THURSDAY, AUG. 6th, 1925. P t L o ook Into THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER L i I ii See Wayifcesville Five Years From To-day! With the great progress operating in Western North Carolina; with the wonderful system of roads being completed, especially the ASHEVILLE--WAYNESVILLE--ATLANTA HIGHWAY-with the present growth and promise of Waynesville as a summer resort for thousands. Do You Believe Real Estate in Wayn&ville a Good Investment ? We do and arc going to offer you a Money-Making Opportunity Wednesday 9 A PISGAH PARK-25 X v TOON potfTD eautiful Building Lots These choice lots are located on one of the highest spots in the city of Wayne.sVille, and is the only propsrty affording a view of Mt. Pisgah and the Rat. Ha all city improvements, near new high school and within a few blocks of the center of the business district. A Beautiful Site For Your Home! A Safe Place Tor Your Investment! TERMS ! FREE : Dollar A Minute ! TERMS! HORNEY BRO 5-OLDSMOBILE: ) SIX. KING OF THE RODEOS r eautf jjormance r rrict But All Three rr Those who want a moderate-priced car need no longer sacrifice some thing of beauty, or of performance. For now they can buy an Oldsmo bile Six, and get, not one, or two, but all three of these qualities. More expensive cars do equal its beauty and match its performance. But what other-nne car cfers com parable beauty andtumpar, hie peror .nance at a comparable price? 1 - By far the most cpnviftsmg proof we can offer is the, car itself. Just look at it then drtve it andvour admiration will be won! Tele phone or calf and! we will gladh loan you a car. Touring 890 Coach $1075 . e. A. Luuint pha tax 1 s I 1 1 1 1 i NOLAND MOTOR COMPANY OIDSMOBILB (Copyrlfht by IL R. Doabledtj.) Tex Austin, a mime thnt Is known In every locality In the country where liorses lire bred or cuttle raised. Such Is the mnn who will draw on big years of experience to mnnnge the Chicago Roundup and World's Championship Kodeo to be held for nine days, beginning August 15. "King of the Itodeo" Is the title Austin hos won. Born In the great state for which he was named, he was raised In the atmosphere of the range. He participated In the thrilling deeds of the fatuous contests of the Far West and then became a ranchman himself. Wherever the roundups have been atuged. Austin' j name has become synonymous with the cowboy sport. In toe effort to perpetuate the spirit of the West, he mnnnged and directed number less rodeos In the West, also glr'ng the Knst Its first thrills from cowboy contests. Then, spn ix.lng the fHnie of Uncle Sam furthej, tM put on the great International rodeo Mt Wembley. England, under the ausLjes of the British government. " "Kxpert and during" lenders In the great sport to which they hnve brought fame, are the 'Whirls from the western ranges who will compete In the Chicago Uoundup and World's Championship Rodeo, to be held for nine days beginning August 1" Champions past and present, as well as new seekers after fume, will mid thrills to the cowboy contests which will be presented In the new $5,'KKi.tHH) stadium under the auspices of the Chicago Association of Commerce, a group of these cowgirls startled the staid Britisher when they appeared lu ine international Championship held by Tex Austin at Wembley, Knglaud. recently, and the same champions will compete In the Chicago spec tacle. Austin Is organizing the Chicago roundup and will manage It, asd the fTO.OOO In prizes l 'he largest n mount offered for any contest this year. iWCUjMu. i azagiMls. product of c t n i r, i MOiot- on3 Home FEEDING BABY OURINQ SUMMER Milk Is recognized as the Ideal food for young children. It should be care fully guarded (hying the warm sum mer ninnths, to Insure Its freedom from germs or hncterln thnt might cause harm to the child. Ilecaiise of its nature. It Is. under certain condi tions, a breeilinL' and pi-uptigutinc, ground for germ li!' and limy soon h-e-come unlit for tine unless It Is handled with the utmost .--ire ami vigilance Perhaps the ideal i:iy In ntni.Hc r Ii ! risk is llH'OIC'll 1 1 1 ' Use e i V : 1 1 H K M t e .1 mill;. I li!s milk nl p:ir uil.'V with si t v per e;.i .. ihe w.-iter re moved from it mid is .s I -. 1 1 ; , s ti" lie. It is of doillde i a. hue-- liu; n:.ii' he mod. lied n the .!': i.-ii vv.ret hleh "id ret urn i ! ; it m V ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' t. v. it Ii a i;re : l I e-ih.:! . ed I'- "", value '. rated mil:, is si. r Ii ed Jin' has a idli nuti -'n-. i- i o-n, !i:. This ames it to he a er evalhnt fooj' for t he nam: t hi ' i and the ini';i trt In la. I. i:t:m t th. Vadi'a.' pedi atrieiali ol 1h :-il.v udwrate i; use after the child is .;,.tivi 1 of Ui lliolhel s milk. A lormula. evolved (it these pediatricians tlu"".ii oicrJ r m n t j i f ion. Is as P;Mov: From Sixth Week to Third Month. .MI1U. i-vupnrnled ii ollnc I. Inn- water :l nunecR Milk suKnr ounce Itotle.l waiter Vil oinc Seven f. i ihnKS In tv'nty-fnur hours. 4 to I. ounces at three-heur Interval! during the day iind four-hour lntervikj.r at night. From Third Month to Fifth Month. Milk, evaporated 7H ouncn l.lme wnter 3 ounce Milk pugur 2 ouncei rtolled water StiHounoet Six feedlnRR In twenty-four hour; 5 to 6 ounces at thrce-lieur Interval durlnfC the day and i feeding at It p. m. From Fifth to Seventh Month. Milk evaporated 10 ounoee Lime water 3 ounce Milk sugar I ounoa Boiled water 2'.i ounoea Five feedlnga In twenty-four hours; 6 to 7- ounces at four-hour Intervals, the last feeding to he given lit 10 p, m. From Seventh to Ninth Month. Milk, evaporated u ounces Lime water 3 ounces Milk sugar 2 ounces Boiled water 35 ounces 7 to 9 ounces at four-hour Intervals during the day. Last feeding at tes at night From Ninth to Twelfth Month. Milk, evaporated ...IStfuacee Lime water J ounces Milk sugar t oucce Barley water 14 ounces I to 9 ounces at four-hour tatervals during day. Last feeding at lea 4 Bight.