THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER 4 r1 I f. TbeWlCHITAnfMUMIUSCfl X - WICHITA KANSAS : Weed's change from or dinary rlon.r to KAN SAS EXPANSION- tells its own convincing story. ADDRESS ON THE SOITHEKN I MOINTAINEERS AT CRACE CHlrk'H Hon. ex-CiniKressntun ('. K. Thomas ivr an 1(1. K W 111. I. HI SHMXI. (. Distributors. ddress Ion "The Mount aineers of the South -land" at ton o clock on Sunday morning, AuKUSt2rH. Kvrrylmdy is invited to this talk, and flee and full discus! ion will he wel comed. I At eleven o'clock the Rev. Albert New, Rector, will cejebrato the Holy Communion ami prci'h on "The Glory or the TransfiKuratiin. Evensong and brief address will be at K P. M. On Thursday, August f, brink' th Festival of the Transfiguration, there will be Holy Cnmmur)in at H A. M. I FULL WEIGHT Put ;i loaf of V:iwe.-.illi' ISread on (he scales and you will find it weighs ii fill! weight. That is because vc make il liobt. in addititn it is full of nutritious food element-- Trv First To Bin At Home Wavncsvillc Bakcrv SOI THERN RAILWAY S T STTM . Special Excursion to Atlantic City and OOlhi-r New Jersey Resorts. IH-.lny excursion tickets to Atlantic City and other seashore resorts will be sold from Asheville on the follow ing dates: Via Southern Railway to Washing ton and Pennsylvania R. R., June 2", July 7 and 21; August 4 and 18; and September 1st. Via Southern Railway to Washing ton and B. 4 O. R. R., July 1, 15 aad August 12 ami L'li; and Septem ber 9th. Round Trip to From Atlantic City Asheville V $24.10 1 ake Toxaway 26. Ij Hitvard 25. 6i Ilendersonville 24.90 l lat Rock 21.90 Saluda 24.90 Wavncsvillc 2.V13 Mopover so M-iui'n jouiney win ne allowed within linal limit of ticket ii' Philadelphia, Wilmington, Haiti-! iii' 1 1 and W'a-hincton. '1'ii i oiitrh -.1 eiim j1 ca i s A.she v ii!" I" ':i.-!i:ri;'t.iii Mak ' I'l.llniiin i ,-?ei a! ion- through CIU'RCII ANWIC.N CEMENTS. Mpttiodint C nurch. Uev. J. T. Mangum, Pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 9:45 Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. n. and evening 7:30. Everoody cordially invited. Presbyterian Church. S. R. Crockett, Pastor. Sunday Sfrvices: Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p. m. Services at Baptist Church. Rev. C. T. Tew, Pastor. 9:45 Sunday School. 11:00 Worship and Sermon C:30 P. M. B. Y. P. U. 7::i0 P. M. Preaching. You are cordially invited to wor thip with us in all these services. Wednesday. 7 :'!( P. M. Prayer Meetinp. j The Royal Ambassaso.lrs wil.' meet ; I the first and thirl Wednesday of ach moi.iii at 3:10 p. m. j Allen's ("reek liaptls! Church. ! Ai.'en ("reck Hnptist Church, Every J Sunday. I Clvde-l.ake Juna. Order Your Coal Now! The most radical family man readily agrees that there is no more practial ec onomy than filling up the family coal bin during summer months. Such foresight solves the biggest pro dlem of winter; is actual saving in dollars and cents; and removes all chances of the human factors falling short-such as snow ladened roads and tracks, strikes, etc. Phone our office today and place your order for the coming winter coal supply. Milner & Company All Kinds of Heavy Hauling Phone 314 Depot Street There is no charge for inspecting your l-ral ai'eiit. - L-ned. I Die. -ion V write the und.'i-' j. ii wixin. a--e!ir;er Acont, Asheville, N. C i . M. I.I DI'OKS, Prop. Main St ; eel Phone No. 2". 1 I'lhodist (hurch luska Charge. Rev. Frank Siler, Pastor. Lake Junaiusku, I'reacliin every j'Jnil and lih Sundays a. 11 a. m.; 1st ind old Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Unrtiii'lh leapoe nl. Clint" Overv MlTICK OP S.M.K. L . On llo. Mh .!.- ..f An,..,.. iruM. 1 1'L'"), at 11 o'clock A. Si., at thej At Civile, 1st and 3rd Sundays at Court Ilou-e door in the town of 1 1 1 a. m.; 2 n , 1 and 4th Sundays at n nv ni-.-ville. (',, I wi'l -el! a' pt)l ;t)j p. m in, lion, to in. nipm-i in :ac nv, Slln(,.lv s,.hi .,, in ., m ,t hoth Haywood Garage Oppo. PostoHiee Waynesville., N. C. i Pure Milk fjr The Children No better nor more nourishing iind health hailding food for chil dren can he obtained than .lunaluska Dairy Pure Milk. Whipped (ream. Fresh Mutter and egs. Milk ilelivereit daily to your door in bottles which have been thoroughly ster ilized before filling. hiirhe-t In !d 1 he III llWtlll' OlOlXTtV VII1L' helm? in the town of Waynes-1 places. Uille. Haywood County, N. C.. and 1 iiiine particularly described as follows: ' !:i:CINNIN; at a stake on the . :hi't side of Smathers Street at Ihe intersection of Second Street, nr. I urn- with Second Street, N. 21' u' W !.'' feet; thence S. C.V ;:l" W. "." f....; : ih ! wi't; '.-I I S. :'i :W V.. l.'iil feet to Sniathei- Street; thence vvnh Smathei- St re '. N i."i E. 'II feet to the II I'M i 1 N I N( ' , lieine; lot i let No. ill HI..--k llll. i.T the W. R. ; llai ork Kail (Ir.'iiinl Addition, as ! -in.,, and imi'i ' f -! Im X. Shool- 1 inter. Ili.o ci. .led :n .l:i ; IL. k '):". Index "II " I Sal made luiisuan: to tiie pivvcr -1.1.11 . i-niif.-rir I u; op me hy a deed! of '.mi -: f.inii .1. I It i..o.t aii'l Jiini.-s l.-'in'ii.'-, ic. or.i. d in 'look S, p;i(o ::1, Kc n 1 of he. d- of Trust of liay vvoivl I'miMtv. N'oi'h Carolina. T - tin. s -i dav of .i.i'v, liC-'".. ,i. r. mo(;an, 1 ,' , frustoe. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. at Long's Chapel. We will welcome you to any or all of tlief-e services. Hazelwood Presbterian Church ft. Frank Yandell, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning except 2nd Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday School, L. M. Richeson Superintendent, 9:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. tv.'ninK services 7 p. m. The public is cordially invite:!. Ilazelwood Baptist Church Rev. R. P. McCracken. Pastor. Preaching ccery first and third Sun-i day .-.t 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. NOTICK. Juna.taska Dairy r. R. WILLIAMS, E'rop. Telephone No. 2413 R. F. D. 2, Waynesvilie ATE T FAST South Carolinian Too;: .'lack Draught For Indigestim, hnd Says He Could Sen; Cat Anything. Accurate Measure When you buy Gas from us you are certain that you will get accurate meas ure. Our pumps are of the most accu rate make and we doubly safeguard you by having them tested regularly. Further more we guarantee the test of our Gas. When you pay for High Test from us you get High Test. Drive In and test our service. "Give Us a Visit." CAST lND SERVICE STATION J. C. NORMS, Prop. Waynesville, N. C. Pall mine. S. C Mr. '.V. P.. Hoiiktn,;ht, of this p'..u" . ;;.iv. follow in ;u count of hi ; un" n? Tho.Hord's 1'dacl: Dran ;iit. ".In. t after I marrh .1 I !. ..! j;.,;.. r.fstlon. Workiir; (,;:;. I : -. . . : habit of e.-itlm; la ;. : r h ( ("in paid l.y h iviic, :. i -:n. I lojVil i line afl-r l.i": l.i T!ii :.:..' ni' -ry micoinforlaiil.-. I v.-mii 1 fed t.iiiid am! ii -nvyy. didn't l'i"'l liko v..i kit';-. I va Ijj.i It yai Ir.tll fisti".. Setiie .mo ri'commeiiil.aj lll.u k-IM..:!, lit and I took it after n, Ms 1 .. ...n could oat anything o:.y ''. "I r.: o it for colds and I'M ;., n 1 - s and it will knock out a cold ui.d i;.rry away the bile better and quicker than any liver medicine I have ever found." KatlnK too fast, too much, or faulty chewing of jour food, often causes discomfort after meals. A pinch of Black-Draught, washed down with a swallow of water, will li. 'o to bring prompt relief. Dloat ee sensntlons, eructations, bad broatu and other common symptoms ef Indigestion hv disappeared after Black-Draught has been taken lor several days. t NC-K4 1 Siate of North Carolina. 1 j i. ! Haywood County. j I. I). Price ; ! vs. ; i Ida IV ice. The defendant aliov- ..v.or.l Tv'w) Like notice that an actio.i ntii v l a ; above ha been commen. . d n t'"-' Superior Court of Hayurrnl 'otinty. l"o ' the purpose f obtaining an absolute' divoice hy the plaintifT from the Je fiinlant on : statutory irrounds. And the ! said di fen!ant will further take notice 'that she is required to a:i;v;;r in ;he Isth day of .vutcust, l!l'J'., iicfev... :1k j ; Clerk of t:i SJiv.-nr I . ' .f Hay-; i wood County, at his ofl'ue in the cour; house in said County in Way jnesville. North Carolina, and an.svver or demur ta the complaint li'.e.l n j suid action rf the plaintiff w ill apply ;lo.tho-.cou : for the relief demanded i in said corn 'aint. , i This the O'h dav of July, 1925. C. A. HAYNES. I III) July nd CUrk Superior Court. The eay way to do wKen you want some M eats for Lunch is to phone 149 and will sen i you an assort ment of reacK'-tO-.-ei ve meats that will surelv pLase you. The Citv Market J. B. DAVIS, Proprietor Phone 149 Church St. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. i Th :ni'.-: "iie.1 having th's day qjali'i,d i '-l'mstrctor of the o-- I t: te of K. .) (i Imer. deceased, tnis is to not:fy :d; re-son- having claims airainst tie ?.:d citate to present then; to the ur.dvj.irn9.! adm nistrntor for paymc t within ore year from th s dtite or els' this rotice will be pleaded in bar of CieT ':ove:y. All po-o-.s indebted ti fvd estate are hereby notified to come in and settle at once This the 24th day of June, 1925. (Sifrned) Wm. T. HANNAH. Administrator of Estate of R. D. July 30c Gilmer, deceased Engraving, Weeding Announce. merits and Invitations., Birth An-, nouncements, Calling Cards, Business Cards, Personal- Stationery, engraved j or embossed, lithographed, etc., at the Carolina Mountaineet office. I -- --. ForRent or Sale A ,lve room bun galow at Chesnut Park. New and all convenience. Apply to Carolina Mountaineer. t. f. r. At nil ht fter fce evenios mtm is the "Wright hour". Then read loud to the (imily Harold Dell right's ltrt an 4 bet orir."A Son of Hit FMh'r" vera' hundrfd ihouMnd ism illn r ;(iin thia within wek llr . . r. .1 Uu HA at -unvi DUD ic lln. lr orivvi tnnii- it U htxikr-ri. D. AWM 4 Cvmptur. L. A. MILLER Plumbing l inni Heating MONTGOMERY STREET Phone 316 Dodge Brothers Car I We recommend only needed repairs PERFECT PERFORMANCE There is p. ureat dervl of satisfaction in driving a Car that R'ixes ? ou tht? service you require from it regardless cf the road conditions. Hnving your car inspected fre fjuently hy its will insure you this service. I LAMB FRYERS E) E f m e I Lunch Meats 1 1