V '. Thursday, august 13. 1925 THE CAROLINA MOUNTAINEER PERSONALS Ernest Weaver of Detroit is spend- THE BOY SCOUT OF TltOl P 1 ing n short while with his mother, Mrs. J. C Weaver, at her home n The Troup have been 'iavn rham Hazelwiiiul. Miss Juanita WeaAer o. , ,i,.,.H, h;,n in nr ' ''Jl ' F",--"'I ,.v...v .....v.. ....v, her 'lUrtMlDlt ' '. Mrs. Mervin Kay McCracken of St. Petersburg, was the guest of Mr". Grady Boy1' for a few days last week. Miami is also the guest of her Mis. H. A. Ford of Gainesville, Fla. i- a guest at the Miller House. Her .-on Henry Ford, who is at Camp ( arolina, Rrevnrd, spent last week end with her. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardin and iliildren motored over from Kn'oxvillo, arriving here Monday and vinit " the best in games. The thnmor.shipj are derided by three out of four ;;a res' a week. Only four game: arc pliyed for the championship. The required r. and Mrs. I.owry Hardin. The ... , , dutimie .jonnson, more iHnMiiariy llardins and their guests are in Blow ing Rock for a few days. ;. known as "Billy" Patterson and "Col onel" Johnson, "Bright Boy" Phillips Miss Grace Albright, who h&A been "d "Rosebud" Rose. The games that instructor in B iology in the mmmor were played are: Barnyard rook, school of N. C. C. W., returned last horseshoes and checkers. Mr. O'Neal, and her son, N'eal of week to spend the remainder of her The Boy Scouts of I roo 1 of V ay Atlanta, have arrived fur a stay in vacation at her home here. nesville in camp are are g iini-to As-he-V,;.yncsville a-id .u at Mis. I'.iMiar's. ... I ville Saturday and ab-j to Mount . . . .lulius Stubbs of Sumter, S. C. was Pisgah Monday for all night hikes. town Friday. Mr. Stubbs who is a - Mi Lewis II. Johnson, her father, West and children of, arrived last Thursday Mrs. Gerald Marietta, (la., ti spend several uc"ks here as giists of Mi. and Mrs. II. G. West. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M. ISea'ty and their two young daughters of Char lotte have been guests Mrs. Beatty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albright. I hey i ft u mi d home Mondav. Mr. and Mis. I'hil f'arrawnv, Mrs. W. T. ra ford, Mi:;s Margaret Stringfic-ld. Miss Crawford and Ben Sloan attended the musical at Soul's Church. Biltmorr, Punr'nv nf very talented violinist, is spending tl.e summer with M: . Stubbs andlbtir young daughter at the Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Taylor, Jr. left by motor Sunday morning for their home in Baltimore, stopping en route at Elizabeth and Bristol, Tenn. and several points in Virginia. Watch Your Diet, Says Prima Donna Mrs. S. A. Jones, Mrs. Frank Smath- ers anil Armslead Jones with Misses, lioiothy Bradley, Laura Bradley and i 11 llildah Hamilton and Frankljp-Mores, j who have lieen guests in the Jones 'crnoon Mrs. Clint,,,, Louise Gordon .'.111 of Ilo.'iumot nioi row for t he ');:lf, Ji Mis j household for some time, motored to j Abington. Virginia to attend a fani i ily reunion. Thev staved ten days Mrs. .f Ins i m i r .. C. 1 1 M Ihilf i,n;i Clinton Duir,!1'"'1 returned to their home .the. ihst ', '!Vrs v,i!) 1,1-' of the week, bringing with them 'Miss hoc in p-j "oris Hamilton who will visit them : lull' .;! 'or ;1 week. , 1 1,, -I li ii . ag, ; iie!ibi't n. Mr. 1 !oi that Hall h:i and h I w ; : i i Mr. and M dele, Ga.. Mr na. Ga., Misses . . ?n I Jenny land ,lay morning by i Mi, i Do ,vi II. end esday : i ' r j of I i- nce Burkheimer will play f Anita Hera, Oiitiu'vt' ! Miss I-' the part dancer. I Mr. lialph Prevost part of Donald F.liott, wii I love with every pretty Cyrena Van Gordon. II ak thr falls in' fare h" .iiiiriis i.'li i . O. M. Hard of Cor G. W. Hascam if Vi s Elizabeth Lawrence DuVal left Wednes niotiii' after having hie sto( kiio. i,;:u ; or thk SOCTHEKN AySEM HI. Y. pent rveral Weeks i,t M Killian's Mrs. Thomas M. Chestnut who has been vi-iting her daughter, Mrs. David Miller, for the past few weeks, re turned to her home in Atlanta. Tom my Lou Chestnut is remaining through the month of August. Mrs. K. W. Patton of Newport News and Mrs. Vaughn Coman of Lubbock, Texas were guests of relatives in town the early part of the week. v Captain and Mrs. Plemmons with Miss l ierson of Washington City have been in town guests of Mrs. Plem mons' brother, M. M. N'oland, on Walnut street, - Mr. and Mrs. Francis Willis and their family left by motor Sunday culling for their home in Atlanta after a weeks' visit with Mrs. Emma Willis. Miss Ella Smathers has opened Mrs. Willis' li.mse f,)r the re mainder of the season for a limted number of guests. Among those stopping there are: Mr. and Mrs. I'ope anil Mrs. Cox and Miss Cox of Columbus. Miss, ami Miss .lane Did widdie of Kaleigh. be annual mciing of tiie st .-lc-bo'iKis of the Sou'hcT. Af. en. lily is h i'bv called to be Hold on Mo!:, lay, rfiuust 2i. Iii25, at !0.s)0 A M. :.t the ollice of the South 'i n Assembly. We enclose copy of proxy. If you areunable to be present, pleasn fill in name of person whom y.cj wish to act as your attorney and sign this and mail to the ollice of the Southern Assembly. Yours cord irdly, J. DALE STKN; ' Secreta' ; -Trtfilrtiirar. Porch Rockers 20', off on :ill Map'e Porch Rockers. Blue Ridg ; Furni-1 ture Company. ,stc 0!hlfi 'rocn SITICIDC CO. ComnMrM, Cft At night aftrr (he rvenin? me:il in the " Wntiht h'Hir". Thn ri ad alntrd to t'.te family T Haroid Hell VVrieht's JiacBt .-a d ' i r."A rn of Pii ral!i,-i". s, ,,-t.i - ,1: -,i :h ,.. 0 i. m ih'-s ar" i! o.-- w.o. n a w. k jhfr po li'.c it .- o- . n' thi in J 'ircpv (I at ii 1.. k I A'i;. I fmrM )l IV.t. itl,, r, . ; rt.rtj'ndSlrH- .'.iwVok Cyrena Van Gordon, prima donna of the Chicago Opera company, believe In the flapper and her privileges. She believes In the practice of this much-d 1 s c u s sed person In wearing n o corsets, In wearing short skirts, going In for athletics and out door life nnd In thoroughly upset ting the theories ' und practices of j her mother and grandmother. Miss Van Gordon, who Is, In private life, Mrs. S. Bogart Munns, the wife of Doctor S. H. Munns. with Mint nil j of these things are woman's right and are necessary If a woman Is anxious to keep her youth nnd beauty. But exercise Is not the only thing that la necessary for the woman who Is de sirous of being attractive. She must watch her diet nnd be careful not to eat anything Mm! will, In any way, be fattening. There are certain dishes to which Miss Van Gordon Is partial and to which she gives the credit for the re tention of her beauty. These dishes, she prefers to prepare herself and, when on tour with the Chicago Opera company, she carries n small electric stove In order that she will not be deprived of the food she deems neces sary. These dishes ore easily prepared. Miss Van Gordon uses for Celery and Cheese Casserole. X cup cheeee t cups chopped celery M CUD evaporated milk cup water i tbip. flour She makes white sauce of milk, wa ter, butter, flour, and Bait, and mixes It with all Ingredients except crumbs. She then places It In an oiled baking dlah and covers with crumbs, baking In a moderate oven until brown. Chicken a la King. 3 cups cold 1 cup evaporated Cbtcken. diced milk I tbap. butter lb. muahrooma t tbap. flour I cup chicken green pepper, broth shredded 1 egg yolk H pimento. Salt and pepper shredded Cook the peppers (ulso mushrooms. If they are used) In the butter for 15 minutes, keeping them covered while cooking slowly. Add the flour and sea sonings, also the milk and broth. Stir to a smooth sauce. Put chlckea In sauce to heat, and Just before serving, stir In beaten egg yolk. Cook In double boiler to prevent curdling. 1 tbap. butter 1 cup cooked epa- snettl tt cup buttered bread crumbs U tap. salt Clearance Sale! Of Summer Hats and All Dresses: Hats up to $25.00 values; for Hats up to $12.50 values; for $3.00 , $1.00 All Dresses ftailfe Price The EM&rt LOOK! The Ten Com mandments at the Lyric Theatre Hazelwood, N. C. Aug. Mon., Tucs., Wed. Special Music Two Shows, 7 and 9 A LITTLE BIT OF BROADWAY." directresses to present the play on (Continued from First page.) ax an elaborte scale as has been done in large cities, and therefore to ob- jlies, Ballets, Balloon Ballet, Sumet uin thege beautiful effects a larg;e ! Scarf Dani e, Chinese Coolies. There stage is required. I will almost be seve.-al lovely mIo j Reserved seats will be placed on I dances. Little Mary Francos l hillips saie Wednesday morning, August or Miami, ria., ana wuyncjvtiie, wno,),, Mail orderg wili be prompUy delighted Asheville audien-.es last fiiIed. Thi8 piay has drawn capaci summer in a beautiful rose ballet, Jty houses wherever presented, stand will be featured in this same dance in ing room being frequently sold, and no the Waynesville presentation. Alight- doubt such w;n be the case here, ing from the heart of a huge pink Jacksonville, Fla., Macon and Augusta, lose, she will execute a difficult dance Ga Columbia, Charleston and Green on the tips of her toes. Ivifi c; Willmington, Greensboro It has been decided to give this and Winston-Salem, N. C, and many I lay on the large stage of the beau-1 other cities have pronounced this play tiful new high school, as it would be the finest local talent entertainment impossible to give such a tremendous offered the public, and everyone in md spectacular entertainment on a j Waynesville should take advantage smaller stage. It is the aim of the of the opportunity to see it. Southern Assembly LAKE JUNALUSKA, N. C. t Epworth League Conference August, 1 3 to 23 Sunday August 16th, 11 A. M. And 8 P.M. - . . 0 Bishop Edwin Mbuzer Sunday Aug. 30, Haywood County Day 11 A. M. GEO. R. STEWART 3 P. M. DR. R. J. BATEMAN ADMISSION FREE Haywood County Day Prescription Pharmacists AN OLD ESTABLISHED BUSINESS that is many yean Young In Courtesy and A Desire to Please. "Your Business Is Appreciated." Motorcycle Means Quick Delivery - - SERVICE - - M. H. REEVES JEFFERSON REEVES WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS Telephone No. 16 Waynesville, IN. C. '.V ..