ThurMiav, ,Iu!v HOth. 1925 THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER Women Rank With Men As Expert Drivers Says Noted Statistician Haywood County street. The Mountaineer looks forward to reporting a bumper yield as a result of this interesting experiment in uncler gioun'l drainage. New White Flt Hats I nan- imi.. ITIl.t. I.lkil iMBUriiMCi- Cmhi;i., no i-orji 1, n t In control of motor lit Kofi mini It. now miiklnir an lii-' nu lilricry. ...'. .r.ln.K to th- Hii'l- 'iiilry Into wrlal lialh, h.ij.i.N li.trH of I'tnl.-tlik I.. llolfraan In vl,.vv of the j.t osp. , i u ,. ,lc.- l.l. I).. In Mm recent Mlr.-y of own. it yf , on , n i . t I.-, I ai!.iti: in motor tratllc u.i.l 1 1 m linzanl.s. that thl. coiinti aial th- i.-iill.tit ,,.- ti M'-'N no i-a-son why tla simuM mainl tot i iv i,..,, U(, ,,. ,,iatllf, 'ot ! inally xklllfill In tin- haiel- l'ly.1.1 at. ,, ai ,.' i , ' ,,.w lltif of the u.-rci.lali.-. Tot- tins ,.. ...lll.. at- In- r. ason to- Huy.i. tlic rnl alop;.,! it.a- iNK.v '.. lat.rnatlonal c 'o 11 .1 : . I "i on In I t m.u. I.loa.s that .i.rlal ! Ailatlon, , -uttliK tla in It.iMI. as i,,,,t ,,,r ,,,), a'.L.loi'i. "I, not to I.. 1 ..11. it,. I...V-. i,K. ,H in,. I ti.ic'.f ., ' a , ,,,, a, rili d, ,,, t " 1 '"' ' -':- . .,,.. ,, i,,, ,,. n , (in I'.' llolTman. Tor a -.a : : , . 1 :. !',.,: !,-, .,. , .,,., ,,.. 1 1 . v , ' ' 1 1," a - i'i;..:.. In th. ,01111.. of i!i... v a ,,; ,.,,! i,;i,.,,, ,,a, tot wow , ,, ;)l!,c ,..., ..,., r '. 111 ,, .,..,.. ,, o.l.i to a- t I, I a,- ; ;,, ,, 1: , r, , ;i . 1 , tola In ),. .r-. InK u! !..!., 1., ,, ,M:,: , 'II,,',,' is The ir. Iiwi.e aKaltiM a.,:;,. :i ;,t ,,,, ., 1, U,..,(H ,1, v.rn ami the ph;irc- that th. ""' thai erratic or inn cllnl.l. H UM,.,lh o,,, liy ,en who omM I., ion- ' 1 '" lctcl of recklcn-m h ' Do ). !. , Ab ( oiiMiiltlny ata'lstli Inn (.f tint 9 : , c i a or 1: 11. - for I is- Expert Attention When your Watch needs repairing there is only one kind of attention that will put it into correct running condition expert attention such as we are prepared to give it. Leave your Watch hereto day for inspection. JERE DAVIS Jeweler anciOptometri st Father of Twenty- one Children Hears of New Protection Plan For more than forty-six years James N. rtrWItt lias devoted his time to making at his Job and to being the proud father of one of the largest families south of the Muson-Itxon line. There have beti twenty-one little DeWltts and eighteen of them arc still living, the oldest a son Of forty-six ami the youngest a tod dler of Just two. PeWItt Is a carpenter employed In the I.oulsvllle, Ky., coach yards of the l.oulav'lllo mid Niuihvllle Railroad, and his general fore man. John Murrtllla. who Is uliown In the above photograph with hlm.j will tell you that no more com-' petent artisan Is carried on the roster. But the elderly worker Is. above alt. a family man. and lt la with no little pride that he dis cusses his large flock. Despite the fact that many of them have grown up and married and live In cities far distant from Louis ville, he still finds time to com municate with them and to share their problems, when there are any. DeWItt Is seen here being noti fied by Marrlllltt that the Louis ville and Nashville Hal I road, and two other southern roads had en tered Into an arrangement with the Prudential Insurance Company of America, whereby all of Its more than sixty thousand men and women employees would be en nbled for a small sum to carry life and accident Insurance to ;.n amount much greater than they could have obtained through In dividual negotiation. Farm Notes ( IS . K. I)e(weiler) I II K NKW TdHACCO HOl'SK .I. im Hon ell, nl Cove Creek, brother : t n't, mi ilowt ll, W'fiyncsvilie's popu- !..! poll, cm.-in, 1- .reeling a new tohao iioUM' in which to hantf the bumper 1 1 op ptomlsial by aji acre ami a quar tii of dark Hurley which looks about a- line as any tobacco to be seen in hat pa rt of t he cuunt v. (In the fat 111 of his brother, the po In i mam is a small field of the same vaimty, that compares well with it. Hniinc Co. While Corn lil'MI'ER YIELD OF RYE l.()N(; S DAIRY FARM ON i It is doubtful if any cornfield on ( oe Creek thin season attracts so t.'uili attention from passers-by as I that near Cove Creek church belonging Major Swift, manager of Long's di.iry farm, reports to the .Mountain -c it that a few' days ago he threshed tlic cut from twelves acres of rye and got .'l(if) bushels of first class grain. This figures slightly better than a') bushels pet" acre. li. L. Provost reports a similar good yield fr.rtii five acres of adjoining land. Not so bad, this showing for South Waynesville township. DON'T FOR(;ET the clinic i Parents of crippled children are i.rged not to forget the clinic which is. to be held in Iirysoli City, August 17.1 by the Orthopaedic Hospital and State I to I. C. Davis. fTieje is that ubout fi(, (lf charities and Public We! I the tall erect stalks in straiirht well lultivatod rows which indicates a se ! lect and superior variety. If you in quire. Mr. Davis will tell you that it i is pedigreed Doone County White ' Corn. Mr. Davis says the field contains 3 m il's, anil that several years ago it fare. It is a tragedy for children to go through life handicapped when the remedy is so near at hand and espec ially since the examination is made without charge. Kxaniination of the children is lo be made only bv specialists who Jire produced 75 bushels per acre of corn, thoroughly able to diagnose correctly Thi year the dry weather will reduce .,,i ..11,.. .u., ,, (i,a the 1, -Id ami he does not ,1 .",() busheK per acre. Illark W ilson Snv He; ount on ov- It is urged, therefore, liiat no crip , pled chilil be denied the nu-.iical atten tion which will give aim n sound body the right of every human being. I PICNIC S1PPKR AT ASMEMl.l.K Tin local telephone operators motor ed to Ashcville Friday evening where I they were guests at a picnic supper given by the Asheville force in honor 'of lien S. Reed, president of the South ern Hell and Cumberland Telephone Company. Officials from the Charlotte a verv he-ivv urn- ollK(' were also in attendance, lheat- f forage of cxra line quality, j fuir Wi,s Riven in the Asheville Amuse ment Park and practically every one New farm Residence. connected with the Telephone Com- Koliett . Unwell, of Jonathan's Creek, llavwoocj County, School Com-mis-ioiier. has tun acres of Pint k Wil--011 -o Loan, sowed about the middle of June. ( 'on-id, 1 mg t he drouth, they '""Ix way promising. Mr. Howell says this is the first trial ..f tin- variety in the .Jonathan Creek -e, Hon and hi' believes the first in the county. The claim made for the Black W ilson is that it .hi, 1 Clenn A. Hovd. of lower Jonathan's I Creek, has a commodious new resid ence approaching completion. It is the only new farm structure erected in Ithat part of the valley so far this I year and constitues an appreciated : improvement in the neighborhood. j Ten Acres of Tobacco. W. P. Boyd is, perhaps, the heaviest plunger in tobacco on Jonathan's Creek this season, probably the heavi est in Haywood County. He has ten acres of tobacco and most of it, at this writing promises a bumper crop. Mr. J Boyd's chief hope just now, is for a few weeks more of weather favorable to the maturity and harvesting of the crop. Fine Flock ol White Leghorns. Rev. K. K. Whiddcn whose house is near Moody's store on Jonathan's Creek is quite a fancier in White Leg horn hens of w hich he has a fine flock of several hundred of the finest strains. He finds them a source of both pleas ure and profit. Mr. Whiddcn and his interesting family came up from Florida a little more than a year ago. All express I themselves as hitrhlv ulcus...) u-ith Haywood's all year round fine climate and the many other blessings found j here, that make life worth living. j Supplies Milk to Eagle's Nest Dairv. puny was there Those going over from Waynesville were Misses Bessie Weaver, Harriet and Ida Jean Iirown. Mabel Brown. (Johnnie Vabe, Viola Hall, Elizabeth Palmer, and Mrs. Linwood Grahl, W. L. Lampkin, C. C. Wofford and Hall, of Murphy. HOWDY D. J. Boyd, on Jonathan Crei I fin til-lung milk to the Eagle's I Hairy to help supply the increased d j maud of the rosoJft season upon that popular milk products concern. Mr. Boyd has a number of fine Hol- At the recent encampment of Na tional Guard units in North Carolina at Camp Glenn, where the 120th In fantry gathered for its annual outinir. the greater part of the expense of the work was borne by the United States government, only a part being con tributed by the state. So common has become this Nation al Guard encampment that we are liable to overlook the significance of such an event. It has a tremendous effect upon the life of the state be cause it g-ives men from all parts of North Carolina a chance to mingle and to know each other. A man who lives in Haywood county will aonreci- ate his state a good deal more after he has talked with a man from Robe son or Wake. It is a very beneficial and much to be desired miiing place for men who enjoy outdoor life, a va cation on the coast with ail expenses paid by the government. Take those big, tall men from the mountains, Company H was their out fit, and thev came from WnvnpKtiille They were the tVDe that noured nut of I the mountains and onto the trans ports during the World War. ..A great many of them were ex-service men. but they did not allow that to keep them from serving- in Ihe National stem cows, being of the same breed . -is 1 j .1. " . .. ,., . ,, ' , Guard, they accepted it as an oppor " 1 1" mic i am ie s X'est herd. I A FINE FIELD OF CORN ON AL LEN'S CREEK t unity There were many others like them. North Carolina men all, and that en campment will find an echo in many communities in the state during the j next few months. New ideas, new en A field of corn which is attracting i crgy, new determination, all coming much attention is one fronting the j from association with men from other Waynesville-Atlanta Highway just o;-- sections. posite Long's store in South Hazel-1 The encampment is a great institu wood. As a matter of fact, the field , tion in North Carolina, appreciated bv belongs to Mr. Long, proprietor of ti,. those who have the privilege of attend store, and he takes no slight degree of .ins- hut nnt to h nrlUJ k pride in his cornfield. who do not know what it accomnlisW The field contains 2fi acres ind is j and what it fosters, the one in which Mr. Lofyg had more The National Guard is not a mili than a mile of four inch tile drain tary machine, it is'an organization for laid last spring. He also had a longer the mlviinn.n,.ni f m.u: j u- string of under-ground rockdrain put preservation of the rights of citizen-! down in the same field. . ship as well as the protection of the Notwithstanding this having been a state, comparatively dry season, the henefi When a man from Waynesville says j cial effects of the under-drainage is "Howdy" to a man from the other end very evident. The soil is made more of the state a bond has been sealed; porous, admitting more soil itmos-1 that will be of lasting- and increasing ,-..v.c F""i"iK t" pcneirmc vaiue. i ne encampment is the place more deeply. where the right hand of the state sayi ' The rows of corn are more than a! "Howdy" to the left, where neighbor! third of a mile lang and have been giv- meets neighbor, although miles may en constant and thorough cultivation inttervene between their respective and kept free from weeds. communities. ! The corn along the highwav looks asi Colonel Scott and his fellow officers fine as perhaps can be founi in Hay- are to be congratulated upon their sue-' wood countv and Mr. Ionir dAhtai tha ; t.nn: ..i.- : ...ti l - ' " v ..i oi i rv Liiijf fMi 13 WIIIIUUI UOOl Mountaineer that the averagi growth one of! the greatest institutions for loiiuiiiuii oi me corn an pver me state unity in INorth Carolina field is better than that alng the Greensboro Dally Record. at $2.8 anI $3.98 All Summer Millinery, Reduced V Children's , Values Up to $3.98 Your Choice 98c For the Tourist QUALITY LUGGAGE We ROLNTRCEx TRUNKS, BAGS AND SlJITCASES j Rountree has ben making Lug gage for over rHfty Years. We Have the Largest Stock in Waynesville. BLUE RIDGE f URNITUR?CQ. What Blue Ridge Sells is Good When In the City Dq not Forget THE WAYNfcVaLL FIVE AND TEN CEOT STORE f ! Fine Line of Novejtiefr And Souvenirs Carieti N f. L. CONNER, Prop. Few Cents - li For lOnlya ir-, STSffl ess iru l i mnMiLMii hi s (? REFINIGH Outdoor Furniture J wrwn W Oil Youll be surprised how' good your old lawn fllmifllfA rall 1 1- r " V7 "U1 ,w aner a coatol Kurlees Porch and Lawn Furniture Paint No mixing-ready to use -anyone can get a good job with it. Well-JaTnted Jawn furniture helps the look, of a home wondSr,. Try it-there's no better time than today. Wu alto tell i h - '."Wll holh tumd ud varal.h F H In-d. Deon, woodwork ud SiXSl'?"- "P" It on on it TOMORROW." "Kirfw" rWrtiit Th old nUaUo-irow or popular rvrrv '. Coolaiiia more "" l'J pr .Uon. o .par, formula.' rutr-TiNT Kurlffi artlntk and aniury flat oil tinith lor walla and cilin. Ut ua ahow you aamplaa ol ila beautiful tint. HYATT & CO-