r THIC THE CAROLINA MOUNTAIN EER T - WXXTA KAJCAl UMxsnrnosi Week's cri ane from or" ainary flour to KAN SAS EXPANSION- tells its own convincing story. 111. K Kl.l. II I .-HM.L1. ". I Ml rthutxr. ;oles; N. t".0 defer. K 26 poles: N. 73 ae(j. E. IS poies; X. ! deg. V Tj t!t'jfref 17. 1 1 li po! to a take in .'. IV Hyatt's !:r.e: thvr.c u:th said iir.t I No. i N J.S liertt W. I:' pole u ni 'ur.ta:): ".'ik t. '.up m-mnta.n: 'r.'rr.-r . si 1-2 dffcrrtf.- I-'. !; rulo, . to a white o-J.k "n ..;,; K. 4J 1-2 V I!K;iN"MN'0.' inu:nirt 1 '' aorr- nil ci' or !e-- Th: the 4:r. .iav .,f Auj.-u.t. 1.'-."'. K I'ABK. Sr.,-rr:r. -:.:-t 2T. NOTICK. Expert Attention When your Watch needs repairing there is only one kind of attention that will put it into correct running condition expert attention such as we are prepared to give it. Leave your Watch here to day for inspection. JERE DAVIS Jeweler andOptometrist Your Ford Deserves Good Treatment The following will help your car give the service for which it was made: Grind Valves and Clean Carbon. Reline Transmission Bands. File and Adjust Coil Points. Install Com.Caseand Brush. Tighten Car All Over. Ohms-:- Car All Over. G;n Tires. Rc;il. Battery with Writer. Wash .'Hid Clean Car. We have a SPECIAL PRICE for the above work and material used. If yuu will drive in our shop EXPERIENCED MECHANICS EQUIPMENT AND MA CHINERY will turn ba:k a job which you will be proud of. DUCKWORTH MOTOR CO. "Superior QjCl S. rervice lit IfKIVtaSAl (Al PRODUCTS PHONE 350 Waynesville, N. C. You Can Double The Life' Of Your Ssfi CtE S CHAMPipMtP SHOP E. T. DLCKTT. Prop., Main Street PricerAre Low WaynemH. N. C. Healt u . - - - THE WOMAN WHO WORKS In th!s new order of things, with wotwn, both . married and single, broadening their business activities, very serious problem arises. It Is tht problem of what, when, aid where te eat. Breakfast is al w a y a a tarry-np meal for the men but much more so for toe woman wbo goea to business. Lunch eon, s, of course, are taken In tbe lunchrooms and restaurants In tht business districts anl are no problem. But how about dinners? Shall they, too. te restaurant ceals or can they be so planned that business women may enjoy tbe torn cooking of which they are so food? Take awaj the element of haste aod anxiety an 1 In Its I'.act pot carefully thought-.at menus, well planned and eeaily ; re; ar"t and l -CTe dinners will again regain their h:gh favor with the wo.-kln? housewife. One of the big worries Is frequently with the milk. l!d It come? Is It freah? Is It froien? Has the milk man been paid? Are the bottles washed and set out? However, there Is no cans for worry about milk. Why not keep a doin cans of evaporated milk In your pantry? There are large oans, e;'ja! to a quart of milk and smaller cans that will meet the leaser neeOs. For evaporated cllk Is Just pure, fresh nilik with more Can half the water missing. This water can be re placed In a Jl.Tv. if you so desire or you can use It as crearr; If rich and creamy fixia are leslred. n.-e are a few rec.pes that may be used by "The Wopn Who Works" for fonrJug her rians for self help and good home cocking Scalloped Ham and Potato. n, i:u:i. .til-.: a- a :n-..r.:". r:.-..'r :' ' 1. (ir-ar:. litx-H-.-i. n'.l y.vrK: r. .a:m a'a:r.t the r-ta'.f uf :r.- -a. : J. I. (irahi. .!va-e :. an ht r by n':r-i to trie sa: clarm with the C!trk of the Superior Court .: HavA.-J 'ur.ty. ..n it tef .re Ai.f.-u-r 4. li'-'"'. or this rs.wv wt'.l be I lea.ie-i :r. bar i f rev'". er f such i . a : rr -. A.. .r.,u-h.e.: t. tr.t- .;a:d -::-.: are r.treby r.::r.rJ pay -a.i .:' iebtedr.r tv the ur.derstr.tfi. Th: 4th :a ,f Auu.t. W A. GKAHI.. Aurr.ir.. ':r..t . : the tti'.e .1. L 1" (.'.rah'., crveajed. b. . r. i . rit NK'. Ah 'U". thirty the yourv pe-p!e - f the Baptist church rtr.tiy en ; y f i a pir.io suprn-r arid travride '..j the V.'air.ut Gr ve scht! house. titteer m:iv- ut i.n the Pit-if"' CHIRCH ANNO L" N C EM E N TS. Mrthodist tnurch. Be. J. T. Mangnm. Pastor. Sunday echoo! every Sunday a: 9:45. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. -n. a r.i ver.:r 7:30. Kveroo-lv cord.aiiv invited Presbyterian Church. S. K. CrcK-kelt. Palur. Sunday Service: Su-Jay :'. S:45 a. m h zg 1 1 a. m, 't ar Eruea-. r 7:v ? m. SerH-e at Baptist Chnrck. P.ev. C T. Tew. Fn;::. j1 ; -'ur. lay Sihc-ji. Worh p ari Serm n ::' I'. M B. V. ?. l : m .. - V are . . : a -i r.'.-vi - wor ; .:r. us . . i'.'. ".-e-e services. Wednenday. 7 ;' 'A i':a;. e : Mee: e. The P. ;.a'. Arr.rass is:ri w : meet re nrst ari third We iresia of rr. - -. at o.V.1 p. m hrr. t tr.i:ar5 r-: rat -4 rr. :. 4.Pj:J with Cver th bi. torn 1 i'.st wltt: illceti, rfcw ; i:r. f.our fcr.i c.ece ;-&r. P. eret un: : : i esfc V full of d::u:l IS curs watr rr.a t. Fi.iir l.ti fciklcs s. Sprlnkit ' ham in:h ii i fu.L FlU :1k. Bak ao- E;si tn Caaserol. t toil.d tfi I t.Jtst t tfcsr; tuttar 1 tb-r f. ur t tr .!: cup ?vfK)rl4 rr.1 . it V cup water 4 cup fir:d criea Buttrd crurr bt ' -.a: 1-:t lied tgci la half and ar r.tfr ir.ur.-t :he .ie of a greasd .r;.f allt . :rr.: .s iz cr..er cl ' r. VaHt a ::.:: uuit ct . t a rrt.k. .r ra: ar.S tt T A i i chreie and r ovtr a '. : '.v Sr un'..'. c.?s la .; a : ar 1 rr; j'.r. I'w.: .vr toari r ail wr w. : i. ci -. bi 4 t?-- -wenty rr.NTjiea in & -r.da- . a. I N. :i.n i r,eK tiaitt!i Church A'.er Creek Bap'.:t Church. Eve-y .- .r.-a', ' lethriit Church. Clyde-Lake Juna luska Charge. Kev. Frank Siler. Pastor. I-ake Junalu;ka, rTeac?i:n? every -n i ani 4th Sur.iays at 11 a. m.; 1$: ar : ' Sur.iay? a. 7i30 p. m. Kpv. - Lea;u- r.ii?::nr cverv S ur : .iy : " enin p. At i"y -e. i-.l 3rd Sundays a: : '. a : ind a- i 4:h Sundays at S-r iy ie'r. :'. a 10 a. m. at both pU.es. prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. rr.. at I.'T.?'.s Chape;. Wt w.'.I welcome you to ary or all of t"rse erv:ces. H-elod Presbyterian Churcn j; Frank Yande'.l, Pastor. P.-ea.'r..r.(r cv-ry Sunday morninj i ert .r. ! 5ur iay at 11 a. m. S ..'::: . S- -. . !. M. K' -e- r. ..p r.-: r.uer.t. j:i' a rr.. 1 rr.-: nr. Eh itavor 0:30 r rr. v.: a- rz ;er. :.f 7 p. m Trj pu'-i!;.- t ceri al'.y irvitei. H.i7elooj Baptist Church Kev R. P. Mrtracken. Pastor. !' ?j ' r; ecry fi-st ar.d third Siir. cav at '. 1 A M. ar.j P. M. PALE, NERVOUS I West Virginia Lady Sf Tlui She Wu m a Serioos i tioa, But Is StroBfe After i v-ta c 0.v.v K ar.i bv.r.jj H:.. Tv.r :li :h:anl ar. : '.v: t sir? r'act'irv r-o'e 11 '""'tes t- a a ridce: ther.ce un slid s; S. degrees lo m n poles: S. 50 degrees 4i 'iFi'.lwivr, - -h -k v t: ;- ! w. ( B-rr. h at '. r-V hestr.u. ' ridg 5 i a! utes W. 1! mm.utes 144 poles to a cr.jtnut; . "4 degrees 45 mir.utes W. 70 l poles to a mountain Spanish oak: S. 5t5 degrees 45 minutes W ! ples to a chestnut on top of Old Field T--. Smathers' North View: thence S. '-64 deg. E. with Smathers' line POh poles to a locust in a flat on the moun tain; S. 3 1-2 degrees W. ' poles. 7 link., to a large ht-ralock near an old ield branch; thence leaving boun dary S. So degrees 30 minutes E. 14 1-2 pole; to a stake in Smathers' road; I thence with said road as it meanders. Ml calls as follows: N. 80 degrees E. ' :20 pMes; S. 52 degrees E. 134 poles to ! a mountain ; X. 77 deg. E. 2i poles i to ton of mountain. E. 14 poles; N. 64 I deg. E. 24 poles; N. 53 deg. E. 12 Huntir.gti very weak In fact tion," aays Mi 1W4 MadLson "la my left ery severe. I ttack and sides. In bed and (eel like dolus anywhere. "Life vasa Cflodi- in. W. Va.-f-l was tn a and run-dVn condition ; . wks in aneriooa condi- is. Faxiile C. Bloss, of yavenie. this city. j aidi the pain wu j Cisabold start is my rart of the time I j Vben np I dldnt 1 kvthlns or gDlns Y aA ptoamrtL I waa very pauey I wa Berrooa and thin, and so tired aU the time. . "My draggUt told nb that Cardul ni a good tpnie for women and I bought a ODuBle oT botasa. I took two bottles, then I noaeed an Im proTement I kept onTand found It waa helflng ma. I have taken nine bottMa. I'm atronger now than I hart been In a long ttma." Cards! j made from mild -acting medlrlnaf herba.wlth a fftoUa. tonic, trengthetlng effect oponl certain fanialsnBtauis and apon tkayatem Bold rrerywnera. NC-ltt LAMB FRYERS F L Lunch pleats The easy way to do w you want some Meats for LuncK is to pKone 149 and we will send you an assort ment of ready-io-serve meats tnat will surely please you. The Citv Market J. B. DAVIS. Proprietor Phone 149 Church St. L. A. MILLER Plumbing Ti tuning Heating MONTGOMERY STREET PKone 316 Accurate Measure When you buy Gas from us you are certain that you will get accurate meas ure. Our pumps are of the most accu rate make and 'vve doubly safeguard you by having them tete(a regularly. Further more we guarantee toe test of our Gas. When you pajvtr Wish Test from us you get High Test. EKive in and test our service. V. "Give Us a Visit.' EAST LMD SERVICE STATION J. C. NORRIS, Prep. Waynesville, N. C. NOTICE: On qnd after August 17th. 1925. 1 will make a change inimy busin$. After that date I will seUl Groceries and Feed STRICTLY FOR (M"&t-This includes ALL. I will not extend credit to any one. Phone in your djrder, to be sent out collect on delivery an!J see me for prices, as I can save Mou money. JOHN R. CARSWELL Proprietor Phone 72 you d Mi