THURSDAY, JULY 9. 125 THE CAROUNJf MOUNTAINEER The Carolina Mountaineer 97fJ Main Street Wm. A. BAND, Editor-Owner Policy Democratic Duplay Advertising Rte: Thirty Cents per column inch. Guaranteed Circulation sibschiption rates Subscription Payable in Advace ( $2.50 if not so paid) 1 Yea r $2.00 f, Months 1.00 :! Months 50cts Entered at the post office, at Waynesville, N. "., as Second Class Mail Matter, as provided under the Act of March :i, 1879, November 20, 1914. I'l BMHHEJ) ON THURSDAY I UK AMI RH AS F'RI v-i v '. THI RSDAY, JULY 9. 192.1 By speciali request Tlvei Carolina Mountaineer came out 2-4 hours ear lier this issue. Much news and many ads are left out. Will publish them next lsaue. X H Z rl fl Q UJ en Q Q Z UJ Oh Ed UJ z osj Cj D O 3 UJ o z Q UJ u CQ a, a z a: O UJ H u co UJ "J X O 0 rV a: D UJ Q Z in & a H U3 CQ H Z D O U a o o X a t-H z UJ a co CO D 3 UJ S D H i 3 UJ CO CO S3 g Si u P c t? 3 o- - H Z UJ J UJ y l o ul -z UJ N H U SPLENDID TELEPHONE SERVICE The new lon(f distance telephone n rvice to !) ino'ipurted Monday fioni 'ayne.iv,!!v Asneville and Canton exptK-til U r e 1 expe busine-s from Wayne-. i to these poir.Uj. Miss Weaver, the manager, explains hat the.-e toll calls will be handled just like local calls and that sub. ciilers calling by number will be c innect.d with the distant point while thev wait at the telephone, just as though they were calling a num ber in Waynesville. In order to render this express ser vice it wa.s necessary to increase and rearrange the equipment in the cen tral office and to provide additional lonu distance circuits to the points involved. There is heavj,- telephone traffic 'luring the summer season between Waynesville anil these nearby com munities and a frrowinR demand for telephone service on a no-delay basis. Ml-s Weaver believes that the new service will tuny meet tnis need ana that it will prove popular as soon as subscrilers Income familiar with it. She points out that in order to use this service and take advantage of the lower rates it is nece.ssary Lo cill by number. When a particulir person is wanted the call will lie nandiel by Lonjf Instance in the usual manner. Be oolite and pleasant, thus mak ing the party irlad he or she calld on you. Show individuality to each custom er; make him feel he is "Mr. Simp son" and not just one of t-he throng. Clet the other fellew's point of view. '"-n't argue, inform. DEMOCRATIC PUBLIC SCHOOLS. THEIR SERVICE RECORD LIVES ON. Two men prominent in worli affairs have oassed awav. One leaner of organized labor, the other the head if one of the world's greatest rail road systems. Both ros,. to commanding ')o-:iii.ns by hard work and abi'it One, after 20 years as a locomotive ntfineer was made P vsident "f t hi Hi "tilt rhood "f I.ocomitiv' Kngincers He otM'neil the eyes of labor to th" :i-ibilitie.s of usunr its tin.-incial re sources in the banking ou-mess. He wa.s labor's first banker and labor'; ;i' iti';t banker. Wairen Stone would have made a succe.s- in any callini;. I llics K t 'it tslm it t was , railroad -'i-tiiii- and an exceptional scholar. He! into in urs. a W'llkinr; crcyciope.lia on rail' (b) Buy in I transportation ipiestions, anil ac-chiiie on th Iii;i!iv "an. his life to upbuilding a plan. This lioail sy-tein. He was th" lean of 1 for suiplus One of the greatest issuis before the American people is whether our public school system shall remnin democratic, or whether it shall be used more and more in tTie direction of equiping a professional class. The newspapers are full of pr .!".-. s that high schools, colleges and uni versities emphasize tori much acade mic and professional equipment, w'len about nine-tenths .if the citizentry of our country must work for a living in industries?, in homes an 1 on farms. A remarkable union 1,'gh school :n California the San Meteo-Burlin game district is attracting wide at tention of educators by (riving employ ment to more than the high school boys outside of school hours at good wages, doing all the work of maintain ing the school plant. For about 15 vears several hundred high school boys have built new build ings, maintained all repairs and kept the grounds in a model condition doing actual labor and learning the ordinary trades that make community life possible Principal Glasscock has acromphahed this and the community likes it. His ideal iis a useful contentel self respecting citizen, who can earn on honest living, build a home an 1 sup port himself and family. ciation and get sentenced to Foley (Grand Finale): Hook up with the American Press Association, 225 West Thirty-ninth Street and save income tax. (Close Harmony) Oh, Fireman, Save My Child! TO CONDUCT ART SCHOOL. SUGGESTED RULES FOR SUC CESSFULLY OPENING AMI OPERATING A NEWSPA PER IN N. C. Mme. I- N. Vassilieva, famous Rus sian dancer, will interview those who desire to studv with her toe dancing, fancy and ballroom dancing, next Kr -day, July tenth, at the Hotel Gmion from three to four in the afternoon. Mme. Vassilieva and her represen tative, Miss Elena de Sayn, Rjssian Violinist, and director of the Elena V Sayn School for Violin and United Arts of Washington, D. C , wi'l both teach in Waynesville this summer, coming from Asheville, where they have their quarters in the Manor Mme. Vassilieva was formerly con nected with the Imperial Russian Bal let in Petrograd, Russia, and is one of the few who have enjoyed the train ing made famous by Mme. Palova. Nejinky Karsavina and other famous dancers. Mme. Vassilieva came toj this country with Diagiieff Ballet Russe and toured th Un ted States with the company with wh eh Mme.j Pavlova appeared also on hor first American tour several years prior. to Mme! Vassilieva. Adv ltc THESfORTH CAROLINA PRESS. Annua! taineer, poem read by J. D. Boone, Waynesville Moun July 8, at N. C. Press Association in Aaheville. 1. Opening: fa) Secure a secon I hand, one-cylinder engine of ihe in fernal combustion type, using gasoline a.s fuel and dry cell batteries for iir- nition which give iu at inex- MEMORIAL SERVICE IN GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Daring the Holy Communion Ser vice at 8 A. M. on Sunday, July 12th, a silver wafer box for use in the Sac- rement of the'Altar will be "blessed" by the Rector in memory if Eric En glebert. who died January 12th, 1925. The "ciborium" is the gift of Eric's mother, Mrs. E. B. Camp. A brief address will be given by the Rector. Ex-Congressman C. R. Thomas wi conduct the "Church History" class in i We are gathered here in Wonderland Where mountain vales and peaks are gTand ; Where earth and sky forever meet, Where lowland friends each summer greet The cooling breezes as they blow, The sparkling brooklets as they flow. The rhododendron and the fern. Which meet the eye at every turn. Up here, so close to God's blue sky, Where peaks and altitudes are high, The members of the "North State" press Have surcase from their daily stress. They come for pleasure, come for rest. And come to know what things are best; Best for their readers and themselves, Best for their copy-hooks and shelves. Now, as we give advice and plan, We mustn't forget our fellow-man Who reads our papers, day and week. Whose columns they never fail to seek Advice for action, day by day, In buying or selling or making hay, Or meeting together in Church or State, Or voting on questions, small or great. The press of our state in all past years Has cause for neither shame nor tears, For it has stood high upon the walls And sounded loudest clarion calls To its readers whenever danger arose From native attacks or foreign foes. It has stood for Progress in Nation and State It marched well in front and was never late. So now, as we face the future days, Let most of our columns be full of praise For those who toiled and those who fought. Those who have won, those who have wrought In battles for Proarress in this fair land, Who never yet faltered or failed to stand. Let us follow their leading, wherever it goes, In spite of Old Satan and all of our foes. ,1U11 D VI acm , i v u i ..I'.'.-. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -In pens iv powe r. i ican railroad executives, i- haril to replace such charade: ni I' ut. he mere 'ai rit 1 ,,n n mittr.l their other- who i strides in thi fare a the result of the training y secured under such mast?" minds. fact that they lived and nans that they trans spirit of endeavor to .vill make even greater interest of the public vent your on clothes. Ic) If vou page naper, page press. nnv the Parish House at 10 A. M. The N Caroin. Haywood County subject on Sundav is the fonnuest of' the Superior Court. the Earlv Church of the Goths; the Franks; the English, Scotch, Irish, and May Rhinehart and fit'jsfacto. sour.-e of Germans. Free and full discussion is!por)ert' Rhinehart. The right type will not give invited at each meeting i The defendant above named, Robert minute's trouble- : vi:: run The Rector will nreach a 11 A. M.' A. Rhinehart, will take notice that an and again at 8 P. M I ac"on enuuea as o.. . moiicp. in tho Snnenor ( our?, of Hav- Everybody will be heartily welcomed Coun N for th; se f indebted I RFV AT RF.BT VP.W I -u.-:: ul..t.. , tho notified to .w. ........... ......... ir.LUII!II!gail LKSUlUie UlVU'lr l,;ii in v Rector. defendant, and said defendant will further take notice that he r, required ( RABTRET ITEMS. i -it rebuilt ty painless. vill afford a saf ' cash and absoiu'e' wife from spen . i 1 n lt vi.: runj ng mv;- uvnieot i . i '!0)Ost I : !- a. The undersigned having this day qualified as administrator of the es tate of R. D. Gilmer, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims .igamst the said estate to present them to the undersigned administrator for payment within ope year from this date or else this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby come in and settle at once This the 24th dav of June, 1925. (S gned) Wm. T. HANNAH, Xdro'nistrator of Estate of R. D. July 30c , Gilmer, deceased I MH AND SOUND TION. COMPKNSA- Speeoy and alequate coif pensa t ion for an injure. I workman "i a sound tr 1 basic principV that must apply '.' h.ii'or.h a- indc.s't :cs in the ir, teeie.-t of both employer and employ.-. It i- not a fan te-t of a working-n-ei'.'s comperi-ation law to base an a'-gument upon an isolated case ofran injured workman having difficulty in i' u: in'.' runiik nsation. T!:.' i-'imwn-iiliiin laws in different '',c. all differ in .-onie respects anil i il'lfe: in efficiency of administra tion. Vc few t it s have what i- cal!--! i eoiioletc -tate monooolv of in- accic 1t au-al insiir r ex hi le III! till 111 com iloll rir with t'l state. itarv p: ncip1" eni;ito , i in f iii'iust ies and ia'iore! s i.iisoi ;,- c itnpensat ion in a'l ha-'. 'Ill-il o, "1'1'ts. idea! 'tulu-t ial in-urance law 'irovid' th at compep -atb.n ap- iiplovments in case the the all su.ii An i -hoi:!.! pile, in "f in hir-, i e.-ar-lle-s of wheth state o:- a stock company earn msuiaiice A comnen.-ation law centering around i state fund a.s the all-impor-tan' shine - a weak snot in any miu-t'ial insurance svstem. In nine-tenths of the states the law ompcV; compensation and permiLs insurance in any soud way that the employer selects and on the best terms in the interest of the payroll and those who fet the money. A workingmtn's compensation sys tem that requires all causalty insu rance to be carried by the state and all comoensation to come from a state fund is unfair, unsound and social istic. inhn 1 to run eiirh ' -ie sure to buy a ;vo This will save va!;rio:o floor space and insure nw. !..'':- rse; mails; it will also keep your employ-' ees employed. The .speed shouV nit exceed oOO per hour for bo.; results, i and the flv should deliver f.v ' out of three panels-one on the taVc anil one on the floor. (ill Buy type, lead-, ies, tc. from the nearest second-haul i'.-.iIi r -they satisfy. (e) You will not li:i, r necess'iry to buy or build ipiailers t'ir our na per. Any of the leading "itir.ens will be i'lad to furnish a suitable buiilding at a small rental and will rearrange and re'iair upon request. J i )pe: atinir: (a) Begin tir-t by s ' i n ir r " supply of paper, ink, etc. Any tepiitille supply house will furnish the c items promptly - bill of lading a:'; bed. I b Employ a linotype opera')'. If ;i -:b!- -ecuce a man drawing '-tov-e riicnt lamipensation. Thev will s cheanly, are careful and pains :ak ng. and can spell and punctuate r tlieir own hook. The saving in wages on this item will easily take 'are of the expi nse of magazin-s, mill.- and back-taw.s. Nor will it be neressaiv to purchase additional hv- Dr. R. I.. Walker is having a new lesidence built. C. E. Williams and G. C, Palmer are very busy these early summer days collecting and slaughtering lamb for the Asheville market. They delivired thirtv-six carcasses in Ashe ville one day last week. I i The farmers in the Crabtree sec- j 1 1 ion themselves as highly j I leased with the wheat crop which J only a few days ago they finished , putting in shock. They say the j yield and the quality of the grain is the best they have been favored with for several years. N. P. Walker is making extensive repairs on his mill dam. He hopes to have it in shape soon so reume grinding again. to aooear before the Cle-K of the Su perior Court of Haywood County, N. C, at the court house in Waynesville,'. . in said Haywood County, on the 29th day of .ftine, 192S. a'ul answer or de-1 New 4 room house, 1 acre, garage mur to the complain: in said action, or1 $2,000.00, $500 cash handles it. 20 u .- uiaiman .v.i. iui uic ic.,.i -. i rvm hmwo A snritlffS dc-nanded in the said comi.lain;. This the 2(it a day of May, !?5. c. a. hay.v:-:s. Clerk Superior Cox", Hayw od County. stljiyloi. acres, new on place, water can be piped to house by gravity. Near Lake Juna luska. H. G. Stone. 2t as to NOTICE OF SALE. SERVICE AND COURTESY PAY. Service and courtesy are two lead ng agencies for success. Mercantile and public service organizations re recognize their value in business. Following rules shoulj be emphasized: When the customer comes in with a complaint, don't send him or her from pillar to cost: that Irritates. Classify all complaints. Study the cause of complaints; eradicate them at their source. Completeness of your reply is only your reply iis the other half. (c) Employ a printer C 't one who is familiar with and accu -t -tio-il to every varietv of hooch. 1 hen he v. m't eet killed expei imentinrr. (d) Employ a pressman. Get ov with long legs so he can wade tnroiuh the stock on the floor. If pos.sio!e pi t vent him washing his hands eiceiH at ouitting time. Never mind :; waste sheet-' the custoiv.e r er, oonts. i (e) You are now fully equipped and readv for business. Open you" subscription bokks and get the b r sui prise. Solicit some advertising ar,l a super-fhock. (f) Your congressman has prob ably written vou. Publish his enclos ed article. (g) Be courteous to candidates- ; they'll pay if elected. j (h) Start a strong editorial page and get boycotted. 1 (i) Give a half page ad t th- La-1 dies' Aid Oyster Supper- -they won't , charge you anything extra for you oysters. (j) Publish all poems, juvenile and otherwise. Also obituaries. This srives you great prestige in Asia. (k) Boose your town and gel your rent raised. 1 (i) Play up the farmer -and get paid on in potatoes. (m) Jump on the delinquent offi cials and get sued for libel. (n) Join the Alabama Presi Assa- On Saurdav, the 8th day of Au gust, 1925, at' 11 o clock A. AI., at the Court House door in the town of Waynesville. N. C, I will sell at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder fo cash, the following property, lying and being in the town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, N. C, and more particularly described a.s follow-: BEGINNING at a stake on the northwest side of Smathers Street at the west intersection of Second Street, and runs with Second Street, N. 24 30' W. 150 feet; thence S. 5 30' W. oil teet; t i nee with lot 4. S. 24J 30 E. 150 fee' to Smathers Street; thence with Smathe s Strett. N. 05' 3u' E. 50 feet to the BEGINNING, being lot lot No. 2, in Block 1 1 1 1, of the W, R. Harbeck Fair Ground Addition, as per surve and map of John N. Sho 1 bred October. 1920, rccoided in Map Book "B", Index "H." ! Sale made pursuant to the power power conferred upon me by a deed , of trust from J. P. Harrod and James j Iambros, recorded in 'look S, page , 292, Rerord of Deeds of Trust of Hay-1 wood Countv, North Carolina. I This the Sth dav of Ju'v, 192."). 1 j. R. MORGAN. 1 30July c Tru'ee. Truck Display Week JULY 13th to 18th During this week we will have on display in our show rooms types of bod ies best suited for your requirements and the Ford Chassis. We will demonstrate a Ford Truck equipped with Ruckstell Axle which gives it 60 per cent more power and makes going through heavy, muddy roads and climbing stubborn hills an easy job. The Ruckstell Axle gives a loaded Ford truck a smooth, easy start, provid ing FOUR forward driving speeds and TWO reverse and makes it TWO-TRUCKS-IN-ONE by combining POW ER and SPEED. DON'T FORGET THE DATE See these trucks in actual demonstration DUCKWORTH MOTOR CO. "Superior OTCC ervice Genuine Pord Parts PHONE 350

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