion of the Town of Waynesville, .such ioncf insue not to exceed $100,000. and iicj tax to be levied for a period of !im( not to exceed thirty years And notice s further hereby r.i-n 1nat a new registration of the voters f Haywood County has InN-n ordercl ly tfre Hoard of ( 'omrni -.-loners for the onty of Haywood for the purpo-,e nf aaiW -penal elect. ion, a- provide I by law, and to that end and for the pur poses aforesaid the ictfi-tral mil hooks for the .-everal voting pri-ciii' t - of ! -1-K-ri--Haywood County will !hi open from t tli- me and after the (ith day of .lune, as provided by law. And notice is further hereby nivn that t(v following persons have be'n duly appointed a the officers of -aid flection; to wit: For the South Waul in Wayne. ville Township, it is hereby onlenul that Fred Mull and (i-o. judge and J. I. Williams appnlnted registrar for Wayne.sville South Ward Precinct and that .John A. Smith and J.' li. Hyatt appointed judf- :ind Nannie I'rrsons nppointd reis' rar for Waynesvilie North Ward l'recint for said eUvtion; and C. T. Wells and John Allen appointed judgiH and A. (I. Ru-ssell anointed registrar for Heave -ain South Ward and W. II. Hondo, -ton and Frank Mann appointed judo's and E. I'. Hall appointed registrar tor Itejiverdam N'or'h Ward Precinct and that (iai'lielil Jo. kins and Will Wh.'e appointed jmlo.- and I. II. llojik'ii apni;n(rl reristri for Biif ':ek and that W . Palmer and J. A. Hannah appointed "lilies and J. !.. I'aluiei' apMintfd rei;i rar for C'l i. SMx lloe I'lei'lM'! anil th it C. .. N i -lanu' and tiisi. A Blown appo n'.cd juil' S an l I ha-, it. Met rai ken ,i; pnnto n'i-rrai for :h -aid b i'i -'.'r-i! i. puiin.-t and that F. A Ju-tice and i', T. I'ei i-ii-'in appo:ned jud'c and l. 11. McCrackoii appointed istrar for ('rabtii-e precnii't or a.'i'l 'hat A. K Allison and CVnn A. toyd anfion.:' .1 juices and K W How. II appointed reals' :.'i- fi J. it'. i ;)re oi- ,,, town -Vp K. 1. Step!"'"-" ' "V C : ! 1 " pointed judges and T. J. jui r.'.ed recistra,- for Inn Putf p ' iin.-i and 'hat A ii llai lwin and .: s.r: .'.riivin- app-'"ti' l judjo. an I K W. Te.i",ii' appoiri'i'l W Hit.- H.ik P i iintaininir one acre more or less and lining the same premises upon which the resilience of the parties of the first ta it now reside and being a part of the property bouirht by R. I), (olnier and wife from W. I.. Milliard which deed is duly recorded the office of the Keiri-t-i of of l-od- for Havwood County in li'.ak .. page '-'81. l'nr further particulars, applv to J W. r'crifuson. Attornt, 'a n.-vile, N. C. JONES & JONK-S, July 1'W Attorneys for Mort(raeee HONORABLE CHARLES It. THOM AS K.IVORS COUNTY HOS. I'll A L. j Editor of The Carolina Mountaineer: On July 11th, 1 :?.. will I held in my opinion a most important election. By act of he Legislature of North Carolina, contained in the I'liblic l.'ini: Ijiws ,,f i;io'l, pajre '.',2i. Chap tor :m4, entitled "An Act to author i.e trie (.'ommis-sioners of Haywood County to build and maintain a Coun ty Hospital," the said commissioners have called an election upon the date atxtvi mentioned While 1 have !-eii North Carolina all my a iua! i tied voter of t he im: S.-.ti in Haywood (' clout li-nyth of tune, the a citizen of life, and am State. I have 'ounty a ,-uffi- four months , t hi' law renin n s, to en- i In vote. However, I li-tud iper! in county durini!. nth ..f May and am a tax' aver. 1 will have to pay my part leaf tor of any ta levied to build nd maintain the ho.-pital should the t,' of the people be favorable. If I could vote I would tr'adly vote I'm Hospital Itond-." a- I nineerelv I'lott appomtisl .l(,Vt th, x:le of the old .-it,- and hospital buildint;, and the building! and maintenance of a new and up-to-' date hospital, is for the best interest' of ail the people of HaywiHH County, which is now my bom,- and permanent' le.sidence. Hr'.efly, I bolii'i' a now hospital i-noi'di-1. and the movement for the -ani" is wi.-e and humane; I believe' al-'i it i- to the financial interest of the people to build and maintain .t.; be au-i' the money for hospital bills a mi! I lie keiit in Haywood County: .n-t-a.l of irine to Asheville, in Hun-! .-onr i 'ount y . i dft'-ntinii'.-, too a ho-pital in our I "ttn ('iinly and community nutans U' h n iii'k act inn and relief as to save "'.'.an !:fe '"' relieve sufferine;. I r me ! . ::a! help to maint.'i n tt; ! can probably be secured 'l ie I uk Fund.". I'uiimy ( 'oiiiini-sioner- cannot o'er the election called a !a c s; of one-fifteenth of one per ; and I am informed that a tax lot excee line; five cents on tie' hundred io',iar- or tiftv cent- on a in f T! t that PI' ai'l-' I and m 1 1' r for and K. Homy i- s. d ju il'ed icis'i.i cine- or tnwn-n.p am! .1 W. Kin-lnm! appoii'.ted and J. I'' 1 onir appointed reu;i iirrii'i tnwnship .and H. F. Sel R. L. Cos- appointed jii'lite iooistrar for to'.vnslnji ami 1) I. ,1a;. nes I-', ( amp ..-!! by II II " -I. H. Sei.le.!,' jc. I -.'.'. housand dollars wi i-s-ai t oay ' h e a -:t!r. ' ' fun I ;-:! o ,., I, : -ti t!r : and .,. ! -. Wo i!,i ':e:, t' '. a Ii ' !ar i r. ' in ainta:; T :; !... in : onlv I be all llltere-1 to pay A run - Will'' h. that and tv. prop t " ei-aivl d u: ! I .' M ' i ' ,., 1 -V a '"'.a; the Slate ii f 'iin.'d y of the te i a-t hut the State (on-titu- t:nn rcouirinii a majority of the and qii.ililie'1 or reijistererl voters, the and l.i;':'- 'o'.int- Commissioners were unable Cl" Itppoil i -i oit'.-t nar fo (fori precinct or town-h. ami .1- I Juti.' and Nathan Roirers appointed us judev-" and C. V. Moody appointel - i,;,t rejrutrar for Cecil precinct or town-hip- and W. W. Haynes aivl C 1'. Roarer.- appointed judges and Vaughn, Birrs apiHiinted registrar for Clyde township or precinct. t i legally is-ue and sell the bonds. Till- is in accordance with nume- -:on- of our Supremo t ourt, it is :i'H)ortant for every one' vvhii Relieves the hospital is a ;ood ihinir. t" exercise the nrivilee of v otinir, as the l.1w requires that ap-i prnval of a majority of the rcjri--' tori'. voters -hall be triven to the All by order of the Hoaid in regular; p, :, ion nt the ,allot box lessirm. TTftis April fi. l!2r.. W. F. SWIFT. Chairman. ATTEST: C. F. Kirkpatrick, Clerk. SVLE (F VALl ABLE REAL ES TATE. By authority of a mortKKe from R. I. Cumer'and wife to the Trus tee of Wake Forest College, record erf in Hook O, IH-eds of Trust, page 3-5. recon's of the Register of D?eds ofHce for Haywood County, the un riereipried as Attomeys for said Trustees, default having been made in fho nsiymnt of the indebtedness .wited in said mort(rare. will sell to !ht hig-hest bidder ct oublic auction Jor ash, on Monday the 3rd day of 1925, at 12 a'clock M., at the vuit House door of HaywojJ County, Wnynes'ille, N. C. that valuable lot f land with impiovcmenU tntreen, adjoining hc the land of I). D. Davies, and othe, and more par- JuU CHARLES R. 2!b Ift2.i. THOMAS. VOMIMSTRATOU S NOTICE. Th- nndersiirnel havinir this day iiualific-d as administrator of the es tate of R. D. Gilmer, deceased, this is to notify all persons havinir claims ncainst the said estate to present them to the undesigned adm nistrator fo- pavm"nt within one ye" from th s da'e or el-e this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All pe'-'ons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to come in and settle at once This the 24th dn- of June. 192S. (Signed) Wm. T. HANNAH. Administrator of E'tate of R D. July 30c Gilmer, deceased New 4 room house, 1 acre, garage $2,000.00, $500 cash handles it. 20 acres, new 4 room house, 4 springs on place, water can be piped to house by gravity. Near Lake Juna luska. H. G. Stone. 2tc FULL WEIGHT Put a loaf of Waynesville Hread on the scales and you will find it weighs up full weight. That is bcause we make it right. In addition it is full of nutritious food elements- t Try First To Buy At Home I Waynesville Bakery V. M. LINDFORS. Prop. Main Street Phone No. 21 Pure Milk For The Children No better nor more nourishing and health huilding food for chil dren can be obtained than Junaluska Dairy Pure Milk, Whipped dream. Fresh Batter ami eggs. Milk delivered daily to your door in bottles which have been thoroughly ster ilized before filling. Junaluska Dairy r. r. Williams, Prop Telephone No. 2413 R. F. D. 2, Waynesville Accurate Measure When you buy Gas from us you are certain that you will get accurate meas ure. Our pumps are of the most accu rate make and we doubly safeguard vou by having them tested regularly. Further more we guarantee the test of our Gas. When you pay for High Test from us you get High Test. Drive in and test our service, "Give Us a Visit." EAST SERVICE STATION J. C. N0RR1S, Prop. Wavn svilla, N. C. Specials for Friday and Saturday Only 72 x 90 Pepperel Sheets Only, $1.19 81 x90 Pepperel Sheets On y $1.29 42 inch Pepperel Pillow Tubing, 3 yds for $1.00 Kotex, Standard Sue, 49c V C. L Ray & Sons Church Street Waynesville, N. C. ft Order Your Coal Now! The most radical family man readily agrees that there is no more practial ec onomy than filling up the family coal bin during summer months. Such foresight solves the biggest pro dlem of winter; is actual saving in dollars and cents; and removes all chances of the human factors falling short-such as snow ladened roads and tracks, strikes, etc. Phone our office today and place your order for the coming winter coal supply. Milner & Company All Kinds of Heavy Hauling Phone 314 Depot Street There is no charge for inspecting your DodgeBrothers Car We recommend only needed repairs PERFECT PERFORMANCE There is a great deal of satisfaction in driving a Car that gives you the service you require from it regardless of the road conditions. Having your car inspected fre quently by us will insure you this service. Haywood Garage Oppo. Postoffice Waynesville, N. C. Phone No 305-J Telephone Building "Keep Smiling DR. E. M. LEFLAR Chiropractor Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 12 M. 2 P. M. to 5 P. M. And By Appointment Waynesville. North Carol ina. LAMB FRYERS Lunch Meats The easy way to do when you want some Meats for Lunch is to phone 149 and we will send you an assort-ment-of redy-to-serve meats that will surely please you. "pie City Market J. B. DAVIS, Proprietor Phone 149 Church St. 0

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