v :i'Hh 192"). THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER Champion Wrctler Tells What to Eat Johnny Mt'Ts, ml'lilU'welnlit wrn tllnt rluitnjinn of iht' wuil'l, In .ifron In ftivor f i lif u' of m'twitihriii- I y prfpn rt'il fuu.i. II trt'i't-rM to know tlmt thf I I .. N i-.itlng i.s I'll! i' Jh'l tml Mm I ill lit-r I li:tn I' t:tlv- ii ' 1 1 : i r J ulilt hiiy kiii'l of : -H..I j..iiN..riiiit; t.v .-.itniK r 1 from an ii n k it ii u n SiUir In :i rn-ci-nt itih-r lew on fin- iv of I.U unit Ii w 1th l.oii T a 1 ii I. r, from whciii) In- won till to' Fitid : "I expert hi wla the from Tnliihor Me lit a tine S'lN AKKIVES . : i Mi . M. Meiifoi (I mi' re ti .it u!at ion ppon tlie l)irth .. I'l Yrf i ar. : tin- MU-i,m :il ':. f -!ul. m . ( o.'s i oiim: r.r:'. s SISTKl : .I. .. r.,,i; .,.vi-t:.l . .. t .. n .. -, l 'i i... .N.il.il M:.H! Mli'i I ,n Ma I'ii.- .il.. . .f ( Irhind,,. ', u u :i - clt-i'Ol 1 1 f n: -I ll , tllllns .i I Will'.-:' IHln I Mi-. I 'I Willi IUM el mangold- 1 1 . I u a - t i-pcit ,-d in 1 hr ' .p. I n! Ill, .f III, Johnny Meyers. ifl. -inn-. III,' llll,' tol . was pre- rrn, n irnwn premier nnd usin inure Hilenee llian nj man of the milt todny. However. I feel mire thai my superior physical rendition will prevail ami (hut I will emerge notorious nnd I lie champion of my division I (let It a very Impor tant purl of my program In training lor a inat'-h. The syatem that I us la really very almple, Involving onlj flood Judgment and caution In lh se ction of food. I prefer to eat aclan rflenlly prepared food whenever poa alhla and 1 never eat anything to which la attached the slightest doubt of Ita pnrity. I eat a great deal of canned foods because I am sure that tlMj are pore and will have no IH ef fects on my digestive system. Taka, ost as an example of what food can do for the body milk. It la the great eat of body builders and a very Impor tant part of any man's diet Hut la sometimes Impure or contaminated and nay be the source of lllnea If used. Ilecausa of this fact. I us evaporated tnUk entirely and find It very satisfac tory. I know that It Is pure and that I will not gaffer from Its use. I know that It Is a great body builder be cause the concentration of It gives It auch food value. I know that It la easily digested, more so than market milk, In fact, derails I drink It be fore Bflng to bed and feel no effect of It In the morning. This la usually hard to do with ordinary market milk This plan, Id substance, la the same one that I use regarding other foods. If there la liny chance or suspicion of Impurity or low food value, I use something else. "And If n man Is ao situated that It la Impossible for lilm to get the proper amount of exercise, he must be doubly iniitlniis not to pnrtake of any but the purest food. On the whole. If man cuts wlili wisdom and observes the fundamental rules for good health, there Is no reason why he should ever have n s,k or uncomfortable day." Y. lal ) i ir i - -mint,-'! and In k of curd I to Mi- ( has. K. Thomas. Mrs. Mt-hano cut the consolation a ore pad. The Kuosts of honor re eeived curd. Those playing were Mesdanies Reeves, de Neerard, ('. V. Miller, Win f red Baker, Roy Francis, Isenhour, I. owrv I.ee, Withers, Kaweotte Swift, II. Attkins, Lee I'age, Meade, ('. I! Thomas, (I. Y. Mebftne, Howell-Cutter, llufus Siler, Iladgqtt, Misses Evelyn I.ee and Braxton Kirk. Mil. IIOONK SRI.I.S I'ROI'F.RTY Mi. .1. II. 11, nine, who bought proper I;. in llrevard in February, hart .sold it alter six months time at a very sub stantial profit. Mr. Boone also has real estate interests in Wayne.sivlle and A-heville, N. ('., and in Hollywood, Flu. I Hit SALE Ten regulation Army, 1 vi inn, I ',-iits l'i ' I',, ir .rood condi- I'M. ,i cheap. Account discarded loi IVi thiinciit Buildings. May le ir pn i -,l a I I .imp Wy. icon, la. Waynes ulle, N. C 1 I I'd itudeiit- without respect to any on e affiliations or relations. lloth the Scottish and York Kite !!'!:es are co-operatint; ih supporting these funds. The Masonic Loan Fund hcKan in V.i'Zt with $5,000.00 emitri-j 1..... .1 l... ,1... f' 1 f ...1 ..f M ' j ,UL,,I lt HIV Cllllll'i 1,1,111' OI iUHIMll- ! 'he York Kite Bodies. In 1821,; the .-','. tish Rite indies joined in the1 1 nS onicnt and for the past three ? 'ir - the fund has increased at th.?( I tali ,," $!' 10,0(10.(1(1 a year. The pre-j -nil tin: is is $:i,(lll().00 from the (oiinilj ' l.odifo, ? 1.000.00 from the York Rite j ' Bodies and .W.UOO.OO from the Scntti-h ! , line Bodies. The fund wiill ultimately j ! In- increased to a sum ciual to $:'(!. Oi ,r each teacher-training student, $1 i j for eifch woman student, and $.",.(1(1 for . each man studen in every institution in the state doing college work. The present total of $,'l.ri, 000.(111 is now distributted as follows: j Fast Carolina Teachers College $:i230.0O Cullowhee Normal School .".OilO.OO Appalachian Training School DOOO.OO N. C. College for Women . 2250.(10 State College of Agri culture & Eng. ... 17M.0O Flora McDonald College 1500.00 University of N. C. . . 12:0.lH Chowan College . . . 1260.00 Davenport College ... 1750.DO Duke University .... . 1000.00 Wake p'orest College . 1000.00 Elon College 1000 00 Davidsin College . .... . 1000.00 (Ireensboro College .. 1000.00 Meredith College .. . . . 100(1.00 Salem College . .. 10iWflo Guilford College . 1000.(X Atlantic Christian College- lOOO.'H) Queens College . 100000, Mars Hill College ... 1OO0.0O I.ouishurg College . 1OO0.0O Asheville Normal ... 1000.00 Catawba College 750.00 High Point College 75000 Peace Institute fiOO.tO Mitchell College 500.(1') St. Mary's College 500.00 500.03 Wingate Coll ege BOAT I'Al.EAM AT J( M l SKA! , beautiful the annual ehc even sun I u s k y shim as; -hoi e the Hcaltl 3 Honvg FOOD FOR CHILDREN WHO TRAVEL ?: -.wag. Many times, und eH-cliilly during the summer months, mothers are forced to take their children on trips with them. During these trips, the parent Is forced to contend with that ever present and scrioim problem of food for 'he child As In altc-t e.ry other . nw the rhlef -"in pirio,:- I Its puri'. Dot .'!;n ii.llK ; ,'( tl I- rlli'.. To u i r v ll, .lid i 1 rry. -'l,,li il- : ,o. value fo oiirce. It Is , , , 1 1 , ! I I I .1 Lake .Iiiiialijska, alwa.v .i i ,'inlci ,', IIIHI C -o liv I. oat pageant held then- on i i; of the 2:ird. .lu-t as ihe tints of a orgou -cl faded into night and the -lladow - of evening fell on the inering watei - of the lake, a throng of people gathered on Ihe mar the auditorium to witnes pleasurable event All eyes were! turned toward the narrows when- the; Lull- gathered in formation. The big boat. Oonaguska, w ith a Spartanburg ! band concealed behind her heavy de-1 oiations, and carrying on lioni'l the' Pageant Queen and her maiden .j , line gaily down, heading the pro i - ion. A great "fleet" ,,f motor-; boat-, decorated from -lorn to stern.; I' ti'i'.' into line an, I all pa--ed in re- ,c' I Some of the feature- Were a Hunt -i ''hi ". 11 i:lini;i-e of fairyland, ai diagni licit f'oni .lap: n. a fiery v,!- .an.) f,-,iiii Haaii. the various sports en costume, the "fish and fowl" for the for the Terrace Hotel and the uplifted wl'i:e ci,,.-- for Christianity. i Al'te: 'he lioautiful pageant on the "' i"' liv i, ii. hence gathered in the .".aiitoi nun t,, w itness the coronation , e eniome-. A g'e it white throne had been erect c! for I he nueen. who on this occasio'i Mi .I',-. I- r C.inan. d.iu.-l.'er Total . $;!50(m)XO I In addition to the Masonic Loan , Fund, the 111,000 Masons of the State I are giving their loyal support to Pub lic Education and taking an active part in promoting better schools, bet ter administration and better teach I ling as the best means for the promo jtion of general intelligence and en lightened leadership as the basis fr good government, moral uplift and ci i ic righteousness. BUILDING AND REPAIRING Doors Sashes Shingles Plaster Lath Moulding Piping Glass Roofing Cement Brick Lime Tar Sand Mortor Mill Work - WKat ever your building or repair jot may be we can supply you with ma terials in large or small quantities. First class material at low cost, plus prompt service is a combination you cannot hope to beat. .estimates Gladly rurnisneG HYATT & COMPANY Report of Condition of the Citizens Bank & Trust Co. At Waynesville, North Carolina At Close of Business June 30, 1925 ,'f M. -!',l Mi o n - ic I,' I 'I' e In -Ix rein. e--e I , I e t I I h, III. I Use il'l" 14 ', ill V IS . Ill, IV.T -1 Vr.ie- I for i, I:, e : Jo i .1. T. I- I ,-, - and H fa i lo Ihe!' ' iw '' 'lie ,' Nee , 'p ." e nil ' ! loo., I tilted :. -ill ."'ii. -;,i' :",-,l j, nv. orcce "I "; til ) - l,e:'ri, ' .man. I .'oniiiiur ,i. i- I;, raid- , i, i.i ,.' . 'h ii ' lr,l I -I'.e 'lll'l'l wing ,n,l- , :,ni.' t! v cr- i"t- who j: ' '.ipeil them-elves ...1 Af lb- throne. cli" " ' : '" 1 " "f Pi llll rv's lend In ei:ai..; n- ',..i,,meii. its use, pihpl. v n . ftie following Pirniiila : From Sixth Wrck to Third Month lllk. , j .i n a 1 f,l ,i ,,,ni. I.luu- -....t.r 1 ,oii,. Milk aner ; . ,., B,.:i ,l ,, ipr . , S. , i . f e , 1 1 , 1 1 .. I i l ,v n ' v f .. ii r h .. . i r 4 I., '. ,.,in..-- .it llir,. Itiiiii inl.'ival. tirlci: tin- ,), niul f.oir-Ixitir hil, rvili it nlrhl From Third Month to Fifth Month Milk. r nporutrd 7 li niinrpi Llm WHtrr 3 nunc Milk Kiianr 2 ounce BolUd water 2D H u tire. 81a fretllna tn tw4ntv-fmir hour.: I to 6 ouneen at Ihri-e-lomr Intervals 4urtnir tha, day and ftetltng ml 10 p. m. from Fifth to Seventh Month. T, h 1 , '-ain-i "f the "Bridal Oi... o l-'henu'cin. came the Qu'en lloving :,,be of rhite satin. r ! I.'.,-,.,-- assisting ).r to the , . n' "!' 'l'i' d-ii - e ho e she v: ..en d "(iU(.." ,.f tl... Heat Page-in'" I M--. 1). S. MotTet. She was then - ci'. ' to the throne :iround which '.e chd.le. n , f .hinalu-k.-i Playground , 1 1-,..,.,) in !i,rge numbers to pay her l-.,o-.i r., xith their fairy song :.nd (lag ni:"ch. The be Pity of Miss Toman, who is i -''-' inir brune't'e wis enhar.i-ed hy I- -,ilvs and crown of a nueen. ' l- msiids-of-liotior chosen for the. " were Mi-ses Mary Morclock, ! Tlllk vapor.t.d 10 ouncw , Her'iert V.flio Mne Winslow,, Lima water S ounca ' Milk aur 1 ouncaa I RES01 TRIES I.i.ap. ami 1 list.', Hints ( 'Wrd: at';.- r.r.nkinir lli-u.-,--. I'm nitu roi Fixtures :'.8. 000.00 ( '. v. "a,:!! i r.i nnioutits duo iiank.-. Ilankt'i s :'.iiil Trust ( 'ompanii s t'het'ks foj- cVariiio- .$;WG,610.!)S 2,173.0 58,181. 17 '2,r:U7 Tt)TA! , $-l:7.9 18.92 LIABILITIES Japital Stock paid in $ .jO.000.00 Surplus Fund 20.000-00 Undivided profits 642.17 liilN Payable ;"), 000. 00 Lk-po. its, subject to flu-?k Individual. . 171.G2G.0!' jand Ceililkales of dept. jit 1 17.04i5.60 CashW's Checks outstaiuling 5. 851. 68 Savingseposits 4.751.4h TOT A I $,:;7.!i8 02 STATi: OF N'OIM'H CAROLINA, HAYWOO COUNTY. Jane 30. 1925. ! l!il''ard I'.. Atkins, Cashior of the above named bmk. do solemnly swear that the above statement is true :':.e o . ..r my kn..v'edre and belief. H1LLIARD B. ATKINS. Cashier. Subset il oil and ia oin to before me, this 23 ni day of July, 1925. K. L WITHERS? "Notary Public, i ...;rii:s-i-.i-, Augdsl 7, 1925. Correct Attest: M. H. REEVES THOS. STRINGFIELD, HUGH J. SLOAN Directors Boiled water 1 ouncaa Viva feeding tn twenty-four houn; t ll t ounce at four-hour Intervale, l laat feedloa; to be (Ivan at It p. m. From Seventh to Ninth Month. Milk, evaporated ll ounoee Ubm water I ounoee Milk sutrar t ounoea Boiled water l( ouaoe t to ounoea at four-hour latervele atartns the dar. Laet feedlne; at ten I BleTbt. From Ninth U Twelfth Month. Milk, evaporated ...ltouaoaa Urn water I ounoee Milk aafar I oeuaoae Bar lex water 14 oaaea I to ouaoe at four-hour latervala 4orlae; aay. Laat fe41ar at tea at Fl;- b,-'h Aljrieh end Kittie Stubbs. The winners of the prizes were an-' ivurv-ed find the Queen descended fron the throne to make the following n'esentations- First "Fairyland" Silver Cup.. Second "The Mission Cross" Sil-' ver Cun. Third "The Janip:se Boat." ! y BEGAN BUSINESS NOVEMBER 19. 1920 Capital Stock $50,000.00 STATE. COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY OFFICERS: HILLIARD B. ATKINS, Trust Officer HILLIARD B. ATKINS. Cashier PRITCHARD FERGUSON, Assistant Cashier THOS. STRINGFIELD, President J. H. HOWELL, Vice President .1. M. LONG. Chairman H. J. SLOAN H B. ATKINS ALDEN HOWELL. Jr. DIRECTOR -I. H. HOWELL E. L. WITHERS S. H. BUSHNELL LEE FERGUSON M. H. REEVES J. P. SCATES GEO. H. WARD THOS. STRINGFIELD MASONIC EDUCATION AI, I.OAN3 $36,000.00 TO 18 INSTITUTIONS These Loan Funds are distributed among all the schools of the State with . College Courses and are available to WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. YOU WILL LIKE OUR SERVICE We invite you to do your Banking with Us, courteous treatment up-to-date facilities, highest degree of security

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