Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,802 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries Volume XXXVII Number 32 WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUN'Y, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1925 $2.00 a Year In Advance, $2.50 if not so Paid County Day at Lake Junaluska Federation Organized Opening of Schools WAYNESVILLE TOWNSHIP AND CANTON SCHOOLS WILL OPEN. TO Entertain Motor Party Possibly 150 Cars in Party Scheduled to Pass Through Here Sept. 15th. HENRI BERENGER ANNABEL MATTHEWS Next Sunday, the ItOth, a most suc cessful season for the Southern Me thodist Church will close at Lake Ju- j naliLskn when the grounds will be thrown open to Haywood County. Haywood County Day is looked for ward to each year and hundreds of people from all sections of the-coun-ty meet there to enjoy the closing services and meet old friends. At the eleven o'clock -Sunday morning service. Dr. George H. Stu art of Birmingham, Ala. will do the preaching. Sunday aftrnoon, Rev. ft. J. Kateman, pastor of First Baptist Church, Ashcville will speak at 3 o' clock." The congregational sing ing led by J. Dale SteaU, )jfy 'be a feature. Come, bring your basket dinner and spend the day. All Hay wood County people, regardless! of denominations have a pressing invitation. Old Folks Day Sunday, Sept. 6 i ne annual garnering known as "Old Folks' Day" will be held the Morning Star Church Sunday Sept. 6th, beginning at 9:30 A. M. The following program has been arrang ed: 9:30 Opening with song service. 9:50 Sunday School. 10:10 Song Service in the Old Christian Harmony. 10:40 Participation by visiting Choirs. 11:00 Speech by W. L. Massey. 11:20 Song Service Canton Dou ble Quartet in Old Harmony. 11:40 Song Service continued, 12:00 to 1:00 Lunch Hour. 1:00 Song Service by the congrega ., , Uoo, j 1:40 Canton Double Quartet will sing in their new song books. 2:00 Speech by J. Bat Smatliers. 2:20 Organization. 2:30 Song service by all choirs by relays. This occasion has always been en joyed by all, young and old. Let us make a special effort to have all our "Old Folks" present. Be sure to bring your basket of dinner with you for we are going to have a big time. W. T. SHARP, A. L. SMATHERS, JOHN H. RHODARMER. AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Miss Kslingcr will sing the of fertory solo at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, Aug. 30th. She will be accompanied by Miss Merrin of the Cincinnati Conserva tory of Music. MUs Annabel Matthews of Gaines ville, Ga., It the first woman to be appointed as an attorney In the office of the solicitor of Internal revc.iue. The appointment was made by Solic itor A. W. Gregg. Miss Matthew, be gan work in the income tax division In 1914, attended the Washington Col lege of Law evenings, and was admit ted to the bar In October, 1921. MRS. ESTELLE M. NEELY, NEWNAN, DIES. OF Atlanta Journal. Mrs. Estelle Merrill Neely, 63 years old, of Newnan, Ga., died Thursday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. N. Anderson, 198 Williams Mill road, after being in ill health for sometime. She was in Atlanta for medical treatment. Mrs. Neely was born and reared in Newnan, and was the widow of Mr. George Neely, who died several years ago. one was well known in her home city, having: many friends there. In addition to Mrs. Anderson, Mrs Neely is survived by four other daughters, Miss Kate Neely, of New- nan, Ga.; Mrs. H. M. Chapman, of Newnan, Ga.; Mrs. John W. White, of Thomasville, Ga., and Miss Rosa Neely, of Atlanta; one sister, Mrs. J, D. Boone, of Waynesville, N. C, and two brothers. Dr. E. L. Merrill, of Turin, Ga., and H. E. Merrill, of Den ver, Col. CAMP WYACONDA CLOSES. VOCAL RECITAL. The vocal class of Prof. Lewis H. Johnson gave an informal recital Tuesday evening at the Elementary school auditorium to a very ap preciative audience. The following program was rendered: Hindoo Slumber Song My Laddie Thavcr Mrs. Battey. The Sunshine of Thine Eyes, Metcalf Mis' Rose Hammond Miss Frances Robeson. Bird The Love Divine Wood Sue Willard Lindsley hi gar i Curran Camp Wyaoomda, which has been located in Chestnut Park since its establishment here, has just closed its sixth successful season. Wya conda is rated high among the camps of the state and is under the direc tion of Prof L. C. Ferrell of Ferrell Military Institute, New Orleans and able corps of assistants Prof. J. H. Seaman of Warrer Eastern High School, New Orleans and Lieut. Leon ard de Nena, U. S. Army Reserves, who is acting commandant. Assist ing them are nine councillors. Practically every Southern State has been represented at the camp though most of the farty-five boys attending this year are from New Or leans. The chief activities of the camp are boxing, wrestling, swimming, hik ing and tennis, together with two hours of schooling daily. "Stunt" night orr Monday' proved very enteresting and a splendid pro gram given, but for lack of space it must be omi-.-d. Medals awarded for efficiency in the various lines were: Boxing Class A, Gold, Mooie, M. Class B, Gold, Doerr Class C, Bronze, Valetx Class D, Bronze, Youngv Wrestling. Class A, Gold, Schwarz. Class B, Bronze, Heymann. Class C, Bronze, Ynlcts. Swimaninp. Class A. Gold, Schoenfeld. Claaa B, Doerr. Miss Nancy Killian. Danny Boy Weathcrly Pirate Dreams Huertar Miss Mildred Crawford. I Passed by Your Window Brache The Star Rogers Mrs. James W. Reed. Nocturne Curmn That Day We Met ... Braine Mrs. Fred Martin. j Hard Trials .Burleigh : Dere'H be no Distinction Dere Class C.Bronze, Kostmayer. Kerless Love Taylor ' Miss Nell Eslingcr. j Sonny Boy Currant Autumn Curran ! Miss Nancy Killian. ' ' Homing , del Riego Mrs. James W. Reed. ; A Brown Bird Singing Wood Hayflelds and Butterflies Turncr-Maley. Mrs. Martin With 50 charter members, and the assurance that at least $25,000 will be raised in a stock and membership drive to be launched in the near fu ture, the Haywood County Branch of the Farmers' Federation, began bus iness yesterday. H. A. Osborne of Canton, was elected president of the Hnywood Federation at the organization meet ing Tuesday at Waynesville. Tom Rogers, of Clyde, was elected secre tary -and treasurer; and Z. C. Davis, of the Waynesville section, . was named vice-president. The new unit of the Farmers' Federation is under the guidance of n Board of Directors Including, the business men and farmers of Hay wood County. This lmilrd includes: II. A. Osborne, Canton; R. T. Hoyd Waynesville, T. L. Clwynn, Canton; Tom Rogers, Clyde; G. C. Pnlmer, Crabtrec Z. C. Davis, Waynesville: and W. A. Moore, -of Waynesville. Success seems assured the Federa tion from the start, declare the new directors. Instead of starting witli an enirely new business the Hr-y- wood County Federation is taking over the established produce business of Fisli and Rhinchnrt, of Canton, and Wnynesville. Mr. Fish and Mr. llhinehart will become executives of the Haywood County Branch of the Farmers' Fed cration and will manage the ware houses to be established at Canton and Waynesville. For nearly 30 years, Fish and Rhinehart have oper ated a successful produce business. The Federation will not only en large this business on co-operative principles, but will build up the oth er important feature of the Fcdera tion, co-operative buying of feeds. fertilizers aad farm supplies to ad vaotajge. Enthusiasaa marks the mairgura lion in this county of the Fanners' Federation, It's brilliant success in Buncombe and Henderson counties tras been snatched with interest by Haywood county farmers and liusi ness men who are now keeping pace with the progress of the fsrnser in looking after his own business. The fact that the Farmers' Federa tion members in Buncombe and Jien derson cotnaties have never failed to receive six percent dividends annual ly during the five years of the .Fed eration's existence,, making it ensi er for the Haywood county orgnniz crs to interest the fanner. The drive for stock and member ship in this county comes altautit at tie same tune that the Fanners' Federation of Ashcville is staging it's last public subscription cam paign. The main organizathaa Ihas grown so rapidly and has increased its business fcy leaps and bounds un til it is necesary to secure addition al capital to handle the tremendous volume of butiiiiess it is enjoying. According to James 15. K. McCiu-rc, Jr., of As"2vilJe, president of the Federation tlic Buncombe and Hen derson county warehouses will do over a million dollar business this year. To date, it has paid stock holders over $.'tv000 in dividends, lie- sides saving thousands of dollars in trade dividends. In the initial drive in Haywood county, the local organization will seek the aid lirst of the leading farmers and business men, most of whom arc already lined up behind the new organization. While jthli- ated with the Ashcville organization the Haywood County Branch is practically an independent organiza tion but it has all the experience, prestige and support of the main organization. TO LIVE HERE. Mr. F. L. Terry of Miami, Fla. who has purchased the Walter Hyatt Superintendent Wni. C. Allen an nounced this week that with the beginning next Monday, August ill, of the Wnynesville Township Township schools and Tuesday, Sep tember 1, of the Canton City schools nil the schools of Hnywood county will be in full swing. More than six thousand children will then be go ing to school regularly in liaywoo.l county, mid more than two hundred teachers will be doing regular ser vice in teaching the young idea how to shoot. Considerable care has been exer cised by the Hoard of Education and the Superintendent in gelling the V.mcMiWry of the various districts well oiled ami in good working or der. Most of the country districts hcgiin sessions the lirst Monday in therefore, end I he lust of I hi-, week. Alter this week only the liock Spring school will be left unopened. A new school liou.se is being liuilt in that district which will delay the hrginniug until near the lirst .. October. .s a matter of information, it mav lie staled that the Hoard of Educa tion has put on the runs in trans port ing hitfh school children to the (Hire rent high schools in t lie coun ty eleven busses that will after next Monday he making regular runs in carrying about four hun dred students to school each day. How different this method is from the old thnt obtained in North Car olina for so many years. On the run from Crabtrec and Iron Duff to Clyde there are two blisses that bring each day about sixty children to that school. Cen tering in Waynesville, there arc four busses, one from Maggie that will bring from that school and the Dcllwooil school about forty chil dren; another from Uike Junaluska bringing about thirty; a third from Allen's Creek and San nook bring ing about thirty-five; and a fourth from Fairview, Francis Cove, and liutclifl Cove landing nearly forty each day at the high school. With Bethel high school as a center, three busses are in active service bringing from Sunburst, Cruso and (iurden Creek some hundred or more children to the high school at that point. Canton will have only one bus centering there because of the fact that the present facilities of the Canon high school, no more can be taken although there are many children in Hraiwiliini townshiu that logically shonild be centered in that high school. One other bus line is in Lines Creek township currying to and from the Hiram Rogers school me. re than thirty students each day. One matter that .concerns Way nesville township ftuily is the fuel that the line between Waynesville Elementary .school and the Fast Waynesville school has been chang ed by the Board of F.ducat ion. The new line is the flow of Shellon Branch. All children west and south of that line must go to the Waynesville Elementary school and those on I lie- north and east must go to East Waynesville. Of ouirse all high school students go to the town ship high school from any point in the township. All of the above information was obtained from the county super intendent, who stated that he nev er saw a better prospect for Mood country schools than are in evi dence this year. Kvcry district has entthusinstlc teachers and commit teemen, and the children are also alive o the importance of making the very best of the opportunity. It is to he expected that this year year will be one of the best ever ecorded in the country schools. With everybody wanting better schools Henri Berenger, one of the keenest financial experts of the French sen ate, who may head the debt commis sion to the United States. I ; t ) I O. It. CROSSE TO IMPROVE I --I-:ut. Mr. O I!, (iros.se and lamilv of Cocoa. Florida, are occuping their summer homo on Lcve Lan. Mr. Crosse has large holdings in Wavnesville notably on Johnson Hill. In speaking lo a reprcsenta tice of the Carolina Mountaineer Mr. Crosse said that he intended to build a large residence at an early dale anil mat lie and his associates are planning a large hotel on some sue wnicn covers about ten acres. Mr. (Irosse has given Waynesville n good deal of publicity in Florida and elesewhere and is an cnthusi astic booster and believes in Way nesville and its wonderful future. We welcome Mr. Crosse back again. WAYNESVILLE BAKERY CHANG ES HANDS. The Waynesville Bakery has been purchased by Mr. O. F. Slue be r of Ashcville. Mr. Stueher has been connected with the Ashcville "Butter Crust" bakery and comes to Waynesville well recommended and exceptiona lity well qualified to give Waynes ville the very best pastry, bread, etc, that can be had anywhere. Mr. and Mrs. Sluvber are very much pleased with Waynesville and especially with th; unusual rush of business during the past week or so. The Carolina Mountaineer he speaks for them the co-operation ol all citizens and especially requests merchants to buy home made bak ery products, thereby helping to keep prosperity at home. Tennis, Singles. Class A, Gold, Schwarc. Class B, Gold, Doerr. Class C, Bronze, Yalets. Tennis Handicap, Doubles. 2 Bronze, Schwarz and Wogan. Prise Tent. place, a nice residence with about and bigger schools, the day of small three and one-half acres of ground, inefficient school is about over ispUnning- (expensive improvements ln the county. Superintendent 5V1 and intends making; Waynesville his enthusiastic over the outlook, summer home from now on. The teachers are also, he says, en- thuslastlc, and both of those facts much for the future of our hoMK COMING DAY AT IRON DUFF. mean couniy. TO BUILD NEW HOME. Home Coming. Day will be observ- Patterson, Councillor Hayeys, Mc- ed at Davis Chapel for Iron Duff com-j Guire, B., Meyeyra McGuire, D. i munity on Sunday, Sept. 6th.' There Mr. W. A Leffler of Sanford, Fla., The Silver Loving Cup for the beat will be preaching at 11 a. m. and also! has purchased about six acres of land all roundcamper was awarded to Wat, an afternoon program of songs and in Waynesville and plans a new home HOTEL GORDON ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY IN GRACE EPIS COPAL CHURCH. The lirst service' on Sunday. Au gust With, will be the Sacrament of Holy Communion at S A. M. House the Church School will as semble. I'mler the direction of Mr. C. It. Thomas the Church History Class will consider: "The Church's Conquest of Africa." Thanks to the courtesy of Mr. anil Mrs. F. O. Dunham, the orchestra ol the Gordon Hotel will play at the eleven o'clock service, when the sermon will be preached by the Hector, Rev. Albert New. The evening service at K I'. M. will be conducted by the chaplain Otcen, N. C, the Reverend F. 1). Lobdcll, who will speak on his work among the sick soliers. The even ing collection will be for the chap lain's work at Oteen. Rev. F. I). Lobdcll will stay over night, and after a devotional service on Mon day morning he will be glad to visit the homes of any sick persons who desire the benefit of the church's Jjllnistrations. The Rector will be pleased to make appoint ments for Dr. Lobdcll's visit he fore be arrives. Mavor Kerr met with the Merch ants' Association on Tuesday even ing and asked the co-operation of the Association in perfecting plans for the entertaining of the Appala chian Scenic Highway motoieade which is making a tour from Quebec to New Orleans. The party, which will consist of possibly 1.10 cars is scheduled to pass through Canton on the afternoon of September 15, enroule from Atlanta to Ashcville. Leaving Atlanta on the Mill, they plan to spend the night in Murphy, Mhe lunch hour in llivson Citv, and will likely .stop over for n .short time in various towns along the way to Ashcville where a convention will be held at the Kcnilw ol tit Inn Sept. 15 to Hi. With the co-operation of the Mer chants' Association and others of the town the City ollicials plan to ar range, if possible, to have this party stop over in Canton for a few min utes ut least. Plans will be perfect ed and delinite arrangements will be announced at a later dale. A com mitter coinpesed of Mr. J. T. lhiiley, chairman, and C. Guy Hipps and V. W. Pless has been appointed by the Merchants' Association to confer with other committees in making these arrangements. In this delegation will be the Governor of Georgia, the two Unit ed Stales Senators from Georgia, and Hon. Hoke Smith, who was Secretary of the Interior in Cleveland's cabin et. The event is being advertised in many ways by interested parties all along the route from Qubec to New Orleans. Widespread interest has been attracted to the Convention to be held in Ashcville, and the fact that It is open to all road enthusi asts means that a large crowd will be In attendance and participate in festivities and entertainment which embraces many free trips to such scenic points as Chimney Hock nnd Lake Lure. It was unanimously decided by the Merchants' Association to observe Labor Day in a wholehearted man ner on Monday September li. The members of the organization have agreed to close their places of bus iness Saturday evening and remain closed, till Tuesday morning. -With the exception, however, of the meat markets, the news-stand at Itrvsou & Brysnn's and the ice plant, which will he open until nine o'clock in the morning on that date. BRIDGE PARTY AT CREEN TREE. Miss Mary New charmingly en tertained Tuesday afternoon at the Green Tree Tea Room in compliment to Mrs. Robert Osborne, of Paint Beach, Florida and Miss Josephine Thomas. Unfortunately Mrs. Os borne was called home on account of illness in her family and was not present for the occasion. The high score prize, a box of powder, went to Mrs. Roy Francis, while the con solation, individual score cards, was cut by Mis. J. F. Abel. Miss Thomas was given a lovely linen guest towel. At the conclusion of the game a salad coure was served. Those playing were Misses Josephine and Sara Thomas, Lena Altstaettcr. Evelyn Reed, Fannie Campbell. Mesdames Burwell, Arnold, Francis, Kirkpatrick, Abel, West, Jolley, Withers, W. A. Clark, Faucette Swift and Hugh Abel. Tea guests were Mrs. J. R. Thomas, Mrs. New, Mrs. Roy Martin, Miss Frances Robeson and Miss Crawford. SWIFT MOTOR COMPANY. The Swift Motor Company wishes to announce to the general public that the N. C. State License bureau hag again been placed in their garage. NEW X-RAY TO BE ENSTALLED. Mr. E. F. Pierce, representing the Kef herJDental Supply Co., of Knox villewas in town Tuesday. At an early -date. Mr. Pierce will Install in the offices of Dr. N. M. Med ford tnd Dr. W. L. Kirkpatrick a splendid Ritter X-Ray. At the installation a special demonstration will be given. Drs. Medford and Kirkpat rick will be able to do all kinds of HAYWOOD COUNTY SINGING CONVENTION. Convention will hold its quarterly singing on the second Sunday in September nt the court house in Waynesille vat 10 o'clock. All classes are requested to be present on that we have had In the pastWtrdtnslso date with a good singing spirit as we have had in the past. Wc are expecting some visitors from other places that will be interesting to hear them -sing. Let every bodycome and make the A Cry at Dawn Cadraan, Waller Young. Runners up for the shert talks. All former Iron Dumtea.'at once. The Lefflera are to -make dental X-Rav work and. also h nhlo My Lover is a Fisherman, Strickland .'cup were Henry Heymann and Jack both old and young;, are expected to Wayntaville their permanent sum-1 to locate any kind, of ordinary frsc- day day yof song feast, Sept 18. Miss Esllnger. J Moore, both of New Orleans. be "at home" on that day. rner residence. ' tures In any part of the body! v MARK B. SMITH, Secy.

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