.. . 7Ww-. y -v'-v ' . inir " : , . . , " , -i." ?iW I t '5;j- c-wr. jar;!- 111 S-fc',! 'VirviiMM.iv q u..Kiit7-?fayiitYiiic muiuut &,ojv 1 cuy liar! i&wi naiuiGi iteduuno iui im luusuuii ui MaiiuiGLiuHj u-wm:-. r rnna -4' J VUbine XXXVII. NuW23 WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JULY 30. 1925 2.00 a Year in Advance, $240 If m m Paid S.J. Schulbofer Will Erect New Fifty-tffousandBoltarBufiding Property Selling In Wavnesville Re-organimtfortvfChamber of Commerce-Full Tiifte.Secretary "Ty Macaificent Theatre aad Printing Office To Be! Erected Soon. Announcement is made this week Dy air. b. J. 6chuliioIer that ne plan to erect a handsome new buiidiAg lucing t-ast atreet just back of the present Schulhofer block on the cor ner of Main anil Rant ati-eeta where V ): it . x; I located. - Wf new buildiw will probably be ' nure ,owpr noor win dc occu- piec fiy th Carolina Mountaineer. Tw H T T"" , the vpreaent prating office. It Vtomd-- sepeNJe the newap-per department ana joo aepnraneni. 10 enstiH -some newi; machinery, includ ruling machine, linotype, etc. . Fivc. oo-n f V j 1. t. 1.1 , . ,,r ' , , cemnnsing 2,860 at res, kwned by the or eix thousand dollars worth of f j . , f , , . ..... , town and securely fcnclosckl to prevent additional equipment will be installed :v!i,. t 1 0l m. u r, i. w . . , . i any possibilty of contamination. The by the Carolina Wdunta.neer. This tract , nQW fop e on, X store. "to&VkkriMsequtn rajnfa .T forest K ; v " B "c. " one ui vne very nnest priming esiaD- lishments in this entire section Ther.present office space will be used r .' "7, r. : ? into the new' building which will be the, .S?eynewood Theatre. The arcade will have ladies' and men's jrest rooms, 'cirgar counters nnd soda fountain and will be beautifully decorated. Mr. Jule Edwards, popular. pro- prletot of the Waynewood Theatre, ments common fo mountain streams, plana extensive improvements in ev-j that may be desirable to retain, only ery way. New moving picture equip-' intensifies it3 clear sparkling lustre, mcnt, new stage material, new up- The gravitv pressure of the water holatered seats, fans and all the .supplier r.niple fire protection, throw newest inventions of eur latest the-(inj: a stream far above the highest atres. f '- '- " j building. The- second atory will be made into a meat attractive theatre. Artisti cally arranged boxes, the latest in-veittOng-' in -Interior theatre deeorat rnjaarl pkfttv of exit. Tfie third -floor will be nutde into balcor.ies in the form of a horse shoe' Waynesville, who win malce this with an entrance on Bast street. headquarters from thtt time on for the The whole building will have much remainder ofxthe sealon, C. E. Saw SP9SP used for windows with plenty yer wh0 will act in this capacity, ar of tight for the printing office and rived last week tfa will be actively plenty of available exit Xor air com-", lort and a quick emptjing or me vne- atre. . This building will very "best of those rank with tne n cities many times the siie of Waynesville and will T)e of inestimable value to this comnranity m many ways. The estimated cost innnntm will be around Mr. S. J. SchuHtofe; r has alreaay done much for Waynesville. He is the owner of the latest building in this city and owns considerable prop erty here. He also (owns 500 acres in Bnrk county, Geprgia, has two large farms ia Aiken, S. C. Mr. Schulhofer plank to sell his holdings in other sections anil to devote his time and interest! entirely in Way-'' nesville. He came North Carolina about fifty years agU Is a native of Germany and one if Waynesville's greatest booster. I He was recently olfdred $50,000 for his present Wayndsville business block, but has decides nbt to sell, but to build more. Mr. IS. I. Schulhofer' declares that WayiiesviUe has the grewUrat future of any city that he knows of. The new building will be erected at an early date. DATE OF CLINIC CHANGED. The clinic for crippled children is to be held in the high school building at Bryson City on August 8th instead of August 7th. This is an opportun ty for free ex amination for all cripi led children in Haywood county. T! e examination puts no obligation on any one. The clinic --simplyVffers th service? of an orthopaedic specialist to any chlid needirtf these Vervic a. If the pa tient proves eligible 1 e can accept or reject', hospital ent. The late E. D, gave ($1,000,000 Who recently Mission Hoe- pitaj in Asheville, made a verv the Ortho- substantial bequest Medic Hospital in Those wh are intrstiMl ill be gratified to know that the hospital will be enabled to are for many mbm children neod- nreatn VaAi Uso 'GaMpnia bicMataMRe- as th wait:ntf list ii'f.mliv. Jackson' already very long. , Benjamin Duke bequeathed $15,000 , lor Tne esTaonsnmeni ei a waru ir colored children in the Gastonia hoe- pitaL '-This will mean much to the negroet at it wilt .help them to be- Tff, Plenty of Watdr Here DB AUGHT FELT OV: CR ENTIRE SECTIONx BUT W fESVILLE HAg SPLENDID WA !R SUPPLY I A water shortage. because of draught, is occurring er several cit- kVestern North Carolina WayegviI is to be con- lavifig ample sufTici- tncy for an needi f( a long time to como, Recognizing the kfecessity of abso- ,ule . jn th T neSTiUe haa R of it is ji:-:ly proud. The ojtyMuis established 1 floor, rock crevitcs, and Wuntain springs, to be givn up again Uo meet the requirements! as typical mountain spring feater of e highest decree otj I Purity ejected from natural vkaters. As an additionJl safeguard, before it is delivered to the consumers, th wa ter IS HllhlWtAJ tn fllO Wlrtaf .mViliif ."v . ... t t process of fjltratjon known fon Kn0W" w tlMari of water purification. This treat ment, while not fobbing the vater of any of the natural soluble mineral eW SOUTBTERN PLACES AN AGENT HERE The Southern, railway has placed a i special traveling nassieneeiraeent in engaged in handlingKamong other de- tails, the Western Carolina to WasVmrf.nn ArrarR Jiich leave out 0f AshevUle Jul 31, P P. M., the trio beinir off. at the lowest rnte which has ever been made to round trip Visitors to the nataonal cap- jtal. I DR. M. 1-EFLAR, CHIROPRACTOR Dr. F. M. Leflar, chiropractor of Waynesville is very much plaased with mis section, in an interview with a representative of the Carolina Moun a,nr' " ecra" unusuaiy emnusi- -i ii . astic over the future prosfcects of this ! community. Dr. and Mrs. F. M. bflar came to Waynesville about the lirst of April. They opened chiropract offices in the telephone building oytr Alexander's Drug Store. Since tlat time they have had as splendid practice with a good steady growth. Several patients have received wondeifful benefits from this new art amongprof eessions. Mrs. Leflar is a graduate trained nurse from Jacksorf City Hospital and j is of great help tients. fth chiropractic pa- MR. REEVES, INSURANCE AGENT Mr. M. H. Ree has been Pharmacy owner of the Way: for the past thirty-si: appointed General A: rs, has been og the New York Life Insurance and will for the present have ce at the Pharmacy. Mr. Ree; jio in- traduction to the pi 4s well known, not only in aynesville, but in Western North Can AT BRANNER CREST. The following are si pping at Bran- ner Crest one of most popular of James At- houses and the hom kins, Jr.: Hui Laws, Orley Strange, Savai Davis and family. Lakeland Mrs. Skipper and family, Fla.: Mrs. and Miss Sextro Waterman, New Orleans: Bates and B. Hayne land family. Selmi ere and family, Burlingto: come self-supporting citizens initesd of objecta of charity as iis tiuo of many cases. 1. - ....,-:.. , I , i i- .;'S.'i..-r,T.-iy'WV' vas, who nesville geAt Company liis offl res'neeBa Dtblic as he (una U - - 4 gh H. M. lumh: Alfred Avon lark: and Sirs. . ryiuiacia edMrs. ft a Mrs. HaK REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS During the past fevJ days some very I important real estate transactions have taken place in Waynesvilla. Main Street propertySis selling around $300 front foot and tiiere seems to be more demand than the market can supply. I A number of residences in and about Waynesville have clanged hands; al so several -lots. Three large farms and considerable ad-eage of mountoiaLjy.ama jn tne land. The large buildiig occupiel by the'. Massie Furniture ICompany on Main Street belonging tcf Mr. C. B. Medford, of 'Canton, was sold by E. K. McGee to Mrs. Oliver H. Stubbs, of Sumter) S. C. The consideration is reporiedersity Inst year. They are bending to be something ofer $10,500. j Wetfeit6rt tojmake the performance The Quisenberryj large lot on Nortjthis year equa if not superior to the Main Street was fjpld to a Florida cl performance given at Yale Unlver tizen . It is reported the lot brought iiity. around $15,000. ' ' ; tl. The performance will begin prompt- ' .-. IV ' The II. L. Liner and relatives prpj.-iy ei ty near the lake, about 30 acri,jha just byeond Grover Leatherwood, was , Pe just byeond Grovef Leatherwood, was, tA Vint.;. In nnlna t . n rt, A - jt . Thc McDowell property on Main Plav hlls bKun. There will be no guson. His life was spent in the ser Street, ju.:L beyojd the Courthouse, Admission charged. A free will of-1 vice of others and as a natural re which sold for about S20.000 One ferrin wi" ,,e tak'-n Pnriinlly to suit he counted his friends by the r,t, ..h..,i hj ti.:. u .one : ... vet:iv iiu UlUUL'iu $.ouu, It IS Haiti Mr. Hendrey, of Fort Myers, Fla., waa 'K ri,n lo,)Ke ""tions of Mark s: the purchaser and plans to rcmoet, Jtof!Pe! dealing' 'with Simon Peter's this substantiol brick structure 'jpxperiences. j niake a handsome apartment hoUfte: On Saturday night, Aug. 1, "Snowj New wings will be added and the eaVw'hite and the Eeven Little Men" will tire building greatly enlarged. i'Q-be presented "by the children of the The Jesse D. Boone home on cofp'ays"'1''- This pUiy is arranged, 1 Pigeon and Main street which recently B,nKpd nnd dirccted"by Miss Louise sold for around . $15,000 was in je- Durham, of Memphis, Tennessee. I mand this week again. An offer"3t. $25,000 being made, .but was refused.! This is a splendid location for the pro posed new million dollar hotel. y$wik In addition to the above sejreral (iniidinga are oeing plAnnad-M sent time: Jfr. Buel Hvatrt d1! build a store and office bulldinir on hisWe interested and godd will prevails, vacant property on Main Street op - posite the Carolina Mountaineer. It is said that run nstato arant Mr H n Stone haa secured options on a vast amount of land in ani around Juna- li,sW Mmfarn ,h Pln M.,.t hotel was located. There have been minora for anm timd nt . ihr lion dollar development of this sec- tion, but nothing definite has been an- nounced as yet. ' I The Grimball property is rapidly de veloping. The new home of Mr. Hil liard Atkins, one of the most hand some of all Waynestille residences nnd one of our show Dlaces is about com- pleted. Lots are selling in this sec- tion unusually well and several new . . homes are being erected and others are contemplated. An auction sale i i scheduled for that section soon. McCRACKEN REUNION ! Tl, ..! M..;i : :n ' annual 1'H.V'ldlACn ll-uillUlt Vlll h-holo" at t.hCrWrJ, Rnntit PWM, August 5 at 10:30 Hth Franklin Y. i McCracken, of Knoxxtlle, as Master of Ceremonies. The follow ng program will be giv- en: ,' i Invocation Rev. fYorder Davis. ! Singing led by Albert C. Walker. . ! Address of Welcome Fuller Just- ' ice. j Reply Tom Rogers. Singing Mr. Wrklker. Sermon Rev. Rl P. McCracken. Lunch Instrumental Diict-Anna Jean and Mary Pauline Plolt. Recitation Louie Med ford Recitation Mcffirary Davis Story Mildred (McCracken Duet Mildred Crawford and Harley Francis, Recitation Marcus McCracken Recitation Wiima McCracken. Story Hugh Rogers Recitation Pearl Justice Recitation Kavileen McCracken Song Sara Ja: Walker Singing Mr. Five Minute lker. ks Grover Davis. Mrs. W. L. McC: cken, Rev. Chas Owen. Mr. Theo. McCracken, A. H. McCracken. Chas. xCrary, Miss Fan-' nie McCracken, ell McCracken. A. C Walker, Dr. W. Kirkpatrick, Dr. J. R. McCracken, Paul Walker, t Diemii il. - ' I -Mrs. Bess Francis Penny is' leaving Sunday tor New Yolk where she goes to make her fall Mil On her return she wii stop at Atlantic City for several days , Td I Hot sr- Mh. I k llinery purchases ..j '.,i.n rptJ)W ,.,,.. , . ' ....... Religious Drama At Lake Junaluska . A religious drama, "The Rock," is to be given atl the auditorium, Lake Junaluska, Friday night, July 31st. The leading tarts are being played by those who oi iginally presented this drama at Yale University. The Gen eral Sunday. Sjchool Board came in touch with th production through some members of its staff who were studying in trje Divinity School of Yale at 'that time. Being impressed with the significance of religious whole program of re ligious education, and believing in the possibilities of this particular play, the General Sunday School Boa i-d is bringing to Lake Junaluska 'the principal members of the cast f.who presented the play at Yale Uni- 'i .... nt 8 o'clock, and it is requcste 1 bat all who desire to see the play be present and'in their places nt that 1 1 1Y1 ( H9 it 1 H" miff i : 1 t I 7 1 T. 1T1I.1"! IITlf 'that there be no confusion after the1 cover thc expense ot production, Those exnectinirto attend areslmn-lv . 1 T " THE WAYNESVILLE DAHLIA i SHOW. ! The Wnynesville Woman's Club is lopefully looking forward to a great ahlia show. Coming events cast tflifciv itltadjws before them. Growers 1 garden can afford to be without dahlia"- For those who have never grown them the gate stands wide Pen towarI 01 adventure and J'y- Their case of culture, their adaptability to soil and environment, their reat power of increase and rc-j production and their long blooming senson Place them amon the most ,le" siraW garden flowers. , The amateurs last season, w: scored a wondertUI success. Uur displays were simply snperb, our speciments second to none. This year points to' an even greater success. Besidc-S the v,on nthnr dahlia displays; we will attractions, thu making the after- noon I enjoyable one. ! t? : :l : J u ur....A. ""e 'V, " 7 V I niiaa inn in ,nn v niirKnnv niipr-, . noon. A l! crust. u nf u r1....,,, ' ' Hotel dance paVilion. Given under; til, IV lIIC Villi ivr i the auspices of ihe Woman's Club. Pll,lrn i liot nf Iho nr wnvnin .t a " . " ' Awarded also t.hri dahlia committees: Prizes: Best collection-f Loving Cup. ..$10.00, :2nd best collection 2rd best collection 5.00 10 best decorative klahlins Blue Ribbon1 JO best fancy dalil as ..Blue Ribbon 10 best peony Blue Ribbon 10 best standard cactus ..Blue Ribbon : 10 best hybrid ca tus.-.Blue Ribbon' ' Largest Dahlia . Blue Ribbon ' Collection Pomponl Blue Ribbon Committee. Miller I Refreshments M rs. C. W. chairman; Mrs. Blkwell, Mrs. Grov-; ' er Davis, Mrs. de Keegaard. Candy Mrs. Cleveland Kirkpatrick,' chairman; Mrs. D. W. Miller. Posters and advertising Miss Jo- Rephine Thomas, chairman; Miss Mil- dred Crawford, Arrangements 1SS KODena Mil-' ler, chairman; Miss Daisy Boyd, Mrs. W. H. Liner, Mrs. Shoolbred. Entering Dahlids Miss Bessie Boyd, chairman; Ho. John Queen Entertaining inde Mra. C. R. Thomas, Mrs. R, L. Allen. Finance Mrs, frank Ferguson, chairman; Mrs. Morkgomery, Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick. To procure competent judges Mrs. H. G. Stone, chairman: Mrs. Black- well. Orchestra Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Clayton Walker. Remember the Ht Th,ii..Jn,. Au'nst 27th r ' ' Mr. T. M. Rickards, of Balsam and his granddaughter Miss Ruth Mary Hall, of Miami, were in town Tuesday, j J. D. Ferguson Is Killed By Truck Joseph Dunn Ferguson, a resident of Iron Duff secton, was killed near here about eight 'clock Monday morn ing. The accident occurred on the Ashe ville highway iear the Clark place be low the Lake. The truck in which he was riding for some unexplainable reason left the pavement, and Mr. Ferguson tried to jump to safety, but was pinned beneath the heavily load el machine.; lie was fushed to the Waynesville Hospital vAere he received immedi ate aid, but died with a few minutes after reaching the hospital. Mr. Ferguson was one of the lead ing farmers in the county, having! splendid lands in Iron Duff township. There was none in the comr.iunty .more generous with his possessions; 11000 Ml O TC willillfr ill HnSWIT ntlV Call of distress than was Joe Dunn Ftr- i score. He was the sun of Riley K. I'ergu son and Elizabeth Fincher. Kiley Ferguson was one of the pioneers to the gold fields of California in '!.. ' He mined gold for eight years and sold goods in San Francisco for a number of years, returning at the outbreak of the Civil War to join Southern forces. He is survived by his wife who was Miss Flora Mcdford. Frank D. l er- of this nlare is his onlv brother. The body was brought her and pre- pared for burial by Massie Under- taking Company. Interment took place Tuesday afternoon at Iron Duff. STUNT NIGHT. A number of spectators witnessed the regular Wednesday "stunt night" , iui -nm.ee al v,nu.ui ... K.veu by the talented Wyaconda Camp 'boys. The entertainment consisted of wrestling matches and boxing bouts ; and an amusing comedy Girls from Log Cabin Camp 8"d Camp luska were also in attendance, nesville people are invited to .luna Way these neunrauny emei utinmenis. BALSAM NEWS a i i . r e. . l 1 ....1 large numoer ol lrienus aim iei- 'olive here attended the funeral and in- Ufrmen" riuay, in ipe tranioiu l em- ,r;. ,...., i ,.,. ' . . iil'CllltfllvUii V hiilfU HI omuht'iimm. . . Ceen was former resident of Ba'- " , snm and owned a hpmc hero. Ho and i hi-" famil' mwci Smokemont '. hi yiai s ago. , ev. ""eiij oi Mien v iit, nus men e''u pastoi oi i..e naus. Church here. ; Mrs. II. P. Ensley has returned fiom a visil to relatives in Asheville and Black Mountain. Messrs. Jim anil Robert queen, ot Gastonia, were here Sunday. Mr. A. II. Mehaffcy went to Sun- burst last week. Mr. Swanger ahd family who hae been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cog- dill, have returned to Jhcir home Hickory. j Misses Mary Kate and Tommy Mav Queen and Miss Louise Arlington vis itedheir grandmother, Mrs. Queen, in Hazelwood Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Logan Jr., of Waynesville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee, Jr., camped at Cabin Flats Sat urday night. menoia. viu vjiesvici, uw ivujr and Charles Perry are spending sever- al days camping on lilack Kock. I hey have a radio outnt witn tnem. rames are going ouiaauy camping ZL i . Woodfin Falls; and even "tops', y Kate. and Tommy May on some of our beautiful peaks, lovely the nearby h Misses Mary Kate and Tommy May . r u. ... . t l - . I l i yueeii nave leiumeui w tnir nume in DUIsboro after a vihit to their cou- am. Miss uiuise Arlington. Mrs. mayoeue rerry went to syivn oaiuruay. Mr. and Mrs. Henrjr Beck, Mr. Bry- son Beck, and Mr. Wesley uueen went . 1 to Gastonia last weelt lor a few days. Miss Grace . Mehaney, Miss Edna McElroy, of Hazelwood, Mrs. Eugene Ensley and Mr. Hubert Ensley motor- ed to Asheville Sunday. . fclhL"iaeji "iBSlrfl MI-.IM-H- WAYNESVILLR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The regular meeting of the Good ft llows' Club is to be held next Tues day and it is planned to have every member present according to Secre tary K. K. McGee. Many members of the Goodfellows Club and other eivn leaders are inter ested in the rc-irfranization of the ChamW of Cnr.imerce lor Waynes ville with a full-liiiH' paid siiceinry. Waynesville has a Board of Trade v.hich is responsible for many pro gressive achievements during the past decade. Mr. ICrnest Withers has been acting' as secretary gratis and he is' due niiKW praise and in fact the citi zens of this community are under deep obligations ngt only to him but the other officials of the Board if Trade. Many, weary hours have been given for the cause of Waynesville's ad vancement; many gallons of gas; much use of personal equipment, including automobiles etc., to say notliing of the Postage and other expenses anil this has always been done cheerfully and without hope of remuneration; but. times have changed and whjle the city would have been in a honelCs plight ; without the assistance of the Board of Trade and its officials, it Js admitted that Wavnesville lias outgrown this , gani.at ion and if we wou'd continue (.Np:in,l, W1 must liave; a genuine- full-membership Chamber of C'om- merer with a full-time paid serrotn'-y. The beneT's of -i cai Cli i 1 1 cr if Commerce are u.o numerous t men tion here; but it is a fact that nearly every city of :;ny i mpjrtaiire hr.s an organization of this naiturn. Cities n.uch smaller than Waynesville have 'hem with four and five hundred mora l.i .- at $.r0 per year membership. A Chamber of Commerce will hav in connection with it: a merchant's protective association; a women's bu reau; a real estate bureau; a publicity and advertising bureau. It will work by committees that will accomplish something. It will jajt the city on the map, bring new industries into our community, will organise .important events such as a county fair, horse shows, old home week. And the great ngt ional patriotic holidays will not go by unnoticed. It will bring conven tions to our cities and will do more in one year for the good of our city than any other contemplated movement. There are at lpast one thousand citi ezens of Waynesville who are directly and indirectly benefited by the sum mer tourist sqasnn. The.ie citizens could etsily put $25 per var for mem bership in such n organization purely as an investment not as a donation There are some fiotels, boarding hous es, etc., that oujht to have from one half to a dozen memberships. The old way of asking a (business man to giva up half his timd to take care of tho community's interest without remun eration is out of date and we should not expect it nnjj longer. In order to ge the best results, it is better to get a full time secretary : at a real salary. A cheap salaried man is worse than none. He should not he allowed to enter into any real estate, insurance or any other business as a side line, but should be required to devote his entirp time to the pos' tion. There are always, hundreds of let-, ters of inquiry not only about Way nesville and vicinity, but many times people wanting to nvest in rual es- ' jaje or in business o some kird. These communications would be a- ; vailable to all membbrs and if a citi- J zen has property to rent, he would?; have an opportunity of reading anj:&. letters of inquiry without having tt'" pay any percentage wmatcver. . , v H All mail would be oben to each a u ''JJ I.I.J 1 . .vjs, . , t I Wavnesvillp in havlnff niu Af .4nt ' . : greaiest Dooms oi its nistory. , wo - a . Knun -fFi& I merceNOW! I . BAZAAR ' m-Si of itl hist, J-J ... . North olde Circle 0, church will give its am August 14 and 15 at fey'g Kodak Shop. Hi cieSi cakes and I S6ieg at that time, . , T 1 .m M... ts Col. T. j. Watkina, orianany of Or-1, lando, hut now oeajrwter, Js nofi' U of the prominent'Jttor tourists i our section. He h;k- Lake. A al Riuml,,l B.h '