Thursday, July 30th, 1925. XHE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER Jfoctetp and Perftma 4tis Atilcfferi Qrvwford, (editor &Aon0 250., 9 Mrs. Horry jrrehn, wh.- has been vis-1 Mrs. Frank Smathers and four of mug itci iuiyiii.B, an. nnu firs. n. n. ner cmiuren, 01 miami, arrived me lat- Blackweli lo the pasi month, return to her homein Kansis City Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Herm Holt, uiiH ehi! One reason why we never overtake Happiness is that it is always llecing from us. Only when we attain our ideal do we attain complete happi ness, ami as our ideals constantly re--fdp. so HanDiness in its conmlete fulfillment forever escapes us. But c"mps!iK department of the Carolina ! a" Ml' Reginald Krnold, of Bristol arrived the latter fart of the week to visit 'Mrs. Arnold who is spending the sum mer with Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. : Robert Hvitt. dren Norma Jane, and Paul, o Hend ersonvillo, spent last week etid with Mr. and Mrs. Clavton Walker. :nrs. waiter iiungan, Mr. an" ivl Walter Rochow, who has been in the '1ufus Silp. Mr- a,Kl Ml'-"- RoberL Coin K. II. Isenhuur spent last the pursuit of Happiness is the sj- mountaineer, nas accepted a position preme joy in life and the sign that with the Canton Enterprise. our faith is still strong and our hopes still young. Not dissatisfied, but forever unsatisfied is the deathless cry ter part of last week and will visit her parents, Co.l and Mr4. S. A. Jones. They came by motor frotn Fawnsdale, Alabama. Judge Sniathfers is now in Hot Springs, Ark., and will join his funiily here later. . Miss Dorothy Kellum, who is at 'he head of the Baptist Young people ..' j work in the State with headquarters' in Raleigh, attended the Haywood A: -M.ciation .if the W. M. S. which nu held at Ha'.'.rdwood. She mad" a spiel'- Marie De Gafferally Commedienne With Williams Stock Company Which Comes to Wayncsville for Engagement: week-end Jin Klizubethton, Teen. They ! did addicss on the work of the Sun made theltrip by motor. i Rev. and Mrs. M. F. M 06 res and fam- ily, of Reidsville, are at the Lake for n f,.,i, Aax.u M 1U .... : of all human hearts. Edwin Osgood , , . . I uesday greeting friends, drover. , j- , T i i T,,- . Dr. Mimms and family, of Sylvania, (.leveiana unoerwooa. 01 ivinirsnori.. . . . - -,. . i, . , .. ' - ' Green Tree Inn for the past three lrs- V Koke, ot Merlic, have ar and Mrs. Gilmer Leather wuod with their young daughter, Do rothy, of I Greenvile, S. C. are spend-! jing a wefk here with relatives. They a 1 riveci op r riuay. I' I beams. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Ferguson now of Mr.Minnville, Tenn., arrived by mot or Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Too-1 11 it" Davis and other friends. Mr. For- i gusnn was one of the most popular i 1 veterans of the government school. friends in and about town. J. D. Boone was in Brevard Monday on business. V James Lee, of Lincolnton, was a week end visitor here. I William C'rymes, now of Charlotte, was a weeK-ena visitor nere. ! weeks, have returned to their home. , Mrs. M. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Kuykendall, Mrs. J. H. Kuykendal and Mrs. T. L. Miller spent Sunday with friends in South Hominy. Mrs. J. B. Penny, of Raleigh, Mr. jand Mrs. J. M. Penny and small son, of -i.,,.,,. p..,, ,.f MonViovill.. wn in ' Durham, are spending a week with town several days last week. rived for i visit of some length to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Black at: Mr. A. !. Hartsfiold, who is occupy- Sunnyside Orchard. I ;fc the Wyche house for the season 1 - 1 l ave had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. ' Misses Lota Leigh Draughn and c, .,.,, n... 1 r- 1.. l . - - '.i,i- .111" vn-uir ,11., 01 West Palm Beach, Mrs. Lamar Davis, : f Albany. Ga.. Mrs. ,T. I.. Hartsfiold. Leigh Draughn and Blanche Rbrringer of Norwood, who are attending the Sunday School Con ference atj the lake, were guests of ,,f Meigs. (; ,,,) Miss Ruth Wvche Saturday. I Mrs. Bess Francis Penny. Mrs. T. M. Chestnut. Misses Tom my I ou an Johnnie May Chestnut, of mother. Mrs. Palm Beaih. Mrs. Hartsficld's Regina Davis, of West Miss Frank Dicus, of Almond, is the C"K ani' MrR- Minthorne Woolsey , Atlanta, ae guests of Mr. and Mr guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dicus. Arrlv im Miami and are occupying D.ivi(i Mill.r at thl,ir h()lno n I!olll) .... 1 their resident1 on Woolsey Heights. ' ,ja.y stleetj Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Band and chil- They came up by motor. I " 1 dren spent last week end in Brevard. -. Miss Lois Harrold has from a six weeks' stay in Asheville. Mr. M. L. Shipman, of Raleigh, was Mrs. Way Williams, of Pacolet, S. returned C., returned home Saturday after a Mrs. I week's visit with her daughter, J. W. Kirkpatrick. I Mr. Sidney Ryals has returned to his home i Savannah after a two . week stay here at the Satterthwaits. ! Mr. Ryals is a very enthusiastic Way . nesville visiter. Mrs. Sim Cochran, who has been the guest of Miss Diana Black at Sunny side Orchard for the nast week or so. leigh for about a month or six weeks, has returned to her home in Charlotte. M,s- ' U " Row'es, left Saturday 1 Kentucky. Mrs. W. I). Akers, who has been the' in town last Wednesday on business Miss Grace Lee is at home from Ra Mr. Frederick Bowles, of Miami, I'la., after a hort visit to his mother. for Mr. Frank Van Dyke returned to his home in Detroit Monday after stop I ing for the past two weeks at Chest nut Park I.odg.i. Mr. Van Dyke is :i nephew of the late Dr. Henry Van Dyke. i Rev. Dr. Roblix Harlan. ;-rofe ..-or of Sociology, University of Richmond, one of the lecturers at Lake .Tunahi-kn, will pleach at the Southern .Methodist church at Clyde Sunday morning, Aug. Und. at II o'clock. Mrs. Ed. Battle, of Wilmington, is in town for a while as the guest of Mrs. guest of Prof, and Mrs. Robeson for Harry Hall. The Rotary (Tub held their regular i the past month, returned on Monday luncheon at thJ Green Tree Tea Room v to her home in Columbus, Ga. I on Friday. There were several visit - Joe Davis, of Elizabethtown, Baden 1 ors present. About theirty membcis County, is back in town afer an ex- Garland F. Robeson and his young attended the meeting, tended absence. son, of Greensboro, are here for a' 3 week's stay, with his parents. Mrs1 Miss Hazel Ferguson has as a Mr. and Mrs. Blanton Ashworth, of Koheson will probably come later. (guest for a fortnight Miss Maude Memphis, were guests of Mrs. R. N. .,, Brown of Hillsboro. Miss Brown and Barber last week. Miss Clara Kellar, of St. Peters- Miss Ferguson were classmate at burg, Fla., and Winona Lake, Ind., is ouke University. Mrs. Jennie Cabe Hamilton left on h(,re fol. thp summer stopping with' Thursday for Cincinnati where she Mrs. Zack Massey on the Dellwood Rd. i Frank Ferguson, who has been in went on business. , . training in Hampton Roads, is at the '" The Misses Yarhorouirh, of Wil-. home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mrs. Dan McCarty and Miss Blanche niillon, !m, t,gain in Wnynesivlle for Ferguson, until about the first of Aug- Smth have motored down to Columbia llu. sum,or nl0ths and are at the st for the week end.- H: Miss Annie Mae Sykes, of Punta Gorda, Florida, is stopping for the Ben son at J. L. Stringfields. Little Miss Gladys Dicus is ill Deili- oiesi, Georgia, .for sometime visiting aunt Mrs. Vining. Dr. and Mrs. K. K. Montgomer have from Miami where they s.eiit the pa.-t week. y,r. "Irs, John Hinilh, Mi1. Cur :.; ;,n.l Miss Ruth Kuykendall motored R.,ck M oil' ;iv. Shoolbred's. I j Miss V Miss Phoebe Baugh an, of Atlanta, Wiliiiim who has been the guest of Miss Tate h,.re w;'' lor tne past v.eel;. returned to her home today. Rev. .1. ',('. C. N'cwton tla. v.ill 111. nch at Long Lake '.H..J..4-S Si.n.l.v o'clock. y-. . w.; ?,. Ki-Liw!. ' Kirkpi'trirl; have ' wh.-r." tl 1 i'h re!:it k'-r and Miss Robimon of are speiiding some ;imc :iss Vcrnic Philips. The-" with Mrs. John '('. wnian '-borne spenl Tuesilay on Among the new girls expected at the Magic's Nest Camp for Girls for the month of August arc Misses Nina anil Alice Armstrong, Gwendolyn Hell, Florence Lamar, Martha Mallory, Charlotte Woodward, lliberna Scay, ot Selma, Ala., Hiss Eliza Lee Mii ler, of Albany, Ala., Miss Adalene Austin of Birmingham, Ala., and Miss ranees Dalton, of Water Valley, Miss. .Miss Dalton is joining her sister. Miss I Jessie Dalton, who has been at Eagles .Nest Camp all summer. KM'KRTAINS FOR G I F.ST. Airs. C. S. Padgett entertained in- I'oi in-illy last week with three table : of bridge in compliment to her al - t rai l ive niece Mi-s Ai'.-en ;;...:-.n. of Maryville, Tenn., who ha- The Williams Stoek Conipam will come to this city Monday lor an en gugement and will ein' their I 'ai ous $1(111(1(1 lent. a slice.. . .fol .. '. . ' ' . . of the leading newspape, . ..' i.i ; . had the following to say in a icceet issue: "During the week pa-t local theatre goers have cnioyod a treat in the w.:y of theatrical fare, which hid., lair ! continue indefinitely. The William Stoek Company appearing night l .11 their beautiful canvas iheatre. ha'... during the past week olVeie.l p! real merit with a ( a.-.t of a,' 1 1'' the calibre not coninrin witli en. -1 orgai:i::-:ti. ns. On- h i 'til i . . I one's e t'S and Broa,!w;.' cenis iik so far away. "F 'at ured with the : . a 1 Mi-s Marie De G:it. ', l! a". I Mis; Mae I'.lossoni Willi nm. Mi - De Gall'i"ally has a marvelous . -. a .-: methoil- of es'oking cyclone of i 0.1.! ter that after the fir. I 1 1 1 ill . comeJy values anil is : - ihuroiighl;. at lionie with her ultra -ui-e". '"id. .nr just rests and lallgl. .'.I'd e' : tint .'"- of I ;.:( : ;l , 1 ' ,i riniif. with the kiiiwlclc situation in the li..!i.i o!' o era 1 1 man. -Mi . Ma. I'!.- .. .1 .". it.. .' .. i i:0 . II..' r. an artist. "A visit back stat:'i' disclose I 1 ae fact that her hair is really lie o-.ii and not a wig as ihuugiit, h'- 1 ; -..f its perfection nf t-1 I . r ami ih. ing. True to her in inc. Mae Ih : -Mini she made u- think cf just that, spring and May bin-sums as she rai--ed her deep blue eyes f coin Iwr mirro to smile a welcome ;ni'l proceed to tell us of herself, but f 1 ,v."i. dcrful sister. We liked her ..:.! ence to her 10 star. Miss )e Ga'ii . so didn't interrupt ho.. She ted on pleasantly in aa .: 1. moillllated voice lliri we 1 this youthful pnrniren 'h'- !: 1 serious to be wasted; tint -h ! -v--children and hoi--.'-. ;-!' ..1 : ' think of bohing her Ic-it, i,r. In- a. I mires it on some girl . Slit" .-.sde i a1 the idios.-ncrasirs nf ;ho iu-. . - n tlapper and sa - !:.- nevi r l,.nl 1 10 to In- a flapper a-- -dn- went i'i:.- :l f 1 oi;i l cho.d 10 in : ''.' 1 ..1:1 . and -iin e - In- '-dv-. Ii." n 0 .-erionsly sir- ha.! " 1 ; ' 1" i ' " - i' ( 'a r : u -it .. r-rov .1 1 - 1. . 1 . -n : . 1..! -i eiv per f o ourii r.n l i 1 1 Ir.-'i:;- : (hi- Willi. ... 1- ...-I, '..! . a-- -ir .-.i .0' .1 ! cm .01 . ; able r. 11 iil.v 11 . wi-h tin be, ,., e the h,o-, is ,-J. an t irlll- !'. ! -'e--: I'I- oil eonim-ui'da. e. A i . -1 , liirii at ! t I ot.! to . n .i ,ith t reil 'of S;it!i'l ;:n spi'iid'iiig lite .-'.mink Massey. I pa.-., home When Mi -guest : i'l'jt'er.e Alley and childreif, of a 'o ill town for a brief stay Ms. : ml Mr '. Felix Alley. 1 I' tl-.T. cf .'.!.: listowit. ha ' Mrs. i'.-ker who is visiting her . ., Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Abid. ;. Annie Moure Welch, was at for the week -ivl I-mi Asheville she is atteiidiiit; snnii.ier school. I'le't. -' '.:.-!:; of Mr, and M the first of (ho week. and Mi-p. II of Cant- -i'h ?'!. and Cr.tce !'!(.' w 1 s. i . i-.. H.rev n: votiiti.' i f toilay for their heni" in Mt. 'ern ci. . ., alter an lemte i stay Ik v.-th her aunt. Mrs. James 1!. Thoir.n Dorothy M (': acken W, Spears the her heme on Kdgehill Avenue, A- livillc .is Grace i b-eiler-on, of Hickory,' v.-s the guest of her sister, Mrs. Tr-. nest 1U man for a few days las' week.' Lieu tuned a mam Mi : rister vdle. Cdwin I' r.t-uson, who is ;da t Curtiitiru, Va.,. is spendin;;' s vacrilion at his home here. ; Irstlii-'- Moody is v Miss Mat lie M-.ody Claggett Taylur motored up from Sebring, Florida, arriving here yesterday. Mr. Chailes Ransomo of Memphis.,) M'-. Bar. on r-penl the was the guest 01 tnew'tmnos lasi week at their summer lodge. , Mrs. Will Millerschoep ntel (laugh ters spent last week in Iendersonville with relatives. i . f Henry- McFadyen, assistant assis tant manager of Battery Park Hotel, is at home for a few dayi Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Mur-phy, of Co been l-e' loii.-e gue.-t lor the pa -I wei'h. Mi- s Vireini i Weh It hold ,.( uiiper t ig'e -a. . 1 .... i, I -i: 1 , ,,,, " '1:'1 ' ""' "' ,,,! ., , ; ,) - Chapel at Mr and ' r.-. Che I er !'. S in '.arc )"- v ' ' " ,,-,!.. 1 . t t t , e 11 IVK"! tf f; ;.,.(1 two eh Iron of I ),-i rinigl " '. S. '"- ' ': ' ' h '' 1 : ; ' 1 "' ' - '' 1 :' " -' l.-ft to-day ' their I: They baco 11 :" ' ' -f-'" " "" " I., , -. rue.-!: of Ml- He ie V, - ,V -,. I'l-'nie;" V ' . y. -i ( , J Ul . - k ''' Mi. i.'!,-.-;..l !, w'.U - :u-ut u,- a Vi en V. ' 1 !-.-'.. ' rf ' S , 1 1 ; ) i 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ' I ! '' ' ' ' ' ' ' V. ' v , ' - -V ': 1 :' 'l( -' ' , : ml M -. i'( : i v .-'!.' '..i.i . P... ' 1 I r'. ; -f i r- L ii U" iV- . ' (!; g... o.n:-.- .'; pr .!-.. I'.:;.'.. 1 - ,. 1 , ,t- :'.-' ' Mf H. -.-':!,: ;nd Mr. , . f l-".,-.( ..-' I ;-. a i.-". ' : ; ; : - . ( ' t ' . t : - I . ! :!-;: t . " ' t'-v-t-un. were 1 (..,.,,. n. ?., 1 :. U ,.;:- ,-... t . . . ''' ,;- I!- ,ll,li- :ll -. Mis. T;i lor )it;;ii;-!.. 1 a-i Mi.-. RT; : ' ' 'V : - H ' I tci I Mw .-..rds. of Bili inure. r f ; . - . , ' . ." . j: ft.'-. M. ... I : c . :i -..'.,,.. I ..I - ' . ' . v N. lloll and (wo ;.: ,,,, j;i r , -., ; ., , .. , ." " ' i. . -l!4-" .-' - ' ' ,'' . , .. spent Stlllilay , --; . , , . .. ,, ; a; ;i . ;, ,., Xor- ... ., , .. ... ,' . t . '" ' . ' X S ' - -. i' ,:- " ,",t i !'.. ' -,'. e-.i i.y 1. ,- o- I- -i v..-k f,..m r: ..... i 1 , . wk ' ' i "....! .-ill ill- .-'- of t , ,- ,...... , ., 1 ...... ,i;. ' i rU..--t .Ml-. ,lor.!:.l.'s 1,11. ile-, M-r. G. C. .i.p,!.,. . 1 :,., . 1, . - ' ivwt- ' '''--'"4"- ' ' 1! 11 . . .. . ' cj i. ....'- . . .. ! : - t--r a lew we.-i- . ,, ,,,,, tu.,;. ; , .',, , .... ' ''-".'" 'j . '- ' .j ... ,, ; , , . -'fi.l bittbeav - l-vilh pin! ,.,!'.' I ' -V,. ' . l" 1 '!" ' ! ' '-'I' n. i'. Tlw l-l .,.::,,-,! ,,t 'I::- , , . ' ' ' ;'S ' ' 'X) I ! I !! Tllu.-ll.T l:,.-!.ill '-' lor . ii- . , s f : - ,,;."er,of Can- ::. '',J:'! '". i'M' !!,! . ";A ' The- o.'-!. -p.t '-,'r'(. ('aihi . Mi - , , ',' the llav- ' ' :l""'-::':" Vl" -''"'I-; .; . ch,.hr Tio-lo-f'dl. -y Ann , ti r'- ,-'..- . ', .ii.'l v, 'lie Pte-hytei ...ii !h. -ul-,1 .-n , ,, , ., , ... t ... ' ." v .. '" ' ' ' - i ng 111 Haz-i- . t l.f 1'.--r!-1 Unviland. ( has )-. a. - J . v-!: M',n,,--v- -..'M. wit..,.--.I,. Th.-i.h i& 4- ; . . rv-.-i.. ,- l'..w, w,i. 1,. c V. , S ."'. S; , , Dr ::a Mrs. A 11 b.vv a- tin ir ' ' ' t" V J J ' t ' ' - 4 yt.,t,-,: .'ahtc-. A.!.-!-!-'- .,! Fir,-.- . j , oiOTft $0 tLh t ' v " 1 . v,:-..!':.:.;,h t;:.;.,;:,;:.;,1,,:h,;: 4 5 a-;...,.'.' ,,, sMift mm'm$ V 4 he i.:: -,n - .'.-.n. -n . ..... tnjruvs "aix-'e rmm. i I (Troin a Urewlng by N. C. Wyelli In Bcrlbner' Magaln. I I le . . aivl !"i -. A. V.'J ' a e in i 1 ledanee voi.d Association meoti wood Thursday. M!f- Ailecn Rocra'i leave. Iter home in Maryville. Miss v.'u has i.c-ii the guest, of Mr-. S. Padp-ett for the pa: t we, !,. Dt.y'd (t;.lf." vhtt Mi; ut i-.s' I.'.- in Florida, was in toy.i l ist v . 1 Mr. ami1 Mrs. C. II. Stitbe.--. M'o t 'lintr h of Asile- ' "ceucying " the 'McDowell hoase which I '.h.-y i .-.- nth l-oueh. ni (T Mr. ( Mrs. Wilson Barron, of Columbia. ' !'.' )'' fui al the Adier Home for abont ten (biys. and "pict to Mrs. Barron was Miss Marguerite S--.; ember. P' iggs. a niece of Mt s. Woodward. eck '.-id here. -'"'' ' Lnssitev cam" (I )' M-'tit hington last wet k for an WalU'r L. Taylor Jr., nrrived Mon- '':' in Canton with her ,j (i-iy from Baltimore for n brief visit Mr". A. V. Joyner. Rayburn vitb Mrs. Taylor. He is in Brevard who hits been in Washington fo for n few days on business, hut will nl weeks returned with his grai I rob a bly lip turn here tomorrow. cr. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Dav, of New ' oik, .mnouned the arrival of Frank - 'Ii., 1.. T.. Kt'...l 1 T..1.. 1 Miss Rachel Wilkinson, of Belhaven,: Real estate continues nctive. H. ' - .. .' left Tuesday after a week's stay in G. Stone, the Real Estate Man, has ,M-V ,s I'ltyisaniiy hnon nere n town as theeuest of Prof, and Mrs. ! recently sold a lot on Main street be-,?iiF;s Mabel BoVd, a niece of Dr. and W. C. Allen.'. Miss Wilkinson, who longing to Mrs. J. U. Boyd to J. B. t Mrs. Allen was graduate from Meredith College Briggs of Lake Wals, Fla. He sold Itimbin, who have been gutsts at Ihein June went' from here to Louis- the Montgomery apaftmcnt house on Adger House for the pasB week, re-, burg to join a houseparty given by Daisy avenue to Mesrs. Hatch and . turned to their home Sunday. Mr. and t one of her clasimates. The guests of Seward of Punta Go'da, Fin . and , Mrs. Murphy motored over from the Louisburg party will go to Befhav- some lots on Johnson Hill to H. Paul j Knoxville where they have been visit- en where they viill be entertained by Briggs of Miami. Mr. Hatch also , ing friends. Miss Wilkinson. v- bought 10 acres from Charles Liner. om BITICIDt" CO.. Commerce, Om Dfll KILLtO IN 9ft MMUTM BV SITICIOE pon bo on Kver eat ("Mexlenn si ranlierrles") dished up from a chuck wagonT j Ever sleep out with a saddle for n pillow? It's a great life If you like It. sny the cowboys. Thousands of Amerlcnns, who want to Bee Iiovt renl western cowhands lire mill play, arelplannlng to attend the Chicago Roundup and World's Cham pionship Rodeo beginning August 15. Cowboys from every part of the West will be on hand jfor this great western spectacle, which will be held under the auspices of the Chicago Association of Commerce. For nine days Chicago's big Grunt Park -itniliuin will look like a scene from the "Covered Wagon days" as tl sc ires of expert bronk riders, lariat throwers and steer wrestlers show tl elr stuff while competing for $.10,000 prize money and world championship till s. Tex Austin, who has staged so many successful contests, Including the grint International contest at Wembley, England, will direct the Chicago event-

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